Job Profile LOKMA GROUP Senior Accountant Income /Payroll/Banking/Employee Expenses Ocean Fresh Required Education Experience Subordinates Human Resources Department Actual BSc. Of Commerce 5+ years. 3 – 5 years , in Restaurants Income Auditor / Paymaster / General Cashier Incumbent Name : Employee’s No Contracted company: Start Date (job): Reports To Director of Finance Dept Finance Start Date (co): Dept. Manager’s Signature: Company Ocean Fresh Employee Signature: Job Objective Ensure that the balance existing in the general ledger is equal/ reconciled with the company’s’ bank account. Ensure the accuracy and timely payment of Ocean Fresh Employees’ monthly salaries. This is in addition to ensuring that they are paid any other relevant per diems and/or allowances. Ensure the accuracy of the cheques data entry on the Micros system to issue the relevant revenue reports Main Tasks Detailed Description of the task To prepare the Bank position at the end of each week. Deliver this to the Finance Director and the Chairman. This ensures the availability of cash needed to issue cheques. To prepare the Bank reconciliation report reconciling the company’s general ledger with our bank account at the end of every month and deliver it to both the director of Finance and the Vice Chairman. Attach to the report a print out of the general ledger with the bank account number, and another print out from the bank. Prepare bank letters explaining the reasons of the banks transfers, amounts, and to which bank the amount is transferred. The bank letters should be Banks F/LG-OP-06-01 Qualification required/ task competencies Performance indicator (PI) Time Split (%) 20% LOKMA GROUP Main Tasks Job Profile Senior Accountant Income /Payroll/Banking/Employee Expenses Ocean Fresh Detailed Description of the task Human Resources Department Qualification required/ task competencies Performance indicator (PI) Time Split (%) signed by the authorized person. Attach to the bank transfer letter payment authorization, which should be signed by the senior accountant, the relevant department head, the Vice Chairman and finally the Chairman. The payment authorization should also be attached to the relevant documentation, for instance if it is to be paid for a supplier, the supplier’s invoice should be attached. Prepare Investment report to the Vice Chairman on a monthly basis in the Preopening phase. After opening prepare a monthly Profit and Loss ( P&L) report Review bank commission charges against the bank deal and ensuring its accuracy. This should be done on a weekly basis. Negotiate with different banks the credit cards commission rates to reach to the best possible deal. Audits the daily revenue figures from all outlets as per the MICROS system. Ensure that all revenue on Micros is accurate through comparing both cheques added on the MICROS by the operation and the final report issued by MICROS (Reports per outlet and consolidated by company). Export it to the Sun System and create reports accordingly for the figures of the daily revenue including (dine in – delivery – take away – food and beverage – average per guest – average per cheque). This is per outlet and then consolidated for all outlets. Review that the cover numbers on the cheques is Revenue F/LG-OP-06-01 60% LOKMA GROUP Main Tasks Job Profile Senior Accountant Income /Payroll/Banking/Employee Expenses Ocean Fresh Detailed Description of the task equal to the items in the cheques F/LG-OP-06-01 Review officers Checks (duty meals). Check that each employee has taken his assigned meal only and that the employee attended that day. Deliver to the cost controller to perform cost calculations Print the Micros Revenue reports for Outlets to be audited and filed. Reviews all posted debit and credit amounts on the Sun system, and ensure that they are both equal. In case of method of payment is by credit card. Reconcile credit card charges between electronic Credit card Machine & systems. Ensuring that total amounts paid by Credit Cards is equal to the amounts on the MICROS Prepares daily revenue report for the Director of Department(s). Ensure that the cash deposited in the bank is equal to that posted on the MICROS system by the Cashier (operation) on a daily basis. To follow up on any cash discrepancies or increase on a daily basis. Ensure that they are deposited on the next (in case of shortage of small amounts). In case of huge missing amounts or huge extra amounts an investigation should be held. Compare the monthly cash discrepancies with the general ledger. Making spot check on cash available in the outlet for all cashiers and Float inventory. Ensuring that the cash in the Human Resources Department Qualification required/ task competencies