Brooklyn High School Español 2 Superior – Course Syllabus 2012-2013 School Year Señora Holko (Rm. 262) Course Overview: Honors Spanish II concentrates on the present, preterit, imperfect, and subjunctive tenses. There is an emphasis on grammar, vocabulary, and reading in the target language. Essay writing using correct word order and oral presentations will be a major focus. The class provides continued exploration of Spanish and Latin American cultures as well as their influences in the United States. Materials: ¡En español! textbook, workbook, 3-ring binder with college-ruled paper and dividers, Spanish/English dictionary* (*suggested item for use at home) Your binder should be organized in the following way: • Zipper pouch with pens, pencils, highlighters, index cards • Course Syllabus • Divider 1: Vamos • Divider 2: Apuntes • Divider 3: Vocabulario • Divider 4: Práctica/Papeles • Más práctica Workbook Grading: Quarterly grades will be calculated by using the following weighted categories. • Quizzes and tests – 40% • Quarter projects – 30% • In-class assignments/participation – 20% • Homework – 10% Classroom Cooperation: Please follow the five guidelines listed below. Failure to do so may result in consequences such as home phone calls, teacher detentions, or office referrals. 1. Arrive on time and follow all directions given by the teacher. 2. Respect all members of the classroom: teacher, classmates, self, guests. 3. Use respectful language at all times. 4. Cheating (in any manner) will not be tolerated and result in failure. 5. Remain in your seats or learning groups until you are dismissed. Homework Policy: Everyday assignments (workbook/textbook exercises, worksheets, vocabulary, etc.) are graded on a 5 points, 0 points, and –5 points policy. The focus on 5-point assignments is completion and effort. Homework is then reviewed with student examples and corrected together as a class. **Late daily homework assignments WILL NOT be accepted (unless excused absence is documented). ** Lengthy writing assignments/essays/projects will be collected at the beginning of class and reviewed individually by the teacher. These assignments may be turned in ONE day late for half credit. **The class baseline goal for homework completion is 85%. Students should work as a class to increase this percentage in order to receive incentives for upcoming tests and assignments. Test Correction Policy: Although test re-takes will NOT be given, it is important to learn each concept as the new material builds off previous knowledge. After tests have been graded, students will have ONE opportunity to come in before school to make test corrections. The teacher will set a date (students are responsible for clearing their schedules) for students to attend the morning session. If the student makes all test corrections and discusses errors with the teacher, the student will receive a “ + puntos” coupon to be used for the next chapter test. The original test score will not be changed; “puntos” can be applied to an upcoming test. Absence/Tardy Policy: It is the student’s responsibility to make up all work and tests as well as collect any papers needed. Students must turn in all work or make up tests upon return to school within the number of absent days. ** An unexcused absence DOES NOT permit you to make up any missed work or tests for credit. ** A tardy is considered unexcused. On the second tardy, the student will be assigned a teacher detention. Meeting with Señora: I am available for tutorials before or after school with a scheduled appointment. It is extremely important that you seek extra help if you are confused with a certain topic. As the year progresses, we will be building off previous skills. I am here to help you! **If you have any special circumstances that I should be aware of, please meet with me as soon as possible to discuss accommodations. CONTACT INFORMATION: Jacalyn Holko - Brooklyn High School (216-485-8100 x8653) **Visit teacher webpage link on the BHS webpage.** August 22, 2012 Dear Parents/Guardians, Jacalyn Holko 216.485.8100 x8653 **Visit teacher webpage link on BHS webpage.** I would like to introduce myself as your child’s Spanish teacher for this school year at Brooklyn High School. It is very important to me that we become acquainted with each other and can communicate efficiently throughout the upcoming months. I am excited to begin my tenth year at Brooklyn High School. I have been educated through the Spanish department and teacher preparation program at Baldwin-Wallace College as well as the Masters in Education program through Marygrove College. During my time at BaldwinWallace, I also had the opportunity to study abroad at the University of Alcalá in Alcalá de Henares, Spain. Through this experience I had numerous opportunities to travel and study with the culture. Never have I endured such a rewarding and challenging time in my education. I look forward to sharing my knowledge and experiences with my students. In order for our classroom to be effective, a continuous line of communication must be present between parents, students, and teachers. Therefore, I encourage you to ask your child about Spanish class, visit my webpage, and check weekly assignments on ProgressBook. I also ask that you do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns, as I will do the same with you. So, I am asking you to read the course syllabus that I have given to and discussed with my students. Please read your child’s syllabus and sign the attached slip. Your child should return the slip to me by Monday, August 27th and bring required materials to class. Returning the bottom portion and acquiring necessary materials is the first homework assignment. Please keep my contact information in a safe location. I look forward to our school year together and working with your child. Here’s to an exciting year! Señora Holko _____________________________________________________________________________ I have read this letter and reviewed my child’s syllabus. I agree to communicate with my child about Spanish class and assignments throughout the school year. ____________________________________ (signature) Name of Student: _____________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Home Phone Number: ___________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Work/Cell Phone Number:_________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Email Address:__________________________________________________