ANTIPLASMODIAL AND LARVICIDAL FLAVONOIDS FROM THE SEEDPODS OF TEPHROSIA ELATA AND TEPHROSIA AEQUILATA LOIS MWIKALI MUTISYA MASTER OF SCIENCE Medicinal Chemistry JOMO KENYATTA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY 2009 Antiplasmodial and Larvicidal Flavonoids from the Seedpods of Tephrosia elata and Tephrosia aequilata Lois Mwikali Mutisya A Thesis submitted in Partial Fulfilment for the Degree of Master of Science in Medicinal Chemistry in the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology 2009 i DECLARATION This is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other university. Sign.................................................... Date............................................... Lois Mwikali Mutisya This thesis has been submitted for examination with our approval as University supervisors Sign..................................................... Date.................................................. Prof. Abiy Yenesew UON, Kenya Sign....................................................... Date.................................................. Prof. Joseph M. Keriko JKUAT, Kenya Sign....................................................... Date.................................................. Dr. Solomon Derese UON, Kenya Sign...................................................... Date................................................... Dr. Charles Mutai KEMRI, Kenya ii DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to my beloved husband Charles and my lovely children: Fred, Immanuel and Maryann. Their support and encouragement enabled me to undertake this piece of work. My love for them is immeasurable. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisors Prof. Abiy Yenesew, Prof. Joseph M. Keriko, Dr. Solomon Derese and Dr. Charles Mutai for their prompt guidance, support and inspiration throughout my MSc work. I am deeply indebted to Prof. Martin G. Peter and Dr. Matthias Heydenreich for organizing and analyzing the samples on high resolution NMR, MS, and CD. Mr. Akala, H., Dr. Waters, N. C and Ms. Liyala, P. of Kenya Medical Research Institute and United States Army Medical Research Unit - Kenya are greatly acknowledged for their collaboration in carrying out the antiplasmodial tests described in this work. I wish to sincerely acknowledge the financial support of Africa Institute for Capacity Development (AICAD), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Germany, Grant No. Pe 264/14-5 and by the Bundesministerium fuer Zusammenarbeit (BMZ), Grant No. Pe-264/14-6. Special acknowledgement goes to Dr. S. Mpoke – Co-ordinator ITROMID Programme for his constant encouragement and support during my study period. I owe much gratitude to the technicians of the Zoology Department, University of Nairobi, for the supply and hatching of the mosquito larvae of the Aedes aegypti used in the larvicidal tests. Sincere acknowledgement goes to Mr. Patrick C. Mutiso of the University of Nairobi Herbarium for identification of the plants investigated in this study and the academic and technical staff of the Department of Chemistry, University of Nairobi. My parents, brothers, sisters, friends and colleagues are sincerely thanked for their endless support and encouragement. Finally, I am very grateful to my dear husband Charles whose constant love, understanding, encouragement and moral support shone light to my ego and provided humble space during the hard times of my research. Lastly, I wish to thank the almighty God for giving me life, strength and protection during the entire study period. To Him, I give all the Honour and Glory, Amen. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ............................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION .................................................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................... iv TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................. v LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ x LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................ xii LIST OF SCHEMES ..................................................................................................... xiii APPENDICES ................................................................................................................ xiv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................ xv ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................... xvii CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................... 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background information ............................................................................................... 1 1.2 Biodegradable larvicides ............................................................................................... 5 1.3 Statement of Problem .................................................................................................... 6 1.4 Rationale and Significance of the study ........................................................................ 7 1.5 Hypothesis ..................................................................................................................... 9 1.5.1 Alternative hypothesis................................................................................................ 9 1.6. Objectives ................................................................................................................... 10 1.6.1 General objective ..................................................................................................... 10 1.6.2 Specific objective ..................................................................................................... 10 CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................ 11 v 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW......................................................................................... 11 2.1 Malaria ........................................................................................................................ 11 2.1.1 Epidemiology ........................................................................................................... 11 2.2 Malaria control strategies ............................................................................................ 12 2. 2.1 Vector control.......................................................................................................... 13 2.2.2 Larval control ........................................................................................................... 13 2.2.3 Insecticides ............................................................................................................... 15 2.2.4 Bed nets and repellents............................................................................................. 15 2.2.5 Vaccine development ............................................................................................... 16 2.2.6 Chemotherapy for malaria........................................................................................ 17 2.2.7 Medicinal plants and herbal medicines .................................................................... 19 2.3 Botanical Information ................................................................................................. 20 2.3.1 The family Leguminosae ......................................................................................... 20 The sub-family Papilionoideae ............................................................................. 20 The genus Tephrosia ............................................................................................. 20 2.1.3 Tephrosia elata ........................................................................................................ 22 Tephrosia aequilata .............................................................................................. 23 2.3.2 Ethno-medical information of Leguminosae ........................................................... 23 2.3.3 Biological activities of the genus Tephrosia ............................................................ 26 Flavonoids as antimalarial agents ......................................................................... 28 2.4 Phytochemical Information on the genus Tephrosia .................................................. 30 2.4.1 Flavonoids ................................................................................................................ 30 Biosynthesis of Flavonoids ................................................................................... 32 vi 2.4.2 Compounds Reported from Tephrosia ..................................................................... 36 Flavanones of Tephrosia ....................................................................................... 36 Flavones of Tephrosia ........................................................................................... 41 Isoflavones of Tephrosia ....................................................................................... 43 Chalconoids of Tephrosia ..................................................................................... 47 Rotenoids of Tephrosia ......................................................................................... 51 Pterocarpanoids of the genus Tephrosia ............................................................... 55 Other compounds from the genus Tephrosia ........................................................ 57 CHAPTER THREE ........................................................................................................ 61 3.0 MATERIALS AND METHODS ............................................................................. 61 3.1 General ........................................................................................................................ 61 3.2 Reagents ...................................................................................................................... 62 3.2.1 Apparatus ................................................................................................................. 62 3.2.2 Test organisms ......................................................................................................... 62 3.3 Plant Materials ............................................................................................................ 63 3.3.1 Collection of plants materials .................................................................................. 63 3.3.2 Preliminary processing of the samples ..................................................................... 63 3.3.3 Preliminary phytochemical profile evaluation ......................................................... 64 3.4 Extraction and Isolation of Compounds ...................................................................... 64 3.4.1 Extraction and isolation of compounds from the seedpods of T. elata .................... 64 3.4.2 Extraction and isolation of compounds from the seedpods of T. aequilata ............. 65 3.4.3 Acetylation of compound 1 ...................................................................................... 66 3.5 Physical and Spectroscopic Data of the Isolated Compounds .................................... 66 vii 3.5.1 Compound 1 ............................................................................................................. 66 3.5.2 Compound 2 ............................................................................................................. 67 3.5.3 Compound 3 ............................................................................................................. 67 3.5.4 Compound 4 ............................................................................................................. 68 3.5.5 Compound 5 ............................................................................................................. 68 3.5.6 Compound 6 ............................................................................................................. 69 3.5.7 Compound 7 ............................................................................................................. 69 3.5.8 Compound 8 ............................................................................................................. 70 3.5.9 Compound 9 ............................................................................................................. 70 3.6 Biological Activity Assays .......................................................................................... 71 3.6.1 In-vitro antiplasmodial activity assay ...................................................................... 71 3.6.2 Larvicidal activity assay........................................................................................... 72 CHAPTER FOUR ........................................................................................................... 74 4.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................... 74 4.1 Preliminary Test Results ............................................................................................. 74 4.1.1 Phytochemical profile evaluation results ................................................................. 74 4.1.2 In-vitro antiplasmodial activity evaluation results ................................................... 74 4.2 Characterization of Isolated Compounds .................................................................... 75 4.2.1 Compounds from Tephrosia elata ........................................................................... 75 Chalcones .............................................................................................................. 75 Elatadihydrochalcone (1) and -acetoxyelatadihydrochalcone (2).................... 75 Obovatachalcone (3) .......................................................................................... 83 Flavanones ............................................................................................................ 85 viii Obovatin (4) ....................................................................................................... 85 Obovatin methyl ether (5) .................................................................................. 86 Rotenoids .............................................................................................................. 88 Deguelin (6) ....................................................................................................... 88 Rotenone (7) ....................................................................................................... 89 4.2.2 Compound Isolated from Tephrosia aequilata ........................................................ 91 Chalcones .............................................................................................................. 91 Praecansone A (8) .............................................................................................. 91 Demethylpraecansone B (9) ............................................................................... 93 4.3 Biological Activities of the Isolated Compounds ....................................................... 95 4.3.1 Antiplasmodial activities of compounds from the seedpods of T. elata .................. 95 4. 3.2 Antiplasmodial Activities of compounds from the seedpods of T. aequilata ......... 96 4.3.3 Results and Discussion of Larvicidal tests ............................................................... 96 CHAPTER FIVE ............................................................................................................. 98 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................. 98 5.1 Conclusions ................................................................................................................. 98 5.2 Recommendations ....................................................................................................... 