CRM 370, Review 1 - PaulsJusticePage

CRM 370, Review 1
The test will include true/false, multiple choice, fill in the blank/list, and short answer (few
sentences to a paragraph). Try to study so that you can not just recognize the correct answer in a
multiple guess question, but that you can answer a question like: Chapter 3 of Trusted Criminals
reviews corporate violence (hint violence only). What are two of the three subcategories and one
specific example he discusses?
Remember no one will be admitted to the test after the first person leaves. Be on time.
Chapter 1
Who coined the term ‘criminaloid’ and what does it mean? When was Sutherland’s presidential
address and why was it important? How did he define white collar crime? When was his followup study and what was its major findings about corporations (are they recidivists)? What was the
reaction to Sutherland’s work in academic fields (did he inspire others to study this topic)? From
section on definitions, what does the author say are the important characteristics of WCC crime?
What’s a ‘normal accident’ and does the term mean there is no human responsibility? What are
some of the factors causing the media to ignore, downplay or miss corporate crime? (This
includes some understanding of the importance of investigative journalism as well as the current
limitations of it.) What are the differences between informants and whistleblowers?
Chapter 2
What’s the difference between the positivist and humanist/advocacy approach? How does the
author characterize the level of support for research on white collar crime? How widespread is
white collar crime, according to victimization studies? What does the ‘victim’s rights’ movement
have to say about corporate crime? What are some of the direct cost estimates of white collar
crime? What are some of the items included in indirect costs? What are Physical Costs?
Chapter 3
Most of this chapter reviews types of corporate crime and violence. The corporate violence
section includes 3 subheadings (centered in column and starting with “Corporate Violence
Against…:”) Can you define corporate violence, list the three subcategories and know several
examples from this section? The other major category is Corporate Abuse of Power, Fraud and
Economic Exploitation. Know the major subheadings in the section (centered in the text) and
several examples.
Chapter 4
How does the author define occupational and avocational crime? What are the major categories
of Crimes By Small Businesses, and what are some examples of them? What are the major
categories of Crimes By Professionals and some examples of them? What are conflicts of
interest? What are some examples of employee crime? Are employees or consumers responsible
for more retail theft?
Chapter 5
What are the key elements of governmental crime? What are the major types of governmental
crime (who does it, why, etc). What is a criminal state? How is genocide defined? What is a
repressive state and an example? What is a corrupt state? What is state negligence? What are
some examples and why is it controversial? What is state-organized crime and what are the
forms of it discussed by Chambliss? What is COINTELPRO?
Chapter 6
What is state-corporate crime? What are the concerns expressed about the World Bank? Does the
author think banks have unethically/illegally stolen more from customers, or had more taken
from them in bank robberies? Did the S & L problems produce meaningful reforms? What does
the author say is the outcome of this massive fraud. What are the issues with stock analysts?
(Should you count on a stock analyst to give you an unbiased opinion? Why/why not?)
BONUS – a link to an article will be posted on the class webpage. It will also have the question
about the article that will be the bonus question on the test.
NOTE – this review sheet was posted on Sept 27. There may be an updated review sheet
available closer to the test.