Rio de Janeiro, August 6, 2010 Consumption remains high in the second quarter IR Contacts Total consumption increased 5.2%, Net Revenue 10.0% and EBITDA 44.6% in 2Q10 João Batista Zolini Carneiro CFO and IR Officer Total energy consumption in 2Q10 was 5.2% higher Renato Rocha Planning and IR Superintendent free and captive markets both grew substantially by 22.2% Gustavo Werneck IR Manager Phone: +55 (21) 2211-2650/ 2660 Fax: +55 (21) 2211-2787 E-mail: than in the same last year period, totaling 5,498 GWh. The and 2.9%, respectively. In 1H10, total growth amounted to 7.4%; Consolidated net revenue in the quarter totaled R$1,400.7 million, 10.0% above 2Q09, mainly due to the 5.2% increase in total energy consumption between the periods. In 1H10, net revenue totaled R$2,995.0 million, 10.5% above 1H09;1 Consolidated EBITDA in the quarter was R$319.1 million, 44.6% higher than in 2Q09, primarily reflecting the healthy Conference Call Date: 08/10/2010 Time: 11:00 AM (Brazil) 10:00 AM (US ET) Phone Numbers: Brazil: +55 (11) 4688-6361 USA: +1 (888) 700 0802 market performance during the period and the reversal of a regulatory provision of R$ 53.4 million. The 2Q10 EBITDA margin was 22.8%, compared to 17.3% in 2Q09. EBITDA in 1H10 reached R$631.4 million, 10.8% more than 1H09; Net income in the quarter totaled R$98.3 million, 19.1% below the R$121.4 million recorded in 2Q09. First-half net income came to R$218.8 million. The Company closed 2Q10 with a net debt of R$1,805.2 million, 18.5% and 9.6% above the figures at the end of Other Countries: +1 (786) 924 6977 March 2010 and June 2009, respectively. Despite of the Simultaneous translation into English Collections in the last 12 months reached 98.1% of billed debt increase, net debt/EBITDA ratio stood at 1.4x. consumption, 0.4 p.p. below and 0.7 p.p. above the rates posted in March 2010 and June 2009, respectively. Webcast: (Portuguese and English) Operational Highlights (GWh) Grid Load* Billed Energy - Captive Market Consumption in the concession area1 Transported Energy - TUSD1 Sold Energy - Generation Commercializated Energy (Esco) Financial Highlights (R$ MM) Net Revenue EBITDA EBITDA Margin Net Income Net Debt** 2Q10 8,194 4,755 5,498 1,522 1,428 219 1,401 319 22.8% 98 1,805 2Q09 Var. % 7,537 8.7% 4,619 2.9% 5,228 5.2% 1,144 33.0% 1,168 22.3% 107 104.1% 1,273 221 17.3% 121 1,647 10.0% 44.6% -19.1% 9.6% 1H10 17,832 10,185 11,585 2,999 3,114 433 2,995 631 21.1% 219 1,805 1H09 Var. % 16,356 9.0% 9,621 5.9% 10,786 7.4% 2,323 29.1% 2,430 28.1% 208 107.9% 2,711 570 21.0% 290 1,647 10.5% 10.8% -24.5% 9.6% * Captive market + losses + network use ** Financial Debt - Cash To preserve comparability with the market approved by Aneel in the tariff adjustment process, the billed energy of free consumers Valesul, CSN and CSA was excluded, in view of these customers’ planned migration to the core network. Energy consumption by these clients totaled 450 GWh in 2Q10 and 395 GWh in 2Q09. 1 Release Segmentation Light S.A. is a holding company that controls wholly-owned subsidiaries pertaining to three business segments: electricity distribution (Light SESA), electricity generation (Light Energia) and electricity commercialization/services (Light Esco and Lightcom). In order to improve the transparency of its results and to provide investors with a better basis for evaluation, Light also presents its results by business segment. Operating Performance Distribution Total energy consumption in Light SESA’s concession customers + area Electric Energy Consumption (GWh) Total Market (Captive + Free) (captive transport of 5,2% free customers2) came to 5,498 GWh in 2Q10, a 5.2% both markets, 743 609 22,2% year-on-year increase, driven by the performance of 5,498 5,228 especially 4,755 4,619 the 2,9% substantial increase in free market 2Q09 consumption. Captive Free 2Q10 In the first half, total energy consumption was 11,585 GWh, 7.4% higher than in the same 2009 period, mainly fueled by the free market and residential segment, which grew 9.5%, 3.6 p.p. higher than residential segment growth in the Southeast region. According to the Energy Research Corporation (EPE), total consumption in Electric Energy Consumption (GWh) 2st Quarter 2.9% 4,619 4,755 7.0% 1.9% 1,862 1,992 -7.8% 459 Residential 1.6% 1,477 1,505 822 423 Industrial Commercial 2Q09 835 Others Total 2Q10 To preserve comparability with the market approved by Aneel in the tariff adjustment process, the billed energy of free customers Valesul, CSN and CSA were excluded, in view of these customers’ planned migration to the core network. Energy consumption by these clients totaled 450 GWh in 2Q10 and 395 GWh in 2Q09. 2 the Southeast and Brazil as a whole increased by 10.7% and 9.9%, respectively, over 1H09. If the consumption of the free clients CSN, Valesul and CSA is taken into account, total billed consumption came to 5,948 GWh² in 2Q10 and 12,456 GWh in 1H10. Captive Market In 2Q10, billed consumption in the captive market grew by 2.9% over 2Q09, especially due to the excellent performance of the residential segment, which soared by 7.0%. The average temperature in the second quarter of 2010 was 0.7ºC below the average for the same 2009 period, therefore, the upturn in consumption cannot be explained exclusively by the average temperature. The increase in residential consumption is explained by the improvement in economic conditions in Light’s concession area, a reflection of higher income, the expansion in client base and easier access to home appliances. Residential consumption accounted for 41.9% of the captive market in 2Q10. The number of billed residential clients grew by 1.9% to 3.72 million in June 2010, with an average monthly consumption of 178.6 kWh, compared to 170.0 kWh in the same last year period. The commercial segment, which consumed 1,505 GWh, represented 31.7% of captive market consumption, 1.9% above 2Q09. The performance of this segment was affected by migrations to the free market that took place between the two periods; when excluded, commercial consumption would have grown by 4.6%. Only in 2Q10, one client with average monthly consumption of 6 GWh in the period migrated to the free market. Industrial clients, who represent 8.9% of the captive market, consumed 423 GWh, 7.8% below 2Q09, also mainly due to interim migrations to the free market. Excluding these, growth would be 7.3%, underlining the industrial segment’s recovery. Two clients with average monthly consumption of 10 GWh in the period migrated to the free market. The other categories, which accounted for 17.6% of the captive market, grew 1.6% from 2Q09. The rural, government and public service categories, which represented 0.3%, 7.6% and 5.8% of the captive market, respectively, recorded positive performances. In 1H10, the captive market’s billed consumption totaled 10,185 GWh, 5.9% higher than in 1H09, mainly due to the substantial increase in residential consumption, which grew by 9.5%. In contrast with other previous periods, the upturn in consumption cannot be explained exclusively by the average temperature, which was virtually identical to the first six months of last year. Consequently, the increase shows the economic growth of Light’s concession area and the rebound in the economic development of Rio de Janeiro. Network Usage 3 Billed Electric Energy Transportation - GWh Free Customers + Concessionaires customers3 33.0% 45.4% 609 1,144 535 totaled upturn in billed energy transported to free the activities of major industrial consumers Concessionaires 2Q09 concessionaires free over-year basis. The substantial 22.2% and Free to clients can be explained by the recovery in 778 743 and transported 1,522 GWh in 2Q10, 33.0% up on a year- 1,522 22.2% energy 2Q10 Total the clients migrations to migrations the had free been of captive-market market. If these excluded, billed energy transported to free clients would have increased by 4.3%. In addition to the free market, the flow of energy to concessionaires bordering Light’s area grew by 45.4% between the periods due to dispatch by the National Electric System Operator (ONS). In 1H10, network usage totaled 2,999 GWh, 29.1% up year-onyear. Energy Flow DISTRIBUTION ENERGETIC BALANCE - GWh Position: January - June 2010 PROINFA Residential 4,407.9 232.2 CCEAR Light Energia 163.6 ITAIPU (CCEE) 2,675.8 Billed Energy 10,184.7 Own load Light 13,906.2 Commercial 3,207.0 Required E. (CCEE) 14,091.1 AUCTIONS (CCEE) 7,336.0 NORTE FLU (CCEE) 3,150.1 Losses + Non Billed Energy 3,721.6 Basic netw. losses Adjustment Industrial 872.4 Others 1,697.4 272.0 (87.2) OTHERS(*) (CCEE) 533.4 (*) Others = Purchase in Spot - Sale in Spot. To preserve comparability with the market approved by Aneel in the tariff adjustment process, the billed energy of free customers Valesul, CSN and CSA were excluded, in view of these customers’ planned migration to the core network. Energy consumption by these clients totaled 450 GWh in 2Q10 and 395 GWh in 2Q09. 3 Energy Losses losses the grid load, in the 12 months ended 21.23% 21.50% 21.82% 21.98% 21.59% 14.93% 15.22% 15.40% 15.56% 15.23% 7,513 amounted to 7,513 GWh, or 21.59% of 7,504 energy 7,269 total 7,005 SESA’s 6,929 Light Light Losses Evolution 12 months Jun-09 sep/09 dec/09 Mar-10 Jun-10 June 30, 2010, 0.39 p.p. below the end-of-March ratio. GWh Losses % Losses / Grid Load (Own + Trans) Non-technical losses % Grid Load As of November of 2009, non-technical losses began to be disclosed for billed energy in the low-voltage market in compliance with the change mandated by ANEEL in its definitive tariff adjustment approved last October. This change is more concessionaire’s Non tecnical losses / Low Voltage market 12 months operations since it is precisely in the low-voltage market where non- 41.8% this methodology, non-technical losses, which in the 12 months through June 2010 4,874 technical losses are found. Following totaled 5,300 Energy Balance (GWh) = Grid Load - Energy transported to utilities - Energy transported to free customers* = Own Load - Captive market consumption Low Voltage Market Medium Voltage Market - Losses + Non Billed Energy Jun-09 42.3% 42.0% of GWh, sep/09 dec/09 Mar-10 Jun-10 "Non tecnical Losses % Low Voltage Mkt" 2Q10 8,194 778 1,259 6,157 4,755 3,067 1,687 1,402 the 2Q09 7,537 535 931 6,071 4,619 2,899 1,720 1,452 Var.% 8.7% 45.4% 35.3% 1.4% 2.9% 5.8% -1.9% -3.4% 1H01 17,832 1,599 2,327 13,906 10,185 6,656 3,529 3,722 1H09 16,356 1,158 1,980 13,218 9,621 6,148 3,473 3,597 Recovered Energy GW low-voltage market (15.23% of the grid load), fell by 0.7 75.7 0.6% 76.1 p.p. from losses in 1Q10. Conventional energy recovery processes, such as the negotiation of amounts owed by customers, where fraud has been detected, resulted in the recovery of 76.1 GWh in 1H09 1H10 1H10, in line with the same last year period. Fraud regularization programs yielded a total of 39,766 normalized clients in 1H10, 8.4% below 1H09. Conventional Normalized Costumers 43,398 energy recovery 42.0% "Non Tecnincal Losses (GW)" *Including CSN, Valesul and CSA representing 42.7% 42.5% 5,300 the 5,313 with 5,149 line 4,958 in -8.4% 39,766 initiatives were stepped up this quarter, marking the 1H09 1H10 Var.% 9.0% 38.0% 17.5% 5.2% 5.9% 8.3% 1.6% 3.5% beginning of efforts to catch up following the delays in the loss prevention program caused by outages during the summer. In addition to conventional actions, there was further progress in regards to new technologies through the reinstallation of electronic meters certified by Inmetro. At the close of June, nearly 12,000 meters with billing through remote electronic metering had been reinstalled. In terms of network protection, nearly 57,000 clients were covered in 1H10, in line with our target of reaching 87,000 by year-end. Collection The 2Q10 collection rate exceeded 100% of the billed total, reaching Colletion rate R$ MM Billing Collection Collection Tax 2Q10 2,109 2,141 101.5% 2Q09 1,986 2,054 103.4% 1H10 4,414 4,347 98.5% 1H09 4,162 4,037 97.0% 101.5%, 1.9 p.p. below 2Q09, due to the greater concentration Collection Rate per Segment of collections in 2Q09 as a result of the economic crisis, which caused a delay in bill payments at 112.2% 111.7% 102.1% the 101.8% 101.3% 98.9% beginning of 2009, especially in the retail segment. Major and Retail Large Customers government clients continued to record high collection rates, 2Q09 Public Sector 2Q10 Collection rate 12 months moving average of above 100%. 