Week 13 & 14 Notes Heavy Metals Exposure Review Absorption, Distribution, & Excretion Lead (Pb) Lead paint Drinking water Paint banned containing >0.06% Lead -NORMAL urinary conc of lead is < 80ug/L -Patients with Lead poisoning have urine levels from 150300 ug/L. Major routes of absorption are GI and respiratory tracts. Adults absorb = 10% Kids absorb = 40%. Pb excreted in sweat, urine, milk, & deposited in hair and nails. Pb can cross placenta. -Fe deficiency ↑ Pb absorption. -Ca has reciprocal relationship w/ Pb -90% inhaled Pb is absorbed. -99% of absorbed Pb binds to RBCs. -Pb goes to tissues but eventually 95% is found in bone. -Pb in bone resembles Ca AND doesn’t contribute to toxicity. -Pb interferes w/ Vitamin D metabolism. -Decreased sperm count in Pb exposed males. -Lead Lines, diagnostic, traverse lines in the diaphyses on X-Ray -Half-life of Pb is 1-2 months (achieved in 6 months). Half-life in bone is 20-30 years. -Average daily intake of Pb is 0.2mg & positive Pb balance starts at 0.6mg. Mercury (Hg) Arsenic (As) Industrial uses: Thermometers Bleach Paint Dental amalgams Fungicides CHEMICAL FORMS OF Hg: Methyl Vapor (elemental mercury) Salts of mercury (Inorganic) Methylmercury (organic mercurials) Elemental mercury as amalgams is the major source of mercury exposure to the general public. Arsenicals are important in treatment of tropical diseases (African trypanosomiasis). -used as a chemotherapy -exposure is usually environmental and industrial. In the soil and by product of coal combustion and mining Major source is herbicides and pesticides. Daily intake of Arsenic is 300ug through food and water. Mercury forms covalent bonds with sulfur. Divalent mercury replaces the hydrogen atoms to form mercaptides. At low conc., mercurials can inactivate sulfhydryl enzymes and interfere with cellular metabolism and function. Chemical Forms of As: -oxidation states are trivalent and pentavalent. Mercury combines with thiols, phosphor, carboxyl, amide and amine groups. Elemental Mercury: -low absorption from GI non toxic. -Inhaled mercury is completely absorbed by lung & oxidized to divalent mercuric cation by catalase in RBCs. -Significant amount of vapor mercury enters brain before it is oxidized CNS toxicity. Inorganic Salts of Mercury: -Soluble mercuric salts (Hg2+) -Two oxidation states (mono and divalent) -Mercurous chloride, calomel -10% is absorbed in GI when taken orally and may remain in alimentary mucosa or intestine. -Non-uniform distribution after absorption; calomel makes in more soluble. -Highest conc found in KIDNEYS and retained longer than in other tissues. -does not readily cross BBB. -Half-life is 60 days excreted in urine. Organic Mercurials: -more completely absorbed from GI tract b/c they are lipid soluble and less corrosive to intestinal mucosa. ->90% methylmercury (alkylmercury salt) is absorbed in GI tract -Able to cross BBB and placenta and produce Organic Arsenics -arsenic linked covalently to carbon atom Trivalent Pentavalent -they are excreted more rapidly than inorganic arsenic. Pentavalent Arsenicals -Arsenate -low affinity for thiol groups and are much less toxic. -well-known uncoupler of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. Process called arsenolysis. Trivalent Arsenicals: - inorganic arsenite -primarily sulfhydryl reagents -inhibit many enzymes by reacting with biological ligands containing –SH groups. -the Pyruvate Dehydrogenase system is sensitive to trivalent arsenicals b/c of their interaction w/ 2 sulfhydryl groups of lipoic acid to form a stable 6-membered ring. ABSORPTION -high degree of absorption in GI of both tri and pentavalent Arsenic. -Arsenic trioxide, poorly watersoluble. -coarsely powdered material is less toxic b/c it is eliminated in the feces. DISTRIBUTION -dependant upon duration of administration and arsenic involved. -Stored in: Liver Kidney Heart Cadmium (Cd) -ranks close to lead and mercury and is associated in nature with zinc and lead. -high resistance to corrosion used in: Paint pigments Batteries Plastics Electroplating Galvanizing Most population gets cadmium in food contamination Average daily intake is 50ug. Drinking water doesn’t contribute significantly BUT smoking does. One cigarette contains 1-2ug cadmiuim Cadmium occurs in only ONE valency state, Cd2+. -Does not form stable alkyl compounds or other organometallic compounds ABSORPTION -Cd is absorbed poorly in GI tract, about 5%. -Respiratory absorption is more complete. -smokers may absorb 10-40% of inhaled cadmium. DISTRIBUTION -transported in blood, bound to blood cells and albumin. -FIRST distributed to Liver -then redistributed to kidney as cadmium-metallothionein. - 50% of total body burden is found in liver and kidney METALLOTHIONEIN-Protein with high affinity for metals like zinc and copper. -1/3 of its AA residues are cysteine -elevated levels of metallothionein may be protective and function to prevent the interaction of cadmium with other functional macromolecules. EXCRETION-With continuous environmental exposure, concentrations of the metal in tissues increases throughout life. -The body burden in a 50year old is about 30mg. -Half-life of cadmium the body is 10 to 30 years. --the long half-life renders cadmium an environmental poison very prone to accumulation. -FECAL elimination is more important over urinary excretion. -Urinary is only significant after 1 Week 13 & 14 Notes Acute Poisoning -Occurs from acid-soluble lead compounds or inhaled vapors. -Metal taste, nausea, and vomiting, abdominal pain. Milky vomit from PbCl2. -Black stools from lead sulfide. -Shock Syndrome- mass GI fluid loss. -Acute CNS symptoms are pain, muscle weakness and paresthesias. -Hemolytic anemia & hemoglobinuria. -Damaged kidneys DEATH 1-2 days neurological and teratogenic effects over inorganic mercury. -methylmercury combines with CYSTEINE to form a structure like methionine and the structure is accepted by capillary endothelial cells. -More uniformly distributed after absorption. The burden is in the rbcs with a ratio of 20:1 -Concentrates in hair b/c of its high Sulfhydryl content. -Excretion of methylmercury is in the FECES in a conjugate form with glutathione. -<10% appears in urine. -Half-life of methylmercury is 40-105 days. -Minamata disease is due to methylmercury poisoning. Microorganisms can convert inorganic mercury to methylmercury. Elemental Mercury: Short term exposure: within several hours Weakness Chills Metallic taste Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea Dyspnea Cough Tightness in chest Pulmonary toxicity: could progress to an interstitial pneumonitis with a compromise of respiratory function. Chronic Exposure: insidious form that is dominated by neurological effects. -referred to as ASTHENIC VEGETATIVE SYNDROME and consists of neurasthenic symptoms plus 3 of the following: Goiter ↑ uptake of radioiodine by -The TOXICITY is related to its clearance rate from the body and degree of accumulation. Lung Muscle (small amounts) Neural tissue (small amounts) Hair & Nails (b/c of high conc of sulfhydryl content of keratin) Found in the teeth and bone (b/c chemically similar to phosphorus) -Evident in hair 2 weeks after exposure and lasts for years. -Crosses the BBB substantial renal toxicity. EXCRETION -Pentavalent (arsenate) is coupled to the oxidation of glutathione (GSH) to form GSSG to form the trivalent (arsenite), which is methylated to form methyl and dimethylarsenite which is readily eliminated in the body. Eliminated by many routes: Feces Sweat Urine (MOST) Milk Hair Skin Lungs -Half-life for urinary excretion