DRAFT APACPH PROCEDURES MANUAL 2009 2 3 APACPH PROCEDURES MANUAL Contents 1. APACPH General Information A. APACPH Profile B. APACPH Officers and Regional Directors C. APACPH Regional Offices and Key Contacts D. Committees of APACPH E. Member Institutions F. Awards of APACPH G. Dates, Times and Host Institutions of APACPH Meetings H. Updating APACPH General Information 2. Legal Requirements of the Constitution A. Timeline for Requirements to General Assembly B. Summary of Requirements of the New Constitution C. Example Documents - Example Notice of General Assembly Example Call for Nomination of Officers Example Election of Officers memo D. Requirements to ASIC 3. Financial Management A. Invoicing B. Subscription Scale C. APACPH Bank account details D. Procedure for Expenditure E. Financial statement and audit F. Budget G. Example Documents for Financial Management - Example Invoice (overseas) Example Invoice (Australia) Example Budget 4 4. General Assembly Meeting - Administration A. Representatives and observers B. Agenda Papers/Reports C. Letter of Invitation and Notice of Meeting D. Awards of APACPH E. Minutes of the Executive Board Meeting and General Assembly F. Example documents for General Assembly Meeting - Example letter of invitation to the General Assembly Meeting Example General Assembly Attendance form Example Awardee Letter Example format for Award plaque 5. Conference Guidelines 6. APACPH Members A. Member Obligations B. New Members C. New Member Application Form 7. APACPH Journal A. Background of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health B. Contacts for the Editorial Office C. Distribution of the Journal 8. Communications A. Website B. Newsletters C. Communication to Members 5 1. APACPH General Information A. APACPH PROFILE In January 1984, the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACPH) was established, bringing together five schools of public health. The idea had taken shape the previous year at a symposium on public health in Asia and the Pacific, where academic leaders in this field were urged to join forces to enhance the health status of the region. Vision To achieve the best possible level of health for all of the people of the nations of the AsiaPacific region. Mission To improve public health through the delivery of education, research and population health services by member institutions. Objectives for APACPH: To enhance the quality and relevance of educational and workforce training programmes in public health; To expand knowledge, improve skills and demonstrate effective interventions; To identify current, emerging, and re-emerging public health issues and develop programmes of action for their resolution; To enhance the capacity and sustainability of health systems and health service organisations in the Region; To assist in the development and implementation of health policy and the development of leadership for health. 6 Strategies Since its inception, APACPH has carried out a large number of activities which include setting up a data bank on the programs and services of its members, assessing public health problems, designing new curriculum and systems for service delivery, facilitating information and faculty exchanges, and workshops for academic administrators. Conjointly with its Board Meeting, APACPH has organised conferences on issues of regional concern such as the impact of urbanisation on health, ageing, child survival, AIDS, occupational health, environmental health, nutrition and SARS among others. Activities of APACPH Annual APACPH Conference Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health Multi-country Leadership Development Programs Collaborative Research Projects Joint Curriculum Development Projects Regional Meetings and Seminars Institutional Self Assessment Programs APACPH fosters and supports collaborative research, training and service projects among its members to improve educational programs, strengthen research and consultative skills of faculty, provide unique and new experiences for students, and stimulate intersectoral collaboration among governmental, non-governmental and academic institutions. Emphasis is placed on setting common standards for teaching and research, so that members can share and utilise each other’s experiences and programs in a timely manner. A priority is to focus more resources on preventive rather than curative care. This, together with APACPH’s other objectives, will be promoted not only through top-level dialogue, but also through collaboration within and between the member institutions. APACPH has utilised premier member universities to network and develop institutions within their own countries. Such creative strategies will be adapted and enhanced as we move into the 21st century to reach out to the underserved. APACPH publishes the Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health with the office of the Editor-inChief at the University of Malaya. The peer reviewed journal is the only English language journal addressing public health issues of the Asia-Pacific Region that gives special attention to research and innovations done by public health academics and practitioners, in this mostly non-English speaking part of the world. 7 Current Status APACPH, which now comprises 59 academic institutions or units in 19 countries, is an international non-governmental academic organisation with a General Assembly, which meets annually. APACPH is an independent non-profit organisation registered in Australia and is dedicated to the improvement of the quality of professional education for public health. APACPH’s General Assembly is comprised of one representative from each institution. Annual meetings are rotated among member institutions with committees comprised of faculty from member institutions conducting APACPH affairs throughout the year. Organisational Arrangements The APACPH organisational structures have been designed to establish five Regional offices to coordinate efforts more effectively within country and regionally. They are located in Tokyo, Japan; Beijing, People’s Republic of China; Honolulu, USA; Melbourne, Australia; Bangkok, Thailand and Los Angeles, USA. 8 B. APACPH OFFICERS & REGIONAL DIRECTORS CURRENT APACPH OFFICE-BEARERS PRESIDENT - PROF WEN-TA CHIU Position up for election 2009 PRESIDENT-ELECT – PROF TOMIKO HOKAMA Position up for election 2009 FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT – PROF AMIN JALALUDIN Position up for election 2010 SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT – A/PROF PHITAYA CHARUPOONPHOL Position up for election 2010 HONORARY TREASURER – A/PROF PHITAYA CHARUPOONPHOL Position up for election 2010 HONORARY SECRETARY- PROF BRIAN OLDENBURG Position up for election 2010 Also Regional Director APACPH, AUSTRALIA SECRETARY-GENERAL – PROF WALTER PATRICK Position up for election 2010 Also Regional Director APACPH, USA CURRENT DIRECTORS OF APACPH WHO ARE NOT OFFICE-BEARERS IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT – PROF RICHARD SOUTHBY REGIONAL DIRECTOR CHINA – PROF YONGHUA HU / PROF LIMING LEE REGIONAL DIRECTOR BANGKOK – A/PROF PHITAYA CHARUPOONPHOL REGIONAL DIRECTOR TOKYO – PROF MASAMINE JIMBA REGIONAL DIRECTOR LOS ANGELES – PROF ANDY JOHNSON JOURNAL EDITOR – PROF WAHYUN LOW 9 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF OFFICE-BEARERS PRESIDENT The President of APACPH will preside over all meetings of the General Assembly and of the Executive Board. The President will provide strategic direction to the organisation, pursue initiatives to forward the objectives of APACPH and be the spokesperson in dealings with external organisations. PRESIDENT-ELECT The President-Elect shall perform the role of the President on all occasions when the President is unable to do so. If the office of President becomes vacant for any reason, the President-Elect shall automatically fill the role of President until the next annual general election and shall then be eligible for election as President if nominated in accordance with this Constitution. FIRST/SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT The Vice-President’s shall perform such duties as may be authorised from time to time by the Executive Board. The Vice-President will have an active part in the committees of APACPH, contribute to strategic decision-making at the Executive level and assist the President in the smooth running of the organisation. HONORARY TREASURER The Honorary Treasurer shall be a member of a finance committee (by whatever name may be approved from time to time by the Executive Board), which reports to the Executive Board, and is responsible for the oversight of the development of budgets and the monitoring of the financial position and management of APACPH. HONORARY SECRETARY The Honorary Secretary shall be responsible for the keeping of minutes and records of APACPH and such other roles as required to be carried out by the Secretary. SECRETARY-GENERAL Secretary-General shall serve as Membership committee Chair and is responsible for recruiting and maintaining membership. The Secretary-General shall be responsible for strengthening membership collaborative efforts in cooperation with regional offices. The Secretary-General may carry out special missions on behalf of APACPH as directed by the President and the General Assembly. 10 C. APACPH REGIONAL OFFICES & KEY CONTACTS AUSTRALIA APACPH Directorate Office, Melbourne & Office of the Honorary Secretary Prof Brian Oldenburg Honorary Secretary & Director, APACPH Regional Office, Australia School of Public Health & Preventive Medicine Monash University Alfred Hospital, Melbourne VIC 3004 AUSTRALIA Tel: 61 3 9903 0046 Fax: 61 3 9903 0556 Email: brian.oldenburg@med.monash.edu.au Emma Frean Email: Emma.Frean@med.monash.edu.au THAILAND APACPH Regional Office, Bangkok & Office of the 2nd Vice-President and Honorary Treasurer A/Prof Phitaya Charupoonphol Director, APACPH Regional Office, Thailand Dean, Faculty of Public Health Mahidol University 420/1 Rachavithi Road, Bangkok 10400 THAILAND Tel: 66 2 354 8529 Fax: 66 2 354 8554 Email: deanph@mahidol.ac.th Dr Boosaba Sanguanprasit Deputy Dean for International Relations and Training Tel: 66 2 354 8529 Email: phbsp@mahidol.ac.th PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA APACPH Regional Office, Beijing JAPAN APACPH Regional Office, Tokyo Prof Liming Lee Vice-President, Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100730 PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Tel/Fax: +86 10 65592401 Email: lmlee@pumc.edu.cn Prof Masamine Jimba Director, APACPH Regional Office, Japan Chairman, Dept of International Community Medicine University of Tokyo Hongo 7-3-1 Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 113-0033 JAPAN Tel: 81 3 5841 3698 Fax: 81 3 5841 3422 Email: mjimba@m.u-tokyo.ac.jp Prof Hu Yonghua Director, APACPH Regional Office, PRC Peking University 38 Xue Yuan Road, Hai Dian District Beijing 100083 PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Tel/Fax: 86 10 82801189 Email: yhhu@bjmu.edu.cn PACIFIC APACPH Regional Office, Honolulu Office of the Secretary-General Dr Walter K. Patrick Secretary-General/Director, APACPH Regional Office International Health & Medicine John A. Burns School of Medicine 1960 East West Road Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 USA Tel: 1 808 956 5767 Fax: 1 808 956 5506 Email: walterp@hawaii.edu USA APACPH Regional Office, Los Angeles Prof Andy Johnson Director, Institute for Health Promotion & Disease Prevention Research Keck School of Medicine University of Southern California 1000 South Fremont, Alhambra, CA 91803 USA Tel: 1 626 457 4189 Fax: 1 626 451 4044 Email: carljohn@usc.edu 11 TAIWAN Office of the President MALAYSIA Office of the Vice-President Prof Wen-Ta Chiu Vice-President and Professor Taipei Medical University No. 111, Section 3, Hsing-Long Rd Taipei 116 TAIWAN Tel: 886-2-2933-5222 Fax: 886 2 2933-5221 Email: wtchiu@tmu.edu.tw, Prof Amin Jalaludin Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic & International) University of Malaya Level 2, Chancellery, Pantai Valley 50603 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA Tel: 603 7967 3203 Fax: 603 7957 2314 Email: aminj@um.edu.my JAPAN Office of the President-Elect MALAYSIA Office of the Journal Prof Tomiko Hokama Dean, Graduate School of Health Science University of the Ryukyus 207Aza Uehara, Nishihara-Cho Okinawa 903-0215 JAPAN Tel: 81 98 895 1271 Fax: 81 98 895 1432 Email: b987390@med.u-ryukyu.ac.jp HeRDU, Faculty of Medicine University of Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA Tel: 603 7967 5748 Fax: 603 7967 5769 Email: apjph@ummc.edu.my USA Office of the Immediate Past-President Prof Richard Southby Executive Dean Emeritus The George Washington University Medical Center Ross Hall 705A, 2300 I