Text - Center for the Visually Impaired

CVI News
Spring/Summer 2011
2009/2010 Annual Report
Independence with Dignity
History is Made: CVI Announces the Creation of a New Business Venture
Contact Center to Train and Employ the Visually Impaired
Virtually all nonprofit organizations have experienced financial struggles in the recessionary climate of
the past four years. CVI is no different. In the face of declining state contracts, shrinking United Way
funding and overall difficulty in raising individual funds, the Center is embarking on a bold plan to secure
its economic future by the establishment of a new contact center enterprise.
“This new entrepreneurial venture will create a revenue stream to lessen the Center’s dependency on
traditional funding sources, while providing employment for people who are blind or visually impaired,”
said John Rhett III, chair of CVI’s Board of Trustees. “Additionally, it will help us meet the service needs
for the ever-growing population of Georgians with vision loss.”
When CVI developed its 2010-2015 strategic plan, Trustees identified the crucial need for the
organization to earn a portion of its revenues as a balance to the decline in outside funding. After
extensive research and discussion among business leaders from the Board and the community, it was
determined that a contact center (a newer term for call centers that includes contact through various
technologies in addition to telephone) would be the best business opportunity for us to meet our goals.
“Atlanta is recognized for its strong global presence in contact center business, an industry that is
predicted to experience strong, long-term expansion,” said Mac Martirossian, chair of the task force
created to investigate potential business opportunities. “By using a variety of assistive technology that
either reads from the computer screen or magnifies it, CVI clients have already been successfully
employed in a variety of contact centers for local businesses.”
As a springboard for this project, CVI applied for and received ARRA Stimulus Funds from the Georgia
Department of Labor, which are being used to create a customer service training program at the Center –
our first job-specific vocational rehabilitation program funded by the State. CVI is committed to training
30 clients by January 2012, preparing them for employment either at CVI or in other local contact
The next step in the process was hiring Jim Carruthers as the Managing Director for Contact Center
Services. Jim brings more than 20 years of contact center industry experience to CVI, which includes
creating successful centers from scratch. “Our new center is located in a portion of under-utilized space
on the fourth floor of the CVI building with work areas for 18 employees,” said Carruthers. “We are
committed to the employment of people with vision loss as a significant measure of our success, so the
majority of agents hired will be blind or visually impaired.”
In addition to building and staffing the Contact Center, Jim will also be soliciting contracts with area
businesses, and eventually, federal contracts through the National Industries for the Blind AbilityOne
program to provide contact center services.
This spring, CVI began a $2.25 million campaign to raise the funds necessary to start and sustain the
venture for three years, with a tremendous lead gift of $800,000 from the Joseph B. Whitehead
Foundation of the Woodruff Family of Foundations. By 2014, it is anticipated that increasing contact
center customers and contracts will cover operating costs and provide an income stream to help fund the
Center’s programs. The CVI Board recently kicked off its own Call for Independence campaign at the
Annual Meeting in May, and by July 1, plans to have gifts and pledges from 100 percent of the trustees.
“CVI has helped guide thousands of visually impaired individuals and their families to hopeful futures
where vision loss is not a barrier to an active, fulfilling life,” said agency President Subie Green. “Creating
a contact center is an important step in helping people with visual impairment become financially
independent – turning tax users into taxpayers – while providing revenue that can fund and expand CVI’s
mission and programs in the future.”
If you would like to help support this historic new venture, please contact Subie Green, CVI’s president at
404-602-4281 or sgreen@cviga.org. If you are interested in using the Contact Center’s services in the
future, contact Jim Carruthers at 404-602-4341 or jcarruthers@cviga.org.
Cutline: Jim Carruthers and Mac Martirossian in the construction zone. Work on the new space was
completed in a few short weeks.
True Blue Do!
Co-chairs D.D. and Bick Cardwell and Jennifer and Brand Morgan welcomed hundreds of CVI’s true blue
friends at the True Blue Do on May 5 at Opera in Midtown. The event raised more than $150,000 to
support the Center’s life-changing programs and services.
Guests enjoyed entertainment by the Macular Degenerates, the house band of Eye Consultants of Atlanta,
and former BEGIN and STARS student Timothy Jones, who kicked off the evening with a keyboard
Jason Pullman, host of 94.9 FM The Bull’s Caffeinated Radio, emceed the annual event which included a
silent auction featuring wine and works of art by CVI clients of all ages, a carnival-style wine toss, and the
Flip for A Trip coin toss, where one lucky guest won airfare for two to any AirTran Airways destination
Major support for the True Blue Do was provided by:
True Blues
AirTran Airways
Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta
Laura & Montague Boyd
Richard & Cathryn DuBow
Midnight Blues
AGL Resources
Brand Properties
D.D. and Bick Cardwell
Indigo Blues
Georgia Natural Gas
Georgia’s Own Credit Union
Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP/
Rosanne & Andy Kauss
MARTA’s Office of Diversity &
Equal Opportunity
SEI Group
Southern Company
Standard Press
SunTrust Investment Services
Peter & Kay Amann
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas K. Garges
David & Carol Lindenbaum
John & Toni Rhett
Anne B. Skae
Pictures of:
1: Co-Chairs Bick and D.D. Cardwell and Jennifer and Brand Morgan
2: Timothy Jones, former STARS student with event emcee Jason Pullman of 94.9 FM The Bull
3: Gregg Pavlak, CVI volunteer, Doug Moody, CVI Trustee John Vinson, and Terry Vinson
4: Moanica Caston, Chris Collier, Tahirah Works, Andrea Snorton, and Mitchell King of Southern
5: CVI Foundation Trustee Peter Amann and Kay Amann
6: CVI Trustee and Macular Degenerate Dr. Michael Roach
7: Brian Jordan; Keisha Williams, Brian Jordan Foundation Treasurer; Julee Brunson, Georgia’s Own
Credit Union; Jim Bridges, SHRM Atlanta; and Vivian English, Georgia’s Own Credit Union
8: John M. Jackson and CVI Trustee Lolita Browning Jackson
9: Kelly Garges and CVI Foundation Trustee Doug Garges
10: Amy and Dan Codman, parents of BEGIN student Eliot
11: Alexis Hill, Kathy Perkins Hill, Angela Gillis, Carla Tatum
12: Tiffany Temple, Nathan Ballard, Lisa Baker, Cecilia Torrence, Demetrius Williams, Chandra Thornton
and Marie Smalls of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta
13: Toni Rhett, Michele Poirier, David Giancola, Connie Morris, Kathy McMillon
14: CVI Trustees Susan Prutzman and Amy Slack
15: Flip for a Trip
16: Charles Mason and Charles Mason II - CVI graduate, volunteer and AirTran employee
17: Hayley and Bryan Alli, parents of BEGIN student Raveena
From the President
As we approach the celebration of CVI’s 50th anniversary in 2012, I’ve been reading many reports of our
organization’s early history. As you can imagine, each version is slightly different, yet all tell the dramatic
story of an organization’s growth from the idea of a group of parents with blind children to the
professional and caring organization we now know as CVI.
In the late 1960s, the Community Chest (now United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta) initiated a dialogue
between Community Services for the Blind (CSB) and the Metropolitan Atlanta Association for the Blind
(MAAB), incorporated in Georgia by Professor P. J. Woods in 1944 to “maintain a register of the blind and
near blind and promoting their welfare through training, education, social adjustment, and recreation.”
Neither CSB nor MAAB denied services on the basis of race although MAAB was perceived in the
community as serving African Americans and CSB as serving Caucasians. When merger discussions were
raised in 1962, most Atlanta schools were still segregated as were restaurants, theatres, social events,
trains, buses, restrooms and drinking fountains. The Georgia Academy for the Blind had been established
in Macon in 1852, with separate campuses for black and white students.
The driving force of the Community Chest was to offer integrated services for Atlantans with vision loss,
which raised many emotional and programmatic challenges. After heated debate and negotiation, the
Board of the Community Chest voted to establish and fund an entirely new organization and to withdraw
support from both original organizations. As a result, Atlanta Area Services for the Blind was
incorporated in 1972 and the Board of Community Services for the Blind agreed to merge with AASB in
1973. MAAB followed into the merger in 1974. Samuel Hudgens was elected the first AASB Board Chair
in 1972, succeeded by Eddie Lomax in 1974.
Services of the new organization expanded under the leadership of Executive Director Richard Wayne
Edwards. Robert Crouse, who held a master’s degree in orientation and mobility from Western Michigan
University, was the first staff member professionally trained in vision rehabilitation. Services to
teenagers were begun with a six-week summer program. Consultations for children’s needs continued
through collaboration with the Foundation for Visually Handicapped Children. By 1969, 731 clients were
being served and the organization was looking again for additional space.
A 27,000 square-foot building at 763 Peachtree Street was identified, which had been occupied for years
by the Dwoskin’s wallpaper and carpeting business. The space was really two buildings joined by doors
and hallways and made attractive on its Peachtree side by a handsome façade designed by noted Atlanta
architect Philip Trammell Shutze. The building was owned by Florence Hunt Maxwell and a long-term
lease was contracted. During her term as Board Chair, Evelyn Ullman approached Mrs. Maxwell and
successfully received a letter of intent from her to bequeath the property to AASB. To honor that
generous bequest, the Florence Maxwell Low Vision Clinic bears her name and an oil painting of the 16year-old Florence hangs in the clinic. Ownership of the building became even more important as a source
of funding upon its sale to help purchase and renovate CVI’s current building on West Peachtree.