99 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 102 APPENDICES ............................................................................................................... 119 ix LIST OF TABLES Table. 2.1: Regional Distribution of Malaria ..................................................... 12 Table. 2.3: Flavanones of Tephrosia .................................................................. 37 Table. 2.4: Flavones of Tephrosia ...................................................................... 41 Table. 2.5: Isoflavones of Tephrosia .................................................................. 44 Table. 2.6: Chalconoids of the genus Tephrosia ................................................ 48 Table. 2.7: Rotenoids of the genus Tephrosia .................................................... 52 Table. 2.8: Pterocarpanoids of the genus Tephrosia .......................................... 55 Table. 2.9: Other compounds isolated from Tephrosia ...................................... 57 Table. 4.1: In vitro IC50 values of the crude seedpods extracts from T. elata and T. aequilata against D6 and W2 strains of P. falciparum ........ 75 1 Table . 4.2: H NMR (300 MHz) and 13C NMR (75 MHz) along with HMBC Correlations for elatadihydrochalcone (1) and Acetoxyelatadihydrochalcone (2)………………………..………79 Comparison of the 1H NMR (a) and 13C NMR (b) data of the an Table. 4.3a: atoms of elatadihydrochalcone (1) with literature for Hydroxydihydrochalcone derivatives (152-8) and flavanones (4and 5). ........................................................................................... 80 13 Table. 4.3b: Table. 4.4: 1 Table. 4.5: 1 C NMR data .................................................................................. 80 H (200 MHz) and 13C NMR (50 MHz) data for obovatachalcone (3)84 H (300 MHz) and 13C NMR (75 MHz) data along with HMBC x Correlationsfor obovatin (4) and obovatin methyl ether (5) in CDCl3.87 Table. 4.6: 1 H NMR (300 MHz) and 13C NMR (75 MHz) data along with HMBC Correlations for deguelin (6) and rotenone (7) in CDCl3. .. 90 Table. 4.7: 1 H NMR (200 MHz) and 13 C (50 MHz) NMR data for (E)- praecansone A .................................................................................. 92 Table. 4.8: 1 H (200 MHz) and 13 C (50 MHz) NMR data for demethylpraecansone B .................................................................... 94 Table. 4.9: In vitro antiplasmodial activities of flavonoids isolated from T. elata T. aequilata against D6 and W2 strains of P. falciparum ................. 96 Table. 4.10: Larvicidal test results for crude extract and isolated compounds from the seedpods of T. elata. .......................................................... 97 xi LIST OF FIGURES Figure. 2.2: Tephrosia elata at different stages of growth ................................ 22 Figure. 2.3: Tephrosia aequilata at different stages of growth ......................... 23 Figure. 2.4: Basic skeletons of flavonoids and isoflavonoids .......................... 32 Figure. 2.7: Summary of sub-classes of compounds from genus Tephrosia ... 60 Figure. 4.2: nOe interactions observed for obovatin methyl ether (5) ............. 88 Figure. 4.3: nOe interactions observed for (E)-praecansone A (8) .................. 92 Figure. 4.4: nOe interactions observed for demethylpraecansone B (9) .......... 94 xii LIST OF SCHEMES Scheme 2.1. Biosynthesis of chalcones and isoflavonoids. .................................. 34 Scheme 2.2. Biosynthetic interrelationships among different flavonoids ............ 35 xiii APPENDICES APPENDIX A: Spectra for compound 1 .......................................................... 120 APPENDIX B: Spectra for compound 2 .......................................................... 137 APPENDIX C: Spectra for compound 3 .......................................................... 150 APPENDIX D: Spectra for compound 4 .......................................................... 155 APPENDIX E: Spectra for compound 5 .......................................................... 162 APPENDIX F: Spectra for compound 6 &7.................................................... 170 APPENDIX G: Spectra for compound 8 .......................................................... 174 APPENDIX H: Spectra for compound 9 .......................................................... 177 APPENDIX I: Publication ............................................................................... 180 xiv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Brs Broad singlet 13C Carbon-13 isotope CHI Chalcone isomerase CHS Chalcone synthase Chemical shift in delta values CD Circular dichroism IC50 Concentration causing 50% inhibition LC50 Concentration causing 50% lethality COSY Correlated spectroscopy J Coupling constant DDT Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane DMSO Dimethyl sulfoxide d Doublet dd Doublet of a doublet ddd Doublet of a double doublet EI-MS Electron ionization mass spectroscopy Hz Hertz HMBC Heteronuclear multiple bind correlation HMQC Heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence HR-MS High Resolution Mass spectroscopy xv IFS Isoflavonoid synthase m/z Mass to charge ratio MS Mass spectroscopy max Maximum wavelength of absorption MHz Mega hertz m Multiplet NMR Nuclear magnetic resonance NOESY Nuclear overhauser and exchange spectroscopy NOE Nuclear overhauser effect PTLC Preparative thin layer chromatography 1H Proton .8 []28 D Specific rotation measured with sodium D-line light (589 nm) at 28.80 C TLC Thin layer chromatography UV Ultra violet xvi ABSTRACT The genus Tephrosia is rich in flavonoids and isoflavonoids including rotenoids. In the search for compounds with antiplasmodial and larvicidal activities from medicinal plants, the seedpods of Tephrosia elata and Tephrosia aequilata were analysed. The dried and ground seedpods of T. elata and T. aequilata were extracted separately with CH2Cl2/MeOH (1:1) by cold percolation for 24 hours at room temperature. The crude extracts showed significant antiplasmodial activities with IC50 values of 8.4 + 0.3 and 8.6 + 1.0 g/ml for T. elata, and 1.5 + 0.2 g/ml and 22.4 + 5.2 g/ml for T. aequilata, against chloroquine-sensitive (D6) and chloroquine-resistant (W2) strains of Plasmodium falciparum, respectively. The crude seedpods extract of T. elata also showed larvicidal activity against the mosquito larvae of Aedes aegypti with LC50 of 68.9 ± 0.3 g/ml at 24 hours and 40.2 ± 0.2 g/ml at 48 hours. Chromatographic separation of the CH2Cl2/MeOH (1:1) extract of the seedpods of T. elata led to the isolation of seven compounds. These were identified as the β-hydroxydihydrochalcone (S)-(-)-3',4'-(2'',2''-dimethylpyrano)-2',-dihydroxy-6'-methoxydihydrochalcone, trivial name elatadihydrochalcone (1); the chalcone obovatachalcone (3); the flavanones, obovatin (4) and obovatin methyl ether (5); the rotenoids deguelin (6) and rotenone (7). The CH2Cl2/MeOH (1:1) crude seedpods extract of T. aequilata yielded three known compounds, obovatin methyl ether (5), (E)-praecansone A (8) and demethylpraecansone B (9). Elatadihydrochalcone (1) is a novel compound and is the first of its kind in the genus Tephrosia. The presence of β-hydroxy group was confirmed by the preparation of xvii the mono acetate, -acetoxyelatadihtydrochalcone (2). Obovatachalcone (3), obovatin (4), deguelin (6) and rotenone (7) are reported here for the first time from T. elata. The identification of these compounds was based on spectroscopic techniques (1H NMR, 13C NMR, HMBC, HMQC, COSY, DEPT, nOe, UV and MS). The stereochemistry in elatadihydrochalcone (1) was determined from CD spectrum. The isolated compounds from T. elata were tested for antiplasmodial activities. The novel compound, elatadihydrochalcone (1) showed antiplasmodial activity with IC50 = 2.8 + 0.3 g/ml and 5.5 + 0.3 g/ml against (D6) and (W2), respectively. Obovatin methyl ether (5) showed activity against (D6) and (W2) strains of P. falciparum with IC50 value of 3.8 + 0.3 and 4.4 + 0.6 g/ml, respectively. Praecansone A (8) showed antiplasmodial activity with IC50 value of 6.6 + 1.1 g/ml and 6.4 + 1.0 g/ml against D6 and W2 respectively. Deguelin (6) and rotenone (7) together showed larvicidal activity against 3rd instar mosquito larvae of Aedes aegypti with LC50 value of 7.6 ± 0.4 g/ml at 24 hours. xviii CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background information Malaria is one of the most severe public health problems worldwide. It is a disease that has overwhelmed mankind for many years, with far reaching medical, social and economic consequences. It is the leading cause of the rising morbidity and mortality rates in most countries in Sub-Saharan Africa [Taylor and Triggle, 2007]. Malaria accounts for 350 to 500 million clinical cases and up to 2.7 million deaths each year [Johnson et al., 2007; Taylor and Triggle, 2007]. About 90% of these casualties occur in tropical Africa, the great majority being children under the age of 5 years [Frankish, 2002; Taylor and Triggle, 2007]. It is predicted that clinical infections and death will increase due to rapid global spread of multi-drug resistant malaria parasites [Johnson et al., 2007]. In Kenya, malaria is the greatest contributor to the rising rate of morbidity and mortality of all infectious diseases. The high-risk groups of people are: those in whom immunity has not yet developed (children under five years of age, travellers and immigrants) and those in whom immunity has diminished (pregnant women, immuno-compromised subjects and people from endemic areas who have ceased to be routinely exposed to reinfection) [Kigondu, 2007; Kirira et al., 2006]. It is important to continually prepare for the possibility that some of the drugs that are available now may not be effective indefinitely [Frankish, 2002]. 1 It is predicted that clinical infections and death will increase due to rapid spread of multi-drug resistant malaria parasites [Johnson et al., 2007]. Of the four strains of malarial parasites: P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale and P. malariae, P. falciparum is the most deadly while P. vivax is the leading cause of morbidity due to the dominant phases of the parasite that reside in the liver hepatocytes. Both P. falciparum and P. vivax have developed resistance to numerous anti-malarial drugs which has undermined the available options of prophylaxis and treatment [Johnson et al., 2007]. For instance, resistance to anti-malarial drug chloroquine is common throughout Africa and resistance to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine is also increasing [Frankish, 2002]. The future of antimalarial chemotherapy appears bleak due to the increasing crossresistance to drugs, because the available drugs used clinically are structurally similar and pharmacologically related [Vishnu et al., 2000]. Thus the need for structurally different efficacious anti-malarial drugs is self-evident. The problem of drug resistance can be circumvented either by identifying new targets which are critical to the disease progress or essential for the survival of the parasites [Vishnu et al., 2000]. The other possible way could be to design and synthesize a new efficacious clinical entity with least side effects. Natural products are known as the chief source of identification of lead structures. Structural modification of such compounds is expected to result in highly efficacious chemotherapeutic agents with reduced toxicity and side effects [Vishnu et al., 2000]. 2 Most of the available anti-malarial drugs that are in use today were developed through screening of natural products and subsequent synthesis. Herbal medicines are considered as a potential source of new drugs or templates for developing new drugs [Mark, 2004; Rates, 2001]. Pharmaceutical research in natural products represents a major strategy for discovering and developing new drugs. The discovery of quinine (10) from Cinchona succiruba Vahl. (Rubiaceae) [Rang et al., 2003; Trease and Evans, 2002] and artemisinin (11) from Artemisia annua L. (Asteraceae) followed by their subsequent development as antimalarial drugs provided impetus to the management of malaria [Taylor and Triggle, 2007; Rang et al., 2003]. The resurgence of malaria vector resistance to insecticides and resistance of Plasmodium species to the most valuable chemotherapeutic agents such as chloroquine (12) has magnified the problem. The success of artemisinin (11) in the management of uncomplicated malaria with little signs of resistance development, has opened a new horizon in anti-malarial drug research and increased interest in plants with medicinal properties [Abosi et al., 2006]. Plants concoctions still continue to be used in this 3 millennium for the treatment of various diseases. The medicinal properties of plants are usually dependent upon the presence of certain active phytochemicals, which are very significant to modern medicine, since they are important sources of several useful modern clinical drugs [Trease and Evans, 2002]. Approximately one hundred and twenty distinct chemical substances isolated from plants are considered to be important therapeutic agents [Rates, 2001]. However, there is still a great potential for plants in the development of new drugs especially from medicinal plants. Thus, there is hope that phytochemicals with specific action against malaria might be isolated from medicinal plants. Several plants are being investigated around the world with the objective of identifying lead structures for the next generation of anti-malarial drugs. Flavonoids are among different classes of natural products currently being investigated for anti-plasmodial activity. For instance Licochalcone A (13) a chalcone isolated from Chinese licorice roots has been reported to be highly effective in an in vitro screen against chloroquine sensitive (3D7) and chloroquine resistant (Dd2) isolate of P. falciparum [Taylor and Triggle, 2007; Vishnu 4 et al., 2000]. The efficacy of this product has also been confirmed in vivo against P. yoelii in mice [Vishnu et al., 2000]. Thus, licochalcone A (13) provided a lead to design and synthesize chalcones as new antimalarials [Rafi et al., 2002; Vishnu et al., 2000]. The flavanone abyssinone-IV (14) is a flavonoid isolated from the roots of E. abyssinica which showed good activity against both strains of P. falciparum [Yenesew et al., 2003; Derese, 2004]. Tephrosia species are known to elaborate flavonoids and isoflavonoids which include: chalcones, flavanones, isoflavones and pterocarpans. These subclasses of flavonoids have been reported as antiplasmodial agents among plant metabolites [Yenesew et al., 2003; Vishnu et al., 2000]. 1.2 Biodegradable larvicides The emergence of insect resistance to convectional insecticides together with the growing environmental concern on the use of many synthetic insecticides for instance DDT, has resulted in high prevalence of mosquito transmitted diseases such as malaria 5 in sub-Saharan Africa [Derese, 2004]. In the search for biodegradable and cost effective alternatives for the control of disease vector insects, plant extracts and pure compounds have been tested for larvicidal activities [Yenesew et al., 2006; Omena et al., 2007]. Tephrosia, Derris and Lonchocarpus genera are well known sources of the insecticidal and pesticidal rotenoids with Tephrosia containing the largest number of rotenoids producing species [James et al., 1958]. Deguelin (6), rotenone (7) and tephrosin (15) and have showed potent larvicidal activity against 2nd instar larvae of Aedes aegypti [Yenesew et al., 2006] and are also known to occur in the genus Tephrosia [Ahmad et al., 1999]. 