Street, NW, Washington DC 20037, USA Tel: 1 202 994 2797 Fax: 1 202 364 8397 Email: sphrfs@gwumc.edu Prof Wah-Yun Low Editor-in-Chief Email: lowwy@um.edu.my Dr Yut-Lin Wong Editorial Team Email: wongyl@ummc.edu.my Ms Joyce Koshy Editorial Team Email: joyce@ummc.edu.my 12 D. COMMITTEES OF APACPH The following committees were agreed upon at the Executive Board meeting in Kuala Lumpur in March, 2006. The functions and proposed membership of each committee is outlined below. All Committees report to the Executive Board of APACPH. Committee Chairs will be expected to provide written and verbal reports at each Executive Board meeting and a comprehensive Annual Report to the Executive Board and General Assembly. Management Committee Formed at the Executive Board and General Assembly Meetings in Bangkok, Thailand December 2006. The Management Committee will deal with the day to day running of the organisation between Executive Board Meetings. Each member of the Management Committee is also an Executive Board Member and the committee reports to the APACPH Executive Board. Chair: President - Professor Wen-Ta Chiu, Taipei Medical University, wtchiu@tmu.edu.tw Members President-Elect – Prof Tomiko Hokama Treasurer – A/Prof Phitaya Charupoonphol Secretary – Prof Brian Oldenburg Secretary-General – Prof Walter Patrick Strategic Planning Committee This committee is charged with developing a strong strategic plan for APACPH, looking ahead to the next five years. The Strategic Plan will obviously impact on the activities of all other committees which, in turn, should align their activities to support the achievement of strategic goals. Chair: Professor Richard Southby, The George Washington University Medical Center, USA sphrfs@gwumc.edu , southby@verizon.net Co-Chair: Professor Wen-Ta Chiu– Taipei Medical University, Taiwan wtchiu@tmu.edu.tw Finance and Development Committee The major function of this committee is to develop annual budgets for APACPH, provide careful oversight of the financial operations of the organization and identify external sources of funds to support APACPH programs. Chair: A/Professor Phitaya Charupoonphol – Mahidol University, Thailand Past-Chair (advisor): Professor Ian Rouse – Fiji School of Medicine, formerly from Victoria University, Australia 13 Membership Committee This committee is responsible for identifying and seeking applications for admission to APACPH from Schools of Public Health in our region which are currently not members of APACPH as well as sustaining the current membership with the support of the regional offices. Immediate emphasis should be placed on recruiting members from the Pacific Islands nations and New Zealand. Chair: Professor Walter Patrick– University of Hawaii, USA - walterp@hawaii.edu , apacph@hotmail.com Journal Committee The Journal Committee will be responsible for finalising negotiations with Sage Publishing to be the new publisher for the APACPH Journal, recommending names of proposed members of the Editorial Board to the APACPH Executive Board and coordinating with Sage Publishing on all matters relating to the production of the APACPH Journal as a quality publication which reports research by APACPH member institutions and advances APACPH’s role in the global public health community. Chair: Professor Colin Binns (Chair) – Curtin University of Technology, Australia – c.binns@curtin.edu.au Conference Planning Committee The major role of this committee is to ensure effective coordination between the Executive Board and local organizers in relation to the desired emphases and themes of APACPH conferences and meetings. While working closely with the Local Conference Planning Committees, this committee’s functions will not conflict with the responsibilities of local committees in the development of plans for conferences and programs. Chair: Professor Walter Patrick – University of Hawaii, USA – walterp@hawaii.edu Co-Chair: Professor Tomiko Hokama (Co-Chair) – University of the Ryukyus, Japan b987390@med.u-ryukyu.ac.jp Program Development Committee This committee will be responsible for identifying, in close collaboration with the Strategic Planning Committee, the education, training and research activities of APACPH. In order to cover these wide-ranging activities, it may be appropriate to develop two sub-committees, one focusing on education and training, and the other on research. Chair: Dr Paula Palmer – University of Southern California - ppalmer@usc.edu 14 E. LIST OF MEMBER INSTITUTIONS M AUSTRALIA MONGOLIA School of Public Health, Curtin University of Technology Faculty of Health & Behavioural Sciences, Deakin University School of Public Health & Preventive Medicine, Monash University School of Public Health, Queensland University of Technology School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of New South Wales School of Population Health, University of Queensland School of Public Health, University of Sydney Faculty of Health, Engineering and Science, Victoria University Health Sciences University of Mongolia NEPAL BANGLADESH National Institute of Preventative & Social Medicine James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University CAMBODIA School of Public Health, National Institute of Public Health INDIA Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology INDONESIA Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University School of Public Health, Hasanuddin University Faculty of Public Health, University of Airlangga School of Public Health, University of Indonesia School of Public Health, University of North Sumatra JAPAN B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences Institute of Medicine, Tribhuvan University NEW ZEALAND School of Population Health, University of Auckland PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Xianga School of Public Health, Central South University School of Public Health, China Medical University Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC) School of Public Health, The Chinese University of Hong Kong School of Public Health, Peking University School of Public Health, Shanghai Medical University School of Public Health, Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical Sciences School of Public Health, West China University of Medical Sciences School of Public Health, Xi'an Medical University PHILIPPINES College of Public Health, University of the Philippines SRI LANKA Eastern University, Sri Lanka Postgraduate Institute of Medicine/Community Medicine, University of Colombo TAIWAN Kagawa Nutrition University (Joshi Eiyo Daigaku) National Institute of Public Health Graduate School of Health Science, University of the Ryukyus Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo Graduate Institute of Oral Health Sciences, Kaohsiung Medical University College of Public Health, National Taiwan University Institute of Injury Prevention and Control, Taipei Medical University Graduate Institute of Public Health, Tzu Chi University KAZAKHSTAN THAILAND Kazakhstan School of Public Health Graduate School of Public Health, Inje University School of Public Health, Seoul National University Graduate School of Public Health, Yonsei University The College of Public Health, Chulalongkorn University Faculty of Public Health, Khon Kaen University Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University School of Health Science, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University LAOS USA School of Public Health, University of Health Sciences The George Washington University Medical Center School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine, Tulane University Health Sciences Center John A Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii Institute for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California KOREA MALAYSIA International Medical University Melaka-Manipal Medical College Faculty of Medicine, University Kebangsaan Malaysia Centre for Postgraduate Studies, University Malaysia, Sabah Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University Malaysia Sarawak Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia Institute of Public Health, National Institutes of Health VIETNAM Hanoi School of Public Health 15 F. AWARDS OF APACPH These awards are presented at the annual APACPH conference. Local hosts provide names of potential awardees for endorsement by the APACPH Executive Board. The President sends an invitation to the successful awardee (see example invitation letter). Plaques should be made up for these awards (see example plaque format). The website needs to be updated every year. The Professor Kazue K. McLaren Leadership Achievement Award The Professor Kazue K. McLaren Leadership Achievement Award is presented to individuals who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in promoting the quality of life and health of the peoples in communities of their nations or region. An important aspect of their efforts have been to promote the goals of Child Survival and Health for All movements and ensuring the distribution of health services reach the unreached, stimulating intersectoral coordination and health partnership, and importing academic quality in schools of public health and departments of community medicine. More so, their work reflects the spirit and philosophy of the person in whose name this award was established. The Professor K. McLaren Award of the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health was created to honour the work of the late Professor Kazue Kimura McLaren, who made significant contributions to the advancement of public health throughout her 46-year record of service as a distinguished member of the Asia-Pacific public health community. For 30 years, Professor McLaren served as a member of the Hawaii State Department of Health, rising to the position of Chief of Public Health Nursing. Having completed that period of service, she joined the School of Public Health, University of Hawaii, in 1975 as a member of the International Health faculty where she developed innovative teaching programs in Hawaii, Asia, and the Pacific Basin, with a focus on public health management, primary health care and health leadership. In 1979 she assumed responsibilities for initiating a Special Educational Opportunity Program at the School to provide access to graduate training in public health for underserved ethnic populations. Herself a member of a minority, as a Japanese American, she had a spirit of personal understanding in instituting programs, which assisted hundreds of people from Micronesia, the Native American Indian and Alaska Native Communities, Native Hawaiians and other minorities to achieve their graduate credentials in public health. Professor McLaren was one of the founders of the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health. She served as its first Program Officer on the University of Hawaii faculty to direct, in concert with the Secretary-General of the Consortium, the operational phases of this union of public health faculties across Asia and the Pacific. Her dedication, spirit of willingness, her understanding, her innovative nature and her constant willingness to serve in extraordinary ways endeared her to all members of her chosen profession. Her spirit continues to energise the Consortium in carrying out its mission to enhance professional education for public health. 