Welcome to AP Psychology - RaduegeAP

AP Psychology
Friday, September 12
1. Collect Prologue Review
2. Return “Who am I?”
3. Quiz (Surprise!?)
4. Complete Discussion of Psychology’s Subfields (Obj. 7)
Learning Target: Identify some of psychology’s subfields,
and explain the difference between clinical psychology and
5. Read Assigned Section of Chapter 3 and complete the
accompanying paper (9/15) & complete your Who am I? (9/16)
6. Prologue/Ch. 3 Test: tentatively scheduled for
Wednesday. 9/17
AP Psychology
Thursday, September 11
1. Collect Who am I?
2. Trace your hand
3. Perspectives Review
4. Discuss Types of Psychologists
5. Homework: Prologue Review: Due in INK
(Friday), 9/12
6. Ch. 3 Jigsaw (due Monday, 9/15)
Learning Target: Identify some of psychology’s subfields,
and explain the difference between clinical psychology and
AP Psychology
Wednesday, September 10
Discuss the Main Perspectives of
Psychology (Obj. 4)
Trace Your Hand
Card Sort
Learning Target: Describe each of the main psychological
perspective and use them to explain a trait.
Writing Assignment for Perspectives of Psychology
Who Am I? Due in (Thursday) INK 9/11
Prologue Review: Due in INK (Friday), 9/12
AP Psychology
Tuesday, September 9
 Return Prologue Vocabulary Grid
 Discuss Rules and Procedures
 Discuss the Main Perspectives of Psychology (Obj. 4)
Learning Target: Describe each of the main psychological
perspective and use them to explain a trait.
 Writing Assignment for Perspectives of Psychology
 Homework:
Who Am I? Due in (Thursday) INK 9/11
Prologue Review: Due in INK (Friday) , 9/12
AP Psychology
Monday, September 8
Good Things
Collect Prologue Vocabulary Grid
People’s Choice Award
Complete Discussion of the history of
5. Discuss the Main Perspectives of Psychology (Obj. 4)
6. Writing Assignment for Perspectives of Psychology
7. Homework Prologue-Review: Due in INK Wednesday, 9/10
Learning Target: Describe each of the main psychological
perspective and use them to explain a trait.
Friday, September 5
Take Attendance
Discuss “Is this cheating?”
Discuss Prescientific Psychology (Objectives 1-3)
Homework: Prologue Vocabulary Grid: Due Monday 9/8
(This may be done in pencil)
Learning Target: Trace psychology’s prescientific roots, from
early understandings of mind and body to the beginnings of
modern science.
Is this cheating?
1. Using information from a text or internet source without giving
credit to the author by way of a footnote.
2. Looking at someone else’s test to see if they have the same answer as you.
3. Copying one answer from someone else’s test.
4. Copying several answers from another person’s test.
5. Working together on homework such as worksheets.
6. Getting a general idea of what is on the test from an earlier hour.
7. Providing a general idea of what is on the test to a later hour.
8. Obtaining prior notification of a pop quiz.
9. Providing advance notification of a pop quiz.
10. Copying someone else’s homework.
11. Allowing someone to copy your homework.
12. Purchasing essays off the internet.
Thursday, September 4
Take Attendance
Assign Seats
Return Chapter 7 Quest (make notations)
Complete Discussing Rules, Regulations, etc.
Begin Discussing Prologue (Objectives 1-3)
Homework: Prologue Vocabulary Grid: Due Monday 9/8
(This may be done in pencil)
AP Psychology
Wednesday, September 3
1. Take Attendance
2. Chapter 7 “Quest”
3. Social Contracts
How do you want me to treat you?
How do you want to be treated by each other?
How do you think I want to be treated?
What should we do if we have a disagreement?
4. BINGO (if time permits)
Learning Target: Explain the major types of consciousness and
sleep disorders.
AP Psychology
Tuesday, September 2
1. Take Attendance (make name tents)
2. Collect Summer Work
3. Sign up for Wiki
4. Rules
5. Doodling
6. Chapter 7 Test (20 multiple choice questions) tomorrow (9/3)
Learning Target: Get to know each other and familiarize yourself
with the class procedures and expectations
Twitter: @raduegeappsych
AP Psychology
Tuesday, September 17
1. Prologue and Chapter 3 Test
2. We are starting Chapter 1 next
AP Psychology
Monday, September 16
1. Discuss Collectivism vs.
2. Video Clip
3. Assess students’ individualist vs. collectivist traits
4. Card sort
Learning Target: Identify ways a primarily individualist
culture differs from a primarily collectivist cultures, and compare
their effects on personal identity.
5. Prologue/Ch. 3 Test on Tuesday, 9/17 (59 Multiple Choice ?s)
AP Psychology
Friday, September 13
1. Jigsaw Chapter 3
Learning Target: Describe the questions that interest
behavior geneticists. Explain the way that behavior geneticists
use twin and adoption studies to understand the effects of
environment and heredity.
2. Fill in “Who am I?” in note taking guide
Tuesday: Test on Prologue and Chapter 3 (59 multiple choice
questions) It’s a Darwin test…
AP Psychology
Thursday, September 12
7. Return Prologue Review
8. Quiz
9. Complete Discussion of Psychology’s Subfields (Obj. 7)
Learning Target: Identify some of psychology’s subfields,
and explain the difference between clinical psychology and
3. Prologue “Who am I?” descriptions (due Fri. 9/13)
4. Read Assigned Section of Chapter 3 and complete the
accompanying paper (9/13) & complete your Who am I? (9/16)
5. Prologue/Ch. 3 Test: tentatively scheduled for Tues. 9/17