Cheese and potato pie Ingredients 3 medium sized potatoes 1 small onion 75g grams of cheddar cheese big knob of butter tablespoon of milk(or more) 1 tomato small knob of butter to fry the onion oven turned on to gas mark 7/220c Method 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Peel and chop the potatoes into smallish chunks, cover with water and place on the hob and cook until soft, drain and put back in the pan. While the potatoes are cooking, chop the onion into small pieces and fry until soft and golden, this will take about the same time as the potatoes take to cook. Grate the cheese and put to one side. Mash the potatoes and add the big knob of butter and a little milk. Add the onions and ¾ of the cheese, mix together. Put into an oven proof dish or steel tin Thinly slice tomato and decorate the top of the pie sprinkle the remaining cheese on the top, place in the middle of the oven until the cheese is melted and golden. Serve with baked beans or a lovely fresh salad.