98.5% 98.1% The collection rate for the past 12 97.4% 97.2% 97.3% Jun-09 Sep-10 Dec-10 months was 98.1% of total billed consumption, 0.7 p.p. above June 2009 and 0.4 p.p. below March 2010. In 2Q10, Provisions for Past Due Accounts (PPD) totaled R$75.3 million, representing 3.8% of gross Mar-10 Jun-10 billed energy. As a result, and according to provisioning related to the criteria, past due sector’s provisions bills PDD/Gross Revenue (Billed Sales) 3.8% 3.5% of 2.9% residential clients are constituted 90 days after the due date, this result can be explained by the following factors: (i) the reduction 2Q09 1Q10 2Q10 in the number of disconnections due to the focus of the Company’s technicians on operating quality as a result of the summer outage problems; (ii) substantial billed energy in the previous quarter, which impacted the provisioning of higher bills in 2Q10; (iii) higher billed energy growth in the retail segment, which has a lower collection rate. R$ Million PDD Provisions for Past Due Accounts 2Q10 2Q09 Var 1H10 1H09 75.3 66.5 13.1% 138.8 126.4 Var 9.8% Operating Quality Ensuring high levels of quality in the supply of electricity is an essential part of establishing a good relationship between the distribution company and its clients. The problems it faced last summer led Light to further intensify its distribution improvement investment plan. In 1H10, the Company invested R$69.2 million in an effort to improve the quality of its electricity supply business and to increase the capacity of its distribution network, that is 40.3% more than the R$49.3 million invested in the same last year period. Among these improvements, it is particularly worth mentioning the replacement of 112.5 km of conventional cable with space cable (medium and low-voltage compact network), compared to 46.8 km in 2Q09. At the end of June, the equivalent length of interruption indicator (DEC), expressed in hours, registered 11.63 hours for the last 12 months, while the equivalent frequency of interruption indicator (FEC), expressed in occurrences, stood at 6.24 times. The first half of the year was characterized by adverse weather conditions, including 1,075 mm of rainfall, 80% more than in the same last year period, and higher-than-normal summer temperatures, which resulted in strong load growth. Most of the service interruptions occurred in areas served by underground networks, which are more complex and therefore take longer to repair, thereby increasing the DEC. ELC / EFC - 12 Months ELC 9,13 6,97 6,03 6,24 EFC Jun/10* jun/09 jun/08 ELC – Equivalent Length of Interruption per Consumption Unit (hs) EFC – Equivalent Frequency of Interruption per Consumption Unit (n.) * Excludes the effects of the occurrence on the National Interconnected System on 11/10/09 11,35 11,63 Generation Energy sold on the captive (ACR) and free (ACL) markets totaled 1,007.2 GWh and 103.1 GWh, respectively, in 2Q10, below 0.6% and 14.3%, respectively, from the same 2009 period due to the seasonality of contracts in effect since 2010. The 843.6% increase in the energy volume sold in the spot market in 2Q10 was primarily caused by two factors: (i) the increase in hydroelectric generation within the National Interconnected System, which generated more secondary energy for settlement in the CCEE; and (ii) the booking procedures of the CCEE, which failed to deduct the energy consumed by pumps in 2Q10, totaling 182.1 GWh, which will be reversed in the coming periods, although no specific date has been fixed as yet. First-half sales totaled 3,113.7 GWh, 28.1% up on a year-over-year basis, driven by spot market sales, as explained above. LIGHT ENERGIA (GWh) 2Q10 2Q09 Regulated Contracting Environment Sales 1,007.2 1,013.6 1H10 1H09 -0.6% Free Contracting Environment Sales 103.1 Spot Sales (CCEE) Total 318.1 1,428.4 % 2,051.7 2,053.2 % 120.3 -14.3% 188.6 206.3 -8.6% 33.7 843.6% 873.4 170.8 411.3% 1,167.7 22.3% 3,113.7 -0.1% 2,430.3 28.1% Commercialization and Services In 2Q10, Light Esco and Lightcom sold 219.0 GWh directly, increasing 104.1% on year-over-year basis. This increase is a result of the commercialization company’s increased availability to resale energy compared to the same 2009 period, as well as the expansion of the sales contract portfolio, including, for example, Owens Illinois, BR Metals and MD Papéis. Commercialization activity involved a total of 73 clients. In addition to direct sales, Light Esco also continued to provide consulting services and represent free customers before the CCEE. These activities involved 9 clients and operations totaling 700.8 GWh in 2Q10, including consulting services on behalf of two plants suffering commercial start-up delays since January 2010. Esco’s 13 ongoing service contracts included three new projects this quarter: (i) the upgrading of the cooling tower for the Santos Dumont Business Center, a client that had previously undertaken another project with Light Esco; (ii) the retrofit of the cooling system for a business center in the south side of Rio de Janeiro city; and (iii) the construction of an aerial network and interconnection with a medium voltage substation for a small hydropower plant which is being built in the interior of Rio de Janeiro state. In 1H10, Light Esco traded 1,849.5 GWh, 159.0% up on 1H09. Volume (GWh) Trading Broker Total 2Q10 219.0 700.8 919.8 2Q09 107.3 262.0 369.3 Var.% 104.1% 167.5% 149.1% 1H10 432.8 1,416.7 1,849.5 1H09 208.2 505.8 714.0 Var.% 107.9% 180.1% 159.0% Financial Performance Net Revenue Consolidated In 2Q10, consolidated net operating revenue totaled R$1,400.7 million, up 10.0% from 2Q09, mainly impacted by the performance of the distribution and commercialization segments, which increased by 8.8% and 91.0% on a year-overyear basis, respectively. Net Revenue (R$ MM) Distribution Billed consumption Non billed energy Network use (TUSD) Short-Term (Spot) Others Subtotal (a) 2Q10 1,211.5 (47.8) 124.9 10.1 10.9 1,309.7 2Q09 1,144.3 (47.4) 85.5 7.7 13.5 1,203.5 Var. % 5.9% 0.8% 46.1% 32.2% -18.8% 8.8% 1H10 2,588.4 (51.3) 246.9 10.1 21.5 2,815.7 1H09 2,387.3 (20.3) 172.6 7.7 26.0 2,573.3 Var. % 8.4% 152.8% 43.1% 32.2% -17.3% 9.4% Generation Generation Sale(ACR+ACL) Short-Term1 Others Subtotal (b) 67.7 3.9 1.4 73.1 66.8 5.3 1.3 73.4 1.4% -25.8% 5.8% -0.5% 135.1 9.8 2.7 147.6 131.9 10.5 2.7 145.1 2.4% -6.9% 2.7% 1.7% Commercialization Energy Sales Others Subtotal (c) 22.8 13.6 36.4 16.6 2.5 19.1 37.5% 450.8% 91.0% 44.7 24.5 69.2 30.1 6.9 37.0 48.5% 257.2% 87.2% 10.0% 2,995.0 Others and Eliminations (d) Total (a+b+c+d) (18.4) 1,400.7 (1) Balance of the settlement on the CCEE (22.7) 1,273.3 (37.6) (44.5) 2,710.9 10.5% Distribution Net revenue from distribution was R$1,309.7 million in 2Q10, 8.8% above 2Q09, mainly due to the significant growth in energy consumption in the free and captive markets, which grew by 22.2% and 2.9%, respectively. In the captive market, the residential segment led the growth rate with an increase of 7.0% and accounted for 46% of total captive market revenue. It is also worth noting that 2Q09 net revenue included Parcel A Electric Energy Consumption (GWh) - Captive 2Q10 (RTE) billing, which ended in June 2009, Others 18% totaling R$56.3 million. It is important 835 to point out that the end of Parcel A billing does not affect the result since the effect was offset by the 1,992 1,505 423 Commercial 32% Industrial 9% Residential 41% amortization of non-manageable costs. In addition, in 2Q10, there was a negative impact of R$8.3 million from the signing of the concession contract amendment in February 2010, which changed the way in which the sector charges are passed through to electricity rates. Excluding non-recurring effects in both quarters, net revenue in 2Q10 was 14.9% above 1Q09. In 1H10, net revenue from distribution amounted to R$2,815.7 million, up 9.4% from 1H09, mainly due to the substantial increase in captive and free market consumption. Generation Net revenue from generation totaled R$73.1 million in 2Q10, in line with the R$73.4 million recorded in 2Q09. The reduction in the energy sales in the captive and free markets, due to contract seasonality, was fully offset by the increase in the sale energy prices. Short-term market revenue fell by 25.8% from 2Q09, mainly due to an adjustment made by CCEE in the amount of R$2.1 million related to revenue booked in 1Q10. If this amount had been excluded, revenue from the short-term market would have increased by Net Revenue by Class- Captive R$ MM - 2Q10 14.1% as a result of the larger volume sold this quarter. The average spot Others 14% market price in 2Q10 was R$40.68, 168 compared to R$42.10 in 2Q09. In 1H10, net revenue amounted to R$147.6 million, up 1.7% from 1H09, mainly due to the adjustments to the captive market energy sale contracts. Commercialization and Services 562 385 Commercial 32% 97 Industrial 8% Residential 46% Net revenue from commercialization and services totaled R$36.4 million in 2Q10, 91.0% above 2Q09, mainly due to the 37.5% upturn in electricity trading revenue, in turn caused by the 104.1% increase in sales volume and the larger number of projects in the service portfolio, especially Petrobras’ CENPES project. First-half net revenue amounted to R$69.2 million, 87.2% more than in 1H09, resulting from: (i) the 48.5% increase in electricity trading revenue, due to the 107.9% upturn in the volume of energy sold; and (ii) the growth of contract brokerage and the provision of services, such as substations, water-cooling systems, the construction of aerial transmission grids, etc. Costs and Expenses Consolidated Consolidated Operating Costs and Expenses In 2Q10, operating costs and expenses grew by 2.8%, driven mainly by costs and expenses incurred by the distribution and commercialization businesses, which increased by 3.0% and 70.3%, respectively, from 2Q09. Operating Costs and Expenses (R$ MM) Distribution Generation Commercialization Others and Eliminations Consolidated 2Q10 1,125.6 25.2 26.8 (17.1) 1,160.5 2Q09 (%) 1,092.6 3.0% 31.6 -20.3% 15.7 70.3% (11.1) 53.9% 1,128.8 2.8% 1H10 2,436.2 59.0 57.7 (34.1) 2,518.8 1H09 2,219.7 64.7 30.9 (22.1) 2,293.1 (%) 9.8% -8.8% 86.8% 54.6% 9.8% Distribution In 2Q10, distribution costs and expenses grew by 3.0% on a year-over-year basis, as shown in the table below, mainly due to the 6.9% increase in non-manageable costs and expenses, despite the 8.5% reduction of manageable costs and expenses. Costs and Expenses (R$ MM) Non-Manageable Costs and Expenses Energy Purchase costs Purchased Energy Formation Energy CVA Costs with charges Charges Formation Charges CVA Amortization CVA Others (Mandatory Costs) Manageable Costs and Expenses PMSO Personnel Material Outsourced Services Others Provisions Depreciation Total Costs and Expenses 2Q10 (872.4) (634.7) (626.2) (8.5) (159.0) (171.8) 12.7 (75.2) (3.5) (253.2) (144.7) (50.8) (5.7) (74.5) (13.8) (36.0) (72.4) (1,125.6) 2Q09 (816.0) (647.2) (722.2) 74.9 (124.0) (125.2) 1.2 (39.3) (5.5) (276.6) (121.7) (46.2) (3.0) (61.9) (10.6) (85.0) (69.9) (1,092.6) (%) 6.9% -1.9% -13.3% 28.2% 37.2% 989.6% 91.2% -35.7% -8.5% 18.9% 10.0% 87.7% 20.4% 29.9% -57.6% 3.7% 3.0% 1H10 (1,887.0) (1,396.2) (1,292.3) (104.0) (325.6) (352.3) 26.8 (158.3) (6.9) (549.3) (277.3) (95.2) (10.7) (147.2) (24.2) (129.3) (142.7) (2,436.3) 2H09 (1,690.8) (1,327.7) (1,457.7) 130.0 (271.4) (286.2) 14.9 (80.6) (11.1) (528.9) (238.4) (93.4) (6.9) (115.2) (22.9) (150.6) (140.0) (2,219.7) Var. % 11.6% 5.2% -11.4% 20.0% 23.1% 80.0% 96.5% -38.0% 3.9% 16.3% 1.9% 55.3% 27.8% 5.7% -14.1% 1.9% 9.8% Non-manageable Costs and Expenses In 2Q10, non-manageable costs and expenses totaled R$872.4 million, 6.9% above the same last year period, mainly due to the increase in costs for charges and transmission. Energy purchase costs decreased by 1.9% from 2Q09, mainly due to the reduction in the average cost of purchased energy combined with stable purchased energy volume, despite Purchased Energy - R$ MM 2nd Quarter consumption growth in the concession area. 1% primarily exchange rate due to devaluation 626.2 22% Energy purchase costs declined by 13.3%, 722.2 22% 33% 32% the of 12.4%, which reduced the Realdenominated tariffs of Itaipu and 43% 46% 2Q09 2Q10 AUCTIONS 0% NORTE FLU ITAIPU SPOT UTE Norte Fluminense (Norte Flu). Costs for charges and transmission grew by 28.2% from 2Q09, mainly driven by charges, particularly the System Service Charges (ESS), as a result of the higher dispatch of thermoelectric plants this quarter, and network usage charges, which increased by R$13.4 million. A Purchased Energy - GWh 2nd Quarter significant part of this increase had already been included in the 2009 tariff adjustment, and another part is included in the formation of the CVA, which was negative by R$2.3 million due to the February 2010 concession contract amendment, 2% - 6,507 6,505 22% 21% 24% 24% 52% 53% 2Q09 2Q10 AUCTIONS NORTE FLU ITAIPU SPOT 2% - PROINFA which altered the way in which sector charges are passed through to electricity tariffs. The average purchased energy cost, excluding spot market purchases, amounted to R$98.73/MWh in 2Q10, down 10.41% from R$110.20/MWh recorded in 2Q09. In 1H10, non-manageable costs and expenses totaled R$1,887.0 million, up 11.6% on a year-over-year basis. Purchased energy costs increased by 5.2%, reflecting higher purchased energy volume this year, while charges increased by 20.0%. Manageable Costs and Expenses In 2Q10, manageable operating costs and expenses (personnel, materials, outsourced services, provisions, depreciation and others) totaled R$253.2 million, down 8.5% from 2Q09, due to the 57.6% reduction in provisions, impacted by nonrecurring events totaling nearly R$44.3 million. Costs and expenses from staff, equipment, services and others (PMSO) amounted to R$144.7 million in 2Q10, up 18.9% from R$121.7 million recorded in 2Q09. This increase was primarily due to the non-recurring impact of electricity outages, especially due to the storms in April, which pushed up costs and expenses from outsourced services (emergency services and call center) by R$4.7 million, and inspections and repairs in underground chambers by R$1.0 million, in addition to other costs and expenses from the rent of generators totaling R$2.7 million. The increase in personnel costs and expenses was primarily a reflection of the 5.3% pay rise following the collective bargaining agreement in the quarter. Provisions (for past due accounts, contingencies and others) declined by R$49.0 million, mainly as a result of the reversal of provisions totaling R$53.4 million due to the dismissal of the Aneel’s administrative suit concerning the classification of consumers under the subsidize social tariff between 2002 and 2006. That amount was partially compensated by two regulatory fines, following the first Aneel’s technical/operational inspection in May 2009, which resulted in a fine of R$5.0 million, and the second from the violation of the DEC and FEC quality indicators in 2009, totaling R$4.1 million. The constitution of R$75.3 million in provisions for past due accounts in 2Q10 represented 3.8% of gross billed energy, compared to R$66.5 million, or 3.5% of gross revenue, in the same last year period. Manageable costs and expenses totaled R$549.3 million in the first half, 3.9% more on a year-over-year basis. Generation In 2Q10 Light Energy’s costs and expenses amounted to R$25.2 million, down 20.3% from 2Q09, mainly due to the 65.9% decline in costs with CUSD/CUST (distribution/transmission system usage), due to the elimination of charges for the use of the core network as of July 2009. Costs and expenses in 2Q10 were broken down as follows: CUSD/CUST (14.7%), personnel (17.7%), materials and outsourced services (14.6%), and depreciation and others (53.0%). PMSO per MWh in the quarter came to R$12.09/MWh, compared to R$12.55/MWh in 2Q09. In 1H10 Light Energy’s costs and expenses totaled R$59.0 million, 8.8% below 1H09, mainly due to the 69.3% reduction in CUSD/CUST. Operating Costs and Expenses - R$ MM Personnel Material and Outsourced Services Purchased Energy (CUSD) Depreciation Others (includes provisions) Total 2Q10 (4.5) (3.7) (3.7) (6.2) (7.2) (25.2) 2Q09 Var. % (4.9) -8.9% (3.2) 14.5% (10.8) -65.9% (6.1) 1.9% (6.6) 8.4% (31.6) -20.3% 1H10 (9.1) (7.5) (7.2) (12.2) (23.1) (59.0) 1H09 Var. % (8.8) 3.1% (6.6) 12.2% (23.3) -69.3% (12.2) 0.2% (13.7) 68.6% (64.7) -8.8% Commercialization and Services In 2Q10 commercialization costs and expenses totaled R$26.8 million, 70.3% more than in the same last year period, mainly driven by the cost of purchased energy, which grew by 43.2% on a year-over-year basis due to the strong growth in the volume of resold energy. The result was further impacted by the increase in costs with materials and outsourced services related to ongoing projects, especially the construction of the CENPES substation and network as well as the upgrades to the Rede Globo, Iguatemi Mall and Castello Branco Building water-cooling systems. In 1H10, costs and expenses totaled R$57.7 million, an 86.8% increase over last year primarily due to higher costs from purchased energy, materials and outsourced services, in turn reflecting the expansion of trading and service provision activities. Operating Costs and Expenses - R$ MM Personnel Material and Outsourced Services Purchased Energy Depreciation Others (includes provisions) Total 2Q10 (0.7) (6.5) (18.8) (0.2) (0.5) (26.8) 2Q09 Var. % (0.4) 96.0% (2.0) 233.4% (13.1) 43.2% (0.2) 0.0% (0.1) 477.8% (15.7) 70.3% 1H10 (1.4) (17.0) (38.3) (0.3) (0.7) (57.7) 1H09 (0.9) (4.3) (25.2) (0.3) (0.2) (30.9) Var. % 60.8% 294.1% 52.0% 0.0% 289.9% 86.8% EBITDA Consolidated Consolidated EBITDA- R$ MM Distribution Generation Commercialization Others and eliminations Total Margem EBITDA (%) 2Q10 256.5 54.1 9.8 (1.3) 319.1 22.8% 2Q09 180.8 47.9 3.5 (11.6) 220.6 17.3% Var.% 41.9% 12.9% 180.0% -88.7% 44.6% - 1H10 522.2 100.9 11.8 (3.5) 631.4 21.1% 1H09 493.6 92.6 6.4 (22.5) 570.1 21.0% Var.% 5.8% 8.9% 84.8% -84.6% 10.8% - Consolidated EBITDA totaled R$319.1 million in 2Q10, up 44.6% from 2Q09, primarily fueled by the excellent performance of the distribution company due to the year-over- EBITDA per segment* 2Q10 Distribution 80% year increase in free and captive market consumption, in addition to the 2009effects resulting from the tariff adjustment process in Commercialization 3.1% the distributor. The EBITDA margin was 22.8%, 5.5 p.p. Generation 17% *Does not consider eliminations higher than in 2Q09. First-half EBITDA amounted to R$631.4 million, up 10.8% from 1H09, with an EBITDA - 2Q10/2Q09 - R$ Million 44.6% 66 (16) Net Revenue Manageable Costs (PMSO) 48 319 Provisions EBITDA - 2Q10 221 EBITDA - 2Q09 EBITDA margin of 21.1%. Distribution The distribution company’s EBITDA totaled R$256.5 million in 2Q10, 41.9% above the same last year period due to the increase in electricity consumption, which grew by 2.9% on the captive market and 22.2% on the free market, and the effect of the last tariff adjustment, noted in 2009, with the reduction in regulatory EBITDA. The EBITDA margin was 19.6%, 4.6 p.p. above 2Q09. In the first half, the distribution company’s EBITDA amounted to R$522.2 million, 5.8% more than in the first six months of 2009, also mainly driven by healthy electricity consumption in 1H10. The EBITDA margin was 18.5%, 0.7 p.p. below 1H09. Generation Light Energia’s EBITDA increased by 12.9% over 2Q09 to R$54.1 million in 2Q10, mainly due to the 20.3% reduction in operating costs and expenses, impacted by elimination of the charge for the use of the core network as of July 2009. The EBITDA margin was 74.0%, 8.8 p.p. above 2Q09. First-half EBITDA stood at R$100.9 million, 8.9% above 1H09, mainly reflecting the combined effects of the 1.7% increase in net revenue, due to contractual adjustments, and the 8.8% reduction in costs, driven by the elimination of the charge for the use of the core network. The EBITDA Margin in 1H10 was 68.3%, 4.5 p.p. above 1H09. Commercialization and Services Commercialization and services EBITDA totaled R$9.8 million in 2Q10, 180.0% above 2Q09, mainly due to energy sales volume growth from trading and brokerage activities and the increase in service activities. The EBITDA margin was 26.9% in 2Q10. First-half EBITDA amounted to R$11.8 million, up 84.8% from 1H09, with an EBITDA margin of 17.1%. Financial Result - R$ MM Financial Revenues Income - financial investments Monetary and Exchange variation Swap Operations Others Financial Revenues Financial Expenses Interest over loans and financing Monetary and Exchange variation Braslight (private pension fund) Swap Operations Others Financial Expenses Total 2Q10 51.7 12.3 15.3 (0.0) 24.2 (84.3) (59.0) (21.2) (28.9) (0.2) 25.0 (32.6) 2Q09 39.3 10.5 9.1 (7.2) 26.9 (50.8) (47.2) 3.8 (11.3) (2.6) 6.4 (11.5) (%) 31.8% 17.8% 68.7% -10.3% 66.0% 25.2% 156.0% -92.6% 291.0% 182.3% 1H10 96.2 28.7 18.1 0.0 49.3 (226.6) (115.9) (42.8) (67.6) 0.1 (0.3) (130.4) 1H09 85.5 27.9 20.9 (8.3) 45.0 (121.8) (99.1) (10.1) (20.5) (2.6) 10.4 (36.3) (%) 12.4% 3.1% -13.6% 9.6% 86.0% 16.9% 324.4% 230.0% 259.4% Consolidated Financial Result The 2Q10 financial result was a negative R$32.6 million, versus a negative R$11.5 million in 2Q09. This result can be explained by the 66.0% increase in financial expenses, partially offset by the 31.8% increase in financial revenues. Financial revenues totaled R$51.7 million, 31.8% above the same last year period, primarily due to the restatement of tax credits generated by the withdrawal of the LIR and LOI process, which positively impacted the “other financial revenues” line by R$9.6 million. Financial expenses totaled R$84.3 million, 66.0% more than 2Q09, mainly due to: (i) the increased monetary restatement related to the Braslight4 deficit in the amount of R$17.6 million, stemming from the difference in the indexing agents between the periods: 1.53% in 2Q10, versus -0.62% in 2Q09; (ii) the reversal of non-recoverable costs in the amount of R$11.5 million referring to the 4th debenture issue; (iii) fines for the violation of continuity indicators totaling R$4.2 million. In addition, the adhesion of the LIR and LOI process to the REFIS tax repayment program was canceled, which had a positive impact of R$34.4 million on the restatement of interest and fines in the “other financial expenses” line. The 1H10 financial result was a negative R$130.4 million, versus a negative R$36.3 million in 1H09. In addition to the factors mentioned above, this increase was due to the increased monetary restatement related to the Braslight 4 deficit in the amount of R$40.7 million, and the payment of R$13.9 million in IOF (financial operations tax) in connection with the winding up of the offshore company LIR in 1Q10. Financial revenue in 1H10 came to R$96.2 million, up 12.4% from 1H09, and financial expenses amounted to R$226.6 million, up 86.0% on a year-over-year basis. Until May 2009 these were adjusted according to the IGP-DI variation (with a one month lag) and actuarial interest of 6% p.a. Since June 2009, they have been adjusted according to the variation in the IPCA (with a one month lag), which replaced the IGP-DI. 4 Indebtedness R$ MM Brazilian Currency Debenture 4th Issue Debenture 5th Issue Debenture 6th Issue BNDES FINEM (CAPEX) CCB Bradesco Working Capital - ABN Amro Financial operations "Swap" Others Foreing Currency National Treasury Import Financing Short Term 601.7 0.0 86.7 299.9 94.3 30.0 82.7 5.6 2.3 15.1 14.4 0.7 % 23.7% 0.0% 3.4% 11.8% 3.7% 1.2% 3.3% 0.2% 0.1% 0.6% 0.6% 0.0% Long Term 1,835.8 0.1 835.5 616.8 24.3% 1,918.1 Gross Debt Cash Net Debt (a) Braslight (b) Net Regulatory Asset (c) Adjusted Net Debt (a+b-c) 93.6 20.5 546.1 450.0 0.0 4.0 82.3 82.3 878.2 (106.5) % Total 72.4% 2,437.4 0.0% 0.1 33.0% 922.3 299.9 21.5% 640.4 17.8% 480.0 82.7 0.0% 5.7 0.2% 6.3 3.2% 97.4 3.2% 96.7 0.7 % 96.2% 0.0% 36.4% 11.8% 25.3% 18.9% 3.3% 0.2% 0.2% 3.8% 3.8% 0.0% 75.7% 2,534.8 729.7 1,805.2 971.7 (86.0) 2,862.9 100.0% The Company closed 2Q10 with gross debt of R$2,534.8 million, 3.9% more than at the end of the previous quarter, mainly as a result of the new R$121.2 million