Irene McCormack Catholic College Visual Arts 3BVAR Point of View ‘Consumed’ Jennifer Yoswa, ‘Untitled’ (Part of the Seven Deadly Sins series) 533570187 Pobel, ‘Untitled’ (Street Art) Banksy, ‘In Tesco We Trust’ Unit 3BVAR Point of View: ‘Consumed’ Assessment Outline Art Interpretation Art Making Assessment type Production This is a body of work that incorporates resolved artwork/s and documentation of thinking and working practices. Type Weighting 50% Investigation Case studies involving research & visual analysis focused on Australian & international arts practice. 15% Analysis Response to, analysis and evaluation of artworks. 15% Task description Task 1 For this task you will investigate aspects of consumerism. You will explore various points of view while producing the following: 1. Product of consumption photos 2. Biro drawing 3. Oil palette knife painting 4. Scratchboard work. 5. Symbolic consumer collage & tonal drawing 5. Final Production (Due: Term 3 Wk 9 Monday) Task 2 Case Study As part of the investigation component of your course, you are required to undertake a case study examining the work of specific artists. For this unit you will research the work of a Pop Artist. (See task sheet for artists) Start: Term 2 Wk 8 Monday Due: Term 3 Wk 2 Tuesday Outcome 1 Visual Arts ideas Outcome 2 Visual Arts skills, techniques & processes Outcome 3 Responses to Visual Arts Outcome 4 Visual Arts in society Task 3 In Class: Unseen Image Analysis Term 2 Wk 11 Monday Task 4 In Class: Comparative Essay Term 3 Wk 4 Friday Exam 533570187 20% Task 5 Examination including an unseen critical analysis, image analysis and case study. Term 3 October school holidays - Date TBA TASK 1 UNIT 3BVAR Point of View TYPE: Production OUTCOMES: Outcome 1: Visual arts ideas Outcome 2: Visual arts skills, techniques & processes CONTENT: Art making UNIT CONTEXT: Concepts: politics, consumerism, place and/or lifestyle. Our world, country, society and selves are consumed on various levels by power, politics, greed, technology, consumerism, fashion, lifestyle, love, hate and fame. These shape our personal identity, national identity and the future of our planet. These qualities also contribute to a number of issues in society, past and present. Many artists have taken a stand against such elements and created works that express their point of view on the subject and either shock or challenge society to do the same. Using drawing, print, photography, painting or mixed media, produce a body of work that explores a POINT OF VIEW on the theme ‘consumed’. The work may present a narrative and be presented as a series. Time for the task 15 weeks Task 1/ Product of consumption photos Task 2/ Biro drawing Task 3/ Oil palette knife painting Task 4/ Scratchboard work Task 5/ Symbolic consumer collage & tonal drawing Task 6/ Final Artwork Due: Term 2 Due: Term 2 Due: Term 2 Due: Term 2 Due: Term 2 Due: Term 3 Wk 3 Wed Wk 4 Wed Wk 9 Wed Wk 10 Wed Wk 11 Wed Wk 9 Mon IMPORTANT DATES: Angelico exhibition – 11th August 2015 (Term 3, Wk 4, Tues) Metamorphosis exhibition – 18th August 2015 (Term 3, Wk 5, Tues) IMCC Art exhibition – 15th September 2015 (Term 3, Wk 9, Tues) **External assessment of artwork – 23rd September 2015 (Term 3, Wk 10, Wed)** (Includes class time and requires out of class work time also.) This is a semester long unit that requires self direction and independent work. Activities are to be completed during the week identified in the program outline. Tasks not completed in class are to be completed in your time and in accordance with the schools assessment policy. What you need to do… Inquiry Task 1 / Product of consumption photos - Create a list of all the different products you consume everyday. - Discuss the need for consumerism as a class. What are the ideas behind it? How did it develop? - Select three items from the list and take photos of each product. Use different photography principles when taking shots eg. Fill the frame, shoot from an unusual angle and simplify the scene. - Photos may be enhanced/edited (for saturation and light) using basic software. Print and glue into folio. Task 2/ Biro drawing - Using the ‘shoot from unusual angle’ photo from Task 1, complete a drawing using biro. - Look at artist – Laith McGregor – complete drawing using McGregor’s technique and application of biro. - Focus specifically on scale, line and tone. Task 3/ Oil palette knife painting - Using the ‘simplify the scene’ photo from Task 1, complete an oil painting using only a palette