Meeting in Brussels on the 15th of november – European

Meeting in Brussels on the 15th of November – European Network for COPHCC.
Present: Myriam Suetens, Lies Vermeulen, Isabelle Heymans, Diederik Aarendonk, Ade
Adeagbo, Hubert Jamart
Excused: Arthur Eyck – Changing current position in LVG.
1. Construction of the Network/alliance
2. Preparing the morning meeting of the 18th oh march
3. Discussion on the international round table of the congress of FMM.
1. Construction of the network/alliance:
The goals of this network/alliance: Sharing experiences, to sustain each other, and lobby in
Europe institutions. This network/alliance is “practice based”: the members are federations or
associations of national Primary health care centres.
There is a need for an “existing place” for people to identify where they are: a place on the
Web (website of EFPC or other), and also “physically”.
The ‘working place’ of the network should be in Brussels, it seems logical according to our
goals. It could be based, for example, in the existing FMM.
Three options for the construction of the organisation. It could be
a. ‘Special interest group’ of the EFPC, with a place on the web site where people
could get into. If we go for this proposition, it would be useful to invite
members of SEPSAC to join in. These two structures shouldn’t be in
b. SEPSAC – almost such as defined, with an English working language and a
different name so it could be understood internationally. Good proposition but
we have to discuss first of all with our partners to get there preferences.
c. A completely different structure, nor SEPSAC, nor EFPC related. This option
is most unlikely.
A major obstacle is the working force necessary to coordinate and follow the projects. The
FMM doesn’t, on its own, the capability of proposing such a service.
It will be necessary to specify the relations between EFPC & the network, since basically all
the organisations who would subscribe to the network would also be part of the EFPC.
Structural ideas should be written down because approaching two times each organization for
similar projects is probably lack of time.
The coordination of this network/alliance could be achieved by Diederik; one of the first aims
would be to enhance the visibility of the new born structure, and to find out what legal basis
we would technically needed.
For the first step, Diederik will open a page on the EFPC website as a special interest group,
FMM will propose to the Sepsac members to join the Network/alliance. FMM has to give an
answer about the creating of an alliance on base of the Sepsac.
Steps for an alliance:
It is important to get a certain rhythm in the meetings to get the members more engaged in the
process. One of the roads could be to imagine further steps in our involvements.
First step was in Pisa: objectives for a network/alliance were defined.
Second step could be in March, with the Congress of FMM. Important to propose some
themes related to the conclusions of the meeting in Pisa: let’s work on the objectives (see
point 2).
Third step in Graz (Austria), September 2011. To talk about the organisation of the
federations: missions, type of organisation, issues… Maybe to link with the conclusions of
March: how to support the defined criteria?
Before March: a questionnaire to all the members: who are we? Just to know a little bit more
of each other.
One last question: how to define the members? Haw to find new members? Do we want to?
2. Preparing the pre-congress.
On the 18th & 19th of March there is a congress in Brussels organised by the FMM.
The congress begins at one PM. First of all a lecture from Wim Van Lerberghe – doctor,
WHO, Director of the Systems and Health Services Department; a lecture from mr. Harribey
– economist, scientific advisor to ATTAC France, and an international round table on the
criteria’s of a COPHCC. All this part is in French & will be translated in English.
We agree to organize a pre-congress for the network on the morning of the 18th.
Diederik and Ade agree to chair during this pre-meeting, the FMM can organize the practical
stuff as conference room, possibility to join the lunch for participants and so on. Ade (and
Diederik?) organise the invitations.
Two points for the agenda of this pre-meeting:
- Presentation of the organisations, and the steps for future – validation/propositions
- Criteria’s to define a COPHCC; presentation of national results collected by Survey
Ade will prepare first of all a Survey Monkey on criteria’s of what should be a COPHCC. The
aim would be to gather all this information from now till the congress so we could share the
material that day. The survey can be about a list of criteria’s, or some criteria seen as very
important, with illustrations.
With this, it could be possible to fix down admission criteria’s to see who would fit in (or not)
in the network. It is important to plan this in a second or third step pathway to move on to
Graz congress in September.
3. Discussion on the international round table.
We haven’t really talked about this point; the important thing to remember is that for the
participants in the morning, it should be a different thing.
Remark: what about to tell to the members about this meeting? Should we tell them that work
is going on so they also have ‘after Pisa’ news; on another side, it would be good to have sort
of like a collegial decision concerning, for example, the location of the network & stuff like
Best regards, and thank you all for the wonderfully rich afternoon,
Hubert Jamart