January, 2012: Minutes

January 6-7, 2012
A. Roll Call and Welcome Guests
President Pilati called the meeting to order at 11:45 a.m. and welcomed members and
Members Present: Julie Adams, Julie Bruno, Dianna Chiabotti, Dan Crump, Dolores
Davison, Jon Drinnon, Stephanie Dumont, Michelle Grimes-Hillman, Lesley
Kawaguchi, David Morse, Wheeler North, Michelle Pilati, Beth Smith, and Phil
Members Absent: Kevin Bontenbal
Guests Present: Carl Friedlander, CFT Liaison; Dennis Frisch, FACCC Liaison; John
Smith, CCCI Liaison; and Richard Mahon, Former Academic Senate Executive
Committee member.
B. Approval of the Agenda
Add item V.F. Instructional Materials Regulation Changes
Add item V.G. Local Senate Visits
MSC (Chiabotti) to approve the agenda.
C. Oral Communications from the Public
No oral communication from the public.
D. Calendar
Adams informed members that the deadline to submit articles for the next Rostrum is
January 20, 2012. Members discussed the area meetings and agreed to change them to
March 30-31, 2012 to avoid conflicts with Easter.
E. Dinner Arrangements
The Executive Committee discussed dinner arrangements.
A. December 2-3, 2011 Minutes
MSC (Drinnon) to approve the item on the consent calendar.
A. President’s Report
Pilati attended the final SB 1143 Student Success Task Force meeting. Pilati noted that
this item would be discussed later on the agenda.
Pilati participated in a panel presentation on SB 1440 at CSU Long Beach. Among
attendees were chancellor’s office staff, administrators, faculty, and articulation officers
from both systems. Pilati noted there are ongoing issues related to whether or not
colleges should be creating degrees that just serve one CSU.
Pilati attended the ICAS meeting. She noted that a resolution about administrators’ high
salaries was brought forth and all three segments were asked to sign on to it. She noted
that the language did not make sense for the CCC system but the idea was to modify the
language so that it reflects how hiring happens in both the CCC and university systems.
As the State of California has not yet adopted career and college readiness standards,
although they have adopted the “Common Core” standards, there may be an opportunity
for higher education to participate in the determination of this element of the standards
for the state. ICAS members invited a member from the California Department of
Education to speak about the Common Core. It remains unclear as to whether or not
higher education will have a means on influencing the standard that is ultimately
Pilati attended the CoFO meeting where CoFO developed a letter from all faculty groups
about the SSTF recommendations. She informed members that CoFO felt it was
important to point out that the recommendations do not have universal consensus by any
group. Pilati passed around the CoFO letter for members to review.
Pilati concluded by informing member she recently attended the Consultation Council
and Instructional Materials Fees Task Force meetings.
B. Executive Director’s Report
Adams reported on her recent activities and updated members on the work of C-ID and
1440. Adams and Deme (AS Program Specialist) have been working aggressively to get
enough people for the Senate’s FDRGs; the groups are lacking leads and members.
Adams informed members that Deme would be sending out an email communication
indicating what the project needs and will be asking members to aggressively search for
faculty on their campuses that would be able to help the project. She noted that if there is
any reason C-ID or 1440 might fail it would be because there are not enough faculty to
review courses or to participate in the process. Adams stressed the importance for
committee members to help in recruiting FDRGs. Adams has been working with the
FDRGs on finalizing several TMCs which should be completed in January. She has also
been working with Davison and CCCAOE on the 2012 Vocational Education Leadership
Institute Program and Pilati and the CIOs in planning for the plenary session.
Adams then provided members with operational updates. Employee probationary period
evaluations have been conducted. The Senate office recently held a follow-up staff
retreat. Adams provided members with literature on the strengths of the Senate Staff.