In late 1973, AASB moved into the first floor of 763 Peachtree, “as is.” Bob Crouse had been named
executive director and developed a Service Delivery Plan that was submitted to the Georgia Division of
Vocational Rehabilitation Services along with a grant request for $200,000. With this grant the building
could be renovated and equipped for specialized services. Increased space allowed for a low vision clinic,
audio recording suite, braille library, and classrooms for mobility, braille, typing, communication skills
and activities of daily living. A cafeteria was included for food service and vocational training along with
a workshop for work adjustment training. The new location offered improved access by public
transportation and clients commuted by MARTA buses, learning to navigate the fixed routes as part of
their O&M training. Crouse brought a new level of professionalism to vision rehabilitation services by
hiring staff who were trained in master’s degree programs that began to crop up in university schools of
education across the country.
Low vision services were established by Dr. Randy Jose, an optometrist from the University of Alabama at
Birmingham who brought optometric students, a social worker and a technician to AASB every two
weeks for several years. By 1977, AASB decided to hire its own part-time optometrist and
ophthalmologist. Dr. Bob Elwell began his relationship as a low vision optometrist that continues to this
day, while Dr. Stuart Silverman was hired as a staff ophthalmologist. Now a partner in the Thomas Eye
Group, Dr. Silverman continues to refer patients to CVI. Funding from the English Foundation made it
possible to hire a Low Vision therapist by 1980.
While the Low Vision Clinic served a growing need, other programs proved to be financial drains. The
cafeteria was discontinued and office space was provided to a vocational counselor and a job placement
specialist, both employed by the Georgia Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, who provided support to
clients who sought employment. The financial burden of an expanded staff became a challenge and staff
held bake sales and took vacation time in lieu of wages to keep the organization afloat.
June Willis came to AASB after many years with the Foundation for Visually Handicapped Children, which
closed in 1974, ending its essential services to children throughout the state.
With federal Title 16 funds, a program to serve visually impaired adults in their own homes was designed
in 1974. June was hired as its social worker/director. The program continues to be an important service
to Georgians as the Older Blind Program, now administered by the Georgia Department of Labor. June
was named a CVI Lifetime Trustee in recognition of her professional contributions and personal service
on both the staff and the board.
In my next column, I’ll tell you about the founding of the BEGIN program and also of the financial crisis
that nearly bankrupted the organization in its second decade. Stay tuned!
CVI President Subie Green
Eddie Lomax
CVI’s home on Peachtree St. from 1973-2004
Dear Friends,
We see ourselves….working with committed and generous people in an organization poised for
expansion and greater sustainability.
For many organizations, the year 2010 was one of budget cutting and diminished funding. CVI certainly
has shared those experiences. Yet last year was the best fund-raising year in the history of the Center
outside of a capital campaign. We are grateful for the gifts and grants that supported our work when our
traditional funding was being cut in every direction. Starting with the CVI Board of Trustees and
continuing through to grateful clients, we know that you have given generously to help us through these
hard economic times. We are grateful to those forward thinking folks who have worked this year to
create the plans and structure for our CVI contact center, which will become a revenue producing
business in several years. Earning a portion of our own revenue will be increasingly important for our
Despite medical and technological advances, the need for vision rehabilitation, education and support for
people with vision loss continues to grow. This is an exciting time to be able to offer people new products
and approaches to living with low vision or blindness. We’re all amazed at the “apps” that seem to crop
up each week offering our clients ways to identify currency, travel more confidently or enjoy their leisure
time more easily. Yet, the health disparities of diabetes, premature birth and glaucoma increasingly rob
sight from thousands of Georgians each year. CVI actually serves clients in 84 of Georgia’s 159 counties.
We hope to continue extending our services into areas of our state where there are simply no resources
available for children or adults with vision loss. Your support can help us do that.
CVI’s mission is to empower people impacted by vision loss to live with independence and dignity.
Whether you are a client, family member, friend, volunteer, donor or employer, we hope that you are
proud of the work that your support makes possible. We are proud of your participation at CVI and we
couldn’t possibly see ourselves doing it without you. Many thanks!
Cutline: John Rhett III, 2010 board chair and Subie Green, CVI president.
Jennifer and Elizabeth Hooper:
“I See My Daughter Taking on the World”
When Elizabeth Hooper was seven months old, her parents Eric and Jennifer learned about the BEGIN
Program at CVI. “It was a happy accident that we found out about BEGIN,” said Jennifer. “A nurse told me
about it even though we don’t live in Atlanta.” Wanting the best support and help for themselves and
their daughter, the Hoopers loyally make the bimonthly 360-mile round trip from Albany. Elizabeth, who
has a cortical visual impairment and hydrocephalusis, is now two years old and has learned much. “At the
beginning, noises scared her to death and we could not eat out at restaurants,” said Jennifer. “Now she
understands different sounds and loves music.”
Additionally, Elizabeth has been learning social and behavioral skills along with a little sign language and
braille. Her parents have learned a lot, too. “BEGIN has been important because we were first-time
parents,” said Jennifer. “The program teaches parents how to communicate to others that your child is
visually impaired.”
With all that Elizabeth is learning, Jennifer can see a bright future for her daughter. “She is already
independent and I see more of that in her future,” she said. “Like any other parent, you want your child to
be confident and take on the world. I don’t want my child to say she can’t do something, but instead to
figure out a way.”
Alzea Allen-Bey: “I See Myself Traveling With Greater Independence and Confidence”
Alzea Allen-Bey, a retired federal government employee, was accustomed to living an independent life
and traveling when and where she pleased. But when she lost her vision to macular dystrophy, she had
to make the tough decision to put down the car keys. “I stopped driving on my own because I didn’t
want to hurt myself or others,” she said. “I religiously walk now.” During her routine jaunts around the
neighborhood, Allen-Bey uses a white cane as a mobility aid and also for identification purposes.
Since coming to CVI, her self-confidence has increased greatly. “I have learned a lot from listening to
others and taking group classes,” said Allen-Bey. “I am not as despondent as I was in the beginning and
have learned that it is okay to ask for help.”
With continued assistance from CVI, Allen-Bey sees herself gaining even more confidence and traveling
safely and independently. “My future plans are to learn how to use my white cane more, especially when
crossing streets,” she said. “I also want to focus on how to organize my home better. There is so much to
learn and I want to learn it all!”
Bobby Glover Sees Himself Working in His Community
In 1984, Bobby Glover was a newlywed working at Proctor and Gamble and a pre-med student at Morris
Brown College. In September of that year, his life drastically changed: his home was burglarized and he
was shot in the face by the robber. “The bullet damaged my right eye,” Bobby said. “The person was never
found, and there was no conviction.”
Medical professionals assumed that Bobby would be a “vegetable” for the rest of his life if he survived.
“The doctors did not offer much hope for me and told my family I would have limited cognitive skills,” he
said. But Bobby proved them wrong and recovered from his injuries, relearning how to walk, talk and
handle his daily tasks.
During his recovery, he was living in Fort Valley, Georgia, a small community with limited options for a
person with a visual disability. He attempted to work with a rehabilitation program for the blind but was
only taught how to travel with a white cane. “Rehabilitation programs were nothing like they are now,”
he explains. “There were little to no resources back then where I was living.”
He later moved to Atlanta where a relative encouraged him to revisit rehabilitation programs, and his
current wife helped him to attend classes at CVI. In 2009, he finished his classes in orientation and
mobility, typing/keyboarding skills, assistive technology, and activities of daily living. He recently
completed a three-month internship at United Way handling customer satisfaction surveys for its 211
information line. “I was a Quality Control Specialist,” he said. “It was a very enjoyable experience working
there and talking to people to get their feedback.” Even though his internship is over, Bobby has agreed
to continue his work on a volunteer basis while searching for other job prospects.
Bobby is very optimistic about his future employment opportunities and believes in having more than
one iron in the fire. He is currently investigating options with the Fulton County Voter Registration office,
where he has volunteered in his local precinct. He is also looking into customer service work at the
Comcast Cable location in Alpharetta. “Both positions look great,” Bobby said. “I believe I will get at least
one of them.”
Cutline: Bobby on-the-job at United Way
Supporter and client Lou Arrants passed away last January at the age of 96. He was a long-time friend of
CVI and was a charter member of the Legacy Society.
Bob Crouse, a former executive director of CVI in the 1970s and most recently executive director of
Vision Rehabilitation Services in Smyrna, passed away on April 5, 2011. Bob was instrumental in bringing
professionally certified staff to CVI and helping clients achieve new levels of independence.
Betty Garges, mother of former CVI Board Chair Doug Garges, passed away in April. Betty and her
husband Kelly were strong supporters of CVI for many years. One of their most important contributions
to CVI was ensuring that the next generation of volunteers included their son Doug and others. Those
young people are now among CVI’s most involved leaders.
Peter Hopkins, 4-year-old son of CVI Trustee Matt Hopkins and Anne Park Hopkins, and grandson of CVI
Trustee Peter Amann and Kay Amann, passed away in October of 2010. In spite of his inability to see,
hear, eat, speak or walk, he brought joy to all of those around him with his happy smile and cheerful
CVI client Desta Tesafi passed away on February 7, 2011. He was a graduate of the vocational
rehabilitation program and was a past recipient of CVI’s Sarah Woolf Spirit Award.