of arsenic is 3-5 days. Symptoms: GI discomfort w/in 1hour to 12 hours after oral ingestion Burning lips Constriction of the throat, difficulty swallowing are first symptoms. Severe gastric pain Projectile vomiting Severe diarrhea Oliguria, proteinuria, hematuria eventually anuria Marked skeletal cramps Severe thirst Loss of fluid proceeds, SHOCK appears. Hypoxic convulsions Coma and death In severe arsenic poisoning: DEATH CAN OCCUR WITHIN ONE HOUR, but usually 24 hrs. Results from inhalation of cadmium dusts and fumes and from the ingestion of cadmium salts. Toxic Effects: Oral intake Nausea Vomiting (bloody) Salivation Diarrhea (bloody) Abdominal cramps CADMIUM is more toxic when inhaled. Short-Term: after a few hours Irritation of respiratory tract Severe early pneumonitis Chest pains Nausea Dizziness Diarrhea MAY PROGRESS TO FATAL PULMONARY EDEMA Or residual emphysema 2 Week 13 & 14 Notes Chronic Poisoning Neuromuscular Effects GI Effects -PLUMBISM -CNS syndrome more common in kids -GI more common in adults. -Affects smooth muscle of gut intestinal symptoms are EARLY sign of exposure. -Anorexia, muscle discomfort, malaise, & headache. Constipation over diarrhea usually. -METALLIC taste. -Intestinal spasm severe ab pain LEAD COLIC (most distressing feature) -Calcium gluconate, administered via IV, relieves pain better than morphine. -LEAD PALSY- manifestation of advanced subacute poisoning. -Muscle weakness, fatigue, later paralysis -Muscle groups involved: Forearm, wrist, fingers, extraocular. -Wrist-drop or Foot-drop are pathognomonic for Pb poisoning. -NO sensory involvement thyroid. Tachycardia Labile pulse Gingivitis Dermographia ↑ Mercury in urine as mercury exposure continues: tremor depression irritability excessive shyness insomnia reduced selfconfidence emotional stability forgetfulness confusion impatience vasomotor disturbances (perspiration and blushing or erethism) -Renal dysfunction reported -TRIAD OF SYMPTOMS: 1. ↑ EXCITABILITY 2. TREMORS 3. GINGIVITIS Major manifestations. Inorganic Salts of Mercury: -inorganic mercury can produce severe toxicity. -ashen gray appearance of the mucosa of mouth, pharynx, intestine and causes intense pain Vomiting. -vomiting removes unabsorbed mercury from the stomach protective. -Corrosive effect on mucosa of GI results in HEMATOCHEZIA, with mucosal sloughing in feces. -Hypovolemic shock and death may occur. -Systemic toxicity may begin w/in a few hours and last a few days. -Strong METALLIC taste followed by stomatitis, gingival irritation, foul breath, & loosening of teeth. -RENAL TOXICITY is the most serious effect of inorganic mercury leading to oliguria and anuria. --with long term exposure the glomerular injury predominates with direct effects on basement membrane and mediated by immune complexes. -Acrodynia (pink disease)- is an erythema of the extremities, chest, and face WITH photophobia, diaphoresis, anorexia tachycardia Symptoms of chronic arsenic poisoning: (most common) Muscle weakness and aching Skin pigmentation (nipples, eyelids, axilla, neck) Hyperkeratosis Edema Other signs: Garlic odor of breath Excessive salivation and sweating Stomatitis (inflammatory disease of the mouth), generalized itching Sore throat Coryza (upper respiratory disease, inflammation, common cold) Lacrimation Numbness Burning or tingling of the extremities Dermatitis Vitiligo (skin disorder with smooth white spots) Alopecia Dermatitis and keratosis of the palm’s and soles are common features. -Mee’s Lines found on fingernails (white transverse lines of deposited arsenic that usually appear 6 weeks after exposure) -small doses of trivalent arsenic cause splanchnic hyperemia. -larger doses cause capillary transudation Tissue damage and bulk cathartic action of the increased fluid in the lumen lead to increased peristalsis and CHARACTERISTIC WATERY DIARRHEA (ricewater stools) -normal proliferation of epithelium is suppressed damaged is accentuated. -feces become bloody -upper GI tract damage leads to hematemesis. CARDIOVASCULAR EFFECTS: -Small doses induce mild vasodilation leading to facial edema. -larger doses evoke capillary dilation, increased capillary permeability mostly in splanchnic area. -gangrene results in extremities, especially the feet, aka Blackfoot disease. -Myocardial damage and hypotension. -ECG abnormalities (prolonged Q T interval and abnormal T waves) Long- Term exposure: Depends on routes of exposure. The KIDNEY is affected following either PULMONARY or GI exposure. -lung affects are observed after inhalation. N/A CARDIOVASCULAR EFFECTS: -cadmium may play a role in hypertension. - 3 Week 13 & 14 Notes CNS Effects Hematologic Effects Renal Effects -LEAD ENCEPHALOPHATHY -most serious and more common in kids than adults. -Early symptoms: Clumsiness Vertigo Ataxia Falling Headache Insomnia Restlessness Irritability Then as it develops, they become confused or excited. -Projectile vomiting is common. -HYPOCHROMIC, MICROCYTIC ANEMIA -resulting from ↓ lifespan of RBCs & inhibition of Heme synthesis. -Very low conc of Pb interfere with Heme synthesis at: α- aminolevulinate (alpha-ALA) dehydratase ferrochelatase both are sulfhydryl-dependant enzymes. -Accumulation of: protoporphyrin IX nonheme iron in RBCs by accumulation of alpha-ALA in plasma and ↑ urinary excretion of alpha-ALA. -Also urinary excretion of coproporphyrin III. -THE ↑ IN ALPHA-ALA SYNTHASE ACTIVITY IS DUE TO THE REDUCTION OF CELLULAR CONC. OF HEME, WHICH REGULATES THE SYNTHESIS OF ALPHA-ALA SYNTHASE BY FEEDBACK INHIBITION. -Renal Toxicity occurs in 2 forms: 1. a reversible renal tubular disorder 2. an irreversible interstitial nephropathy -Fanconi-like syndrome with: proteinuria hematuria casts in urine -Hyperuricemia w/ Gout -Histologically revealed by nuclear inclusion body, leadprotein complex. diarrhea or constipation This is after ingestion and is cause by hypersensitivity to mercury. Organic Mercurials: -information on methylmercury is because of large-scale accidents -Symptoms of Methylmercury exposure are mainly NEUROLOGICAL: visual disturbance ataxia paresthesias neurasthenia hearing loss dysarthria (difficulty in articulating words) mental deterioration muscle tremor movement disorders PARALYSIS & DEATH on severe exposure. Cerebral cortex (visual cortex) is sensitive to the toxic effects of methylmercury. -Fetus can have mental retardation and neuromuscular deficits even if mother is asymptomatic. DIAGNOSIS: -history of exposure -laboratory analysis -UL of non-toxic mercury is 34ug/dl. -blood level of >4ug/dl is abnormal -methylmercury is concentrated in RBCs and inorganic mercury is NOT. The distribution of total mercury between rbcs and plasma can indicate what type of mercury poisoning it is. -METHYLMERCURY in RBCs gives total body burden of organic mercury. -Mercury in PLASMA gives total body burden of Inorganic mercury levels. -UL of urinary mercury is 5ug/dl in normal adults -Hair is rich in sulfhydryl groups and is 300 times that in blood. Hair gives a good history of mercury exposure. Short & Long term exposure can cause ENCEPHALOPATHY. -most common is peripheral neuropathy with a “stocking glove” distribution of dysesthesia. (Similar to Guillain-Barre syndrome) -Followed by muscular weakness in the extremities. -cerebral lesions occur in both gray and white matter -characteristic multiple, symmetrical foci of hemorrhagic necrosis occurs. N/A Symptoms: Anemia Leukopenia (slight to moderate) Eosinophilia Anisocytosis with increased arsenic exposure N/A Some of the chronic hematologic effects may be a result from impaired absorption of folic acid. Serious, irreversible blood and bone marrow damage from organic arsenic is rare. The action of arsenic on the renal capillaries, tubules, and glomeruli may cause severe renal damage. -initially the glomeruli are effected and Proteinuria results. Oliguria Proteinuria Hematuria Casts Cd is taken up by the liver and can combine with glutathione and be excreted in the bile. -cadmium binds to metallothionein and is stored. -In the lysosomes of the kidney, cadmium is released. -a sufficient concentration (200ug/g) damages the kidney cell, resulting in: Proximal tubular injury Proteinuria Followed by: Glomerular injury occurs and filtration decreases Aminoaciduria Glucosuria Proteinuria Beta-microglobulin is a sensitive but not specific marker of cadmium induced nephrotoxicity. -RETINOL BINDING PROTEIN- is a better marker. 