GCSE Health and Social - South Holderness Technology College

Key Stage Four Course Guidance 2014/15
Health and Social Care
Course Overview
The course consists of 8 units. You need to pass each criterion in every unit to achieve the Pass grade.
Student Assessment
The Edexcel BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Health and Social Care is a 60-credit and 360-guided
learning hour
(GLH) qualification that consists of four mandatory and four optional units that provide a combined
total of 60 credits.
Mandatory units– complete all four units Credit Level
Communication in Health and Social Care
Individual Rights in Health and Social Care
Individual Needs in Health and Social Care
Ensuring Safe Environments in Health and Social Care
Unit Optional units – choose four units
Vocational Experience in a Health or Social Care Setting *
Cultural Diversity in Health and Social Care
Anatomy and Physiology for Health and Social Care
Human Lifespan Development
Creative and Therapeutic Activities in Health and Social Care
Health and Social Care Services
The Impact of Diet on Health
* To successfully complete this unit, learners must complete 60 hours of work experience.
This course is assessed only by coursework that you hand in. Because of this, we need to be very clear
about the rules for submitting coursework.
Year 10 course information for parents
Year 10 are starting a GCSE which comprises two units. The first unit is about understanding personal
development and relationships. The examination for this will take place in June 2015 although there
will be mock examinations timetabled to allow for exam practice. The other unit is called Health, Social
Care and Early Years provision and it will be taught from July 2015. It is an internally assessed
controlled assessment, where students will be given and assignment brief to complete.
South Holderness Technology College- ‘Achieving Excellence Together’
Key Stage Four Course Guidance 2014/15
Year 11 course information for parents
Year 11 should now have completed Units 2 and 3. Students that have not finished their units are
expected to attend lunchtime catch up sessions. The deadline for any coursework amendments is half
Students have begun the learning for their examined unit. This is Unit 1, all about human lifespan
development. The examination will take place in January 2015 for this unit. Also in January they will
begin work on their final piece of controlled assessment which comprises written coursework on the
impact of nutrition on health and wellbeing.
We aim to provide our learners with a vocational experience which includes a work experience
placement in a health and social care setting and visits to various places to support learning.
The units that will be covered are:
Human lifespan development (exam)
Health and social care values
Effective communication in health and social care
Promoting health and well-being
Cultural diversity in health and social care
Students are responsible for:
Ensuring that coursework is handed in on time.
Ensuring that if coursework is not completed in lessons that it is completed at home.
Keeping folders up to date; by putting completed work into it and labelling it.
Ensuring they have the correct equipment for each lesson including your health and social
care book.
Coursework Deadlines
Key times/dates – Controlled Assessment
Each coursework assignment will have a deadline that is detailed on the assignment briefs given to
students at the beginning of each unit. Smaller tasks from the coursework assignment will be set as
How can you help?
You can support your child by encouraging them to proof read their coursework for errors in spelling
and grammar. Check that they have referenced any pictures or information taken from books and
websites. Check their planners for homework deadlines.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Coursework catch up sessions are available for students after school and sometimes on a Saturday.
Letters will be sent home detailing when these are available.
South Holderness Technology College- ‘Achieving Excellence Together’