knife. - Study the work and technique of contemporary US artist Robert Joyner and his treatment of still life objects. - Attempt a similar result with your painting. Task 4/ Scratchboard work - Using the ‘fill the frame’ photo from Task 1, complete a sketch on scratchboard. - Look at examples of scratchboard artists and the technique of their works. Suggestions are: Lori Dunn, Paul Hopman and Carolyn Henry. - After scratchboard demonstration, complete drawing. Task 5/ Symbolic consumer collage and tonal drawing - Collect images of people to represent consumer topics ie. Power, politics, greed, technology, consumerism, fashion, lifestyle, love, hate and fame. Choose 3 to combine. One person as the head, another the body and the third the legs. Using pencil – create a tonal sketch of your combined person. Task 6/ Final Production: Drawing from the ideas and skills exploring in Task 1-5, students produce a final artwork. The artwork can be based on one of the previous designs or may combine a number of the designs to represent a point of view on consumerism. - Visual language Explore ways of representing your ideas using specific art elements and principles. Use representational and abstracted shapes, forms and symbolic elements to convey ideas and different points of view. Consider manipulating visual language to create patterns and textures. Visual influence Look for inspiration from one or more artists, such as Laith McGregor, Banksy, Jason Mercier (American pop culture), Pop artists – Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Jasper Johns and Claes Oldenburg. Keep notes, ask questions and explore with ideas from these artists. Discuss aspects of point of view and identity. Investigate how these artists explore a range of themes incorporating different styles, mediums and processes from the past and present. Analyse the use of materials, techniques and processes used in selected works. Art forms, media and techniques Experiment with drawing techniques and painting mediums eg. Pencil, scratchboard and oil painting. Experiment with photography and collage techniques. Manipulate materials and explore techniques to develop and refine artwork. Explore mixed media on your exploration of ’point of view’. Experiment with expressive drawing techniques, explore texture and surface quality. Art practice From media experimentation select, manipulate and discerningly apply materials, skills and processes to produce a final artwork expressing a ‘point of view’. Produce thumbnail designs that explore ideas, colour and composition. Follow correct health and safety practices, respecting and acknowledging the work and rights of others. Presentation Set up your body of work for final review. Select an appropriate space in which to display your work. Organise any necessary materials required to exhibit your work. Organise and arrange thinking and working documents, take photographs of design development stages. Reflection You must maintain ongoing personal reflections of all drawings, annotating the media and techniques used. Use your journal to document the development of your artwork. Use art’s language appropriately and with sophistication. Write a 300 word artist statement that describes the development, meaning purpose and resolution of the artwork. TASK 2 INVESTIGATION UNIT 3BVAR TYPE: Point of View OUTCOMES: Outcome 3: Responses to visual arts Outcome 4: Visual arts in society CONTENT: Art interpretation UNIT CONTEXT: Concepts: politics, gender, race, place and/or lifestyle. Task As part of the investigation component of your course, you are required to undertake a case study examining the work of specific artists. A case study is an in-depth investigation into the life and work of the artist that contextualises their practice and analyses their work in terms of meaning, purpose and any issues their work raises. For this unit you will have the choice of the artist you investigate. Select one POP ARTIST from the list below: Andy Warhol Roy Lichtenstein Claes Oldenburg Jasper Johns Robert Rauschenberg A case study consists of: Historical study (research) Critical study (visual analysis). Your case study will be presented as: 1. An illustrated written paper (2000–3000 words) Time for the task 4 weeks, including some class time and as well as out of class working time. Start Term 2 Wk 8 Monday Due Term 3 Wk 2 Tuesday What is the purpose of a Case Study? There are three reasons: 1. You will be asked in exams/tests to discuss/analyse other artists’ work. 