Attendees - National Forum for Black Public Administrators

Quarterly Report Review Committee
JANUARY 22, 2011
Reports were submitted by: Boston Chapter, Central Texas Chapter, Central Virginia Chapter, Cleveland
Chapter, Magic City Alabama Chapter, Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter, North Texas Chapter,
Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area Chapter and Tampa Bay Area Chapter.
New Members
The top chapters that recruited the highest amount of new members and/or restated members:
Smaller: Boston – 3; Small – Cleveland – 4; Medium: Central Texas - 35; Large: Metro Atlanta – 18.
Membership Recruitment & Retention Strategies
Students and young professionals are being targeted for membership. There is a 100 percent
increase in the young professionals.
Central Texas Chapter
All groups are being targeted with special emphasis on Young Professionals and Students.
Central Virginia
Target Students/Young Professionals (Future Focus). We have approximately six new emerging
Leaders since 12/31/2009; this is an 100% increase.
Magic City
All groups are being targeted; however, the chapter has targeted “Young Professionals, Public
Administrators and “Elected Officials.”
Metro Atlanta
Fourth quarter strategy - target local corporate, student, and young emerging professionals. We
have seen recent surges in interest on the part of our emerging leaders and students inquiring
about professional development opportunities, particularly job and internship opportunities. In
addition, there is renewed interest on our corporate partners to form an official local corporate
advisory council in anticipation of Forum 2013. Other strategies include:
Recruitment (“Each One –Bring One” campaign) – Increase membership by 10% or more or a net
of 27 members by CY’ Retention (“Reclaim and Retain” campaign) – Decrease lapsed
membership by 10% over the year previous months during CY ’10 Customer Service (“One
Member At-a-Time” campaign) – Ensure that members have information related to membership,
notification of upcoming lapsed dates, implement National Payment Plan, monitor membership
strategies through surveys, etc. (Membership satisfaction to 70%)
North Texas Chapter
North Texas targets students, local officials and NCAC members.
Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area
The Chapter targets young professionals and students.
Tampa Bay Area
Quarterly Report Review Committee
JANUARY 22, 2011
We continue to use newsletter, events, and partner relations to recruit members. Additionally, we
have actively posted messages on facebook and twitter to attract members.
Elected Officials:
We continue to send information to elected officials who are on our e-mail distribution list on a
regular basis and will send a list for outreach purposes to the NFBPA National office soon.
Central Texas Chapter
In preparation for Symposium 2010, CTC Program Chair Anthony Snipes and committee
members met with state, city and county elected officials, which included State Representatives,
Mayor and City Council Members, and County Judge and Commissioners to obtain their support
and participation in the conference. This included sponsorships of in-kind and cash contributions,
speaking engagements, letters of support, proclamations, and a fostering of relationships
between the elected officials and the CTC.
Central Virginia
Several area elected officials were invited to participate on our annual Manuel Deese Golf
Tournament held September 10, 2010.
E-mail blast is forwarded multiple times as a meeting/forum invite.
Magic City
The chapter has gained the support and membership renewal of the Current Mayor. In addition,
Officer, Jarvis Patton, who is a former Board Member and past President. In addition, Mr. Patton
has committed to submitting a letter of support, which will become forwarded to ALL department
heads and supervisors. Elected Officials and assistants within the Council Office will also be
addressed. Once the head of the departments see the organization’s value, they can then
engage their employees.
Metro Atlanta
In July 2010, the MAC Chapter partnered with the Honorable Atlanta City Councilman Kwanzaa
Hall, District 2 served as a speaker bringing program greetings for our July Public Policy Forum on
“The new High School Experience—in Atlanta Public Schools”. In addition, the Honorable
Courtney English, Atlanta Board of Education Board Member, Seat 7 also brought remarks on the
 The Honorable Atlanta City Council President, Ceasar C. Mitchell served as speaker for our
August 2010 Inauguration of the 2010-2012 MAC Board. In addition, the Honorable Eldred
Bell, Chairman of the Clayton County Board of Commissioners also served as a delegation
representative on the program. A proclamation was presented to MAC by both Ceasar
and the Honorable Atlanta City Councilman Clarence T. Martin, representing District 4,
proclaimed Dean of the Council and Chair of the Atlanta City Council Transportation
Committee Chair.
 MAC solicited partnership with Atlanta City Council President Ceasar C. Mitchell in
conjunction with Kaplan Test Prep to offer middle and high school students’ free SAT/PSAT
and ACT preparation scheduled for October 2010.
Quarterly Report Review Committee
JANUARY 22, 2011
North Texas
Honorable Mayor Ronald Jones of Garland, Texas and Honorable Mayor Carl Sherman of Desoto,
Texas spoke at the North Texas Fall Symposium Roundtable Luncheon September 2010 at the
University of Texas at Dallas in Richardson, Texas.
Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area
No new strategies have been used this quarter. The Executive Committee is still working to
determine the best strategies to focus on Elected Officials. The current members continue to
participate and support the Chapter.
Transportation Industry:
We share information with COMTO and WTS on a regular basis and will continue to do so in the
Central Virginia
John Lewis, Greater Richmond Transit Company, was a sponsor of our annual Manuel Deese Golf
E-mail blast is forwarded multiple times as a meeting/forum invite.
Metro Atlanta
The MAC President attended the Conference of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO),
Metro Atlanta Chapter’s Networking Mixer held on Saturday, September 30, 2010; 6:30 p.m. –
9:00 p.m. at U.S. Café, 2591 Piedmont Road, Ste. 102. Both Chapter President’s spoke about
sharing membership rosters in order to increase memberships in both organizations. We anticipate
(5) new members as a result of this new strategic alliance with COMTO.
Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area
No new strategies have been developed at this time to encourage greater participation by the
Bay Area transportation industry.
However, work will continue to be done to reinstate the
membership of the Director of one of the Bay Area’s largest transportation agencies.
Institutions of Higher Learning:
We have a continuing relationship with U. Mass. Boston and the Department of Public Policy and
Public Affairs. We also intend to reach out to Boston University and Harvard Kennedy School
Students in Boston this summer and fall.
Central Texas Chapter
Huston Tillotson University and University of Texas
The CTC Chapter continues to work to establish relationships with students at both the
University of Texas and Huston Tillotson University. CTC established a working relationship with the
MILE Program at Huston Tillotson University in February of this year. As reported last quarter, we
continue to have a great relationship with Gregory Vincent, Senior Vice President, University of
Texas, who is engaged in discussions with CTC about formalizing a multi-year relationship with
Quarterly Report Review Committee
JANUARY 22, 2011
NFBPA that will include financial partnerships, as well as, facilitating discussions with their minority
students. The University of Texas was also a valued partner in planning for Symposium 2010 that
will be reported next quarter.
Central Virginia
The Education chair now has a contact at Virginia Commonwealth University and Virginia State
University. We are working to form a partnership with them to assist aspiring public administrators
in the Richmond area.
E-mail blast is forwarded multiple times as a meeting/forum invite.
Magic City
An individual has been assigned to address and meet with public administrators associated with
the institutions of Higher Learning. In addition, students within the public administration sector will
be addressed and invited to attend a chapter meeting.
Metro Atlanta
A total of seven (7) Mentor Program protégées (4 of which are CAU alumni) were identified as a
result of sessions with students and young professionals. The MAC Emerging Leaders Chair, Ms.
Shamiah Kerney is in consistently meeting with the President of the Public Administration Student
Association (PASA) at Clark Atlanta University, faculty members from area Universities, and young
professionals in the Atlanta Area in order to plan panels for the upcoming 2011 Forum. To date, all
Mentor Program protégées have either renewed or maintained their memberships in NFBPA.
A meeting with the University’s President, Provost, and Chair of the Public Administration Program
was held during CAU’s Homecoming planning sessions in order to encourage participation in
upcoming Forum 2013.
North Texas Chapter
Recruited college professors to speak at the Fall Symposium and hosted the Fall Symposium at UT
at Dallas on September 17, 2010. Several professors joined the organization after the event.
Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area
The Chapter’s 1st Vice President continues to promote membership of other individuals in positions
of authority within the institutions of higher learning by hosting events at the University and
advertising to promote attendance and membership. Other members who are instructors and in
other positions have also made themselves available to promote membership.
Legacy Committee:
We have created a Boston Legacy group and hosted a Reception for past presidents and the
founding members of the Boston chapter on September 24, 2010 in Boston’s south end
Central Texas Chapter
We continue to reach out to our retirees and past members to renew their memberships and
decrease the number of lapsed members.
Quarterly Report Review Committee
JANUARY 22, 2011
Central Virginia
The Central Virginia Chapter sent a card to congratulate Irving Bey on his induction into the
Virginia Union University Hall of Fame. The chapter is planning to extend special invitations to all
legacy members to the December Annual Meeting/Holiday Social.
Magic City
Previous rosters, minutes and files have been carefully viewed and outreach by the Chapter
President, along with chapter members has been conducted. Further contact via Facebook has
been conducted to contact former members. As a result, 12 individuals have committed to
renewing lapse memberships and/or rejoining.
Metro Atlanta
Former members are being asked to join the Legacy Committee and MAC. The committee is
posed to re-engage senior, seasoned, founding members of NFBPA MAC that have 20-plus years
of membership in the organization. A proposed MAC Legacy Breakfast is planned for the 2011
North Texas Chapter
The Chapter located founding members and will establish a North Texas Legacy committee.
