INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR TRAUMA & ADDICTION PROFESSIONALS P.O. Box 2112 Carefree, AZ 85377 …Setting the standards in education for addiction professionals CERTIFIED SEX ADDICTION THERAPIST (CSAT®) ASSOCIATE SEX ADDICTION THERAPIST (ASAT®) TRAINING APPLICATION FORM FOR CALGARY This form must be completed and submitted prior to any aspect of the certification process. After opening the file in Word format, select "save" and name the file; complete the form in its entirety (note the blanks on the form expand as needed); re-save, and; email directly to SECTION I: IDENTIFYING INFORMATION Complete the below section as you would like it to appear on certificates, the IITAP website, etc. Please note that if any of your contact information changes, it is your responsibility to notify IITAP. Legal Name(Include Credentials) Preferred Name: Check here if this is also the name you would prefer for the website. Former Name(s) such as maiden name: Home Address: City: Postal Code: Province: Home Phone: Cell Phone Agency/Employer #1: Non Profit Agency? Yes / No – If yes, please see note below Work Address #1: Postal Code #1: City #1: Province #1: Office Phone #1: Fax #1: Email Address #1: Website Address #1: Agency/Employer #2: Non Profit Agency? Yes / No – If yes, please see note below Work Address #2: Postal Code #2: City #2: Province #2: Office Phone #2: Fax #2: Email Address #2: Website Address #2: Non-profit employees need to submit a letter of support from their supervisor/executive director indicating how the training will benefit their agency. (480)575-6853 Office (480)595-4753 Fax Rev. 8/19/11 Page 1 of 5 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR TRAUMA & ADDICTION PROFESSIONALS P.O. Box 2112 Carefree, AZ 85377 …Setting the standards in education for addiction professionals CERTIFIED SEX ADDICTION THERAPIST (CSAT®) ASSOCIATE SEX ADDICTION THERAPIST (ASAT®) TRAINING APPLICATION FORM FOR CALGARY SECTION II: EDUCATION What is your current level of education? Bachelors Masters Please provide copy of your degree and official transcripts PhD Other M.D. DATE DEGREE CONFERRED NATIONALLY ACCREDITED ACADEMIC INSTITUTION PROVIDE COPY OF DIPLOMA(S) SECTION III: WORKSHOPS ATTENDED Yes Have you attended any of Dr. Carnes’ or other sex addiction workshops? If yes, please list them below with the date and location. WORKSHOP No DATE LOCATION DATE PROVIDE COPY OF LICENSE(S) SECTION IV: LICENSES & CERTIFICATIONS What professional certifications/licenses do you currently hold? LICENSE / CERTIFICATION (480)575-6853 Office (480)595-4753 Fax Rev. 8/19/11 Page 2 of 5 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR TRAUMA & ADDICTION PROFESSIONALS P.O. Box 2112 Carefree, AZ 85377 …Setting the standards in education for addiction professionals CERTIFIED SEX ADDICTION THERAPIST (CSAT®) ASSOCIATE SEX ADDICTION THERAPIST (ASAT®) TRAINING APPLICATION FORM FOR CALGARY Have you ever had a certification/license suspended, revoked, or ever received disciplinary action? If yes, please explain: Yes No o SECTION V: PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS Please list any memberships in professional organizations, committees, societies, boards, clubs, etc., including types of membership (i.e., professional or associate), status (active or inactive), and dates of membership. ASSOCIATION / SOCIETY TYPE DATES STATUS Professional Associate Active Inactive Active Inactive Active Inactive Active Inactive Active Inactive Professional Associate Professional Associate Professional Associate Professional Associate SECTION VI: CLINICAL EXPERIENCE What is your clinical experience and what are your clinical specialties? (480)575-6853 Office (480)595-4753 Fax Rev. 8/19/11 Page 3 of 5 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR TRAUMA & ADDICTION PROFESSIONALS P.O. Box 2112 Carefree, AZ 85377 …Setting the standards in education for addiction professionals CERTIFIED SEX ADDICTION THERAPIST (CSAT®) ASSOCIATE SEX ADDICTION THERAPIST (ASAT®) TRAINING APPLICATION FORM FOR CALGARY Please provide an updated Curriculum Vitae/Resume: Yes No Yes No SECTION VII: SUPERVISION Do you currently receive clinical supervision? Supervisor Name: Address: City: Province: Phone: Fax: Postal Code: Email: SECTION VIII: HELP US GET TO KNOW YOU… How did you hear about IITAP and the CSAT® Program? Provide reasons why you want to become a CSAT®: What do you believe you can offer to both your community and the CSAT® community? (480)575-6853 Office (480)595-4753 Fax Rev. 8/19/11 Page 4 of 5 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR TRAUMA & ADDICTION PROFESSIONALS P.O. Box 2112 Carefree, AZ 85377 …Setting the standards in education for addiction professionals CERTIFIED SEX ADDICTION THERAPIST (CSAT®) ASSOCIATE SEX ADDICTION THERAPIST (ASAT®) TRAINING APPLICATION FORM FOR CALGARY SECTION IX: REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION Make sure you have included the below items with your application: Application Copy of current license/certificate Copy of current malpractice insurance certificate (if covered by an organization- provide a copy of organization’s insurance) Degrees - Copies of Diplomas (Digital photo can be e-mailed to Official Transcripts (Sealed transcripts from the University sent directly to IITAP.) Current CV/Resume Norlien Foundation has graciously offered scholarships for Alberta participants. The availability of scholarship funds will be based upon a commitment to attend all four training modules and complete the requirements to obtain and maintain your ASAT®/CSAT® certification, and will incorporate the training information and materials into your work with clients. If you agree to these terms, please initial here._______ NOTE: Please save this completed form and send directly to IITAP at either The form may also be faxed to 480-5954753. (480)575-6853 Office (480)595-4753 Fax Rev. 8/19/11 Page 5 of 5