4 Week 13 & 14 Notes Other Effects Organic -ashen color of face -pallor of lips -retinal stippling -appearance of “premature” aging. -black/blue lead-line along the gingival margin from periodontal deposited lead sulfide. Also seen in MERCURY, BISMUTH, SILVER, THALLIUM OR IRON. -children with Pb levels of >10 ug/dl are at risk for developmental disabilities. -adults with Pb levels <30 have no symptoms BUT will have a decrease alpha-ALA dehydratase, in crease in urinary ALA & ↑ in rbc protoporphyrin. -Levels of 30-75 ug/dl have laboratory abnormalities and mild symptoms. -Levels above 100ug/dl, lead encephalopathy is observed. -Tetraethyllead & tetramethyllead, lipid-soluble, absorbed from skin, GI and Lungs. Tetraethyllead metabolically converts to triethyllead and inorganic lead and becomes toxic. -symptoms are common with CNS -anemia and basophilic stippling are Uncommon in organic lead poisoning. If patient survives, recovery is usually complete. LIVER Effects -inorganic arsenicals are very toxic to the liver and produce fatty infiltration, central necrosis, and cirrhosis. -severe damage results in DEATH -injury is usually to hepatic parenchyma BUT some appear to resemble occlusion of the bile duct SKIN effects Short term: Vesicant effect on skin that results in necrosis and sloughing. Long term: Low dose ingestion causes cutaneous vasodilation and a “milk and roses” complexion. -also prolonged use causes hyperkeratosis of the palms and soles and hyperpigmentation on the trunk and extremities possibly leading to cancer. Carcinogenesis & Teratogenesis effects Long term exposure to inorganic arsenicals predisposes one to intraepidermal squamous-cell and superficial basal cell CA. Also suspected to cause lung and liver cancer PULMONARY EFFECTSLoss of ventilatory capacity and corresponding increase in residual lung volume occurs with excessive and continual inhalation of cadmium dusts and fumes. -Symptoms Dyspnea Emphysema Cadmium specifically inhibits the synthesis of plasma alphaantitrypsin and there is an association between severe anti-trypsin deficiency of genetic origin and emphysema in human beings BONE EFFECTSHallmarks of itai-itai (ouchouch) is osteomalacia. -inverse relationship with cadmium exposure and calcium body stores. CANCER -produces tumors when administered to animals -lung and prostate tumors of occupational exposure. Measurement in BLOOD of concentration of Mercury (or any other metal) done first. Treatment -Pb concentrations determined by blood and protoporphyrin in RBCs. -Since lead interferes with heme synthesis then there is a build-up of alpha-ALA & coproporphyrin in Urine & ZINC. -Prevention of further exposure -Seizures are treated with diazepam -Edema treated with mannitol and dexamethasone. Chelation Indicated in symptomatic patients w/ Pb levels of >50-60 ug/dl in blood. Four chelators: 1. CaNa2EDTA (IM or IV) 2. Dimercaprol (IM) 3. D-penicillamine (oral) 4. Succimer (oral, first for kids) Dimercaprol and CaNa2DTA combined are better than singly. Elemental Mercury (Vapor): -terminate exposure -monitor pulmonary status -chelation therapy Inorganic Mercury: -attention to fluid/ electrolyte balance and heme status in oral exposure. -Emesis (vomiting) can be induced. Little effect after 3060 minutes of oral exposure. -endoscopic evaluation -coagulation parameters are watched. -Activated Charcoal may be given. The affinity of Mercury for thiols provides the basis for treatment of mercury poisoning with Dimercaprol and penicillamine. -Chelation Therapy Dimercaprol (high level exposures or symptomatic patients) By IM, and the chelatormercury complex is excreted in feces/urine. TREATMENT Short-term exposure to arsenic: -prevent further absorption -watch intravascular volume, since the effects on the GI can result in fatal hypovolemic shock. -Hypotension requires fluid replacement Chelation Therapy -begun with Dimercaprol until abdominal symptoms subside and charcoal is passed in feces. -oral treatment of penicillamine may be used after dimercaprol. -Succimer, derivative of dimercaprol, is a promising agent. Long-Term Exposure: -oral penicillamine alone is Short –term exposure Removed from the source Pulmonary ventilation should be monitored. Medical respiratory support and steroidal therapy may be necessary NO PROVEN BENEFIT -some doctors recommend chelation with CaNa2EDTA. -should be instituted as soon as possible after exposure b/c rapid decrease in chelation therapy effectiveness parallels the sites of distribution. Chronic exposure: Dimercaprol Substituted dithiocarbamates Appear helpful. 5 Week 13 & 14 Notes Penicillamine (low level exposures or asymptomatic patients). The chelator-mercury complex is excreted in the urine only. Succimer- oral chelator, effective but not yet approved by FDA. Exposure to elemental or inorganic poisonings. okay but can be used with dimercaprol. -duration of therapy is dependant upon clinical condition and is aided by urinary arsenic levels. -hemodialysis may be required when chelation therapy becomes limited or there is arsenic-induced nephropathy. Organic Mercury -reacts poorly with chelators -dimercaprol is CONTRAindicated b/c it ↑ brain concentrations of methylmercury. -Penicillamine works but it isn’t very effective and the concentration increases before it decreases. Caused by mobilization of metal from tissues to blood. -conventional hemodialysis is of little value b/c methylmercury accumulates in the RBCs and little is in the plasma. -HOWEVER, l-cysteine can be infused during dialysis to turn methylmercury into a diffusible form. 6 Week 13 & 14 Notes Water Soluble Vitamins Chemistry Physiological Functions TPP, active form of thiamin, functions: -Carbohydrate metabolism, in DECARBOXYLATION of alpha-Keto acids (pyruvate & alpha-ketoglutarate) -Utilization of Pentose in Hexose monophosphate shunt involving TPPdependant enzyme transketolase. THIAMIN Deficiency: -oxidation of alpha-keto acids is impaired -increase in blood pyruvate (DIAGNOSTIC) Thiamin, B1 -Thiamin is a pyrimidine & a thiazole nucleus linked by a methylene bridge. -Conversion of thiamin to its coenzyme form, TPP (thiamin pyrophosphate), by thiamin diphosphokinase. -The enzyme is inhibited by antimetabolites to thiamin, like neopyrithiamine and oxythiamine. NUTRITURE Assessment -measurement of transketolase activity in RBCs CHRONIC ALCOHOLICSwith polyneuritis and motor or sensory defects should receive a minimum of 40mg, oral thiamin daily. -Wernicke-Korsakoff SyndromeAcute emergency that should be treated with 100mg daily thiamin via IV. PREGNANCY -pregnancy increases the thiamin requirement slightly -neuritis is in the form of peripheral nerve involvement Riboflavin, B2 Riboflavin carries out functions in the body as riboflavin phosphate aka Flavin mononuculeotide (FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). Riboflavin is converted to FMN and FAD by two enzyme-catalyzed reactions: 1. Riboflavin + ATP FMN + ADP 2. FMN + ATP FAD + FMN and FAD, the physiologically active forms of riboflavin, serve a vital role in metabolism as coenzymes for respiratory flavoproteins, some of which contain metals (xanthine oxidase which contains molybdenum) ANEMIA- that develops is NORMOCYTIC, Symptoms of Deficiency Thiamin Deficiency: -Leads to condition known as BERIBERI (Asia). -In US, Alcoholism or alcoholic neuritis is most common cause of thiamin deficiency. 