CURRICULUM VITAE Personal Details Name: Jun Yu Academic Address: Department of Economics School of Business and Economics The University of Auckland Private Bag 92019 Auckland, New Zealand Tel: 64 9 3737599 ext. 5770 Fax: 64 9 3737427 E-mail: Date of Birth: 05 June 1969 Citizenship: Canadian Citizen, New Zealand Permanent Resident Marital Status: Married with one child Academic Qualifications Ph.D. in Economics, The University of Western Ontario, 1998 M.A. in Economics, The University of Western Ontario, 1994 B.Sc. in Mathematics, Wuhan University, 1990 B.A. in Economics, Wuhan University, 1990 Academic Appointments 1998- Lecturer, Department of Economics, The University of Auckland Awards & Prizes The A R Bergstrom Prize in Econometrics, 1999 T.M. Browns Ph.D. Thesis Prize at the University of Western Ontario, 1998 Doctoral Fellowship of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), 1997 Doctoral Scholarship of Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), 1997 Ontario Graduate Scholarship, 1997 Sir Arthur Currie Memorial Scholarship at the University of Western Ontario, 1995 Special University Scholarship at the University of Western Ontario, 1993-1998 Graduate Tuition Scholarship at the University of Western Ontario, 1994-1998 Undergraduate Fellowship, Wuhan University, 1990 Current Research Interests Term Structure of Interest Rates, Option Pricing, Risk Management, Efficient Estimation of Time-series Models Consulting Experience 1998 1999 2000 Providing a longitudinal analysis of bank margins in USA and NZ for the ASB bank in NZ Running a short course on forecasting methods using econometric models for the Reserve Bank in NZ, other commercial banks Running a short course on forecasting methods using econometric models for the Treasury in NZ Teaching Interests Econometrics, Finance Teaching Experience Undergraduate Courses Mathematical Economics (Year 2), 1994, at the University of Western Ontario Econometrics I (Year 2), 1995, at the University of Western Ontario Econometrics II (Year 3), 1996, at the University of Western Ontario Econometrics I (Year 2), 1999,2000, at the University of Auckland Applied Econometrics I (Year 3), 1999,2000, at the University of Auckland Graduate Courses Econometric Theory, 1999,2000, at the University of Auckland Financial Econometrics, 1999,2000, at the University of Auckland Postgraduate Supervision I have supervised nine Master students in the fields of econometrics and finance. Hagen Bluhm, Master Thesis, Forecasting Volatility on German Financial Markets Using Non-linear Time Series Models Ping Guan, Master Dissertation, Econometric Analysis of Term Structure of New Zealand Interest Rates Jenny Wong, Master Dissertation, Cointegration Analysis of Term Structure of New Zealand Interest Rates Scott Marsh, Master Dissertation, Which Other Currency Movements Have Most Influence on the New Zealand Dollar Katherine Skinner, Master Dissertation, Exchange Rates and Stock prices: a Purchasing Power Parity Approach Colleen Chan, Master Dissertation, Forecasting Volatility on Hang-Seng Stock Exchange Using Non-linear Time Series Models Douglas Lau, Master Dissertation, Optimal Electricity Generation from a Hydrodam Based on an Option Pricing Framework Yingzheng Zhang, Master Dissertation, New Zealand Interest Dynamics Iris Pang, Master Dissertation, Testing the Efficient Market Hypothesis for the Hong Kong Stock Market I am co-supervising a Ph.D. student, Andreas Berg, in the filed of financial econometrics External Examiner Isarest Weeraprajak. A comparative study of time-series forecasting applied to stock market price. University of Canterbury Refereeing I have refereed papers for Journal of Econometrics, Econometric Theory Professional Activities Co-chairman, New Zealand Econometrics Study Group Meeting, Auckland, 1999, 2001 Treasurer, New Zealand Econometrics Study Group, 1999 – Member of American Finance Association Member of Econometric Society Conferences My work has been presented at the following conferences. Canadian Econometrics Study Group Conference, September 1997, September 1998 NZ Econometrics Study Group Conference, July 1998, February 1999, July 1999, March 2000, March 2001 Quantitative Methods in Finance 1998, December 1998 Far Eastern Meeting of The Econometric Society 1999, July 1999 ANZIAM 2000, February 2000 Mid-west Econometric Study Group Conference, October 2000 Seminars & Workshops I have been invited to give seminars at the following places. University of Melbourne, 2001 Monash University, 2001 University of Auckland, 1999,2001 Bank of Canada, 1998 University of Alberta, 1998 The University of Western Ontario, 1997, 1998 The University of Western Ontario, Department of Statistics, 1997 Publications in Refereed Journals 1. Empirical Characteristic Function In Time Series Estimation, Econometric Theory, forthcoming (with John Knight) 2. Forecasting Volatility in the New Zealand Stock Market, Applied Financial Economics, forthcoming 3. Do Stock Returns Follow A Finite Variance Distribution? Annals of Economics and Finance, 2001, 2, 125-144 (with Q.M. Shao and Hao Yu) 4. BUGS for a Bayesian Analysis of Stochastic Volatility Models, The Econometrics Journal, 2000, 3(2), 198-215 (with Renate Meyer) 5. Testing the Expectations Theory of the Term Structure for New Zealand, New Zealand Economic Papers, 1999, 33(1), 93-114 (with Graeme Guthrie and Julian Wright) Publications in Edited Books 6. Test for Finite Variance Stock Return Distributions, Return Distributions in Finance, Ed. by J.L. Knight and S.E. Satchell, 2000, 143-164, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford Papers Submitted to Refereed Journals 7. Gaussian Estimation of Continuous Time Models of Short Term Interest Rates (with Peter C.B. Phillips), invited for submission to Econometrics Journal 8. Estimation of a Self-Exciting Poisson Jump Diffusion Model by the Empirical Characteristic Function Method, submitted to Econometric Review 9. Estimation of the Stochastic Volatility Model by the Empirical Characteristic Function Method, submitted to Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics (with John Knight and Steve Satchell) 10. Forecasting Volatility: Evidence from the German Stock Market, submitted to Journal of Banking and Finance (with Hagen Bluhm) Papers in Progress 1. Stochastic Processes for High Frequency Electricity Auction Prices (with John Small) 2. Goodness-of-fit Tests for Time Series Models by the Empirical Characteristic Function (with Yongmiao Hong) 3. Bayesian Analysis of a Self-Exciting Jump Diffusion Model for Equity Markets (with Renate Meyer) 4. Bayesian Analysis of Alternative Stochastic Volatility Models (with Andreas Berg and Renate Meyer)