Practicing our faith by learning how to live a whole life, attentively

Practicing our faith by learning how to live a whole life, attentively,
together, in the real world for the good of all, in response to God.
Come and see
Respect for books on showing the reader” how to” with regards to the
Christian faith remains elusive at best in these well worn areas of the study
of God in post modern social constructs, yet I do find the work of Dr.
Dorothy Bass and friends astoundingly insightful regarding the concept of
learning how to live a “good life”.
So much of theological inquiry and perspective these days seems to remain
untouched by the passage of time and circumstance and it is frankly very
refreshing to have some one attempt to give to those who might be
considering the call to follow the teaching of Jesus Christ a fresh and
exciting way to approach the notion of the daily practice of our faith by
living a “whole life, attentively, together, in the real world, for the good of
all, in response to God.
Come and see!
This concept is at least as important for its provocative nature in that it
suggests to me that the well worn theological traditions are losing their
archaic/antiquated grip on the next generations of would be followers of the
Christian faith. In the gospel of Saint john
Jesus says “come and See” as an invitation to join him in fresh new
ways and creative behaviors for those would be followers of the son of
I would like to suggest that this might be the beginning of a new paradigm in
how we evolve relationship out of our collective faith journey.
Come and see!
I would also like to suggest that the faith community of this new generation
will emerge out of their relationship to a living Christ like spirit that is not
centered and housed in the hallowed but often emptied museums of
historical faith tradition but instead it will come from the fresh oil of
personal relationships and spiritual experiences that followers have with one
another and the stranger, the barbarian, and the others who are seen
different as identified with obsessive clarity by the traditional ancient texts,
of our fore fathers which is still the primary source material used by most of
the theological writers in the academic communities of to day.
Come and see!
I believe that the youth movement of today is producing new voices for the
broken young people like our SALT community and Lutheran international
volunteers , these are examples of a growing number of spiritually directed
youth who are embracing the teachings of Jesus Christ without the
impediment of the traditional barriers placed through the denominational or
cultural or religious or ethnic guidelines of behaviors and practices that
shape and form the core of our historical worship and traditional life
Come and see!
Traditions sometimes marginalizes and isolates people who are broken and
in need of our love and care. This new youth lead emerging community is
responding to the Prophet Joel that says “in those days I/God will pour out
my spirit on ALL
People Joel 2:28
This emerging youthful spirit Reflects three powerful practices of faith that
connects to the wonderful examples displayed in the text “on our way”.
These practices are being embraced by the youth emerging out of the old and
rigid traditions of the denominational doctrines as well as different religious
communities from around the world. They reflect key parts of the mission
and ministry of Jesus Christ and it is reshaping and transforming the
institutional churches and religious communities and they parallel other
Youth movements in faith communities from a variety of religions
Come and see Christ beckons and those that consider being disciples
He does not ask of qualifications or guidelines of accepted tradition he
simple says come and see without trappings of any particular tradition
Christ reaches beyond any particular barrier of faith to share the
powerful lesson of inclusiveness’ of Gods love for all humanity.
The first practice that this young new emerging Christian group is
expressing is a radically urgent and obsessive compassionate and
authentic caring response to human brokenness and it is crossing
religious and cultural barriers and helping any one that is in need of help
it is not allowing difference to impede compassion and concern and care.
Come and see!
This is the way they say to living A good life authentic concern for others.
Connected to this radical new authentic desire to heal human brokenness is
a intense intentionality of community.
Young people are emerging from traditional models determined to be in
community with other human beings of different culture religions and
communities ethnicities, there is a growing acceptance of the concept of
concern about all humans that will not be deterred by out dated racist sexist
and homophobic language and tradition. In a nutshell young people really
are coming to the place where they understand in a conscious way” that”
nothing can separate us from the love of God”
Come and see!
Thirdly young people are learning from the provocative nature of Christ’s
loving presence presented consistently in the record of the concerns and
compassion of the Christ spirit in the historical account as well as the lives
of those who are touched by him to follow him. That Jesus presented himself
to people in a loving and authentic way without
The need to give value to the doctrines of the cultural and social institutions
of the day.
Young people are seeking and finding that same power and presence as they
present themselves to the world . This attitude is turning the traditional
church on its head and inside out because it usurps the authority and control
of the traditions.
Young people are moving beyond the confines of these traditions to find the
Christ that transforms culture and the world through the radical acceptance
and authentic presence in the strangers life and daily journey.
This new emerging youth movement embraces the essence of the Christ
tradition and applies it to practical behavior among all people of different
and same traditional religious practices. Muslims Jews, Buddhists Hindus
Christians, Native Americans the other recognized religious communities
and the unrecognizable ones as well, are influenced by this emerging
As this practice gains momentum then it would be well advised that
theological communities be prepared to reset or even evolve a more relevant
way to explain the phenomena of Gods spirit pouring out on all flesh as
perhaps a invocation of the return of Christ presence in the life of all
creation in a more genuine and authentic way.
Perhaps we are witnessing the radical transforming of faith community in
preparation for the return of Christ and the end of this divided violent and
disingenuous religious age.
Young people are emerging from within All religious institutions of the day
with a:
A. Radical and urgently obsessive genuine concern and compassion to
address human brokenness in all peoples.
B. Intense and active intentionality of community with all people.
C. The provocative loving Christ presence shared with everyone
including the strangers in our midst.
This Is the focus of the new youthful emerging community in the life of
all faith communities including but not limited to Christianity.
Hopefully these young spirit filled emerging group of people of all faiths
will usher in a more profoundly spiritual age of Christ consciousness among
all people everywhere.
If so, come lord Jesus come!
Come and see!