1. poor appetite 2. caloric intake is mostly alcohol Wernicke’s Syndrome(respond to vitamin B1 only) ophthalmoplegia nystagmus (rapid eyeball movement, from dizziness) ataxia acute global confusional state Patients w/ Wernicke’s encephalopathy have an abnormality in thiamin dependant enzyme, transketolase. Therefore thiamin supplementation may produce neurological damage. Untreated this encephalopathy can lead to: Korsakoff’s Psychosis learning and memory impairment confabulation less likely reversible. Infantile BERIBERI -Rare In modern societies -Significant still in third world countries. -Related to LOW thiamin content in breast milk of thiamin-deficient mothers. Symptoms: loss of appetite vomiting greenish stools paroxysmal attacks of muscular activity APHONIA, due to loss of laryngeal nerve function, is DIAGNOSTIC Infants respond to 10mg thiamin IF acute collapse occurs, doses of 25mg IV are given. Riboflavin Deficiency: Symptoms Sore throat Angular stomatitis Glossitis Cheilosis (red denuded lips) Seborrheic dermatitis of face Dermatitis of trunk and extremities Other Subacute Necrotizing Encephalomyelopathy: Fatal inherited disease of children Neuropathological features resemble WernickeKorsakoff syndrome Clinical features include: Difficulties feeding and swallowing Vomiting Hypotonia External ophthalmoplegia Peripheral neuropathy Seizures Distribution of lesions and elevated pyruvate and lactate suggest a relationship to thiamin. Some cases have a circulating INHIBITOR of the enzyme that synthesizes thiamin triphosphate from TPP Defects in pyruvate dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase have been found in tissue samples. CARDIOVASCULAR Disorder -CVD due to thiamin deficiency responds markedly to supplementation. -cardiac output is reduced and oxygen utilization returns to normal. -Edema responds to diuresis Chronic deficiency: -require protracted therapy -usual dose is 10-30mg three times daily, given parenterally. -glucose admin may precipitate heart failure in individuals with marginal thiamin status. GI Disorders -thiamin has been used uncritically for Ulcerative colitis GI Hypotonia Chronic diarrhea BUT it is not efficacious. Nutriture Assessment:\ dietary history with clinical and laboratory findings. Evaluation of urinary excretion (<50 ug of riboflavin daily is considered deficient) Flavin evaluation in blood is not of diagnostic value. 7 Week 13 & 14 Notes PP Riboflavin, B2 NORMOCHROMIC and is associated reticulocytopenia. -leukocytes & platelets are normal. -riboflavin supplementation causes reticulocytosis and hemoglobin to return to normal. -Anemia, in riboflavin deficiency can be related to disturbances in folic acid metabolism. NAD and NADP are the physiologically active forms of Nicotinic acid. They serve as coenzymes for metabolic redox reactions, essentially for tissue respiration. The coenzymes, bound to dehydrogenases, function as OXIDANTS by accepting electrons and hydrogen from substrates and thus become REDUCED. The reduced pyridine nucleotides, in turn, are reoxidized by FLAVOPROTEINS. NAD also participates as a substrate in the transfer of ADP-ribosyl moieties to proteins. Niacin, B3 Nicotinic acid functions in the body after the conversion to either nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP). Nicotinamide is the precursor of NAD, which is in all tissues. The metabolic pathway of NAD to tryptophan is complicated. 60mg of tryptophan generates 1mg of niacin. Oxidative Reactions in which NAD is reduced to NADH Glycolysis Oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate Oxidation of Acetyl CoA by Krebs cycle Beta Oxidation of Fatty acids Oxidation of ethanol NADPH generated from NADP: Part of Hexose Monophosphate Shunt & mitochondrial membrane malate-pyruvate shuttle. Fatty acid synthesis Cholesterol and hormone synthesis Anemia Neuropathy Corneal vscularization and cataract formation (in some) The most sensitive method for determining riboflavin nutriture is the measurement of the activity of erythrocyte glutathione reductase, an enzyme requiring FAD as a coenzyme. Riboflavin deficiency rarely occurs in isolation, and is associated along with other vitamins deficiencies. Associated with: 1. alcoholics 2. low income status 3. hospitalized patients 4. children in urban area. 5. newborns treated with UV light for hyperbilirubinemia. 6. breast fed infants b/c of low riboflavin in milk Niacin Deficiency PELLAGRA- signs and symptoms in the skin, GI, and CNS. Triad of Symptoms referred to as the “three Ds” 1. Dermatitis 2. Diarrhea 3. Dementia Pellagra occurs mostly with Alcoholics Protein calorie malnutrition Deficiencies of multiple vitamins First symptoms: Erythematous eruption resembling sunburn appears on back of hand. -The lesions become widespread, are symmetrical, darken, desquamate and finally scar the skin. Chief symptoms: Stomatitis Enteritis Diarrhea (watery/ maybe bloody) Tongue- red/swollen Excessive salivation Nausea Vomiting STEATORRHEA CNS Symptoms: Headache Dizziness Insomnia Depression Memory impairment Severe Cases: Delusions Hallucinations Dementia Motor & sensory disturbances of peripheral nerves Nutriture Assessment Biochemical assessment of deficiency is attempted by the measurement of urinary excretion of methylated metabolites of nicotinic acid (eg N-methylnicotinamide) -Does NOT provide unequivocal evidence of deficiency. NIACIN Status: -measurement of nicotinamide in blood & urine has NOT been useful in determining niacin status. DIAGNOSIS: Based on clinical findings with response to nicotinamide supplementation. NICOTINIC ACID (2 to 6 g/day) IS USED TO TREAT HYPERLIPOPROTEINEMIA. Toxicity of Nicotinic acid: Flushing Pruritus GI distress Hepatotoxicity Activation of peptic ulcer disease. ANEMIA- that develops is Macrocytic. -Other lab findings: Hypoalbuminemia Hyperuricemia 8 Week 13 & 14 Notes Niacin, B3 Oxidation of glutamate Synthesis of DNA and precursors Regeneration of glutathione, Vitamin C and thioredoxin Reactions in folate metabolism Nicotinic acid and Nicotinamide are identical in their functions as vitamins. HOWEVER, they differ markedly as pharm. agents. NICOTINIC acid is NOT DIRECTLY CONVERTED TO NICOTINAMIDE, which arises from metabolism of NAD. Coenzyme A serves as a cofactor for enzymecatalyzed reactions involving the transfer of acetyl (twocarbon) groups…bound to the sulfhydryl group of Coenzyme A. Pantothenic Acid, B5 Pantothenate consists of PANTOIC acid complexed to BETA-ALANINE. This is transformed in the body to 4PHOSPHOPANTETHEINE by phosphorylation and linkage to cysteamine. -Incorporated into the functional forms of the vitamin as: Coenzyme A Acyl Carrier Protein Oxidative metabolic reactions of Coenzyme A include: Carbohydrates (Krebs cycle) Gluconeogenesis Degradation of Fatty acids Synthesis of cholesterol (sterols), steroid hormones, and porphyrins, bile salts, ketone bodies. Heme synthesis (w/ AA glycine) Post-translation modification