Performance indicator (PI) Time Split (%) LOKMA GROUP Main Tasks Job Profile Senior Accountant Income /Payroll/Banking/Employee Expenses Ocean Fresh Detailed Description of the task Micros Drawers equal to the amount on the system and the float inventory. F/LG-OP-06-01 Taking the necessary action in case of missing and extra amounts. Reviews the entire void and (cancelled orders cheques), and ensuring its validity. Check the time the void (and or the cancelled order) is made, on the items, the explanation and the signatures of both the outlet manager and the operations manager.... To file all income related documents. This includes all reports, cheques of the credit card and the void cheques) Ensure that the cash deposit transaction has appeared in our bank account. To prepare the balance sheet reconciliation for the account related to income auditor. Analysing all the transactions done in the balance sheet on a monthly basis. Reconcile the related amounts for the income auditor. To prepare the sales tax analysis after closing the month. Deliver the report to the accounts payable to pay to the authorities. In case of paying credit cards to prepare the credit cards tips sheet for outlets to pay it for the operations. This is through having a report from the micros, attach to it the cheques signed by the guest. Sign it and deliver it to the Finance director and vice chairman for approval and signatures. Deliver afterwards to the account payable to issue a cheque to be approved and Human Resources Department Qualification required/ task competencies Performance indicator (PI) Time Split (%) LOKMA GROUP Main Tasks Job Profile Senior Accountant Income /Payroll/Banking/Employee Expenses Ocean Fresh Detailed Description of the task Human Resources Department Qualification required/ task competencies Performance indicator (PI) Time Split (%) signed by the Chairman. . Review the attendance summary as sent by HR Department. It should be approved by HRD. This should clearly include daily attendance, sick leaves, unpaid vacations, absence (with or without permission), and whether there are any disciplinary functions. In case of newly hired employees, receive all data from HR including Employee ID, name. Starting date, basic salary and allowances. Calculating the salary based on attendance, social insurance, and taxes deductions. Send the final salaries (gross, deductions, net) to the HR department for approval. Attach the attendance and the newly hiring approval by the HR. Issue a letter including the total net salaries of all employees for a bank transfer. Letter includes an attachment of : Payroll 1. Employee ID 2. Employee Department 3. Employees names 4. Bank name 5. Branch 6. Account Number 7. Net Salary for each employee F/LG-OP-06-01 Attain necessary approvals, on both payroll calculations (Group First Vice President), and Group Chairman on both Payroll calculations and the Bank Transfer sheet. Send the bank transfer letter with the attachments to implement the transactions. Receive a stamped copy of the 10% LOKMA GROUP Main Tasks Job Profile Senior Accountant Income /Payroll/Banking/Employee Expenses Ocean Fresh Detailed Description of the task Human Resources Department Qualification required/ task competencies Performance indicator (PI) Time Split (%) bank transfer letter Post the transaction on the sun system. Verify that the Department Head properly authorizes overtime Processing monthly 1. Income tax calculation for tax authority office 2. Process social security insurance to Social Security office (every 15th of the month). 3. Process Emergency Fund for the Emergency fund box on a monthly basis 4. Send the report(s) to the accounts payable accountant to issue a payment authorization. The payment authorizations should be paid by the HRD, Vice Chairman and Chairman. Accounts payable then issues a cheque to be signed by the Chairman and paid accordingly In case of business errands and trips, employee(s) should prepare a template of all expenses, attaching all supporting documents (invoices). Sheet should be signed by the employee and the department head. Employee submits the sheet to the senior accountant. SR accountant reviews and verifies the expenses and the attachments, Expenses should be signed by the financial controller, and Vice Chairman. Deliver to the accounts payable accountant to issue a cheque. Cheque is then delivered to Employee expense F/LG-OP-06-01 10% LOKMA GROUP Main Tasks Job Profile Senior Accountant Income /Payroll/Banking/Employee Expenses Ocean Fresh Detailed Description of the task Chairman to sign and authorize. F/LG-OP-06-01 Human Resources Department Qualification required/ task competencies Performance indicator (PI) Time Split (%)