16 Recipients of the Prof. Kazue K McLaren Leadership Achievement Award 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Dr Mya Tu, Director, Health Systems Infrastructure Division, South East Asia Regional Office, World Health Organisation, 19 January 1988 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Dr Siti Hasmah Bte Haji Mohd Ali, Malaysia, 21 January 1988 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Dr Adhyatma, Minister of Health, Government of Indonesia, 5 December 1988 at Jakarta, Indonesia Dr Antonio N Acosta, Deputy Minister of Health, Republic of the Phillippines, 12 December 1989 at Bangkok, Thailand Dr Sumedha Khanna, WHO Representative to Indonesia, 11 July 1990 at Singapore Prof. Mathura Prasad Shrestha, Minister of Health, Kingdom of Nepal, 13 December 1990 at Kathmandu, Nepal Dr Sheridan L Weinstein, Assistant Surgeon General, US Public Health Service & Regional Director, Public Health Service, San Francisco, 26 May 1991 at Honolulu, Hawaii, USA UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office, Bangkok, Thailand, 7 December 1991 at Bangkok, Thailand Prof Debhanom Muangman, Dean, Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand, 23 May 1992, at Okinawa, Japan Dr Sydney Sax (retired), Adelaide, Australia, 15 December 1992 at Perth, Australia Dr E Hyock Kwon, President, National Academy of Sciences, Korea, 19 May 1993 at Seoul, Korea Dr U Ko Ko, Director, WHO SEARO, New Delhi, India, 19 December 1993 at Bangkok, Thailand Dr Yien-Si Tsiang, Senior Advisor to the President, Office of the President of ROC, 14 December 1995 at Taipei, Taiwan Tan Sri Dato' Dr Abu Bakar Suleiman, Director-General, Ministry of Health, Malaysia, 15 July 1996 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Dr Paul Whelton, Dean, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, 13 December 1998 at New Orleans, USA Prof S.H. Lee, Director, School of Public Health, 22 March 2000 at New Territories, Hong Kong. Prof II Sun Kim, Professor, Yonsei University, 17th April at Yonsei University, Seoul Korea Prof Anuar Zaini Md. Zain, Vice-Chancellor, University of Malaya, 18th July 2002 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia The World Health Organisation, Dr Lee Jong-Wook (Director-General), Dr Shigeru Omi (Regional Director – WPRO), Dr Henk Bekdam (Country Representative, China), 22 nd October 2003 at Shanghai, People’s Republic of China Vice Premier Wu Yi, People’s Republic of China, 22nd October 2003 at Shanghai, People’s Republic of China Hon Dr Basil Hetzel AC, Chairman Emeritus, International Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders, Australia, 2 December 2004, Brisbane, Australia Prof. Sheng-Mou Hou, Minister of Health Taiwan, 21 November 2005, Taipei, Taiwan Dr Hideo Shinozaki, President, National Institute of Public Health, Japan, 23 November 2007 at Saitama, Japan Prof Dato’ Dr Mohd Amin Jalaludin, University of Malaya, Malaysia, 8 November 2008 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 17 The APACPH Public Health Recognition Award The APACPH Recognition Award acknowledges the contributions of special individuals who have served as a role model for other health professionals and have gone on in their careers to serve humankind with distinction. To be eligible for this award, the individual must have served as a teacher, trainer preceptor and guide for other health professionals who have demonstrated outstanding performance in the field of public health. In general terms the awardee must have served as both and academic and a practitioner in the field of public health. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Mrs Gladys Brandt, Chair, Board of Regents, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, 14 March 1988 at Honolulu, Hawaii Dr Sem Pringpuangkaew, Minister of Public Health, Thailand, 12 December 1989 at Bangkok, Thailand Dr D B Bisht, Director of Programme Management, South East Asia Regional Office, World Health Organisation, 13 December 1990 at Kathmandu, Nepal Prof. Dr Natth Bhamarapravati, President, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand, 11 January 1991 at Bangkok, Thailand Dr Carlyle Guerra de Macedo, Director, Pan America Health Organisation, World Health Organisation, Washington DC, 2 April 1991 at Honolulu, Hawaii Prof. Jerrold M Michael, Dean, School of Public Health, University of Hawaii, 23 May 1992 at Okinawa, Japan Prof Mark Liveris, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences), Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia, 15 December 1992 at Perth, Australia Prof. Hyung Jong Park, Vice President and Dean, School of Public Health, Inje University, 18 May 1993 at Seoul, Korea Prof. Joung Soon Kim, Dean, School of Public Health, Seoul National University, 18 May 1993 at Seoul, Korea Prof. Moonshik Zong, Dean, School of Public Health, Seoul National University, 18 May 1993 at Seoul, Korea Dr William Dale Sawyer, President, China Medical Board of New York, 18 May 1993 at Seoul, Korea Prof. Walter K. Patrick, Professor of International Health, School of Public Health, University of Hawaii, 21 December 1993 at Beijing, China Dr Vitura Sangsingkeo, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health, Thailand, 9 December 1994, Bali, Indonesia Prof. Charles Kerr, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of Sydney, 11 May 1995 at Sydney, Australia Prof. Annette Dobson, Department of Statistics, University of Newcastle, 11 May 1995 at Sydney Australia Prof. Ruey S. Lin, College of Public Health, Taiwan University, 11 December 1995 at Taipei, Taiwan Prof. Khairuddin Yusof, Department of Social Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Malaya, 18 July 1996, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Prof. Colin Binns, Head, School of Public Health, Curtin University of Technology, December 1997 at Perth, Western Australia Prof. Takusei Umenai, Chair, Graduate School of International Health, University of Tokyo, May 1999 at Tokyo, Japan Prof. Liming Lee, Dean, School of Public Health, Beijing Medical University, 22 March 2000 at New Territories, Hong Kong Prof. Brian Oldenburg, Professor of Public Health, Queensland University of Technology, 2 December 2004, Brisbane, Australia Prof. Wen-Ta Chiu, Vice-President, Taipei Medical University, 21 November 2005, Taipei, Taiwan Prof. Emeritus Dr. Prasert Thongcharoen, Mahidol University, Thailand on 3rd December 2006 Prof. Yoshiko Kagawa, President, Kagawa Nutrition University, Japan, 23 November 2007 18 25. Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Datu Dr Haji Mohamad Taha Arif, University of Malaysia, Sarawak, 8 November 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia The APACPH Excellence in Leadership Medallion The APACPH Excellence in Leadership Medallion recognises leaders within legislative bodies whose actions have significantly influenced the health of the public. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Senator Edward M Kennedy, of Massachusetts, 31 October 1990 at Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Lt Governor Benjamin Cayetano, of Hawaii, 25 May 1991 at Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Honourable Marut Bunang, Speaker, House of Representative, Thailand, 20 December 1993 at Bangkok, Thailand Professor Iam Chaya-ngam President, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Bangkok, Thailand, 13 December 1996 Senator Dr Mechai Viravaidya, Population and Community Development Association, Thailand on 1 December 2004 in Brisbane, Australia Professor Emeritus Dr. Prawase Wasi, Mahidol University, Thailand on 3rd December 2006. The APACPH Medal of Merit The Medal of Merit recognises persons who have performed outstanding service consistent with the APACPH mission of enhancing professional education for public health. 1. 2. 3. 4. Professor John M Hayakawa, Executive Director, APACPH, 23 May 1992 at Okinawa, Japan Prof. Khairuddin Yusof, Professor of Social Obstetrics and Gynaecology, former Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Malaysia, 9 December 1994 at Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia A/Prof. Kanya Kanchanburanonta, Vice-President (Services), Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, 13 December 1996 at Bangkok, Thailand Prof Tserenkhuugyin Lkhagwasuren, President, National Medical University of Mongolia, 19 June 1997 at Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 19 G. DATES, SITES & HOST INSTITUTIONS OF APACPH MEETINGS DATE SITE HOST INSTITUTION 40 November 2008 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia University of Malaya 39 November 2007 Saitama, Japan Kagawa Nutrition University National Institute of Public Health, Japan 38 December 2006 Bangkok, Thailand Mahidol University 37 November 2005 Taipei, Taiwan Taiwan Epidemiology Association 36 December 2004 Brisbane, Australia Queensland University of Technology 35 October 2003 Shanghai, People’s Republic of China Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention 34 July 2002 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia University of Malaya 33 April 2001 Seoul, Korea Yonsei University 32 March 2000 New Territories, Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong 31 May 1999 Tokyo, Japan University of Tokyo 30 December 1998 New Orleans, USA Tulane University Medical Center 29 December 1997 Perth, Western Australia Curtin University of Technology 28 June 1997 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia National Medical University Mongolia 27 December 1996 Bangkok, Thailand Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University 26 July 1996 Kuala Lumpur University of Malaya 25 December 1995 Taipei, Taiwan National Taiwan University 24 May 1995 Sydney, Australia University of Sydney 23 December 1994 Bali, Indonesia University of Indonesia 22 May 1994 Beijing, PR China Beijing Medical University 21 December 1993 Bangkok, Thailand Mahidol University 20 May 1993 Seoul, Korea Seoul National University 19 December 1992 Perth, Australia Curtin University of Technology 18 May 1992 Okinawa, Japan University of the Ryukyus 17 December 1991 Hanoi, Vietnam Hanoi Medical University 16 May 1991 Honolulu, USA University of Hawaii 15 December 1990 Kathmandu, Nepal Tribuhuvan University 14 July 1990 Singapore National University of Singapore 13 December 1989 Bangkok, Thailand Mahidol University 12 June 1989 Tokyo, Japan University of Tokyo 11 December 1988 Jakarta, Indonesia University of Indonesia 10 March 1988 Honolulu, USA University of Hawaii 9 January 1988 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia University of Malaya 8 June 1987 Seoul, Korea Seoul National University 7 January 1987 Honolulu, USA University of Hawaii 6 June 1986 Jakarta, Indonesia University of Indonesia 5 January 1986 Bangkok, Thailand Mahidol University 4 July 1985 Beijing, PR China Beijing Medical University 3 January 1985 Honolulu, USA University of Hawaii 2 June 1984 Bangkok, Thailand Mahidol University 1 January 1984 Kauai, Honolulu, USA University of Hawaii 20 H. UPDATING APACPH General Information Updates of the above information will need to be made in: APACPH Leaflet APACPH Information Book APACPH Website APACPH General Powerpoint presentation Any other document containing above information 21 2. Legal requirements of the organisation A. TIMELINE FOR REQUIREMENTS Timeline to General Assembly1 Step 1. Rule Who 7.8 20.1 3.8, 3.9 7.8(c) Secretary or Director2 Action Notice3 of meeting of General Assembly: (a) (b) 7.8(c) (c) 7.8(c) (d) 7.8(c) (e) 249L(c) Corps Act 249L(d) Corps Act 8.3 8.6(b) 1 (f) sent to all Members; specifying the place, the day and the hour of the meeting; if the meeting is being held in 2 or more places, the technology to be used to facilitate the meeting; the general nature of the business to be transacted; any other matters required under the Corporations Act which includes: (i) if a special resolution is to be proposed at the meeting, set out an intention to propose the special resolution and state the resolution; (ii) if a member is entitled to appoint a proxy – contain a statement setting out the member’s right to appoint a proxy, that the proxy must be a Associate Member of APACPH or is a Representative of another Member, and that a Member who is entitled to cast 2 or more votes may appoint 2 proxies specifying the proportion or number of votes each proxy is appointed to exercise) specify the APACPH office address, fax number or electronic address for the delivery of the appointment of proxies. Time period before General Assembly 2 months Check list To be held at least once in each calendar year (per Rule 7.4) The Constitution states that a notice from APACPH may be given by a Secretary or a Director. It is recommended that the Secretary undertake the role of giving notice to Members, given the requirements of Rule 9.4(d) which provides that the Secretary is responsible for keeping APACPH’s records. Accordingly the General Assembly procedures should be properly recorded by the Secretary to ensure that the requirements of the Constitution have been met. 3 The notice of a meeting of the General Assembly may be given by any form of communication permitted by the Constitution (Rule 20.3) or the Corporations Act (Rule 7.8(b)). In this regard see section 249J(3) of the Corporations Act. 2 22 Step Rule Who Action 2. 9.9(d) Executive Board Consider how the postal ballot for Office Bearing positions is to be conducted so as to provide all Members with sufficient opportunity to consider all nominations. Consider with Step 4 below. 3. 9.9(b) Secretary 4. 9.9(e) 5. Time period before General Assembly ≥ 21days Check list Nominations for Office Bearers to be delivered and lodged with Secretary. Each nomination must: (a) be in writing; (b) signed by 2 Members; and (c) signed by the nominee consenting to the nomination. ≥ 21days Executive Board Minimum sufficient period allowed to complete the postal ballot. 7days Member To appoint a valid proxy, a Member must: (a) appoint the proxy in writing in the form required by the Executive Board; (b) send or deliver to APACPH the document appointing the proxy; (c) sign the proxy; (d) if the proxy is signed by a Member’s attorney, the authority under which the appointment was signed or a certified copy of that authority must also be provided to APACPH. 