Minutes of Tuesday, October 12, 2004
The Tuesday, October 12, 2004, Lee’s Summit Planning Commission was called to order by
Chairperson Trainer, at 6:00 p.m., at Arnold Hall, 123 SE 3rd Street.
Chairperson Trainer
Ms. Rosenquist
Mr. Fristoe
Mr. Atcheson
Mr. Reece
Mr. Christopher
Ms. Funk
Mr. Pycior
Mr. Tranchilla
Also present were Linda Tyrrel, Assistant Director, Planning and Development Department;
Rich Wood, Deputy City Attorney; Kent Monter, Development Engineering Manager and Kim
Brennan, Administrative Secretary.
Chairperson Trainer stated that the date for continued Application 2004-198 (Item 2) had been changed from October 26, 2004 to November 9, 2004. She asked if there were other additions or corrections to the agenda. There were none. On motion of Mr. Christopher, seconded by Ms.
Rosenquist, the Planning Commission members voted unanimously by voice vote to APPROVE the agenda as amended.
A. Application #2004-172 - FINAL PLAT Napa Valley, 1 st Plat, Lots 1-88 and Tracts A-M;
Napa Valley Investments, LLC, applicant
B. Application #2004-174 - PRELIMINARY PLAT Markman Estates, Lots 1-17 and Tract
A; Greg Stervinou Construction Company, Inc., applicant
C. Application #2004-190 - FINAL PLAT - Meadows at Summit Ridge, 5 th Plat, Lots 170-
192 and Tracts H & I, Williamsburg Properties, LLC, applicant
D. Minutes of the September 14, 2004 Planning Commission meeting
Chairperson Trainer called for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda.
On motion of Mr. Pycior, seconded by Mr. Fristoe, the Planning Commission voted by voice vote of six “yes” (Chairperson Trainer, Ms. Rosenquist, Mr. Fristoe, Mr. Christopher, Mr. Pycior and
Mr. Tranchilla) and one “abstain” (Ms. Funk) to APPROVE Consent Agenda Items 1A through
PLANNING COMMISSION 2 October 12, 2004
2. Public Hearing: Application #2004-198 -- PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN – 651-
661 SE Bailey Road, Bailey Center, Hirst & Assoc., applicant
Chairperson Trainer opened the hearing at 6:03 p.m. and announced that Application 2004-198 was being continued to a date certain of November 9, 2004 to allow for proper notification. She then closed the hearing.
(The foregoing is a digest of the secretary’s notes of the public hearing. The transcript may be obtained.)
3. Public Hearing: Application #2004-192 – SPECIAL USE PERMIT for Day Care, 705 SW
Graff Way, Patricia Miller, applicant
Chairperson Trainer opened the hearing at 6:03 p.m. and announced that Application 2004-192 was being continued to a date certain of October 26, 2004 by staff. She then closed the hearing.
(The foregoing is a digest of the secretary’s notes of the public hearing. The transcript may be obtained.)
6. Public Hearing: Application 2004-068 – SPECIAL USE PERMIT for trailer sales in CP-2 –
902 SE Douglas Street, Big Tex Trailers; Duff Motor Company, Inc., applicant
Chairperson Trainer opened the hearing at 6:04 p.m. and announced that Application 2004-068 was being continued to a date certain of October 26, 2004 at staff’s request. She then closed the hearing.
(The foregoing is a digest of the secretary’s notes of the public hearing. The transcript may be obtained.)
7. Public Hearing: Application #2004-221 – SPECIAL USE PERMIT for pole sign - 902 SE
Douglas Street, Big Tex Trailers; Duff Motor Company, Inc., applicant
Chairperson Trainer opened the hearing at 6:05 p.m. and announced that Application 2004-221 was being continued to a date certain of Octo ber 26, 2004 at staff’s request. She then closed the hearing.
(The foregoing is a digest of the secretary’s notes of the public hearing. The transcript may be obtained.)
4. Public Hearing - Application #2004-194 – PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN 825
NW Commerce Dr. and APPLICATION #2004-195 - SPECIAL USE PERMIT for karate school, Summit Tec Industrial Park, Lot 6B; Tim & Charlotte Schloss, applicant
(Mr. Pycior left the table for this hearing.)
Chairperson Trainer opened the hearing at 6:05 p.m. and asked those wishing to speak, or provide testimony, to stand and be sworn in by the court reporter.
PLANNING COMMISSION 3 October 12, 2004
Mr. Guy Gronberg of Guy Gronberg Architects gave his address as 1817 NE Gatewood Drive in
Lee’s Summit and explained that he was present representing Froelich Pycior Companies as well as Mr. Jeff Yaegley with the Academy of Fighting Arts. He described the proposed project as a 11,250 square foot office/warehouse type building. It would incorporate stucco, brick and glass and an improved metal panel and would occupy a 1.2-acre site. This was on the southwest corner of Commerce and NW Main. Of the square footage, 6,000 square feet would be owned and occupied by the Academy of Fighting Arts, a karate school, under a Special Use
Permit. He offered to answer any questions the Commission might have about the Preliminary
Development Plan.
Following Mr. Gronberg’s remarks, Chairperson Trainer asked for staff comments.
