Transearch Interface Setup

POS Interface Configuration Settings
Current Label
Data Interface Tab
a. Record Data
b. Data Source
c. Data Device
d. Data Type
e. Incoming
f. Save As
g. Raw Capture (RC)
Set to Desired Serial Port
Automatically Set
Sets Transearch Register ID
Gulfcoast Use Only
Mulitprint Printers Tab
Enable for Corresponding Comm Port set by “Data Device” on the “Data
Interface” tab
a. Multiple Printer Enabled
b. Printer 1
Set to Desired Register ID
c. - drop down list
d. Printer 2
Set to Desired Secondary ID
e. - drop down list
f. Printer 3
g. - drop down list
Set up Registers 1 through 20 as Sapphire Registers
Data Interface Tab
a. Record Data
b. Data Source
c. Data Device
d. Data Type
e. Incoming
Set to Sapphire Register IDs
f. Save As
Sets Transearch Register ID
g. Raw Capture (RC)
Gulfcoast Use Only
Network System Settings Tab
a. Sapphire XML Data Path
Default: “C:\Sapphire\”
Data Interface Tab
a. Record Data
b. Data Source
c. Data Device
d. Data Type
e. Incoming
f. Save As
g. Raw Capture (RC)
Set to Desired Serial Port
Automatically Set
Sets Transearch Register ID
Gulfcoast Use Only
Wayne Nucleus
Wayne Nucleus Data comes in on only one Serial Port. All registers are given an
Incoming Data Identification Number to distinguish each Register in the Nucleus.
This number corresponds to the “Incoming” Number set on the Data Interface
tab. For Each Register on the Wayne Nucleus System, a corresponding Register
Slot must be added with the corresponding Incoming Number (ex: “Register 2”
possess “Incoming” number of “2”) All Serial Ports for each register are set to
the Serial port that receives the Wayne Nucleus Data.
Data Interface Tab
a. Record Data
b. Data Source
c. Data Device
d. Data Type
e. Incoming
f. Save As
g. Raw Capture (RC)
Set to Desired Serial Port
“Wayne Nucleus”
Manually set for each Register
Sets Transearch Register ID
Gulfcoast Use Only
Subshop 2000
On Subshop Register, must share folder “Proqueue”. Default location is
“C:\sb20\Proqueue\”. This is also the File Path address that is written in the
Network / System Settings tab under the Data Transport #.
Data Interface Tab
a. Record Data
b. Data Source
c. Data Device
d. Data Type
e. Incoming
f. Save As
g. Raw Capture (RC)
Set to Desired Data Transport
“Subshop 2000”
Manually Set: Data Transport #
Sets Transearch Register ID
Gulfcoast Use Only
Network / System Settings Tab
a. Data Transport #
i. IP
ii. Port #
iii. TCP / UDP settings
iv. Path
v. Reconnect
vi. Connect / Listen
IP Address of Subshop Register
File Path of folder Proqueue
Default Setting
Must share folder on the Autogas system that contains *.jnl files. The File path is
written in the Network / System Settings tab under Data Transport #. All Registers
are assigned to the same Data Transport. Only one Data Transport is used. When
assigning “Incoming” numbers, each Autogas Register is assigned a number
corresponding to that Register’s ID number (1-7; if only one register, assign
number as “1”) Must also create two (2) ghost Registers in Transearch with
Incoming Numbers of “8” and “9”. These ghost registers handle all fuel
transactions and are necessary for the Autogas system.
Data Interface Tab
a. Record Data
b. Data Source
c. Data Device
d. Data Type
e. Incoming
f. Save As
g. Raw Capture (RC)
Set to Desired Data Transport
Manually Set: See above
Sets Transearch Register ID
Gulfcoast Use Only
Network / System Settings Tab
a. Data Transport #
i. IP
ii. Port #
iii. TCP / UDP settings
iv. Path
v. Reconnect
vi. Connect / Listen
IP address of Autogas System
File Path of *.jnl folder
Default Setting