Tampa Bay
Many legacy members were contacted and invited to attend the October 29, 2010 Welcome
Reception. All founding local chapter members were contacted.
Future Focus/Emerging Leaders:
We started a future focus initiative to reach out to college students and young professionals in the
fall and winter of 2010 and will invite interested students and young professions to attend the 2010
Leadership in Public Service Award Event on October 28th.
Central Texas Chapter
The Future Focus Committee, chaired by Roshanda Tipton, held a social mixer in
September at the 11th Street Station Restaurant and Bar in concert with the Membership
Committee to recruit young professionals.
The Future Focus Committee will continue to engage our future leaders by seeking new
innovative ways to reach and recruit young and aspiring public administrators. We
also will continue our partnerships with graduate level students at the University of Texas at
Austin and the LBJ School of Public Affairs. As a result, we have successfully recruited 10
new student members to the local chapter. We will focus our efforts in the fall of 2010 to
formalize mentor relationships with these students. Currently, we are identifying mentors
to match with the student members.
CTC Future Focus members along with Chapter President Deborah Britton met to discuss
technology applications such as FaceBook, and implementing a more interactive website
to improve our communication to our young professional membership.
Quarterly Report Review Committee
JANUARY 22, 2011
CTC Program Chair and National Board Member Anthony Snipes attended the 2010-2011
ELI and Mentor Fall Training Session and Congressional Black Caucus in Washington, DC in
September and met with young professionals and emerging leaders. Mr. Snipes also,
participated In a presentation to the ELI and Mentor attendees about participation in
Future Focus. Chapter members and protégés, Yvette Rugely-Craig and Roshanda Tipton
were also in attendance.
Central Virginia
Several Emerging Leaders are mentees in the NFBPA Mentorship program.
As a result from our E-mail blasts, we have had members participate in the last (2) National and
Future Focus conference calls.
Magic City
Current young professionals have been asked to volunteer for upcoming committees and open
positions of office. In, addition, one young professional has been appointed as Chapter VP.
Metro Atlanta
Our Emerging leader’s committee (Future Focus), Chaired by Ms. Shamiah Kerney, has further
refined her strategic plan targeting on recruiting young professional members. A monthly
executive chat and chew series is scheduled where a seasoned NFBPA MAC member will
share their experiences with the emerging leaders over lunch and/or dinner. Plans are underway
to also kick off university visits: the first university is scheduled for October 18, 2010 with Troy State
University. President and Emerging Leaders chair are scheduled to speak.
Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area
The Chapter’s Future Focus/Emerging Leaders representatives continue to actively plan events to
promote active membership in the Chapter. To further showcase this group, the Executive
Committee selected our National representative to receive one of this year’s Bay Area Achievers
awards that will be presented in November. Regular mixer and students activities are planned
and held to promote membership.
Tampa Bay
We are working with the Future Focus Chair to create a holiday networking function to attract
new members.
What other membership recruitment strategies has your chapter completed in this quarter?
We hosted an Information Forum with the Boston Public Health Commission that featured Dr.
Nancy Norman, MD, MPH, and the Chief Medical Officer for the City of Boston on September 29th
at the Justice Resource Institute Training Center in downtown Boston. This Information
presented the Healthy Boston Report for 2010 and was very well attended.
Central Texas Chapter
Standard Monthly Meeting Format: The Chapter incorporates professional development training
with monthly general membership meetings in order to meet the needs of all our members. The
Quarterly Report Review Committee
JANUARY 22, 2011
format of the monthly meeting is to conduct the regular general meeting followed by a series of
professional development trainings. This also allows potential members to sit in on our general
meetings and participate in the professional developing training. Each meeting is held on a
different date, time and location to meet the needs of our members. This was determined by
surveying members to assess their interests, time and location preferences. Since the Central
Texas Chapter also includes members and locales beyond the Austin city limits, it was imperative
that we make our meetings and training accessible to all. As it specifically relates to recruitment,
we set up our standing display (similar to national’s) and a table displaying the NFBPA/Central
Texas Chapter logo with brochures and staffed by members to meet, greet and recruit new
Events and activities held this quarter: Weekly information on events throughout the Austin area is
provided to members by the President to encourage attendance at other professional events
that may benefit the professional development of members. Summer Membership Mixer social
networking event at MJ’s on September 9, 2010. Members were encouraged
perspective member as a guest. Guests were provided food, networking opportunities
fellowship. Community Service Event on July 24, 2010 in the St. John’s Neighborhood in
conjunction with the City of Austin Code Enforcement Division. Teams of members picked up
litter and identified bulky trash needing removal. City of Austin crews followed alongside in city
trucks and picked up the trash. This was an excellent opportunity to help a community in disrepair,
introduce NFBPA to local citizens and partner with a City department. The day was completed
with an NFBPA Family Cook-Out. Monthly Membership Meeting held at 505 Barton Spring Road on
August 20, 2010. Membership Mixer at 11th Street Station Restaurant and Bar on September 24,
2010 – Held a drawing and awarded two $100.00 cash prizes. All guests and members present
were eligible to win. This was publicized before the event as incentive to members to attend the
mixer and to bring potential members as guests. We also presented $100.00 to the member
that recruited to the most members over the last quarter and that prize went to Anthony Snipes.