Ms.Tyrrel entered Exhibit (A), list of exhibits 1-19 into the record and stated that the property was zoned industrial. Under the UDO, recreation facilities were allowed in industrial zones with a Special Use Permit and the building was constructed as an industrial building that could be used as such at a later time. Staff looked specifically at adequate parking and traffic volumes for the street capacity. In analyzing this application, they found that the parking to be provided was adequate and the streets had the capacity to handle the traffic. Recommendation Item 1 specified a period of ten years for the Special Use Permit, which was consistent with other similar SUPs that had been granted. Item 2 addressed the height of the shrubs screening the mechanical equipment and Item 3 required a quit claim of the storm drainage easement. The existing easements were adequate to handle the drainage and the referenced easement had been dedicated before the platting of the property. The Public Works Department had agreed to the quit claim.
Following these comments, Chairperson Trainer asked if there was anyone else present wishing to give testimony, either for or in opposition to the application. Seeing none, she asked if the
Commission had questions for the applicant or for staff. As there were none, Chairperson
Trainer closed the public hearing at 6:09 p.m. and asked for discussion, or for a motion.
Ms. Funk made a motion to recommend approval of Application 2004-194, Preliminary
Development Plan, 825 NW Commerce Dr. and Application 2004-195, Special Use Permit for karate school, Summit Tec Industrial Park, Lot 6B; Tim & Charlotte Schloss, applicant, subject to staff’s letter of November 8, specifically Recommendation Items 1 through 3. Ms. Rosenquist seconded.
Chairperson Trainer asked if there was any discussion of the motion. Hearing none, she called for a vote.
On motion of Ms. Funk, seconded by Ms. Rosenquist, the Planning Commission members voted unanimously by voice vote (Mr. Pycior not voting) to recommend APPROVAL of
Application 2004-194, Preliminary Development Plan, 825 NW Commerce Dr. and Application
2004-195, Special Use Permit for karate school, Summit Tec Industrial Park, Lot 6B; Tim &
Charlotte Schloss, applicant, subject to staff’s letter of November 8, specifically
Recommendation Items 1 through 3.
(The foregoing is a digest of the secretary’s notes of the public hearing. The transcript may be obtained.)
(Mr. Pycior returned to the table.)
PLANNING COMMISSION 4 October 12, 2004
5. Public Hearing - Application #2004-199
NE Ralph Powell Rd., MJB of Missouri, applicant
Chairperson Trainer opened the hearing at 6:10 p.m. and asked those wishing to speak, or provide testimony, to stand and be sworn in by the court reporter.
Mr. Justin Bridges of the Davidson Design Group gave his address as 11301 Strang Line Road in Lenexa, Kansas. He described the project as an 18,000 square foot office building in the
Chapel Ridge development, very similar to the other buildings currently in the development.
The applicant agreed with staff’s one Recommendation Item, provided that the screening of the parking could be done during the second phase of the project.
Following Mr. Bridges’ remarks, Chairperson Trainer asked for staff comments.
Ms. Tyrrel entered Exhibit (A), list of exhibits 1-16 into the record and explained that the project was in two phases and the plan had not shown the screening around the parking lot. As long as they were not building the parking lot in the first phase, staff was agreeable to the screening being installed when the parking lot went in.
Following Ms. Tyrrel’s comments, Chairperson Trainer asked if there was anyone else present wishing to give testimony, either for or in opposition to the application. Seeing none, she asked if the Commission had questions for the applicant or for staff. As there were none, Chairperson
Trainer closed the public hearing at 6:12 p.m. and asked for discussion, or for a motion.
Mr. Pycior made a motion to recommend approval of Application 2004-199 Preliminary
Development Plan, 3350 NE Ralph Powell Rd., MJB of Missouri, applicant, subject to staff’s letter of November 8 2004, specifically Recommendation Item 1, with an addition stating that the screening could be done at the time that the second phase parking lot was built. Mr. Tranchilla seconded.
Chairperson Trainer asked if there was any discussion of the motion. Hearing none, she called for a vote.
On motion of Mr. Pycior, seconded by Mr. Tranchilla, the Planning Commission members voted unanimously by voice vote to recommend APPROVAL of Application 2004-199 Preliminary
Development P lan, 3350 NE Ralph Powell Rd., MJB of Missouri, applicant, subject to staff’s letter of November 8 2004, specifically Recommendation Items 1 with Recommendation Item 1 amended as stated.
(The foregoing is a digest of the secretary’s notes of the public hearing. The transcript may be obtained.)
There were no public comments at the meeting.
Ms. Rosenquist asked if the make-up meeting was still scheduled for October 19th and Ms.
Tyrrel confirmed that it was.
PLANNING COMMISSION 5 October 12, 2004
An unusually large number of citizens were present in the audience, and Mr. Thomas Brown stated to the Commission that they were from the Summerfield Homes Association and were present in support of the Markman Estates application on the Consent Agenda. He confirmed with Chairperson Trainer that the final plat for Markman would be coming back to the
Commission for approval, adding that the neighbors wanted Mrs. Markman to know that she had the support of the Summerfield Homes Association and the Westline Homes Association.
Having no further discussion, Chairperson Trainer adjourned the meeting at 6:15 p.m.