Saint Joseph Parish Finance & Maintenance Commission Meeting Minutes July 21, 2015 Present: Absent with apologies: Next meeting: Fr. Tony, Jim Kimberley, Doug Cole, Doug Finn, Nancy Finn, Sue Channel, Ron Dobosz Dcn. Tom, Claire Rabbitt, Mike Slowinski October 6, 2015 7:00 p.m., Rectory Fr. Tony led the opening prayer at 7:04 p.m. The minutes from the April 14, 2015 meeting were accepted as written. Doug Finn was appointed and accepted Chair of the Finance & Maintenance Committee as Bob Howson stepped down due to health reasons. FINANCE The Parish Secretary stated the following with regard to parish finances (June 30th): Weekly Collections Loose Cash Total Income Electricity/Heating Utilities Total Expense Net Income/Loss ST. JOSEPH Checking Memorial/Bequests Future of Hope Chancery Savings Endowment Fund $9,136.39 $29,479.54 $3,114.17 ST. CHRIS ST. JOHN $6,329.80 $28,961.45 $2,554.95 $4,329.21 $7,389.81 $193.60 CY2015 $108,855.25 $20,190.65 $147,798.49 $16,293.84 $4,342.99 $154,469.44 -$6,670.95 TOTAL $12,183.05 $19,795.40 $65,830.80 $5,862.72 $6,925.52 The parish ran a $6,670.95 Net Loss during CY2015. Jim stated that if not for the $6,995 in fees paid to visiting priests while Fr. Tony was ill that we would probably have had a small Net Profit. But, we must also take into account that we withdrew $8,000 from savings to help pay bills earlier in the year. Outstanding major expenses include the furnace and the Jubilee bills. It was noted that the invoice for the meal portion of the Jubilee had not yet been received. Regarding the furnace: There is still a balance of approximately $3,100 owed. A $1,219 check was presented to Alternatives from the baby bottle collections. During the meeting, Fr. Tony presented the parish a check for $1,000 as a donation from the Jubilee gifts he received from friends and parishioners. Fr. knows he has received so much in so many ways from the Parish that he wants to give something back as a sign of appreciation. This will be used to pay off the catering and other Jubilee bills. Another $1,000 will be paid from Tag Sale and Christmas Fair proceeds ($500 each) as agreed upon by their members. Motorcycle Poker Run Fundraiser: Doug Finn announced that this year it will be a 118 mile trip (2X longer than previous years), and that more bike groups were expected to participate this year. Volunteers were needed to man the checkpoints. Hugh Knox will be providing the food. MAINTENANCE RECTORY REPAIRS: Doug Finn noted that minor repairs were recently made to the slates. However, there is significant wood rot in the joint below Fr. Tony’s bedroom and the counting room roofs. Temporary repairs were done by Tim Luce, but more significant repairs will be necessary and should be done before the winter. Furnace Inspection will be completed August 3. CHURCH REPAIRS: St. Christopher: The boundary fence was removed due to complaints from an abutter. It had been pushed over as a result of snow plowing. The furnace there will need the connector tube replaced as it is rusted beyond repair. The chimney was recently inspected and is in good shape. St. Joseph: The old furnace has been removed and the new furnace installed by Tognarelli Heating & Cooling. Doug Finn will be looking into an alarm system that will send an alert when the furnace shuts down. No decision has been made with regard to the insulation in the crawlspace. Right now there is significant heat loss but the funds are not available to add the insulation ($1,000). Doug Finn will be contacting flooring companies for recommendations on sealant for the Parish Hall Floor. The “paint” people are saying that nothing can be put down, but there should be some type of clear coat topcoat that can be put down that will make the floor easier to clean. The radiator at the front entrance is still not hooked up. Doug Finn said it just needs a thermostat and the wires need to be connected. This will be done by the fall. The plumbing to the spigots outside of the church was not reconnected when the furnace was installed. Doug Finn recommends to just let it go as it is not something that is necessary. Jim said that the Diocese was looking into the use of solar power on all of the churches as an effort to save costs. He provided them a copy of the prior year utility bills for their analysis, though it was not likely that there would be much benefit for St. Christopher and St. John. These would be “ground arrays” versus roof-mounted. Church organ: estimated $3,000 is needed for repairs at St. Joseph, which eventually are going to be necessary versus optional for the organ to work. Next meeting date set for Tuesday, October 6, 2015. The closing prayer was led by Fr. Tony. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. ____________________ Doug Finn, Chairman ____________________ Father Tony, Pastor ____________________ Sue Channel, Secretary