Project information

M177 Project - Simplex Method versus Interior Point Method and NEOS
Can be done in teams of two students
Due May 2
 To learn about the relative merits of the simplex method (SM) and interior point
methods (IPM) for solving continuous
linear programs by reading articles /
books and by carrying out experiments.
 To gain experience using NEOS or other
web-based sites for solving optimization
 To gain experience with existing
databases of linear programming (LP) and optimization test problems.
 To learn about benchmarking.
A five to ten page report. Your report should be well written with an introduction
(perhaps briefly discussing the importance of a LP), a background section
(briefly discuss some key ideas of SM and IPM), a body (discussing your
investigations and experiments) and a conclusion.
The focus of this project is to determine for continuous linear programming whether IP
methods are faster than simplex methods or whether simplex methods are faster or
whether it depends on the problem. In general I want you to come to a conclusion about
which method you would suggest if initially you knew little about the problem (except
that it is a continuous linear programming problem). Also I want you to make a
suggestion about which approach might be best if you could try out your problem using
both approaches. I don't necessarily want you to recommend a particular routine or
computer package. Rather focus on the question of whether IPM is better or SM better.
This will, however, entail running specific packages that do each
The references mentioned below and other references are a source of information for
your report. Make sure you use your own words in your report (except for occasional
items placed in quotes) and provide citations.
In addition to using the references I want you to carry our some experiments on your own
using the NEOS servers or other sites (see Q8 from reference 4) that will accept and solve
optimizations problems. Note that the demo version of GAMS that you downloaded
earlier in the semester will not be adequate for these experiments since the demo version
can only solve problems of a limited size.
You will need to select problems to run. I would like you to run half a dozen or so
different test problems. A summary of some sources of test problems is in Q4 of
reference 4 above. References 1, 2 and 5 also list test problems. You can find test
problem files to download at, or
at Reference 3, above (which then points to the sites, ).
I would suggest that for most of your tests you download one of the examples mentioned
in reference 2. Examples used in this talk are all continuous (rather than integer)
problems and in addition the results listed in the talk will provide some rough ideas about
how much time the problem may take to run. Perhaps you could try to run an example or
two that are not from that reference.
In choosing samples for benchmarking the size of the problem and the time it takes are
important. Problems that are too small will not be suitable since short run times (a few
seconds or less) cannot be reliably measured. The examples that appear in textbooks are
typically too small for timing purposes. On the other hand you should not choose
problems that are too large and will overtax the NEOS computers. For example do not
choose problems that will take many hundreds of seconds. Test problems such as
dano3mip, dfl001, gen4, ken-18, l30, lp22, nsct2, sgpf5y6, and storm125 from reference
2 should be fine. You might also choose one or two problems that will run somewhat
longer. A choice like nug20 is NOT appropriate (see the times listed in Refence 2).
Remember that you are using someone else's computer when you run programs on NEOS
and it is important not to abuse their offer of free computer time.
Several issues will arise when you download example files for optimization problems. I
will describe these in an appendix. For now let us assume that you have downloaded a
file that you want to run in MPS format, a common input format. Suppose for example
we have dowloaded dfl001.mps (third letter “el” not one). A description of how to get
dfl001.mps is in the appendix.
To run an example in mps format using NEOS go
click on "NEOS Solvers" and then click on "Linear Programming". Next click on "MPS"
for one of the six solvers (BPMPD, Clp, Mosek, PCx, Xpress-MP/Barrier or XpressMP/Simplex) that accepts MPS format. For example you might choose XpressMP/Simplex. There are several ways to submit a problem to NEOS but I find the WWW
Form to be the easiest way. To use this now click on "WWW Form". After doing this
click on "Browse" and browse your hard drive to locate the file dfl001.mps or other mps
file and choose the file. Many of the test problems are large and you probably want to
also click the box "Suppress the solutions" if it is available. If you would like the results
emailed to you type in your email address. This is optional. Next click on "Submit".
Information about the waiting queue and the current jobs executing will appear. Your job
may take seconds if the NEOS servers are not busy or potentially a number of minutes or
perhaps overnight, depending on the current load.
When the problem is finished you will get output on the web screen similar to:
NEOS Server Version 4.0
Job# : 520834
Solver : Xpress-MP/SIMPLEX
Start : 03/21/2005 17:19:38
End : 03/21/2005 17:21:07
Host :
Reading Problem DFL001
Problem Statistics
6072 ( 0 spare) rows
12230 ( 0 spare) structural columns
41873 ( 0 spare) non-zero elements
Global Statistics
0 entities
0 sets
0 set members
Obj Value
Sum Inf
Uncrunching matrix
Optimal solution found
Finished calling XPRESS-SIMPLEX solver: no errors.