The Senate’s CFO has been doing analysis on our current grants and grant language. The
Budget Committee will meet in the next month to discuss updating appropriate Senate
C. Foundation Report
Foundation President B. Smith reported activities of the Foundation. The Foundation
awarded a scholarship to Kelly Nickel of Shasta College. Nickel’s scholarship will allow
her to attend the 2012 Academic Academy Institute. B.Smith noted that the Foundation
will be working on the next round of scholarships for the spring. B. Smith informed
members that grants are more important and the Foundation is working on some grant
ideas that support Senate projects and will fall within the lines of work that needs to get
done in the Senate office. She also noted a good portion of Student Success Task Force
recommendations are in alignment with professional development (which is a major
purpose of the foundation). A concern of the Foundation is the large separation that has
been created by the Chancellor’s Office with the Senate in regards to professional
development and grant funding. B. Smith informed members that the Academic Senate
used to have a better source of revenue from the Chancellor’s Office and the Foundation
is working on re-building this relationship with the Chancellor’s Office staff.
D. Liaison Reports
1. AAUP Liaison
No report
2. CCA/CTA Liaison
No report
3. CCCI Liaison
J. Smith reported that the Santa Rosa College Faculty association, one of the
colleges that are a part of CCCI, put out a first call of annual compilation of
salary schedules around the state. He informed members this is another
source to use to understand how individual districts are doing in difficult
times. CCCI was surprised to discover that the budget is lumping together all
categoricals. Jonathan Lightman from FACCC will share his voice in saying
this is not the way to go when the budget proposals appear before the
4. CFT Liaison
Friedlander updated members that CFT recently filed a Tax Initiative.
Friedlander noted CFT’s initiative is different from the Governor’s initiative
and believes their initiative has a better chance of passing because it does not
have the sales tax piece included. CFT is pleased that the Governor is doing a
tax initiative to raise revenue; however, they feel the initiative was not
carefully considered in terms of polling. Friedlander informed members that
more discussion on the initiative will take place in late January. He concluded
by sharing with members that Sharon Hendricks, a member of CFT, was
elected to CalSTRS Board seat.
5. FACCC Liaison
Frisch reported on recent FACCC activities, including the Veteran’s Summit
and reminded members of future events such as the Early Year Policy Forum,
FACCC’s Annual Advocacy and Policy conference, and the Diversity
Conference. He then updated members about FACCC’s current quarterly
journal that has been published and how it is devoted entirely to Student
Success Task Force recommendations.
6. Part-time Faculty Liaison
No report
7. Student Senate Liaison
No report
8. Chancellor’s Office Liaison
Pilati provided a report on behalf of Vice Chancellor Russell.
Issues have been raised regarding how colleges use Instructional Service
Agreements (ISAs). Colleges use ISAs when another agency provides
instruction for courses offered though the college. For example, colleges that
do not have the resources to offer a fire program would work with a local fire
department to offer the program through an ISA. The Chancellor’s Office
plans to form a group to clean up the ISA guiding documents.
Pilati informed members that courses listed as TBA keep resulting in audit
findings. Some colleges continue to list distance education courses as TBA
and are being held to the more rigid requirements of TBA. TBA requires
colleges to document the time students are putting in. She noted that if
colleges clearly listed courses in the schedule as distance ed or hybrid and
used the alternate accounting method they would not have the same
requirements. The Chancellor’s Office plans to develop guidance for the field
and for auditors. This item will be forwarded to ETAC for discussion.
Pilati provided members with an update on 1440 implementation and noted
that the Chancellor’s Office staff will make a presentation to the Board of
Governors at their next meeting. Once the powerpoint becomes available, it
will be provided to Executive Committee members for review. Pilati noted
that the CSU tells the Senate that more degrees are needed and then the Senate
tells the CSU that community colleges need more determinations regarding
similar degrees. The list of which CSUs have determined which degrees to be
similar should be publicized so that colleges are thinking about developing
more degrees. Ongoing efforts are underway to develop materials for student
services, and the whole communication piece is under development as well.