2. You may be asked in exams/tests to describe how their work may have influenced you. 3. You can use the same research in your Art Production to demonstrate a practical understanding of your Case Study research. (ie. Visual Influences) How are Case Studies used in Exams/tests? You are likely to get questions such as: Using your investigation case studies as the source, write an essay using visual art language.... Identify and discuss the purpose and function and meaning of the artwork..... Your own subjective point-of-view, how does their art present their ideas, beliefs, emotions, attitudes and/or values? How might others interpret the work differently? TASK 3 UNIT 3BVAR TYPE: Critical analysis OUTCOMES: Outcome 1: Visual arts ideas and Outcome 2: Visual arts skills, techniques and processes CONTENT: Art making Concepts: technological revolution, national identity, politics, gender, rave, place and/or lifestyle. UNIT CONTEXT: Task – Critical Analysis (In class assessment) Term 2 Wk 11 Monday Comparative Analysis (In class assessment) Term 3 Wk 4 Friday You are required to apply your critical analysis skills under examination conditions. These assessments are to prepare you for the external written exam. You are to complete two in-class critical analysis one with short answer questions that will respond to unseen artworks the second as a comparative essay. You will need to: Critically analyse and evaluate the artworks Interprets meanings and comments on the relationship between the art forms’ structure, purpose, ideas, issues, beliefs, emotions, attitudes and/or values communicated. Time for the task One period will be given in class for each analysis task. What you need to do Visual analysis Examine the artworks carefully and identify/discuss the key features of the work. Discuss how you think the artworks have been constructed. Discuss materials, techniques and processes used in the artworks. Personal response Justify your evaluation of the artworks, stating reasons or evidence for your opinions and personal conclusions. Meaning and purpose What are the artists trying to communicate and what techniques and processes have they used to express their ideas? Ensure you offer a variety of interpretations about the meaning of the works. Support your analysis by referring to specific elements and features of the works. Social, cultural and historical contexts Discuss any social, cultural or historical references in the works. Can you identify it stylistically? Is it contemporary or more traditional in its style? SCHEDULE FOR TEACHING UNIT OUTLINE – 3B VAR: Point of View WEEK 2015 Term 2 Week 3 LEARNING PROGRAM Time duration 1 semester (15 Weeks) Introduction Overview of Visual Arts 3BVAR Unit content Responsibilities, goal setting and independent work. ASSESSMENT Introduce All tasks for unit and requirements. Assessment Tasks Production, Critical Analysis & Investigation Expectations and requirements Due dates and school submission policy. Written examination paper Artist statement (300 words) TEACHER CHECKPOINTS Organise resources Copies of 3BVAR course Task sheets. Students to copy dates into planners. Semester 2 Expectations 1. Task 1-5 must be completed by end of Term 2. See task sheet for exact dates. 2. An in-class unseen will be set in Week 8, to assess progress. With an inclass comparative analysis being completed Week 2 Term 3 2015. 3. All students are expected to complete production exercises during class time and as homework. 4. After school tutorial will commence Week 3, while the tutorials are optional, it advised that students attend. Year 12 Tutorial – Thursday 3:05 - 4:00pm Unit Focus – Point of View – ‘Consumed’ Our world, country, society and selves are consumed on various levels by power, politics, greed, technology, consumerism, fashion, lifestyle, love, hate and fame. These shape our personal identity, national identity and the future of our planet. These qualities also contribute to a number of issues in society, past and present. Many artists have taken a stand against such elements and created works that express their point of view on the subject and either shock or challenge society to do the same. 3 3AVAR Exam. Notify students of the date of upcoming 3A Semester 1 Exam. Look at exam from last year. Run through structure, questions and allocated marks for each section. Give students suggestions on practice exam – ways of tackling each question. On a weekly basis, address each part of the exam, both in class and at the afterschool