PAPER 07/CE/54 MBChB PRIZES Existing prizes The award of prizes was extensively reviewed within the Co-ordinating Assessment Board (CAB) as the new curriculum was developed prior to its introduction in 1998 and as each year rolled out. The then Faculty of Medicine also approved the arrangements for awarding prizes in the new curriculum. Faculty and CAB took into account the fact that some subjects e.g. biochemistry, were integrated so that there was no longer a specific assessment for which a prize could be awarded. CAB and Faculty agreed that where possible within the new curriculum prizes would be awarded within the spirit of the original bequest. This has been possible in the later years of the curriculum where the prizes are discipline based and fitted appropriately into the new curriculum. However, the prizes in first and second year were mainly subject specific, e.g. pharmacology and anatomy, subjects which were integrated within new courses in the new curriculum. The Faculty of Medicine minutes of 28 May 1999 state that: “The new first and second year courses are not discipline-based and it is recommended that the income from these prizes should from the year 2000 onwards be evenly distributed between first and second year MBChB”. The prizes were therefore ‘pooled’ to give an award to up to 5 of the top ranked students in each year. A further review of prizes at a CAB meeting on 4 June 2002 noted Faculty’s approval of the allocation of prizes in first and second year but the minutes state that “… legal advice be taken to ensure prizes were award within the spirit in which they were originally gifted.” This was discussed with the central University at the time and the advice was that Counsel’s opinion would need to be sought. It was considered likely that this course would prove expensive, complex and not without risk. It was therefore decided to follow the approved arrangements for prize allocation as agreed by CAB and the Faculty. The ongoing review of years 3, 4 and 5 would take account of any impact on prizes currently awarded in these years. Disappointment has been expressed at the loss of some subject specific prizes particularly the Cunningham Medal for Anatomy which, under the terms of the original bequest was awarded annually to the student who “….having attending the whole course in Anatomy including the Professional Examination in Anatomy at the end of First Year and the parts of Anatomy which come into the Professional Examination in the Second year, is considered to be the most distinguished student of the year in Anatomy.” In the new curriculum anatomy became part of an integrated course with an integrated assessment so it was not possible to meet the original conditions of the bequest. Assessment of anatomy currently takes the form of a 15 minute ‘spot’ examination. The prize is therefore included in the award for overall performance in Year 1. There would not appear to be a Cunningham Medal. The only MBChB medals currently awarded are for final year prizes. Advice from the University would suggest that medals are now rarely given as prizes. The list of MBChB prizes awarded annually is attached. New Prizes The MBChB Board of Studies was of the view that, in general, prizes should be encouraged. It was also acknowledged that prizes were extremely important in applications for Foundation programmes. Proposals for new prizes have in the past been brought to the MBChB UG Studies Committee and to the MBChB Board of Studies. Taking into account the advice from the University at the time of the last proposal and subsequent discussions in Committees, criteria for new prizes should include the following: a minimum capital sum of £5000 a minimum prize of £150 per annum a significant piece of assessment robust and transparent processes for awarding the prize availability for the long term, not just for a few years Curriculum Executive is asked to approve the criteria for new prizes PRIZES IN THE CURRICULUM All decisions ratified by Final Examination Boards PRIZE TITLE ORIGINAL BEQUEST OVERALL PRIZES - awarded at the end of year 5 1)Ettles Scholarship & 1) Awarded annually to the most distinguished Bachelor of Medicine and 2)Leslie Gold Medal in Bachelor of Surgery Graduate in the year Medicine of the award. 2) Awarded annually to the most distinguished student in Medicine. Scottish Association for the Awarded annually to the most Medical Education of distinguished woman graduate in Medicine Women Prize of the year. Dorothy Gilfillan Memorial Prize AWARDED PRIZE (2008/09) As stated in original bequest. £700 (Ettles) plus medal (Leslie Gold medal) As stated in original bequest. £400 Awarded annually to the woman student most distinguished in the final MBChB examination DISCIPLINE-BASED PRIZES - Year 5 Annandale Gold Medal and Awarded annually to the graduate in Prize in Surgery Medicine who is most distinguished in the assessment and Final Examination in Surgery. Thomas Keith Memorial Awarded to the MBChB graduate in Prize Medicine who is the runner up in the assessment and Final Examination in Surgery. Mouat Scholarship in the A bronze medal and a sum of money Practice of Physic awarded annually to the graduate in Medicine who has taken the highest place both in the class examination and in the Final Examinations (oral, clinical and written) in the Principles and Practice of Medicine. Murdoch Brown Silver Awarded annually on the basis of an Medal examination to the best of the six candidates who obtained the highest marks in the final examination in Clinical Medicine W.B. Ellis Prize in Child Bequest from the late Professor Emeritus Life & Health R.W.B. Ellis a sum of money, the income of which is to be used for two prizes to be awarded annually at graduation. The first to the student obtaining the highest marks in the Final Professional Examination in Child Life & Health, who will also be awarded the class medal. The second - to the student who completes the best paediatric project during his or her clinical clerkship in Child Life & Health. As stated in original bequest. £400 1st prize in Surgery. £600 + medal 2nd prize in Surgery. £350 1st