Central Virginia
The membership chair, with help from the Central Virginia Chapter members, created a “Top
Ten” list of reasons to be a member of the NFBPA. We will make the list available to potential new
members as well as post it on the website.
Magic City
The Chapter is in the planning session for a reception for outgoing public administrators due to the
huge buy out that the City of Birmingham is conducting. In additions, a membership drive will be
conducted during the reception.
Metro Atlanta
Our September 2010 MAC Corporate Appreciation event and August 2010 MAC Board
Inauguration dovetails into our overall kick-off of our membership campaign strategy: “Each one Bring one” focusing on increasing corporate memberships, students, and young professionals.
In addition, we have partnered during the quarter with other organizations in order to attract new
members as follows: The National Black MBA Association (NBMBAA); the Conference of Minority
Transportation Officials (COMTO; Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transportation Authority (MARTA);
The Atlanta Business League; the Georgia Minority Supplier Development Council (GMSDC):
Atlanta Public Schools (APS; the DeKalb Bar Association (DBA); the Georgia Association of Black
Women Attorneys (GABWA).
North Texas
Quarterly Report Review Committee
JANUARY 22, 2011
North Texas Hosted a membership recruitment day at Applebee’s Restaurant in Dallas. Member s
encouraged to invite potential members to dinner or lunch. The Chapter received 10% of
dining receipts benefiting the College Scholarship Fund.
Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area
OSFBAC continued planning of it’s 7th Annual Bay Area Achievers event scheduled to be held in
November 2010 at the Hilton Oakland Airport Hotel.
The Membership Committee also continued to send letters to members whose membership has
expired or is about to expire reminding them of the benefits of NFBPA membership and
encouraging them to renew. The chapter has realized some success from this effort
Tampa Bay
We participated as a sponsor in a collaborative with several other organizations: The National
Black MBA Association, The National Association of Black Accountants, The 100 Black Men of
Tampa Bay, The George Edgecomb Bar Association, The Tampa Metropolitan Alumnae Chapter
of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Minority Public Relations Society, The Tampa Alumni Chapter of
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., The Crescent Foundation, Inc. There were over 70 participants. Our
Chapter passed out membership applications and had a (2) minute speaking opportunity. We
generated (2) new members and corporate interest of Prudential Insurance company.
Describe the membership retention strategies used in your chapter this quarter:
Central Texas
We conduct meetings followed by professional development to improve attendance and
provide for membership retention and recruitment. The Program Committee developed an
annual calendar of events that we have distributed to the membership and to other similar
organizations. It provides a complete picture of all chapter sponsored meetings and events.
Other specific strategies include the following: Hosting membership mixers, and attending events
held by other organizations such as the Black MBA’s, and Black Professional Alliance. The chapter
President and members continue to reach and cultivate new partnerships and relationships to
acquire new members and re-engage existing members. Including members throughout the city,
county and state organizations with the planning and execution of the regional conference also
helps keep members engaged and committed. We also continue to target lapsed members
and reduce the number of dropped members.
Central Virginia
The membership chair routinely reviews the membership list for lapsed. The membership chair
phones members as well as sends e-mails to inform members of their status. The CVC also invites
all members and lapsed members to CVC events and meetings.
At each meeting, we devoted time on the agenda to discuss the benefits of membership as well
as the payment options available for membership. Handouts were distributed at each
to show all options available for membership. In addition, we have had discussion with other local
organizations and will work collaboratively with each to put on workshops and forums to draw
additional membership interest. In addition, a presentation was made September 20 th to students
ranging from ages 19 -25 that are enrolled in the Cleveland Job Corps program. During the
Quarterly Report Review Committee
JANUARY 22, 2011
presentation, the role of public administrator’s was discussed as well as the benefits of a career in
public sector. The youth had an opportunity to attend a Cleveland City Council meeting to gain
hands on public service experience. Following the meeting, the students had the opportunity to
engage with Cleveland Mayor, Frank Jackson, to ask additional questions regarding the city
council meeting and general public service roles.
Additionally, a special invite was forwarded to members who normally attend but have been
absent from the most recent meetings.
Metro Atlanta
Our MAC membership subcommittee responsible for retention has analyzed and delegated a
page from the national membership report to each committee member. A total of 4 committee
members have identified members that have lapsed memberships proactively and reactively.