1.3 Statement of Problem Malaria is a major contributor to the global burden of disease and a significant impediment to socio-economic development in poor countries. Malaria remains one of the deadliest diseases on this planet, which accounts for 350 – 500 million clinical cases and up to 2.7 million deaths each year [Taylor and Triggle, 2007]. It is the leading cause of the rising morbidity and mortality rates in most countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. At 6 least one child dies of malaria every 40 seconds in the world and this shows the devastating effect of this disease [Geissbϋhler et al., 2007; Taylor and Triggle, 2007]. Efforts to combat the disease are hampered by growing resistance of malaria parasites to the readily available drugs. The cost of drugs is a sizable proportion of the total health expenditure in most developing countries. Drug related expenses in these countries account for up to 30-50% of the total cost of healthcare [Taylor and Triggle, 2007; WHO, 2007]. Toxicity of the available antimalarial drugs to many of the patients is an important issue yet to be addressed conclusively because it prompts many of them to turn to herbal medicines which may result to be more detrimental to their health, since little or no scientific research has been done on those herbal remedies to prove their safety and efficacy. Due to the increasing prominence of herbal remedies, additional contributions describing scientific investigations of a rigorous nature are most welcomed. In addition, continuous research is desperately needed in order to come up with compounds which can be developed into new, cheap, less toxic and more efficacious antimalarial drugs for combating the disease. 1.4 Rationale and Significance of the study In sub-Saharan Africa, malaria remains the main cause of the high mortality rate with the poor who have little or no access to modern medicine being the most affected [Taylor and Triggle, 2007; Peter, 2007]. This group represents about 75% of the world’s population that relies on herbal remedies [Anthonia and Benjamin, 2003]. 7 Malaria is becoming more resistant to a number of current drugs and is on the increase because of the global warming process, thus, many communities who live in endemic areas have tirelessly been involved in the search for malaria remedies in plants found in their local environment. Therefore, scientific investigation of the plants used in traditional herbal remedies for the disease will contribute to both knowledge and health [Anthonia and Benjamin, 2003]. Various attempts have been made in the control of malaria including, selective application of vector control, early diagnosis and effective and prompt treatment of malarial disease and early detection or forecasting of epidemics and rapid application of control measures. Since malaria is transmitted by the female anopheles mosquito, a major strategy of control is to attack the vector with insecticides and/or larvicides. Extended use, however, has led and continues to lead to the emergence of insecticideresistant mosquitoes [Campbell, 1997]. The use of Tephrosia species of Kenyan origin for the control of mosquitoes at the larval stage may provide a useful deterrent against proliferations of these disease vectors. Previous investigations of the phytochemical profile of the genus Tephrosia have resulted in the isolation and identification of compounds such as flavavones, isoflavonoids, chalcones and rotenoids. Rotenone (7) and tephrosin (15) have showed potent larvicidal activity against 2nd instar larvae of Aedes aegypti [Yenesew et al., 2006]. The study of T. elata and T. aequilata may lead to the isolation, identification and characterization of cheap, less toxic and more efficacious 8 natural antiplasmodial compounds for use as lead compounds in the process of discovery of new antimalarial drugs. The identification of antiplasmodial compounds and larvicides which are biodegradable and environmentally friendly as an alternative to synthetic antimalarial drugs and larvicides will contribute significantly to the health of the people especially those living in malaria endemic rural areas. It is worth to note that the medicinal plant industry plays a critical role in empowering large numbers of rural folk in many African countries [Anthonia and Benjamin, 2003]. Thus, in this study the antiplasmodial activities of the crude extracts and isolated compounds from the seedpods of Tephrosia elata and Tephrosia aequilata were tested against chloroquine-sensitive (D6) and chloroquine-resistant (W2) strains of P. falciparum. Furthermore the larvicidal activities of the crude seedpods extract and the isolated compounds of Tephrosia elata were tested against the larvae of Aedes aegypti, in order to establish the potential use of the two plants in the treatment and control of malaria. 1.5 Hypothesis 1.5.1 Alternative hypothesis The phytochemicals from the seedpods of Tephrosia elata and Tephrosia aequilata possess inhibitory activity on the growth of Plasmodium falciparum in vitro and larvicidal activity against the larvae of Aedes aegypti. 9 1.6. Objectives 1.6.1 General objective To isolate, identify and characterize the compounds of the seedpods of Tephrosia elata and Tephrosia aequilata and determine their antiplasmodial and larvicidal activities. 1.6.2 Specific objective i. To investigate the antiplasmodial activity of the crude seedpods extracts of Tephrosia elata and Tephrosia aequilata. ii. To determine the larvicidal activity of the crude seedpods extract of Tephrosia elata. iii. To isolate and characterize the constituents of the seedpods of Tephrosia elata and Tephrosia aequilata. iv. To test the antiplasmodial and larvicidal activity of the isolated compounds. 10 CHAPTER TWO 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Malaria Malaria is an acute and chronic illness characterized by paroxysms of fever, chills, sweats, fatigue, anaemia and splenomegaly [Peter, 2007]. It is caused by intracellular Plasmodium protozoa transmitted to human by female Anopheles mosquitoes. Four species of Plasmodium cause malaria in humans: P. falciparum, P. malariae, P. ovale and P. vivax. Malaria can also be transmitted through blood transfusion and from a pregnant woman to her foetus [Peter, 2007; Taylor and Triggle, 2007]. 2.1.1 Epidemiology Malaria is a major worldwide problem occurring in more than one hundred countries with a combined population of greater than 1.6 billion people [Peter, 2007]. The threat from this disease has increased in recent years due to changing global climate, resistance developed by the parasite to antimalarial drugs currently available in the market, and increasing international travel which exposes non-immune populations to malaria parasites [Kigondu, 2007]. The principal areas of transmission are Africa, Asia and South America. P. falciparum and P. malariae are found in most malarious areas. P. falciparum is the predominant species in Africa, Haiti, and New Guinea. P. vivax predominates in Bangadesh, Central America, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka [Peter, 2007; Taylor and Triggle, 2007]. Table 2.1 below summarizes the regional distribution 11 of malaria and the contribution to global malaria mortality burden [Taylor and Triggle, 2007]. Table. 2.1: Regional Distribution of Malaria Plasmodium species Principal vectors AFRICA P. falciparum (93%) P. vivax or its mixed infections with P. falciparum (7%) A. gambiae A. funestus Population at risk 66% 59% Contribution to the global burden of clinical malaria cases ASIA P. falciparum (35%) P. vivax THE AMERICAS P. falciparum (18%) P. vivax (72%) P. malriae A. culicifacies, A. minimus A. annularis, A. maculipennis A. sacharovi A. superpictus, A. farauti 49% 38% A. albimanus (Central America) A. darlingi (Amazon Basin) 14% 14% 2.2 Malaria control strategies Malaria is a focal disease, which differs in its characteristics from country to country and from one geographical location to the other even within the same country [WHO, 1995]. This variation mainly depends on climatic conditions such as rainfall, humidity and temperature. Hence no single strategy for malarial control is applicable for all situations. There has to be a regular assessment of each country's malarial epidemic situation. There are a variety of factors to take into account, such as the biological, anthropological, cultural and social characteristics of the population; the intensity and periodicity of 12 malaria transmission; the species of malaria parasites and their sensitivity to antimalarial drugs among other factors [WHO, 1995]. The three essential elements of malaria control are: (i) Vector control, (ii) Early diagnosis, and effective and prompt treatment of malarial disease (chemotherapy) and (iii) Detection or forecasting of epidemics and rapid application of control measures [WHO, 1995]. 2. 2.1 Vector control The most efficient malaria vector is the African Anopheles gambiae. Environmental management strategies (EMS) such as filling ditches, covering water containers, flushing irrigation channels and clearing of ponds of weed growth reduces breeding sites which contribute significantly to malaria reduction [Bruce-Chwart, 1993]. Use of chemicals is the mainstay of mosquito control. It includes spraying petroleum oils and derivatives onto the water surface to form a thin film that prevent larvae and pupae from breathing through the surface of the water [Bruce-Chwart., 1993]. There is also use of mosquito repellents as in the case of treated bed nets and mosquito coils [Phillipe and Miller, 2002]. 2.2.2 Larval control The use of larvicides to control mosquito populations at the larval stages of development is referred to as larval control. For most malaria vectors, reduction in mosquito population densities by means of larvae eradication is an efficient way of controlling malaria transmissions [Bruce –Chwart, 1993; WHO, 1995]. The most common larval habitats include; stagnant waters, pods, small pools and dams which can be identified 13 and targeted for treatment, although their numbers are numerous and hence require a lot of resources. In general, organophosphates, larvicidal oils, arsecal compounds, and development inhibitors have been used with varying degrees of success [Gratz and Pal, 1988]. Continued application of organophosphates such as methoprene and insect growth regulators like diflubenzuron are generally practiced for the control of mosquito larvae [Yang et al., 2002]. Natural constituents of Azadirachta indica (limonoinds), Derris trifoliata (rotenoids), tobacco (alkaloids) and pyrethrum (pyrethrins) form a group of larvicides used to control the populations of the mosquitoes [Bruce-Chwart, 1993; WHO, 1995]. The repeated use of these insecticides results to effective larval control but can lead to disruption of natural biological control systems. This consequently, result in the widespread development of resistance leading to an outbreak of large population of mosquitoes and undesirable effects on non-target organisms, creating environmental and human health concerns [Yang et al., 2002]. These problems have highlighted the need for the development of new strategies for selective, affordable and biodegradable mosquito larvicides. In search of more effective, affordable and biodegradable alternatives for the control of disease vector insects, plant extracts and isolated pure compounds have been tested for larvicidal activity [Mwangi and Rembold, 1998]. Rotenone (7), which is one of the most extensively used natural insecticide, has been reported to be highly active against fourth - instar larvae of Aedes aegypti [Kiplagat, 2006]. The insecticidal activities of rotenone 14 (7) and some other rotenoids including dequelin (6) and tephrosin (15) against a variety of insect species are well known [James et al. 1970; Dewick, 2002]. These and other rotenoids are known to occur in the related genera including Tephrosia. [Dewick, 2002]. 2.2.3 Insecticides The use of insecticides involves eradicating the adult mosquitoes directly by spraying insecticides at the sites in which they hide, for instance the dark corners in the house, bushes, and flower beds around residential areas. Organochlorines, like dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and dieldrin, organophosphates such as malathion and temephos constitute groups of insecticides [Phillipe and Miller, 2002]. The environmental concerns which arise from the use of insecticides are well documented especially organochlorines, like dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and it has worsened with time and use. Vector-insecticide resistance and environmental concerns over the use of such insecticides has increased tremendously [Yenesew et al., 2003; Malcom, 1988]. 2.2.4 Bed nets and repellents The prevention of vector contact with human hosts can be achieved by the use of personal repellents or by physical barrier such as insecticide treated bed nets. Synthetic repellents are mainly very useful to visitors to endemic regions [Gratz and Pal, 1998]. The use of plants as natural repellents or insecticides has been documented, but most of the products from plants have not been carefully analysed [Curtis et al., 1990; Kiplagat, 2007]. 15 2.2.5 Vaccine development Nearly all stages of the plasmodium life cycle can be viewed as targets for vaccine development. The development of clinical immunity after continuous exposure to parasites in the case of individuals living in endemic areas, gives hope for vaccine (s) against malaria [Taylor and Triggle, 2007]. The main challenge comes from the complex life cycle of the parasites, having a number of stages expressing a wide variety of surface antigens. Plasmodia’s ability to adapt to the human immune system and misdirect or suppress it, further hiders the process of finding a successful vaccine [Taylor and Triggle, 2007; Wakelin, 1996]. Lack of proper in vitro and in vivo surrogate assays, slows down the entire process. One of the most promising results pertaining to vaccines against sporozoite-stage parasites have been reported from studies using irradiated sporozoites which conferred protection against infection in mice, nonhuman primates and humans [Taylor and Triggle, 2007]. Great limitation with this approach was the difficulty in having a large number of parasites for vaccine development. Liver stage antigens, LSA-1 and LSA-3 have received special attention in recent years and are undergoing clinical evaluation [Taylor and Triggle, 2007]. Even though there are encouraging results, considering the complex nature of the parasites, their interactions with each other and with hosts, it may take several more decades to develop an effective and widely applicable malaria vaccine. 16 2.2.6 Chemotherapy for malaria The fight against malaria relies heavily on chemotherapy after infection. Chemoprophylaxis is one method used to prevent infection with the disease, but if an individual is already suffering from the disease or if the parasites evade the prophylactic drug then treatment is absolutely necessary in order to save lives [Kigondu, 2007]. The main concern remains that P. falciparum, especially in Africa, has developed resistance to the commonly prescribed drugs such as quinine (10), chloroquine (12) mefloquine (16), amodiaquine (17), primaquine (18), halofantrine (Halfan®) (19), atovaquone (20), proguanil (21), sulphadoxine (22) and dapson (23) [Madrid et al., 2005; Gareth, 2004; Rang et al., 2003; Polrat et al., 2002]. 17 Few effective new drugs are available in combination therapy and are too expensive, for example artemisinin (11) derivatives such as Artemether (24) and artesunate (25) [Taylor and Triggle, 2007; Polrat et al., 2002]. The potential value of drug combinations, notably those an artemisinin derivative, to improve efficacy, delay 18 development, and selection drug-resistance parasites thus prolonging the useful therapeutic life of existing antimalarial drugs, is widely adopted [Polrat et al., 2002]. 