BNDES loan for 2009-2010 CAPEX disbursed in June 2010. In a year-over-year basis, the gross debt increased by 14.3%, or R$317.8 million, reflecting the period’s funding operations, especially: (i) the sixth debenture issue, whose R$300.0 BNDES total million; loans impact and totaling (ii) Net Debt (ex-Braslight) (R$ million) was new 1,647.4 1,523.8 Jun-09 Mar-10 R$286.1 1,805.2 million. Jun-10 Net debt amounted to R$1,805.2 million, 18.5% more than the previous three months, mainly due to the reduction in the cash position caused by the payment of R$432.3 million in dividends in April 2010. On June 30, 2010, the net debt/EBITDA ratio was 1.4x. The Company’s debt has an Indebtedness (Brazilian Currency x Foreign) average term to maturity of 3.3 years. The average cost of Real-denominated debt 5.1% 4.3% 3.8% 94.9% 95.7% 96.2% Mar-10 Jun-10 was 10.9% p.a., 1.1 p.p. more than that at the close of March 2010, while the average cost of foreign-currency debt (US$ +5.3% p.a.) remained flat. At Jun-09 Brazilian Currency Foreign Currency the end of June, only 3.8% of total debt was denominated in foreign currency and, considering the FX hedge horizon, only 2.3% of this total was exposed to foreign currency risk, 0.2 p.p. below March 2010. Light’s hedge policy consists of protecting cash flow falling due within the next 24 months (principal and interest) through the use of non-cash swap instruments with premier financial institutions. Net Income Light posted net income of R$98.3 million in 2Q10, 19.1% below 2Q09, mainly due to: (i) EBITDA growth as a result of the strong performance of the captive and free markets; (ii) the recognition in 2Q10 of provisions for taxes related to the LIR and LOI process, which were removed from the REFIS program, and the recognition of tax credits totaling R$118.4 million in 2Q09; (iii) other operating revenues totaling R$10.8 million referring to the sale of land; and (iv) higher financial expenses. First-half net income amounted to R$218.8 million, versus R$289.7 million in 1H09. Net Income - 2Q10 R$ Million (21.0) 98.5 121.4 (110.7) 98.3 10.0 2Q09 EBITDA Financial Result Taxes Others 2Q10 Capital Expenditures The Company invested R$249.0 CAPEX (R$ MM) million in 1H10, R$98.4 million of which in of 203.9 and transmission 17.4 (new connections, the distribution networks development 1.9 11.8 172.8 22.1% 249.0 0.7 43.1 11.7 193.5 capacity increases and repairs); R$37.4 million improvements and in quality 2Q09 preventive maintenance efforts; and R$50.0 Distribution Administration 2Q10 Generation Commercial. million in network protection, electronic meters and fraud regularization. Generation investments totaled R$43.1 million, R$34.1 million of which refers to the new generation projects and R$25.9 million of this to the Paracambi SHP project In 2010 Light intends to invest R$706 million to be allocated as follows: R$513 million to distribution, R$117 million to generation (R$84 million of which to new projects) and R$76 million to administration and other businesses. Generation Capacity Expansion Projects 2Q10 was marked by the following events related to projects for expanding Light’s generating capacity: • Construction of the Paracambi SHP, which began in November of 2009, is well under way, with the signing of a BNDES financing contract expected in the second half of the year. • Construction of New Feeder 1, part of the Lajes SHP water channeling system, is under way and scheduled for completion in November 2010. • The basic engineering project of the Itaocara hydroelectric project is currently being analyzed by ANEEL, and the environmental studies are awaiting approval from IBAMA, so that the Company can move ahead with the environmental licensing process, which includes the holding of public hearings and the subsequent issue of preliminary and installation licenses, conditions that must be met before the project can be implemented; • The two wind energy projects acquired at the beginning of the year, located in Aracati (CE) and with total installed capacity of 31 MW, were registered with the EPE to take part in the Reserve and Alternative Sources energy auctions to be held on August 25 and 26. • In addition to these projects, the Company is considering participating in several other generation undertakings, aiming to increase its installed generating capacity. Cash Flow R$ MM Cash in the Beginning of the Period (1) Net Income Provision for Delinquency Depreciation and Amortization Net Interests and Monetary Variations Braslight Atualization / provisions reversal Others Net Income Cash Basis Working Capital Regulatories (CVA e Bubble) Contingencies Taxes Others Cash from Operating Activities (2) Dividends Payment Finance Obtained Debt Service and Amortization Financing Activities (3) Share Participations Concession Investments Assets Alienation Investment Activities (4) Cash in the End of the Period (1+2+3+4) Cash Generation (2+3+4) 2Q10 915.4 98.3 75.3 78.8 52.7 28.8 (37.4) 40.2 336.6 8.4 50.0 (27.2) 32.6 (46.9) 353.5 (432.3) 131.9 (99.6) (400.1) (152.0) 12.9 (139.2) 729.7 (185.7) 2Q09 736.3 121.4 66.5 76.1 45.9 11.3 18.4 (54.8) 284.8 37.2 68.7 (34.9) 28.9 (25.7) 359.0 (407.9) 101.3 (91.4) (398.0) (128.9) 1.2 (127.7) 569.6 (166.6) 1H10 828.4 218.8 138.8 155.2 105.5 61.1 (7.7) 20.8 692.5 (144.0) 148.6 (59.0) 4.9 24.8 667.8 (432.3) 881.9 (939.6) (490.1) 6.4 (296.3) 13.6 (276.4) 729.7 (98.7) The Company closed 2Q10 with a cash position of R$729.7 million, up R$160.1 million from the same last year period. In the quarter, cash flow was negative by R$185.7 million, mainly due to the payment of R$432.3 million in dividends in April. Cash flow before the dividend payments was R$246.6 million, R$241.2 million more than that generated in the same last year quarter. In terms of financing activities, the result was in line with the same last year quarter. The net result between funding and amortizations was R$22.4 million above 2Q09, and was offset by the R$24.5 increase in dividend payments. Cash allocated to investing activities increased by R$11.5 million on a year-overyear basis, primarily due to the greater volume of investments planned for 2010. Corporate Governance and the Capital Markets On June 30, 2010, the capital stock of Light S.A. comprised 203,934,060 common shares with no par value. Controlling Shareholders 52,13% CEMIG Companhia Energética de MG AGC Andrade Gutierrez Concessões LEPSA LUCE Empreendimentos Participações S.A. RME Rio Minas Energia 13,03% 13,03% 0,53% 25,53% Free Float 47,87% BNDESPAR EDFI MINORITÁRIOS 24,91 % 22,96 % LIGHT S.A (Holding) 100% LIGHT Serviços de Eletricidade S.A 100% 100% 100% 100% LIGHT Energia S.A. LIGHT ESCO Prestação de Serviços S.A. LIGHTGER S.A. ITAOCARA Energia Ltda 100% 100% LIGHTCOM LIGHTHIDRO Comercializ. Ltda de Energia S.A. 100% INSTITUTO LIGHT 51% AXXIOM Soluções Tecnológicas S.A. The following chart represents Light’s shareholding structure on the same date: On April 1, 2010, Light S.A. paid dividends of R$432.3 million relative to the fiscal year 2009, equivalent to R$2.12 per share. The resolution on the payment of dividends was made at the Annual and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting (AGOE) held from March 22 to March 24, 2010. The Company’s Board of Directors meeting held on April 9, 2010: (i) ratified the names of the executive officers of Light S.A. and Light SESA, appointed by the AGOE; (ii) elected Mr. Sérgio Alair Barroso as Chairman and Mr. Aldo Floris as ViceChairman of the Board of Directors of Light S.A. and Light S.E.S.A. On June 11, 2010, Light S.A. executed a Private Instrument of Onerous Assignment BOVESPA (spot market) - LIGT3 Daily Average Number of shares traded (Thousand) Number of Transactions Traded Volume (R$ Million) Quotation per shares: (Closing)* Share Valuing (Quarter) IEE Valuing (Quarter) Ibovespa Valuing (Quarter) *Ajusted by earnings 2Q10 689.08 1,521 $15.0 $21.02 -12.7% -0.6% -13.4% 1Q10 857.17 1,785 $21.8 $24.07 0.5% -0.4% 2.6% 2Q09 286.26 691 $6.9 $24.37 21.5% 22.1% 25.8% of Shares and Other Covenants, through which it acquired a total of three million, six hundred and seventy-two thousand (3,672,000) common shares issued by Axxiom Soluções Tecnológicas S.A. (“Axxiom”), a corporation headquartered in the city of Nova Lima, in the state of Minas Gerais, whose corporate purpose is to provide technology solutions and systems for the operational management of public utility concessionaires, including electric power companies. The shares acquired by the Company correspond to fifty-one percent (51%) of Axxiom’s capital stock. The acquisition price was three million, nine hundred and seventy-five thousand, six hundred and thirty-six reais (R$3,975,636.00). Light x Ibovespa x IEE Base jan/09 = 100 until 07/30/2010 200 180 160 2009 IEE 59% IBOV 83% LIGT3 34% 2010 IEE IBOV LIGT3 2% -2% -8% 80% Ibovespa 63% IEE 140 23% Light 120 100 80 60 R$/share 02/01/09 30/07/10 19,25 22,00 De c0 Ja 8 n0 Fe 9 bM 09 ar -0 Ap 9 rM 09 ay -0 Ju 9 n0 Ju 9 lAu 09 g0 Se 9 p0 O 9 ct -0 No 9 vDe 0 9 c0 Ja 9 nFe 1 0 b1 M 0 ar -1 Ap 0 rM 10 ay -1 Ju 0 n1 Ju 0 l-1 0 40 Recent Events: On July 7, 2010, the risk rating agency Moody’s Investors Service reaffirmed Light S.A.’s Ba1 local currency corporate rating and Aa2 Brazilian National Scale corporate rating, both with a stable outlook. It also maintained the Ba1 local currency rating and the Brazilian National Scale rating for the 6th offering of unsecured debentures with a two-year term, issued on the local market on June 1, 2009 by the subsidiary Light SESA. On July 22, 2010, the risk rating agency Standard & Poor’s reaffirmed the br.A+ Brazilian National Scale rating, with a stable outlook, for Light SESA, as well as for the latter's 5th and 6th debenture issues. Disclosure Program Schedule Teleconference 08/10/2010, Tuesday, at 11:00 a.m. (Brazilian Time) and at 10:00 a.m. (NY Time), with simultaneous translation to English Access conditions: Webcast: link on site (portuguese and english) Conference Call - Dial number: Brazil: (55) 11 - 4688-6361 USA: +1 (888) 700 0802 Other countries: +1 (786) 924 6977 Access code: Light APIMEC SP 08/18/2010, Wednesday, 8:30 a.m at Renaissance Hotel APIMEC Porto Alegre 09/09/2010, Thursday, 6:00 p.m at Sheraton Hotel Disclaimer The information on the Company’s operations and its Management’s expectations regarding its future performance has not been revised by independent auditors. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties. These statements are based on the beliefs and assumptions of our Management and on information currently available to the Company. Statements about future events include information about our intentions, beliefs or current expectations, as well as those of the Company's Board of Directors and Officers. Reservations related to statements and information about the future also include information about operating results, likely or presumed, as well as statements that are preceded by, followed by, or including words such as "believes," "might," "will," "continues," "expects," "estimates," "intends," "anticipates," or similar expressions. Statements and information about the future are not a guarantee of performance. They involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions because they refer to future events, thus depending on circumstances that may or may not occur. Future results and creation of value to shareholders might significantly differ from those expressed or suggested by forward-looking statements. Many of the factors that will determine these results and values are beyond LIGHT S.A.'s control or forecast capacity. APPENDIX I LIGHT SESA Operating Revenue Deductions from the operating revenue Net operating revenue Operating expense Operating result EBITDA Equity equivalence Financial Result Other Operating Incomes Other Operating Expenses Result before taxes and interest Net Income EBITDA Margin 2Q10 2,124.0 (814.4) 1,309.7 (1,125.6) 184.1 256.5 (23.4) 10.8 171.5 68.2 19.6% 2Q09 % 1,981.2 7.2% (777.7) 4.7% 1,203.5 8.8% (1,092.6) 3.0% 110.9 65.9% 180.8 41.9% (16.4) 42.1% 1.6 (4.3) -100.0% 91.8 87.0% 99.4 -31.4% 15.0% - 1H10 4,507.3 (1,691.6) 2,815.7 (2,436.2) 379.5 522.2 (111.1) 10.8 (0.2) 279.0 169.6 18.5% LIGHT ENERGIA Operating Revenue Deductions from the operating revenue Net operating revenue Operating expense Operating result EBITDA Equity equivalence Financial Result Other Operating Incomes Other Operating Expenses Result before taxes and interest Net Income EBITDA Margin 2Q10 83.3 (10.2) 73.1 (25.2) 47.9 54.1 (9.9) 38.0 24.3 74.0% 2Q09 83.1 (9.7) 73.4 (31.6) 41.8 47.9 4.7 0.4 46.9 31.4 65.2% % 0.2% 5.8% -0.5% -20.3% 14.4% 12.9% -19.1% -22.5% - 1S10 169.3 (21.7) 147.6 (59.0) 88.7 100.9 (20.7) 67.9 44.0 68.3% 1S09 % 165.5 2.3% (20.4) 6.3% 145.1 1.7% (64.7) -8.8% 80.5 10.2% 92.6 8.9% (1.4) 1379.7% 0.4 79.4 -14.5% 52.4 -16.1% 63.8% - COMMERCIALIZATION Operating Revenue Deductions from the operating revenue Net operating revenue Operating expense Operating result EBITDA Equity equivalence Financial Result Other Operating Incomes Other Operating Expenses Result before taxes and interest Net Income EBITDA Margin 2Q10 44.4 (8.0) 36.4 (26.8) 9.6 9.8 0.1 9.7 5.9 26.9% 2Q09 23.3 (4.3) 19.1 (15.7) 3.3 3.5 0.2 3.5 2.3 18.3% % 90.1% 86.1% 91.0% 70.3% 188.2% 180.0% -34.5% 177.6% 159.5% - 1S10 82.8 (13.6) 69.2 (57.7) 11.5 11.8 0.5 12.1 7.6 17.1% 1S09 45.9 (8.9) 37.0 (30.9) 6.1 6.4 0.4 6.5 4.1 17.3% Statement of Income by Activity - R$ million 1H09 4,223.7 (1,650.4) 2,573.3 (2,219.7) 353.6 493.6 (36.1) 7.7 (5.1) 320.0 254.8 19.2% % 6.7% 2.5% 9.4% 9.8% 7.3% 5.8% 207.6% 41.3% -95.2% -12.8% -33.5% - % 80.3% 51.5% 87.2% 86.8% 89.1% 84.8% 39.0% 86.1% 83.0% - APPENDIX II Statement of Consolidated Income Consolidated - R$ MM OPERATING REVENUE DEDUCTIONS FROM THE REVENUE NET OPERATING REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSE Personnel Material Outsourced Services Purchased Energy Depreciation Provisions Others 2Q10 2,233.3 (832.5) 2Q09 2,064.9 (791.6) % 8.2% 5.2% 1H10 4,721.8 1H09 4,390.6 % 7.5% (1,726.8) (1,679.7) 2.8% 1,400.7 1,273.3 10.0% 2,995.0 2,710.9 10.5% (1,160.5) (56.8) (8.1) (82.5) (873.1) (78.8) (37.1) (24.0) (1,128.8) (62.7) (6.5) (63.9) (811.9) (76.1) (85.0) (22.8) 2.8% -9.3% 25.0% 29.1% 7.5% 3.6% -56.3% 5.4% (2,518.8) (107.8) (16.9) (166.4) (1,888.1) (155.2) (138.7) (45.7) (2,293.1) (124.8) (10.9) (122.7) (1,683.8) (152.4) (150.6) (47.9) 9.8% -13.6% 54.5% 35.6% 12.1% 1.8% -7.9% -4.6% OPERATING RESULT(¹) 240.3 144.5 66.3% 476.3 417.7 14.0% EBITDA (²) 319.1 220.6 44.6% 631.4 570.1 10.8% FINANCIAL RESULT Financial Income Financial Expenses (32.6) 51.7 (84.3) (11.5) 39.3 (50.8) 182.3% 31.8% 66.0% (130.4) 96.2 (226.6) 1.9 (4.3) 467.8% - 10.84 (0.24) Other Operating Incomes Other Operating Expenses 10.8 - (36.3) 259.4% 85.5 12.4% (121.8) 86.0% 8.0 (5.1) 35.1% -95.2% RESULT BEFORE TAXES AND INTEREST 218.6 130.6 67.4% 356.5 384.3 SOCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS & INCOME TAX DEFERRED INCOME TAX PLR (67.0) (45.9) (7.3) (74.0) 71.7 (6.9) -9.4% 6.9% (116.5) (11.4) (9.8) (107.6) 27.1 (14.1) 8.3% -30.5% 218.8 289.7 -24.5% NET INCOME 98.3 121.4 -19.1% -7.2% (¹) Operation Result, Administration vision = Operating Result, accounting norms (Item 1.9.7 of Notice CVM – 01/2007) + financials (net financial expenses + equity pick-up). (²) EBITDA = Operating Result, Administration vision + depreciation and amortization. Not reviewable by the external audit. (*) The consolidated financial statements include the Light S.A. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. These financial statements were eliminated from equity consolidated companies, the balances of receivables and payables, revenues and expenses between the companies. APPENDIX III Consolidated Balance Sheet Consolidated Balance Sheet - R$ MM ASSETS Circulating Cash & Cash Equivalents Credits Inventories Others Non Circulating Realizable in the Long Term Miscellaneous Credits Others Investments Net Fixed Assets Intangible Total Assets LIABILITIES Circulating Loans and Financing Debentures Suppliers Taxes, Fees and Contributions Dividends to pay Provisions Others 06/30/2010 03/31/2010 2,923.6 3,334.7 729.7 915.4 1,980.0 2,131.7 20.2 26.0 193.7 261.6 6,105.5 1,342.0 1,046.2 295.8 6,104.1 1,411.1 1,152.8 258.3 22.7 4,460.1 280.7 19.3 4,394.0 279.7 9,029.0 9,438.8 06/30/2010 03/31/2010 1,947.4 2,103.0 230.1 209.9 386.7 94.3 493.8 549.9 207.6 147.5 0.0 432.3 164.7 177.2 464.5 491.9 Non Circulating Long-Term Liabilities Loans and Financing Debentures Provisions Debt with Related Parties Others 3,988.0 3,988.0 1,082.4 835.6 637.9 0.1 1,432.1 4,340.4 4,340.4 985.7 1,149.4 692.3 0.0 1,513.0 Shareholders' Equity Realized Joint Stock Capital Reserve Legal Reserve Profits Retention Accumulated Profit/Loss of Exercise 3,093.6 2,225.8 0.0 134.0 515.0 218.8 2,995.4 2,225.8 0.0 134.0 515.0 120.6 Total Liabilities 9,029.0 9,438.8 APPENDIX IV Regulatory Assets and Liabilities REGULATORY ASSETS R$ MM Customers, Concessionaires and Permissionaires Tariff Readjustment - TUSD (included in the tariff) Prepaid Expenses CVA Other Regulatories Total Short Term Long Term 06/30/2010 03/31/2010 06/30/2010 03/31/2010 2.5 1.1 2.5 1.1 85.5 167.5 78.7 44.6 68.5 134.1 78.7 44.6 17.0 33.4 88.1 168.5 78.7 44.6 REGULATORY LIABILITIES R$ MM Suppliers (54.2) Free Energy - Net (54.2) Regulatory Liabilities (13.4) Part A (6.2) CVA (1.2) Other Regulatories (6.0) Provision for Regulatory Liabilities - TUSD Provision for Regulatory Liabilities - Energy Overcontracting (d) Provision for Regulatory Liabilities - Neutrality of Part A (e) Total (67.6) TOTAL 20.5 (54.2) (54.2) (25.9) (12.1) (2.2) (11.6) (80.1) 88.5 (185.2) (55.6) (5.8) (95.2) (28.6) (185.2) (106.5) (149.6) (34.5) (97.4) (17.7) (149.6) (105.0) Light in Figures OPERATING INDICATORS Nº of Consumers (thousand) Nº of Employees Average provision tariff - R$/MWh Average provision tariff - R$/MWh (w/out taxes) Average energy purchase cost¹ - R$/MWh Installed generation capacity (MW) Assured Energy (MW) Net Generation (GWh) Load Factor ¹Includes purchase on spot 2Q10 4,028 3,730 408.2 277.6 98.7 855 537 1,301 64.2% 2Q09 3,956 3,734 411.9 282.9 110.2 855 537 1,309 65.7% Var. % 1.8% -0.1% -0.9% -1.9% -10.4% -0.6% - Light S.A. Report of independent auditors on special review of the Quarterly Information (ITR) June 30, 2010 (A translation of the original report in Portuguese, as filed with the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) containing quarterly information prepared in accordance with the regulations issued by CVM) Review Report of Independent Auditors (A translation of the original report in Portuguese, as filed with the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) containing quarterly information prepared in accordance with the regulations issued by CVM) To the Board of Directors and Shareholder’s of Light S.A. Rio de Janeiro - RJ 1. We have reviewed the accounting information included in the Quarterly Information - ITR of Light S.A. (“The Company”) and in the consolidated Quarterly Information of the Company and its subsidiaries for the quarter ended June 30, 2010, comprising the balance sheet, the statements of income, of changes in shareholders’ equity and of cash flows, the explanatory notes and the management report which are the responsibility of its management. 2. Our review was performed in accordance with the review standards established by the IBRACON - Brazilian Institute of Independent Auditors and the Federal Council of Accountancy - CFC, which comprised, mainly: (a) inquiries and discussions with the persons responsible for the Accounting, Financial and Operational areas of the Company and its subsidiaries, as to the main criteria adopted in the preparation of the Quarterly Information; and (b) reviewing information and subsequent events that have or may have material effects on the financial situation and operations of the Company and its subsidiaries. 3. Based on our review, we are not aware of any material changes that should be made to the accounting information contained in the Quarterly Information aforementioned for it to be in accordance with the accounting practices adopted in Brazil and the standards issued by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission - CVM, applicable to the preparation of the Quarterly Information. 4. As mentioned in Note 2, CVM has approved, throughout 2009, several accounting pronouncements, interpretations and orientations issued by the Accounting Pronouncements Committee (CPC), which are effective for 2010, and change the accounting practices adopted in Brazil. As permitted by Deliberation CVM nº 603/09, Company’s Management opted to present its Quarterly Information using the accounting practices adopted in Brazil as of December 31, 2009, and therefore not applying those Standards in force for 2010. As required by Deliberation CVM nº 603/09, the Company has disclosed in note 2 this fact, the description of the main changes which may impact its financial statements for the year ending, and the reasons which did not allow to present estimate of possible effects on the 30 shareholders’ equity and statement of income, as required by the aforementioned Deliberation. 5. The financial statements of Fundação de Seguridade Social Braslight for the three-month period ended March 31, 2010, were examined by other independent auditors whose opinion, dated May 6, 2010, includes an emphasis paragraph regarding the balance of R$138,593 thousand related to tax credits arising from the Entity’s tax court case which was successful in obtaining a final and non-appealable decision, which, according to the Management’s forecast, will allow them to utilize these credits to offset taxes payable in future years. The future realization of the credits is subject to the completion of the offset process with the Federal Tax Authority (Secretaria da Receita Federal), which the Entity suspended in September 2005. If the Entity does not complete the offset process, they may eventually record a provision for this asset. This asset, which guarantees the Entity’s actuarial reserves, was deducted from calculation of the subsidiaries’ actuarial deficit, as required by Resolution 371/00 of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission - CVM. Consequently, in the event that a provision is recorded for this amount, Company’s liability will be proportionally adjusted. Rio de Janeiro, August 4, 2010 KPMG Auditores Independentes CRC SP-014428/O-6 F-RJ Vânia Andrade de Souza Accountant CRC RJ-057497-O-2 31 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS LIGHT S.A. BALANCE SHEET AS OF JUNE 30, 2010 ( In thousands of reais ) ASSETS Notes CURRENT Cash and Cash Equivalents Consumers, concessionaires and permissionaires Recoverable Taxes Inventories Receivables from swap transactions Services Prepaid Expenses Other receivables 4 5 6 27 7 8 NON-CURRENT LONG-TERM ASSETS Consumers, concessionaires and permissionaires Recoverable Taxes Receivables from swap transactions Escrow deposits Prepaid expenses Other receivables Investments Property, Plant and Equipment Intangible assets 5 6 27 7 8 9 10 11 Parent Company 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 Consolidated 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 3,787 885 63 2,078 6,813 434,435 851 119 1,558 436,963 729,673 1,255,284 530,051 20,174 194,683 90,563 103,132 2,923,560 915,418 1,413,767 550,355 25,977 118 167,431 171,249 90,356 3,334,671 3,088,835 2,993,020 6,105,490 6,104,067 180 180 180 180 282,850 763,278 45 208,280 79,683 7,865 1,342,001 282,571 870,227 203,875 45,753 8,667 1,411,093 3,087,914 741 3,095,648 2,992,171 669 3,429,983 22,710 4,460,058 280,721 9,029,050 19,257 4,393,971 279,746 9,438,738 32 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS LIGHT S.A. BALANCE SHEET AS OF JUNE 30, 2010 ( In thousands of reais ) LIABILITIES Notes CURRENT Suppliers Payroll Taxes Loans, Financing and Financial Charges Debentures and Financial Charges Dividends Payable Estimated Liabilities Sector charges – Consumer Contributions Pension plan and other employee benefits Other Liabilities 12 6 13 14 15 18 17 NON-CURRENT Parent Company 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 Consolidated 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 129 25 10 103 1,745 2,012 248 141 130 432,340 202 1,561 434,622 493,791 1,613 207,649 230,072 386,713 