THE MINISTRY OF NATIONAL EDUCATION GANESHA UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION SYLLABUS SUBJECT MATTER : BIOTEKHNOLOGI CODE : CU/HOURS : 2/2 LECTURER : Prof. Dr NI PUTU RISTIATI, M.Pd Dr. NI LUH PUTU MANIK WIDIYANTI, M.Kes STUDY PROGRAM : PENDIDIKAN SAINS PROGRAM : PASCA SARJANA 1 1. Standar Kompetensi: Mahasiswa memahami tentang prinsip dasar dan prosedur serta penerapan aktivitas biotekhnologi dalam dunia kehidupan 2. Kompetensi Dasar: 1. Mahasiswa menguasai pemahaman teoritik tentang bentuk-bentuk tekhnologi yang dapat menambah nilai kemanfaatan sumber daya hayati bagi kehidupan manusia 2. Mahasiswa memahami dan menguasai rekayasa genetika 3. Mahasiwa memahami kloning molekuler untuk menghasilkan keturunan yang memiliki sifat unggul 3. Deskripsi Mata Kuliah: 1. Bentuk tekhnologi yang dapat menambah nilai kemanfaatan sumber daya hayati bagi kehidupan manusia : prinsip dasar biotekhnologi, peranan biotekhnologi dalam perbaikan sifat makhluk hidup secara fenotif dan genotif, peranan biotekhnologi dalam memproduksi bahan-bahan alami, keamanan penggunaan OHMG dan produknya 2. Rekayasa genetika : prinsip rekayasa genetika dan aplikasinya dalam kehidupan 3. Kloning molekuler untuk menghasilkan keturunan yang memiliki sifat unggul, system cloning gen, vektor plasmid, vektor bakteriofage, cosmid, vektor eukariotik, cDNA pustaka, prosedur penyaringan, karakterisasi klon, pengurutan asam nukleat, Polymerase Chain Reaction, Klon gen, mutagenesis klon, aplikasi kloning dalam bidang farmasi dan dalam bidang kedokteran 4. Evaluasi No 1 2 3 Jenis Evaluasi Makalah dan Presentasi Ujian Tengah Semester Ujian Akhir Semester Jumlah Metode Evaluasi Asesmen autentik Tes Komprehensif Tes Komprehensif Jenis Instrumen Presentasi and Laporan Tes Terstruktur Test terstruktur Persentase (%) 20 35 45 100 2 5. Referensi 1. Abbas, A.K., Lichman, A.H., Pober, J.S. 2000. Cellular and Molecular Immunology. 4 ed. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: W.B. Saunders Company 2. Alberts, B., Bray, D., Hopkins, K., Johnson, A., Lewis, J., Raff, M., Roberts, K., Walter, P. 2010. Cell Biology. New York. 2 Park Square. Milton Park. Abingdon : Garland Science, Taylor & Francis Group 3. Blincko, S., Edwards, R., Howes, I., Little, J. 1996. Immunoassays. Edited by Edwards, R. Series Editors : Rickwood, D., Hames, B.D. Chichester. New York. Brisbane. Toronto. Singapore : John Wiley & Sons 4. Brock, Madigan, Martinko. 2003. Biology of Microorganism. New York : Prentice Hall 5. Cano, C. 1986. Microbiology. St. Paul : West Publishing Company 6. Hyde, R.M. 1995. Immunology. 3rd.ed. Philadelphia. Baltimore. Hong Kong. London. Munich. Sydney. Tokyo : Williams & Wilkins 7. Nasir, M. 2002. Biotekhnologi. Potensi dan Keberhasilannya dalam Bidang Pertanian.Jakarta : PT RadjaGrafindo Persada. 8. Turner, P.C., Bates, A.D., White, M.R.H. 2000. Molecular Biology. Oxford : BIOS. Scientific Limited 9. Weaver, R.F. 2003. Molecular Biology. Singapore : McGraw-Hill 3 THE MINISTRY OF NATIONAL EDUCATION GANESHA UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION LESSON UNIT SUBJECT MATTER : BIOTECHNOLOGY CODE : CU/HOURS : 2/2 LECTURER : Prof. Dr NI PUTU RISTIATI, M.Pd Dr. NI LUH PUTU MANIK WIDIYANTI, M.Kes STUDY PROGRAM : PENDIDIKAN SAINS PROGRAM : PASCA SARJANA 4 Standard of Competency Week Basic Competency 1-7 Understanding basic principles biotechnology : Understanding basic principles and procedure application biotechnology in human being Learning Materials 1. Biotechnology Concept Role of gene in cell DNA : the main genetics material Genetics code A part of genetics to control gene expression Method for produce DNA molecule recombinant Understanding role of biotechnology to produce natural product 2. Several types production genetics engineering of organisms including industrial pharmacy, veterinary, plant, foodstuff, industry, and environment 3. Potency movement Indicator Explain the concept biotechnology Explain role of gene in cell Explain DNA as the main genetics material Explain genetics code Explain a part of genetics to control gene expression Explain method for produce DNA molecule recombinant Learning