SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROGRAM APPLICATION DEADLINE FEBRUARY 15, 2011 INTERNSHIP APPLICATION FORM Invitation to Apply: Alyeska Pipeline Service Company seeks applications from highly motivated college students currently attending an accredited university. Specifically Alyeska is looking for individuals who are seeking more than just a summer position, but a future career pathway by participating in a 12 - week paid internship program on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS). Alyeska is seeking students that are currently participating in a university undergraduate or graduate study for: o o o o o o o o Engineering (Civil/Mechanical/Electrical/Chemical) Business Administration / Accounting Information Technology Project Management Safety Process Technology Science Audit Internships are available in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Valdez and Pump Stations. You must be eligible to work in the U.S. See Page 3 Of The Department Of Homeland Security Employment Eligibility Verification (I-9) Form. The Application Packet Must Include The Following For Consideration: o o o o o o Internship Application Current Resume Copy of Official College Transcript(S) Two (2) Letters Of Recommendation Personal Statement EEO Form (recommended) Strong Applications Exhibit: o Sound Academic Credentials o Cumulative GPA Of 3.00 Or Higher Is Preferred o A History Of Community Involvement And Leadership o Solid Verbal/Written Communication Skills o Prior Taps Experience is Preferred o Alaska Residency is Preferred EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY Alyeska offers employment, training, compensation and advancement in conformance with all applicable laws and regulations on the basis of qualification and merit, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, physical or mental disabilities, marital or family status, age, or other characteristic protected by law. Alyeska will extend the same considerations to qualified persons of differing abilities, consistent with an individual’s ability to perform essential job functions safely. PRE-EMPLOYMENT DRUG TESTING INFORMATION Alyeska Pipeline Service Company (APSC) requires pre-employment drug testing utilizing hair test collections for all positions. The preferred collection site is from the head (approximately 1+1/2 inches of hair length necessary). Head hair testing provides an approximate 90 day window of detection that checks for illegal drug use. In addition, for Department of Transportation covered positions, APSC will also utilize urinalysis testing. A positive drug test (to include alcohol screening) makes you ineligible for APSC employment. It is recommended that you submit your application as soon as possible: D E AD L I N E F R I D AY F E B R U AR Y 1 5 , 2 0 1 1 Incomplete Applications Will Not Be Considered Please Attach The Following When Submitting This Application – Due February 15, 2011 Internship Application Form Resume Copy Of Official Transcripts Two (2) Letters Of Recommendation Personal Statement EEO Form (Optional But Recommended) We look forward to hearing from you, APSC/TAPS 2011 Internship Program Application 9/3/09 SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROGRAM APPLICATION DEADLINE FEBRUARY 15, 2011 PERSONAL INFORMATION Last Name First College Current/Cumulative GPA Intended Major Middle Initial Year In College Fresh Soph 1st Year Grad Degree Program Associates Bachelors Graduate Junior Senior 2nd year Grad Intended Minor (If Applicable) Expected Graduation Date CURRENT ADDRESS Street Address City State Zip Code Primary E-Mail Address * Alternate E-Mail Address * Primary Phone Number * Alternate Phone Number * *Note: Provide contact information that is current so we may contact you at anytime. PERMANENT ADDRESS Street Address City State Zip Code Country (If Not U.S.) INTERNSHIP MATCH DETAILS Desired internship availability of selection varies each summer: Engineering: Chemical Civil Electrical Business Administration Information Technology Accounting Natural Science Mechanical Safety Project Management Process Technology Environmental Science Audit Other SUMMER INTERNSHIP SESSION DATES PLEASE SELECTION ONE (1) THAT FITS WITH YOUR SCHEDULE: Session 1: Begins May 16, 2011 - Ends August 5, 2011 (12 Weeks) Session 2: Begins June 13, 2011 - Ends September 2, 2011 (12 Weeks) There is the possibility of a summer internship extension. If you want to be considered for an extension please check the box below. Please consider me for an extended internship if available, I will available to work until: Do You Have Taps Experience? Yes No If Yes Indicate Date Position Location Rank (1 - 4 With #1 Being Your First Choice) The Locations You Are Willing To Work. Omit Locations You Are Not Interested In: (Fairbanks, Anchorage, Valdez * & Pump Stations *): *Note: housing is only provided in Valdez and at the pump stations (while on shift) Applicants selected for an Alyeska Pipeline Service Company internship are responsible for providing their own transportation to and from hometown/state to internship location. For example if you attend college at University of Alaska Fairbanks and have accepted an internship in Anchorage you are responsible for own transportation to Anchorage and back to Fairbanks when the internship ends. Interns are also responsible for transportation to and from worksites during internship at all locations *. *Exception Is For Those Interns Working On A Field Schedule Or At A Pump Station. APSC/TAPS 2011 Internship Program Application 9/3/09 SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROGRAM APPLICATION DEADLINE FEBRUARY 15, 2011 ANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS VALDEZ – (Housing Is Provided) PUMP STATIONS -(Housing Is Provided) EXPERIENCE List Prior Job, Internships and/Or Volunteer Activities That You Feel Are Related to the Type of Internship That You Wish to Pursue (Do not put “See Resume”) CHARACTERISTICS List your personal strengths (communications, public speaking, problem solving, etc.) Knowledge (verbal languages, knowledge of Trans Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS), research, etc.) and abilities (computer languages/operating systems, leadership experience, interests etc.) (Do not put “See Resume”) P E R S O N AL S T A T E M E N T Please state your reasons for requesting this internship include personal/educational history, accomplishments, educational/career goals, and demonstrated leadership experience. Explain how your degree program and this internship correspond with your career goals. (Attach a one (1) page, typed, double-spaced, 12 pt to this application form) CONTACT INFORMATION EXTENDED DEADLINE FRIDAY FEBRUARY 15, 2011 Add To Subject Line: Internship Position 907-787-8448 Alyeska Pipeline Service Company Internship Position PO Box 196660 Ms 536 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6660 VIA E-MAIL: VIA FAX: VIA USPS: VIA EXPRESS: Alyeska Pipeline Service Company Internship Position 900 E Benson Blvd Ms 536 Anchorage, Alaska 99508-4524 For any questions about internships, please e-mail or by phone (907) 787-8394 APSC/TAPS 2011 Internship Program Application 9/3/09 SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROGRAM APPLICATION DEADLINE FEBRUARY 15, 2011 Applicant EEO Information Applicant Name (Please Print): Equal Employment Opportunity Information Alyeska Pipeline Service Company has an Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action program. You may voluntarily help Alyeska in its efforts to comply with the program’s reporting requirements by answering the following questions. Under the State and Federal law, the information you provide cannot be used to discriminate against you. Ethnic Background: Gender: Alaska Native* (please complete section below) Female American Indian Male Asian Black or African American Hispanic Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Two or more races White *Alaska Native Only Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB) card? Number: Yes No Yes No Yes No Shareholder of Native Corporation(s)? If yes, which corporation(s)? Certificate of Enrollment? If you are not a shareholder, are your parents or grandparents shareholders? Yes No Yes No Tribal/Council enrollment? If yes, which corporation? Please indicate name of entity: Please use the space below to provide any additional information that may be helpful in determining your Native status: APSC/TAPS 2011 Internship Program Application 9/3/09