Use your book to fill out the map

Use your book to fill out the map.
Label on the map with the letter and name.
a. British possession at the southern tip of Africa.
b. French island possession
c. Independent nation on the west coast
d. French possession bordering on the above nation
e. South-central African possession of Belgium
f. Portuguese possession on the west coast
g. Portuguese possession on the east coast
h. Northernmost British possession
i. German possession on the east coast
j. Italian possession on the northern coast
k. Independent nation on the east coast
Label the territories of the following countries
l. France
m. Germany
n. Spain
o. Belgium
p. Italy
q. Great Britain
r. Portugal
Create a key.
1. Which nation controlled the most land in Africa?
2. Which country claimed most of northwest Africa?
3. Who claimed Angola?
4. Who claimed Uganda?
5. Who claimed Libya?
6. Who claimed Sudan?
7. What's the difference between a colony and a protectorate?
8. What is social Darwinism? How did it help justify colonization of Africa?
9. Why were the Europeans able to divide up Africa?
10. Only Liberia and Ethiopia remained independent. What happens to Ethiopia later as a sort of
"revenge" for its earlier independence?