Minutes of St Nicholas Girls’ Alumnae Association Annual General Meeting 13 March 2010 at 2.00 pm AVA Room, St Nicholas Girls’ School (Primary) Present : Chairperson : Chow Wan Cheng Members: Chan Wan Mui Chng Woei Chow Wan Yong Fong Yoke San Goh Joo Leng Han Juat Jong Ho Se Yunn Ho Yuen San Kang Mei Ling Kho Sok Hui Koh Chern Peng Lai Kuan Ee, Elizabeth Lau Yoke Lin Lee Huay Leng 1 Lee Hui Feng Lee Teen Yen Lee Yuan Yu Lee, Yvonne Lim Shu Wei Lim Sor Lin Lin Chee Keen Low Miow Tian Loy Hsueh-Jiun Neo Keh Hoon, Melissa Ng Piak Hoon Ng Wee Teng, Nichol Ong Bee Chong Sie Tho Yuen Fung, Shirley Tan Aik Mian, Celine Tan Kah Eng, Patricia Tan Man Sim Tan Su Ling Teo, Lisa Chow Yoong Sien, Yvonne Woo Kwai Merng Yang Serene Yeng Chiah Ming Yeong Wee Eng Yip Phui Leng MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ON 28 MARCH 2009 The minutes were passed without any amendment. Proposer : Lee Huay Leng Seconder : Chan Wan Mui 2 SUMMARY REPORT OF ACTIVITIES IN 2009AND PLANS FOR 2010 President of the Alumnae Association (AA) Chow Wan Cheng welcomed all to the AGM. She highlighted the major events and achievements of the AA in 2009, and mentioned in particular that in 2009, the AA EXCO members had opportunities to meet up with the Principal and some teachers, the IJ Board and the Parents Support Groups (PSGs). The AAwould be working with the PSGs to synergise efforts for common projects to support the School for example, the holiday attachment programme for Sec 3 students. She then invited the Chairs of the various Sub-Committees to review the programmes in 2009 and the plans for 2010. 2.1 Education Sub-Committee Lee Huay Leng gave a brief on activities and events held in 2009, and the plan for 2010. English-Chinese translation programme as enrichment for Sec 1 and Sec 2 students started in 2008. Teachers were trained, textbook for students were prepared and printed. The classes for Sec 2 started in Jan 2009 with a Trainer/ Observer from Beijing to observe. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Observer left after a month, and the School teachers carried on with the teaching themselves. Monthly Fireside Chats were held for interested students to chat with old girls on various professional and social subjects. Chats in 2nd half of 2009 were stopped due to H1N1. The 4-monthly lecture series were held by inviting prominent professionals to address the Sec 3 and 4 students. A 3-day camp for Sec 2 students were held on 23-25 Oct 2009. With fewer students participating this year, there were better interation and rapport. The School had included this as a regular school programme for Sec 2s. In 2010, besides the Sec 2 camp and the translation programme which would continue, a Translation Camp is being planned. To strenghten support to the Primary School, a Chinese Drama programme for Primary School was also being planned. It would focus on Chinese drama, theatrical knowledge, language training and include family bonding activities. Training to teachers would be proveded. 2.3 Fund Raising Sub-Committee (FRC) Woo Kwai Merng briefed the meeting on FRC. In 2009, the main focus was still to raise funds for PRIME. To-date, over $1million had been raised through pledging, donations, naming of classrooms and other programmes such as the 75th anniversary dinner, sales of wines and calendars. In 2010, the original plan was to raise another $1 million for PRIME through naming 2 buildings under the 2 longserving ex-principals Sister St. Franciose and Mrs Hwang. However the IJ Board had just informed the School and the AA of its decision to allow naming of buildings only after a person in memorial and for a sum of more than $1 million. FRC would therefore need to reconsider the feasibility of the plan. In 2009, many AA activities were organised with unrecorded personal sponsorship from some EXCO and alumnae members. From 2010, FRC would work on raising funds to support programmes undertaken by the AA such as Teachers' Day Celebration, Ad hoc "token" treats for the School students and staff for motivation and rewards for good performance, and the mid-Autum Moonlight Party. 2.4 Membership and Member Welfare Sub-Committees Chng Woei reported that the Membership Sub-Committees had cleaned up most of the records and started issuing the new membership cards with ties for benefits from some retail outlets. The verification process would still need to be continued as many contact data were out-dated. Todate , there were about 2300 records in our database. About 900 of them were Associate Members. About 300400 Associate Members were added from the Sec 4 students graduating yearly. Each year, about 100+ old girls would join as Life members. For P1 Registration, a formal procedure to pre-register potential parents had been implemented, and that had reduced registration time and effort. Various programmes and events such as the Moonlight party, the chilled-out event were held for members and students. The Moonlight party was organised on 13 Oct 2009 as Mid-Autum celebration mainly for primary students as well as Homecoming day for old girls. With great effort and dedication from the organising committee, the Party was put up in less than 2 months. The event was attended by about 800 people (including retired teachers). More programmes would be organised in 2010 to allow more opportunities for members to meet up and network 2.5 Publication Sub-Committee Chng Woei reported that the Sub-Committee had revised the website with new features such as FAQs, search, and had more friendly presentation and interaction with users. More features would be added. Koh Chern Peng reported on the new electronic ErYa launched in 2009. She elaborated on the frequency and features put up together with team members who were stationed overseas. The electronic newsletter had reached members overseas too. For 2010, the same format would continue and Chern Peng requested alumnae to help provide info or articles on the various topics. A new "Down Memory Lane" section would be added. 