44,532 120,142 93,590 369,266 1,947,368 549,879 3,219 147,533 209,857 94,327 432,340 53,458 123,781 94,588 394,048 2,103,030 - - 3,988,046 4,340,347 - - 1,082,442 835,612 174,013 637,855 60 878,159 379,905 3,988,046 985,684 1,149,358 301,199 692,336 871,410 340,360 4,340,347 2,225,822 648,989 133,999 514,990 218,825 3,093,636 2,225,822 648,989 133,999 514,990 120,550 2,995,361 2,225,822 648,989 133,999 514,990 218,825 3,093,636 2,225,822 648,989 133,999 514,990 120,550 2,995,361 3,095,648 3,429,983 9,029,050 9,438,738 LONG-TERM LIABILITIES Loans, Financing and Financial Charges Debentures and Financial Charges Taxes Provision for contingencies Debts with related parties Pension plan and other employee benefits Other Liabilities SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Capital stock Profits Reserve Legal Reserve Profit Retention Capital Reserve Recognized granted options Treasury Shares Retained earnings (accrued losses) 13 14 6 16 18 17 20 20 33 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS LIGHT S.A. INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2010 AND 2009 (in thousands of reais) Notes OPERATING REVENUE Electric Power Supply Electric Power Supply Other Revenues Deductions from operating revenue ICMS Consumer Charges PIS/COFINS Other 21 21 22 23 NET OPERATING REVENUE Parent Company 4/1/2010 to 6/30/2010 Parent Company 1/1/2010 to 6/30/2010 Parent Company 4/1/2009 to 6/30/2009 Parent Company 1/1/2009 to 6/30/2009 Consolidated 4/1/2010 to 6/30/2010 Consolidated 1/1/2010 to 6/30/2010 Consolidated 4/1/2009 to 6/30/2009 Consolidated 1/1/2009 to 6/30/2009 - - - - 1,919,916 108,343 204,993 2,233,252 4,118,218 205,030 398,577 4,721,825 1,832,084 94,746 138,086 2,064,916 3,933,474 178,897 278,180 4,390,551 - - - - (566,673) (131,084) (134,070) (694) (1,177,719) (270,302) (276,611) (2,169) (508,127) (186,252) (96,833) (406) (1,075,675) (377,482) (224,874) (1,670) - - - - (832,521) (1,726,801) (791,618) (1,679,701) - - - - 1,400,731 2,995,024 1,273,298 2,710,850 - - - - (873,082) (1,888,117) (811,854) (1,683,847) - - - - (873,082) (1,888,117) (811,854) (1,683,847) - - - - (35,826) (6,626) (35,932) (69,569) (2,471) (67,949) (13,855) (72,471) (137,001) (6,579) (46,045) (5,299) (27,984) (67,177) (4,274) (78,634) (8,966) (53,439) (134,587) (8,973) - - - - (150,424) (297,855) (150,779) (284,599) - - - - 377,225 809,052 310,665 742,404 (1,317) (1,317) (3,491) (3,491) (11,623) (11,623) (22,466) (22,466) (98,339) (38,617) (136,956) (185,012) (147,766) (332,778) (86,630) (79,539) (166,169) (164,063) (160,633) (324,696) 99,438 221,982 133,012 311,336 - - - - 183 (2) 181 370 370 268 (218) 50 1,103 (241) 862 51,736 (84,286) (32,550) 96,166 (226,562) (130,396) 39,259 (50,789) (11,530) 85,528 (121,810) (36,282) ELECTRIC POWER COST Electric Power Purchased for Resale OPERATING COST Personnel Material Outsourced services Depreciation and amortization Other 25 24 24 24 24 24 GROSS OPERATING PROFIT OPERATING EXPENSES Selling General and Administrative 24 24 EQUITY IN THE EARNINGS OF SUBSIDIARIES FINANCIAL REVENUES (EXPENSES) Revenues Expenses 26 26 OTHER OPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) Revenues Expenses INCOME BEFORE TAXES AND INTEREST Current income tax and social contributions Deferred income tax and social contributions INCOME BEFORE INTEREST Interest NET INCOME FOR THE PERIOD Earnings per share – R$ No. of shares, Ex-Treasury 6 6 - - - - 10,839 - 10,839 (244) 1,909 (4,293) 8,023 (5,126) 98,302 218,861 121,439 289,732 218,558 356,473 130,582 384,323 - - - (67,038) (45,907) (116,454) (11,410) (73,953) 71,674 (107,578) 27,054 98,302 218,861 121,439 289,732 105,613 228,609 128,303 303,799 (27) (36) (2) (7) (7,338) (9,784) (6,866) (14,074) 98,275 218,825 121,437 289,725 98,275 218,825 121,437 289,725 0.48190 1.07302 0.59547 1.42068 0.48190 1.07302 0.59547 1.42068 203,934,060 203,934,060 203,934,060 203,934,060 203,934,060 203,934,060 203,934,060 203,934,060 34 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 Brazilian Corporation Law LIGHT S.A. 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS LIGHT - S.A. DEMONSTRAÇÃO DAS MUTAÇÕES DO PATRIMÔNIO LÍQUIDO TRIMESTRE FINDO EM 30 DE JUNHO DE 2010 ( Em milhares de reais ) CAPITAL SOCIAL 2,225,822 SALDOS EM 31/03/10 Aumento do Capital Social Dividendos pagos - reserva de lucros Opções Outorgadas exercidas Opções não Exercidas Lucro líquido do período SALDOS EM 30/06/10 2,225,822 RESERVAS DE CAPITAL - RESERVAS DE LUCRO RETENÇÃO DE LUCROS 514,990 RESERVA LEGAL 133,999 133,999 LUCROS (PREJUÍZOS) ACUMULADOS 120,550 514,990 TOTAL 2,995,361 98,275 98,275 218,825 3,093,636 LIGHT - S.A. DEMONSTRAÇÃO DAS MUTAÇÕES DO PATRIMÔNIO LÍQUIDO SEMESTRE FINDO EM 30 DE JUNHO DE 2010 ( Em milhares de reais ) SALDOS EM 31/12/09 Aumento do Capital Social Dividendos pagos - reserva de lucros Opções Outorgadas exercidas Opções não Exercidas Lucro líquido do período SALDOS EM 30/06/10 CAPITAL SOCIAL 2,225,822 2,225,822 RESERVAS DE CAPITAL 28,045 (12,243) (15,802) - RESERVAS DE LUCRO RETENÇÃO RESERVA DE LEGAL LUCROS 133,999 499,188 133,999 LUCROS (PREJUÍZOS) ACUMULADOS - 15,802 - 218,825 514,990 218,825 TOTAL 2,887,054 (12,243) 218,825 3,093,636 35 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS LIGHT - S.A. DEMONSTRAÇÃO DOS FLUXOS DE CAIXA PERÍODOS FINDOS EM 30 DE JUNHO DE 2010 E DE 2009 ( Em milhares de reais ) Controladora 01/04/2010 a 30/06/2010 01/01/2010 a 30/06/2010 Consolidado 01/04/2009 a 30/06/2009 01/01/2009 a 30/06/2009 01/04/2010 a 30/06/2010 01/01/2010 a 30/06/2010 01/04/2009 a 30/06/2009 01/01/2009 a 30/06/2009 Das operações Lucro líquido do período 98,275 218,825 121,437 289,725 98,275 218,825 121,437 289,725 138,793 22,807 (8,057) 155,154 66,543 9,992 (5,619) 76,078 45,852 2,384 (71,674) 11,296 18,393 10,068 126,708 32,470 (11,419) 152,420 88,702 (2,788) (27,054) 20,488 23,539 20,045 Despesas (receitas) que não afetam o caixa: Provisão para devedores duvidosos - - - - 75,258 Atualização de ativos e passivos regulatórios e contingentes - - - - 5,727 Ajuste a valor presente de recebíveis - - - - (3,436) Depreciação e amortização Resultado de Equivalência Patrimonial - (99,438) - (221,982) - 78,787 - (133,012) - (311,336) - 105,493 (10,605) 11,410 61,122 (7,656) - Juros e variações monetárias - líquidas - - - - 52,749 Resultado na baixa de bens do imobilizado - - - - (10,839) Imposto de renda e contribuições social diferidos - - - - 45,907 Encargos e variação monetária de obrigações pós-emprego - - - 28,826 Provisões no exigível - contingências - - - - (37,436) Opções outorgadas - - 10,068 - 20,043 - 2,804 (1,507) (1,568) 336,622 692,485 284,750 712,365 - - 85,894 70,310 (27,252) 5,803 (1,016) (10,843) 182,617 (62,781) (5,805) (1,996) 118,345 (468) (9,089) (147) (8,751) 123,615 (11,988) 14,379 (87,675) 116,118 (19,880) (1,421) (10,167) 196,952 (14,375) 67,236 Outras (1,163) (3,157) - - 5,199 - (471) (Aumento) Redução de ativos Consumidores e revendedores - - (34) (111) Serviços prestados - - - Estoques - - - Tributos a compensar Despesas pagas antecipadamente (outros) Dividendos Recebidos (376) - 56 112 44 88 29,146 461,486 407,868 407,868 Ativos regulatórios (CVA e Bolhas) - - Depósitos vinculados a litígios - (28) Outros (27) (520) 28,648 - - (30) (30) - 47,772 (4,405) (12,719) - 130,031 (7,760) (19,295) (500) 46 31 460,959 407,901 407,581 164,387 204,168 225,896 246,788 (6,219) (97) (213) (48,137) (22,253) (6,229) (177,723) 14,404 4,152 (51,235) (45,804) 103,924 (38,152) (42,842) (14,177) 29,341 (34,746) (350) (22,867) (23,177) (4,630) (27,229) 10,033 (6,542) (58,904) (89,828) (23,193) (37,709) (46,531) (21,644) Aumento (Redução) de passivos Fornecedores (119) - - 283 1,330 172 141 (21,404) (34,684) (10,531) (37,690) 8,645 (6,443) (22,772) (23,075) 453 (171) (5,027) 246 86 (147,501) (228,901) (151,600) (301,547) 452,775 406,640 406,099 353,508 667,752 359,046 657,606 - - Tributos e Contribuições Sociais (215) (120) (95) (43) 37 32 Contas de compensação - CVA - - - - Taxas regulamentares - - - - Fornecedores de energia Salários e contribuições sociais Contingências Obrigações pós-emprego Outros Caixa gerado pelas operações - 27,314 - - - 134 126 - - Atividades de investimento Adiantamentos - - 1,533 1,533 Alienações de bens - - - - Aplicações no imobilizado - - - - (45,359) - - 51,749 - (33,646) - Aquisição de ações Recebimento ref. ações Aumento de capital Contribuições do consumidor Participações Societárias Caixa aplicado nas atividades de investimento (21,646) - - (3,976) (3,976) (25,622) (31,232) (432,340) - - 12,876 (152,330) - - - - - - 4,271 13,562 (297,904) (45,359) 51,749 5,553 - - 1,230 (130,221) 1,331 6,927 (242,665) 3,180 (36,388) (3,976) (3,976) 1,533 (34,855) (139,159) (276,375) (127,660) (232,558) (407,868) (407,868) - - - Atividades de financiamento (432,340) (432,340) 131,879 (99,633) 881,879 (939,615) (407,868) 101,266 (91,420) (407,868) 123,940 (161,609) Caixa aplicado nas atividades de financiamento (432,340) (432,340) (407,868) (407,868) (400,094) (490,076) (398,022) (445,537) Variação líquida do caixa (430,648) (10,797) 305 (36,624) (185,745) (98,699) (166,636) (20,489) 434,435 3,787 14,584 3,327 3,632 305 40,256 3,632 (36,624) 915,418 729,673 828,372 729,673 736,273 569,637 590,126 569,637 (185,745) (98,699) (166,636) (20,489) Dividendos Pagos Empréstimos e financiamentos obtidos Amortização de empréstimos e financiamentos (432,340) - - - - - Demonstração da variação líquida de caixa No inicio do período No final do período Variação no caixa (430,648) 3,787 (10,797) 36 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. OPERATIONS PRESENTATION OF THE QUARTERLY INFORMATION 3. REGULATORY ASSETS AND LIABILITIES 4. 5. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS CONSUMERS, CONCESSIONAIRES, PERMISSIONAIRES AND CLIENTS 6. 7. TAXES PREPAID EXPENSES 8. 9. OTHER RECEIVABLES INVESTMENTS 10. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 11. INTANGIBLE ASSETS 12. SUPPLIERS 13. LOANS, FINANCING AND FINANCIAL CHARGES 14. DEBENTURES AND FINANCIAL CHARGES 15. REGULATORY CHARGES – CONSUMER CONTRIBUTIONS 16. PROVISION FOR CONTINGENCIES 17. OTHER PAYABLES 18. PENSION PLAN AND OTHER EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 19. RELATED-PARTY TRANSACTIONS 20. SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 21. ELECTRIC POWER SUPPLY 22. OTHER REVENUE 23. CONSUMER CHARGES (OPERATING REVENUE DEDUCTIONS) 24. OPERATING COSTS AND EXPENSES 25. ELECTRIC POWER PURCHASED FOR RESALE 26. FINANCIAL INCOME 27. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS 28. INSURANCE 29. STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS BY COMPANY 30. LONG-TERM INCENTIVE PLAN 37 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES TO THE QUARTERLY INFORMATION ON JUNE 30, 2010 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais) 1. OPERATIONS Light S.A.’s corporate purpose is to hold equity interests in other companies, as partner or shareholder, and is involved in the direct or indirect exploitation, as applicable, of electric power services, including electric power generation, transmission, sale and distribution systems, as well as other related services. Light S.A. is a parent company of the following companies: Light Serviços de Eletricidade S.A. (Light Sesa) - Publicly-held corporation engaged in the distribution of electric power; Light Energia S.A. - (Light Energia) – Closely-held corporation whose main activity is to study, plan, construct, operate and exploit systems of electric power generation, transmission and sales, and related services. Light Esco Prestação de Serviços S.A. - (Light Esco) – Privately-held corporation whose main activity is the purchase, sale, import and export of energy and advisory services in general in the energy market. Lightcom Comercializadora de Energia S.A. (Lightcom) – Privately-held corporation whose purpose is the purchase, sale, import and export of energy and advisory services in general in the energy free and regulated markets. Itaocara Energia Ltda. - (Itaocara Energia) – Company in the pre-operating stage, primarily engaged in the execution of project, construction, installation, operation and exploration of electric power generation plants. Lightger S.A. (Light Ger) and Lighthidro Ltda. (Light Hidro) – Both companies are in the pre-operating stage and participate in auctions for concession, authorization and permission for new plants. On December 24, 2008, Light Ger obtained the installation license that authorizes the start of implementation works of Paracambi small hydroelectric power plant (PCH). Instituto Light para o Desenvolvimento Urbano e Social (Light Institute) – Non-profit private limited company, engaged in participating in social and cultural projects, with interest in the cities’ economic and social development, affirming the Company’s ability to be socially responsible. Axxiom Soluções Tecnológicas S.A. (Axxiom) – Privately-held corporation, whose purpose is to offer technology solutions and systems for operating management of 38 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS public utilities companies, including electric power, gas, water and sewage, in addition to other public utilities. It is jointly controlled by Light S.A (51%) and Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais - CEMIG (49%), and the aforementioned interest was acquired by Light S.A. in June 2010. Grupo Light’s concessions and authorizations: Concessions / Authorizations Generation, transmission and distribution PCH Paracambi Itaocara Hydroelectric Power Plant Date of Concession / Authorization Jul/1996 Feb/2001 Mar/2001 Maturity Date Jun/2026 Feb/2031 Mar/2036 2. PRESENTATION OF THE QUARTERLY INFORMATION The individual and consolidated quarterly information including the notes thereto, is presented in thousands of reais and other currencies, except when otherwise indicated. This quarterly information was prepared in accordance with the accounting practices adopted in Brazil, which comprises the Brazilian corporation laws, pronouncements, guidance and interpretations issued by the Brazilian Committee on Accounting Pronouncements (CPC), rules issued by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), and standards established by the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) according to the Accounting Guide for the Electric Power Public Utility. This quarterly financial information - ITR was prepared according to the principles, practices and criteria in conformity with those adopted in the preparation of the annual financial statements as of December 31, 2009 and the quarterly information as of March 30, 2010. Thus, this quarterly financial information should be read together with said annual financial statements. Given that the Company is comprised primarily of interests in other corporations, the notes to the quarterly financial information primarily reflect the accounting practices and breakdown of its subsidiaries accounts. The consolidated quarterly financial information was prepared pursuant to CVM Rule 247 of March 27, 1996, which provides for, among other subjects, on the procedures to prepare and disclose the consolidated financial statements. Application of the Technical Pronouncements Issued in 2009 CVM approved in 2009 several pronouncements, interpretations and technical guidance issued by CPC to be effective as of 2010, which changed the accounting practices 39 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 LIGHT S.A. June 30, 2010 Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS adopted in Brazil. As authorized by CVM Resolution 603/09 and amendments issued by CVM Resolution 626/10, the Company decided to present its quarterly financial information using the accounting standards adopted in Brazil until December 31, 2009: The Company is assessing the possible effects of applying the technical pronouncements already issued and preliminary concluded that the main effects will derive from the application of the following standards: Technical Interpretation ICPC 01– Concession Agreements, which sets forth the general principles on the recognition and measurement of the liabilities and the respective rights of the concession agreements. According to ICPC 01, the compensation received or receivable by the concessionaire shall be recorded by its fair value, which corresponds to the rights of a financial asset and/or intangible asset. Currently, it is not possible to estimate the effects of applying this standard (ICPC 01), as the concepts introduced have been still analyzed for the purposes of application, but certain significant adjustments resulting from the reclassification of fixed assets as intangible and/or financial asset, recognition of construction revenues and treatment for concessionrelated liabilities are expected. CPC 15 – Business Combinations – establishes the general principles regarding the recognition of goodwill on the expectation of future profitability or negative goodwill from advantageous purchases. In the case of negative goodwill from advantageous purchases, the amount obtained should be recorded in net income for the year on the date when it is determined. In the first half of the year, the Company acquired a direct interest in Axxiom Soluções Tecnológicas S.A. and indirect interest in Central Eólica Fontainha and Central Eólica São Judas Tadeu, for which preliminary studies show realization of the assets. The Company, however, is evaluating the possible effects caused by this pronouncement on these new investments. CPC 24 – Subsequent event and ICPC 08 – Accounting for the dividends payment proposal. The Management is required to propose the profit sharing at year-end. This profit sharing may be modified by shareholders. Therefore, pursuant to CPC 24, the undeclared proposed dividends above the mandatory minimum dividends and interest on equity will be maintained under shareholders’ equity and liabilities at year-end will not be recognized. If the Company had adopted this pronouncement, the shareholders’ equity would increase R$288,693 at the year ended December 31, 2009. CPC 43 – It defines the first-time adoption criteria of CPCs 15 to 40 and specifies that exceptions to the international standards are restricted to the maintenance of equity pick-up in the individual financial statements with investments appraised by the equity accounting method and maintenance of the deferred assets until December 31, 2008 until its full amortization. Currently, regulatory assets and liabilities are recorded in Brazil, and when the regulatory authority sets forth criteria to allocate revenues or expenses to subsequent periods, a regulatory asset or liability is recognized. Currently, these regulatory assets and liabilities show differences between BR GAAP and IFRS. 40 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Currently, IASB is preparing an interpretation that may change the accounting treatment of regulatory assets and liabilities according to IFRS. The Management is awaiting the results of this new IASB interpretation to assess its effects on the BR GAAP financial statements. 3. REGULATORY ASSETS AND LIABILITIES Consolidated Current 3/31/2010 Assets Consumers, concessionaries and permissionaires (Note 5) Tariff Readjustment - TUSD Non-current 12/31/2009 - 258,121 206,631 51,490 44,562 44,562 - 36,121 36,121 - 168,533 264,632 44,562 36,121 Liabilities Suppliers (Note 12) Free energy – refund to generation companies (a) (54,185) (54,185) (54,185) (54,185) - - Other payables (Note 17) Portion "A" - (a) CVA - (c) Other regulatories - (c) Provision for regulatory liabilities - energy overcontracting (d) (25,867) (12,090) (2,171) (11,606) - (39,780) (18,612) (3,273) (17,895) - (149,568) (34,464) (115,104) (55,876) (14,793) (41,083) TOTAL LIABILITIES (80,052) (93,965) (149,568) (55,876) 88,481 170,667 (105,006) (19,755) NET OVERALL TOTAL 6,511 6,511 167,471 134,063 33,408 12/31/2009 - Prepaid expenses (Note 7) 1230143011 CVA - (c) até 1230143091 (longo prazo Other regulatories - (c) 1130143011 até 1130143091 (curto prazo TOTAL ASSETS 1,062 1,062 3/31/2010 a) Portion “A”: Due to the maturity of term for the RTE billing (Loss of Revenue), the Variation in Portion “A” items (from January 1, 2001 to October 25, 2001) was recovered from March 2008, as approved by ANEEL Directive Release 267/04. Pursuant to ANEEL’s rules, the additional tariff should remain effective until the end of the month when the ratified amount would be fully amortized, duly adjusted by the Central Bank overnight (Selic) rate. In the case of Light Sesa, this amortization occurred by mid June 2009. Amounts billed after the amortization of ratified Portion “A” amount were recorded in 2009’s tariff adjustment, totaling R$23,003 and refunded to consumers. The balance is recorded in “Other Debts”, under current liabilities. b) Free Energy - Refund to Generation Companies In compliance with ANEEL Order 4,722 of December 18, 2009, Distribution Concessionaires calculated the amounts due to the Generation Concessionaires, according to the calculation established at Resolution 387 of January 12,2010. The amount calculated, by estimate, was recorded in liabilities, under Suppliers (see Note 12), against the financial result, amounting to R$54,185 on June 30, 2010 (R$54,185 on March 31, 2010). 41 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS c) Memorandum account for Portion “A” Variations (“CVA”) CVA records the variations during the period, the annual tariff adjustment restated based on the Central Bank overnight rate (“SELIC”) for: purchase of energy; transportation of electric power from Itaipu; the Fuel Usage Quota (“CCC”); the Economic Development Account (“CDE”); System service charges (“ESS”); the tariff for the use of transmission facilities of the basic electric network; and compensation for the use of water resources (“CFURH”) and Incentive Program to Electric Power Alternative Sources (PROINFA). The amounts recorded under current (assets and liabilities) refer to amounts already approved by ANEEL in November 2009, when the tariff adjustment was conducted. The amounts recorded under non-current represent an estimate of the formation of CVA to be approved in the next tariff adjustment (November 2010). Breakdown of CVA Consolidated Assets Current 6/30/2010 Breakdown - CVA Fuel Consumption Account - CCC Economic Development Account - CDE Reserve Energy Charges - EER System Service Charges- ESS PROINFA Transportation of electric power from Itaipu Transportation of electric power to basic electric network TOTAL - CVA 3/31/2010 52,821 3,662 8,169 328 3,546 68,526 Non-current 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 102,786 7,126 16,393 639 7,119 134,063 35,488 321 11,843 16,300 6,643 405 7,715 78,715 28,173 294 1,489 4,620 297 9,689 44,562 Consolidated Liabilities Current 6/30/2010 Breakdown - CVA Fuel Consumption Account - CCC Energy Development Account - CDE Cost of electricity acquisition TOTAL - CVA (913) (293) (1,206) 3/31/2010 (1,703) (468) (2,171) Non-current 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 (55,597) (55,597) (34,464) (34,464) d) Other regulatory assets/liabilities Finance costs transferred in the annual tariff adjustment of subsidiary Light Sesa in accordance with Normative Resolution 905 of November 4, 2009, as per chart below: 42 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Assets Consolidated 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 Other Regulatory Assets Financial adjustment - final review Furnas connection Involuntary exposure Guarantees at auction (CCEAR) 2008 review - financial items TOTAL 1,159 (7) 15,245 68 554 17,019 2,377 61 29,666 131 1,173 33,408 Liabilities Consolidated 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 Other Regulatory Liabilities Financial adjustment TUSD generation companies Boundary adjustment CVA under process Onlending of energy overcontracting (art.38 of Decree 5,163/04) TOTAL (3,333) (439) (124) (2,064) (5,960) (6,550) (800) (240) (4,016) (11,606) Values approved on 11/04/2009 (*) 4,579 143 56,442 249 2,276 63,689 Values approved on 11/04/2009 (*) (12,519) (1,504) (456) (7,641) (22,120) (*) As per ANEEL's Ratifying Resolution e) The Article 38 of Decree 5163 of July 30, 2004, sets forth that when electric power acquisition costs are transferred to end consumers bills, ANEEL shall consider up to 103% of the total amount of electric power contracted in relation to the distribution agent’s annual supply volume. This means that electric power distribution companies may include in the calculation of its consumers bills up to 3% of energy contracted above expectations in order to supply its market, i.e., costs of up to 3% related to overcontracting may be transferred to end consumers bills. f) Portion “A” Neutrality By means of Technical Note no. 022/2010, as of January 28, 2010 and Order no. 245, as of February 2, 2010, ANEEL approved a standard addendum to the concession agreements of electric power distribution services, in order to guarantee the neutrality of the Portion “A” sector charges. This change in calculation will be valid as of the annual tariff adjustment of 2010, aiming to eliminate the tax effect caused by the current adjustment method provided for at the Concession Agreement, thus guaranteeing the neutrality of the aforementioned charges. Monthly differences calculated between the amounts of each item charged in the period and the respective amounts contemplated in the previous adjustment or tariff revision will be duly remunerated based on the same index used to calculate the balance of the Memorandum Account for Portion “A” Variations – CVA. In February 2010, Light signed the above mentioned addendum, and the neutrality of charges became effective. 