of proteins, including acetylation of internal AA, fatty acid acylation. Component of Acyl Carrier Protein: Pantothenate participates in fatty acid synthesis Three forms of Vitamin B6: 1. Pyridoxine (PN) 2. Pyridoxal (PL) 3. Pyridoxamine (PM) Pyridoxine, B6 The compounds differ in the nature of the substituent on the carbon atom in position 4 of the pyridine nucleus: a primary alcohol (pyridoxine), the corresponding aldehyde (pyridoxal) and an aminoethyl group (pyridoxamine). Mammals can utilize each of the three forms after PLP, as a coenzyme is involved in metabolic transformations of AA including: Decarboxylation (formation of GABA from glutamate, serotonin from 5-HTP (or tryptophan to 5hydroxytryptamine), histamine synthesis, dopamine synthesis from tyrosine.) Transamination (AST and ALT PLP forms schiff base) Enzyme-bound PLP is Pantothenic Acid Deficiency Symptoms: Neuromuscular degeneration Adrenocortical insufficiency Syndrome devoid of B5 is characterized by: Fatigue Headache Sleep disturbances Nausea Vomiting Abdominal cramps Flatulence Paresthesias in extremities Muscle cramps Impaired coordination Nutriture Assessment Plasma pantothenic acid concentrations <100mg/dL are thought to reflect low pantothenate intakes. HOWEVER, plasma levels are not a good correlate. Urinary pantothenate excretion is considered to be a better indicator of status, with excretion of <1mg/day considered indicative of poor status. Not seen in humans consuming a normal diet probably because food sources are ubiquitous. Pyridoxine Deficiency SKIN: Seborrhea like skin lesions about the eyes, nose, & mouth accompanied by glossitis and stomatitis appear within a few weeks of deficiency. Nutriture Assessment NERVOUS SYSTEM: -Convulsion seizures occur and can be prevented with the vitamin. -The cause of these seizures could be the result of: a lowered concentration of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). An abnormally high xanthurenic acid excretion (>25mg in 6 hours) is found in B6 deficiency b/c 3-hydroxykynurenine, an intermediate in tryptophan metabolism, cannot lose its alanine moiety and be converted to 3- hydroxyanthranilate, as should occur in the Liver. -The measurement of Xanthurenic Acid excretion following TRYTOPHAN LOADING (2g or 100mg of tryptophan/ kg body weight). 9 Week 13 & 14 Notes conversion in the LIVER to pyridoxal 5’-phosphate (PLP). The reaction is catalyzed by an FMN-dependent oxidase. PLP is the active form of the vitamin. Pyridoxine, B6 animated to PMP by the donor acid, and the bound PMP is then DEAMINATED to PLP by the acceptor alpha-keto acid. Racemization (PLP required by racemases that catalyze the interconversion of Dand L- amino acids.) Transulfhydration & Desulfhydration (where PLP is required for Transulfhydration reactions in which cysteine is synthesized from methionine.) Enzymatic steps in the metabolism of sulfurcontaining and hydroxyamino acids. Cleavage (requiring PLP for the removal of hydroxymethyl group from serine and transfers it to THF so glycine is formed. The enzyme, glutamate decarboxylase requires PLP, which synthesizes this inhibitory CNS neurotransmitter (GABA). PLP deficiency leads to decreased concentrations of the neurotransmitters, norepinephrine and 5hydroxytryptamine. INSTEAD, 3-hydroxykynurenine is converted to xanthurenic acid and excreted in urine. CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME: -peripheral neuritis associated with carpal synovial swelling and tenderness has been attributed to PLP deficiency. If supplementation works then there was probably a vitamin deficiency. Biotin Deficiency The forms of biotin: Free biotin Biocytin D & L sulfoxides of biotin Biotin, B7 Or Vitamin H Biocytin could represent a degradation product of a biotin-protein complex because in its role as a coenzyme, the vitamin is covalently linked to an amino group of a LYSINE residue of the apoenzyme involved. In human tissues biotin is a cofactor for the enzymatic carboxylation of four substrates: 1. Pyruvate Carboxylase 2. Acetyl CoA Carboxylase 3. Propionyl CoA Carboxylase 4. -Methylcrotonyl CoA Carboxylase Biotin also plays a role in BOTH carbohydrate and fat metabolism. CO2 fixation occurs in a twostep reaction 1. Involving binding of CO2 to the biotin moiety of the holoenzyme. 2. Involving transfer of biotin-bound CO2 to an appropriate acceptor. Choline is made in the body from methylation of SERINE using S-adenosyl methionine (SAM). Choline Not a vitamin as defined above. Serine is its source of Nitrogen. In the body, Choline functions as: a methyl donor neurotransmitter, acetylcholine Phospholipid, phosphatidyl choline (lecithin) & sphingomyelin. Effects the mobilization The vitamin is SYNTHESIZED by intestinal bacteria in humans. Therefore to obtain deficiency one must: Eliminate bacteria Eat raw eggs (Avidin) Administer antimetabolites of biotin to produce deficiency. Signs & Symptoms: Dermatitis Atrophic glossitis Hyperesthesia Muscle pain Lassitude Anorexia Slight anemia Changes in ECG. Inborn errors of biotindependent enzymes are known and respond to massive doses of biotin. Choline Deficiency Choline deficient animals reflect many defects including: fat accumulation in the liver cirrhosis increased incidence of HEP CA Hemorrhagic renal lesions Motor incoordination NONE of these manifestations have been identified in HUMANS. Acetylcholine Formation: Nutriture Assessment Assessment is either blood or urine. Low plasma levels do not reflect adequately biotin status. Decreased urinary biotin excretion coupled with increased urinary excretion of 3-hydroxy isovaleric acid generated from altered metabolism of Bmethylcrotonyl CoA has been shown to be a sensitive indicator of biotin status. Phospholipid constituent Choline is a component of the major phospholipid, LECITHIN and also a constituent of PLASMALOGENS, which are abundant in mitochondria and SPHINGOMYELIN, which is in the brain. CHOLINE IS A STRUCTURAL COMPONENT. Lipotropic Action Substances that stimulate the removal of excess fat from the liver are known as lipotropic agents and include: Choline Inositol Methionine 10 Week 13 & 14 Notes of fat from the liver (lipotropic action) AUTACOID plateletactivating factor (PAF). Methyl Donor Choline can donate methyl groups necessary for the synthesis of other compounds. The first step in transfer is the formation of BETAINE, which is the immediate donor of the methyl group. Thus choline can transfer a methyl group to HOMOCYSTEINE to form METHIONINE. Inositol Inositol (hexahydroxycyclohexane) is an ISOMER of GLUCOSE. There are SEVEN optically inactive and ONE pair of optically active stereoisomeric forms of inositol possible. The optically INactive, MYOINOSITOL, is nutritionally active. Choline is transported b/n the brain and the plasma by a bidirectional system localized in the endothelium of brain capillaries. Vitamin B12 Folic Acid Some of these components provide methyl groups for the synthesis of choline. Formation of the lipid components of plasma lipoproteins thus is permitted and this facilitates transport of fat from the liver. The physiological role of inositol resembles that of choline in part. Inositol is present in the form of PHOSPHATIDYLINOSITOL in the phospholipids of cell membranes and plasma lipoproteins. Phosphorylated derivatives of inositol are released from such phospholipids in membranes in response to a variety of hormones, autacoids, and neurotransmitters. Only L-Carnitine is synthesized in tissues. It possesses biological activity. Carnitine, another nitrogen-containing compound is MADE in