2.2.7 Medicinal plants and herbal medicines Plants produce over a million diverse secondary metabolites. Most of these compounds are derived from the isoprenoid, phenylpropanoid or through the fatty-acid/polyketide pathways. They act as defense agents for plants against microbial or insect/animal predatory. Related plant families generally make use of related chemical structures for defense, for example, isoflavonoids in Leguminosae and sesquiterpenes in Solanaceae [Dewick, 2002]. However, because of the vastness of the plant kingdom most of the species of plants have not been surveyed for phytochemicals or for biological activity. Herbal medicines are considered as a potential source of new drugs or templates for development of synthetic analogues [Mark, 2004; Rates, 2001]. Studies have also revealed a diverse range of plant secondary metabolites (phytochemicals) with varied levels of antimalarial activities [Nkunya, 1992]. Thus, there is need to continue 19 investigating medicinal plants used in traditional malaria therapy for activity and identification of the bioactive components in these plants. 2.3 Botanical Information 2.3.1 The family Leguminosae The genus Tephrosia belongs to the family Leguminosae, also known as Fabaceae, comprising of 657 genera and 18,000 species of trees, shrubs and herbs, which are widely distributed in the temperate as well as tropical regions of the world. This family is the second largest of the dicotyledons after the Compositae, and plants in the family are known for their ability to support nitrogen fixation through symbiosis [Heywood, 1971]. The family is subdivided into three sub-families: Mimosoidaea, Papilionoideae and Caesalpinioideae. The genus Tephrosia belongs to the Papilionoidae sub-family [Polhill et al., 1981a]. The sub-family Papilionoideae Papilionoideae is the largest of the three sub-families with some 440 genera and 12,000 species of trees, shrubs, lianas or herbs. It is sub-divided into 32 tribes [Polhill et al., 1981b]. This subfamily is distinguished from the other two subfamilies by the presence of Papilionoid flowers. The genus Tephrosia Tephrosia is a large tropic and sub-tropic genus of perennial woody shrubs. It is estimated to contain between 300 and 400 species, distributed all over the world as follows; 35 species occur in India, 30 are native of South America, 70 are found in 20 South Africa, 50 in equatorial Africa of which 30 are found in Kenya [Tarus et al., 2002; Beentje, 1994]. It is a highly branched, sub-erect, herbaceous perenial herb. The leaves are usually imparipinnate, without stipels. Corola (petal) usually reddish-purple, flowers white and pod flattened and fruit 10 to 15 by 1.6 cm [Beentje, 1994]. Examples of some Kenyan Tephrosia species include; T. aequilata, T. elata, T. hildebrandtii, T. holstii, T. interrupta, T. linearis, T. noctiflora, T. paucijuga, T. pentaphylla, T. pumila, T. purpurea, T. villosa among others [Aqnew and Shirley, 1994]. Fig. 2.1 below shows three different species of Tephrosia found in Kenya. Figure 2.1: Some Tephrosia species found in Kenya 21 2.1.3 Tephrosia elata It is a short-lived bushy perennial shrub. Leaflets grey-green, 15 - 21, 70 X 10 mm, often deeply notched at apex, lateral veins beneath visible, flowers pink or purple, numerous in rather dense terminal racemes which are usually longer than their stalks; standard golden hairly, 14 - 16 mm long; pods 55 x 5 mm, ascending or erect, with dense light brown hairs [Aqnew and Shirley, 1994]. The main habitat is grassland, former cultivated land and thicket margins up to 2000 m. In Kenya, it is found in Makueni, Kitui, Mumias, Kisii, Magadi, Nairobi, Machakos, Embu and Kajiado districts [Aqnew and Shirley, 1994; Beentje, 1994]. Fig. 2.2 below shows T. elata at different stages of growth. Figure 2.2: Tephrosia elata at different stages of growth 22 Tephrosia aequilata It is a shrub 1-3 m high. Flowers are purple in dense terminal almost sessile, almost rounded, inflorescences; petals 13 – 17 cm long. Fruit above 3 – 4 x 0.5 – 0.6 cm, densely tomentose, beaked. Leaf lets 13 - 21 per leaf, eliptic, base cuneate to subcordinate, apex rounded or apiculate, 1.5 – 5 by 0.6 – 1.5 cm, dark green and almost glabrous above, densely whitish - puberscent beneath (Fig. 2.3). It inhabits rocky hills, usually in grasslands or heathzone near summit. It is found at the summit of Nzaui hills in Makueni district, Kenya [Beentje, 1994; Aqnew and Shirley, 1994]. Figure 2.3: Tephrosia aequilata at different stages of growth 2.3.2 Ethno-medical information of Leguminosae Plants belonging to this family have been used traditionally by various communities for the treatment of various ailments. For instance, Licorice root, one of the most commonly used medicinal plants in Traditional Chinese medicine, has been used for the treatment 23 of gastric and duodenal ulcers, bronchial asthma, inflammation among other disorders [Friis- Moller et al., 2002]. The root of Sophora flavescens Aiton, another well-known Chinese herbal medicine is used as a diuretic and for the treatment of diarrhoea, gastrointestinal haemorrhage and eczema [Woo et al., 1998]. The roots of Taverniera abyssinica, is widely used in Ethiopia as an effective remedy for sudden pain particularly of stomach [Duddeck et al., 1987]. Plants belonging to the genera Derris, Lonchocarpus, Millettia, Mundulea and Tephrosia of the family Leguminosae have long been used in Africa, Asia and South America as insecticides and fish poison because they synthesize rotenoids [Derese, 2004; James et al., 1958]. In Kenya, several plants of this family are used for the treatment of various ailments. Table 2.2 below gives ethnomedicinal uses of some representative 24 Kenyan Tephrosia species. Table 2.2: Ethno-medicinal use of some Tephrosia species of Kenya Species T. aequilata T. elata T. interrupta T. holstii T. linearis T. noctiflora T. paucijuga T. pentaphylla T. pumila T. purpurea T. villosa Plant part and Ethno-medical use Roots dug out, boiled and mixed with milk and drunk for pain in liver and spleen. Roots chewed with salt as a cure for venereal diseases. Roots chewed as a cure for stomach pains, fever and general weakness. Locality/Community Makueni (Kamba), Kajiado (Maasai), Coast (Pare, Digo) References Agnew et al., 1994; Kokwaro, 1993 Machakos, (Kamba), Kajiado (Maasai) Agnew et al., 1994; Lwande, 1985 The roots are roasted and ground, mixed with a little salt and used as a cough cure. Roots may also be pounded, mixed with porridge and eaten by women after childbirth to give them strength. Roots used as a medicine for stomach pains and general weakness. Juice of boiled leaves used as medicine for babies. The roots are chewed as a cough remedy and water is drunk at the same time. The roots have a strong taste, and are also used as an emetic. Roots and leaves dried, pounded or ground into powder form and applied on wounds. The roots are chewed as a remedy for sore throat and cold in the chest. The roots are chewed as a remedy for cold in the chest. Roots are also boiled and the infusion taken in broth as a cure for venereal diseases. Roots used as a medicine for stomach pains. Leaves used for snake bite treatment, and for headache. Aerial parts are used as laxative, deobstruent and diuretic, useful in treating cough, biliary febrile attacks, obstructions of the liver, spleen and kidneys. Anthelmintic for children and chronic diarrhoea. Roots dug out, boiled, mixed with milk and drunk for pain in the liver and spleen. Ngong hills (Kikuyu, Maasai) Kyulu hills (Kamba) Kokwaro, 1993; Beentje, 1994; Agnew et al., 1994. Kitui (Kamba), Kisumu (Luo), Machakos Agnew et al., 1994 Beentje, 1994 Western Kenya (Luhya) Makueni (Kamba), Magadi (Maasai) Kokwaro, 1993 Coastal region (Nyika) Kokwaro, 1993; Coastal region (Digo) Coastal region (Digo),Kibwezi Kamba) Kajiando (Maasai) Agnew et al., 1994; Kokwaro, 1993 Agnew et al., 1994 Kokwaro, 1993 Kilifi (Giriama), Machakos, (Kamba) Kokwaro, 1993; Agnew et al., 1994; Almad et al.,1999. Coastal region (Digo), Kibwezi, (Kamba) Kokwaro, 1993; Agnew et al., 1994 25 Kokwaro, 1993; Agnew et al., 1994. 2.3.3 Biological activities of the genus Tephrosia Based on the wide ethno-medical uses of Tephrosia, chemical investigations have resulted to the isolation of active compounds from these plants. Examples of such bioactive compounds are flavonoids including the isoflavonoids and rotenoids. Rotenoids show activity against insects, and exhibit strong cytotoxic activity [Andrei et al., 1997]. Rotenone (7), was found to have insecticidal properties [Ramen et al., 1992]. Tephrosin (15) hsa been shown to be active against tumours including skin cancer [Andrei et al., 1997]. T. purpurea has quite a number of traditional medicinal uses as shown in Table 2.2. and T. purpurea is a well-known herb for its hepatoprotective, anticancer, antiulcer, antibacterial and in healing bleeding piles and wounds [Santram et al., 2006]. These observed biological activities could be due to the presence of the compounds such as lipophilic flavonoid aglycones (flavanones, flavonols, flavones and chalcones) in the plant extracts [Santram et al., 2006]. The roots of T. emoroides yielded emoroidenone (26) which showed insect anti-feedant activity against the larvae of stalk borer, Chillo partellus (Machocho et al., 1995). The roots of T. hildebrandtii yielded hildecarpin (27) which exhibited insect anti-feedant activity against the legume podborer, Maruca testulalis as well as anti-fungal properties [Lwande et al., 1986]. 26 Pongamol (28) which was isolated from T. lanceolata and T. purpurea is used in insecticides and pesticides manufacture [Parmar et al., 1989]. Rotenone (7) is widely distributed in the Leguminosae including many Tephrosia species is used as antineoplastic agent, contact insecticide and pesticide, potent mitochondrial poison and toxic against Artemia salina [Dagne et al., 1989]. Pseudosemiglabrin (29), isolated from T. apollinea is used as platelet aggregation inhibitor [Waterman et al., 1980]. 4Methoxymaackiain (30) which is a constituent of T. aequilata (root) showed antifungal activity [Tarus et al., 2002]. -Toxicarol (31) which is obtained from the stem of T. odorata and T. toxicaria is used as fish poison closely related in properties to rotenone (7) [Jang et al., 2003]. 27 Flavonoids as antimalarial agents The naturally occurring dihydrochalcone glycoside, phlorizidin (32) from Micromelum tephrocarpum (Rutaceae), a plant used ethnomedically for the treatment of malaria, was one of the first chalcones shown to posses anti-parasitic activity. Phlorizidin (32) is said to inhibit the induced permeability in Plasmodium-infected erythrocytes to various substrates including glucose [Induli, 2006]. Ever since anti-plasmodial flavonoids were detected from Artemisia annua (Asteracae), flavonoids have attracted renewed interest 28 (Yenesew et al., 2003; Trease and Evans, 2002). Other Artemisia species have been tested, and exiguaflavanone A (33) and B (34) isolated from Artemisia indica exhibited in vitro activity against P. falciparum with IC50 values of 4.6 and 7.1 g/ml respectively [Induli, 2006]. Among the flavonoids belonging to the genus Erythrina, the flavanone abyssinone-IV (14) isolated from the roots of E. abyssinica showed high activity against both strains of P. falciparum [Yenesew et al., 2003]. Licochalcone A (13) first isolated from Glycrrhiza glabra (Fabaceae) is another example of a naturally occurring chalcone which exhibited activity in vitro and in vivo against chloroquine-sensitive and chloroquine-resistant strains of P. falciparum. Thus, it has provided a lead structure to design and synthesise chalcones and bischalcones as new anti-malarial drugs [Taylor and Triggle, 2007]. Different classes of flavonoids including; chalcones, flavanones and isoflavones have been reported as antiplasmodial agents among plant metabolites. Recently pterocarpans, pterocarpenes and isoflavenes have also been identified to represent new sub-classes of isoflavonoids with antiplasmodial activities [Yenesew et al., 2003]. 29 2.4 Phytochemical Information on the genus Tephrosia Phytochemical investigation of the genus Tephrosia has resulted in the isolation of different classes of flavonoids among them flavanones, flavones, flavans, flavens, isoflavones, flavanol, chalcones, rotenoids and pterocarpans. 2.4.1 Flavonoids The term “flavonoid” is generally used to describe a broad collection of natural products that include a C6-C3-C6 carbon frame work or more specifically a phenylbenzopyran functionality. They constitute one of the largest groups of naturally occurring phenols [Markham, 1982]. They are virtually found in all species of terrestrial plants and the relatively advanced Algae family [Induli, 2006]. It has been estimated that about 2% of all carbon photosynthesized by plants is converted into flavonoids or closely related compounds [Markham, 1982]. Flavonoids are widely distributed in higher plants. However, the interest on biological activities of these compounds has been very limited. 30 However, there is growing interest on plant flavonoids as human dietary compounds and as pharmacological agents [Harborne et al., 1986]. In plants, flavonoid aglycones occur in a variety of structural forms. They contain fifteen carbon atoms in their basic nucleus and these are arranged in a C6-C3-C6 configuration. Each C6 represents an aromatic ring. These aromatic rings are linked by a three carbon unit which form a third heterocyclic ring via cyclization with one of the aromatic ring via an oxygen atom. The aromatic rings are labelled as ring A and B and heterocyclic ring as ring C. Depending on the position of the linkage of the aromatic ring to the benzopyrano moiety, this group of natural products may be divided into three classes: the flavonoids (2-phenylbenzopyrans), isoflavonoids (3-benzopyrans) and the neoflavonoids (4-benzopyrans). These groups usually share a common chalcone precursor, and thus are biogenetically and structurally related [Agrawal, 1989]. The flavonoids sensu lato are classified into flavonoids and isoflavonoids based on the basis of the attachment of the B-ring on the phenyl propane system. In addition to this, different degrees of oxidation result into different sub-classes of flavonoids and isoflavanoids [Markham, 1982]. For instance, those flavonoids which possesses ‘2phenylchromone skeleton as such is designated as ‘flavones’. The 3-hydroxy derivative of flavone is termed as ‘flavonol’. Flavonoids having 3-phenylchromanone skeleton are designated as ‘flavanone’ or ‘dihydroflavones’. Similarly, 3-hydroxy substituted flavanones are termed as ‘flavanonol’ or ‘dihydroflavonol’ [Agrawal, 1989]. Fig. 2.4 31 below shows the basic skeleton of flavonoids and isoflavonoids and the numbering system. Figure 2.4: Basic skeletons of flavonoids and isoflavonoids Natural flavonoids and isoflavonoids are usually oxygenated and bear hydroxyl or methoxyl substituents. A large number of flavonoids occur as O-glycosides in which one or more of the hydroxyl groups of the flavonoid are bound to a sugar or sugars via an acid labile hemiacetal bond [Agrawal, 1989]. Biosynthesis of Flavonoids All flavonoids sensu lato are biosynthesized from common precursors which incorporate both shikimate and acetate malonate pathways. The flavonoids initially formed in the biosynthesis are chalcones and all other forms are derived from these by a variety of routes. The Scheme 2.1 below summarizes the biosynthesis of isoflavonoids. They are synthesized by extension of p-hydroxycoumaroyl CoA with three molecules of malonyl 32 CoA in a head-to-tail manner in order to form a tetraketide intermediate. The process is catalyzed by the enzyme chalcone synthase (CHS). The intermediate then folds and condenses further to give a chalcone. This reaction is the first committed step in isoflavonoid biosynthesis and is also catalyzed by chalcone synthetase (CHS). Fabaceae species biosynthesize two types of isoflavonoids, the first type are 5- hydroxyisoflavonoids such as genistein (35) and the second type are 5deoxyisoflavonoids such as daidzein (36). In order to synthesize 5-deoxyisoflavonoids NADPH reductase and CHS should act as catalysts together [Derese, 2004]. Chalcone isomerase (CHI) is the second enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of isoflavonoids and it catalyzes the stereospecific intramolecular cyclization of isoliquiritigenin (37) and naringeninchalcone (38) into a (2S)-liquiritigenin (7, 4’dihydroxyflavanone) (39) and (2S)-naringenin (5, 7, 4’-trihydroxyflavanone) (40), respectively [Derese, 2004; Dewick, 2002]. These flavanones (39) and (40) are the precursors for the construction of 5- deoxyisoflavonoids and 5-hydroxyisoflavonoids skeletons and flavonoids in general. The enzyme isoflavone synthetase (IFS) converts the flavanone substrates to liquiritigenin and naringenin to the isoflavones daidzein (36) and genistein (35), respectively. This reaction is proposed to involve two steps: the 2-hydroxylation and aryl migration of flavanone substrates to yield a 2-hydroxyisoflavanone, followed by a dehydration step to the corresponding isoflavone derivative. Daidzein (36) and genistein 33 (35) are then further metabolised to give the various classes of isoflavonoids [Derese, 2004; Dewick, 2002]. Scheme 2.1: Biosynthesis of chalcones and isoflavonoids [Derese, 2004; Dewick, 2002]. 