Method/ Time Learning Experience Strategy Allotment Resource Lecture-based, reading-based and inquiry-based discussion on some fundamental concepts of biotechnology including role of gene and DNA, genetic code and expression, several types of result genetics engineering in organisms and mutation Presentation 7 x 2 x 50’ Discussion Give examples several types production genetics engineering of organisms Explain potency movement gene of 5 and transfer gene in organisms resulted genetics engineering organisms resulted genetics engineering Explain potency genotype drift 4. Potency genotipe drift Understanding safety products of production genetics engineering of organisms 8 9-10 Middle test Understanding genetics engineering and its application 11-12 Understanding molecular cloning to 1. Genetics engineering Concept Genetics engineering of insect resistance in plant Genetics engineering of herbicide resistance Genetics engineering nitrogen fixation in plant Genetics engieneering virus resistance in plant 1. System cloning gene Concept Explain concept of genetics engineering Explain genetics engineering of insect resistance in plant Explain genetics engineering of herbicide resistance Explain genetics engineering nitrogen fixation in plant Explain genetics engineering virus resistance in plant Lecture-based, reading-based and inquiry-based discussion on concept of genetics engineering and application in plant Explain the concept of system gene cloning Explain vectors for Lecture-based, reading-based and inquiry-based 1 x 2 x 50’ Presentation 2 x 2 x 50’ Discussion Presentation 2 x 2 x 50’ Discussion 6 producing characteristics superior inheritance 13 Vectors Library cDNA Procedure selection discussion on system cloning gene Lecture-based, reading-based and inquiry-based discussion on characteristic clone, DNA sequencing, PCR, gene clone, mutagenesis clone Lecture-based, reading-based and inquiry-based discussion of molecular cloning in pharmacy and medicine Cloning molecular Explain molecular cloning in pharmacy in pharmacy Cloning molecular and medicine. in medicine 14-15 16 cloning Explain library cDNA Explain selection procedure Explain characteristic Characteristic clone clone Explain DNA DNA sequencing Polymerase Chain sequencing Explain PCR Reaction Explain gene clone Clone gene Mutagenesis clon Explain mutagenesis clone gene Final Exam Presentation 1x2x50’ Discussion Presentation 2 x 2 x 50’ Discussion 1 x 2 x 50’ 7 THE EVALUATION OF LEARNING RESULTS No Type of Evaluation Evaluation Method Type of Instrument 1 Assignments Individual Assignments Presentation and Reports 2 3 Middle test Final Exam Total Comprehension Test Comprehension Test Structured Test Structured Test Percentage (%) 20 35 45 100 Implementation Time The end of specific topics Week-8 Week-16 Referencies: 1. Abbas, A.K., Lichman, A.H., Pober, J.S. 2000. Cellular and Molecular Immunology. 4 ed. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: W.B. Saunders Company 2. Alberts, B., Bray, D., Hopkins, K., Johnson, A., Lewis, J., Raff, M., Roberts, K., Walter, P. 2010. Cell Biology. New York. 2 Park Square. Milton Park. Abingdon : Garland Science, Taylor & Francis Group 3. Blincko, S., Edwards, R., Howes, I., Little, J. 1996. Immunoassays. Edited by Edwards, R. Series Editors: Rickwood, D., Hames, and B.D. Chichester. New York. Brisbane. Toronto. Singapore: John Wiley & Sons 4. Brock, Madigan, Martinko. 2003. Biology of Microorganism. New York : Prentice Hall 5. Cano, C. 1986. Microbiology. St. Paul : West Publishing Company 6. Hyde, R.M. 1995. Immunology. 3rd.ed. Philadelphia. Baltimore. Hong Kong. London. Munich. Sydney. Tokyo : Williams & Wilkins 7. Jawetz, Maelnick, Adelberg. 2004. Medical Microbiology. Third edition. New York : Appleton &Lange 8. Mims, Dockrell, Goering, Roitt, Wakelin, Zuckerman. 2004. Medical Microbiology. New York : Mosby 9. Nasir, M. 2002. Biotekhnologi. Potensi dan Keberhasilannya dalam Bidang Pertanian.Jakarta: PT RadjaGrafindo Persada. 10. Turner, P.C., Bates, A.D., White, M.R.H. 2000. Molecular Biology. Oxford: BIOS. Scientific Limited 11. Weaver, R.F. 2003. Molecular Biology. Singapore : McGraw-Hill 8