the liver (and kidney) from LYSINE (Gropper, 189) which has bee methylated using methyl groups from SAM, made from the amino acid, methionine. Participate in synthesis of Carnitine: Iron Vitamin B6 Vitamin C Niacin, B3 Muscle represents the primary carnitine pool, although no carnitine is made there. Carnitine is found in most body tissues and is needed for the transport of fatty acids, especially long chain fatty acids across the inner mitochondrial membrane for oxidation. The inner mitochondrial membrane is impermeable to long chain (>10) fatty acyl CoAs. Carnitine also forms acylcarnitines from short chain acyl CoAs. These Acylcarnitines may serve to buffer the free Coenzyme A pool. Carnitine Acetylcholine is synthesized from choline and acetyl CoA by CHOLINE ACETYLTRANSFERASE and is broken down by ACETYLCHOLINESTERASE. Carnitine: Important for the oxidation of Fatty acids Facilitates the metabolism of carbohydrates Enhances the rate of oxidative phosphorylation Promotes the excretion of certain organic acids. These functions result from the following circumstances: 1. There exists a number of carnitine acyltransferases that catalyze the interconversion of fatty acid esters of coenzyme A (CoA) and carnitine. These are strategically located in the cytosol and the mitochondrial membranes. 2. The esters of CoA and carnitine are thermodynamically equivalent, such that the net formation of either depends solely on the relative concentrations of reactants. 3. Specific translocases exist in the mitochondrial and plasma membranes. Mitochondrial translocases transports BOTH free carnitine and its esters in either direction. The renal tubular cell (luminal plasma membrane) transports ONLY free carnitine from tubular urine. FREE CARNITINE IS ACTIVELY TRANSPORTED INTO CELLS AND Carnitine Deficiency Primary carnitine deficiency- observed in a group of uncommon inherited disorders. Lipid Metabolism is affected resulting in storage of fat in muscle and functional abnormalities of cardiac and skeletal muscle. They are either systemic or myopathic. Systemic Disorders- low concentration of carnitine in plasma, muscle and liver. Symptoms include: Muscle weakness Cardiomyopathy Abnormal hepatic function Impaired ketogenesis Hypoglycemia during fasting Myopathic Disease is characterized primarily by muscle weakness. Fatty infiltration of muscle fibers is observed at biopsy and the concentration of carnitine is low BUT plasma concentrations of carnitine are normal. Secondary forms of Carnitine deficiency: Renal tubular disorders (excessive carnitine excretion) Chronic renal failure (hemodialysis may promote excessive loss( Inborn errors of metabolism associated with increased circulating concentrations of organic acids may become deficient in carnitine. Patients receiving total parental nutrition (TPN) lacking carnitine. In the presence of genetic deficiency of one of the Acyl CoA dehydrogenases, carnitine serves to promote the removal of the corresponding organic acid from cells and the blood b/c the acylcarnitine can be transported out of the mitochondria and into circulation BUT CANNOT be reabsorbed from renal tubules. Such removal of acylcarnitines from the blood or cells carries the risk of producing a state of relative carnitine deficiency. Primary Carnitine Deficiency- the mainstay of treatment of systemic carnitine deficiency is a high-carbohydrate, low fat diet. Variable response to carnitine supplementation (up to 4 g daily). Renal Disease- patients receiving chronic hemodialysis can 11 Week 13 & 14 Notes 4. ACYLCARNITINES ARE TRANSPORTED OUT OF CELLS. Fatty acid esters of CoA are formed almost exclusively in the cytosol and are NOT transported across membranes. They also INHIBIT enzymes of the Krebs cycle and those involved in oxidative phosphorylation. Hence, the oxidation of fatty acids requires the formation of acylcarnitines and their translocation into mitochondria, where the CoA esters are reformed and metabolized. develop skeletal and possibly myocardial muscle carnitine deficiency. Treatment with L-carnitine may minimize deficiency and improve symptoms like muscle weakness and cramps. Cardiomyopathies & Ischemic cardiovascular diseasemyocardial energy needs are satisfied by fatty acid oxidation. Myocardial ischemia causes depletion of cardiac carnitine and accumulation of long-chain FA esters of CoA and carnitine. The acylcarnitines may be important in the genesis of arrhythmias. -Carnitine maintains a favorable ratio of FREE to Esterified CoA in the mitochondria that is optimal of oxidative phosphorylation and also the consumption of acetyl CoA. -In ISCHEMIC cardiac or skeletal muscle, this results in reduced formation of lactate and increased capacity to perform mechanical work. Ascorbic acid functions as a cofactor in a number of HYDOXYLATION and amidation reactions by transferring electrons to enzymes that provide reducing equivalents. Ascorbic acid is a six-carbon keto-lactone structurally related to glucose and other hexoses. It is reversibly oxidized in the body to DEHYDROASCORBIC ACID, which has full activity. Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin C Ascorbic acid has an optically active atom and ANTISCORBUTIC activity resides almost totally in the Lisomer. Also erythorbic (Disoascorbic acid, Daraboascorbic acid) have weak antiscorbutic action but a similar redox potential. BOTH compounds have been used to prevent NITROSAMINE FORMATION from nitrites cured in meats. One of the consequences of ascorbic acid oxidation is the readiness with which it can be DESTROYED by exposure to air, especially in an ALKALINE medium and if COPPER is present as a catalyst. UNABLE TO SYNTHESIZE VITAMIN C Humans Other primates Guinea pigs Bats Humans, monkeys, and guinea pigs lack the hepatic enzyme (gulonolactone oxidase) required to carry out the last reaction, which is the conversion of Lgulonolactone to L-ascorbic acid. Functions and MOA1. Carnitine Synthesis- oxidation of lysine side chains in proteins to provide hydroxytrimethyllisine 2. Collagen synthesis- required for the conversion of proline and lysine residues in Procollagen to hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine. 3. Tyrosine synthesis and catabolism- tyrosine synthesis requires hydroxylation of phenylalanine via the irondependent enzyme phenylalanine monooxygenase (hydroxylase) and requires tetrahydrobiopterin. Vitamin C is thought to function in the regeneration of tetrahydrobiopterin from dihydrobiopterin. 4. Neurotransmitter synthesis- Norepinephrine: the hydroxylation of dopamine (copper-dependent enzyme). Serotonin: hydroxylation of tryptophan. 5. Other neurotransmitters & Hormones- Ascorbic acid promotes the activity of an enzyme (peptidylglycine αamidating monooxygenase) thought to be involved in the processing of certain peptides, such as, oxytocin, ADH, CCK, bombesin or GRP, calcitonin, CRP, gastrin, thyrotropin, CRF, and GHRF. As a reductant fro the required amidating enzyme, vitamin C assumes an INDIRECT role in many regulatory processes. 6. Microsomal metabolism- Endogenous: various hormones and steroids, such as, cholesterol. Vitamin C plays an undefined role in synthesis of bile salts from cholesterol. Vitamin C also participates in aldosterone and cortisol synthesis. Exogenous: substrates for microsomal metabolism are usually xenobiotics, such as, drugs, alcohol, carcinogens, pesticides, food additives and pollutants. The hydroxylation reactions are catalyzed by monooxygenase or cytochrome P450 and require reducing agents such as vitamin C and NAD(P)H and oxygen. 