CVI also remembers James Allen Glenn Jr., Marian Morrison Hawkinson, and John Simpson.
Who We Serve
CVI Services from July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010
Al Kaufman, former CVI orientation and mobility specialist orients client Bobby Glover to the Five Points
MARTA station using a model created by tvs design.
CVI graduate Jasmine Seabron reads a braille cookbook in CVI’s ADL kitchen.
BEGIN student Raveena Alli explores the cello during a special up-close-and-personal jazz concert.
Birth to 19
20 – 64
65 and over
440 Infants and preschoolers and their family members served in BEGIN early childhood program
157 School-aged children served by STARS
1,328 Children and adults who received services at the Florence Maxwell Low Vision Clinic
165 Adults who received Center-based vision rehabilitation services
578 Adults and their family members who received Community-based vision rehabilitation services
2,457 People who benefited from Client Services educational programs and case management
243 People who attended Toastmasters, exercise classes, book club and support groups
280 Volunteers who provided direct service and program support
5,648 Number of people served by CVI
Where Our Clients Live
CVI assisted people from 84 of Georgia’s 159 counties
VisAbility Store Summary
3,793 Number of guests
9,479 Number of items sold
CVI reached 5,156 people in the community through public education activities like CVI tours, health fairs
and United Way events.
Diagnoses of Clients Who Have Visual Impairment
Macular Degeneration
Diabetic Retinopathy217
Congenital Blindness 103
Retinitis Pigmentosa 81
Optic Atrophy
Retinopathy of Prematurity 63
Illness/Injury 61
Stargardts Disease 37
Septo Optic/Optic Nerve Hypoplasia
Stroke 18
Center for the Visually Impaired & Center for the Visually Impaired Foundation
Combined Financial Highlights for the year ended June 30, 2010
2010 Revenue and Support
Other Revenue $236,492 (5%)
Investments $223,739 (4.5%)
VisAbility Store (net of goods sold) $67,522 (1%)
United Way contributions $463,217 (9%)
Endowment contributions $1,476,262 (29%)
Gifts and Grants $940,811 (19%)
Fees paid by clients for services $24,926 (0.5%)
Government contracts and fees for service $1,634,165 (32%)
TOTAL $5,067,134
2010 Expenses
Fundraising $443,738 (10%)
Management & administration $695,827 (16%)
Program and direct service $3,284,980 (74%)
TOTAL $4,424,545
CVI’s certfied public accounting audit report is available by request and on the Resources page at
Cumulative Gifts & Pledges
July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010
$5,000 and above
AGL Resources
May P. and Francis L. Abreu Charitable Trust
AirTran Airways
Laura and Montague Boyd
Frances Hollis Brain Foundation
Camp-Younts Foundation
Coca-Cola Foundation
The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, Inc.
Mary Ann and Dick Cook
Roger Dann
Davison Bruce Foundation
R. Howard Dobbs, Jr. Foundation
Richard and Cathryn DuBow
Estate of Charles Maxwell Henderson
Estate of Irene Solonsky
Estate of Martha Niblack
Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta
Finish Line Youth Foundation
John and Mary Franklin Foundation
Fraser-Parker Foundation
J.B. Fuqua Foundation
Georgia Health Foundation
Jack and Anne Glenn Foundation
Luther and Susie Harrison Foundation
F. Dale Hayes
Health 1st Foundation
The Bobby Hogg Foundation
Anne Park and Matthew Hopkins
Imlay Foundation
The Junior League of Atlanta
Kiwanis Foundation of Atlanta
Dorothy Weiner Lavine Memorial Fund
Jim and Laurie Lindell
David and Carol Lindenbaum
M. Austin Davis Foundation
Florence H. Maxwell Foundation
Teri and Kevin McMahon
Larry E. and Kanika Patrick
Libby and Ernie Prickett
Susan Currie Prutzman
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin C. Reid
John and Toni Rhett
The Rich Foundation
Rite Aid Foundation
J. Michael Roach, M.D. and Kim Nikles
Zachary B. Sank
Bryan and Paula Seas
Frances H. Shropshire
Tappan Street Restaurant Group
The Waterfall Foundation
Jesse Parker Williams Foundation
Peter and Kay Amann
The Arnold Foundation
Richard G. Blumberg
Buckhead Lions Club Foundation
D.D. and Bick Cardwell
Molly L. Cummings
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Garges
Georgia’s Own Credit Union
Jennifer and John Hamilton
Alvin and Alice Hellmich Fund of The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta
Susan Hoy
Joe E. Johnston Foundation
Gary and Libby Jones
King & Spalding LLP
The Kroger Company Foundation
Frances Kuniansky and Dr. Jerry Berman
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Employees’ Reaching Out Club
Lois and Lucy Lampkin Foundation
The Ray M. and Mary Elizabeth Lee Foundation
MARTA’s Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity
Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Mathews III
Clara M. and John S. O’Shea
Patty and Doug Reid
SunTrust Investment Services
Michael C. and Beth Towers
John and Terry Vinson
Delmas L. Webb, Jr.
Frances Wood Wilson Foundation
F. Duane Ackerman
Suzanne C. Alexander
Renee Anushka Alli
Joseph and Kiki Ardagna
The Honorable Kathy B. Ashe and Mr. Lawrence Ashe, Jr.
James and Precious Ashworth
Assurant Company Match
Atlanta Alumnae Chapter of Delta Gamma Fraternity
Atlanta Event Center at Opera
Angie and Bob Batterson
Ellen and Duncan Beard
Bruce and Janet Beerman
William and Ida Benton
Blonder Family Foundation
Kathy and Bob Bowman
Brand Properties
Bright Wings Foundation
Ruth Pat Carpenter*
Citizens of Georgia Power
Nancy and Bill Cohen
Colliers Spectrum Cauble
Bill Consolie
Cooper Mills Family Fund
John H. Cowart
Kimbrough and Alicia Davis
Ann and John Day
DeKalb School Employees Foundation
Tyler and Jessica Dempsey
Ellen Doft and Alex Katz
Cam D. Dorsey, Jr.*
Ellis Foundation
Maureen Flannagan
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Forbus
S.W. Frankenthal Memorial Foundation
Gannett Foundation
Georgia Natural Gas
Georgia Power
Georgia Power Foundation
Kathryn and Jud Graves
Subie and Phil Green
Louise Gunn
Haddow Family Foundation
Stephen Hamilton, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Quill O. Healey II
Healthcare Georgia Foundation
Wayne and Maria Healy
Bradley E. Henderson, M.D.
Darryl and Shirelle Hicks
Lila S. Herbert
Lou and Grady Jackson
The Tom and Edwina Johnson Foundation
Jones Lang LaSalle
Robert and Ellen Khoury
Kilpatrick Stockton LLP
Kristina E. Kohlweiler
Richard and Nicole Kruse
Thomas H. Lanier Family Foundation
Marianne and Bill Lee
Robert and Patricia Lehrer
Brian Little
Art and Lindee Lucas
Mac and Sima Martirossian
Robert S. and Joan Mathews
Dawn B. McGreevey
Microsoft Giving Campaign
Midtown Atlanta Rotary Foundation
Mrs. C. N. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Morgan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Brand Morgan
Bob and Sue Mullins
Marguerite and Frank Owens
Debbie and Dennis Patterson
Shädé and Chris Patterson
Briggs and Reta Peery
Karen Perry and Kristofer Schleicher
The Mark C. Pope III Foundation
Felix and Mary Ann Prinzo
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Pritchard, Jr.
Publix Super Markets Charities
Gloria and Michael Reese
Helen W. Rhett
Betty Roach
Rock-Tenn Company
Paul and Lou Roth
David and Leslie Secrest
Paul B. and Mildred Seydel Foundation
Anne B. Skae
Claire Davis Smith
Ted and Wendy Sullivan
Louis J. Taratoot Family Philanthropic Fund
Carl and Kimberly Tarrance
Planet Philanthropy Fund of The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta
The Moorings Group
Patty Thomas and Henry Waszkowski
Pat and Randell Thomas
Judge and Mrs. Ed Threadgill
Troutman Sanders LLP
Susan and Frank W. Virgin
Virgil P. Warren Foundation
Patricia R. Webb
June Morgan Willis
Bill and Donna Woolf
Yellowlees Family Fund of The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta
George W. Acey
Atlanta Peach Movers
Dona J. Avery
Stephen C. Bachman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baisier
Clinton and Barbara Bastin
Donna P. Bergeson
David Bershad
Robyn M. Bethea
Russ and Suzanne Blauser
Bel and John-Paul Brennan
David and Patty Broiles
C Lighting
Jessica A. Cady
Karla M. Caylor
Amy and Daniel S. Codman III
Ms. Sonya Copeland
Ron Davis
Wes and Jo Duesenberg
Michael and Anne Deeley Easterly
Charlotte P. Ellithorp
Joseph W. Evans
Eye Consultants of Atlanta, P.C.