24 hours 8.4 8.6(a)(i) 8.4 8.6(a)(ii) On the day of the GA 6. 7.1 Secretary Ensure all voting Members have paid membership so as to confirm each Member’s entitlement to vote. 7. 7.14 President Chair the General Assembly and in the President’s absence, the President-Elect is to chair. 7.15 Members If neither is available within 30 minutes of the time nominated for meeting, the Members present shall select one of their Members to chair. 12.13 Secretary Minutes of meeting to be inserted in the books kept for purpose of holding minutes. 8. After the GA Within 1 month 23 B. SUMMARY OF REQUIREMENTS OF THE NEW CONSTITUTION 3.6 Keep a register of members. 4.7 Subscriptions to be paid within 3 months or rights such as voting removed. 36 months allowed to pay arrears and have rights reinstated otherwise cease to be a member. 7.8 Two months notice of General Assembly meeting required. 7.10 Quorum for General Assembly is 25% of paid up members in person or by proxy. 7.23 Ordinary resolution requires 2/3 of votes on show of hands. Special resolution requires ¾ of votes on show of hands. 7.25 Only if poll called do proxy votes apply. 9.2 There are 7 officers subject to election. President President Elect First VP Second VP Hon Secretary Hon Treasurer Secretary General 9.9 Postal ballot to be conducted for offices up for election. Nominations required 21 days before the meeting. Voting by 7 days before the meeting. Show of hands by those present plus postal votes determine the outcome. 12.1 Executive Board to meet 4 times each year [including tele-conference meetings.] 12.5 Quorum for Executive Board is a simple majority of those on the Board. 12.10 Executive Board can delegate its powers to committees. 12.13 and 12.14 Minutes to be kept in minute book and signed by chair. 12.15 Resolutions can be in writing and not necessarily arise from a physical meeting. 13 An Executive Officer by whatever name may de appointed by the Executive Board. 14.3 Regional offices shall report to the Executive board 4 times each year and to the General Assembly once. 15 By-Laws may be made by the Executive Board. 18 Indemnity-insurance premiums can be paid by APACPH. 19 Accounts must be kept in the appropriate form. An Auditor must be appointed. 20.6 Auditor to receive notices of meeting NB: See also Addendum to Procedures Manual – APACPH Constitution 24 C EXAMPLE DOCUMENTS EXAMPLE NOTICE OF MEETING Notice of General Assembly (AGM) of Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (ACN 116 113 038) Notice is hereby given that a General Assembly (AGM) of the Company will be held at 9am-3pm on 7 November 2008 at University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for the purpose of considering the following business of the Company: 1. Welcome to General Assembly (AGM) 2. Apologies 3. Proxy authorisations 4. Confirmation of minutes from previous General Assembly Minutes (Taipei) dated 20th November 2005. 5. Business arising from previous minutes 6. Induction of New Members 7. Reports: (a) President’s Report (b) Treasurer’s Report including receiving financial statements and budget (c) Secretary General’s Report (d) APACPH Regional Offices’ Report (e) Chairs of APACPH Committees Reports (f) Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health Report 25 (g) Activities of APACPH Reports 8. Special Resolution to be proposed by Honorary Secretary (NB: IF THERE IS A SPECIAL RESOLUTION THEN THIS NEEDS TO BE OUTLINED IN THE NOTICE OF MEETING) 9. Election of APACPH Officers 10. Overview of 38th APACPH conference 11. 39th APACPH Conference 2007 12. Other business 13. Close of General Assembly (AGM) For those Members wishing to vote by proxy, the proxy must be made in writing and submitted as follows: On or before 3rd November, proxies should be delivered to: Attention: Desmond Gul APACPH Directorate / Regional Office (Melbourne) c/-Department of Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine, Monash University Alfred Hospital, Melbourne VIC 3002 AUSTRALIA Fax: +61 3 9903 0556 Email: desmond@apacph.org After 3rd November proxies should be delivered to: Attention: Desmond Gul c/-Renaissance Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Fax: +60 3 2163 1122 Email: desmond@apacph.org Proxies must be received by APACPH no later than 24 hours before the General Assembly. The proxy must be a representative from an APACPH Member institution. For more details on the form of proxy approved by the APACPH Executive, please contact Desmond Gul at the Monash University address above. Dated this 6th day of October 2008 Professor Brian Oldenburg Honorary Secretary 26 EXAMPLE - CALL FOR NOMINATION OF OFFICERS CALL FOR NOMINATIONS ELECTION OF OFFICERS OF APACPH GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING 3rd DECEMBER 2006 Please send your nomination, with signatures of Nominator, Seconder and Nominee to: Desmond Gul, APACPH Directorate, c/o Department of Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC 3004, AUSTRALIA. Fax: +61 3 9903 0556 Email: desmond@apacph.org Nominations must have been received (either by fax, post or scanned email) at the Directorate Office by 10th October 2008. I wish to nominate .................................................................................................................. APACPH Institution ................................................................................................................ For the position of (please mark X in only ONE box below): Honorary Secretary (must be based in Australia) Honorary Treasurer First Vice-President Second Vice-President Secretary-General Name of Nominator (print name) ............................................................................................ APACPH Institution ................................................................................................................ Signature of Nominator........................................................................................................... Name of Seconder (print name) ............................................................................................. APACPH Institution ................................................................................................................ Signature of Seconder ............................................................................................................ Signature of Nominee ............................................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(*To be processed by APACPH Directorate after submission) Name and Signature of Presiding Officer: Professor John Arokiasamy ................................. 27 ELIGIBILITY A person is eligible for election as an Officer Bearer if the person is a Representative of a member institution. NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS All nominations for election as an Office Bearer must be in writing and signed by 2 Representatives of member institutions and also signed by the Nominee consenting to such nomination to be delivered to the APACPH Directorate by *Date* (NB this date should be no less than 4 weeks prior to the General Assembly Meeting in order to have time for a postal ballot) Each Representative may nominate any number of persons for election as Office Bearers A postal ballot of the Members who are entitled to vote shall be held prior to the General Assembly Meeting At the General Assembly Meeting, the postal votes received prior to the meeting will be added to the votes cast at the meeting to determine election of Officer Bearers. ROLES OF ELECTED POSITIONS Vice-President - shall perform such duties as may be authorised from time to time by the Executive Board Honorary Secretary - shall be responsible for the keeping of minutes and records of APACPH and such other roles as required by the Act to be carried out by the Secretary Honorary Treasurer - shall be a member of a finance committee (by whatever name may be approved from time to time by the Executive Board), which reports to the Executive Board, and is responsible for the oversight of the development of budgets and the monitoring of the financial position and management of APACPH Secretary-General - shall be the chair of a committee of the Executive Board (by whatever name and having such terms of reference as may be approved from time to time by the Executive Board) responsible for development of membership and is responsible for recruiting and maintaining membership and strengthening membership collaborative efforts in cooperation with regional offices. The Secretary-General may carry out special missions on behalf of APACPH as directed by the President and the General Assembly. 28 EXAMPLE – ELECTION OF OFFICERS MEMO MEMORANDUM TO: APACPH Members FROM: Prof John Arokiasamy, Elections Presiding Returns Officer, APACPH SUBJECT: ELECTION OF OFFICER BEARERS DATE: 20 October 2008 Dear APACPH Members, Nominations for office-bearing positions of APACPH are now closed. The following nominations have been received: 1st VICE-PRESIDENT: Professor Dato’ Dr Mohd Amin Jalaludin, University of Malaya HONORARY SECRETARY: Professor Brian Oldenburg, Monash University SECRETARY-GENERAL: Professor Walter Patrick, University of Hawaii There were no nominations for the position of 2nd Vice-President and Honorary Treasurer. For those attending the APACPH General Assembly Meeting on 7th November 2008, you will be required to vote for your APACPH Officers at this meeting. For those of you NOT attending the General Assembly Meeting on 7th November in Kuala Lumpur (and who do not have a Representative attending the meeting), you are required to vote on this election of office bearers on the attached voting sheet: I urge you to participate in the election of your APACPH Officers. Kind regards, Professor John Arokiasamy APACPH Elections Presiding Officer [Include bios of nominated candidates] 29 To: Professor John Arokiasamy, Presiding Officer Subject: ELECTION OF OFFICER BEARERS Your Name: Your APACPH Institution: Signature: _________________________________BALLOT SECTION___________________________ HONORARY SECRETARY Prof Brian Oldenburg AGREE*/DISAGREE*/ABSTAIN* 1st VICE-PRESIDENT Prof Dato’ Dr Mohd Amin Jalaludin AGREE*/DISAGREE*/ABSTAIN* SECRETARY-GENERAL Prof Walter Patrick AGREE*/DISAGREE*/ABSTAIN* * Delete as appropriate Please send this page back by Friday 31st October either by: Fax: +60 6 292 5892 or Email: johnt@manipal.edu.my and mawarnis@manipal.edu.my Please send an email as well if you are faxing so that we can confirm that the fax has been received. 30 D. REQUIREMENTS TO ASIC Checklist for registered companies and their officers – more information can be found on the website www.asic.gov.au This checklist is designed to assist officeholders of registered companies meet their obligations under the Corporations Act 2001 (the Act). Forms can be downloaded from our website or obtained from the IPC or ASIC Service Centres or ASIC Local Representatives. Single and bulk forms are also available from some law stationers. Annual statement Companies will receive an Annual Statement each year on their review date. For most companies their review date will be the same as their date of registration. The annual statement will contain a covering letter, company statement and an invoice statement. A Form 484 Change to company details will also be included for all public companies and those proprietary companies from which ASIC requires a response. The company statement contains information that is held on our database about the company. The company is required to review this information to see if it is correct. If the information is not correct, the company is required to notify ASIC of any changes within 28 days after the issue date of the annual statement. In most cases those changes will be notified to ASIC on a Form 484 (for notifiable changes) or a Form 492 (for minor detail corrections). The invoice statement will show the annual review fee that the company is required to pay within 2 months of its review date. The review fee must be paid regardless of whether the information on the company statement is correct or not. The annual statement may also contain a request from ASIC for additional information. The company is required to respond to that request regardless of whether the information on the company statement is correct or not. The response is to be notified on a Form 484. There are no lodgement fees charged for lodging a Form 484, however, late fees can be charged if information provided on that form is not lodged within the time period set out in the Corporations Act. You must enter your corporate key when you lodge a paper copy of Form 484. Declaration of solvency (Form 485) The directors of a company will also be required to pass a solvency