
8. The Basic Bistable Memory Devices
Circuit Delay Model
The delay model of the basic S-R latch or basic NOR latch is shown in the picture. The input
signal Q to the box labeled t (delay) is called as the next state output signal of the latch. The
delayed output signal q is called as the present state output signal of the latch. Delay of output
signal in the delay box t represents the worst-case delay from S
the inputs of the latch till its output:
t  2tpg ,
where tpg is signal propagation delay time in one gate.
Q values are called as next state values of output signal
since these are the values that will shortly be present on the R
delayed outputs. q values are called as present state values since
they becomes equal to the next state output signal Q after the delay time t has elapsed:
q  Q after t.
Delay model was necessary for establishing the terms: present state output signal, next
state output signal. These terms are very important in sequential logic analysis and design.
Example 8.4
Make up a delay model for the S-R NAND latch.
Characteristic Equation
Present state output signal q is feedback signal in input of a latch. It is referred as internal input
signal of a latch, it records the history of the latch. The characteristic equation writes the next
state output signal Q in terms of external inputs signals S and R, and internal input signal or
present state output signal q in the same manner as one writes a combinational logic function:
Q  S + q + R  (S + q) R  SR + qR .
Outlined equation is the characteristic equation of the S-R NOR latch. It illustrates why
the present state output signal q is equal to Q after the delay time t. The equation is a
sequential logic function since the variable Q (remember – q  Q after t) appears on both sides
of the equation, illustrating the feedback nature of the S-R NOR latch circuit. The next state
value Q is a function of the external input signals S, R, and the present state value q.
Example 8.5
Obtain the characteristic equation for the S-R NAND latch.
Karnaugh Map
A Karnaugh map with the internal input signal (present state output signal) q listed vertically
and the external input signals S and R listed horizontally is useful in representing the
information, contained in a characteristic equation. It is useful in two ways: as a reduction tool,
and also as a tool to describe sequential logic circuit operation.
8. The Basic Bistable Memory Devices
q SR
a 0
b 1
SR  11 – not norm ally allowed
Next state output signal Q of basic S-R NOR
latch is filled in Karnaugh map according the characteristic equation of the latch. We can check the accuracy
of filling in a map writing down the characteristic
equation of basic S-R NOR latch according the
Karnaugh map in a usual way:
Q  p1 + p2  SR + qR .
The 0s and 1s shown in the squares of map
represent the next state output signal Q. When the next state output signal Q has the same value
as the present state output signal q, the state of latch is stable (underlined 0s and 1s in Karnaugh
map); otherwise, the state of latch is unstable. The present state output signal q  0 is referred to
as a state of the circuit. State b represents the state of latch when present state output signal
q  1. The S-R NOR latch can only exist in a stable state after the external input signals change
and the present state output q is allowed time to settle (q  Q after t). When the latch is in state
a, the latch is stable for the input conditions SR  00, 01, or 11, since the next state output
signal Q  0. When the latch is in state b, the latch is stable for the input conditions SR  00, or
10, since the next state output signal Q  1.
Example 8.6
According the characteristic equation, obtained solving the problem in example 8.5, fill in a Karnaugh map
for the basic S-R NAND latch. Underline the stable states of the latch.
Flow Map
Flow map is usually obtained from the Karnaugh map by replacing state values 0s and 1s with
state symbols a, and b. The stable states in a flow map are underlined as in a Karnaugh map.
The sequence of events in the latch is shown by arrows in the flow map. Consider that the latch
is in a stable state and the external inputs change such that q
q SR
remains in the same state a or in the same state b after t. In
00 01 11 10
this case, during the time interval t, a horizontal movement
occurs in the flow map to the new stable state specified by the
a 0 a
external input conditions. When the external inputs cause q to
b 1 b
change in a different state (from a to b or from b to a) a
horizontal movement in the flow map is required from the
stable state to unstable state, followed by a vertical movement
SR  11 – not normally allowed
to reach a stable state during the time interval t. Notice, that
every flow starts and stops in the stable (underlined) state.
Consider the following sequence beginning in stable state qSR  110. When the external
inputs change to SR  00, during the time interval t the latch responds by moving from stable
state b to stable state b at qSR  100 (a horizontal movement in the flow map shown by arrow 1
8. The Basic Bistable Memory Devices
in the picture). If the external inputs are changed to SR  11, the latch responds during the time
interval t by moving to unstable state a (a horizontal movement, shown by arrow 2) and then
on to stable state a (a vertical movement , shown by arrow 2).
The flow map visually demonstrates that transition of
q SR
SR  11 to SR  00 is not allowed. If this happens, the next
00 01 11 10
stable state is dependent on the delays in the circuit: arrow 1
a 0 a
illustrates the case when delay time of signal in input S is less
than delay time of signal in input R; arrow 2 illustrates the Q
b 1 b
opposite case. The next stable state of the latch is different and
unknown because a 'critical race condition' exists between the
two signals S and R. A 'critical race' occurs between two SR  11 – not normally allowed
signals that are required to change at the same time and the
next stable state is dependent on the delay paths in the circuit. This situation is undesirable and
should never be allowed to happen, since the action of the circuit is unpredictable. One basic
rule for asynchronous circuit operation is to allow only one external input signal to change at
the same moment.