Janice F. Ferguson
Drs. J. Harper and Anne Gaston
Ginger Howard Selections
Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Greene
Amanda and Greg Gregory Family Fund of The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta
Edwin M. Halkyard III
Charles and Nancy Harrison
William N. Hiers, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hines
May B. and Howell Hollis
Billy Howard and Laurie Shock
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Huey
Janice I. Huyler
Mrs. Mary B. Izard
Tatiana Jean-Louis
Heidi E. Kaufman
The Kibler Foundation
Douglas A. Kirk
Gail G. Kitchens
Kiwanis Club of Peachtree City Golden K
R. Michael Lee
Lorna M. Leekley
Linda E. Long and Dave Lushbaugh
Macy’s Foundation
Gloria T. Marion
Mauldin & Jenkins CPA, LLC
Marilyn and Scott McCall
Anne VanDeWater McComiskey
Sabrina A. McCorvey
Brian and Rosamarie McHugh
Charles Metcalf and Anita Rooks-Metcalf
Lisa and Keith Mitchell
Carter and Hampton Morris
Barbara J. Murphy
Dr. Laura Bealer
North Atlanta Church of Christ
Georgia B. Nunnally
The Robert R. Parker Trust
Robert Peterson
Pittman Construction Company
Michele M. Poirier
Terry Priest
Palaniandi Rajendran
Courtney and Teddy Russell
Julie Schoen
Lee and Sheila Shaw
Amy Slack
John E. Smith II
Linda J. Stacey
James R. Summer III
SunTrust Bank
Amy C. Varnedoe
Janis M. Abernathy
Susan B. Abrams
Lindsay and Judy Acuff
Gabriel Adam
Madeline and Howell Adams
Patrick and Kelli Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Ahlstrand
Dwight H. Akerman
Carolyn Zander Alford
J. David and Beverly Allen
Shelley and Jeff Alperin
James and Terri Amato
Anderson Family Foundation
Paul and Debbie Anderson
Atlanta Radio Theatre Company
Francis H. Aucremann
Linda C. Augello
Charlotte S. Ayers
Jean Bailey
Eleanor Banister
Melinda L. Banks
Preston B. Barnett
Clystia Bartman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Barton
Michael and Sara Baxter
Dr. Lynn and Mr. Timothy Baxter
William W. and Beverly S. Beach
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan S. Bean
Hubert Bell, Jr. and Eileen Crowley
Bobby L. Bennett
Kim Bennett
Mary E. Berry
Arlene Billingsley
Mrs. Norman R. Blaylock
Cheryl and Larry Blewitt
Cheryl W. Bobbit
Ronald B. and Judith A. Bobo
Roumiana S. Boneva-Heimer
Sarah and Jim Borders
Elizabeth Bouis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bowen
Barrie and Bob Boyd
Terrell Boyle
Patricia P. Bradley
Suzanne Brandt
Courtney A. Bratcher
Elinor and William Breman Philanthropic Fund
Mary D. and Moses Brewington
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Brittian
Thomas E. and Carol S. Brooks
Angela Brown Gillis
Charlesey W. Brown
Richard Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Norris A. Broyles
Carol P. Bullock
Joyce and Bob Burnett
Lucy and Henry Bush
Mary Ellen Calhoun
Trish and Shea Campbell
Felicia and Anthony J. Caporaso, Sr.
Lauren P. Carrigan
Miracle A. Carroll
Benjamin Carter
Harrilee Cheshire
Leon Chester
Sidney and Don Childress
Lina Chiu
George M. Cibik, M.D.
Harvey and Kathy Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hal Clarke
Brownie Clinton
Mildred H. Cochran
The Cochran Family
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Coffey
Jeff and Debra Cohen
Renee and Mike Cohn
James L. Collenberg
Henry T. Collinsworth
Tremika Copeland
Wade and Barbara Copeland
Dr. Brook Corbett
Anisio and Agnes Correia
Cristina Correia and Neil Bradley
Sandra Corti
Anne K. Cothran
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce I. Crabtree III
Elizabeth Crofton
Robert Culbertson and Nancy Sharpe
Ann and David Culley
Jane L. Culpepper
William Curtis-Davidson
Todd R. David
James Terrell Davis
Phil and Mary Davis
Deborah D. Dawson
John M. DeBorde III
Jeannette and Scott DePoy
Christopher R. Deved
Dewberry Foundation
Nancy J. DuPree
Jim Duggan
Melissa and Jim Egan
Louise Ehlert
Kathy and Tim Eldridge
Deanne and Perry Ellison
Ann and Charlie Elsas
Mr. and Mrs. H. Alan Elsas
Scott and Jeanne Evans
Sharon D. Evans
Earl A. Feraro
Paul and Jill Ferdinands
Katharine M. Field
Eula N. Fields
Financial Accounting Foundation
Charles and Jennifer Fiorenza
Kim and Stephen Flanagan
Louise K. Freeman
Laura L. Frick
Arnold and Shirley Friedman
Sade and William Fryer
Kate Gaboardi and Jerry Dubner
C. Gallen
Kathleen and Rex Garrett
Georgia Council of the Blind - East Georgia Chapter
Mildred and Joseph E. Geshwiler
Lucinda Gibson
Marsha D. Gilbert
Give with Liberty
Bob and Betsy Glenn
Sheila and Lamont H. Glover
Walton C. and Anita K. Glover
Thelma Godwin
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Goetz
Alan T. Goodman, D.D.S., M.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Goodsell
Clark and Gail Goodwin
Ellen D. Gordon
Helen Green
Lioba Grimm
Donald and Patricia Grulke
Charles and Jean Grutzius
James and Elaine Guanci
Melody and T. R. Hainline
Mr. Phil Hall
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hamilton, Jr.
Karen Hansberry
Tim and Irene Harkness
Nan Harman-Dempsey
Brian G. Haurylak
James M. Hawkins
Chris and Christy Hayes
Curtis H. Headrick
Health Center Credit Union
George and Susan Heberton
Craig N. Hendricks
David and Judy Higgins
Greg Hogle
Jennifer C. Holmes
Eric Holtzclaw
Unetta J. Hopkins
Pam and Ridley Howard
Allison R. and Allen E. Howell III
Charles E. Hubert
Greg G. Hull
Amy Hutchinson, M.D.
ING Employee Giving Campaign
Carmelita W. Jackson
Nancy and Carl Jakaitis
Debra S. Jarrard
Julie and Eric John
Johnson and Johnson Family of Companies Matching Gifts Program
David Johnson
Andrea T. and James L. Johnson II
JoAnn Johnson-Miller
Gwyn C. Jones
Paula and Kusiel Kaplan Philanthropic Fund
Martha Katz and Marshall Kreuter
Paul L. Kaufman, M.D.
Patricia C. Keel
Keep Smyrna Beautiful, Inc.
Debra and John Keffer
Valerie Kelleher
Nisbet S. Kendrick, Jr.
Tracy Kimmel
Daniel J. King
Robert King
Harriet and Kip Kirkpatrick
Karen P. Kirkpatrick
Beth Krebs
Jim and Myra Kucera
Mrs. Ray P. Lambert
Scott I. Lampert, M.D.
Joyce and Candler Lasseter
Sidney H. Lazard, Sr.
Doug Lee
Patricia A. Lee
Memri H. Lerch
Constance and Dale Lewis
Jim and Laurie Lindell
Lauren and Mark Lindenbaum
Andrew and Seale Lindsay
Steve Lipton
Pete Little
Chrissy Lizaso
Maureen and William A. Lobb II
Kenneth Loehr III
Evan and Sara Loft
Eric C. Lohr
Mrs. Plant E. Long*
Rouchelle Longley
MARTA Employees Charity Club
MThree Advisory, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Mabon
James W. Mahaffey
Ramesh and Srilatha Malyala
Gloria T. Marion
Viola Marion-Mattox
Josephine B. Marlow
Leisa Marshall
Pamela S. Marshall
Dr. William O. Martin III
Daniel J. Mathis
Celena and George Matlock
Ms. J. A. Matthews
Katherine B. and Michael J. Maxwell
Bonnie L. Mayes
Linn and Shirley McBride
Margaret McDaniel and Peter Leafman
Sally and Allen McDaniel
John and Linda Kay McGowan
Floree H. McKinnon
William L. McKinnon, Jr.
Fabian S. McMahon
Katherine L. McMillon and David Giancola
Harold L. McPheeters
Michael Melneck
Elaine and Walter Merkel
Mickey and Tom Merkel
Edward C. Miller Charitable Trust
Lynn and Michael Miller
Edward Milton
Virginia Mitchell
Mary Lynn Morgan
Sharon E. Morrow
Marty Mulinix
Judge and Mrs. Harold L. Murphy
Margaret H. Murphy
Kate Murray
Perry Myers
Henry and Carol Nagel
John and Ginny Nevins
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ney
Jeff W. Noles
Sarah M. Norton
Margaret E. O’Neil
OCI Chemical Corporation
Wally and Ann Odum
Robert and Susan Okin
Bobby and Iris Osburn
Laura J. Page
Michael D. Page
Mary and James Pardo
Miss Joyce Paris
Parker Charitable Lead Trust
Roderick M. Parker
Kailesh Patel
Diane R. Payton
Craig E. Peddicord
C. Robert Peery
Gretchen and Jack Pennybacker
Stephanie Penton
Ruth B. and Bob Peterman
Cynthia A. Petersen
Mark and Kelly Peterson
Dorothy M. Pettes
Susan G. Pichoff
Kanetha L. Plumber
Zane F. Pollard, M.D.