34 Scheme 2.2: Biosynthetic interrelationships among different flavonoids [Induli, 2006; Dewick, 2002] 35 The biosynthetic interrelationships among different flavonoid types are summarized in Scheme 2.2 above [Induli, 2006; Markham, 1982]. The variation in structure among the various flavonoid and isoflavonoid classes has been achieved by the loss of hydroxyl groups, by the introduction of an additional hydroxyl groups, by methylation or formation of methylene-dioxy groups, by attachment of C-prenyl, and structural modifications of these such as dimethylpyrano and furano rings [Induli, 2006; Dewick, 2002]. 2.4.2 Compounds Reported from Tephrosia Flavanones of Tephrosia Flavanones possess 2-phenylchromanone as the parent skeleton. Since carbon-2 of the flavanones molecule is an asymmetric centre, two isomeric forms of each structure are possible but most of the naturally occurring flavanones acquire phenyl substituent at C-2 position in pseudoequatorial orientation [Agrawal, 1989]. Fig. 2.5 shows the basic skeleton of flavanones and the numbering system. Figure 2.5: Flavanone (dihydroflavone) 36 To date, quite a number of flavanones have been characterised from various species of the genus Tephrosia. Nearly 50% of these flavanones are prenylated at C-8 on ring A and in all except lupinifolin (46), ring B is unsubstituted. Most of these flavanones are found in the aerial parts, stem and in the roots of the Tephrosia plants [Rao et al., 1994; Jang et al., 2003; Chang et al., 2000]. Flavanones are known to have antimicrobial activities and probably are synthesized by these plants for defensive purpose [Maillard et al., 1987]. Table 2.3 gives a summary of these flavanones. Table 2.3: Flavanones of Tephrosia Flavanones Biological source Candidone (41) T. elata (RT) Fulvinervin A (42) T. fulvinervis (SD) Epoxycandidone (43) T. hamiltonii (WP) Tephroleocarpin A (44) T. leiocarpa (RT) Tephroleocarpin B (45) T. leiocarpa (RT) Lupinifolin (46) T. lupinifolia (RT) Maximaflavanone A (47) 7-Methoxy-8-(3-methoxy-3-methyl-1butenyl)flavanones (48) Isolonchocarpin (49) T. maxima (RT) T. purpurea (RT) Dehydroisoderricin (50) Purpurin (51) Purpurin, 7a, 10, 10a-Triepimer (52) Tephroglabrin (53) T. purpurea (RT) T. purpurea (AP) T. purpurea (RT) T. purpurea (RT) Tephrorin A (54) Tephrorin B (55) Quercetol C (56) T. purpurea (AP) T. purpurea (AP) T. quercetorum (ST) T. purpurea (RT) References Lwande, 1985 Rao et al., 1985 Hussaini et al., 1987 Gomez-Garibay et al., 1988 Gomez-Garibay et al., 1991 Smalberger et al., 1974 Rao et al., 1994 Waterman et al., 1985 Waterman et al., 1980 Rao et al., 1984 Chang et al., 2000 Rao et al., 1984 Waterman et al., 1980 Chang et al., 2000 Chang et al., 2000 Gomez-Garibay et al., 1988 Rao et al., 1992 Rao et al., 1992 Jang et al., 2003 Spinoflavanone B (57) T. spinosa (RT) Spinoflavanone A (58) T. spinosa (RT) 5-Hydroxy-7-methoxy-8-(3-oxo-1T. toxicaria (ST) butenyl)flavanones (59) Tephrinone (60) T. villosa (SD) Kishore et al., 2003 Tephrowatsin C (61) T. watsoniana (ST) Gomez et al., 1985a Key: RT – roots, SD – seeds, WP – whole plant, AP – aerial parts, ST – stem 37 38 39 40 Flavones of Tephrosia Flavones are 2,3-dehydroderivative of the flavanones which have 2,3-olefinic bond [Agrawal, 1989]. Flavones have been reported from the genus Tephrosia. Table 2.4 below shows a list of the flavones of this genus. Table 2.4: Flavones of Tephrosia Flavones Biological source Reference 5-Hydroxy-7-methoxy- T. abbottiae (ST) Gomez-Garibay et al., 1986 8-prenylflavone (62) Apollinine (63) T. apollinea (SD) Waterman et al., 1980 Glabratephrin (64) T. apollinea (SD) Waterman et al., 1980 Glabratephrinol (65) T. apollinea (SD) Waterman et al., 1980 Lanceolatin A (66) T. apollinea (SD) Waterman et al., 1980 Pseudosemiglabrin (67) T. apollinea (SD) Waterman et al., 1980 Pseudosemiglabrinol T. apollinea (SD) Waterman et al., 1980 (68) Semiglabrin (69) T. apollinea (SD) Waterman et al., 1980 Emoroidone (70) T. emoroides (RT) Machocho et al., 1995 Fulvinervin B (71) T. fulvinervis (SD) Rao et al., 1985 Fulvinervin C (72) T. fulvinervis (SD) Venkataratnam et al., 1986 Hookerianin (73) T. hookeriana (SD) Prabhakar et al., 1996 Tachrosin (74) T. polystachyoides (ST) Smalberger et al., 1972 5-Methoxy-6,6T. praecans (SD) Camele et al., 1980 dimethylpyrano[2,3:7,6] flavones (75) Pongaglabol (76) T. purpurea (AP) Ahmad et al., 1999 Key: RT – roots, SD – seeds, AP – aerial parts, ST – stem 41 42 Isoflavones of Tephrosia Isoflavones have been reported from the genus Tephrosia. Calopogoniumisoflavone B (78) has a pyrano-ring on ring A at 7,8- position while Pumilaisoflavone C (90) is prenylated at C-7. Biosynthetically, these isoflavones (C-5 oxygenated) are derived from (2S)- liquiritigenin (49) which lead to 7,4'-oxygenation. Table 2.5 below gives a list of the isoflavones isolated from Tephrosia. 43 Table 2.5: Isoflavones of Tephrosia Isoflavones Biological source References Scandenone (77) T. elata (RT) Lwande, 1985 Calopogoniumisoflavone B (78) T. maxima (RT) Murthy et al., 1985 Maximaisoflavone J (79) T. maxima (RT) Murthy et al., 1985 Maximaisoflavone B (80) T. maxima (RT) Murthy et al., 1985 2',4',5',7,8T. maxima (PD & RT) Rao et al., 1984 Pentahydroxyisoflavone (81) 2',7,8-Trimethoxy-4',5'T. maxima (PD & RT) Rao et al., 1984 methylenedioxyisoflavone (82) Maximaisoflavone G (83) T. maxima (PD & RT) Rao et al., 1984 Maximmaisoflavone C (84) T. maxima (PD & RT) Rao et al., 1984 Maximaisoflavone E (85) T. maxima (PD & RT) Rao et al., 1984 Maximaisoflavone D (86) T. maxima (PD & RT) Rao et al., 1984 Maximaisoflavone A (87) T. maxima (PD & RT) Rao et al., 1984 Maximaisoflavone H (88) T. maxima (PD & RT) Rao et al., 1985 4'-OT. polyphylla (RT) Dagne et al., 1992 Demethyltoxicarolisoflavone (89) Pumilaisoflavone C (90) T. pumila (SD & PD ) Yenesew et al., 1989 Pumilaisoflavone B (91) T. pumila (PD) Dagne et al., 1988 Pumilaisoflavone D (92) T. pumila (SP) Yenesew et al., 1989 Pumilaisoflavone A (93) T. pumila (SP) Yenesew et al., 1989 Purpuranin A (94) T. purpurea (PD) Rao et al., 1984 4',7-Dihydroxy-3',5'T. purpurea (AP) Chang et al., 2000 dimethoxyisoflavone (95) Elongatin (96) T. viridiflora (ST) Gomez et al., 1985b Viridiflorin (97) T. viridiflora (ST) Gomez et al., 1985b Key: RT – roots, SD – seeds, PD - pods, AP – aerial parts, ST – stem 44 45 46 Chalconoids of Tephrosia Chalconoids being the initial products in biosynthesis of flavonoids occur in a variety of structural forms. The term chalconoids include all compounds which possesses 1,3diarylprop-2-en-1-one carbon frame work as the parent skeleton. The characteristic feature of these compounds is the presence of olefinic bond and a keto group. In few cases, hydroxyl group was found to be substituted at C-resulting to hydroxychalcones [Gomez-Garibay et al., 2002; Dewick, 2002]. The chalcones are the most common and wide-spread group of chalconoids possessing 1,3-diarylprop-2en-1-one as the basic skeleton [Agrawal, 1989]. Compounds belonging to the chalcanoids class are derived from 1, 3-diarylpropane as the parent carbon skeleton which may or may not possess a hydroxyl or an olefinic bond. The most important feature of these compounds is the absence of the keto group [Agrawal, 1989]. The Fig 2.6 shows the basic skeletons of chalconoids and chalcanoids with their numbering system. Figure 2.6: Basic skeleton of chalcones and chalcanes 47 In chalcones the A ring, normally written to the left, is given primed numbers, while the B ring carbons are given unprimed numbers. The exocyclic carbons are designated and relative to the carbonyl function. In the genus Tephrosia, chalconoids have been reported and they include; chalcones, chalcan-1,3-dione and a chalcene. Majority of the chalcones of this genus are oxygenated at C-2'. Praecansone B (98) and purpurenone (105) have a pyrano-ring attached to ring A. Table 2.6 below lists the chalconoids of the genus Tephrosia. Table 2.6: Chalconoids of the genus Tephrosia Chalconoids Biological source References Praecansone B (98) T. aequilata (RT) Tarus et al., 2002 Tephrone (99) T. candida (SD) Tanaka et al., 1992 Ovalichacone (100) T. candida (SD) Roy et al., 1986 Epoxyobovatachalcone (101) T. carrollii (RT) Gomez-Garibay et al., 2001 Crassichalcone (102) T. crassifolia (RT & AP) Gomez-garibay et al., 1999 2',6'-Trihydroxy-4'-methoxy- T. major (RT & AP) Gomez-Garibay et al., 2002 Praecansone A (104) T. praecans (RT) Tarus et al., 2002 Purpurenone (105) T. purpurea (AP) Rao et al., 1984 Tepropurpurin (106) T. purpurea (AP) Chang et al., 1997 Teprosone (107) T. purpurea (FT & FL) Chang et al., 2000 Spinochalcone B (108) T. spinosa (RT) Rao et al., 1992 Spinochalcone C (109) T. spinosa (RT) Rao et al., 1992 Spinochalcone A (110) T. spinosa (RT) Rao et al., 1992 Tunicatachalcone (111) T. tunicata (RT) Andrei et al., 2000 3'-prenylchalcone (103) Key: RT – roots, SD – seeds, FT - fruit, FL – flowers, AP – aerial parts 48 49 50 Rotenoids of Tephrosia Rotenoids is a general name for a class of isoflavonoid compounds containing an extra carbon in an additional heterocyclic ring. The C-2 of the isoflavanone skeleton bears an extra methylene carbon (C-11), which get cyclised with C-2' of ring B via an epoxy bridge and thus forming a tetracyclic ring system. Rotenoids possess 2-methlene, 2'epoxy isoflavanone skeleton [Agrawal, 1989]. The genus Tephrosia is known for the presence of rotenoids normaly: rotenone (7) (James et al., 1958), deguelin (6) [Yenesew, 1997] and tephrosin (15) [Kiplagat, 2006]. Other common rotenoids isolated from this genus are listed in Table 2.7 below. 51 Table 2.7: Rotenoids of the genus Tephrosia Rotenoids Dehydrodeguelin (112) Dehydrodihydrorotenone (113) Dehydrorotenone (114) Dihydrostemonal (115) 6-O-Acetyldihydrostemonal (116) 9-Demethyldihydrostemonal (117) 6-Hydroxyrotenone (118) 4',5'-Dihydo-5', 11-dihydroxy-4'methoxytephrosin (119) Biological source T. candida (RT) T. candida (RT) T. falciformis (PD) T. pentaphylla (RT) T. pentaphylla (RT) T. pentaphylla (RT) T. pentaphylla (RT) T. toxicaria (ST) Reference Crombie et al., 1998 Roy et al., 1987 Roy et al., 1987 Dagne et al., 1989 Dagne et al., 1989 Dagne et al., 1989 Dagne et al., 1989 Jang et al., 2003 Sumatrol (120) T. toxicaria (ST) Prashant et al., 1993 Toxicarol (121) T. toxicaria (ST) Andrei et al., 1997 9-O-Demethyl-6-O-methyl-8prenylstemonal (122) 6-Hydroxysumatrol (123) T. villosa (SD) Prashant et al., 1993 T. villosa (PD) Prashant et al., 1993 Villosol (124) T. villosa (PD) Prashant et al., 1993 Didehydrovillosin (125) T. villosa (PD) Prashant et al., 1993 Villinol (126) T. villosa (PD) Prashant et al., 1993 Villosone (127) T. villosa (PD) Prashant et al., 1993 Key: Key: RT – roots, SD – seeds, FT - fruit, FL – flowers, AP – aerial parts 52 53 54 Pterocarpanoids of the genus Tephrosia Pterocarpanoids are the second largest group of isoflavonoids [Dewick, 1994]. Pterocarpanoids tend to be phytoalexins, which are toxic compounds produced by plants following microbial infections, constituting a natural defence mechanism against microorganisms [Ingham, 1980]. Pterocarpanoids occur mostly in the root and stem bark presumably for defence purpose against microbial attacks. Among the 12 pterocarpanoids that have been characterised from this genus, 3 are pterocarpans, 5 are 6a-hydroxypterocarpans, 3 are coumestan and one pterocarpene. The division into the four above-mentioned groups depends on the level of oxidation in ring B and at the B - C ring junction. Table 2.8 below lists some of the pterocarpanoids of Tephrosia. Table 2.8: Pterocarpanoids of the genus Tephrosia Pterocarpanoids Biological source Acanthocarpan (128) T. bidwilli (LV) Tephrocarpin (129) T. bidwilli (LV) Tephcalostan (130) T. calophylla (WP) Emoroidocarpan (131) T. emoroides (RT) 2-O-Methyllucernol (132) T. hamiltonii (RT) Hildecarpidin (133) T. hildebrandtii (RT) Key: RT – roots, LV – leaves, WP – whole plant 55 Reference Ingham et al., 1980 Ingham et al., 1980 Kishore et al., 2003 Machocho et al., 1995 Rajani et al., 1988 Lwande et al., 1987 56 Other compounds from the genus Tephrosia Thus far, three flavans, flavan-4-ols, flavan-3,4-diol and a flavanonol are reported from the genus Tephrosia among others. Some like crassifolin (134) and tepicanol A (143) exist as dimmers hence referred to as biflavanoids. Abbottin (137) and tephrowatsin B (147) possess a double bond between C-3 and C-4, hence referred to as flavenes. Table 2.9 below shows a summary of the flavanoids and isoflavanoids of the genus Tephrosia. Flavonols and 3-methoxyflavones have also been reported from Tephrosia. Examples include; candinol (148), candirone (149) isolated from the roots and seeds of T. candida [Dutt et al., 1983; Parmar et al., 1987] and 7-Ethoxy-3,3',4'-trihydroxyflavone (150) from the roots of T. procumbens [Tarus et al., 2002; Venkataratnam et al., 1987]. Table 2.9: Other compounds isolated from Tephrosia Compound Biological Source Reference Crassifolin (134) T. crassifolia (RT) Gomez-garibay et al., 1999 Hildgardtol A (135) T. crassifolia (RT) Gomez-garibay et al., 1999 Methylhidgardtol A (136) T. crassifolia (RT) Gomez-garibay et al., 1999 Abbottin (137) T. emoroides (RT) Machocho , A.K., 1995 Methylhidgardtol B (138) T. hildebrandtii (RT) Gomez-garibay et al., 1986 Hildgardtol B (139) T. quercetorum (RT/AP) Gomez-garibay et al., 1988 Quercetol A (140) T. quercetorum (AP) Gomez-garibay et al., 1988 Quercetol B (141) T. quercetorum (AP) Gomez-garibay et al., 1988 Astraciceran (142) Tephrosia strigosa (LV) Ingham et al., 1980 Tepicanol A (143) T. tepicana (RT &AP) Gomez-garibay et al., 1997 Tephrowatsin A (144) T. watsoniana (ST) Gomez et al., 1985a Tephrowatsin E (145) T. watsoniana (ST) Gomez et al., 1985a 5,7-Dimethoxy-8T. watsoniana (ST) Gomez et al., 1985a prenylflavan (146) Tephrowatsin B (147) T. watsoniana (ST) Gomez et al., 1985a Key: RT – roots, ST – stem, LV – leaves, AP – aerial parts 57 58 59 Fig .2.7 below shows a summary of some of the sub-classes of compounds reported from the genus Tephrosia. Figure 2.7: Summary of sub-classes of compounds from genus Tephrosia 60 CHAPTER THREE 3.0 MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1 General The 1H-NMR (300 or 200 MHz) and 13 C-NMR (75 MHz or 50 MHz) spectra were recorded on Bruker or Varian-Mercury spectrometers using TMS as internal standard. Chemical shifts were measured in ppm in values relative to TMS. HMQC and HMBC spectra were acquired using the standard Bruker software. EIMS spectra were recorded on a direct inlet, 70 eV, on SSq 710, Finnigan MAT mass spectrometer. UV spectra were recorded using SP8 150 UV/VIS spectrophotometer. CD was run using JASCO J170 spectropolarimeter. Melting points were recorded using a Gallenkamp melting point apparatus with capillary tubes. Column chromatography was carried out using silica gel 60 (70-230 mesh) and Sephadex LH 20. Analytical TLC was done using Merck pre-coated silica gel 60 F254 plates. Preparative thin layer chromatography (PTLC) was done on silica gel (Merck). PTLC plates were prepared by adding 200 ml of water to 80 g of silica gel. Slurry was formed and allowed to stand for 30 minutes. The slurry was then poured and spread evenly on clean 20 cm2 glass plates and was left to dry at room temperature. Activation of the silica gel was done in the oven for 30 minutes at a 383 k temperature, removed and allowed to cool at room temperature ready for use. Chromatographic zones were detected under UV (254, 366 nm) light and/or exposing in some cases to iodine vapour. 