Prize in Medicine. £200 + medal 2nd Prize in Medicine. £300 + Medal Prize in Child Life and Health. £100 Monroe Prize in Geriatric Medicine Prize in Geriatric Medicine. £100 Prize in General Practice. £400 Dorothea Walpole Memorial Prize together with Mrs. B E Sloggie's Prize Awarded on the recommendation of the Professor of Geriatric Medicine to a Final Year medical student on the basis of excellence in classwork and undergraduate in-course assessment in the Geriatric Medicine attachment(s) of the curriculum. Awarded annually to the Final Year medical student in the Faculty of Medicine on the basis of excellence in class work in the General Practice attachment. DISCIPLINE-BASED PRIZES - Year 4 Buchanan Scholarship Awarded annually to the graduate in Medicine who, throughout Phase III and including the Final Professional Examination, has shown the highest attainment in Gynaecology Lawson Gifford Prize together with the Dr. Ariel I Goldberg Prize Annual award to the graduate in Medicine in the year of the award who has obtained the highest mark in the written component of the Final Professional Examination in Gynaecology and Obstetrics James Scott Scholarship (with Gifford/Goldberg ) Awarded annually to the graduate in Medicine in the year of the award who, throughout Phase III and including the Final Professional Examination, has shown the highest attainment in Obstetrics James Monroe Prize in Psychiatry Awarded to a Final Year medical student on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Psychiatry. K Velluppillai prize in Opthalmology This prize is awarded to the best project in Opthalmology in the Year, either the best SSM in Year 4. (or either the best PBLP in Year 1.) N.B. student can only win prize once during MBCHB course. Awarded annually to the best medical student in the class of Dermatology Seggie Prize in Dermatology Third Year Prizes Colonel Thomas Biggam Memorial Medal and Prize in Pathology Ross-Inkster Medal A bronze medal and a sum of money awarded annually on the basis of the classwork and class examinations of the MBChB Professional examination (and, if necessary, an oral examination) in Pathology to the best undergraduate member of the class during the full course immediately preceding the award who has passed the Professional examination in the subject A bronze medal awarded annually to the student who, having attended the whole undergraduate course in Public Health, and having passed the Final Professional Examination in the subject, is considered the most distinguished student in the class. Awarded for excellence in Gynaecology on recommendations from the Professor of Obs & Gynae Awarded for excellence in Gynaecology on recommendations from the Professor of Obs & Gynae Awarded for excellence in Gynaecology on recommendations from the Professor of Obs & Gynae Awarded for excellence in after recommendations from the Professor of Psychiatry As stated in original bequest. £600 As stated in original bequest. Current award £100. Awarded to top ranked student for overall performance in year 3 £500 Awarded to 3rd ranked student for overall performance. (ARC prize of £250 awarded to 2nd ranked student.) £100 £600 £600 £400 £300 SECOND YEAR PRIZES John Aitken Carlyle Bursaries MacKenzie Bursaries Lauder Brunton Prize in Pharmacology FIRST YEAR PRIZES MacKenzie and Carlyle Bursaries are also used to make up 5 prizes to 1st years. Cunningham Memorial Medal Robert Wilson Memorial Prize Ian Oswald Prizes for Anatomy Dr. Kurt Gillis Prize in Anatomy September 2008 Two bursaries awarded at the end of the first year MBChB curriculum, taking into account class work and the results of the first Professional Examination in Anatomy and Biochemistry. One bursary awarded at the end of the whole course in Anatomy and Physiology, on the results of class work and the Professional Examination in Physiological Sciences. * Senior MacKenzie Bursaries will be awarded annually to students who have completed the 1st Professional MBChB Anatomy Examination and who, following oral examination, are awarded a distinction in Anatomy. * Junior MacKenzie Bursaries will be awarded to candidates who are awarded an A Grade in the 1st Professional MBChB Examination without an added distinction. The total number of prizes awarded in any one year depends on the number of candidates considered worthy and the availability of funds to meet the awards Awarded annually in the from of a medal and a sum of money on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Pharmacology to the most distinguished undergraduate in the Second Professional MBChB examination Included in prizes for overall performance in Year 2. Included in prizes for overall performance in Year 2. Awarded to students ranked 5. £150 See above under Year 2 prizes. Included in prizes for overall performance in Year 1. Awarded to students ranked 1 and 2. Included in prizes for overall performance in Year 1. £800 The medal is awarded annually with a sum of money to the student who, having attended the whole course in Anatomy including the Professional Examination in Anatomy at the end of the First Year and the parts of Anatomy which come into the Professional Examination in the Second Year, is considered to be the most distinguished student of the year in Anatomy. A medal, to be awarded annually at the end of the first year of the MBChB course, to the student who obtains the highest mark in the Biochemistry component of the First Professional MBChB Examination Two prizes awarded annually on the same general conditions as the Cunningham Memorial Medal, to students who have distinguished themselves in the course of Anatomy See above – Cunningham Memorial Medal £600 £300 x 2 Awarded to students ranked 1 and 2. Included in prizes for overall performance in Year 2. £600 £300 x 2 Awarded to students ranked 3 and 4. £400 x 2 £300 Awarded to student ranked 3. Included in prizes for overall performance in Year 1. Awarded to student ranked 4. Included in prizes for overall performance in Year 1. Awarded to student ranked 5. Included in prizes for overall performance in Year 1. Awarded to student ranked 6. £300 £300 £250