MAC has begun to use resources across the organization, i.e. committees such as: membership,
finance and budget, technology, etc., to sustain membership and avoid lapses. In addition, MAC
has strategically aligned with the National plan to regain membership by engaging in the
payment strategy for lapsed members. Follow-up letters are sent for those who are nearing lapse
dates. We have reclaimed 11 members during this period.
North Texas
The Chapter continues to identify lapsed members. Board members are asked to assist with
making phone calls to lapsed members who work in the same city and encourage them to renew
their membership.
Tampa Bay
Our retention activities continue to include members in bi-monthly meetings and emailing them
whenever job opportunities or membership news becomes available.
Chapters throughout the COP designed and delivered professional development programs that
highlighted the accomplishments of their members and focused on needs as public
We are planning educational seminars in partnership with the University of Massachusetts for the
winter of 2010 and 2011. We also post job opportunities for the state and other organizations on
our website whenever possible and send job information on a regular basis to our e-mail
distribution list on a weekly basis.
Central Texas Chapter
Professional Development Program on August 20, 2010 at One Texas Center, 505 Barton Springs
Road, “Successfully Navigating the Interview Process and Understanding the Trends in Human
Reources. Members and guests heard from a panel of Human Resources Experts about in-basket
exercises, role-playing, and written/oral exercises. Presenters included:
Debbie Maynor, Human Resources Director, City of Killeen, Texas and Mark Wahsington, Human
Resources director, City of Austin, Texas, Kevin Russell, Human Resources Director, City of
Georgetown, Texas and Teresa S. Bledsoe, Human Resources Director, City of Round Rock, Texas.
Quarterly Report Review Committee
JANUARY 22, 2011
Planning meeting conducted weekly during the month of September in preparation for
Symposium 2010.
Central Virginia
Four area professionals are participating in the Mentorship program and (2) rising executives are
participating in the Executive Leadership Institute.
At the August and September committee meetings, brain storming session were conducted
subsequent to the various committees being established where a plethora of professional
development programs were suggested. As suggested, the development opportunities will be in
conjunction with the forum topic discussed. As a result of these sessions, a tentative schedule has
been outlined for next year for quarterly forums and support workshops.
Metro Atlanta
September 2010 - NFBPA Metro Atlanta Chapter kicked off its first Professional Development
Institute (PDI) session discussion on Sunday, 09/26/10. The goals are to provide a cost effective
local professional development training session for its membership; increase membership and
participation in NFBPA MAC; and provide speakers and topics that are relevant to training
members to leverage their soft and hard professional skills. The institute will target four strategic
types of membership in MAC: [I.] students (pre and in-service); [II.] young professionals (individuals
with professional with experience from 1-5 years); [III.] mid-level executive professionals (individuals
with professional experience from 6 to 15 years); [IV.] senior level professionals (individuals with
professional experience with 20 years or more). A timeline chronicling days, times, and locations
will be initiated beginning in March 2011. Graduation will end at the proposed local Marks of
Excellence event in 2012.
PDI Benchmarks and Best Practices Description: Engage, review, and analyze other chapters that
have similar programs. The recommended training series will focus on partnering with a local
sponsor and incorporate both national (Mentor Program and the Executive Leadership Institute
(ELI)) and local programs(proposed MAC Professional Development Institute and Emerging
Leaders Pathways to Leadership Internship Program).
Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area
The Program Committee held a meeting in December to plan future professional development
workshops for chapter meeting in 2010.
North Texas
North Texas coordinated the North Texas Fall Symposium at UTD in Richardson, Texas. Symposium
Theme: Today’s Tools for Tomorrow’s Success.
Dr. David E. Daniel, President of UT at Dallas
welcomed the members and attendees. Dr. Calvin Jamison, Senior VP of Business Affairs and Dr.
Troy Coleman conducted the opening Plenary Session.
Program tracks – Fiscal Crisis
Management; Health and wellness and Sustainability. Speakers included: John Hennessy, with
Hay Group; Rodney Chapin with CDM; Dr. Douglas Kiel, UTD Professor; Dr. James O. Wright,
Director of Environmental Health and Safety, UTD, Wanda Mizutowicz, Assoc. VP of Finance,
UTD; Darryl Martin, Dallas County Administrator; Dr. Michael Selders, Psychologist, VA Hospital
and Melissa Wackerle, Sustainability Consultant.
Quarterly Report Review Committee
JANUARY 22, 2011
Hosted Annual Scholarship Reception for student recipients. Provided over $3,000 in scholarships
to five undergraduate and graduate students. Past student scholarship recipients spoke at the
reception on their college experience. Reception was held in Garland, Texas at the Granville Arts
Center on July 13, 2010. Music was provided by student scholarship winner.