Lisa L. Pope
Melanie and Trey Pope
Mrs. Catherine T. Porter
Jo Ann and Tom Powell
Felicia M. and Lorenzo Powell
Helene Prokesch
Robert A. Quin, Jr.
Andrea Gernazian and Bruce Rado
Bruce Ramsey
April P. Ray and Larry Pizzi
Craig A. Reese
Margaret and Robert Reiser
Retired Physicians History Book Club
Catherine V. Rhodenizer
Hugh Richardson, Jr.
Nell K. Robinson
Karen M. Roger
Daren Ross
Frederick M. Ross
Harriett Ross Philanthropic Fund
Helen Ross
The Rothkopf/Greenberg Family Foundation Trust
Monica Russell
SPX Corporation
San Martin Family Advised Fund
Patricia and Johnson Sapp
Patricia Sarno
Stewart A. and Mary Buckle Searle
Jed Selkowitz
Laura and David Shainker
Dan, Jennifer and Annabelle Shim
Billy Sibley
Frank Sieper
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Silverman
Richard Simms
Kenneth W. Simpson, Jr.
Lynn and Ray S. Smith III
Sandy and Tim Smith
Kristina Soloshchenko
Gloria T. and John M. Spencer
Leigh-Anne and Steven J. Spokane
Catherine Spruill
Uma Srivatsa
St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church
Anne Catherine Stafford
John H. Stagmeier
Stan and Esther Rawn
Elliot and Barbara Steinman
Richard W. Stone
Rhonda Streat
Wade and Celine Stribling
W. L. Stribling IV
JoAnn and G. B. Strickler
Sylvia Stroy
Joan M. Stuart
Pei Sun
Bonnie S. Taylor
E. Teague
Lynley and Brian Teras
Dr. Sharon H. Thomas
Donald J. Thompson
Bob and Betty Thornton
Ms. Dolores Thorpe
Albert Thumann
Margaret S. Timberlake
Carolyn Timme
Sylvie Treadwell-Merritt and Robert J. Merritt
Tracy J. Trentadue
Evelyn and Jack Ullman
United States Bridge Federation
Urban Engineers
Paulo Vieira
Steve and Jane Walsh
Basil Wapensky
Arthur Wasserman
Ruben and Debbie Watson
Susan T. Watson
Shirley H. Watterson
Michele R. Waxweiler
Andrew Webb
Bruce and Cathy White
Malika White
William C. White
Pat and Jack Wilensky
Rasheeda R. Wilkins
Asa J. Williams
Polly S. Williamson
Roger C. With
Frances M. Wood
Susan and Richard H. Woodell
Warren and Sue Woolf
Cathy and David Wooten
Sherry and Billy Wren
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wright
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Wyant
Charles Young
Faith Young
M. Christina Young
Jack Zwecker
Melanie Abad
Geneva and Leon Adams
Gina Adams
Norma Jean Adams
Tom and Anita Adams
Sam and LuAnne Albert
Lillian V. Allen
Elisabeth T. Allgood
Beth Allgood-McKinnon
Doug, Laurie and Emma Allison
Jill Pride Anderson
Phyllis G. Arnold
Rudolph Arnstein and Kathy Knopp
Claudia Avallone
Leigh Ann C. Bain
Elaine Baker
Jill C. Baker
Andy Baranes
Eli Baranes
Gale F. Barnett
Patty Bartlett
Naomi and Myron Bash
Mr. and Mrs. William Bates
Sara B. Beard
Jeanne Bedell
Allison Berger and Neil Campbell
Dr. Jerome D. Berman
Susan P. Bernardo
Cindy Berry
Robert T. Biccum
Mary A. Binns
Pierce B. and Willie Mae Blanchette
Lisa E. Block
Scott A. Bodiford
Carol Bowling
Dr. and Mrs. Philip S. Brachman, Sr.
Joel P. Bradley
Christine Braxton
Ellen Corinne Briggs
Ben Brooks
Eula Mae Brooks
Joan Brown
Kathleen and Steve Brown
Shannon Brown
Bob and Edie Burke
Carol Burns
Deanna Burrows
Michael C. Byrd
C. Kitchen LLC
Mike and Heidi Caldwell
John L. Carawan
Harold Carter
Jane M. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. George Chase
Susan P. Christian
Mr. Joseph Clack
Gwendolyn Cleghorn
Bob and Sharon Cook
Que-Anh Cooney
Tammy J. Corley
Jae Traina Cosby
Carmel Cowart
Mr. and Mrs. C. Ray Cox
Stephen D. Crump
Jonathan R. Cunningham
Lavona Currie
Mark C. Cutbirth
Cheryl and Paul D’amato
Elizabeth H. Daniel
Meredith and W. G. Daniel, Jr.
Rachel Dart
Mr. and Mrs. Henry David
Trina F. Massey Davis-Wiley
Peter and Connie Davison
W. Barry Dawson
William K. Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Denniston
Jean Devero
Hashem Dezhbakhsh
Steven and Pamela Dial
Amy L. Dobbs
Frances H. Dorris
Ginny Douglas
Glenda Dover
Valynda P. Dunn
Walter Durden
Frank Ingram
Myrtle C. and Enon H. Edenfield
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Ellis
Brent Elum
Robert and Patricia Erwin
Ethel Evoy
Pat Fahey
Louise and Bruce Faurot
Marvin Feinberg
Jacob Fenno
Joyce E. and Dakin B. Ferris Foundation
Rita Figaro
Lars Finderup
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fleet, Jr.
Tanyshia Forehand
Beverley Foster
Debra Fowler
Elizabeth D. Fox
Anita Franklin
Rochelle Friedman
Sheri Schaer Friedman
Fulton County Teachers of the Visually Impaired
Dr. John T. Galambos and The Honorable Eva Galambos
Philleatra Gaylor
Diana Lee and Michael L. Gelfand
Mr. and Mrs. Jim George
Georgia Institute of Technology
Colleen A. Gerrior
Alison M. Gibson
Natalie and James Gilmore
Andrew D. Gitlin
Anita Gleimer
John and Helen Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Gray, Jr.
Sally and Jeff Gray
Betty Greaver
Lynda and Ben Greer
Flora B. Hackworth
Intisar Hadeed
Susan E. Hall
Sharlene Hamby
Luther M. Hampton
Kathy Harber
Mary Hardy
Emma A. Harris
Dabney A. Hart
Michael and Judy Hartley
Debbie Hayden
Elizabeth D. Hayes
Harriette and David Haygood
Christy Heath
Brian D. and Laura Henry
Jennifer Edwards Hepp
Sue Herring
Dr. Theodore Hersh
Jacqueline Heslep
Carolyn and Lem Hewes
Dorothy L. Hill
Luann and Bob Hill
Mary Louise Hill
Gladys D. Hirsch
Daroline Hwilbert-Whilbert
John and Diana Brown Holbert
Gertrude P. Horn
Janet Marie Hughes
Kimberly Hulsey
Fernando Hurtado
Kelley M. Ibuki
Codeal E. Jackson
Donna Jamison
Nancy Jennings
Winfield John
Charlotte A. Johnson
Joe J. Johnson
Ann and James M. Johnson, Jr.
Shannon L. Johnson-Novack
Ethel Jones
Elizabeth S. Jordan
Gwen and Bill Jordan
Helen Kahn
Albert Kalen
Ann Kaplan
Christopher W. Kellen
Mary W. Kelley
Karen Kelly and Jonathan Miller
Sarah M. Kenck
Betty Ann Kennedy
Mrs. W. D. Kerby, Jr.
Beth and Lance King
Cynthia L. Knighton
Reed Kramer
Jane M. Kuipers
Marjorie and Glenn Langford
Lavish...by C. Davis
Nancy H. Lawson
Jeanette E. Leben
Alfred B. Ledon
Elena L. Lee
Stuart Levenson
Gloria Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lewis
Mr. Christopher Lindh
Wade and Robin Lnenicka
James E. Long
Frank Love, Jr.
Joyce Lowenstein
Anne Ludwig
Kimberly D. Lyda
Magnolia Lyons
Thomas and Maudieann Macaulay
Katherine M. Maier
Greg Marich
Anne Henderson Martin and Robert L. Martin
Jan Martin
Dr. Bill Martin
Dan D. Maslia
Annie and Willard Maxwell
Eva Mayhew
Mrs. Robison C. McClure
Trudy McGinnis
Luis E. Medina
Annulet M. Medlock
Mr. James R. Mell
Vicki Meyer
Cb and Hillary Miles
Doris M. Miller
Joanna L. Miller
Kimberly Miller
Barbara and Saul Millman
Marie Millsaps
Gretchen J. Mixon
Yvonne G. Mohamed
Louis and Anella Monacell
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Mooney, Jr.