61 3.2 Reagents Organic solvents; n-hexane, dichrolomethane, ethyl acetate, methanol, acetone, acetic acid, acetic anhydride and Iodine crystals were sourced from Kobian, Nairobi, Kenya and Sigma chemical company, St. Louis, USA. All the solvents were distilled prior to use. 3.2.1 Apparatus All reusable glassware (test tubes, conical flasks, round bottomed flasks, measuring cylinders, vials, beakers, volumetric flasks, teat pipettes) were soaked in hot water with liquid detergent before washing thoroughly and rinsing with distilled water. They were then dried in an electric oven at about 105 0C for about 1 hour and allowed to cool slowly to room temperature. Just before use, the apparatus were rinsed with a mixture of distilled solvents to remove any organic impurities. 3.2.2 Test organisms The standard test organisms (D6 and W2 strains of Plasmodium falciparum) were obtained from the United States Army Medical Research Unit-Kenya, Walter Reed Project, Kisumu (courtesy of Mr Hoseah M. Akala), all preserved at -20 0C. The eggs of Aedes aegypti L. (Diptera: Culicidae) were obtained from the Department of Zoology, University of Nairobi. 62 3.3 Plant Materials 3.3.1 Collection of plants materials The roots, stems, leaves and seedpods of Tephrosia elata and Tephrosia aequilata were collected from their natural habitats; T. elata was obtained from Kilungu hills in Makueni district in August, 2007, and T. aequilata obtained from Nzaui hills in Makueni district in November, 2007. The plant species were identified by Mr. Patrick C. Mutiso of the University Herbarium, School of Biological Sciences, at the University of Nairobi, where a voucher specimen (Mutiso- 027 / August 2007 for T. elata and (Mutiso - 028/November 2007) for T. aequilata are deposited. 3.3.2 Preliminary processing of the samples After collection, each of the plant samples was separated into different parts, seedpods, stem and leaves. They were then air dried for about two weeks at room temperature by spreading evenly in the open drying area. The samples were ground separately into fine powder using a Willy mill. About 30 g of the ground seedpods and stem of each plant were exhaustively extracted with CH2Cl2/MeOH (1:1) to obtain the organic extracts for preliminarily investigation of phytochemical profile and antiplasmodial and larvicidal activities. The extracts were filtered through Whatman No.1 filter paper and solvent removed using a rotary evaporator. The extracts were divided into two portions, one for phytochemical evaluation and the other for biological evaluation. The later was stored in sterile air-tight vials at 4 0C in readiness for bioassay tests (Harborne, 1998). 63 3.3.3 Preliminary phytochemical profile evaluation Thin layer chromatography was carried out on each extract using CH2Cl2/EtOAc (4:1) and 100% dichloromethane as solvent systems. The spots after development were viewed under a UV light and the number of spots observed for each sample recorded. 3.4 Extraction and Isolation of Compounds 3.4.1 Extraction and isolation of compounds from the seedpods of T. elata The air dried and ground seedpods (1.7 Kg) of T. elata were extracted with dichloromethane- methanol (1:1) solvent system by cold percolation at room temperature (3 X 1.5 L). The solvent was removed under vacuum by use of a rotary evaporator at 35 0C afforded a brown oily extract (53 g). A portion of the extract (50 g) was subjected to CC on silica (500 g) eluting with hexane containing increasing percentage of ethyl acetate (3%, 5%, 7%, 10%, 13%, 15%, 20% and 30% ethyl acetate in hexane each of ca 1 L). The fraction eluted with 3% EtOAc in n-hexane was further separated on Sephadex LH-20 column (eluent CH2Cl2/MeOH, 1:1) and purified by PTLC on silica gel (hexane/CH2Cl2, 3:2) to yield compound 3 (3.5 mg) and compound 4 (24.8 mg) [Andrei et al., 2000]. The fraction which was eluted with 10% EtOAc in hexane was purified by PTLC (hexane/acetone, 9:1) and yielded compound 1 (89.4 mg). The fraction eluted with 13% EtOAc in hexane was also purified by PTLC (hexane/CH2Cl2/EtOAc, 5:9:1) to give crystals of compound 5 (78.5 mg) [Andrei et al., 64 2000] and a mixture of compound 6 and compound 7 (40.6 mg) [Andrei et al., 1997; Yenesew, 1997; Dagne et al., 1991]. 3.4.2 Extraction and isolation of compounds from the seedpods of T. aequilata 1.8 Kg of the air dried seedpods were ground and extracted with dichloromethanemethanol (1:1) solvent system by cold percolation at room temperature (3 X 1.5 L). The extract was filtered and the solvent removed under vacuum using a rotary evaporator at 35 0C to yield 64 g of a dark brownish oily paste. A portion of the extract (50 g) was subjected to CC on silica (500 g) eluting with hexane containing increasing percentage of ethyl acetate (3%, 5%, 7%, 10%, 13%, 15%, 20% and 30% ethyl acetate in hexane each of ca 1 L). The fraction that was eluted with 7% ethyl acetate in hexane was further subjected to column chromatography on Sephadex LH-20 {CH2Cl2/MeOH (1:1)} and the major fraction was further purified by PTLC (5 % EtOAc in hexane) to yield compound 8 (82 mg) and 9 (20 mg) [Tarus et al., 2002; Machocho et al., 1995; Dagne et al., 1990; Yenesew at al., 1989]. The fractions that were eluted with 10 – 20 % ethyl acetate in hexane were combined and subjected to Sephadex LH-20 column { CH2Cl2/MeOH (1:1)} and the major fraction was further purified by PTLC (25 % EtOAc in hexane) to give additional compound 5 (26 mg) [Andrei et al., 2000; Machocho et al., 1995]. 65 3.4.3 Acetylation of compound 1 In a round bottomed flask containing compound 1 (35 mg), acetic anhydride (excess) and pyridine (1 drop) was added and the mixture was allowed to stand for 12 hours. The reaction mixture was poured over ice-water and stirred in ice-bath. The product precipitated was filtered and washed with water. The precipitate was taken up with CH2Cl2 and dried with Na2SO4 and filtered. The filtrate was then transferred into a round bottomed flask and the solvent removed using a rotary evaporator under vacuum. Purification of the product by PTLC yielded monoacetate compound 2 (26 mg). 3.5 Physical and Spectroscopic Data of the Isolated Compounds 3.5.1 Compound 1 .8 Light yellowish oil. Rf = 0.2 (hexane/EtOAc, 9:1). [ ] 28 = + 34.50 (c 0.71, CHCl3). UV D max (MeOH, Log nm: 274.5 (0.83), 295.5 (0.32), 308 (0.30), 349 (0.07) nm. CD (MeOH, 0.01): [Ө]350 +3187, [Ө]290 -8346. HRMS found: 355.1535, calculated for C21H23O5 (Appendix A). 1H NMR (CDCl3, 300 MHz): H 7.26 -7.44 (m, H-2, -3, -4, -5, 6), 5.87 (s, H-5'), 3.45 (dd, J = 3.0, 18.0 Hz, H-), 3.34 (dd, J = 9.0, 18.0 Hz, H-), 5.28 (dd, J = 3.0, 9.0 Hz, H-), 5.46 (d, J = 10.1 Hz, H-3''), 6.66 (d, J = 10.1 Hz, H-4''), 1.44 (s, Me2-2''), 3.78 (s, MeO-6'), 13.98 (s, 2'-OH). C NMR (CDCl3, 75 MHz), C 143.4 13 (C-1) 125.9 (C-2/6), 128.4 (C-3/5), 127.4 (C-4), 105.6 (C-1'), 161.9 (C-2'), 102.9 (C-3'), 160.7 (C-4'), 91.4 (C-5'), 163.0 (C-6'), 52.7 (C-), 70.2 (C-), 78.3 (C-2''), 125.5 (C-3''), 115.8 (C-4''), 28.4 (Me2), 55.7 (MeO-6'), 204.2 (C=O). EIMS (m/z, rel int): 354 (52, 66 [M]+), 339 (15, [M-Me]+), 336 (15, [M-H20]+), 321 (55, [M-Me-H20]+), 233 (98, C13H13O4), (217 (100, C12H9O4)), 107 (9, C7H7O), (Appendix A). 3.5.2 Compound 2 Yellowish oil. Rf = 0.44 (hexane/EtOAc, 9:1). UV max (MeOH, Log ) nm: 276.0 (0.75), 295.5 (0.67), 342.5 (0.40), 451 (0.02). HRMS found: 399.1721, calculated for C23H27O6. EIMS (m/z, rel int): 398.17 (30, [M]+), {397.16 (100, C23H25O6)}. 1H NMR (CDCl3, 300 MHz): 7.27 – 7.41 (m, H-2, -3, -4, -5, -6), 5.88 (s, H-5'), 3.44 (dd, J = 4.5, 17.1 Hz, H-), 3.62 (dd, J = 8.7, 17.1 Hz, H-), 6.38 (dd, J = 4.5, 8.7 Hz, H-), 5.45 (d, J = 10.2 Hz, H-3''), 6.64 (d, J = 10.2 Hz, H-4''), 1.44 (s, Me2-2''), 3.83 (s, MeO-6'), 13.99 (s, 2'OH), 2.03 (s, OCOCH3). 13 C NMR (CDCl3, 75 MHz): C 140.4 (C-1), 126.7 (C-2/6), 128.5 (C-3/5), 128.0 (C-4), 105.5 (C-1'), 161.9 (C-2'), 102.9 (C-3'), 160.3 (C-4'), 91.2 (C-5'), 162.6 (C-6'), 50.3 (C-), 71.9 (C-78.2 (C-2''), 125.4 (C-3''), 115.9 (C-4''), 28.4 (Me2), 55.7 (MeO-6'), 200.7 (C=O), 21.2 (OCOCH3), 170.0 (OCOCH3). OCOCH3, (Appendix B). 3.5.3 Compound 3 Yellowish oily substance. Rf = 0.4 (CH2Cl2/hexane, 2:3). 1H NMR (CDCl3, 200 MHz): - (m, H-2, -6); m, H-3, -4, -5); s, H-5'), 8.02 (d, J = 15.6 Hz, H- (d, J = 15.6 Hz, H-), 5.59 (d, J = 10 Hz, H-3''), 6.63 (d, J = 10 Hz, H-4''), 1.46 (s, (Me2-2''), 1.39 (s, (Me2-2''), 3.86 (s, OCH3-6'), 14.45 (s, OH-2'). 13C NMR (CDCl3, 50 MHz): C 135.7 (C-1), 128.7 (C-2/6), 129.3 (C-3/5), 129.0 (C-4), 105.9 (C67 1'), 160.9 (C-2'), 102.7 (C-3'), 162.6 (C-4'), 91.9 (C-5'), 163.3 (C-6'), 127.5 (C-), 142.5 (C-), 78.4 (C-2''), 125.9 (C-3''), 115.7 (C-4''), 29.2 (Me2), 56.0 (MeO-6'), 192.9 (C=O), (Appendix C). 3.5.4 Compound 4 Whitish solid. Rf = 0.3 (CH2Cl2/Hexane, 2:3), UV max (MeOH, Log ) nm: 271.5 (0.9), 476.0 (0.003). 1H NMR (CDCl3, 300 MHz): H 5.44 (dd, J = 12.6, 3.3 Hz, H-2), 2.83 (dd, J = 3.3, -17.1 Hz, H-2eq), 3.06 (dd, J = 12.6, -17.1 Hz, H-2ax), 6.00 (s, H-6), 7.40 – 7.54 (m, H-2' ,-3', -4', -5', -6'), 5.44 (d, J = 10.8 Hz, H-3''), 6.55 (d, J = 10.8 Hz, H-4''), 1.40 (s, Me2-2''), 1.5 (s, Me2-2''), 12.09 (s, 5-OH). 13C NMR (CDCl3, 75 MHz): C 79.1 (C-2), 43.3 (C-3), 195.6 (C=O), 156.8 (C-5), 97.7 (C-6), 162.4 (C-7), 102.0 (C-8), 163.8 (C-9), 103.0 (C-10), 138.5 (C-1'), 126.0 (C-2'/6'), 128.8 (C-3'/5'), 128.8 (C-4'), 78.2 (C2''), 126.5 (C-3''), 115.6 (C-4''), 28.2 (Me2), 28.5 (Me2), (Appendix D). 3.5.5 Compound 5 Needle-like white crystals. Rf = 0.54 (Hexane/CH2Cl2/EtOAc, 5:9:1). Melting point = 134.90C. UV max (MeOH, Log ) nm: 271.5 (0.66). 1H NMR (CDCl3, 300 MHz): H 5.42 (dd, J = 12.9 Hz, H-2), 2.82 (dd, J = -16.5, 3.3 Hz, H-3eq), 3.0 (dd, J = -16.5, 12.9 Hz, H-3ax), 6.06 (s, H-6), 7.34 – 7.44 (m, H-2', -3', -4', -5', -6'), 5.47 (d, J = 9.9 Hz, H3''), 6.60 (d, J = 9.9 Hz, H-4''), 1.45 (s, Me2-2''), 1.46 (s, Me2-2''), 3.87 (s, MeO-5). 13C NMR (CDCl3, 75 MHz): C 78.9 (C-2), 45.6 (C-3), 189.2 (C=O), 162.1 (C-5), 93.9 (C6), 159.9 (C-7), 102.9 (C-8), 158.7 (C-9), 105.7 (C-10), 139.0 (C-1'), 125.9 (C-2'/6'), 68 128.7 (C-3'/5'), 128.5 (C-4'), 78.0 (C-2''), 126.3 (C-3''), 116.0 (C-4''), 28.2 (Me2), 28.5 (Me2), 55.6 (MeO-5), (Appendix E). 3.5.6 Compound 6 Yellowish oil. Rf = 0.3 (Hex/CH2Cl2/EtOAc, 5:9:1). UV max (MeOH, Log ) nm: 271.5 (0.48), 360.5 (0.04). 1H NMR (CDCl3, 300 MHz): H 6.79 (s, H-1), 6.45 (s, H-4), 4.46 (dd, J = 12.0, 3.0 Hz, H-6ax), 4.19 (d, J = 12.0 Hz, H-6eq), 4.92 (m, H-6a), 6.48 (d, J = 8.7 Hz, H-10), 7.75 (d, J = 8.7 Hz, H-11), 3.84 (d, J = 4.2 Hz, H- 12a), 6.65 (d, J = 10.2 Hz, H-4'), 5.56 (d, J = 10.2 Hz, H-5'), 1.39 (s, Me2-2'), 1.45 (s, Me2-2'), 3.77 (s, MeO-2), 3.81 (s, MeO-3). 13C NMR (CDCl3, 75 MHz): C 110.5 (C-1), 104.8 (C-1a), 143.9 (C-2), 149.5 (C-3), 100.9 (C-4), 147.4 (C-4a), 66.3 (C-6), 72.4 (C-6a), 156.9 (C-7a), 109.1 (C8), 160.9 (C-9), 111.4 (C- 10), 128.5 (C-11), 112.7 (11a), 189.2 (C=O), 44.4 (C-12a), 115.7 (C-4'), 128.6 (C-5'), 28.1 (Me2 - 6'), 28.5 (Me2 - 6'), 56.3 (MeO-2), 55.8 (MeO-3), (Appendix F). 3.5.7 Compound 7 Yellowish oil. Rf = 0.3 (Hex/CH2Cl2/EtOAc, 5:9:1). UV max (MeOH, Log ) nm: 271.5 (0.48), 360.5 (0.04). 1H NMR (CDCl3, 300 MHz): H 6.79 (s, H-1), 6.45 (s, H-4), 4.46 (dd, J = 12.0, 3.0 Hz, H-6ax), 4.19 (dd, J = 0.8, 3.0 Hz, H-6eq), 4.59 (dd, J = 0.8, 3.0 Hz, H-6a), 6.48 (d, J = 8.7 Hz, H-10), 7.75 (d, J = 8.7 Hz, H-11), 5.35 (dd, J = 7.6, 9.5 Hz, H-2'), 3.06 (dd, J = 9.5, 15.1 Hz, H-3'), 3.42 (dd, J = 9.5, 15.1 Hz, H-3'), 4.96 (brs, H-5'), 5.11 (brs, H-5'), 1.78 (s, Me-4'), 3.77 (s, MeO-2), 3.81 (s, MeO-3). 13C NMR (CDCl3, 75 MHz): C 110.5 (C-1), 104.8 (C-1a), 143.9 (C-2), 149.5 (C-3), 100.9 (C-4), 147.4 (C69 4a), 66.3 (C-6), 72.4 (C-6a), 156.9 (C-7a), 109.1 (C-8), 160.1 (C-9), 111.4 (C-10), 128.5 (C-11), 112.7 (C-11a), 189.2 (C=O), 44.4 (C-12a), 87.9 (C-2'), 30.8 (C-3'), 143.0 (C-4'), 112.9 (C-5'), 16.9 (C-6'), 16.9 (Me - 4'), 56.3 (MeO-2), 55.8 (MeO-3), (Appendix F). 3.5.8 Compound 8 Yellowish oil. 1H NMR (CDCl3, 200 MHz): H 7.45 - 7.89 (m, H-2, -3, -4, -5, -6), 6.03 (s, H-), 6.51 (s, H-5'), 5.56 (d, J = 10.4 Hz, H-3''), 6.49 (d, J = 10.4 Hz, H-4''), 1.42 (s, Me2-2''), 1.40 (s, Me2-2''), 3.89 (s, MeO-6'), 3.69 (s, MeO-), 3.65 (MeO-2'). 13C NMR (CDCl3, 50 MHz): C 140.4 (C-1), 128.4 (C-2/6), 127.9 (C-3/5), 127.3 (C-4), 188.7 (C=O), 96.6 (C-), 166.1 (C-), 107.7 (C-1'), 155.1 (C-2'), 11.6 (C-3'), 158.5 (C-4'), 100.9 (C-5'), 155.7 (C-6'), 76.4 (C-2''), 131.7 (C-3''), 117.0 (C-4''), 27.5 (Me2), 55.6 (MeO-6'), 61.7 (MeO-), 55.9 (MeO-2'), (Appendix G). 3.5.9 Compound 9 Yellowish needle-like crystals were obtained from n-hexane/EtOAc (9:1), melting point = 126 - 129 oC. 1H NMR spectral data (acetone-d6, 200 MHz): H 7.86 - 7.91 (2H, m, H-2, H-6), 7.41 – 7.50 (3H, m, H-3,-4, -5), 6.18 (1H, s, H-), 6.48 (1H, d, J = 10.0 Hz, H-4''), 5.57 (1H, d, J = 10 Hz, H-3''), 6.55 (1H, s, H-5'), 3.89 (3H, s, 2'-OMe), 1.41 (3H, s, Me22''), 1.40 (3H, s, Me2-2''). 13C NMR spectral data (acetone-d6, 50 MHz): C 188.7 (C=O), 166.1 (C-7), 158.5 (C-4'), 155.7 (C-2'), 155.1 (C-6'), 140.4 (C-1), 131.7 (C-4), 128.4 (C2, C-6), 127.9 (C-3, C-5), 127.2 (C-4''),117.0 (C-3''), 112.2 (C-3'), 107.7 (C-1'), 100.9 70 (C-8), 96.0 (C-5'), 76.4 (C-2''), 55.9 (2'-OMe), 28.8 (2''-Me2), 28.4 (2''-Me2), (Appendix H). 3.6 Biological Activity Assays 3.6.1 In-vitro antiplasmodial activity assay The crude extract and pure compounds were assayed using a non radioactive assay technique [Smilkstein et al., 2004] with modifications to determine 50% growth inhibition of cultured parasites. This is an accepted method for assaying in vitro drug susceptibility using the fluorochrome called “SYBR Green I”, a non-radioactive intercalating DNA marker that accurately depicts in vitro parasite replication. This test replaces the older, 3H-hypoxanthine uptake assay, is fully endorsed by the WHO. Briefly, two different strains, chloroquine-sensitive Sierra Leone I (D6) and chloroquine-resistant Indochina I (W2), of Plasmodium falciparum were grown as described in the literature [Johnson et al., 2007]. Concurrently, twofold serial dilutions of the drugs chloroquine (1.953 to 1,000 ng/ml), mefloquine (0.488 to 250 ng/ml) and test sample (97.7 – 50,000 ngml-1) were prepared on a 96 well plate. The culture-adapted P. falciparum were added on to the plate containing dose range of drugs and incubated in gas mixture (5% CO2, 5% O2, and 90% N2) at 37°C. The assay was terminated 72 hrs later by freezing at -80°C. After thawing, lysis buffer containing SYBR Green I (1x final concentration) were added directly to the plates and gently mixed by using the Beckman Coulter Biomek 71 2000 automated laboratory workstation (Beckman Coulter, Inc., Fullerton, CA). The plates were incubated for 5 - 15 minutes at room temperature in the dark. Parasite growth inhibition was quantified by measuring the per-well relative fluorescence units (RFU) of SYBR green 1 dye using the Tecan Genios Plus (Tecan US, Inc., Durham, NC) with excitation and emission wavelengths of 485 nm and 535 nm, respectively, and with the gain set at 60. Differential counts of relative fluorescence units (RFUs) were used in calculating IC50’s for each drug using Prism 4.0 software for Windows (Graphpad Software, San Diego, CA). A minimum of three separate determinations was carried out for each sample. Replicates had narrow data ranges hence presented as mean + SD. The antiplasmodial tests were done in collaboration with Mr. Akala, H., Dr. Waters, N and Ms. Layala, P of Kenya Medical Research Institute and United States Medical Research Unit - Kenya. 