tutorial sessions. Task 1 – Product of consumption photos Discuss as a class the idea of ‘consumerism’ – history behind it, how it developed, and debate on how much of a consumer society we are. Watch youtube video ‘What is Consumerism’. Discuss. Consider questions such as: what are people/society consumed by? Are these positive/negative points of Production Last year’s 3A Exam. Analysis Distribute handout on photography shots. Homework – Take photos of 3 products using different photography shots. Refer to handout for information. LEARNING PROGRAM Time duration 1 semester (15 Weeks) WEEK ASSESSMENT TEACHER CHECKPOINTS view? Students are to create a list in their folios of all the different products they consume on a daily basis. They are to select three items from the list and take photos of each product as homework. Students are to refer to the photography technique handout to structure their shots. DUE: Week 3 Wednesday Art History Week 3 – Banksy Read through Banksy handout. Discuss arts practice, technique, purpose and ideas communicated. Connection to consumerism? Banksy handout. Watch the intro Banksy designed for The Simpson’s TV series in 2010 – youtube video. Discuss the obvious links to Banksy and the message being communicated in this intro. Analyse Banksy’s work ‘In Tesco We Trust’. Discuss elements and principles, meaning and purpose – make annotations. Complete as written paragraphs for homework. ‘In Tesco We Trust’ Image. Homework: Write analysis paragraphs on elements, principles and meaning using annotations written in class. Week 3 – Exam Revision Look at last year’s exam; discuss structure, timing of each part, weighting etc. Read through all questions. Start working through old exam. Part 1, 2 and 3. Last year’s exam – copies for each student. Task 2 – Biro drawing Using the ‘shoot from unusual angle’ photo from Task1, complete a drawing using biro. Examples of Laith McGregor’s work. As a class, look at the work of Laith McGregor and complete biro drawing using McGregor’s technique and application. Focus specifically on scale, line and tone. Order materials required for Art Camp. Students are to glue examples of McGregor’s work in their folio and annotate elements and principles and application of drawing techniques. Biro drawing is to be mounted on same page of folio. 4 Exam Revision Students are given revision booklets. Each lesson this week they are to attempt a different part of the booklet. Short answer, comparative and quote response. Analysis Investigation Homework: Exam revision. Use revision booklet to assist study. Distribute art camp note. 5 EXAM WEEK 6 EXAM WEEK 7 YEAR 12 RETREAT WEEK 8 LEARNING PROGRAM Time duration 1 semester (15 Weeks) ASSESSMENT Task 3 – Oil palette knife painting Production Students are to use their ‘simplify the scene’ photograph from Task 1 and complete an oil painting using only a palette knife on canvas paper. Investigation Analysis First students will study the work of contemporary US artist Robert Joyner and his treatment of still life objects. Discuss technique, application and purpose. TEACHER CHECKPOINTS Robert Joyner artwork images. Students may lightly sketch the outline of their still life, but add paint only with a palette knife. The result should be work that resembles semi-abstraction. Due: Week 9 Wednesday Case Study Start Week 8 Monday. Due Term 3 Week 2 Tuesday. Case Study handout Pop Art handout Distribute Pop Art handout and investigation framework to students. Read and discuss Pop Art movement together. View youtube video ‘A guide to Pop Art’. Students write down main points and review on ending. Homework: Complete research notes for artist case study. Students select the artist for their Case Study and begin research – 2 lessons of class time given. Remainder is completed as homework. 9 Review Semester 1 Exam Return exams to students. Students are to reflect on their progress and answers from, their exam. Based on their feedback students are to work on improving each section of their paper. Collect art camp permission forms. Suggestions are discussed as a group and examples are read aloud. Task 4 – Scratchboard work Students are introduced to the work of scratchboard artists – Lori Dunn, Paul Hopman and Carolyn Henry. Technique is critiqued and discussed. Students look at the different scratchboard tools and note their purpose. Production Analysis Investigation Students are to use their ‘fill the frame’ photo from Task 1 to complete a work on scratchboard. Students