resolution within 2 months of their review date. If the directors pass a negative solvency resolution, (ie they are of the opinion that there are not reasonable grounds to think the company will be able to pay its debts) they must lodge Form 485 Statement in relation to company solvency within 7 days of the resolution being passed. If the directors have not passed a solvency resolution, they will be required to lodge a Form 485 Statement in relation to company solvency within 2 months and 7 days of the company's review date. If the directors have passed a positive solvency resolution, they are not required to lodge a Form 485 with ASIC. In the absence of the lodgement of a Form 485, payment of the review fee will be taken as a representation by the directors of the company that they believe that the company is solvent. Copy of financial statements and reports (Form 388) If your company is required to lodge financial statements and reports, you must do this after the end of each financial year. You will need to lodge a copy of the financial statements and reports for the financial year together with a Form 388. This form is also used to notify us of the appointment of an auditor. You must lodge this information within 3 months from the end of the financial year if you are a 31 disclosing entity or managed investment scheme; or within 4 months from the end of the financial year otherwise. You do not have to give us any additional notification of the appointment of an auditor. Notification of appointment or cessation of officeholders (Form 484 - Section B) You will need to notify ASIC when a new director, secretary or alternate director is appointed, or when a current one ceases. It is optional for proprietary companies to appoint a secretary. For alternate directors only, an expiry date may be notified at the time of appointment. The terms of appointment of the alternate director form part of the notification of appointment of an alternate director. You must let ASIC know about these changes within 28 days of the appointment or cessation. You must enter your corporate key when you lodge a paper copy of Form 484. Notification of change to name or address of current officeholders You will need to notify ASIC when there is a change to the name or residential address of a director, secretary or alternate director, or if the cessation date of an alternate director is changed. You must let ASIC know about these changes within 28 days of the date of change. You must enter your corporate key when you lodge a paper copy of Form 484. Notification by officeholders of resignation or retirement (Form 370) Where a director or secretary wishes to give notice of their own resignation or retirement they can lodge a Form 370, together with a copy of their letter of resignation, any time after the date of termination. (The company MUST still lodge a Form 484). You must enter your corporate key when you lodge a paper copy of Form 370. Notification of change to details of shares held by a top 20 member (Form 484 – Section C) You will need to notify ASIC of changes to the details of the shares held by any of the top 20 members in each class of shares issued by the company. Changes result from the company issuing or cancelling shares, or a member transferring shares. These changes are notified by lodging a Form 484 within 28 days of the date of change. You must enter your corporate key when you lodge a paper copy of Form 484. Notification of change to name or address of a top 20 member (Form 484 – Section A) You will need to notify ASIC when the name or address of a top 20 member changes, by lodging a Form 484. You must do this within 28 days of the change. You must enter your corporate key when you lodge a paper copy of Form 484. Notification of share issue (Form 484 – Section C) You will need to notify ASIC when your company issues shares by lodging a Form 484. You must do this within 28 days of the date of issue. You must enter your corporate key when you lodge a paper copy of Form 484. Notification of share cancellation (Form 484 – Section C) You will need to notify ASIC when your company cancels shares by lodging a Form 484. You must do this within 28 days of the date of cancellation. You must enter your corporate key when you lodge a paper copy of Form 484. Notification of change to registered office or principal place of business (Form 484 Section A) You must notify ASIC when a change occurs to the registered office address or the principal 32 place of business. You must do this within 28 days of the date of change. You must enter your corporate key when you lodge a paper copy of Form 484. Notification of change of office hours (Form 484 - Section A) Unless you are a proprietary company, you must notify ASIC of any change in office hours before the change occurs. The registered office of public companies must be open to the public each business day from at least 10 am to 12 noon and 2 pm to 4 pm; or for at least 3 hours between 9 am and 5 pm (s.145). A letter will be accepted for notification of such changes. You must enter your corporate key when you lodge a paper copy of Form 484. Change of company name (Form 205) If you wish to change your company's name at any time, you must pass a special resolution adopting a new name and lodge a copy of the special resolution with ASIC (s.157). ASIC may then change the company name provided that the name is available (s.147) and payment of the prescribed fee is received (s.1355). You must lodge this form with ASIC within 14 days of the meeting when the special resolution was passed. The change of name does not take effect until a Certificate of Registration on Change of Company Name is issued by ASIC. Electronic lodgement If you are a director or secretary of a company you can notify ASIC about the most common changes to your company's details using our new online service. Alternatively, if you lodge documents on behalf of a number of companies, you can lodge them electronically using our EDGE service. Late fees There are three different types of late fees that can be charged. b. Late Lodgement Fee - The Corporations Act specifies a time period during which information must be provided to ASIC on a prescribed document, and the document is lodged after that period. c. Late Payment Fee - The company's annual review fee is paid more than 2 months after its review date. d. Late Review Fee - Information on the company's annual statement that is either missing or no longer correct is not notified to ASIC until more than 28 days after the review date. NOTE: This does not include minor corrections to existing information (eg spelling or typographical errors). For each type of late fee, the company will only be charged that late fee once per document. However, more than one type of late fee can be charged on a single document. A late fee of $65.00 applies if a prescribed form is lodged; or a review fee is paid; or changes in response to the annual statement are received, up to one month after the periods specified above. A late fee of $270.00 applies if a prescribed form is lodged; or a review fee is paid; or changes in response to the annual statement are received, more than one month after the periods specified above. Other fees For a list of fees payable on commonly lodged documents, see Fees for commonly lodged documents. The information sheet, Your Company and the Law provides additional information about requirements under the Act. It is also available from ASIC Infoline, Service Centres, the Information Processing Centre and Local ASIC Representatives 33 3. Financial Management The APACPH financial year runs from 1 October-30 September and the accounts are audited for this period. A. INVOICING Invoices are sent out from the Directorate office in May. Members are required to pay their membership dues within 3 months. If payment has not been received by that time another request for payment is sent out requesting payment by the end of September (end of the financial year). Using this timing, the Treasurer knows the amount of money that has been collected before the start of the new financial year and can produce a budget accordingly. Example of invoices and cover letter can be found in section G. B. SUBSCRIPTION SCALE The annual membership is now based on country GDP and is as follows: Those countries located in the United States of America, Canada, Singapore, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong: US $2000/=(two thousand). Those countries located in Taiwan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Kazakhstan: US $1000/=(one thousand). Those countries located in Philippines, China, Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Mongolia, Lao PDR, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Nepal: US $500=(five hundred) Note that for invoices for Australian institutions, the invoice is in AUD$ at the exchange rate on the day of invoicing. APACPH is currently registered for GST. C. APACPH BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS The APACPH bank account is held at the National Australia Bank (NAB). This account is managed by the Directorate office of APACPH. Bank: Branch: Account Name: BSB: ACCOUNT: Swift Code: National Bank of Australia Central Branch, 414 George St, Brisbane, QLD 4000, Australia Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Ltd 084-009 79-633-0872 NATAAU3302S Cheques need to be made payable to the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Ltd. The acronym ‘APACPH’ is not sufficient. Any cheques received needs to be deposited physically into the bank. There are special requirements and forms for international bank cheques which can be obtained from the Bank. APACPH also holds a ‘Cash Maximiser’ account and money can be transferred between the accounts. Excess APACPH funds should be transferred to the Cash Maximiser account to gain interest. Any international bank cheques received and payments by cheque or telegraphic transfer require two of the three signatures. Currently signatories are: 34 Treasurer: Prof Ian Rouse Secretary: Prof Brian Oldenburg Directorate officer: Desmond Gul D. PROCEDURE FOR EXPENDITURE Once an expenditure proposal has been approved at the Executive Board meeting or at the General Assembly, the Directorate should liaise with the relevant party for details on payment preference and details (cheque or telegraphic transfer). There are appropriate forms to fill for telegraphic transfer and international bank drafts. Any expenditure made needs to be backed up by an official invoice. If an invoice is not available (eg: grants), then a statement specifying the sum and reason for expenditure needs to be written and signed by the Treasure or an appropriate Director. Always keep a copy of any documents (receipts, bank statements, etc) issued from the Bank as a record of payment. All expenditure and income transactions need to be recorded on the spreadsheet. E. FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND AUDIT An internal financial statement can be prepared based on the entries recorded in the spreadsheet. This summarised statement can then be presented at the Board and General Assembly meeting. However, a full financial statement and audit is a legal requirement for APACPH as a registered not-for-profit organisation in Australia. The financial statement and audited accounts must be presented to ASIC within four months of the end of the financial year (ie from 30 September). The first financial statement was produced for a 13 month period from the time of registration (6 September 2005-30 September 2006). The auditor will require: All purchase invoices that have been sent out to members All expense invoices A bank statement (NAB) of all transactions between 1 October and 30 September An outline of ‘In-kind’ costs from the Directorate office funds. Other information as requested Auditors for all financial years to date were BDO Kendalls, Brisbane. Auditors/Accountants – BDO Kendalls (QLD) Pty Ltd Contact: Susan Rix Tel: +61 7 3237 5776 Susan.rix@bdo.com.au NB: Auditors must receive the Notice of Meeting (see 2. Legal Requirements for Organisation). F. BUDGET At the beginning of the financial year the Treasurer and the Finance and Development Committee submit a budget for approval at the General Assembly Meeting. The Directorate Office assist by providing information on the budget items. Refer to Section G for example. 