3.6.2 Larvicidal activity assay The eggs of Aedes aegypti L. (Diptera: Culicidae) were obtained from the Department of Zoology, University of Nairobi. The eggs were flooded with 0.08% NaCl solution and left to hatch at 28 0C. Twenty third instar larvae were transferred into a Petri-dish containing 500 ml of 0.08% NaCl solution. The larvae were treated with the test extracts and pure compounds according to Mwangi and Rembold [1998]. Twenty milligrams of test samples were dissolved in 2 ml of DMSO. From the stock solution different concentrations were prepared by serial dilution and the larvae were tested for mortality at 20, 10, 5, 2.5, 1.25 and 0.65 gml-1 of sample solutions. Control larvae in all cases 72 received 50 l of DMSO as in test larvae. Mortality was checked after 24 hours. LC50 values were calculated from the average of three observations for each concentration using Finney’s probit analysis for quantal data [McLaughlin et al., 1991; Finney, 1971]. 73 CHAPTER FOUR 4.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Preliminary Test Results 4.1.1 Phytochemical profile evaluation results The dried and ground seedpods and stem of T. elata and T. aequilata were extracted separately with CH2Cl2/MeOH (1:1) by cold percolation. The crude extracts were then subjected to thin layer chromatography (TLC) to establish their phytochemical profile. The presence of several UV-active spots on TLC of the seedpod extracts of both plants were detected under UV light (254 nm). 4.1.2 In-vitro antiplasmodial activity evaluation results The crude extracts (CH2Cl2/MeOH, 1:1) of the seedpods of T. elata and T. aequilata were screened for antiplasmodial activities against two different strains of the malaria parasite. The results obtained indicated moderate antiplasmodial activities against both D6 and W2 strains of P. falciparum. The crude extract of the seedpods of T. elata showed an average activity against both strains of P. falciparum whereas that of T. aequilata was more active against the sensitive strain D6 than the resistant strain W2. Table 4.1 below summarizes the in vitro antiplasmodial activity tests for the crude extracts. 74 Table 4.1: In vitro IC50 values of the crude seedpods extracts from T. elata and T. aequilata against D6 and W2 strains of P. falciparum Plant (plant part) T. elata (seedpods) T. aequilata (seedpods) Chloroquine Mefloquine IC50 (g/ml+ SD) D6 W2 8.4 + 0.3 8.6 + 1.0 1.45 + 0.21 22.4 + 5.2 0.008 + 0.004 0.051 + 0.010 0.042 + 0.008 0.015 + 0.002 4.2 Characterization of Isolated Compounds 4.2.1 Compounds from Tephrosia elata The crude extract from the seedpods of T. elata afforded seven compounds. The characterization of these compounds is discussed below. Chalcones Elatadihydrochalcone (1) and -acetoxyelatadihydrochalcone (2) HRMS analysis of compound 1 showed a [M+1]+ peak at m/z 355.1535 corresponding to the molecular formula of C21H23O5 (Appendix A). The UV (max = 275, 296 and 308 nm), the 1H NMR ( 3.45, dd, J = 3.0, 18.0 Hz and 3.34, dd, J = 9.0, 18.0 Hz for CH2; 5.28 dd, J = 3.0, 9.0 Hz for H-) and 13C NMR (C 204.2 for C=O; 52.7 for C-, 70.2 for C-) spectra (Table 4.2) showed that this compound is a hydroxydihydrochalcone derivative [Nel et al., 1999; Chen et al., 2005]. The presence of hydroxyl group at the -carbon was confirmed from 1H NMR spectrum of the mono acetate (2) which showed down-field shift for H- (Table 4.2). In agreement with this, 75 the HMBC spectrum of 1 showed correlations between H- and C-2/6, H-2/6 and C-, CH2- and C=O, CH2-and C-1 (Table 4.2). Furthermore the presence of a chelated hydroxyl ( 13.98), a methoxyl (H = 3.78, C = 55.7) and a 2,2-dimethylpyran substituent were established from NMR (Table 4.2) and MS fragmentation (Fig 4.1), (Appendix A). The 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectra (H 7.26 - 7.44, 5H for H-2, H-3, H-4, H-5, H-6; C 143.4 for C-1; 125.9 for C-2/6, 128.4 for C-3/5) showed that ring-A in compound 1 is not substituted. All the substituents are then located in ring-B, with the chelated hydroxyl and the methoxyl at C-2' and C-6'. The 2,2-dimethylpyran group could either be adjacent to the hydroxyl group (1) or adjacent to the methoxy group (1a). The 13 C NMR chemical shift value of the methoxy group (C 55.7) was found to be within the normal range [Yenesew et al., 1998a] and is consistent with structure 1 rather than 1a where the methoxy group being di-ortho-substituted resonates above 59 ppm [Yenesew et al., 1998a]. In agreement with this, irradiation of the methoxy protons resulted in a nOe enhancement of H-5'. Hence this compound 1 was characterized as 3',4'-(2'',2''dimethylpyrano)-2',β-dihydroxy-6'-methoxydihydrochalcone, for which the trivial name elatadihydrochalcone was suggested. The CD spectrum showed a positive Cotton effect at 350 nm and a negative one at 290 nm which suggested S-configuration at the -carbon [Nel et al., 1999], (Appendix A). 76 This is the first report on the occurrence of a -hydroxydihydrochalcone in the genus Tephrosia. -hydroxydihydrochalcones constitute a small subclass of flavonoids with only few reported in nature [Dictionary of Organic Compounds, 2008]. The literature data on the assignments of the 1H NMR and 13C NMR data (Table 4.3) for the characteristic -hydroxydihydrochalcone atoms were found to be inconsistent. This prompted a comprehensive NMR analysis (Table 4.2) of elatadihydrochalcone (1) and its acetate derivative (2). The 1H NMR and 13 C NMR data of elatadihydrochalcone (1) are in close agreement for what have been reported for the -hydroxydihydrochalcones (152) [Nel et al., 1999] and (153) [Chen et al., 2005], and for the methoxydihydrochalcones (like 154) [Tanaka et al., 1992] (Table 4.3). In contrast, the data reported for 155 [Thuy et al., 1998], 156 [Rafi et al., 2002], 157 [Adinarayana et al., 1982] and 158 [Manners and Jurd, 1979] are significantly different (Table 4.3), (Appendix B). Such difference could suggest different skeletal structures for the two sets of compounds, compounds 1, 2, 152-4 as one set and compounds 155-158 as a second set. Interestingly the NMR data for and atoms as reported for compounds 155-158 are similar to ring-C atoms (CH2-3 and CH-2 groups) of the flavanones obovatin (4) and obovatin methyl ether (5) [Andrei et al., 2000], and other flavanones in literature [Tanaka et al., 1992; Andrei et al., 2000; Yenesew et al., 1998a] (Table 4.3). In fact the similarity of NMR data of compounds 157 [Adinarayana et al., 1982] and 158 [Manners 77 and Jurd, 1979] with flavanones have been used as supporting evidence in assigning hydroxydihydrochalcone skeleton for these compounds (Appendix A). However, the NMR data for compounds 1, 2, 152-4 is distinct from those of the flavanones 4 and 5 (Table 4.3). Such difference is expected considering that hydroxydihydrochalcones have an open chain for and C=O atoms, while flavanones have cyclic system (ring C). It follows then that compounds 155-158 (and other related compounds as suggested by the authors, (Table 4.3) could be flavanones rather than hydroxydihydrochalcone derivatives. Therefore, the structure of these compounds be reexamined of these compounds by a combination of modern spectroscopic techniques to resolve this issue (Appendix A and B). 78 Table 4.2: 1H NMR (300 MHz) and Correlations for 13C NMR (75 MHz) along with HMBC elatadihydrochalcone (1) and - acetoxyelatadihydrochalcone (2) Position C 1 2/6 143.4 125.9 3/5 128.4 4 127.4 1' 2' 3' 4' 5' 105.6 161.9 102.9 160.7 91.4 6' 163.0 52.7 70.2 2'' 3'' 78.3 125.5 4'' 115.8 2''(CH3)2 6'-OCH3 2'-OH 28.4 55.7 C=O OCOCH3 OCOCH3 204.2 CDCl3) m (J in Hz) HMBC 7.26-7.44 m C-1, , 3/5, 4 7.26-7.44 m C-1, 2/6, 4 7.26-7.44 m C-2/6, 3/5 5.87 s 3.45 dd (3.0,18.0) 3.34 dd (9.0,18.0) 5.28 dd (3.0, 9.0) 5.46 d (10.1 6.66 d (10.1) 1.44 s 3.78 s 13.98 s C-1', 3', 4', 6' acetone-d6) CDCl3) C m C m (J in Hz) (J in Hz) 145.6 140.4 126.1 7.23-7.48 m 126.7 7.27-7.41 m 128.3 7.23-7.48 m 128.5 7.27-7.41 m 127.2 7.23-7.48 m 128.0 7.27-7.41 m 105.7 161.9 102.6 160.6 91.7 105.5 161.9 102.9 160.3 91.2 163.0 C=O, 54.0 -1 C-2/6 70.0 C-3' 78.2 125.9 C-2'', 4' 115.7 C-2'', 3'' C-6' C-1', 2', 3' 27.9 55.8 203.9 79 6.00 s 3.44 dd (4.6,16.2) 3.37 dd (7.8,16.2) 5.29 dd (4.6,7.8) 5.56 d (10.2) 6.66 d (10.2) 1.43 s 3.91 s 14.21 s 162.6 50.3 71.9 78.2 125.4 115.9 28.4 55.7 200.7 21.2 170.0 5.88 s 3.44 dd (4.5,17.1) 3.62 dd (8.7,17.1) 6.38 dd (4.5,8.7) 5.45 d (10.2) 6.64 d (10.2) 1.44 s 3.83 s 13.99 s 2.03 s Table 4.3a: Comparison of the 1H NMR (a) and 13C NMR (b) data of the and atoms of elatadihydrochalcone (1) with literature for -hydroxydihydrochalcone derivatives (152-8) and flavanones (4 and 5). H 1 (CDCl3) 3.45 dd (2.9, 18.3) 3.34 dd (9.0, 18.3) 5.28 dd (3.0, 9.0) 1 (acetoned6) 3.44 dd (4.6, 16.2) 3.37 dd (7.8, 16.2) 5.29 dd (4.6, 7.8) 152 (CDCl3) 153 (CDCl3) 154 (CDCl3) 3.40 dd (3.3, 18.1) 3.30 dd (9.1, 18.1) 5.21 m (3.6, 8.7) 3.37 dd (8.8, 17.4) 3.29 dd (3.2, 17.4) 5.34 dd (3.2, 8.8) 3.55 dd (9, 17) 3.15 dd (5, 17) 4.74 dd (5, 9) 155 (pyridined5) 2.93 dd (2.9, 16.3) 3.27 dd (12.8,16.3) 5.52 dd (2.9, 12.8) 156 (CDCl3) 157 (acetone -d6) 2.69 dd 2.77 (3.1, 16.3) (8, 15) 3.06 dd 3.01 13.0, 16.3) (5, 15) 5.38 dd 5.21 m (3.0, 13.0) 158 (DMSO -d6) 2.76 dd (8, 15) 3.00 dd (5, 15) 5.07 m 4* (CDCl3) 5* (CDCl3) 2.81 dd (3.3, 16.7) 3.10 dd (12.5, 16.7) 5.45 dd (3.3, 12.5) 2.75 dd (3.4, 16.7) 2.95 dd (12.5, 16.5) 5.39 dd (3.4, 12.6) Table 4.3b: 13C NMR data C 1 1 152 155 156 158 4* 5* (CDCl3) (acetone-d6) (CDCl3) (pyridine-d5) (CDCl3) (DMSO-d6) (CDCl3) (CDCl3) 52.7 54.0 52.45 46.1 45.24 40.1 43.19 45.52 70.2 70.0 70.41 79.5 81.33 73.3 78.97 78.84 *For flavanones 4 and 5, = C-3 and = C-2 152 = -Hydroxy-4,4'dimethoxy-2'-O-methoxymethyldihydrochalcone [Nel et al., 1999]. 153 = 3'-Methoxy-2',4',-trihydroxydihydrochalcone [Chen et al., 2005]. 154 = Ponganone VIII (2',5', -Trimethoxy-3,4-methylenedioxy-6'',6''-dimethylpyrano[2'',3'':4',3']dihydrochalcone [Tanaka et al., 1992]. 155 = 4,2',4',-Tetrahydroxy-6'-methoxy-,-dihydrochalcone [Thuy et al., 1998]. 156 = 2',4,4',-Tetrahydroxydihydrochalcone [Rafi et al., 2002]. 157 = Pterosupin (3'--D-glucopyranosyl-2',4,4',-tetrahydroxydihydrochalcone [Adinarayana et al., 1982]. 158 = Gliricidol (4-metoxy-,2',3,4',5-pentahydroxydihydrochalcone [Manners and Jurd, 1979]. 80 81 The fig 4.1 below shows the fragmentation pattern inferred from the EIMS spectrum peaks for compound 1. Figure 4.1: EIMS fragmentation in elatadihydrochalcone (1) (Appendix A). 82 Obovatachalcone (3) Compound 3 was isolated as a yellow oily substance. On TLC plate the yellow spot turned brown upon exposure to iodine vapour. Evidence that this compound is a chalcone was available from the 1H-NMR spectrum which shows signals for H-H 8.02, d, J = 15.6 Hz) and H-H 8.01, d, J = 15.6 Hz). The corresponding 13 C NMR signals for C-and C-wereatCandrespectively, while the carbonyl group resonated at 192.9 ppm [Andrei et al., 2000]. The NMR (Table 4.4) further showed the presence of a chelated hydroxyl group (H 14.60, s), methoxyl group (C 56.03, H 4.02 s) and a 2,2-dimethylchromene at H 5.59 (d, J = 10 Hz) for H-3''; 6.63 (d, J = 10 Hz) for H-4'' and 1.46 (s), 1.3 (s) for 2''-(CH3)2 groups. The 1H and 13C NMR spectra (H 7.73 - 7.82, m, 2H for H-2/H-6; H 7.44 – 7.48, m, 3H for H-3/H-4/H-5; C 135.7 for C-1; 128.8 for C-2/6, 129.3 for C-3/5 and 129.0 for C-4) further showed that A ring in compound 3 is unsubstituted. All the substituents are therefore located in ring-B, with the chelated hydroxyl and the methoxyl at C-2' and C6', respectively. The 2,2-dimethylpyrano group could either be adjacent to the hydroxyl group 3 or adjacent to the methoxy group as in 3a. The 13C NMR chemical shift value of the methoxyl (C = 56.0) is within the normal range and is consistent with structure 3 rather than 3a where the methoxyl group being di-ortho-substituted is resonates above 59 ppm (Yenesew et al., 1998a). In agreement with this, irradiation of the methoxy protons resulted in a nOe enhancement of H-5'. Hence this compound was characterized as 3',4'-(2'',2''-dimethlylpyrano)-2'-hydroxy-6'-methoxychalcone 83 (trivial name obovatachalcone) [Andrei et al., 2000]. This is the first report on the occurence of obovatachalcone in T. elata. Obovatachalcone (3) has previous been isolated from several members of this genus such as the roots of T. tunicata [Andrei et al., 2000] and T. obovata [Garcez et al., 1988], (Appendix C). Table 4.4: 1H (200 MHz) and 13C NMR (50 MHz) data for obovatachalcone (3) 3 (acetone-d6) Position C (ppm) 3 (acetone-d6) Position (ppm) m,J in Hz) C (ppm) (ppm) m,J in Hz) 127.5 8.02 d, (15.6) 8.01 d, (15.6) 1 135.7 2/6 128.7 7.73 – 7.82 m 142.5 3/5 129.3 7.44 – 7.48 m '' 78.4 4 129.0 7.44 – 7.48 m '' 125.9 5.59 d, (10) 1' 105.9 '' 115.7 6.63 d (10) 2' 160.9 2''(CH3)2 29.2 1.46 s 3' 102.7 4' 162.6 5' 91.9 6' 163.3 1.39 s '-OCH3 56.0 '-OH 6.06 s C=O 84 3.86 s 14.45 s 192.9 Flavanones Obovatin (4) Compound 4 was isolated as an amorphous solid. The 1H NMR ( 5.44, dd, J = 12.6, 3.3 Hz for H-2; 2.84, dd, J = 17.1, 3.3 Hz for H-3eq; 3.06, dd, J = 17.1, 12.6 Hz for H-3ax) and 13 C (C 79.1 for C-2; 43.3 for C-3 and 195.6 for C=O) NMR spectra (Table 4.7) were consistent with a flavanone skeleton. The 1H NMR indicated the presence of a chelated hydroxyl at H 12.9 (s) and a 2,2-dimethylchromene at H 5.44 (d, J = 10.8 Hz) for H-3''; 6.55 (d, J = 10.8 Hz) for H-4'' and 1.50 (s), 1.40, (s) for 2''-(CH3)2 groups. The 1H and 13C NMR spectra (H = 7.40 - 7.45, m, 5H for H-2', H-3', H-4', H-5', H-6'; C = 138.5 for C-1', 126.0 for C-2'/6', 128.8 for C-3'/5' and 128.8 for C-4') showed that ringB in compound 4 is unsubstituted. All the substituents are therefore located in ring-A, with the chelated hydroxyl (H 12.09, s, for OH-5) group at C-5 and the 2,2dimethylchromene attached at either C-7/8 (4) or C-6/7 (4a). HMBC correlation between OH-5 and C-6 (97.7) allowed the placement of the 2,2-dimethylchromene group at C-7/8 (Table 4.5). Hence this compound was characterized as 7,8-(2'',2''dimethylchromene)-5-hydroxyflavanone (trivial name as obovatin). This is the first report of the isolation of obovatin (4) from T. elata. It has, however, been previously isolated from T. emoroides [Machocho et al., 1995], T. obovata [Lwande, 1985] and T. tunicata (Andrei et al., 2000], (Appendix D). 85 Obovatin methyl ether (5) Compound 5 was isolated as an amorphous solid. The 1H NMR (H 5.42, dd, J = 12.9, 3.3 Hz for H-2; 2.82, dd, J = -16.5, 3.3 Hz for H-3eq; 3.0, dd, J = -16.5, 12.9 Hz for H3ax) and 13C (C 78.9 for C-2; 45.6 for C-3 and 189.2 for C=O) NMR spectra (Table 4.5) were consistent with a flavanone skeleton. The 1H and 13 C NMR spectrum further indicated the presence of a methoxyl group (H 3.87, C 56.5) and a 2,2dimethylchromene ring (Table 4.5). The 1H NMR further showed a multiplet between (H 7.34 and 7.44 (5H) assigned to an unsubstituted ring-B. In ring-A, a singlet aromatic proton at 6.06 (1H, s) was assigned to H-6 with a methoxy being at C-5 and 2,2dimethylpyrano group at C-7/8. The nOe interactions between H- ( 6.06) and the methoxyl ( 3.87), confirms the placement of the aromatic proton at C-6 and the 2,2dimethylchromene group at C-7/8. Therefore, compound 5 was characterized as 7,8(2'',2''-dimethylchromene)-5-methoxyflavanone, trivial name obovatin methyl ether. This is the first report of obovatin methyl ether (5) from the seedpods of T. elata. However, it has previously been isolated from the roots of this plant [Lwande, 1985], T. 86 emoroides [Machocho et al., 1995], T. obovata [Lwande, 1985], T. aequilata, [Tarus et al., 2002] and T. tunicata [Andrei et al., 2000], (Appendix E). Table 4.5: 1H (300 MHz) and 13C NMR (75 MHz) data along with HMBC Correlations for obovatin (4) and obovatin methyl ether (5) in CDCl3. Position 2 4 C (ppm) (ppm), (m, J in Hz) 79.1 5.44 (dd, 12.6, 3.3) 43.3 2.83 (dd, 17.1, 3.3, Heq) 3.06 (dd, 17.1, 12.6, Hax) HMBC C-2'/6', 9, C=O C-2, C=O C-2, C=O C=O 5 6 7 195.6 156.8 97.7 162.4 8 9 10 1' 2'/6' 102.0 163.8 103.0 138.5 126.0 3'/5' 4' 2'' 3'' 128.8 128.8 78.2 126.5 7.40 – 7.45 (m) 7.40 – 7.45 (m) 4'' 2''-Me2 115.6 28.2 28.5 6.55 (d, 10.8) 1.4 (s) 1.5 (s) C-8, 5'', 6'' C-2'', 7, 9 C-2'', 3'' C-2'', 3'' 12.09 (s) C-6 5-OMe 5-OH 6.00 (s) 7.40 – 7.45 (m) 5.44 ( d, 10.8) 5 C (ppm) (ppm), (m, J in Hz) 78.9 5.42 (dd, 12.9, 3.3) 45.6 2.82 (dd, 16.5, 3.3, Heq) C-8, 10 C-1', 3'/5', C-4' C-1', 4' 2'/6' 87 189.2 162.1 93.9 159.9 102.9 158.7 105.7 139.0 125.9 HMBC C-2'/6', 9, C=O C-1', 2, C=O, 3.0 (dd, 16.5, 12.9, Hax) C-1', 2, C=O, 6.06 (s) C-8, 10 7.34 – 7.44 (m) 128.7 128.5 78.0 126.3 7.34 – 7.44 (m) 7.34 – 7.44 (m) C-2, 1', 3'/5', 4' C-1', 4' C-2'/6' 5.47 (d, 9.9) C-8 116.0 28.2 28.5 55.6 6.60 (d, 9.9) 1.45 (s), 1.46 (s) 3.87 (s) C-2'', 7 C-2'', 3'' C-2'', 3'' C-5 Figure 4.2: nOe interactions observed for obovatin methyl ether (5) Rotenoids Deguelin (6) The 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectra showed compound 6 to be a rotenoid derivative with a 2,2-dimethylpyran and two methoxyl substituents (Table 4.6). The presence of two para-oriented aromatic protons at 6.79 (s) for H-1 and 6.45 (s) for H-4 in ring-A places the methoxyl groups at C-2 and C-3. Furthermore, the appearance of an AX spin system of aromatic protons ( 6.48 (d, J = 8.7 Hz) for H-10 and 7.75 (d, J = 8.7 Hz) for H-11 with C 111.4forC-10 and C-128.5 for C-11, respectivelyin ring-D would place the 2,2-dimethylchromene substituent at C-8/C-9 (Table 4.6). Thus, this compound was identified as deguelin (6). It was isolated as a major component in a mixture of two rotenoids. This compound has earlier been isolated from several plants of this family including T. candida [Andrei et al., 1997] and M. Dura [Yenesew, 1997], (Appendix F). 