Conversion -

Conversion Strategy
There are different ways to convert the old system to the new system. Different
conversion methods suit different systems. These are the most common methods of
Direct conversion
This is when the old system is replaced by the new
system straight away. The company will stop using the
old system and go directly to using the new system.
Converting to the new system is quick, but may disrupt
the business if there are problems with the new system.
Parallel conversion
This is when the old system and new system are in use
at the same time. This means that tasks will be carried
out twice, since two systems are being used.
Implementing the new system may take some time, so
the extra tasks will have to be carried out until the
change over of the new system occurs. This conversion
allows the business to test the new system and see if
they find it effective, but it is an expensive method
since employees will work twice as much. Though
using this method, the business can go back to using the
old system if the new system does not work out.
Phased conversion
This conversion allows the new system to be introduced
to the business a step at a time. A section of the
business will use the new system, while the rest of the
business uses the old system. When the section of the
business is use to the new system, another section will
use the new system, until the new system has been
implemented. This conversion method is time
consuming, but this method will allow the new system
to be improved as problems occur.
Pilot conversion
This conversion is similar to the phased conversion. A
section of the business will use the new system, and
then when the company approves of the new system
being used, the rest of the business will change to the
new system. This method assumes that the rest of the
business can change over to the new system, so there
may be a few disruptions to business if this happens.
Implementing the new system does not take as much
time as some of the other conversion methods, and the
new system can be improved when used on the section.
The direct conversion is not a suitable implementation method since the company is
not a small organization, as it has more risks and problems. A small company with
very few staff and business could convert using the direct method, but Kitchen
Cupboards cannot convert directly as it may cause implications. The company will
require the data from the old system with current customers. If the company decided
to choose a direct conversion, the data will have to be transferred to the new system,
which could take a substantial amount of time.
Parallel conversion is not suitable for KC Ltd because the employees will have
to do more work. If the old system could barely handle the amount of work then
increasing the workload would not be recommended since the old system as well as
the new are in place.
The pilot conversion would be an ideal method, but the phased conversion is our
recommendation. The phased conversion will allow each part of the company to
improve the new system. When parts of the new system are in use, it can be improved
as problems occur or difficulties. This method may take longer than the pilot
conversion, but it is safer to convert the old system to the new.
Case 1
For the first case, the first part of the company that will be converted is the
receptionist’s jobs. The receptionist will be given a workstation computer, become
trained in using each of the software packages and the tasks they must perform. The
receptionist will now be able to perform using the new system, but communicate with
the rest of the company as they did with the old system until the new system is fully
implemented. The receptionist is to deal with customers, and print required paper
work for employees.
When the reception has been implemented and any problems that have occurred have
been fixed, the sales people can begin conversion. The sales people will be trained to
perform the tasks required using the new equipment and understanding how to fill out
worksheets. When the sales people are able to use their new system, the receptionist
will now be able to contact sales people as planned using the new system. Sales
people are to use mobile phones to contact the company of their progress and be able
to generate kitchen designs for quoting.
Next, the manager will be given a workstation computer and given the required
training. The company will basically have the new system implemented at this stage
and running the system as proposed. The manager will be able to access the database
the receptionist has been using and enter the kitchen designs the sales people have
been generating into the computer. The manager is to print the kitchen design and
quotes for the builders.
Last the bookkeeper will be trained to use the software packages using the
manager’s computer, since the bookkeeper does not required to perform as many
tasks. The bookkeeper is to use the database and perform the required invoicing tasks,
the invoices will be produced electronically and tasks will be simplified.
The remaining of the business will perform the tasks as in the old system, but they
will be able to perform more efficiently due to the computer-generated work.
Case 2
For the second case, a computer server will be setup to store files and run a web
server for the mobile phones and email accounts. The first part of the company that
will be converted is the receptionist’s jobs. The receptionist will be given a
workstation computer, become trained in using each of the software packages and the
tasks they must perform. The receptionist will now be able to perform using the new
system, but communicate with the rest of the company as they did with the old system
until the new system is fully implemented. The receptionist is to deal with customers,
and print required paper work for employees.
When the reception has been implemented and any problems that have occurred have
been fixed, the sales people can begin conversion. The sales people will be trained to
use their mobile phones that will make them capable of keeping contact with the
office and email kitchen details to receive quotes while on the job.
Next, the manager will be given a computer and trained to use the software to perform
similar tasks electronically. The manager will be able to access the database the
receptionist has been using and pass on electronic quotes to the salespeople. When a
quote is verified the quote is passed on to the workshop for building the cupboards.
After the manager is taught to use the new system, the bookkeeper will be trained to
use the software packages using the manager’s computer, since the bookkeeper does
not required to perform tasks as often. The bookkeeper is to use the database and
perform the required invoicing tasks. Invoices will be produced electronically and
tasks will be simplified.
Then the foreman will be given a computer, he will be trained to use the software and
order required stock for each project. The apprentice will be trained to use CAD and
produce kitchen design plans from quotes to be given to the builders.
Lastly, the managing director will be given a computer and trained to use the software
packages that are used by the bookkeeper, so that they can perform the auditing.
Now the new system will have been fully implemented and any problems have been