3 FINANCIAL REPORT The Assistant Treasurer Celine Tan Aik Mien went through the report. Based on last AGM's comments, The personal sponsorship by members for some events had been reflected as members' donations in order to reflect the actual cost of the AA’s activities more accurately. Celine Tan also showed the Internal Control Procedures adopted by the AA on planning, budgeting and approval for funds for projects. Without further comments, the financial report was passed with Woo Kwai Merng as Proposer and Yeong Wee Eng the Seconder. 4 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION Han Juat Jong reported that the proposed amendments as approved at the last AGM were submitted to and approved by the Registry of Societies (ROS) which reverted with further changes. She highlighted the clauses counterproposed by ROS and explained their meaning and implication to the AA. Most changes were in ROS's standard clauses for sample constitution, and acceptance by the AA would have not much implication. With some clarifications, members present accepted the amendments as approved and proposed by ROS. In addition, Juat Jong informed that a further proposal had been received by the EXCO on Clause 11 on "AUDIT" to allow the 2 Auditors elected at AGM to hold office for two instead of one year only. All present agreed with the proposal and to seek approval from ROS for Auditors to hold office for 2 years like the EXCO members. Chow Wan Cheng proposed the move to make the change and Elizabeth Lai Kuan Ee seconded the motion. With no other comments, the acceptance of the proposed amendments as approved by ROS, and the proposal to allow the Auditors to hold office for 2 years were proposed by Yeong Wee Eng and seconded by Celine Tan. 5 NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF EXCO FOR THE YEAR 2010/2011 The President declared the nomination for the EXCO for 2010/2011 opened. The persons nominated for the various posts in the EXCO were as follows: Post President 1st Vice President Nominee Chow Wan Cheng Han Juat Jong Proposer Yeong Wee Eng Woo Kwai Merng Seconder Han Juat Jong Chan Wan Mui 2nd Vice President Secretary Assistant Secretary Treasurer Assistant Treasurer Lee Huay Leng Woo Kwai Merng Lisa Liew Celine Tan Aik Mian Kok Moi Lre Celine Tan Aik Mian Han Juat Jong Celine Tan Aik Mian Chow Wan Cheng Chow Wan Cheng Chng Woei Celine Tan Aik Mian Chow Wan Cheng Lim Sor Lin Celine Tan Aik Mian Nominations for 13 other EXCO members were as follows: Chng Woei Chan Wan Mui Chow Yoong Sien, Yvonne Han Li Lin Ho See Yuun Kang Mei Ling Lai Kuanee, Elizabeth Lau Yoke Lin Lee hui Feng Low Miow Tian, Florence Nichol Ng Ong Bee Chong Yeong Wee Eng Proposer : Lee Yuan Yu Seconder : Florence Low The nominations for the EXCO members were accepted and approved . 6 NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF AUDITORS 2 nominations for the 2 auditors were received: (a) Cheong Kum foong Proposer : Chow Wan Cheng Seconder : Lin Chee Keen (n) Loy Hsueh-Jiun Proposer : Chow Wan Cheng Seconder Lee Teen Yen The 2 nominations were accepted and approved. 7 SHARING FROM THE NEW PRESIDENT ON FUTURE DIRECTIONS FOR THE AA 7.1 The new President Chow Wan Cheng shared her thought on what the AA had been through and the challenges the AA would face this year, and urged members to come forward to help in the various programmes. She felt that the greatest achievement in 2009 was to have expanded the communication with the various related and supporting groups of St. Nicks, namely the IJ Board, the PSGs.. This would pave a long way for the years ahead. 2010 would be another challenging year for the AA. The AA would continue with the successful programmes established by the previous EXCO such as the Sec 2 camp, the fireside talks, the lecture series, the Translation Programme and the Moonlight/Homecoming party. For Lee Poh See Foundations, the AA would review with Mrs Hwang its objectives, selection and award criteria/processes and the funding positions. With more funding accounts being handled by the AA, the AA had also set up governance procedures for good practices and to ensure accountability. For PRIME, the earlier plan to raise funds through the naming of 2 buildings after the 2 long service exprincipals would need to be reconsidered. Kho Sok Hui suggested that the building be named "St Nicks Alumnae" regardless of the amount raised. Wan Cheng would need to check with the IJ Board . 8 OTHER MATTERS 8.1 30th Anniversary Celebration of the AA Wan Cheng announced that unless there were objections, the AA would like to organise an event to celebrate the 30 anniversary. All responded positively. A sub-committee consisting of Ho See Yunn and Elizabeth Lai had work out the prelim concept of a concert featuring the old school assembling scene, to be held end of this year. During the “School Assembly”, alumnae members would stage various performance. It could be staged at a commercial venue such as the Arts House and/or the School. 8.2 Sales of St Nicks Pre-School Uniform Old girl Tan su Ling (Class of 1992) did a search of the patterns and materials used for the pre-School Uniform and made a limited number of pieces for sale to raise funds for PRIME. All were urged to support the project. 8.3 Archival Project (SNGSAP) With the School moving out from AMK site temporarily, the project was set up to identify objects and furniture of historical significance, some of which dated back to the Victoria Street campus. The items were currently being stored at a site provided by MOE. These items would eventually be displayed at the new campus alongside photos/momentoes/verbal history collected from old girls, old teachers, friends of the school, Singapore Archive so as to document the history of SNGS. Chairperson of this project, Kang Mei Ling, said that over the next 1-2 years, help and contributions from old girls would be needed to collect and recover the relevant items, and gather stories and memories of St. Nicks. The project would be launched online in due course with the calling for contributions of items and ideas. 9 END OF MEETING The meeting ended at 6 pm. Recorded by : Lim Sor Lin