Tampa Bay
Each member continues to pursue professional development at their respective places of
Formalized networking opportunities:
We continue to share information on jobs and career opportunities on a regular basis with COMTO
and other professional organizations in Boston.
Central Virginia
The Central Virginia Chapter hosted a networking social/membership drive at T’ Millers Sports Bar
& Grill on September 24, 2010. A total of 14 members and (3) guests attended the event.
 The President of the National Society of Black Engineers attended our September 2010
meeting where we discussed opportunities for networking and future collaboration.
A conference call was conducted with the President of the Black Law Student’s
(BLSA) for Cleveland State University (CSU) to discuss collaborative efforts.
As result of the discussion, there will be a forum in collaboration with the Cleveland NFBPA
chapter and the CSU BLSA chapter 11/17/2010. This forum will be held at CSU’s Moot
October 14, 2010: NFBPA officers attended the annual reception for the NFBPAs National
Urban Fellow program. These events allowed the opportunity for connect with those who
are interested In public administration and network with area partners and organizations
dedicated to civic improvement.
Metro Atlanta
August 2010 - NFBPA Metro Atlanta Chapter held its inauguration and reception of the 2010-12
Executive Board on Thursday, 08/06/10 from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. at the One Ninety One Club in
Downtown Atlanta. Speakers for the event included the Fulton County Manager, Mr. Zachary
Williams; the Honorable Clayton County Board Chair, Eldrin Bell; Mr. Morris Williams, Chief County
Administrator for the Board of Commissioners, Dekalb County, Georgia, the Honorable C.T.
Martin, Atlanta City Council, and President of the Atlanta City Council, the Honorable Ceasar C.
Mitchell all served as speakers for the event. Two proclamations were presented on behalf of
Dekalb County and the City of Atlanta. An oath was administered to the incoming MAC officers
by Judge Michael Johnson. Our Local Corporate Advisory Chair, Ms. Linda Jordan secured
sponsors for the event. There were over 50 plus members and guests in attendance at the
inauguration. The event concluded with sounds from a local jazz band and networking among
members, politicians, and public administrators.
North Texas
Chapter hosted a scholarship fundraiser at Applebee’s restaurant in Dallas, August, 2010.
Quarterly Report Review Committee
JANUARY 22, 2011
Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area
In September, in Future Focus Committee hosted a mixer at a local sports lounge. The mixer
included networking, hors d’oeuvres and a light program where information about the
organization was presented and Board members were introduced. There were 28 people in
attendance. In addition to current chapter members, the event attracted potential members
from non-profit organizations and other agencies around the area, a new population of
individuals not at previous events.
Tampa Bay
We conducted a collaborative event with seven other minority organizations from the Tampa Bay
List any activities associated with seeking and/or identifying organizations with similar
Central Texas
Regular information sharing and attendance at events with the Black Professional Alliance of
Austin, Austin Chapter of Black MBA’s, Black Accountants, Capital City African American
Chamber of Commerce, Blacks in Government, and others.
Central Virginia
The Central Virginia Chapter maintains membership in the Richmond Leadership network (RLN).
On September 2, 2010 a representative from the Central Virginia Chapter attended the monthly
RLN meeting and discussed forming a partnership with several other organizations to host a joint
holiday social in December 2010.
Opportunities were identified at the July 22nd meeting. There is a target for implementation by the
fourth quarter. In line with this discussion, opportunities discussed include: collaboration with
other professional organizations in the area for various forums and events. As a result of the earlier
discussion, for the September and October, there has been continued dialogue with the following
organizations: Black Data Processing Associates, Black MBAs, Black Law Students Association,
National Society of Black Engineers, University Hospitals, Cleveland State University, Policy Bridge
and the FBI, as a result, where applicable, we will conduct collaborative forums in 2011.
Metro Atlanta
July 2010 - hosted a public policy forum in conjunction with the Atlanta Public Schools entitled,
“The New High School Experience with Atlanta Public Schools”. Mr. Randolph Bynum, Assistant
Superintendent for High Schools served as keynote speaker with over 25 members and guests in
attendance. Mr. Ronald Skeete, Executive Director of Outward Bound Atlanta also brought
greetings. Atlanta City Councilman Kwanzaa Hall and Atlanta School Board Chair Courtney
English also brought greetings.
August 2010 –-hosted a members only “Gubernatorial Forum” to promote member awareness of
the State of Georgia’s three (3) gubernatorial candidates. The final months of the Georgia
Gubernatorial race gave the 100 or more attendees an opportunity to ask questions that were
important to them—particularly issues such as: state budget balancing, education, small
businesses, transportation, and employment.
Quarterly Report Review Committee
JANUARY 22, 2011
September 2010 – co-hosted a free to the public “Meet your Judicial Candidates” forum in order
to promote awareness of the highly contested judicial races in Cobb, Dekalb, and Fulton
counties, respectively. MAC partnered with the Georgia Association of Black Women Attorneys
(GABWA) and the Dekalb Bar Association (DBA).