35 G. EXAMPLE DOCUMENTS FOR FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT EXAMPLE INVOICE COVER LETTER Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Office of the President, APACPH Taipei Medical University 111, Section 3, Hsing Long Rd, Taipei 116, TAIWAN TEL: +886 2 2933 5222 FAX: +886 2 2933 5221 EMAIL: wtchiu@tmu.edu.tw WEBSITE: www.apacph.org 8 May 2009 Member Rep Address Dear , Please find enclosed your invoice for 2009 APACPH Annual subscription which is due 8 August 2009. You may make payment by cheque or electronic transfer. Details are provided on the attached invoice. Under APACPH’s new constitution registered in September 2005, subscriptions must be paid within three months or members will not be entitled to on-going rights and privileges of membership. In kind contributions may be considered to meet a member’s financial obligations but only by specific resolution of the General Assembly. Membership allows you to a subscription to the Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health and all the benefits of being part of the unique APACPH network with the opportunity to participate in its activities. It also allows voting rights (one representative for each member institution) at the Annual General Assembly meeting on allocation of funds and other organisational matters concerning APACPH. The APACPH leadership are working very hard to make APACPH a major player in the Region on matters of Public Health. Your involvement with the Consortium is very important to us, so we would appreciate hearing from you if there are any matters you wish to raise with us. Yours sincerely, Wen-Ta Chiu PRESIDENT, APACPH Enc cc. A/Prof Phitaya Charupoonphol (Treasurer and Bangkok Regional Office) 36 EXAMPLE INVOICE – OVERSEAS ASIA-PACIFIC ACADEMIC CONSORTIUM FOR PUBLIC HEALTH LTD ABN: 54 116 113 038 INVOICE TO: Institution Name ATTN: Representative Name FROM: APACPH Directorate/Regional Office (Melbourne) c/- Department of Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine Monash University DATE: date INVOICE NO.: (please quote for EFT payments) DESCRIPTION: ASIA-PACIFIC ACADEMIC CONSORTIUM FOR PUBLIC HEALTH MEMBERSHIP DUES FOR 2006: US $2000/ (TWO THOUSAND) Amount depending on subscription scale (eg US$2000/US$1000/US$500) Please make cheque payable to: Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Ltd (Please note that full name of the organisation is essential on cheques) Send Cheque to: Desmond Gul, APACPH Directorate Office (Melbourne) Department of Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine Monash University 89 Commercial Rd, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne VIC 3004, AUSTRALIA (If sending a cheque, please also enclose a copy of this invoice) Or by Electronic transfer: Bank: Branch: Account Name: BSB: ACCOUNT: Swift Code: National Bank of Australia Central Branch, 223 Queen St, Brisbane, Australia Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Ltd 084-009 79-633-0872 NATAAU3302S (If paying by EFT please quote Invoice no. on your payment and fax remittance advice to +61 7 3864 9693) APACPH Directorate/Regional Office (Melbourne) c/- Department of Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine, Monash University 89 Commercial Rd, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC 3004, Australia Tel: +61 3 9903 0140 Fax: +61 3 9903 0556 Email: desmond@apacph.org Website: www.apacph.org 37 EXAMPLE INVOICE – AUSTRALIA ASIA-PACIFIC ACADEMIC CONSORTIUM FOR PUBLIC HEALTH LTD ABN: 54 116 113 038 INVOICE TO: Institution Name ATTN: Representative Name FROM: APACPH Directorate/Regional Office (Melbourne) c/- Department of Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine Monash University DATE: date INVOICE NO.: (please quote for EFT payments) DESCRIPTION: ASIA-PACIFIC ACADEMIC CONSORTIUM FOR PUBLIC HEALTH MEMBERSHIP DUES FOR 2006: Exchange on 30th July GST is not applicable on this payment US $2000/ (TWO THOUSAND) AUD 2,607.00 Please make cheque payable to: Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Ltd (Please note that full name of the organisation is essential on cheques) Send Cheque to: Desmond Gul, APACPH Directorate Office (Melbourne) Department of Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine Monash University 89 Commercial Rd, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne VIC 3004, AUSTRALIA (If sending a cheque, please also enclose a copy of this invoice) Or by Electronic transfer: Bank: Branch: Account Name: BSB: ACCOUNT: Swift Code: National Bank of Australia Central Branch, 223 Queen St, Brisbane, Australia Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Ltd 084-009 79-633-0872 NATAAU3302S (If paying by EFT please quote Invoice no. on your payment and fax remittance advice to +61 7 3864 9693) APACPH Directorate/Regional Office (Melbourne) c/- Department of Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine, Monash University 89 Commercial Rd, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC 3004, Australia Tel: +61 3 9903 0140 Fax: +61 3 9903 0556 Email: desmond@apacph.org Website: www.apacph.org 38 H. EXAMPLE BUDGET Proposed Budget for 1st October - 30 September for 2006/7 and 2007/8 2006/7 2007/8 INCOME AUD AUD Member subscriptions per annum Monash University contribution $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 Victoria University contribution $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $120,000.00 $7,500.00 $117,500.00 Malaysia APACPH Journal US13,000 Additional US$13,000 $17,400.00 $17,400.00 $17,400.00 $0.00 Japan Conference US$10,000 (Japan) $13,300.00 $13,300.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $40,000.00 $50,000.00 $6,650.00 $10,000.00 $99,750.00 $95,700.00 $60,000.00 $61,800.00 $2,200.00 $600.00 $600.00 $2,200.00 $600.00 $600.00 $2,400.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $2,400.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $700.00 $700.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $70,000.00 $71,800.00 Total expenditure $169,750.00 $167,500.00 Operating surplus -$49,750.00 -$50,000.00 Interest (estimated at 5%) Total Income (Approximation based on previous years (Support for APACPH Secretariat) (Secretariat Support for Hon Treasurer) (Funds invested in high interest account) EXPENSES Overseas expenses Executive Meetings Accom Various Projects APACPH Officers (May also include payment to Australian Officers for expenses) Total overseas expenditure Australian expenses Salary Communications Teleconference (4 per year) Postage Phone/Fax Printing Newsletter (4 per year) APACPH Newsletter update Working papers for GA Meeting Photocopy Website Annual fee Company audit Total Australian expenditure (Journal costs $261 per member (50) to be funded from reserves 39 4. General Assembly Meeting - Administration A. REPRESENTATIVES AND OBSERVERS The annual General Assembly meeting takes place at the time of the annual APACPH Conference hosted by an APACPH member institution. Each member institution is permitted one representative at the General Assembly Meeting (for voting purposes) and all other participants from the same institutions are observers at the meeting. B. AGENDA PAPERS/ REPORTS The Directorate office is responsible for compiling the Agenda Papers for the Executive Board Meeting and General Assembly Meeting. In early October (assuming a late November/early December meeting) requests for reports should be made to the following individuals: PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER SECRETARY-GENERAL REGIONAL DIRECTORS EDITOR OF THE JOURNAL CHAIRS OF APACPH COMMITTEES CHAIR OF THE EARLY CAREER NETWORK IN PUBLIC HEALTH APACPH PROJECT DIRECTORS (EG INTERNATIONAL CYBER UNIVERSITY FOR HEALTH) The reports should be brief (2 pages) outline activity in the time period 1 October – 30 September and follow the format outlined below: Name of Office Brief Description of Activity What has been achieved - 3 or 4 main points Action plan for the next 12 months - 3 or 4 major activities/expected outcomes Agenda papers should be sent to APACPH Representatives and those that have been nominated to attend the meeting within 3 weeks of the date for the General Assembly Meeting. These Agenda papers should also be available for download from the APACPH website. Reports that are not forwarded in a timely manner can be tabled at the meeting itself and included as an addendum to the Minutes. 40 C. LETTER OF INVITATION AND NOTICE OF MEETING Invitation letters (see Example Invitation letter) from the President, APACPH are sent to APACPH Representatives in good time in order that travel plans can be made. The Directorate office will need to consult with the host of the APACPH Conference for details on the time, date and venue for the meeting. At this time representatives of member institutions can indicate who will be attending the meeting (see Example Attendance Form). An official notice of meeting (see Section 2 Legal Requirements of the constitution) must be sent to APACPH member representatives no less than 2 months before the scheduled date for the General Assembly Meeting. This must outline the business to be conducted at the meeting and any special resolutions need to be detailed. A Call for Nomination of APACPH officers (see Section 2 Legal Requirements of the constitution) should be sent out with the Notice of Meeting. Nominations must be received no less than 21 days before the General Assembly Meeting. D. AWARDS OF APACPH These awards (See Section 1 APACPH General Information) are presented at the annual APACPH conference. Local hosts provide names of potential awardees for endorsement by the APACPH Executive Board. The President sends an invitation to the successful awardee (see Example invitation letter). Plaques should be made up for these awards (see Example Plaque Format). The website needs to be updated every year with the new recipients. E. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING AND GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING Minutes for the General Assembly Meeting need to be completed, signed by the Chair and put in a Minute book. These Minutes should also be available on the website under ‘Members Only’ section together with any reports that were tabled at the meeting. Approval of General Assembly Meeting Minutes takes place at the next General Assembly Meeting. Executive Board Minutes should be completed and sent to the President for approval before circulating to the Executive Board. The Minutes for meetings can be approved at the next Executive Board Meeting. Executive Board Meeting Minutes can be put onto the APACPH website under ‘Members Only’ section. F. ELECTIONS OF OFFICERS Ballot sheets should be made up for the election (see ballot sheet example). The elections are usually conducted towards the end of the General Assembly meeting. Only paid member representatives are allowed to vote. Newly appointed officers generally take over on the last day of the conference. In particular with the case of the President, the current President should be at the opening ceremony of the Conference but the incoming President should then be announced at the closing ceremony of the Conference. EXAMPLE LETTER OF INVITATION TO THE APACPH GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETIING Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Office of the President, APACPH Taipei Medical University No. 250, Wu-Hsing Street, Taipei 110, TAIWAN TEL: +886 2 2736 6485 FAX: +886 2 2378 7795 EMAIL: wtchiu@tmu.edu.tw WEBSITE: www.apacph.org DATE Dear APACPH Member Representative, Re: APACPH General Assembly Meeting I would like to take this opportunity to invite you formally to the APACPH General Assembly Meeting which will take place on 7th November at University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This will be followed by the 40th APACPH Conference (8th – 9th November 2008) which I hope you can attend as well. You are advised to arrive in Kuala Lumpur on 6 th November so that we can start our meeting early on the 7th November. There are many exciting developments to discuss at this General Assembly meeting. A formal notice of the General Assembly will be given shortly. There are also five APACPH officer positions up for election this time. Please find attached a memo and details of ‘Nominations for APACPH officers’. It is important that we have good attendance from across the region in order that decisions made at our General Assembly reflect the whole of our membership. I would appreciate it if you could kindly provide an early indication of who is likely to be representing your institution at the General Assembly meeting. Only one representative can vote at the General Assembly Meeting. However, it is possible to have observer status for up to two extra participants from your institution. Please note that only member institutions who have paid their current subscription dues are allowed to vote. A fax back form is attached to this letter or alternatively you can contact Desmond Gul at the APACPH Directorate in Melbourne – Tel: +61 3 9903 0140. Fax: +61 3 9903 0556. Email: desmond@apacph.org Please be reminded that each person is responsible for their own conference registration and payment unless other alternative arrangements have been made. APACPH members are also responsible for making their own hotel reservations. A list of conference hotel accommodations is given on the conference website http://apacph2008.um.edu.my The 40th APACPH Conference in Kuala Lumpur is shaping up well in the short space of time, thanks to the efforts and support from staff at the University of Malaya. Please consult the conference website for registration and updates on the program. Please ensure that you pass on information about the 40th APACPH Conference to your colleagues and public health networks within your country. As time is short and crucial for travel arrangements, your immediate action is very much appreciated. Yours sincerely, Prof Wen-Ta Chiu President, APACPH EXAMPLE GENERAL ASSEMBLY ATTENDANCE FORM APACPH GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING ATTENDANCE FORM Please fax/email back by 10 October 2008 Fax No: +61 3 9903 0556 Email: desmond@apacph.org TO: APACPH Member Representative – Dean / Head of Department The APACPH General Assembly meeting will take place at University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 7 November 2007 9am – 3pm APACPH General Assembly Meeting Name of Representative: ………………………………………………………………………….. Institution: ………………………………………………………………………………………… Please complete as appropriate: I will / will not be attending the General Assembly Meeting. (delete as appropriate) I will / will not be attending the Special Dinner on 7 November. (delete as appropriate) If you are bringing your spouse/partner to this dinner, please tick here _________ (There will be a charge of RM110 for spouse/partner) Our institution appoints ………………………………………………………………………….. to represent it at the General Assembly Meeting. I request observer status at the Board Meeting for: 1st extra person – Name and title ……………………………………………………………….. 