The next oversight committee meeting will be held in February 2012. The
committee hopes to develop specific goals related to all aspects of 1440
Dual enrollment continues to be a topic of interest, so we may be hearing
more about this issue.
Pialti concluded by informing members that the Chancellor’s Office is
actively working on Title 5 language on repeatability and providing guidelines
for establishing community service programs.
B. Legislative Update
Crump informed members that the State Legislature is on break and will begin the
second year of a two-year legislative session this January. He noted that there have
been news reports of possible bills, notably by Senator Darrell Steinberg regarding
textbooks and open educational resources. Senator Steinberg announced he will push
for legislation to create an online, open-source library to reduce the cost of course
materials for college students in California. Pilati informed members that she would
provide an update on this possible legislation once more information becomes
available. Crump provided members with the latest federal update from the
Chancellor’s Office.
A. Academic Academy
North presented the final draft of the Academic Academy program to the Executive
Committee. North expressed his frustrations in obtaining presenters for segments of
the program and requested assistance from the committee in obtaining presenters.
Some members suggested recruiting counseling faculty as presenters for the program.
North also expressed his concerns with current registrant numbers. As of January 6,
2012 there are 13 registered. Since the program has a lot of material primarily for
instructional faculty and heavy emphasis on counseling faculty, it was suggested to
do an extra solicitation push towards counseling faculty and encourage them to invite
instructional faculty that would benefit from the program. Adams suggested firming
up the program enough so that it can be posted, which may entice more attendance.
North requested members to send in further suggestions for presenter as soon as
• North to finalize agenda within the next week in order to post to website.
• Send out a message to counseling listserv to solicit more attendees.
MSC (Chiabotti) to approve the Academic Academy Institute Program with
additional edits.
B. Vocational Faculty Leadership Institute Program
Davison provided members with a draft of the Vocational Faculty Leadership
Institute program based on the comments from the Executive Committee, CCCAOE,
and the Occupational Education Committee. Davison noted that this is a second read
and the final draft of the program will be brought to the Executive Committee
meeting in February for action. She is still working with CCCAOE on the general
This item will return for final approval next meeting.
C. Accreditation Institute
Grimes-Hillman presented the final draft for the Accreditation Institute Program. She
reminded members that this year’s Accreditation Institute is co-sponsored with
ACCJC. Members were informed about current registration numbers and that an
invitation will be pushed out to CSSOs, CIOs, and CEOs to gather more attendees.
 Send messages out to listservs to solicit more registration.
MSC (Davison) to approve the Accreditation Institute Program.
D. Board of Governors Faculty Nomination Process
The Executive Committee discussed possible modifications to the Board of
Governors faculty appointment process. Adams provided members with a draft
application and noted that the benefits of having an application.
 Adams to update the process and application with recommendations and
suggestions from committee.
 Item will return for possible approval at next meeting.
E. Spring Session Planning
The Executive Committee discussed keynote presenters, breakout topics, and the
theme for the Spring Plenary Session. Pilati reminded members that the 2012 Spring
Session will be in conjunction with the CIOs’ conference. The CIOs will hold their
Executive Board meeting the day before the Senate’s Spring Plenary Session and the
Executive Committee will join the CIOs for lunch. The Consultation Council meeting
will also be held on the first day of the Plenary Session. The CIOs will hold regional
meetings and may join the senate attendees during breakout sessions. Pilati updated
members about the large breakout sessions that the CIOs want on repeatability and
1440. As the CIOs are accustomed to holding only general sessions, a large breakout
format will be used so that CIOs and faculty can opt to attend the sessions deemed as
critical by the CIO board. She also updated members about the general session on the
Student Success Task Force (SSTF) recommendations. Members suggested doing a
general session on grassroots advocacy because there is a need to empower local
senates to fight against budget cuts (such as categorical). Pilati informed members
that the Thursday afternoon general session is slated for the SSTF recommendations
but no focus has been determined. Members suggested that the “Ensuring Equity and
Access” should be used to address recommendations and to create a larger
conversation. Pilati made recommendations for a general session to include a panel of
staffers from the assembly of higher education, LAO, CCLC, Chancellor’s Office,
and FACCC and to generically title it “Perspectives on Budget and Legislation.”