Nathan and Dorit Mordel
Tony and Dianne Morgan
Betty J. Morrison
George and Helen Morriss
Richard Moses
Carrie Bell Moss
Martie Moss
Jane Mudano
F. Barry Mulligan
Ione M. Murphy*
Cynthia C. Nash
Julie Neal
Nicolas Nehemiah
Ed Nichols
Glyn and Elizabeth Nunnally
Penny P. O’Callaghan
Anaise E. Oliver
Ornelas Associates
Hernando and Marine Ortega
Katherine Palmer
Frances G. Parker
Jan Pasek
Joseph Perl
Mary Perry
Geraldine Person
Virginia and Oscar Persons
Anne M. Peterson
Phuong Ngo Phan
Caroline and Charles Platt
Sarah C. Poole
Toni Prahl
Catherine Pressly
Jane T. Price
Kiplyn P. Primus
E. Camille Puckett, ASID
Jason Pullman
Mrs. Shawn Quinn
Franck Raymond
Sanford and Donna Reese
Cheryl S. Remstedt
Edith A. Ricks
Sami L. Rizk
Robert Alan’s Salon
Don C. Robinson
Josue Rodriguez
Dawn and Randall Romig
Joel Rossman
Antonieta de Ruiz
Marci and Jason R. Saunders
Martha A. Saunders
Mark and Liz Schleyer
Colonel and Mrs. Irving Schoenberg
Glenn R. and Linda Scott
Debra L. Segal
Jack Segal
Mrs. William A. Sewell
Ellen B. Shadrick
Gayle and Richard P. Shuey
Faye Simons
Hal and Linda Simpson
Alison D. Sistrunk
Fred and Lucille Skellie
Nat and Jerilene Slaughter
Karen Sledge
Constance E. Smith
David A. Smith
Elizabeth H. Smith
Joseph H. Smoak, Sr.
Gregg and Sue Soha
Jeffrey Spangler
Ann M. Speer
Kristen T. Strawbridge
Catherine A. Strickland
Carole J. Stroud
Stroup Ingredient Resources
Mr. and Mrs. C. Benny Strozier
Ann C. Sutlive
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Taratus
Andrea M. Tatum
Jonathan Lee Tedder
Ignae R. Thomas
Vivian E. Thomas
Charles and Kay Thompson
Margaret Thornton
David S. Tiedt
Martha Tomlin
Oreoluwa O. Tomori
Diana Tope
Louisette Townsend
Kelly Traugh
Kitty Tucker
Chris Turner
Margaret M. Turner
Adaliz C. Vicens
Sascha Vit and Claudia-Marie Apenburg
Jeff and Amanda Wagner
Olivia Maxwell Walker
Catherine B. Ward
Barbara B. Washington
D. Eric Weatherholtz
Drs. Mark and Nancy Weiner
Delores and Henry Westmoreland
William J. Whittaker III
Anastasia Williams
Lisa G. Williams
Vera J. Williams
Lavern Williamson
William B. Wilmer
Derek Wilson
Johnny and Cheryl Wilson
Rebecca Wilson
Mary and Henry Wingate
Stuart C. Witham
Donna Wolff
Shelly S. Wolff
Mrs. Leotha Womble
Jenny Wood
Tiffany Wood
Jennie Woodley
Janie G. Yorker
Barbara and Paul Yosick
Gertrude Zeldin
Funds Providing Continuing Support
The Bridge Fund
Campbell Building Maintenance Fund
James R. Kuse Foundation Endowment for BEGIN
Rosemary L. Jones Fund
James Emory Powell Fund
Samuel J. McCartney Memorial Endowment
Government Funds & Contracts for Services
The State of Georgia provides services for people who are blind or visually impaired by contracting with
private agencies like CVI. The Center is grateful for the federal, state and local funding provided through
the following partners:
Atlanta Regional Commission
DeKalb County Human Development Department
Fulton County Department of Human Services
Georgia Department of Human Resources
Georgia Department of Labor
Tribute gifts between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010
In Memory of
Mark Amann
Subie and Phil Green
Nicholas Ardagna
Margaret M. Turner
Arthur P. Vickery
Robert W. and Helen L. Biccum
Robert T. Biccum
Augustus Jason “A.J.” Black
Gwendolyn Black
James Blanchette
Pierce B. and Willie Mae Blanchette
Frank E. Block
Doug, Laurie and Emma Allison
Financial Accounting Foundation
Louise K. Freeman
Sally and Jeff Gray
Nell K. Robinson
George Box
Mr. and Mrs. William Bates
Sara Corley
Wally and Ann Odum
Auralia Crowell
Janis M. Abernathy
Tom and Anita Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bowen
Barrie and Bob Boyd
Meredith and W. G. Daniel, Jr.
Mrs. Robison C. McClure
Virginia and Oscar Persons
Anne M. Peterson
SPX Corporation
Ann M. Speer
Cam Dorsey
Paul and Debbie Anderson
William and Ida Benton
Mr. and Mrs. Norris A. Broyles
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Bunnen
Jane M. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. George Chase
Henry T. Collinsworth
John M. DeBorde III
Mrs. Joyce Ferris
Bob and Betsy Glenn
Subie and Phil Green
May B. and Howell Hollis
Mrs. Mary B. Izard
Marguerite and Frank Owens
Mrs. Catherine T. Porter
Hugh Richardson, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Taratus
Frances M. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Wyant
Faith Young
Sarah Frank
Sam and LuAnne Albert
Mr. and Mrs. C. Ray Cox
Richard (Dick) Freeman
Anderson Family Foundation
Elaine Baker
Preston B. Barnett
Naomi and Myron Bash
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan S. Bean
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hal Clarke
Gwendolyn Cleghorn
James L. Collenberg
Jeannette and Scott DePoy
Charlotte P. Ellithorp
Kate Gaboardi and Jerry Dubner
Lucinda Gibson
Anita Gleimer
Subie and Phil Green
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hamilton, Jr.
Ann and James M. Johnson, Jr.
Keep Smyrna Beautiful, Inc.
Karen Kelly and Jonathan Miller
Betty Ann Kennedy
Gail G. Kitchens
Sidney H. Lazard, Sr.
Wade and Robin Lnenicka
Maureen and William A. Lobb II
Mrs. Plant E. Long*
James W. Mahaffey
Vicki Meyer
Robert and Susan Okin
Karen Perry and Kristofer Schleicher
Mrs. Shawn Quinn
Margaret and Robert Reiser
Nell K. Robinson
Elliot and Barbara Steinman
Joan M. Stuart
Sunshine Committee of CVI
Sylvie Treadwell-Merritt and Robert J. Merritt
United States Bridge Federation
Urban Engineers
Bruce and Cathy White
Bill and Donna Woolf
Peter Anthony Gordon
Ellen D. Gordon
Josephine Green
Helen Green
Guide Dog Mike Green
Jean Devero
Daroline Hwilbert-Whilbert
Sunshine Committee of CVI
Beverly and Richard Gruber
Janie G. Yorker
Jane Gulley
Lindsay and Judy Acuff
David Teasley Harman, Sr.
Nan Harman-Dempsey
Lucinda Hastings
Leigh-Anne and Steven J. Spokane
George and Jean Henderson
Frank Love, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Pope III
Gail Huff
Joel P. Bradley
Alison D. Sistrunk
Sissy Johnson
William W. and Beverly S. Beach
Margaret Killebrew
Melissa and Jim Egan
Nobles Lee Killebrew
Jeff and Amanda Wagner
Peter Lindh
Mr. Christopher Lindh
Sharon Mansour
Jim and Myra Kucera
Gayle Poten Martin
Dr. William O. Martin III
Ione M. Murphy
Beth and Michael C. Towers
Martha Niblack
Subie and Phil Green
Michael Ram
Evan and Sara Loft
Janis Robbins
Pat and Jack Wilensky
Emanuel H. Ross
Gloria and Michael Reese
Bill Sewell
Mrs. William A. Sewell
Mary Davis Slafta
Mary Ann and Dick Cook
Edward S. Smith, Sr.
Alice D. Stacey
Linda J. Stacey
Maxie Smith Tope
Judge and Mrs. Ed Threadgill
Helen Trentadue
Sara B. Beard
Ben Brooks
Thomas E. and Carol S. Brooks
Bob and Edie Burke
C. Gallen
Subie and Phil Green
Louis and Anella Monacell
George and Helen Morriss
Ruth B. and Bob Peterman
Cheryl S. Remstedt
Fred and Lucille Skellie
Tracy J. Trentadue
Susan T. Watson
Eloise Woods
Gina Adams
Charlotte S. Ayers
Carol P. Bullock
Stephen D. Crump
Steven and Pamela Dial
Robert and Patricia Erwin
Subie and Phil Green
Health Center Credit Union
Dan D. Maslia
Elaine and Walter Merkel
Tony and Dianne Morgan
John and Ginny Nevins
Frances G. Parker
Patricia and Johnson Sapp
Sunshine Committee of CVI
Bill and Donna Woolf
Wendell L. Watterson, Jr.
Shirley H. Watterson
Tobe and Joseph Weiner
Dorothy Weiner Lavine Memorial Fund
Sarah Woolf
Kathy and Tim Eldridge
Gloria T. and John M. Spencer
Bill and Donna Woolf
Lawson Yow
Subie and Phil Green
Frank W. Virgin
In Honor of
Peter Amann Hopkins
The Cochran Family
Valynda P. Dunn
Charlotte P. Ellithorp
Pam and Ridley Howard
Amy Slack, Julie Schoen and Kat Spivey
Jed Selkowitz
Jerome D. Berman, M.D.