The exact output that you will get depends on the solver chosen. The information that we
want to know from this output is the time required. One way to get this is by subtracting
the reported end time from the start time. For this problem we get
17:21:07-17:19:38 (hours:min:sec) = 1:29 (min:sec) = 89 seconds
This technique should work for any solver that you choose. In addition some solvers will
have a separate report the time required. In the above run the time reported by XpressMP/SIMPLEX was 84 seconds which is in reasonably close agreement with the 89
seconds calculated above. The goal of your experiments is to get times for a number of
different examples and two or more solvers. Note that a separate submission of
dfl001.mps to Xpress-MP/Barrier required
17:26:11-17:23:30 (hours:min:sec) = 2:41 (min:sec) = 161 seconds
For this example the Xpress-MP simplex based code was somewhat faster than the
Xpress-MP interior point method code.
I should note that sometimes after you submit a problem the queues are backed up and
you may not want to wait on line for the run to finish. If you write down the job number
and password you can later go to the web site and use the job number and password to retrieve the completed
results. I am not sure how long they keep the results.
In choosing your solvers you want to choose one that is an interior point method and
another that is a simplex method. Solvers that labeled “barrier” are interior point
methods. One natural choice is to choose to compare Xpress-MP/Barrier and XpressMP/Simplex. However I hope that some of you try other methods. You will have to look
for documentation about a method to determine if it is an IPM or SM. Some of the
solvers include alternatives that are either IP methods or simplex methods and for these
you will need to try to determine what the default selection is again by looking at
In addition to the run times you should note if anything strange happen, for example if an
optimal solution is not found or errors are reported In comparing two approaches one
wants to look at the reliability of the approaches as well as the speed. Try to summarize
your data in a table that clearly illustrates the relative times of your various examples for
several solvers and that notes any problems that may have arose.
There are some cautions that you must keep in mind when doing benchmark tests like
this one.
 One concern is that you may be sharing the computer assigned with other jobs or
users. This will potentially affect the run times. Ideally one would choose to use
a computer where you were the sole user. However for NEOS use one does not
have that option. One way to partly overcome this problem would be to try your
runs at a time when there are few users ( 2 am ?) or to try repeated runs at
different times and take an average. I don’t suggest extensive use of the later
approach since we don’t want to overuse the NEOS servers. However you could
try to repeat a few runs to see the variation.
 Another possibility on NEOS is that the same example might be assigned
different computers when comparing your IPM method and SM for that example.
It may not be fair to compare run times for different computers. One way to
reduce this possibility is to submit the problem for the SM and IPM at nearly the
same time, perhaps by using two different browser windows. The hope would be
that NEOS would assign them to the same computer. You can tell the computer
used by checking the host name in the NEOS final output. For the dfl001
example above the host was “Host :” for both
the simplex method and the barrier method. Therefore it is fair to compare these
 Another concern is that the time required by a particular method depends very
much on the programming details of the code used. One implementation of the
simplex method (or IPM method) could be much faster than another
implementation depending on the coding details. One way to partially overcome
this problem would be to try lots of different solvers for each approach and
choose the average time or perhaps the best times. This is not practical for this
project. However I do hope that some of you report on more than one solver for
the simplex method or more than one solver for IP methods.
 A fourth concern relates to the options and parameter that can be chosen for any
solver. By tweaking these parameters one could potentially speed up the code for
a particular problem. For this project may rely on the default parameters.
You may not be able to overcome all these difficulties in this project. Do the best you
can without overusing the NEOS servers. Comment on any limitations that appear in
your times and interpret your results “with a grain of salt.” Base your final conclusions on
the existing published results as well as your runs.
Web Sites and References:
1. H. D. Mittelmann, "Benchmarking Interior Point LP/QP Solvers", Opt. Meth.
Software 12, 655-670 (1999)
2. H. D. Mittelmann, "An Independent Evaluation of Continuous LP Codes"
3. H.
4. Optimization Technology Center, "Linear Programming Frequently Asked
5. Readme file from the Netlib collection of optimization problems
6. The optimization software guide and other information at NEOS
7. The performance links page at
8. Look for other references using google, (, google scholar
(, MathSciNet ( ), the SJSU
Library (??), etc. To use MathSciNet from off campus you may need the
username "spartans" and password "analyze"
Note: I hope that you can find and use at least one relevant reference from 7 or 8.
Appendix: Downloading test example files (a long story):
There are many different input formats used to describe optimization models
Some of the most common input formats are AMPL, GAMS and MPS. There is a
brief overview of MPS format in Q5 of reference 4. The choice of the input
format limits the NEOS solvers that can be used (see ). MPS is the format that is usually
used in the sites containing data sets mentioned above and therefore, I expect, that
you will usually want to use MPS input format. However apparently the site has many of these same examples in AMPL
format and the GAMS web site
has many of the same examples in GAMS input format. Finally I should note that
there are facilities to translate between different formats. See or search internet for mps2gms or
mps2gams. Due to these translation services and the existing translations of
standard examples the various optimization input formats are not quite a tower of
Many of the files that you download will be in compressed format. Typically you
will need to download the file to your hard drive by right clicking on the file name
and uncompressing it after it is downloaded. As an example, from the site one can right click on
adlittle.gz (which is a relatively small LP problem) and save it to your hard drive.