MSC (North) to suspend the rules to take action on this item.
MSC (North) to approve the theme - Better Together: Equity, Access and Success.
F. Resolution Assignments
The Executive Committee discussed committee assignments for the Fall 2011
 Adams to update the committee reports with the assignments.
MSC (Drinnon) to suspend the rules to take action on this item.
MSC (North) to adopt the resolution assignment as amended
G. Resolutions
The Executive Committee discussed resolutions to forward to the Spring Session for
discussion and possible adoption. Members provided feedback to the resolution on
making the Distance Education Ad Hoc Committee a standing committee.
H. Power Awards
The Executive Committee discussed continuing its partnership with the RP Group to
offer the Power Awards. As a way to showcase effective practices in learning
assessment, the Senate and the RP Group present the annual POWER awards
(Promising Outcomes Work and Exemplary Research). Members also discussed the
criteria the awards, particularly given that several past awards were given to members
of the RP board or those actively involved in the organization. The Executive
Committee member assigned to work with the RP Group next year will discuss
changing the criteria.
MSC (Drinnon) to suspend the rules on this item.
MSC (Chiabotti) to approve the Academic Senate sponsorship of the Power
I. Student Success Task Force Recommendation Implementation
The Executive Committee discussed implementation strategies for the Student
Success Task Force recommendations and considered the next steps. Pilati informed
members that the Senate needs to start working on ideas that are good. She said that
our focus is to provide guidance in implementation of the recommendations rather
than trying to defeat them. Pilati noted that one important strategy is to help colleges
implement pre-requisites.
Pilati also asked how colleges could serve more students with the same (or less)
resources. The Senate could help identify best practices to help colleges find new
ways to operate. Members suggested pushing for recommendation 2.4 which
encourages new students who assess below transfer level to take a student success
course or sustained intervention, which might be less expensive to implement.
Mandatory orientation will have more support and is easy to explain to the public.
Pilati informed members that community colleges have a lot of innovations in basic
skills and recognize professional development is under the Senate’s purview. The
Senate might want to reframe the Faculty Development Committee to help increase
centralized professional development that can be shared with colleges.
Concern was expressed that the Senate has not developed a clear plan for responding
to or taking the lead in the implementation of the recommendations. P. Smith agreed
to develop an instrument through which Executive Committee members could
prioritize the recommendations and then send that information to the Futures
Committee. The Futures Committee will then develop a strategic plan regarding
implementation of the recommendations and bring that plan to the Executive
Committee for approval. If exigent circumstances force the Senate to take a position
prior to the next Executive Committee meeting, the Futures’ Committee plan could
also be used to inform the positions President Pilati advocates for.
 Executive Committee members will prioritize the 22 recommendations and send
to P. Smith who will compile a list and send to the Futures Committee.
J. Counseling Paper
B. Smith presented an outline of the counseling paper. She noted that the CLFIC
Committee recommends a paper be produced for adoption by the body and, following
adoption, the content of the paper be used to populate a webpage dedicated to
counseling strategies and specific cohorts of students. Feedback from the last
Executive Committee meeting was shared with members and they felt that the paper
they produced and adopted could be used as the foundation for a webpage for
counselors. While members appreciated the format of the paper, many struggled with
the direction and purpose of the paper. Members suggested that an update to the 1995
version of the paper would be best. B. Smith will take recommendations back to the
CLFIC Committee.
B. Smith noted that the CFLIC Committee can continue to work on other aspects
which might be useful in light of Chancellor’s Office new counseling website. The
CLFIC Committee should also address what resources the Senate can provide to
compliment what the Chancellor’s Office is doing.