7. Antioxidant activity- Vitamin C functions as a reducing agent or electron donor to regenerate other antioxidants such as Vitamin E and glutathione and urate. It also reduces reactive oxygen and nitrogen species such as the hydroxyl radical (OH·), hydroperoxyl radical (HO2·), Superoxide radical (O2-), alkoxyl radical (RO·), and peroxyl radical (RO2·). Also H2O2, singlet 1O2, and hypochlorous acid (HOCl) are scavenged by vitamin C. 8. Folate metabolism- maintains folate in a reduced state (as tetrahydrofolate, THF, the active form, or dihydrofolate) & the conversion of folic acid to folinic acid. Folate is necessary for hemoglobin synthesis and hence vitamin C is indirectly. 9. Other functions- collagen gene expression, synthesis of bone matrix, proteoglycans, fibronectin & elastin, regulation of cellular nucleotide (cAMP and cGMP) concentrations, immune function, and complement synthesis. 10. Pro-Oxidant- Vitamin C can act as a pro-oxidant because Vitamin C Deficiency Scurvy- associated with a defect in collagen synthesis that is apparent in the failure of wounds to heal, in defects in tooth formation, and in the rupture of capillaries, which leads to numerous petechiae and their coalescence to form ecchymoses. Petechiae is attributed to leakage from capillaries because of inadequate adhesion of the endothelial cells. Scurvy encountered in: Elderly people living alone Alcoholics Drug addicts Inadequate diets including infants Spontaneous cases: Loosening of the teeth Gingivitis Anemia due to ascorbic acid in hemoglobin synthesis Infants don’t want to be touched b/c of hemorrhages under the periosteum of the long bones which result in hematomas Lower vitamin C plasma levels are observed in SMOKERS because of a high metabolic turnover rate of the vitamin. The RDA is 100mg/day for smokers. Oral Contraceptives also lower vitamin C levels and higher requirements may be needed following surgery or infection (infectious diseases). 12 Week 13 & 14 Notes it can reduce transition metals like cupric to cuprous (Cu2+ to Cu1+) and ferric to ferrous (Fe3+ to Fe2+), while itself becoming oxidized to semi-dehydroascorbate. Vitamin C enhances the intestinal absorption of nonheme iron either by reducing it to ferrous or by forming a soluble complex with the iron in the alkaline pH of the small intestine. Fat Soluble Vitamins Chemistry Physiological Functions Supplied exogenously and most actions of Vitamin A are exerted through hormone-like receptors. Vitamin A Retinol (vitamin A1)-an alcohol is present in an esterified form in the liver of animals and saltwater fish. Retinoid Retinoic acid Retinal- an aldehyde Carotene (provitamin A)- most active is beta-carotene. 3- Dehydroretinol (vitamin A2)- obtained from tissues of freshwater fish and mixed with retinol. Physiological functions of Vitamin A: -plays a central role in the function of the retina b/c it is necessary for the growth and differentiation of epithelial tissue and is required for growth of bone, reproduction, and embryonic development. Vitamin A and its analogs enhance immune system reduce the consequences of infectious diseases protect against the development of malignancies. Used to treat a number of skin diseases associated with aging and sun-exposure b/c of its effects of epithelial tissues. A number of geometric isomers of retinol exist b/c of the cis-trans configurations around the double bonds in the side chain. Interconversion b/n isomers readily takes place in the body In the VISION CYCLE: Vitamin A The reaction b/n retinal and opsin to from rhodopsin only occurs with the 11-cis isomer. 1. oxidation of retinol to all-trans retinal 2. conversion of all-trans retinal to 11-cis retinal 3. binding of 11-cis retinal to opsin 4. uptake of retinol into photoreceptor rod cells Potency: Of all the derivatives, all-trans-retinol and its aldehyde, retinal, exhibit the greatest biological potency in vivo. 3-dehydroretinol has 40% of the potency of all-trans retinol. Retinoic acid is very POTENT in promoting growth and controlling cell differentiation and maintenance of epithelial tissue in vitamin-A deficient animals. HOWEVER it is INEFFECTIVE in restoring visual or reproductive function in certain species where retinol is effective. Retinoic supports the development of cells by influencing gene expression. All-trans retinoic acid (tretinoin) appears to be the active form in vitamin A in all tissues EXCEPT the RETINA and is 10-100 fold more potent than retinol in various systems in vitro. The functional and structural integrity of epithelial cells throughout the body is also dependent upon an adequate supply of vitamin A. The vitamin plays a major role in the induction and control of epithelial differentiation in MUCOUS-SECRETING or KERATINIZING tissues. In the presence of retinol or retinoic acid, basal epithelial cells are stimulated to produce mucus. Excessive concentrations of the retinoids lead to the production of a thick layer of MUCIN, the inhibition of keratinization, and the display of goblet cells. Retinal- the functional vitamin in vision Retinoic acid- the active form in functions associated with growth, differentiation, and transformation. Vitamin A reduces the risk of carcinogenesis and enhances the immune system function. Because vitamin A regulates epithelial cell differentiation and proliferation, it may interfere with carcinogenesis. The basal cells undergo marked hyperplasia and reduced cellular differentiation. The administration of retinol or other retinoids to animals reverses these changes in the epithelium of the respiratory tract, mammary gland, urinary bladder, and skin. The progression of pre-malignant cells to cells with invasive, malignant characteristics is slowed, delayed, arrested, or even reversed in experimental animals. The EXACT mechanism of the anticarcinogenic effect of vitamin A supplementation is not understood, there might be an association of the ability of the retinoids to regulate the synthesis or specific proteins necessary for the differentiation of epithelial tissues. The ANTI-CARCINOGENIC effect associated with Vitamin A does not appear to be related to direct CYTOTOXIC action. Vitamin A appears to have biochemical functions in Symptoms of Deficiency Vitamin A deficiency The effects: Night Blindness (Nyctalopia)- deficiency interferes with vision in dim light. Keratinization of tissuesin the absence of vitamin A, goblet cells that produce mucous disappear and are replaced by basal cells that are stimulated to proliferate. The suppression of normal secretions leads to irritation and infection. Immunity- increased susceptibility to bacterial, parasitic, or viral infections in deficient individuals. May be associated with Cell mediated or humoral immunity, which is enhanced with supplementation. Xerosis (Xeropthalmia) REVERSAL of these deficiencies is achieved by administration of retinol, retinoic acid, or other retinoids. List the signs of vitamin A toxicity. UL = 3mg/day or 10,000 IU bone pain headache liver damage skin irritations Plasma retinol is a good reflection of vitamin A status under the following conditions: individual has exhausted his stores or the stores are filled to capacity hence, partially depleted stores 13 Week 13 & 14 Notes An isomer of tretinoin is 13-cis-retinoic acid which is almost as potent but with 5-fold less toxic symptoms of hypervitaminosis A. 2nd Generation retinoids: The beta-ionone ring is aromatized. More active than tretinoin in some systems and less in others. 