2nd extra person – Name and title ………………………………………………………………. I wish to amend our contact details (Representative/Address/Tel/Fax/Email) as follows (if applicable): ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… EXAMPLE AWARDEE LETTER OF INVITATION Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Office of the President, APACPH 5325 MacArthur Blvd NW Washington DC 20016-2521, USA TEL: +1 202 966 6251 FAX: +1 202 364 8397 EMAIL: southby@verizon.net WEBSITE: www.apacph.org 10th October 2006 Prof. Emeritus Dr. Prawase Wasi Department of Microbiology Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital 2 Prannok Road, Bangkoknoi Bangkok 10700, Thailand Dear Professor Wasi, The Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACPH) is a consortium of 59 University-based Schools of Public Health across 18 countries in the Asia-Pacific Region. Its mission is to enhance education and research in the field of public health across the region in order to improve the health of member countries. Each year at our conference we present awards to recipients who have made an outstanding contribution to international health. This year we expect two awards to be presented. We would like you to consider accepting the APACPH Excellence in Leadership Medallion in recognition of your major contribution to health in Thailand and internationally. We cannot think of a more deserving candidate for this award, a view which will be shared by 300 or so peers and colleagues who will be attending the conference. The 38th APACPH Conference will be taking place at the Rama Gardens Hotel, Bangkok and runs from 3rd-6th December. The awards will be presented at the Opening Ceremony on Sunday 3rd December at 1600 hours. You may wish to make a brief address to conference delegates at this time. I would be grateful if your remarks will not exceed five minutes. Please let us know if you will agree to accept this Award and if you are available at that time to attend an award ceremony. We look forward to your favourable reply. Yours sincerely, Dr Richard F. Southby President cc A/Prof Chalermchai Chaikittiporn, Chair, Conference Program Committee 38th APACPH Conference EXAMPLE FORMAT FOR AWARD PLAQUE ASIA-PACIFIC ACADEMIC CONSORTIUM FOR PUBLIC HEALTH APACPH Excellence in Leadership Medallion Professor Emeritus Dr. Prawase Wasi For his leading roles in community self-sustainability and the well-being of the people across the Asia-Pacific Region Presented at the 38th APACPH General Assembly Meeting and International Conference on “Partnership for Human Security and Health” Bangkok, Thailand on the 3rd December 2006 Richard F. Southby MD, PHD President APACPH Wen-Ta Chiu MD, PHD President-Elect APACPH 5. Conference Guidelines Please refer to the Conference Guidelines as drawn up by the Conference Committee 6. APACPH Members A. MEMBERS’ DETAILS Members of APACPH (see Section 1.E for list of current members) are required to pay an annual subscription (US$2,000/1,000/500) within 3 months of the date of invoice or lose membership rights. Membership rights are reinstated once all outstanding subscription payments have been made. It is important that the Directorate office holds an updated register of members therefore APACPH members need to advise the Directorate office of changes of representative, address or name of institution promptly. Occasionally, member representatives will inform you of any changes but it is good practice to update records at the General Assembly. Changes to the members register should be kept with the records of the organisation. Updates should also be made to the website. It is important to note that member representatives may not always be in contact all the time and sometimes they appoint coordinator or contact person to deal with any APACPH matters. Therefore all correspondence need to be sent to them as well. However, representation at the General Assembly needs to be by the official member representative, unless they have nominated someone to attend in their place. B. NEW MEMBERS When you receive a membership enquiry, ensure that they are enquiring for institutional membership rather than for individual. Membership is on an institutional level only at the moment and institutions must be a tertiary academic institution or research centre involved in public health. Occasionally, other types of organisations (eg: NGOs) might be interested to apply. In this case, forward their query to the Chair of the Membership Committee. Once you have determined that they are applying as an institution, you may send them the membership criteria document, the application form and also a pdf file example of a completed application. This can be found in the folder. Once the forms are duly completed with the appropriate signatures/endorsements, the forms should be returned to the Directorate Office and then forwarded to the Chair of Memberships Committee or the SG. APACPH APPLICATION CRITERIA & PROCESS Essentially the admission process involves agreement between the Institution and APACPH on these three elements: 1. Mutuality of interest & collaboration in goals: Teaching, Research &Service. We have generally utilized an APACPH Member sponsor for the application to achieve this objective. 2. Serious Commitment (at institution and faculty levels) for a long-term partnership: The agreement of Faculty as well as the Leadership: President/VC /Dean at the institution to join APACPH. A site visit to meet faculty and officials with one or more APACPH Members and the Secretary General (SG) has been the mechanism we have used to assess this dimension. It also gives both APACPH and the institution areas to focus on future collaboration. The institution may also wish to attend a General Assembly Meeting as an observer prior to joining APACPH in order to meet other members of APACPH around the Region and to attain a more comprehensive understanding of the activities and operations of the organisation. 3. Fulfill Obligations of membership including the payment of annual fees. The annual membership is now based on country GDP and is as follows: Those countries located in the United States of America, Canada, Singapore, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong: US $2000/=(two thousand). Those countries located in Taiwan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Kazakhstan: US $1000/=(one thousand). Those countries located in Philippines, China, Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Mongolia, Lao PDR, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Nepal: US $500=(five hundred) After review by the Membership Committee, and based on the recommendations, approval and admission to APACPH is granted. The SG then notifies the new member who is formally inducted at an Academic Dress Ceremony at the APACPH General Assembly Meeting. A short presentation of the new Board member is expected at that time. Once membership is approved the new member can participate in collaborative activities (attendance at General Assembly meetings, service in committees, community service initiatives, research & curriculum projects, contribute to Journal as reviewer/author etc). Payment of dues will begin the calendar year following induction. Payment of dues must be made within three months of the date of invoice. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Secretary-General’s Office Email: walterp@hawaii.edu apacph@hotmail.com Walter K. Patrick MD. PhD Secretary General APACPH/Chair of Membership Committee John A Burns School of Medicine University of Hawaii 1960 East West Rd. Honolulu Hawaii 96822 USA. C. NEW MEMBER APPLICATION FORM Criteria for new members, the format for membership application and example application are sent to those expressing an interesting joining APACPH. The Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health APACPH Regional Office (Melbourne) c/- Dept of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine Monash University, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne VIC 3004 Tel: +61 3 9903 0140 Fax: +61 3 9903 0556 Email: Desmond.Gul@med.monash.edu.au Website: www.apacph.org FORMAT FOR MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Name of School: …………………………………………………………......................... Address: …………………………………………………………......................... Telephone No.: …………………………………………………………......................... Facsimile No.: …………………………………………………………......................... Email: …………………………………………………………......................... Internet Website: …………………………………………………………......................... Head of Institution: …………………………………………………………......................... Title: …………………………………………………………......................... Telephone No.: …………………………………………………………......................... Facsimile No.: …………………………………………………………......................... Email: …………………………………………………………......................... University Affiliation: …………………………………………………………......................... School Profile: …………………………………………………………......................... Summary: Number of Faculty……………………………………….. Number of Students………………………………………. Programs of Study: …………………………………………………………......................... Study Courses: …………………………………………………………......................... Program: …………………………………………………………......................... Special focus: …………………………………………………………......................... Research: …………………………………………………………......................... Other: …………………………………………………………......................... Current Affiliations: …………………………………………………………......................... Purpose of APACPH membership: ………………………………………………………………….. Resources and Commitments: ………………………………………………………………………. Expectations: …………………………………………………………………………... 