We are in the process of developing plans for outreach to local Boston Corporations that might
be sponsors of local activities such as the Boston Leadership Public Service Award Event in
October of 2010 and we are developing plans with the Boston Federal Reserve Bank to host a
Minority Small Business Seminar in January of 2011.
Central Virginia
On September 10, 2010 the Central Virginia Chapter hosted our annual Manuel Deese Golf
Tournament. This successful event was supported by several area sponsors and over 80 golfers
participated in the event.
The monthly meetings are held at the facility for one of the chapter’s sponsors, at no cost.
Metro Atlanta
September 2010 sponsored a corporate appreciation night out with the MAC Executive Board.
MAC provided tickets, parking, and invited the inaugural 15 or so corporate sponsors to see the
Atlanta Braves claim victory over the Florida Marlins. Each local corporate member was thanked
for their on-going support and partnering for Forum 2013.
North Texas Chapter
Hosted a Corporate Appreciation Reception on September 17, 2010 at UTD, Executive Dining Hall.
Awards were given to Corporate Sponsors: Henry Bryant with Metropolitan Life; Dr. Calvin Jamison
(UTD) and EJAR Star for their contributions.
Hosted 3rd Annual Golf Tournament at Los Rios Country Club in Plano, Texas. Corporate members,
local members and invited guest played in the tournament. Hosted luncheon and awards
ceremony following the golf tournament. Proceeds benefited the student scholarship fund
Tampa Bay
We are actively recruiting members to participate on a corporate advisory council. We have
targeted Wal-mart, Prudential, and other major corporations in the area. The corporate advisory
committee will begin meeting with theses firms in October to solicit membership and participation
in NFBPA local events.
Boston –; with 420 unique hits this quarter; using E-vites for meetings
and events on a regular basis now.
Quarterly Report Review Committee
JANUARY 22, 2011
Central Texas Chapter –; 150 hits; Twitter and Facebook. Our chapter
continues to send out e-flyers to market and advertise their events.
Central Virginia –; We created a calendar of events for the 2010 calendar
year. This information was e-mailed to all members of the Central Virginia Chapter. Meeting
announcements and other local events are also e-mailed to chapter members.
Cleveland – - 75 hits; Facebook and WordPress. There is a database
of over 400 professionals that are invited to the monthly meetings. This database was created
from a national list and attendees from previous Forum events. Utilize surveys to confirm
Metro Atlanta –; The Chapter averages roughly 60 hits per month. The
Chapter currently supports the following social networking sites: Facebook, Yahoo groups and Gmail accounts.
Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area –; Bylaws are current and were lasted
updated 1/31/08. The website was used to provide information on the upcoming Bay area
Achievers Awards Banquet, the student meeting at UC Berkeley and the Future Focus Mixer. The
most recent issues of the Chapter newsletter and chapter meeting information was also available
on the website.
North Texas Chapter –; average hits per month this quarter was 250.
We use Facebook and Twitter to post activities and events.
Tampa Bay Area –; Emailed job opportunities to members to
share with displaced colleagues. Our job search component has been extremely busy.
Additionally our calendar of events is utilized as the primary source of chapter activities. We have
a new facebook account and utilize twitter.
We are recruiting new members who are interested in playing leadership roles more aggressively
this year in order to provide future leadership to the Boston Chapter.
The chapter currently has a president and a president elect. We will be voting in new officers in
one year. By-laws updated in July 2009.
Central Texas Chapter
The Central Texas Chapter conducts annual elections and actively seeks members that have an
interest and aptitude for leadership roles. Officers work with and identify members that may seek
an office and mentors other less experienced or tenured officers and board members. All of our
chapter’s professional development sessions and social events are marketed via e-mail, website,
and in some cases the media. Bylaws were updated in August, 2009
Central Virginia
Quarterly Report Review Committee
JANUARY 22, 2011
The Chapter plans to: (1) Provide structure and strong leadership to include identifying leaders
within the chapter; (20 Fill all expired terms: (3) Further develop strong leaders by preparing
training to include ALL information regarding the organization, provide a planning and/or work
session, and invite a trainer and/or coach to meet with Executive Staff and members to fully
explain the mission of succession planning; (4) Review and update all financial records, bylaws
and membership database; (5) Focus on the unattended areas within the organization and
implement additional strategies to maintain the chapter. Chapter does not have current bylaws;
research is still in progress.