Often the files are compressed simultaneously by two different techniques (gzip
and emps or bzip2 and emps). Here is a description of how to uncompress the file
once it is downloaded.
o gzip format ( .gz extension) -- This is a standard form of compression.
There are a number of ways to uncompress a gzipped file:
 Depending on your browser settings a gzipped file may be
automatically uncompressed by your browser (you can tell if the
file is readable or at least partly readable when you try to view it).
 If not you can download the file (often by right clicking on the file
and saving the file to your hard drive). Standard utilities for
uncompressing files can then be used to uncompress the file. Two
common such utilities are PowerDesk and Winzip. If you do not
have these or similar utilities you can use google to search for
them. I believe PowerDesk can be downloaded for free and that
Winzip can also be downloaded for free but asks for money after a
while. With either of these utilities you need to open the file in the
utility and then choose the extract button (which is behind the
archive button in PowerDesk) to uncompress the file.
 If you don’t want to use Powerdesk or Winzip there is a standalone
at . At this site you can download the file
gzip124xN.exe by right clicking on "self-extract" in the "Windows
9x/NT/2000/ME/XP in zip or self-extract format" option . Next
install the gzip.exe program by using Windows explorer to move
to the folder containing the file gzip124xN.exe and then double
clicking on the gzip124xN.exe file. After this installation the
program called gzip.exe can be used to uncompress a gzipped file
using command line (DOS window) style commands. The gzip.exe
program and the file to be unzipped should be in the same folder.
Open a DOS window by clicking Start and run. Type cmd and
click ok. Use the command line cd command to move to the
proper folder ("cd .." to move up a folder, "cd folder_name" to
move down a folder and "drive:" to change disk drives where
"drive:" is typically "c:" or "d:").
Now type "gzip –dc
file_name.gz > file_name" to uncompress the file. For example
"gzip –dc adlittle.gz > adlittle" will uncompress adlittle.gz and
names the uncompressed file adlittle (with no extension).
o bzip2 format (bz2 extension) -- This is a less common form of
compression and standard utilities such as PowerDesk or Winzip may not
work. I put a copy of bunzip2.exe, a utility that I found on the web that
at . This is a command line
(DOS style) program. The bunzip2.exe program and the file to be
unzipped should be in the same folder. Open a DOS window by clicking
Start and Run. Type cmd and click ok. Use the command line cd
command to move to the proper folder ("cd .." to move up a folder, "cd
folder_name" to move down a folder and "drive:" to change disk drives
where "drive:" is typically "c:" or "d:"). Now type "bunzip2 <
file_name.bz2 > file_name" to uncompress the file. For example "bunzip2
< neos1.bz2 > neos1" will uncompress neos1.bz2 and names the
uncompressed file neos1 (with no extension). Note that you can get
neos1.bz2 from the site .
o emps format -- This is a compressed format that is specific to
optimization problems stored in mps format. Standard decompression
utilities such as Winzip and PowerDesk will not work. I put a copy of
emps.exe, a utility that I found on the web that uncompresses emps files,
on my web site at . This
is a command line (DOS style) program. The emps.exe program and the
file to be uncompressed should be in the same folder. Open a DOS
window by clicking Start and Run. Type cmd and click ok. Use the
command line cd command to move to the proper folder ("cd .." to move
up a folder, "cd folder_name" to move down a folder and "drive:" to
change disk drives where "drive:" is typically "c:" or "d:"). Now type
"emps < file_name > file_name.mps" to uncompress the file. For example
"bunzip2 < neos1 > neos1.mps" will uncompress neos1 and names the
uncompressed file neos1.mps Note that you can get neos1 by first
copying neos1.bz2 from the site and
following the instructions for uncompressing bz2 files.
o Note that for most or all of the mps files at the web sites mentioned above
one needs to decompress the file with both gzip and emps or with both
bunzip2 and emps. The reason for this is clear when we compare the file
sizes (adlittle.gz and neos1.bz2 are discussed above and the file dfl001.gz
is at ):
Recompressed Recompressed
compressed compression compression
with zip
with gzip
2.0 kb
3.7 kb
16.8 kb
2.7 kb
2.7 kb
177 kb
345 kb
1,432 kb
244 kb
241 kb
1,083 kb
3,535 kb
16,096 kb
1,930 kb
2,094 kb
The compressed files are much smaller.
Note that some of these files become large – neos1.mps is 16 megabytes!! In order to
upload these to NEOS you may need a fast internet connection. For example you might
try a connection in one of our on campus labs. I was successful in uploading neos1.mps
in several minutes from my office. You can gzip or zip a file and submit the zipped file.
NEOS will automatically decompress them for you.
(see ). Apparently NEOS will not successfully
decompress files that have been emps compressed . If you want to upload a file that has
emps compression you will first need to uncompress the file completely, as described
above. After this, prior to uploading to NEOS, you may want to recompress the file in
zip or gzip format (and not emps) using gzip.exe or a utility like Winzip or PowerDesk.