 B. Smith will take recommendations back to the CFLIC Committee and update
the 1995 version of the paper with new content to reflect second or revised paper.
K. Out-of-State Travel
The Executive Committee discussed out-of-state travel for Past President Jane Patton
to travel to Dallas, Texas to report on the work of CCA grant. Adams noted that the
grantor will pay the travel.
MSC (Grimes-Hillman) to approve out of state travel for Past President Jane
A. Consultation Council
Pilati and B. Smith updated members about the recent Consultation Council meeting
and reported that there was a good conversation regarding the Student Success Task
Force recommendations. Pilati noted two groups (CBO and ACCA) prepared
statements that referenced the 50% law and that Rich Hansen did a great job
responding and representing faculty.
B. 2011-2012 Senate Budget Performance
North and Adams updated the Executive Committee about the 2011-2012 Senate
budget performance. According to the recently released state budget, the Senate’s
budget was flexed by the Governor with the other categoricals.
C. Sponsors of ASCCC events
The Executive Committee discussed sponsorships of Senate events, receptions,
institutes, etc., from publishers or other companies in exchange for visibility.
 Adams to speak with FACCC director of events regarding sponsorship pros and
 Adams to bring back additional details of possible sponsored events to next
Executive Committee meeting.
D. ASCCC Website and Caucuses
Drinnon updated the Executive Committee about recommendations from the
Standards and Practices Committee regarding providing links from caucuses on the
Senate website. Pilati suggested a clear policy should be in place on when and how
the Senate links to other groups. The Standards and Practices Committee will
develop a policy and bring back to the Executive Committee for discussion.
• Standards and Practices Committee will develop a policy for when and how the
Senate links to other groups.
E. Planning Assistance for Class Section Reductions
P. Smith updated the Executive Committee about the pros and cons of offering
planning assistance to local senates and colleges during challenging budget years. He
informed members that he and Chiabotti visited Modesto Junior College and Butte
College to discuss ways to approach class section reductions. Local senate leaders
solicited both presentations; they were looking for ways to work with faculty and
administrative colleagues to plan for class section reductions in a systematic and
thoughtful manner. P. Smith suggested doing additional workshops but the training
would require travel. Members provided comments and feedback to the workshop and
suggested the workshop be offered at Senate events.
F. Instructional Materials Fees
Pilati informed members about meetings to discuss Title 5 language changes
regarding instructional material fees. She noted that there is a universal consensus
that faculty should be able to use resources that clearly benefit students. Students
should not be paying for materials that will make faculty members’ jobs easier. Pilati
provided members with draft Title 5 language. She informed members that this draft
language has been provided to the Senate, the CIOs, and different groups before it
becomes language available to the public for feedback. The plan is for this language
to be brought to the Consultation Council meeting in February. Members were
advised to provide Pilati with any feedback to the language as soon as possible.
G. Local Senate Visits
The Executive Committee discussed local senate visits. Pialti reminded members that
they should be making themselves more available to their campuses and campus
needs. She also noted that Executive Committee members are responsible for
checking in with the local colleges in their district. Members were provided a list of
local senates visit assignments. Pialti requests that members provide the committee
with updates and reports of visits at the April Executive Committee meeting.
Members discussed the check off list to use while on visits.
 Members to provide committee with updates and reports of visits at the April
Executive Committee meeting.
A. Standing Committee Reports
1. Accreditation Committee, Grimes-Hillman
2. Curriculum Committee, Morse
3. Educational Policies Committee, Kawaguchi
4. Standard & Practices Committee, Drinnon
B. Liaison Reports
1. COAGC, Dumont
2. CSSO, Dumont
C. Grant and Project Reports
1. SCP Minutes, Adams
D. Approved Minutes
1. November 2, 2011
E. Information
Respectfully submitted,
Tonya Davis, Executive Assistant
David Morse, Secretary