Susan B. Abrams
Bick Cardwell and Peter Amann
Mr. and Mrs. C. Austin Stephens
Scott Blair
Susan E. Hall
Joyce Burnett
Polly S. Williamson
Henry Bush
Lavona Currie
CVI Low Vision Staff
Nancy Jennings
Nat Campbell and John Taylor
MThree Advisory, LLC
Bick Cardwell
Mary Ellen Calhoun
Eliot Codman
Felicia and Anthony J. Caporaso, Sr.
Dr. Brook Corbett
Beth and Lance King
H. William Cohen
Marvin Feinberg
Healthcare Georgia Foundation
My Colleagues at CVI
Dick and Mary Ann Cook
James and Terri Amato
Jeff and Debra Cohen
Maryam Dawod
Intisar Hadeed
Richard DuBow
Jane Mudano
Mike Duffer
Mac and Sima Martirossian
Winifred Ellsworth
Cheryl and Paul D’Amato
Ishola Gaba
Rita Figaro
Jennifer Hamilton
Michael and Judy Hartley
George and Susan Heberton
Henry Hand
Natalie and James Gilmore
Thomas Harbin
Retired Physicians History Book Club
Debbie Hayden
Henry and Carol Nagel
Luke Ellis Healy
Suzanne Brandt
Wayne and Maria Healy
John Holbert
Diana Brown Holbert
Kimberley and Sandra Hulsey
Eli Hummer
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Brittian
Janet, Carole, Brad and Rosemary
June Morgan Willis
Nancy Jennings
Robert Culbertson and Nancy Sharpe
Joyce Burnett’s CVI Retirement
Gail G. Kitchens
Karen Perry and Kristofer Schleicher
Melinda M. Katz
Susan E. Hall
Andy Kauss
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Pritchard, Jr.
Gail Kitchens
Mary A. Binns
Joyce and Bob Burnett
Tom and Amy Mabon
Karen and Richard Parker
Adam Malyala
Ramesh and Srilatha Malyala
Marci Saunders, Reed (Norma) Kramer, Polly Williamson, Peg Bumgardner
Joyce and Bob Burnett
Angie Marshall
Ellen and Duncan Beard
Annie Maxwell
George W. Acey
Claudia Avallone
Annie Maxwell (cont.)
Patty Bartlett
Jeanne Bedell
Kim Bennett
Dr. Jerome D. Berman
Patricia P. Bradley
Deanna Burrows
Mike and Heidi Caldwell
D.D. and Bick Cardwell
Mary Ann and Dick Cook
Que-Anh Cooney
Jae Traina Cosby
Elizabeth H. Daniel
Ellen Doft and Alex Katz
Tanyshia Forehand
Anita Franklin
Fulton County Teachers of the Visually Impaired
Sheila and Lamont H. Glover
Thelma Godwin
John and Helen Gordon
Subie and Phil Green
Lynda and Ben Greer
Sharlene Hamby
Luther M. Hampton
Kathy Harber
Emma A. Harris
Sue Herring
Greg Hogle
Susan Hoy
Nancy and Carl Jakaitis
Nancy Jennings
Ethel Jones
Gwen and Bill Jordan
Jane M. Kuipers
Mrs. Ray P. Lambert
Magnolia Lyons
Annulet M. Medlock
Mickey and Tom Merkel
Lynn and Michael Miller
Betty J. Morrison
Sarah M. Norton
Wally and Ann Odum
Gretchen and Jack Pennybacker
Karen Perry and Kristofer Schleicher
Geraldine Person
Frederick M. Ross
Marci and Jason R. Saunders
Dan, Jennifer and Annabelle Shim
Hal and Linda Simpson
Judge and Mrs. Ed Threadgill
Sylvie Treadwell-Merritt and Robert J. Merritt
Frank W. Virgin
Olivia Maxwell Walker
William J. Whittaker III
Mrs. Leotha Womble
Bill and Donna Woolf
Anne McComiskey
George and Lillian Rothkopf
Anne McComiskey and Raveena Alli
Helene Prokesch
Corbin Allgood McKinnon
Elisabeth T. Allgood
Teri and Kevin McMahon and Family
Melody and T.R. Hainline
Diana Tope
The Thomas Merkel family
Michele R. Waxweiler
Leotha Womble
Midtown Atlanta Rotary Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Dudley L. Moore, Jr. and Family
Pat and Randell Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Bick Cardwell, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. John
Duggan, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burdette, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bradbury, Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Riddle
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Goodsell
Dr. and Mrs. R. Daniel Nable
Ann and John Day
Henry Nagel
Debbie Hayden
Julie G. Neal
Sarah C. Poole
Erma Proctor
Patricia P. Bradley
Susan C. Prutzman
Mrs. Norman R. Blaylock
Margaret H. Murphy
Raveena and CVI clients
Miss Joyce Paris
Stanley and Esther Rawn
Harriett and Jerome Ross
John Rhett
Michael and Anne Deeley Easterly
John and Toni Rhett
Wade and Barbara Copeland
J. Michael Roach, M.D.
George M. Cibik, M.D.
Julie Neal
Nell Robinson
James L. Collenberg
Oran Sarno
Patricia Sarno
David Sawicki
Ivey Sirmans
Chris and Christy Hayes
Anne Skae
John E. Smith II
Jo Taylor
Charlesey W. Brown
Judge and Mrs. Edward Threadgill
Melody and T. R. Hainline
Diana Tope
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Threadgill and family
Diana Tope
Helen Trentadue’s 87th birthday
Clinton Bastin
Burt Vardeman
Col. and Mrs. Irving Schoenberg
John Vinson
Lauren and Mark Lindenbaum
Mark and Liz Schleyer
June Willis and Annie Maxwell
Nell K. Robinson
Dr. Michael Wilson
Drs. Mark and Nancy Weiner
Emily Josephine Worosz
Charles and Jean Grutzius
In-kind Donations
AirTran Airways
American Foundation for the Blind-Regional Office
Associated Builders and Contractors of Georgia
Atlanta Spirit, LLC
Atlantic Wine, Inc.
Ballistic Studios
Baraonda Café Italiano
Angie and Bob Batterson
William W. and Beverly S. Beach
Wilma Bloom
Cathleen and Joe Blumberg
Elizabeth Bouis
Stephen Bracy
Samuel E. Brown, M.D.
Carole Parks Catering
Caroline Budd’s Picture Framing
Renee and Mike Cohn
Community Waste Services
Mary Ann and Dick Cook
Cooper Music
Richard Denny, Jr.
Digital Arts Studio
Ellen Drucker
Jennifer Faulkinberry
Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta
Fifth Group Restaurants
Warren Fleming
Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center
Georgia Aquarium
Ruth Gill
Gordon Biersch Brewery Restaurant
Eddie Hargrave
Griffin Hayes
Lou and Grady Jackson
Laurie and Jason Jeffay
King’s Bridge
Harriet Klosinski
Mr. and Mrs. Jule Kreyling
Cheryl Lee
Karen and Norman Malo
Sheryl and Grayson Mays
Patricia McGhee
Lisa and Keith Mitchell
Kevin Moran
Mr. and Mrs. R. Brand Morgan
George and Helen Morriss
Beth Nathan
Martha Niblack*
Bummie and Sidney Nurkin
Olympus Worldwide Chauffeured Services
Holly Parker
Molly and Scott A. Pastor, M.D.
Michele M. Poirier
Premier Exhibitions
Restaurant Eugene
Lorena Reynolds
Showcase Photo & Video
Six Feet Under Pub & Fish House
Nat and Jerilene Slaughter
John Slemp Photography
Snazzy Linens
Mary Snyder
Social Security Administration
Christa Sommer
Standard Press
Taco Mac - Metropolis
The Reynolds Group, Inc.
The Warren City Club
Tradition Trees
Robert L. Wallace
Michael B. Watters
Anita Zaleski Weinraub
We are grateful to the individuals, foundations, companies and organizations that support the mission of
the Center for the Visually Impaired. We have made every effort to include all donors from July 1, 2009
through June 30, 2010. Please bring any errors to our attention so that we may correct our records. You
may reach Jane Culpepper in the Development office by calling 404-602-4279. We sincerely regret any
omissions or errors that may have occurred.
Board of Trustees 2009 - 2010
John T. Rhett III, Chair
SunTrust Investment Services
J. Scott Mathews III, Vice Chair
Centers for Disease Control
Susan Hoy, Vice Chair
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
H. William (Bill) Cohen, Esq., Vice Chair
Retired, Macey Wilensky Cohen Wittner & Kessler
Mac M. Martirossian, Treasurer
MThreeAdvisory Services, LLC
Larry E. Patrick, Assistant Treasurer
PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
Quill O. Healey II, Secretary
Healey Weatherholtz Properties, LLC
Mary Ann Cook
Community Volunteer
Darryl A. Hicks
Chief of Staff for Fulton County Chairman John H. Eaves
Michael I. Cohn
Faison & Associates
Jennifer Hamilton, CFP
Retired, Independent Financial Planner
Richard A. Kruse III, Esq.
The Coca-Cola Company
Dawn B. McGreevey
Carestream Dental LLC
Susan Currie Prutzman
Community Volunteer/Fund Development
Leslie Fuller Secrest, Esq.
Troutman Sanders, LLP
George W. Acey
Community Volunteer
Joseph F. Ardagna
Tappan Street Restaurant Group, Inc.
