UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AT LITTLE ROCK COLLEGE OF MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE HEALTH SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Course Syllabus Drug Education 3 hours HSCI 3320 Bennie Prince instructor 501-569-3239 I. Course Description: This course is an in-depth study of drug education designed to help teachers, administrators, and other special interest groups present drug education programs. . II. Relationship to the Knowledge Base: As novice students begin to develop a sound philosophy towards better understanding the effects of drugs. The knowledge of the recent and current trends domain are utilized. In this course students begin to acquire the knowledge and skills, which eventually will enable them to function in the pedagogical content knowledge domain. III. Course Objectives: By the end of this course students will be able to: 1. The student will be able to describe recent and current trends in drug abuse in the United States. 2. The student will be able to define terms related to drug use, drug misuse, and drug abuse. 3. The student will be able the role of genetics as related to drug use. 4. The student will be able to discuss the influence of peers on one’s choices about drugs. 5. The student will be able to discuss how drugs affect the nervous system. 6. The student will be able to explain how the body processes drugs. 7. The student will be able to define the categories of drugs of abuse. 8. The student will be able to lead and participate in discussions concerning drugs of abuse. 9. The student will be able to describe different approaches that drug abuse Treatment programs use. 10. The student will be able to explain how law enforcement can be considered both a secondary and a tertiary prevention measure. III. IV. Schedule: Tues./Thurs. 10:50-12:05 Course Outline: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Drugs and Drugs Use in America Determinants of Drug Abuse and Elements of Prevention Neurophysiology: How Drugs affect the Nervous System Pharmacology: How the Body Processes Drugs The Stimulants: Cocaine, the Amphetamines, and the Cathinoid 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. VI. Depressants Narcotics Marijuana Hallucinogens over-the-counter Drugs Prescription Drugs Nicotine The Methylxanthines and Related Compounds Anabolic Drugs Inhalants Alcohol: History, Physiology, Pharmacology Alcohol: Social, Economic and Legal Issues Drug Abuse Prevention: Education and Treatment Drugs and Public Policy Law Enforcement Evaluation A. Class participation 24% or 135 points. Part of your success in college is determined by your prompt and regular class attendance which you will receive 5 points daily throughout the semester. ONLY IF YOU ARE ON TIME TO CLASS. Being prompt is IMPORTANT. You are responsible for any missed classes and getting assignments in on time. There is -10 points for any late work turned in. Ms. Prince is available to discuss your circumstance for missed classes and will decide under which you may or may not make up assignment. NO CELL PHONES IN CLASS. TURN EVERYTHING OFF. UALR CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES WILL BE FOLLOWED. B. 5 (10 pt. assignments) 10% or 50 points. These are listed in course schedule. I will not accept these late. C. 5 Test (50 pts. each) 40% or 250 points. These test are listed in course schedule. You will be able to use your book and presentations. D. Chapter Project 18% or 100 points. I will assign pages in a chapter for you to research & teach to the class. A handout will explain what is expected. E. Final Take Home Exam or Final Project 18% or 100 points. VII. Tentative Course Schedule Jan 13 Tues. – Sign a sheet for bonus points Jan. 15 Thurs. - First Participation pts. day, syllabus discussed Assignment #1 Bring to class a formal definition of drugs, and your personal definition of drugs. Paragraph each. List the top 5 you think are really bad, and the top 5 over the counter drugs you take. Read Ch. 1 Jan. 20 Tues. - Collect Assignment #1 and discuss. Ch. 2 Assignment #2 bring to class an advertisement to buy some drug. Write a paragraph about your thoughts on this. Read Ch. 2 Jan. 22 Thurs – Collect assignment #2 and Discuss Read Ch. 3 Jan. 27 Tues. – Discuss Ch. 3 and review for Test #1 Jan. 29 Thurs. –Test #1 given Read Ch. 4 Bonus test any Student that brings drug-testing technology to class gets bonus points. Feb. 3 Tues. – Collect bonus points? Discuss Ch. 4 Assign Chapter Projects to students. Give out presentation handout. Assignment #3 bring to class an example of drug information found on the web. Compile a list of web sites to find information on drugs the web and a list of what we have in the library on drugs. (at least 10 listings) Take home Test #2 over Ch. 4 Feb. 5 Thurs. – Collect assignment #3 and discuss. Collect Take home exam #2 Discuss Chapter projects questions. We begin next class time in order of pages Assigned in chapter. Feb. 10 Tues. – Chapter 5 Feb. 12 Thurs. – Chapter 6 Feb. 17 Tues. – Chapter 7 Feb. 19 Thurs.– Chapter 8 Feb. 24 Tues. – Chapter 9 Assignment #4 In chapter 5-9 Research and turn into class why we categorize drugs like in the book. Feb. 26 Thurs. – Chapter 10 Review for test#3 over 5,6,7,8,9,and 10 March 2 Tues. – Test #3 March 4 Thurs. – Chapter 11 March 9 Tues. – Chapter 12 March 11 Thurs. – Chapter 13 Assignment #5 Bring to class a research article about the good things on drinking coffee or the opposite. March 16 Tues. Spring Break March 18 Thurs. Spring Break March 23 Tues. – Collect Assignment #5, Chapter 14 March 25 Thurs. – Chapter 15 Review for test #4 Ch. 11,12,13,14,and 15 March 30 Tues. – Test #4 April 1 Thurs. – Chapter 16 Assignment #5 Bring to class information of On the Highway Hero concept in Arkansas. April 6 Tues. Collect #5 last assignment, Chapter 17 April 8 Thurs. – Chapter 18 April 13 Tues. – Chapter 19 April 15 Thurs. - Chapter 20 Review for Test 16,17,18,19,and 20 Take home April 20 Tues.- Collect last test #5 last required attendance day, Give out Take home exam or project. Turn in by Final posting date below. April 22 Thurs. – Final Project Research April 27 Tues. Final Project Research April 29 Thurs. Final Project Research April 30 Friday – Consultation Day May 4 Tues. Final is to be turned into my office by 10:30. VIII. Primary Resource: Drugs: Issues for Today; Pinger, Payne, Hahn. Third Edition Selected Support Resources: not listed. IX. Disabled Students It is the policy of UALR to accommodate students with disabilities, pursuant to Federal and State law. Students who feel they may need accommodations for their disability should contact this instructor during office hours. The chair of the Department offering this course is also available to assist with accommodations. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the Office of Disability Support Services, which is located in the DSC 103, 569-3143.