The chapter’s plan for succession is currently in developmental stages. Once the membership
increases, the chapter will work aggressively to follow the guidelines as directed in the December
2009 Local Chapter Operational Guide. Bylaws were updated in 2008.
Magic City
Plans include to: (1) Provide structure and strong leadership to include identifying leaders within
the chapter; (2) Fill all expired terms; (3) Further develop strong leaders by preparing training to
include ALL info regarding the organization, provide a planning and/or work session, and invite a
trainer and/or coach to meet with Executive Staff and members to fully explain the mission of
succession planning; (4) Review and update all financial records, bylaws and membership
database; (5) Focus on the unattended areas within the organization and implement additional
strategies to maintain chapter.
Metro Atlanta
May 2010 - The Chapter has elected its next generation of leaders for 2010-2012. Bylaws are
current updated August 24, 2006; updates expected December 2010. Strategic plan updates
Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area
Executive Board meetings voted to hold Executive Board meetings on a bi-monthly basis.
nominating committee is established months prior to the elections to recruit new officers.
Tampa Bay Area
Our chapter is planning a state wide conference to be held in October 2012. We have secured
the location . Shelia Johnson, President & CEO of
Salamander Hospitality and owner of Innisbrook has agreed to participate in the conference. We
will be sending out a letter to all Florida chapters for their support and inclusion.
This quarter the chapter has been very busy with community events. We participated in several
community services project such as "Paint your Heart Out" a program in Clearwater, Florida where
20 to 25 private homes have been painted free of charge by bringing private corporation/ nonprofit and public resources together along with volunteers across social/economic backgrounds
and the Relay for Life and Care Fest in St. Petersburg.
Relay for Life was an overnight event that our chapter collected $800 to support cancer research.
Members, family and friends participated in 2 walk-a-tons in Tampa and St. Petersburg, FL.
Quarterly Report Review Committee
JANUARY 22, 2011
Care Fest a community clean up and beautification project attracted over 2,100 volunteers who
completed 94 projects. The event planner and organizer was one of our very own chapter’s
Future Focus members. For the fourth year in a row the City of St. Petersburg has won the regional
Care Cup for volunteer participation. Prior to Philip Harris (our Future Focus member) take on this
responsibility. The city had less than 1,000 volunteers and minimum corporate participation.
We are preparing for chapter elections to be held in December 2010. This year one of our Future
Focus members is the chair. This quarter we have focused on engaging corporate partners to
inform them about the organization and develop a relationship to assist them in maximizing their
social responsibility. As always, we encourage members to be proactive at work and seek
opportunities of leadership, i.e. volunteer, serve on committees in a leadership capacity.
Describe the chapter’s marketing plans and initiatives initiated or completed this quarter:
Central Texas
All of our chapter’s professional development sessions and social events are marketed via e-mail,
website, and in some cases the media.
Central Virginia
The marketing strategy this quarter has included submitting a letter to all department heads and
supervisors along with an attached letter of support from the Mayor and Chief Operating Officer.
With the support of “top” Public Administrative Officials, department heads and supervisors will be
encouraged to join this organization. In addition, the Elected Officials and their assistants within
the City, county and State will also be addressed. With support of local Elected officials, local
corporate entities will begin to take a lead as well.
At the October 21, 2010 forum, we collaborated with Cuyahoga County to present a
forum to ensure that our constituents are well educated regarding the County’s role in day
to activities as well as the new form of governance that will be taking effect this coming
January. In addition we encouraged the constituents to get out and vote for the
November election upcoming. The panelist was 3 County employees.
A committee meeting was held July 22, 2010. At that time, (6) committees were reestablished with Committee Chairs identified for each. Each committee was placed into a
working group and tasked with identifying four (4) forum topics as well as identifying a list
of professionals to conduct both forums and various professional development workshops.
As discussed above, the committees have been actively meeting to ensure that items
discussed are in place for year 2011.
The forums will serve as a marketing plan since they will provide the opportunity to obtain
new members.
Other marketing strategies previously discussed and implementation is required:
Quarterly Report Review Committee
JANUARY 22, 2011
Members will invite (4) guest to each meeting
Begin setting tables up at the various community events
Purchase shirts to wear at various events
Metro Atlanta
Projects include ordering banners, name plates, brochures, corporate advisory packets, board
business cards, Professional Development Institute packets, publishing a newsletter, MAC
Magic City
The marketing strategy this quarter has included submitting a letter to ALL department heads and
supervisors along with the attached letter of support from the Mayor and Chief Operating Officer.
With the support of “top” Public Administrative Officials, department heads and supervisors will be
encouraged to join this organization. In addition, the Elected Officials and their assistants within
the city, county and state will also be addressed. With support of local Elected Officials, local
corporate entities will begin to take a lead as well.
Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area
The Chapter website is the current marketing tool used. Information on the organization,
upcoming activities and events, meeting announcements, member highlights and the Chapter
newsletter is featured.
Report respectfully submitted by the Quarterly Report Review Committee Members: William Howland and
Tomeji Miller