are to view teacher demonstration and then complete work. ***ART CAMP WED-FRI*** The first day of art camp will see students will complete their scratchboard work, work on their case study and begin Task 5. The second day, students will finish Task 5 and begin brainstorming ideas for their final. The final day will see students work on their design development for their final artwork. Task 5 – Symbolic consumer collage and tonal drawing Production Pack and prepare materials needed for Art Camp. WEEK 10 LEARNING PROGRAM Time duration 1 semester (15 Weeks) Students are to collect images of people to represent consumer topics ie. Power, politics, greed, technology, consumerism, fashion, lifestyle, love, hate and fame. Choose 3 people to combine. One person as the head, another the body and the third the legs. Using pencil – create a tonal sketch of your combined person. Complete any remaining tasks (1-5) and review art camp. Reflect on progress made so far and discuss remaining timeline. ASSESSMENT Production Analysis TEACHER CHECKPOINTS Ensure tasks 1-5 are completed by students Task 6 – Final Production Students are to draw on ideas and skills explored in tasks 1-5 to produce a final artwork. The artwork must be based on an aspect of consumerism and portray a ‘point of view’. Student’s complete research into an artist inspiration for their final – either previously referenced artists, Pop artists or additional artists. Print examples of work and place in folio. Art analysis: Week 10: Review image analysis process. Elements and principles. Students are to look at installation; photography and sculpture examples discuss meaning and purpose. Look back at exam and continue review on short answer section in preparation for assessment in Week 11. 11 Inclass Unseen Analysis Week 11 Monday Students will sit an inclass unseen analysis. Production Mark unseen analysis. Analysis Task 6 – Final Production Students are to begin thumbnail sketches. HOLIDAYS: Students must finalise their thumbnails over the holidays so that on return to school in Term 3 they may begin media testing. Term 3 2015 1-2 Week 1 Students submit ideas for their final. Ideas are refined. Complete one final design – considering materials required, colour and composition. FINAL DESIGN DUE AT THE END OF WEEK 1. Art History Week 1 – Summary of comparative essays. Week 2 Art forms, media and techniques Finalise final design and create mock up artworks, trialling the success of the final design. Make Production Analysis Homework: Ensure final design in completed by the end of Week 1. Materials to be advised by students and given to teacher by Week 2. LEARNING PROGRAM Time duration 1 semester (15 Weeks) WEEK ASSESSMENT TEACHER CHECKPOINTS adjustments as required. Presentation Consider how you will display your final artwork and your body of work. Art practice Organise materials needed for your final artwork before end of this week. Case Study Due Term 3 Week 2 Tuesday 3 4-5 Task 6 - Final Production Complete media testing. Students begin working on the production piece Analysis Practice comparative writing process, structure and frameworks. Practice writing intro and essay. Task 6 Production Students continue working on the production piece. Production Production Mark comparative essay. Revision Art language, e&p’s, writing strong responses. Unseen critical analysis. Inclass Comparative Essay Week 4 Friday Students will sit an inclass comparative essay. 6 -7 Task 6 Production Students continue working on the production piece. Production Analysis Revision Quote review. Practice writing introductions and planning a layout for an essay. Timed responses. Comparative review. Review comparative essay sat last week. Go over responses and ideal answers. 8 Task 6 Production Production Artist Statement Students are to write their 300 word artist statement. Due the same day as their final production. Analysis Last years WACE and Sem 2 exams. Give to students. Revision Exam structure. Questions and answer time. View last years WACE and Semester 2 exam. 9 FINAL PRODUCTION PIECE DUE MONDAY 14/9/15 Submit artist statement and final production piece. Set up work in exhibition space. Production Analysis Complete all required paperwork for submission of artwork. 10 EXAM REVISION PRACTICAL DUE FOR EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT WEDNESDAY 23/9 EXAM REVISION Using revision booklet and previous years exams. Complete paperwork for external submission of artwork. Exam revision booklet. Analysis