Easter Children's Program - West Park Civic Association

March 2006
President’s Message
Crime watch has been part of West Park Civic
Association’s mission since the Association’s
inception. Last year’s crime situation in Allentown
combined with recent police department retirements
has made many residents more concerned with crime
watch and crime prevention activities. Scott Palus stepped forward to coordinate crime watch
action in the West Park area. He will compile a list of issues from concerned neighbors and
follow through with the Police Department.
To facilitate the crime and suspicious activity reporting, we will have Check Mate applications
available for interested members at our monthly board meetings. Use of the Check Mate number
speeds up the reporting process with the Communications Center, since the caller does not have
to detail name, address and phone number each time he or she calls.
Acting collectively, we can reduce criminal activity in our neighborhood. One of the most
effective steps for crime prevention is to have well lit areas around our homes. Turning on a
porch light at dusk and leaving it on until morning is an inexpensive and effective way of
discouraging criminal behavior. Please turn on your lights and ask your neighbors to do the
same, and it will serve as a signal for criminals that they are not welcome here.
Ibi Balog
Minutes of the January 3rd West Park Board Meeting
7 board members present, 12 total attendance
The minutes of the December 5th board meeting were read by Ibi Balog.
Treasurer’s Report
Ibi Balog reported that she had spoken to the treasurer and a report would be forthcoming. The
December 5th Treasurer’s report is on file.
Website Report
In Nancy’s absence Ibi reported that Nancy is keeping the site current
and any changes to schedule are posted regularly. Website address will
be listed in the Newsletter.
Presidents’ Council Report
The December Presidents’ Council meeting was cancelled due to inclement weather.
.Urban Beautification/Clean and Green Report
Harry Crapser reported on ongoing litter removal efforts.
Community Police report
Captain Schwartz reported that a task force is working on dealing with the
recent incidence of robberies in the Lehigh Valley. He asked that residents
report any suspicious activity to police as sometimes a seemingly small
detail leads to a break in the investigation.
Brad Yeakel reported on the graffiti and cleanup in West Park Program
The Christmas caroling was cancelled due to extremely cold weather.
Ibi discussed the progress of the newsletter and repeated calls for input from
the board and general membership. Those wishing to have complaints, praise,
concerns, thanks, poems, essays, advice... should drop it off or e mail it to
Diana Frank. Her home address is 24 N 16th St. Email address is:
Dues notices will be included in the January newsletter.
Art in the Park
Peg Egolf reported that the date for Art in the Park will be on June 17th. To commemorate
Historic Preservation week on May13th there will be a program with Melissa Bell.
New Business
WPCA is looking for interested members to fill several positions on the
Board. We especially need a secretary. The duties entail summarizing the
discussions which are recorded on tape at the meetings.
Properties of Merit Code and Zoning Sunshine
No report.
Tom Yuracka submitted the application to HARB board.
House Tour
The House Tour is planned for June 18th, the day after Art in the Park.
Old Business
No old business.
Easter Children’s Program
Come out to the park celebrate an EGGceptional Holiday
APRIL 8 at 1:00 p.m.!
Bring your family and friends and smiles, too.
Every BUNNY will have
If you can help in any way, please email Lisa at
Hope to have an EGG -citing time!!
Lisa Wetherhold
The article, “Tips on banishing clutter forever,” that appeared in January’s newsletter is from a
newsletter put out by Healthy Homes, Inc. which is a local business for household cleaning.
HARB Approval: A Painless and Interesting Experience
I have wanted to change the light fixture on my front porch for a while now. The existing
fixture is very plain, the glass is cracked and since I am a faithful subscriber to both “Old
House Journal” and “Old House Interiors,” I have been drooling over period light fixtures
for quite some time.
The last time I contacted the HARB was to replace the louvered glass insert that scarred
my front door with a sheet of beveled glass. Permission for this change was given
immediately over the phone. This time after emailing to see what the procedure was, I
filled out a short application that was emailed to me and faxed it and a picture of the
proposed light fixture to Allentown Community Planner Cynthia Geosits. A few weeks
later I received a notice in the mail that my application was on the list to be discussed at
the next HARB meeting the following Monday evening at 7:00 PM at Allentown City
The small conference room was filled with people. I thought this
was a very encouraging sign since it showed that many people
were improving their properties and also that they were
complying with the rules of living in an historic district.
Our case was the third on the list. The first was a front door
replacement that was approved based on a picture brought by the
homeowner. The second was a no-show.
The board announced the proposal, showed a picture of both our house and the proposed
light fixture and requested a picture of the existing light fixture which thankfully I had
taken right before the meeting with a digital camera. We received our approval in a
matter of minutes. The procedure was totally painless.
Soon the Marshall Model C569 from Rejuvenation Lighting will be lighting my front
porch. Rejuvenation carries period indoor and outdoor lighting in many finishes and with
many optional shades. They also carry door hardware, switch plates, curtain rods and
towel bars, cabinet hardware and mailboxes for homes built from the late 1800’s through
the 1950’s. Their website is www.rejuvenation.com
Contact information if you have an upcoming project is: Cynthia Geosits, phone: 610 437
7613, fax: 610 437 8781, email: geosits@allentowncity.org.
Diana Frank
Handy Phone Numbers
Animal Control……..610 437-7535
Code Enforcement….610 437-7661
Housing Compliance/
Codes Outreach
Coordinator………...610 437-7688
Inspections…………610 437-7697
Crime Prevention
Unit.......……………...610 437-7719
EMS Paramedics……610 437-7531
Non-Emergency….....610 437-7751
Recycling…………… 610 437-8729
Rental Unit
Non-emergency.…...610 437-7751
Weeds Grass
Overgrowth…………610 437-7604
Complaints..……….. 610 437-7759
Yard Waste
Graffiti Busters……. 610 437-8729
Recycling..…………..610 437-8729
Health Bureau………610 437-7759
Zoning……………….610 437-7630
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WPCA Board Meetings Church of the Mediator
Tuesday, April 4, 7:00 PM
If your committee has a meeting or an event to announce in the Calendar, e-mail
dianabalotfrank@yahoo.com or drop off at 24 N 16th St.