AGENDA ITEM NO. 1. REPORT TO: Council REPORT NO: SD/PSR/16/04 DATE: 22 December 2004 LEAD OFFICER: Isobel Garner, Chief Executive CONTACT OFFICER: Paul Roberts and Phil Walton, Strategic Directors (Ext 2401 and 7001) SUBJECT: Y:MCD Management Reviews WARD: N/A PURPOSE OF THE REPORT To enable Council to confirm new senior level management structures following the outcome of a number of management reviews undertaken as part of the Ymlaen: Making Change Deliver process. 2. INFORMATION 2.1 Members will recall the report to Council in February 2004 which outlined the top level changes to the management structure with the creation of four Strategic Directors and a reduced number of Chief Officer posts. A further report was presented in September 2004 which confirmed the ideal structure following a number of retirements. This report referred to a number of management reviews which were being undertaken of the Transportation and Engineering and Property Services, DLOs including grass cutting and parks, and private sector housing, led by Strategic Directors, Paul Roberts and Phil Walton. This report outlines the outcome of the reviews and recommends new structures. Full consultation has taken place with staff, Trade Unions and other stakeholders as part of this process and the structure has my support and that of the Strategic Management Team. 2.2 Three reviews took place as outlined above between April - November 2004 and included a formal consultation exercise on various options throughout October: Transportation and Property Services DLOs Private Sector Housing Following the conclusion of the work of the review teams and the consultation exercise, the Strategic Directors then took a view regarding the configuration of the various services and the respective Departmental structures which are recommended in this report in terms of desire to improve service delivery and enhanced performance in line with the Council's Corporate Priorities. This brought together the thinking of the review teams and rationalised any overlapping areas between the reviews. Furthermore the devolved finance, personnel, IT, health and safety and performance functions which were separately managed within the former Development Services Directorate have also been considered as part of the review and recommendations have been made. 2.3 It is emphasised to Members that the recommended outcomes and the structures are to be seen as high level and it is expected that any changes to detailed departmental structures will be implemented by Chief Officers in consultation with the relevant Strategic Directors. 2.4 I would also remind Members that a range of other outcomes associated with Y:MCD such as improved service delivery and customer focus as well as the need for cost neutrality (at least) have also been foremost in the reviews and significant improvements in these areas are anticipated. There are also clear benefits to the drive towards improved performance and towards the outcomes associated with the adoption of the Corporate Priorities. Transportation, Engineering and Property Services 2.5 This review, which was led by Paul Roberts, Strategic Director, recommends the creation of a newly merged department bringing together the majority of the functions of the former Property Services and Transportation and Engineering Departments under a single Chief Officer. This is an unique opportunity to create a new department which focuses upon the whole life concept of capital projects and asset management including design, procurement, project management, asset and facilities management and planned maintenance of all aspects of the Council's physical infrastructure including roads and buildings. 2.6 Members are now asked to consider whether they would wish to go forward with the creation of a new department and with the appointment of a new Chief Officer but on the basis that the departmental structure would be agreed with the new Chief Officer when appointed in consultation with the Strategic Director and Chief Executive. This would be on the basis that it would be high level structural and cultural change rather than root and branch reorganisation of two departments which function very effectively at the present time. A working title for the new department could be "Transportation and Asset Management" and this would be reflected in the skills and experience of the new Chief Officer when appointed. It would also pick up a number of issues raised by recent reviews of project management, reflecting the importance of major projects, project management, asset management and roads and transport in the Corporate Priorities, as well as the increased role which Members now have in project and asset management. 2.7 A number of options were evaluated and consulted upon ranging from status quo, a modified status quo with two departments as they stand with a single Chief Officer, to the new merged department which is now proposed. Within the merged scenario there will be opportunities for a structure and a policy focus to be created by a new Chief Officer with a new senior management team DLO Grass Cutting and Parks 2.8 This review, which was led by Phil Walton, Strategic Director, has considered whether the following services could be provided by a single Department, known as the Environment Department, led by the current Chief Community Services Officer and would include: Waste Management Vehicle Maintenance Fleet Management Wrexham Construction Services and reactive/routine Highways Maintenance Country Parks Public Rights of Way Parks and Landscaping Environmental Maintenance Cemeteries and Crematorium Service This would allow a single point of contact and a single customer interface for implementation of this range of direct services which would allow the generation of efficiencies through improved flexibility, team working and the better use of resources including depots, offices, vehicles, plant etc. 2.9 The review also highlighted a number of clear advantages and opportunities in relation to the proposed merger. Firstly, it would create significant opportunities for efficiencies in frontline services through the creation of a multi-skilled flexible workforce. Secondly, efficiencies would be realised when the current Ruthin Road Highways Depot is relocated to the Wrexham Industrial Estate, a proposal which has the support of the Joint Member/Officer Asset Management Working Group. Thirdly, it would enable improved customer access to services, better co-ordination between services and sharing of resources. Private Sector Housing 2.10 This review, which was led by Phil Walton, Strategic Director, considered three aspects of Private Sector Housing services which are currently based in separate departments: Housing Grants (Chief Planning Officer) Housing Renewal (formerly Chief Property Services Officer) Environmental Health Enforcement (Chief Housing and Public Protection Officer) The recommendation is that these functions report to the Chief Housing and Public Protection Officer, and ultimately the three teams will be merged into a single Private Sector Housing team, within that Department. 2.11 This proposed merger produces clear benefits to customers wishing to access the Private Sector Housing Service. It would create a clear identity, sense of direction and leadership for the service and raise its profile and potential for increased take-up. It would have a potential for more efficient and effective use of resources and systems and a more focused application of a senior management resource to this important service. Devolved Services 2.12 A number of the former Directorates such as Development Services, Personal Services and Education and Leisure Services had devolved teams providing financial, personnel, IT, health and safety and performance management services working to the former Directors and groups of Chief Officers within the Directorate. Following the implementation of the Y:MCD structure of Strategic Directors and devolved accountability for service delivery to Chief Officers, this structure is no longer relevant. This review has considered particularly the devolved services in the former Development Services Directorate and concluded that a way forward would be for re-centralisation of the support teams. This would involve professional accountability to the respective Chief Officers (eg Chief Personnel Officer, Chief Finance and Performance Officer) but with secondment or attachment of the staff directly back to the main stream departments with which they are most closely associated. Clearly the new Chief Finance and Performance Officer will have a view on the most appropriate way forward. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. That the new management structures outlined in this report be implemented by the Chief Executive and the relevant Strategic Directors on the basis that the outcome is at least cost neutral and that savings and efficiencies are identified wherever possible. 2. That the Chief Executive and relevant Strategic Directors undertake a review of the new management structures outlined in this report and report back to the Council after one year. 3. That Council endorses the appointment of a new Chief Officer to head the proposed new merged Transportation and Asset Management Department and that an appointment panel be appointed to confirm the job description, salary and appointment process. 4. That the duties of the Chief Housing and Public Protection Officer and Chief Community Services Officer be amended in line with this report. 5. That the Community Services Department be renamed the Environment Department and the Chief Community Services Officer title renamed accordingly. REASONS FOR RECOMMENDATIONS To ensure that the Ymlaen process moves quickly forward to a desired outcome which delivers improved service delivery and customer focus. Isobel Garner Chief Executive BACKGROUND PAPERS LOCATION WEBSITE INFO. 1. N/A N/A Nil