PARENT’S PAGE What is the Archbishop’s Youth and Young Adult Pilgrimage? Archbishop William Lori invites all high school age youth to attend the Pilgrimage. For the past twenty years, hundreds of youth from the Archdiocese of Baltimore have commemorated Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem at the beginning of Holy Week by walking in the Archbishop’s Youth Pilgrimage. Carrying palms and a cross, young pilgrims have walked through the streets of the City of Baltimore. The young church will again bear witness to their love of Jesus Christ, pray, and celebrate on Saturday, March 19, 2016. The total walk is a little less than 5 miles. We will leave from (parish/school) at _____AM and return at _____PM after Mass. Who should attend? High School Youth! Those who went last year had a wonderful day! We want to invite you to attend as well, and if you cannot attend, please pray for your child in a special way during their Pilgrimage experience. What is the cost? $ if you register with parish/school. What about food? Food will not be provided during the Pilgrimage experience by the Archdiocese. You will want to eat breakfast before arriving at St. Mary’s Park. Pilgrims need to provide their own snacks which can be eaten throughout the walking portion of the day and pack lunch for the day. You will also want to pack at least one bottle of water. What do I wear? Sturdy comfortable shoes and comfortable clothes. Layers are best since the weather can change. Sunscreen, a rain poncho, gloves and a hat. What do I bring? Personal items are being collected for Happy Helpers for the Homeless. Each parish is asked to bring the enough of the following items to fill at least 3 gallon size bags per participant. Everything except the socks should be trial size. Deodorant, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Soap/Body Wash, Lotion, Chap stick, Tissues, Band-Aids, Hand Sanitizer, Shampoo, Socks How do I register? Submit your permission form and check for $ payable to by (Due date). Volunteers are needed to drive and chaperone. Please call at with any questions.