3rd Generation retinoids: Highly potent retinoids have two aromatic rings that serve to restrict the flexibility of the polyenoic side chain. This class is called the arotinoids. the synthesis of cell-surface glycoproteins and glycolipids that may be involved in cell ADHERENCE and COMMUNICATION. do not reflect status best. CHIEF DISCOVERY: The RXR receptor system, a series of companion receptors involved in the cellular actions of retinoic acid, calcitriol (active form of vitamin D) and thyroid hormone. In addition, 9-cis retinoic acid has been identified as the natural endogenous ligand for these receptors, making this vitamin A analog very important in the actions of retinoic acid on cellular differentiation. As an antioxidant, vitamin E prevents the oxidation of cellular constituents or prevents the formation of toxic oxidation products such as peroxidation products formed from unsaturated fatty acids that have been detected in its absence. There appears to be a relationship b/n vitamin E and vitamin A. The intestinal absorption of vitamin A is enhanced by vitamin E, and hepatic and other cellular concentrations of vitamin A are elevated; this effect could be related to the protection of vitamin A by the antioxidant properties of vitamin E. Vitamin E protects against various effects of hypervitaminosis A. Vitamin E There are 8 isomers of vitamin E (4 tocopherols and 4 tocotrienol). Alpha tocopherols (5,7,8-trimethyl tocol) is considered to be the most important b/c it displays the greatest activity and this 90% of vitamin E is in the form of alpha-tocopherol. Chemical features: Redox agents- act as antioxidants Deteriorate slowly when exposed to air or UV light. The lesions produced in skeletal muscle by a vitamin E deficiency are also found in CARDIAC MUSCLE. The oxidation of LDL is contributory to ATHEROGENESIS. Oxidized LDL is more effectively taken up than native LDL by macrophages, adversely affects vascular endothelial cells, and might be vasoconstrictive. Pharmacological amounts of vitamin E (1600mg/day) appear to protect LDL from oxidation and second reducing agent like coenzyme Q10 will allow vitamin E to work as an effective antioxidant. Studies: Vitamin E reduces the risk of coronary heart disease in middle-aged women. Supplementation added to dietary vitamin E intake proved beneficial. Diet alone was not good enough. Men taking 100 IU/day vitamin E for 2 years showed a reduced risk of CHD. Vitamin E Deficiency Structural and functional abnormalities. These defects involve Fatty acid metabolism and other enzyme systems. Hemolytic anemia Neuromuscular degeneration The fat-soluble micronutrient, tocotrienol shows the greatest promise as therapy for hypercholesterolemia Regeneration of oxidized vitamin E requires three cofactors: 1. reduced glutathione 2. NADPH 3. Vitamin C Vitamin K Chemistry and Occurrence Vitamin K activity is associated with at least TWO distinct natural substances Vitamin K1, Phylloquinone (or phytonadione) Vitamin K2, Menaquinone (a series of compounds) Vitamin K3, Menadione is a synthetic supplement. Phylloquinone is found in plants and is the only natural vitamin K available for therapeutic use. Menaquinones replace the phytyl side chain of phytonadione with 2-13 prenyl units. Considerable synthesis of menaquinones occurs in gram-positive bacteria and bacteria In normal animals and human beings, phytonadione and the menaquinones are devoid of pharmacodynamic activity. The vitamin K-dependent blood clotting factors (prothrombin or factor II, VII, IX, X) are synthesized in the liver. These factors, in the absence of vitamin K (or coumarin anticoagulant) are biologically INACTIVE precursor proteins in the liver. Vitamin K functions as an essential cofactor for the MICROSOMAL enzyme system that activates these precursor proteins by the conversion of multiple residues of glutamic acid (Glu) near the amino terminus of each precursor to –carboxyglutamyl Vitamin K Deficiency List the reasons why adequate amounts of vitamin K are usually present in the body? 1. recycling of vitamin K is efficient 2. a normal diet contains much more than recommended requirements 3. intestinal bacteria synthesize significant amounts Population groups and clinical 14 Week 13 & 14 Notes in the GI tract and they are responsible for a large amount of vitamin K contained in human and animal feces. In animals, menaquinone-4 can be synthesized from vitamin K3 or menadione. (Gla) residues in the completed protein. The formation of this new amino acid, carboxyglutamic acid, allows the protein to bind to CALCIUM, Ca2+, and in turn be bound to a phospholipid surface, BOTH of which are necessary in the CASACADE of events that lead to CLOT FORMATION. The active form of vitamin K is the reduced form, hydroquinone which in the presence of O2, CO2, and microsomal carboxylase, is converted to its 2,3 –epoxide at the same time carboxylation takes place. Carboxyglutamate is found in a variety of proteins other than vitamin K-dependent blood clotting factors. One of these is OSTEOCALCIN in bone, which is a secretory product of osteoblasts. Its synthesis is regulated by CALCITRIOL, the active form of vitamin D, and its plasma concentration correlates with bone turnover. Carboxyglutamate is found in: Osteocalcin Protein S Protein C Proteins C and S play an anticoagulant role by INACTIVATING factors VII and V. Bone proteins that depend upon vitamin K for their production. Osteocalcin Matrix Gla protein situations that are associated with increased risk for vitamin K deficiency: 1. those with liver damage or disease 2. chronic antibiotic therapy 3. newborn infants 4. fat malabsorption Disorders that lead to Vitamin K deficiency and hypoprothrombinemia: Cystic fibrosis Sprue Crohn’s disease & enterocolitis Ulcerative colitis Dysentery Extensive resection of bowel Nutriture Assessment List the methods for determining vitamin K status. Prothrombin time Des gammacarboxyglutamyl prothrombin/ prothrombin ratio Plasma prothrombin Vitamin K prevents calcification in soft tissue structures. The blood disorder associated with a vitamin K deficiency is hemorrhagic disease. Vitamin D must be hydroxylated in the LIVER & KIDNEY in order to achieve full potency. Vitamin D Vitamin D3 produced in the skin Cholecalciferol Synthetic vitamin D2 available commercially Ergocalciferol (ercalciol) Most abundant form of vitamin D in the blood Calcidiol Fully activated form of vitamin D Calcitriol Precursor to pre-vitamin D3 7-dehydrocholesterol Vitamin D precursor found only in plant ergosterol Osteomalacia is the disorder associated with insufficient serum calcium and phosphorus, which leads to defective bone mineralization with preservation of bone matrix. Factors that will stimulate 1-alpha hydroxylase in the synthesis of calcitriol are: Low plasma calcium concentrations Elevated blood PTH Low concentrations of 1,25-(OH)2 D3 (calcitriol) Low P intake List the functions of calcitriol in the intestine. 1. increased absorption of calcium and phosphorous 2. synthesis of calbindin D9k 3. induce changes in brush border composition and topology 4. increase activity of alk phos 5. transcaltachia (endocytosis) 6. opening of voltage gated calcium channels 7. biosynthesis of mRNA List the risk factors for vitamin D deficiency. In infants- human milk is low in vitamin D In children: rickets, failure of the bones to mineralize In adults: osteomalacia inadequate sun exposure the elderly- aging reduces synthesis of Cholecalciferol in the skin and reduces the activity of renal 1-hydroxylase fat malabsorption like tropical sprue or Crohn’s disease disorders affecting parathyroid, liver or kidney people on anti-convulsant medicines. 15