8. APACPH Journal A. BACKGROUND OF THE ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH Published at the University of Malaya since 1995 (previously in Singapore) Published four times a year (before 2006 twice yearly) Peer reviewed Only English language journal of its type in the Region Articles cited in Index Medicus, NLM Medline, PsycINFO and CINAHL Guest Editorial and abstracts are published online and can be found on the website www.apjph.org.my At a meeting regarding the future of the Journal, a Special Committee was set up (Chaired by Prof Colin Binns). In its plan for the future the following points were highlighted. The Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health should: Be recognised as world quality Focus on the Asia-Pacific region Maintain editorial control with APACPH Encourage consideration of global issues as well as those of more local and regional relevance Encourage and facilitate publication by early career public health practitioner and researchers Continue to support submissions from lesser-developed countries and provide support with English Publish four issues per year Be available electronically Contain some APACPH news and directory Contain original studies, reviews and editorials In September 2006 APACPH signed a contract with Sage Publishing for them to take over the production of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health from the beginning of 2008. At the Executive Board Meeting (Bangkok, Thailand 2006) the APACPH leadership appointed Prof Wahyun Low as the new Editor-in-Chief of the Journal. Her term of office will run for the length of the Sage contract (2008-2012). B. CONTACTS FOR THE EDITORIAL OFFICE HeRDU, Faculty of Medicine University of Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA Tel: 603 7967 5748 Fax: 603 7967 5769 Email: apjph@ummc.edu.my Prof Wah-Yun Low - Editor-in-Chief Email: lowwy@um.edu.my Dr Yut-Lin Wong - Editorial Team Email: wongyl@ummc.edu.my Ms Joyce Koshy - Editorial Team Email: joyce@ummc.edu.my Current website for the Journal - www.apjph.org Instructions for Authors can be found on the APJPH website. C. JOURNAL AGREEMENT WITH SAGE APACPH has signed an agreement with Sage Publications who will handle the publication, marketing and distribution of the journal. This agreement is from January 2008 – December 2012. APACPH will have control of the editorial content of the journal. The agreement also states that Sage Publications will pay APACPH a quarterly stipend and royalties from the sale of the journal. In return, APACPH will have to pay Sage the members’ subscription to the journal. Hence only paid members will be eligible for annual journal subscription. Refer to the contract for more details. D. DISTRIBUTION OF THE JOURNAL The Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health is a quarterly publication and is sent to the members who have paid their subscription the year before. Sage Publications is responsible for the distribution. However, the Directorate Office needs to send an updated mailing list of its paid members to Sage (Attn: Eddie Santos) after each General Assembly meeting. 8. Communications A. WEBSITE – www.apacph.org The APACPH website offers a wide range of information aimed at members and also a broader audience. Ideally, the focus is kept on the Asia-Pacific region, with the occasional international event and news feature. Features of the website include: A ‘News’ homepage ‘About APACPH’ – Information about APACPH (Vision, Mission and Objectives/Constitution/Executive Board/Regional offices etc) ‘Members’ pages which contains up-to-date contact details for all APACPH members ‘Events’ – details of the APACPH Conference and weblink plus Calendar of Events. ‘APJPH’ - Information on the Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health ‘Activities’ - Information on APACPH activities, projects ‘Communications’ - APACPH Newsletters and Global news ‘Members Only’ - Members login – for access to internal APACPH documents including Minutes of Board and General Assembly meetings ‘Early Career Network’ - Information on the Early Career Network including bulletin board. Access to links and resources relevant to the latest public health issues The APACPH website needs regular updating, particularly after General Assembly Meetings when election of officers may change the make-up of the Executive Board and new members need to be added. News items should be updated and old news deleted. General Assembly and Executive Board Meeting minutes should be added to the ‘Members Only’ section of the website after each meeting. Before meetings, Agenda Papers should be available for download. Access to Control Panel Any changes or additions to the website are made through the Control Panel – http://apacph.org/site/admin - Login Details The username and password are required to login. The username is: apacph (all lowercase) The password is: pubhealth (all lower case) Once accessed, the index page is visible, featuring the following: Pages, Articles, News, Categories, Comments, plus other user features. The best way to familiarise yourself is to explore all the available features on this index page first. 1. Pages All the existing web pages can be accessed and modified via the ‘Manage Pages’ link. Pages can be created, deleted and edited here. To create new pages click on the “Create New Pages’ link. Pages can also be made invisible from website visitors, by clicking on the cross or tick toggle, without having to delete them permanently. 2. Categories On the left hand side of the APACPH homepage there are a number of topics (eg. Accident and Injury, etc.) which contain links, resources and news items related to that topic. Additional categories can be added by ‘Create New Categories’, within the ‘Categories’ section in the Control Panel. 3. News The ‘News’ articles appear on the APACPH homepage. Hover on the ‘News’ Link in the Control Panel to manage, create or review pending news articles. The purpose of the ‘News’ articles section is to post information directly related to APACPH events and activities, APACPH members or other significant developments in the Region. 4. Articles New Articles, are created within the ‘Articles’ section of the Control Panel. The new articles appear within the category topics on the left hand side of the APAPCH homepage. New articles are usually new links, resources and information related to that particular health topic. 5. Comments This section is where comments from users appear. Next to each comment there are options for deleting, editing, approving or disapproving of comments. Unfortunately, many comments are spammers who have somehow circumvented the system and post comments via the website (although it is not clear how). They can post up to 100 comments a day. Although they are not visible on the APACPH website, it is good practice to remove them from the comments section in the Control Panel. APACPH Website - Index Page APACPH Control Panel Upload of Files Documents to be uploaded can be done through the H-Sphere Management Site – http://web4.newwebserver.com/webshell4/login.php Username: apacph Password: pubhealth Click on ‘apacph.org’ and then click on ‘downloads’ so that you come to the screen showing a list of all files that have been uploaded. Click on the upload button and a browse window will open to search for files that you want to upload onto the site. Ensure that your file names are all in lowercaps in 1 word without blank spaces or use the dash “_” as a substitute for space and the file name has the appropriate 3letter extension. To allow access to these files, use the hyperlink option when writing your pages or news in the following format: http://www.apacph.org/downloads/[filename.xxx] APACPH Account Emails To get access to the apacph webmail page, use this website – Login: name@apacph.org Password: mypass Emails sent to this address can be forwarded to your default email account by notifying alive online staff to program this in. However, you will still need to check into the webmail site to clear emails so as to create memory space. APACPH Website Access to ‘Members Only’ section Username: apacph Password: apacph Access to ‘Project Bulletin Boards’ Username: apacph Password: pubhealth Website Maintenance Process On average the website is maintained once a week. A number of tasks are performed on a weekly basis, whereas others are performed less regularly. Those which are performed on a weekly basis include: 1. Recent News The ‘Recent News’ section is located on the home page. New stories and updates relevant to APACPH and its members can be added to this section by accessing the “Create News’ section on the Control Panel. Old news also needs to be deleted. 2. Articles: Public health news, reports and press releases These items are created in the ‘Create Articles’ section on the Control Panel. Removing or amending articles can be achieved through the ‘Manage Articles’ section, and clicking on the relevant article to edit it. Articles are grouped by category, for example: A WHO press release on a study of diabetes will go in the Chronic Disease category. Articles which have been recently added (10 most recent) will also appear at the bottom of the Home page after the ‘Recent News’ section. Signing up to public health email bulletins facilitates access to public health news without having to sift through the internet. An example of sources of public health news with email bulletins: - WHO monthly Bulletin (WHO news, research, press releases) - Google Alerts (news) - Global Health Council weekly updates (events, news, research) - Medical News Today weekly newsletter - Public Library of Science (PLoS) alerts (new articles) - Conference Alerts (monthly alert) - Eldis: Health and Health Systems news 3. Events Events are consigned to the ‘Calendar xxxx’ (year) page in ‘Manage Pages’ on the Control Panel. It is a good idea to subscribe to a site such as ConferenceAlerts.com which sends a monthly bulletin on events in the Public Health field. Occasional newsletter reminders to members to send through their events for posting are also encouraged. 4. Jobs Occasionally members may send information about job vacancies. These can be posted on the ‘Jobs & Opportunities’ page, which is located in the ‘Manage Pages’ on the Control Panel (and is filed under the Communications section on the website). 5. Spam – removal of false registrations, removal of comments Unfortunately even with the university firewall the occasional spam email manages to get through. There are two main problems which need frequent maintenance: - False registrations on the Project Bulletin Boards (accessible from the drop down list in the ‘Activities’ section on the website index page) - Spam comments which seem to be accessible only from the ‘Comments’ tab in the Control Panel. The comments can be removed by clicking in the ‘Comments’ tab (in the Control Panel) and deleting them one by one. Members can also help by: - Returning ‘Member Update’ forms (found on the ‘Members Only’ section of the website) and alerting APACPH when the member details have changed Providing information on events at their institution and in the Region – for inclusion in the News items and the Calendar of Events. Providing information on resources (eg. reports, new research) or news that could be included on the website. Other less frequent website maintenance tasks 1. Maintain correct address and institute details for all members The members section of the website contains a drop-down list of members in each country. Information can be accessed and edited via the ‘Manage Pages’ section in the Control Panel. New members need to be added following General Assembly Meetings. 2. Ensure that links are still current for the links page, as well as for the links and resources provided in each Public health category on the left hand side of the website. 3. Delete historic events from the ‘Calendar of Events’ page – accessible from the ‘Manage Pages’ in the Control Panel. B. NEWSLETTERS APACPH Newsletters are compiled and distributed four times a year by email (to members and non-members) and hard copy by mail (APACPH members). APACPH Newsletters include information on the organisation and its activities (eg conference update, Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, Cyber University, Early Career Network), profiles on APACPH leadership, updates and reminders for members (nomination of officers, payment of dues etc) and other activities in the region that may be of interest. The back page includes a selection of relevant events. Requests for information (events, changes to staff, research projects etc) from APACPH members are sent 4 weeks prior to publishing. Information is also requested from those responsible for the activities of APACPH (eg Cyber University for Health at Yonsei University, Early Career Network). Previous newsletter editions can be accessed via the website in the Communications drop down section. Current newsletters, once emailed to all members, should be uploaded to the website for member access. C. COMMUNICATION TO MEMBERS Communication is mainly by email and the Directorate office often sends communications on behalf of the President or Honorary Secretary. Official memos from the President and Honorary Secretary require that a hard copy is sent to members since not all members have email access. Documents requiring hard copy include: D. Notice of Meeting and invitation letters to the General Assembly Meeting Nomination of officers and election of officer documents Any document requiring a vote from members Request for subscription and invoice Official memos from the President and Honorary Secretary TELECONFERENCES Sometimes, teleconferences may need to be organised. The teleconference company that we use is called Chorus Call (www.choruscall.com.au) APACPH has an account with them (Account Code: APA01) and teleconference bookings can be made online. Bear in mind when organising teleconference that there are time differences and so confirmation emails need to be clear that the appropriate time correspond to the appropriate city.