88 Rotenone (7) The 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectra showed compound 7 to be a rotenoid derivative with a prenylated furano and two methoxyl substituents (Table 4.6). The presence of two para-oriented aromatic protons in ring-A ( 6.79 (s) for H-1, 6.45 (s) for H-4 and C 110.5 for C-1, 100.9 for C-4, respectively) places the methoxyl groups at position C2/C-3. Furthermore, the appearance of an AX spin system of aromatic protons ( 6.48 (d, J = 8.7 Hz) for H-10 and 7.75 (d, J = 8.7 Hz) for H-11 with C 111.4forC-10 and C-128.5 for C-11, respectivelyin ring-D would place the prenylated furano substituent at C-8/C-9 (Table 4.6). Hence, this compound was identified as rotenone. It was obtained as a minor component in the sample from which deguelin (6) was identified (section4. Rotenone (7) has previously been isolated from several plants of this family including T. candida [Kole et al., 1992], T. vogelii [Hagemann et al., 1972] and Derris trifoliata [Kiplagat, 2007], (Appendix F). 89 Table 4.6: 1H NMR (300 MHz) and 13C NMR (75 MHz) data along with HMBC Correlations for deguelin (6) and rotenone (7) in CDCl3. 6 Position 7 C (ppm) 110.5 104.8 143.9 149.5 100.9 147.4 66.3 66.3 (ppm), m,J in Hz) 6.79 s 6a 7a 8 9 10 11 11a C=O 12a 2' 3' 72.4 156.9 109.1 160.1 111.4 128.5 112.7 189.2 44.4 4.92 m 4' 5' 115.7 128.6 6.65 d (10.2) 5.56 d (10.2) 6' 6'-Me2 77.7 28.1 28.5 1.39 s 1.45 s 1 1a 2 3 4 4a 6 ax 6 eq 4'-Me 2-OMe 3-OMe 56.3 55.8 6.45 s 4.64 dd (12.0, 3.0) 4.19 d (12.0) 6.48 d (8.7) 7.75 d (8.7) 3.84 d (4.2) C (ppm) 110.5 104.8 143.9 149.5 100.9 147.4 66.3 66.3 (ppm), m,J in Hz) 6.79 s 72.4 156.9 109.1 160.1 111.4 128.5 112.7 189.2 44.4 87.9 30.8 4.59 dd (0.8, 3.0) 143.0 112.9 16.9 56.3 55.8 3.77 s 3.81 s 90 6.45 s 4.46 dd (12.0, 3.0) 4.19 dd (0.8, 3.0) 6.48 d (8.7) 7.75 d (8.7) 3.84 d (4.2) 5.35 dd (7.6, 9.5) 3.06 dd (9.5,15.1) 3.42 dd (9.5, 15.1) 4.96 (br s) 5.11 (br s) 1.78 s 3.77 s 3.81 s 4.2.2 Compound Isolated from Tephrosia aequilata Chalcones Praecansone A (8) Compound 8 was isolated as a yellow oily substance. The 1H NMR (6.40, s, for H) and C (C 101.4 for C; C 165.7 for C; C 189.9 for C=O) NMR spectra suggested 13 that this compound is a retro-chalcone (Table 4.7) [Tarus et al., 2002, Dagne et al., 1990]. The 1H and 13 C NMR indicated the presence of three methoxyl and a 2,2- dimethylpyrano groups (Table 4.7). The 1H NMR further displayed a singlet at 6.19 for H-5' and a set of mutually coupled five aromatic protons at 7.45 – 7.5 (m, 3H, for H-3/H-4/H-5) and 7.89 – 7.92 (m, 2H for H-2/H-6 belong to a monosubstituted ringA. In ring-B, a singlet aromatic proton ( could be assigned to H-2' or H-5'. The nOe interactions between this singlet and the methoxyl at 6'-OMe (showed this singlet is for H-5' (Fig 4.3). The geometry across the and -carbons was established to be (E) configured due to nOe interactions between H ( 6.56, s) and the methoxyl at C- ( 3.88). Based on these observations and comparison with literature [Dagne et al, 1990; Tarus et al., 2002] compound 8 was characterized as (E)-3',4'-(2'',2''-dimethylpyrano)-,2',6'- trimethoxyretrochalcone (8) whose trivial name is (E)-praecansone A. This is the first report on the isolation (E)-praecanson A (8) from the seedpods of T. aequilata. This 91 compound has been previously isolated from the roots of T. aequilata [Tarus et al., 2002] and pods of T. pumila [Dagne et al., 1990], (Appendix G). Figure 4.3: nOe interactions observed for (E)-praecansone A (8) Table 4.7: 1H NMR (200 MHz) and 13 C (50 MHz) NMR data for (E)-praecansone A Position 1 2/6 8 (acetone-d6) C (ppm) (ppm), m,J in Hz) 140.4 128.4 7.86 - 7.92 m 127.9 7.45 - 7.50 m 4 (C=O) 131.7 205.6 100.9 166.1 7.45 - 7.50 m 1' 2' 3' 107.7 158.5 112.8 - 6.56 s - Position 4' 5' 6’ 2'' 3'' 4'' 2''-Me2 OMe (C-2') OMe (C-6') OMe (C-) 92 8 (acetone-d6) C (ppm) (ppm), m,J in Hz) 155.1 96.0 6.19 s 155.7 76.4 117.0 127.3 27.6 27.5 61.7 55.9 55.6 5.57 d, (9.8) 6.49 d, (9.8) 1.42 s 1.40 s 3.70 s 3.64 s 3.88 s Demethylpraecansone B (9) Compound 9 was isolated as yellow needle-like crystals. On TLC plate the yellow spot turned brown upon exposure to iodine vapour. Evidence that this compound is a chalcone was available from the 1H NMR spectrum which showed a singlet for an aromatic proton H-H 6.18) and corresponding 13C NMR signal for C-C100.9a -oxygenated chalcones [Tarus et al., 2002]. The NMR (Table 4.8) further showed the presence of a methoxyl (C 55.9, H 3.89 s), a 2,2-dimethylchromene (H 5.57, d, J = 10.0 Hz), for H-3''; 6.48, d, J = 10.0 Hz), for H-4'' and 1.41, s, 1.40, s, for 2''-(CH3)2 groups. The 1H and 13C NMR spectra (H 7.86 - 7.91, m, 2H for H-2, -6; H 7.41 -7.50, m, 3H for H-3, -4, -5; C 131.7 for C-1; 128.4 for C-2/6, 127.9 for C-3/5 and 131.7 for C-4) showed that ring-A in compound 9 is unsubstituted. All the substituents are therefore located in ring-B, with the hydroxyl and methoxyl being at C-2' and C-6', respectively. The 2,2dimethylpyrano group could either be attached at C-3'/4' (9) or adjacent to the methoxy group as in (9a). The 13 C NMR chemical shift value of the methoxyl (C = 55.9) is within the normal range and is consistent with structure (9) rather than (9a) where the methoxyl group being di-ortho-substituted resonates above 59 ppm [Yenesew et al., 1998]. The nOe interactions between H-5' (6.55 s) and the methoxyl at 6'-OMe (3.89 sconfirms the assignment of the aromatic proton to H-5' (Fig 4.4), (Appendix H). 93 Hence, this compound was identified as 3',4'-(2'',2''-dimethlylpyrano)-2'-hydroxy-6'methoxy--hydroxychalcone which is commonly known by its trivial name demethylpraecansone B. This is the first report on the isolation of demethylpraecansone B (9) from the seedpods of T. aequilata. However, it has previously been isolated from some members of the Leguminosae family including the roots of T. aequilata [Tarus et al., 2002] and seeds of Lonchocarpus constaricensis [Waterman and Mahmoud, 1985]. Figure 4.4: nOe interactions observed for demethylpraecansone B (9) Table 4.8: 1H (200 MHz) and 13 C (50 MHz) NMR data for demethylpraecansone B Position 1 2/6 3/5 4 C=O 1' 2' 9 (acetone-d6) C (ppm) (ppm), m,J in Hz) 131.7 128.4 7.86 - 7.91 m 127.9 7.41 -7.50 m 131.7 7.41 - 7.50 m 100.9 6.18 s 166.1 188.7 107.7 155.7 Position 3' 4' 5' 6' 2'' 3'' 4'' 6'-OMe 2''-Me2 94 9 (acetone-d6) C (ppm) (ppm), m,J in Hz) 112.2 158.5 96.0 6.55 s 155.1 76.4 117.0 5.57 (d, J = 10.0 Hz) 127.2 6.48 (d, J = 10.0 Hz) 55.9 3.89 s 28.8 1.41 s 28.4 1.40 s 4.3 Biological Activities of the Isolated Compounds 4.3.1 Antiplasmodial activities of compounds from the seedpods of T. elata Some of the compounds isolated from the seedpods of T. elata were tested for antiplasmodial activities against chloroquine-sensitive Sierra Leone I (D6) and chloroquine-resistant Indochina I (W2) strains of P. falciparum (Table 4.9). The new compound elatadihydrochalcone (1) exhibited good antiplasmodial activity with IC50 values of 2.8 + 0.3 and 5.5 + 0.3 g/ml against D6 and W2 strains of P. falciparum, respectively. This compound along with the other flavonoids appears to be responsible for the antiplasmodial activities observed in the crude extract. It is worth noting that elatadihydrochalcone (1) is more active against the chloroquinesensitive strain (D6) than the chloroquine-resistant strain (W2). The - acetoxyelatadihydrochalcone (2) exhibited less activity against both strains of P. falciparum with IC50 values of 9.6 + 2.1 g/ml and 12.6 + 0.5 g/ml against D6 and W2, respectively, compared to that of elatadihydrochalcone (1). Obovatin (4) and obovatin methyl ether (5) showed good activities (IC50 values of 4.9 + 1.7 and 6.4 + 1.1 g/ml) and (IC50 values of 3.8 + 0.3 and 4.4 + 0.6 g/ml), respectively. The antiplasmodial activities of some flavonoids [Andayi et al., 2006; Yenesew et al., 2003] especially of chalcones [Taylor and Triggle, 2007; Liu et al., 2001 and Li et al., 1995], have been reported. However, this is the first report on the antiplasmodial activity of a hydroxydihydrochalcone. 95 4. 3.2 Antiplasmodial Activities of compounds from the seedpods of T. aequilata The MeOH/CH2Cl2 (1:1) extract the seedpods of T. aequilata, yielded three compounds which include; obovatin methyl ether (5), (E)-praecansone A (8) and demethylpraecansone B (9). (E)-Praecansone A (8) was tested against the D6 and W2 strains of P. falciparum, and showed good antiplasmodial activity with IC50 values of 6.6 + 1.1 g/ml and 6.4 + 1.0 g/ml, respectively. Table 4.9: In vitro antiplasmodial activities of flavonoids isolated from T. elata and T. aequilata against D6 and W2 strains of P. falciparum IC50 in g/ml + SD Tested compound Elatadihydrochalcone (1) D6 2.8 + 0.3 W2 5.5 + 0.3 -acetoxyelatadihydrochalcone (2) 9.6 + 2.1 12.6 + 0.5 Obovatin (4) 4.9 + 1.7 6.4 + 1.1 Obovatin methyl ether (5) 3.8 + 0.3 4.4 + 0.6 Deguelin/Rotenone (6/7) mixture 6.3 + 1.8 8.9 + 2.0 (E)-Praecansone A (8) 6.6 + 1.1 6.4 + 1.0 Chloroquine 0.008 + 0.004 0.051 + 0.010 Mefloquine 0.042 + 0.008 0.015 + 0.002 4.3.3 Results and Discussion of Larvicidal tests The MeOH/CH2Cl2 (1:1) extract of the seedpods of T. elata was tested for larvicidal activity against the third instar mosquito larvae of Aedes aegypti, and showed dose dependent but lowlarvicidal activity (LC50 = 68.9 g/ml at 24 hours and 40.2 g/ml at 48 96 hours). Among the isolated compounds from the seedpods of T. elata, deguelin (6) was tested for larvicidal activity against the third instar mosquito larvae of Aedes aegypti, and showed dose dependent larvicidal activity (LC50 = 7.6 g/ml and at 24 hours and 4.0 gml-1 at 48 hours). The LC50 (7.6 g/ml) of the mixture of deguelin (6) and rotenone (7) was comparable with the LC50 (8.54 g/ml) of the extract from the roots of Derris trifoliata in the family (Leguminoseae) [Omena et al., 2007] and that of the ethanolic extract of root wood of Annona crassiflora (LC50 = 8.94 g/ml) in the family of Annonaceae [Omena et al., 2007]. However, the larvicidal activity observed in this study is lower compared to that of the MeOH extract of the seeds of D. trifoliata which showed good larvicidal activity against the 2nd instar larvae of Aedes aegypti with LC50 of 0.74 + 0.3 g/ml and that of rotenone, LC50 of 0.47 + 0.2 g/ml [Yenesew et al., 2006; Fukami et al., 1971]. Table 4.10: Larvicidal test results for crude extract and isolated compounds from the seedpods of T. elata. LC50 in g/ml ± SD Plant extract/compound At 24 hours At 48 hours Crude extract 68.9 ± 0.3 40.2 ± 0.2 Deguelin (6) and rotenone (7) 7.6 ± 0.4 4.0 ± 0.2 Rotenone standard 4.4 ± 0.4 2.7 ± 0.3 97 CHAPTER FIVE 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Conclusions In this study two plants (T. elata and T. aequilata) were investigated and a total of nine compounds were isolated and characterized. The conclusions drawn from this study are outlined below: 1. The phytochemical study on the seedpods of T. elata led to the isolation and characterization of a total of seven compounds. These include; one hydroxydihydrochalcone, {elatadihydrochalcone (1)} one chalcone, {obovatachalcone (3)}, two flavanones, {obovatin (4) and obovatin methyl ether 5)}, two rotenoids, {deguelin (6) and rotenone (7)}. Elatadihydrochalcone (1) is a new compound belonging to the rare subclass of flavonoids, hydroxydihydrochalcone. This is the first report on the occurrence of a hydroxydihydrochalcone in the genus Tephrosia. 2. The literature NMR data on -hydroxydihydrochalcones were found to be inconsistent and the identity of some of the compounds questioned. 3. The study on the seedpods of T. aequilata led to the isolation of three known compounds which include a flavanones, obovatin methyl ether (5), a retrochalcone (E)-praecansone A (8) and demethylpraecansone B (9). 98 4. The antiplasmodial activities of the crude extracts and the flavonoids of these medicinal plants were tested against chloroquine-sensitive strain (D6) and the Chloroquine-resistant strain (W2) of P. falciparum parasite for malaria. The results showed that among the flavonoids tested, the -hydroxydihydrochalcone (1) had the highest activity followed by the flavanones, {obovatin methyl ether (5) and obovatin (4)} and the retro-chalcone (8) in that order whereas the rotenoids {deguelin (6) and rotenone (7)} had the least activity. 5. The results presented in this document indicate the possibilities of the use of hydroxydihydrochalcones and flavanones as lead structures in the future development of antimalarial drugs. 6. In this study the crude extract of the seedpods of T. elata and its rotenoids were tested for larvicidal activity against the larvae of Aedes aegypti. The results indicate that the seedpods of this plant have potential use for small-scale control of mosquitoes in rural communities where mosquito transmitted diseases such as malaria is endemic. 5.2 Recommendations Although the results of the study demonstrated moderate antiplasmodial and larvicidal activities of the extracts and compounds isolated from the seedpods T. elata and T. aequilata, more information on toxicity and efficacy is required as a means of 99 developing them into therapies for human use and for the control of mosquitoes. In order to fulfil some of these requirements, I put forward the following recommendations: 1. Further phytochemical investigation of the seedpods of T. elata and T. aequilata should be carried out in order to determine fully all the major and isolable compounds that are synthesized by these medicinal plants. 2. In vivo antiplasmodial activity tests should be carried out on the extracts and isolated compounds from these medicinal plants in order to establish their potency and efficacy. 3. Toxicity study of the extracts and compounds from these medicinal plants is necessary in order to establish their safety and efficacy. 4. The mechanism of action of the compounds needs to be fully examined so that targeted proteins by these compounds can be clearly demonstrated for differentiation with those of already established drugs. This information is necessary as a platform for developing the compounds as therapies for management of infections arising from resistant strains of P. falciparum malaria parasite. 5. Comprehensive structure-activity relationship studies should be carried out on the -hydroxydihydrochalcones and flavanones isolated in this study to 100 determine the functional groups responsible for the good antiplasmodial activities observed. 6. 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