Pink Slip Homework Form: Incomplete Assignment Tracking


Printed Name: ______________________________________

#: ____________

Today’s Date: ________________________

Pink Slip

Completing your homework is your responsibility as a student.

Missing Assignments: ____________________________________________________

I do not have my homework today because:

 I did the assigned homework, but I left it at home.

 I forgot to do my homework.

 I did not bring home what I needed to do my homework.

 Other—please explain below. (To be completed by student)



Homework is tracked as follows:

Unfinished and partially finished homework is recorded as incomplete. It should be stapled to a pink slip, completed the next evening, in addition to the regular homework, and then be checked and signed by a parent. Earned “incompletes” will be tracked for the report card under “Characteristics of Successful Learners.”

 Grades are determined as follows for each marking period: Proficient = 0-3 incomplete assignments, Needs Improvement = 4 or more incomplete assignments.

 For every two school weeks that students receive no incompletes, they will receive a homework pass, which is good for skipping a future homework assignment!

PLEASE NOTE: Homework is posted daily on the “Homework” page of my website so that parents may verify the child’s homework book. In the event that the website is not updated, students are still accountable for the evening’s work as listed on the homework

board in the classroom.

Parents, please keep up an on-going discussion at home about responsibility and the importance of developing good work habits. On the back, you will find some suggestions and possible discussion points. For some students, developing good habits takes time, persistence, consistency, and a united front at school and home, but the long-term pay-off will be that your child will develop the work ethic needed to be successful in school and beyond.

Parent’s Signature _______________________________________________________

Student Responsibilities

 Participate in class and ask for help if you are confused about today’s lessons or the homework.

 Copy homework into planner at the end of each day—AFTER the teacher has reviewed the assignments. Copy exactly what is written on the board so there is no confusion at home.

 Pack up all materials needed to complete homework properly. Try highlighting each assignment in

your planner as you place it, and any related materials, in your homework folder.

 At home, complete homework as independently as possible and with a high level of effort, including neatness and writing conventions. Try checking off the assignments in your planner as you complete them and then show your completed homework and planner to a parent each night.

 Have your homework out and organized on your desk to review the following day.

 Correct homework with the class. Participate and ask questions so you can learn from mistakes.

Some Suggestions for Parents

 Try to help your child develop positive homework routines and attitudes by making homework a priority and reaffirming its importance.

 Set a regular time, location, and routine to complete work.

 Check student agenda and/or the homework webpage to ensure all work is complete.

 Hold your child accountable for completing work thoroughly and with a high level of effort. (For example, require your child to show their calculations on paper. Encourage them to find and correct their mistakes. Expect neatness and correct capitalization, punctuation, spelling, etc.)

 Coach your child if he/she is confused, helping them to work through it. Be sure to jot a note on the page to make the teacher aware that your child needed extra help.

 Avoid trying to rescue your child from an” incomplete”—such as bringing them back to school to grab forgotten work, dropping off a signed test left on the kitchen table, writing a note to explain why the homework is not at school, etc. Your child will learn much more by experiencing a small consequence and will subsequently change their behavior faster, especially if they are held accountable both at school and at home. Of course, actual family emergencies are the exception.

 If your child receives an incomplete, encourage them to own their actions rather than make excuses for them. Receiving one or two incompletes is normal and provides students an opportunity to improve their work habits. We will spend a lot of time reinforcing responsibility in the classroom, especially regarding homework. Please make it part of your family conversations as well.