James E. Ashworth
AirTran Airways
Angela L. Batterson, Esq.
King & Spalding, LLP
Montague L. (Cosmo) Boyd IV
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
Matthew F. J. Hopkins
SEI Group
George E. Matlock
Matlock Advertising & Public Relations
Rosamarie McHugh, AICP
Bella Casa Designs, LLC
Teri Lynn McMahon, Esq.
Alston & Bird, LLP
R. Brand Morgan
Brand Properties
John S. O’Shea, M.D.
Retired Pediatrician
Roderick Parker, L.M.T., N.M.T.
InnerVision Neuromuscular Center, LLC
Shädé R. Patterson
Allison W. Reid
CNN Advertising
J. Michael Roach, M.D.
Eye Consultants of Atlanta, P.C.
Bryan E. Seas, CPA
AGL Resources, Inc.
Mr. John P. Vinson
Ms. Barbara B. Washington
Washington & Associates
Staff Roster 2009-2010
Susan B. (Subie) Green
Bill Woolf
Senior Vice President
Anisio Correia
Vice President for Programs
Eva Mayhew
Executive Assistant
Administrative & Business Support
Jane Price
Laura Boal
Staff Accountant
Gail Holloway
Senior Accountant
Melissa Imtiaz
James Johnson
Building Superintendent
Alyssa Reiss
Accounting Assistant
Karen Perry
Vice President for Development
Jen Berzinis (began 11/09)
Foundation Relations Manager
Jane Culpepper
Development Database Administrator
Liz Hayes
Director of Marketing
Lauren Lindenbaum
Director of Annual Giving
Empish Thomas
Public Education and Referral Specialist
Teresa Wright (through 10/09)
Director of Foundation Relations
Client Services
Cheryl Blewitt
Sarah Nicholas (through 12/09)
Administrative Assistant
Kay Hawkins
Administrative Assistant (through 12/09)
Intake Counselor (began 1/10)
Lynn Miller
Diabetes Resource Coordinator
Apryle Gates (began 3/09)
Intake Counselor
Molli Monk (through 2/09)
Intake Counselor
Lorenzo Powell (through 12/09)
Intake Counselor
Empish Thomas
Public Education and Referral Specialist
BEGIN Early Childhood Program
Anne VanDeWater McComiskey
Joyce Burnett
Lead Vision Teacher
Leigh Cooper
Administrative Assistant
Jacqueline Howard
Vision Teacher/Music Therapist
Memri Lerch
Family Counselor
Kathryn (Casey) Long
Vision Teacher
Cindy Nash
Vision Teacher
STARS (Social, Therapeutic, Academic and Recreational Services) & Volunteer Services
Annie Maxwell (through 12/09)
Elizabeth Crofton
Assistant Director (5/09 – 12/09)
Director (12/09-5/10)
Lorenzo Powell (began 1/10)
Program Associate/Counselor
Sarah Norton (through 1/09)
Administrative Assistant
Lara Tillery
Administrative Assistant (began 1/09)
Volunteer Services Assistant (began 12/09)
JoAnn Weaver (through 11/09)
Volunteer Services Assistant
The New View Adult Rehabilitation Services
Patricia Ressler-Billion (through 2/10)
Harvey Clark (began 3/10)
Deborah Shimberg
Assistant Director
JoAnna Aldridge-Wilson
Administrative Assistant and Scheduler
Jason Bombelyn
Assistive Technology Instructor
Ernest Burton
Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialist
Abigail Cocanaugher
Vision Rehabilitation Therapist
Diane Colburn
Vision Rehabilitation Therapist
Heather Ferro
Employment/Job Development Specialist
Gwendolyn Ivey
Administrative Assistant
Al Kaufman
Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialist/Independent Living Skills Lead Teacher
Diane Payton
Certified Vision Rehabilitation Therapist
John Rempel
Certified Vision Rehabilitation Therapist/Assistive Technology Instructor
Nell Robinson
Case Manager
Rasheeda Wilkins
Vocational Specialist
Florence Maxwell Low Vision Clinic
Harvey C. Clark
Gina Adams
Low Vision Therapist
Robert L. Elwell, Jr., O.D.
Malika Gibson (through 11/09)
Administrative Assistant
Henry Hand
Low Vision Therapist
Nancy Jennings
Social Worker
Sylvia Mann
Administrative Assistant
Timothy G. Spence, O.D., F.A.A.O.
VisAbility Store
Lisa Pope
Director of Retail Operations
Mickey Merkel
Retail Store Clerk
Frankie Vega (began 6/10)
Retail Store Clerk
Annual Report Cutlines:
Trustee Bill Cohen was a recipient of the 2010 Healthcare Georgia Foundation’s Joseph D. Greene
Community Service Award in recognition of his volunteer work with CVI. He is pictured here with this
wife, Nancy.
Ekiko Reedy and her daughter Davina perform at the BEGIN Wake Up & Sing “Metamorphosis”
STARS student Kenata Davis gets a hug from American Idol star Scott MacIntyre when he paid a special
visit to the after-school program
CVI Trustee Amy Slack, Julie Schoen, and Kat Spivey at the 2010 True Blue Do
Helen Morris and friend at a Macular Degeneration Support Group meeting
CVI volunteer Leotha Womble is presented with the 2010 Barbara B. Rose Volunteer of the Year award by
the Midtown Atlanta Rotary Club
Richard and Cathryn DuBow at the 2010 True Blue Do
Charles Dobbs, John Smith (Smitty) and Lafayette Woods at the 2010 CVI Alumni Club annual hot dog
luncheon fundraising event
STARS student DeAngelo Willis learns to drum during summer camp
CVI graduate Willie Mack uses the Intel Reader at the VisAbility Store
Anne McComiskey, director of CVI’s BEGIN program and CVI Trustee George Acey
Barrow County Georgia State Representative Terry England, Vice Chairman, Appropriations, visits with
BEGIN student Isabel Adler
STARS students Tyzia Brooks, Jasmine Dawson, former STARS Director Annie Maxwell, Ashley Robinson
and Steven Smith at Annie’s STARS retirement party, January 2010
Andreus, a dog with Happy Tails pet therapy program, lets BEGIN camper Kaleb Phelps-Crisp show him
some love
Kathryn Graves, Anne Skae and Nancy Paris at the 2010 Henderson Society dinner
Veronica Sanabani and Jody Laird, members of the Atlanta Alumnae Chapter of Delta Gamma Fraternity
at the 2010 Henderson Society dinner
CVI Board of Trustees President John Rhett, American Idol alum Scott MacIntyre and Toni Rhett at the
2010 Henderson Society dinner. Scott was the featured speaker and performer for the evening
CVI Assistive Technology Instructor John Rempel helps client Henry Nagel
Laura and Cosmo Boyd at the 2010 Henderson Society Dinner
Jennifer and Quill Healey II at the 2010 Henderson Society Dinner
Michelle Plunkett, winner of the 2010 Sarah Woolf Spirit Award, Noble, and her mother Barb Plunkett at
the 2010 CVI Annual Meeting
STARS student Dawlyn Dieudonne tries for a strike at a bowling outing during summer camp
Now’s the Time to Plan
If, as they say, timing is everything, then a two-year window is now open making charitable giving
options once again appealing to taxpayers. According to The Chronicle of Philanthropy, February 24,
2011, “charitable trusts, gift annuities, and other large gifts will get a significant boost this year and next
For several reasons, now may be the perfect time to look into setting up a charitable lead or remainder
trust or a charitable gift annuity, not the least of which is that the opportunity may not exist for long. In
December Congress made big changes to the estate tax for 2011 and 2012 that may very well be
rescinded in 2013. Among the changes was a large increase in the maximum amount an individual can
pass tax-free to his/her heirs without paying a gift tax ($5 million versus the former $1 million). Estate
tax rates were also lowered considerably, from 45 to 35 percent; and Congress extended the provision
that individuals 70 1/2 and older may give charities up to $100,000 tax-free from their individual
retirement accounts.
These changes, coupled with historically low interest rates, are providing many with the impetus to set
up charitable trusts (lead or remainder) or charitable gift annuities. Each vehicle is tailored to provide
attractive options for donors, whether the goal is to receive a lifetime income, provide for heirs, or reduce
the tax burden, all the while benefiting a favorite charity or charities.
Please contact your financial advisor or CVI’s Development department, at (404) 602-4321 if you are
interested in learning more about charitable giving options - and why now might be the right time to
create your CVI legacy.
Cutline: CVI President Subie Green presents Mary Ann Cook with a Legacy Society pin. The Mary Ann and
Dick Cook Legacy Society is named in honor of the Cook’s leadership and generous support in the area of
planned giving.
Our Mission
The mission of the Center for the Visually Impaired is to empower people impacted by vision loss to live
with independence and dignity.
CVI News
Liz Hayes, Editor
Director of Marketing
Empish Thomas, Contributor
Public Education & Referral Specialist
CVI News is available in three alternative formats: electronic mail, large print and CD. To request one
of these formats, please contact Eva Mayhew at 404-875-9011, ext. 4280.
CVI receives 9% of its annual budget from United Way.
739 West Peachtree Street, N.W.
Atlanta, GA 30308
Non-Profit Org.
Atlanta, GA
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