When a race occurs between two signals that are required to change at the same time, and
the next stable state is the same regardless of the delay paths in the circuit, then the race is 'no
critical'. Fortunately all other race conditions for the S-R NOR latch are no critical. No critical
race conditions are not a problem since the action of the circuit is predictable.
Example 8.7
Draw a flow map illustrating no critical race conditions in the S-R NOR latch, when initial stable state is at
qSR  001 and internal input signals SR change from 01 to 10.
State Diagram
A state diagram is a very popular tool of design and analysis of sequential circuits because it
visually illustrates an operation of the sequential circuit.
The state diagram is drawn up according the Karnaugh map or according the characteristic equation of the circuit. The circles in a state diagram represent the present state of output
signal of the circuit: a in the circle represents q  0, a – q  0
b in the circle represents q  1. Arrows in the state b – q  1
diagram indicate state transitions when input signals change.
The state diagram of S-R NOR latch is indi- SR
cated on the picture. It shows that combination of 01
input signals SR  00 is a passive combination, it
does not change the state of latch; combinations SR
 10 and SR  01 are active combinations, they set
and reset the latch.
8. The Basic Bistable Memory Devices
Notice that besides the circle a are written down all combinations of input signals that
refer to stable (underlined) states in the row q  0 in Karnaugh map. In similar way besides the
circle b are written down all combinations of input signals that refer to stable (underlined) states
in the row q  1 in Karnaugh map. The transition from a to b is a transition from an unstable
state in row q  0 to the stable state that is in row q  1 below unstable state in row q  0. The
transition from b to a is going on in the similar way.
Algorithm of Operation
Another name for a sequential logic circuit is a 'state machine'.
Operation of this state machine can be described in a program way.
There are a (q  0) and b (q  1) state boxes, and decision boxes in
the algorithm of S-R NOR latch. When the latch is in the state a, only
one combination of input signals SR  10 switches the latch to another
b state, all other SR combinations send back the latch to the same a
state. When the latch is in the state b, all combinations of input
signals with R  1 switch latch to another b state, all combinations SR
with R  0 send back the latch to the same b state.
Example 8.8
Draw an algorithm of operation of S-R NAND latch.
S R
Timing Diagram
The operation of the S-R NOR latch can also be analyzed by observing its properties in the
switching waveforms shown in the timing diagram. S
This diagram is drawn up according the circuit delay
model of the S-R NOR latch. Timing events in the
circuit – changes of input signals – are enumerated R
from 1 to 11. Propagation delays in the gates are
estimated in the diagrams of output signals. Directed q
line segments pointing from input transition to an
output transition or from an output transition to another
output transition indicate the cause of events.
Only timing events – changes of input signals –
can cause the transition in output, on the other hand,
there are timing events that do not switch the latch.
8. The Basic Bistable Memory Devices
8.0.1. Formulate a definition of combinational logic.
8.0.2. Formulate a definition of sequential logic.
8.1. Elementary Memory Cell
8.1.1. Explain, how does a circuit of elementary memory cell made. Draw this circuit.
8.1.2. Explain an operation of bistable memory device, when:
a) one of transistors is ON and another is OFF;
b) both of transistors are OFF;
c) both transistors are slightly ON.
8.1.3. Draw a logic diagram of the bistable memory device.
8.1.2. The Basic S-R Latches
8.2.1. Formulate a definition of a trigger.
8.2.2. Draw an electric diagram of basic S-R latch and explain its operation for all possible combinations of
input signals. Draw a logic diagram and graphic symbol of basic S-R latch.
8.2.3. Which sets of input signals of NOR latch are referred as active, which – as passive, and which – as not
normally allowed?
8.2.4. Draw a logic diagram and graphic symbol of basic SR latch. Which sets of input signals of NAND
latch are active, passive and not normally allowed for this latch?
8.2.5. Which basic latches are used in TTL integrated devices, and which – in MOS and CMOS integrated
8.2.6. Name all signals of delay model of basic latch.
8.2.7. Name logic function and logic variables in characteristic equation of basic latch.
8.2.8. According characteristic equation of basic NOR latch Q  SR + qR fill in Karnaugh map of this latch.
Which states of the latch are stable, and which – unstable?
8.2.9. According the Karnaugh map from problem 8.2.9 draw a state diagram of NOR latch.
8.2.10. Draw a timing diagram of NOR latch for S = 1001000110110, R = 0110010011100.
8.2.11. Analize an operation of sequential logic circuit shown in the
S 1
a) Draw the timing diagram waveforms of the signals S, R, Q, and Q, + 5V
showing their logic values before the push-button switch is pressed,
while the switch is being pressed, and after the switch is released.
A mechanical switch has a contact bounce when the contact comes to a
new position. In timing diagrams you can show only one bounce of the
contact like broken 0-to-1 transition or broken 1-to-0 transition.
b) Solve the same problem for the NAND latch.
c) Discuss a suitability of S-R NOR and SR NAND latches for computer keyboard.