43 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 Brazilian Corporation Law LIGHT S.A. 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 4. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Parent Company 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 Financial investments Cash available Total 3,545 242 3,787 Consolidated 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 2,050 432,385 434,435 Parent Company 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 Temporary cash investments: CDB Total Fee CDI Maturity Daily 3,545 3,545 5. RECEIVABLES FROM CONSUMERS, PERMISSIONAIRIES AND CLIENTS 714,596 15,077 729,673 471,998 443,420 915,418 Consolidated 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 2,050 2,050 714,596 714,596 471,998 471,998 CONCESSIONAIRES, Consolidated 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 CURRENT Billed sales Unbilled sales Debt payment by installments (b) Other receivables Sales within the scope of CCEE Supply and charges related to the use of electric network Tariff recoverable credits (note 3) (-) Allowance for doubtful accounts (a) NON-CURRENT Debt payment by installments (b) Other receivables 1,758,620 231,212 156,800 653 2,147,285 1,798,927 282,360 163,246 2,244,533 11,409 49,219 2,541 63,169 5,412 43,400 1,062 49,874 (955,170) 1,255,284 (880,640) 1,413,767 281,883 967 282,850 282,571 282,571 a) In the second quarter of 2010 bad debts of R$728 were written-off (R$746 in the first quarter of 2010). b) The accounts receivable include the installment agreements present value, including options of early payment of installments, which if they are exercised ensure payment discounts to clients. During 2010, total discounts that may be granted is approximately R$36,501 and the discount, if this option is exercised shall be recorded in the income statement, under financial expenses. 44 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 Brazilian Corporation Law LIGHT S.A. 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Overdue and falling due balances related to electric power billed sales and debt payment by installments are distributed as follows: 6/30/2010 Maturing balance Residential Industrial Commercial Rural Public sector Public lighting Public utility Billed sales and renegotiated debts (current and non-current) 124,441 23,290 108,276 527 35,142 12,968 262,715 567,359 Overdue up to 90 days Overdue over 90 days 160,904 14,814 41,010 354 19,821 2,186 1,106 240,195 860,814 150,736 221,177 690 115,288 32,238 8,806 1,389,749 Total 1,146,159 188,840 370,463 1,571 170,251 47,392 272,627 2,197,303 3/31/2010 Maturing balance Residential Industrial Commercial Rural Public sector Public lighting Public utility Billed sales and renegotiated debts (current and non-current) 157,295 22,767 127,838 502 39,193 11,938 261,692 621,225 Overdue up to 90 days Overdue over 90 days 186,388 14,979 48,065 332 32,799 3,106 770 286,439 799,001 170,362 211,254 660 113,065 33,020 9,718 1,337,080 Total 1,142,684 208,108 387,157 1,494 185,057 48,064 272,180 2,244,744 6. TAXES 6/30/2010 Parent Company Assets Liabilities 3/31/2010 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 CURRENT Tax credits – IRPJ and CSLL (a) IRRF (Withholding Income Tax) recoverable IRRF (Withholding Income Tax) payable Deferred IRPJ and CSLL (b) ICMS recoverable (d) ICMS payable Installment Payment - Law 11,941/09 (c) PIS/COFINS recoverable (e) PIS/COFINS payable Prepaid IRPJ/CSLL Provision for IRPJ/CSLL Other TOTAL 885 885 851 851 - NON-CURRENT Deferred IRPJ and CSLL (b) Installment Payment - Law 11,941/09 (c) ICMS recoverable (d) TOTAL - - - 10 10 Consolidated Assets 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 Liabilities 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 130 130 79,199 225,537 121,613 5,700 65,817 32,185 530,051 126,418 11,522 233,143 111,748 11,231 24,522 31,771 550,355 362 11,716 20,244 48,772 116,914 9,641 207,649 736 3,485 28,571 55,897 49,418 9,426 147,533 - 705,370 57,908 763,278 814,644 55,583 870,227 174,013 174,013 301,199 301,199 a) The balance refers to tax credits recoverable arising from negative balance withholdings of cash investments and government agencies in the amount of R$5,737 and prepaid Income Tax and Social Contribution credits for 2008 and 2009 amounting to R$73,462. The variation of the amounts for the quarter arises from the 45 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 LIGHT S.A. June 30, 2010 Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS adjustment based on the Selic rate in the amount of R$18,341, including new credits in the amount of R$94,096, net of offsets in the year, amounting to R$159,656. b) The deferred tax assets include amounts expected to be recoverable within 10 years, as set forth in CVM Rule 371/02, and in the assumption of not being barred by credit, and it is based on a feasibility study approved by the Board of Directors, which shows the balance recovery within 4 years The deferred assets is broken down as follows: Consolidated 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES - CURRENT AND NON-CURRENT Tax loss carryforwards Allowance for doubtful accounts Provision for profit sharing Provision for labor contingencies Provision for tax contingencies Provision for civil contingencies Impacts resulting from the adoption of Law 11,638/07 Other provisions Total - Light SESA 326,527 322,055 5,393 55,134 65,598 85,473 15,434 54,633 930,247 447,233 296,467 9,674 55,769 65,176 86,777 17,166 68,829 1,047,091 Tax loss carryforwards - Light Energia and Light Esco S.A. Total - Consolidated 660 930,907 696 1,047,787 c) New REFIS (Tax Recovery Program) - (Law 11,941/09) – Light has been making monthly minimum payments of one hundred reais as provided for by laws, plus payment of installments deriving from migration of PAES (Special Installment Payment Program) - Social Security (REFIS II), in the consolidated monthly amount of R$1,752. Given the request to partially discontinue the writ of mandamus 2003.51.01.005514-8, concerning the taxation thesis (Cash Basis x Accrual Basis) of the companies LIR and LOI was neither accepted by the National Treasury Office nor by the Court, the Company decided to totally abandon the aforementioned petition. Therefore, the Company recalculated the income obtained abroad by the equity pick-up taxation from 2002 to 2007 (REFIS period), by the accrual accounting method, using the tax losses accumulated in the period to pay IR/CS on this income, resulting in the full settlement thereof. Consequently, the change in the REFIS balance in the quarter is explained by excluding the amount previously included in REFIS, referring to the debit of the profit abroad thesis in the restated amount of R$133,761, in addition to the amount paid to PAES – Social Security mentioned previously. d) The amount of the state VAT (“ICMS”) recovery on June 30, 2010 includes R$17,118 (R$25,671 on March 31, 2010) of credits deriving from the renegotiations of the CEDAE debt in July and December 2006. 46 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 Brazilian Corporation Law LIGHT S.A. 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS e) Recoverable PIS (Social Contribution Tax on Gross Revenue for Social Integration Program) and COFINS (Social Contribution Tax on Gross Revenue for Social Security Financing) balance refers to contributions retained by public authorities and services rendering. Reconciliation of effective and nominal rates of the provision for income and social contribution taxes: Consolidated 6/30/2010 6/30/2009 356,473 384,323 (9,784) (14,074) 346,689 370,249 34% 34% (117,874) (125,885) (13,939) (4,256) 31,956 (62,051) 60 36 (1,121) (7,347) 118,462 (27,616) 670 517 (127,864) (80,524) Earnings before Income and Social Contribution Taxes (LAIR) Profit sharing Adjusted income basis for taxation Combined income and social contribution tax rate Income and social contribution taxes at statutory rates Income and social contribution tax effect on permanent additions and exclusions Income and social contribution tax effect on equity in the earnings of subsidiaries Difference between calculation bases - income and social contribution tax Deferred tax credits not recognized CVM 371/02 - Light S.A. Reversal of provision for IRPJ and CSLL - Deferred Effects of abandonment of LIR and LOI process- Law 11,941/2009 Tax incentives Income and social contribution tax in income Current IRPJ and CSLL on income Deferred IRPJ and CSLL on income (116,454) (11,410) (127,864) (107,578) 27,054 (80,524) 7. PREPAID EXPENSES Parent Company 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 CURRENT CVA (Note 3) Financial components – IRT (Note 3) Other Total NONCURRENT CVA (Note 3) Other Total 63 63 - Consolidated 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 119 119 68,526 17,019 5,018 90,563 134,063 33,408 3,778 171,249 - 78,715 968 79,683 44,562 1,191 45,753 47 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 Brazilian Corporation Law LIGHT S.A. 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 8. OTHER RECEIVABLES Parent Company 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 CURRENT Advances to suppliers and employees Property rental Public lighting fee Expenditures to refund Subsidy to low-income segment Other Total NON-CURRENT Assets and rights for disposal Other Total 9. 37 2,041 2,078 14 1,544 1,558 - - Consolidated 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 16,562 389 40,069 9,064 24,646 12,402 103,132 21,981 402 27,501 14,441 15,423 10,608 90,356 7,226 639 7,865 7,229 1,438 8,667 INVESTMENTS Parent Company 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 Consolidated 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 Accounted for under the equity method: Light SESA Light Energia S.A. Light Esco Prestação de Serviços S.A. Lightger S.A. (a) LightCom Itaocara Energia (a) Axxiom Soluções Tecnológicas S.A. Lighthidro Ltda (a) Subtotal 2,695,552 273,159 35,406 59,138 1,542 19,092 1,941 50 3,085,880 2,656,512 248,815 29,526 40,734 779 15,586 50 2,992,002 - - Accounted for at cost Leased assets Other Subtotal Total 2,034 2,034 3,087,914 169 169 2,992,171 3,796 11,297 7,617 22,710 22,710 3,796 11,297 4,164 19,257 19,257 On May 6, 2010, the Board of Directors of Light S.A. approved the acquisition of 3,672,000 registered common shares of Axxiom Soluções Tecnológicas S.A., representing 51% of the Company’s total and voting capital, for R$3,975, recording goodwill of R$2,034. This goodwill is based on expected future profitability arising from a projected cash flow study conducted at the moment of the acquisition. INFORMATION ON SUBSIDIARIES Light SESA 03/30/2010 Ownership interest (%) Paid-up capital Shareholders' equity Dividends paid Additional dividends paid Income for the year 100 2,082,365 2,695,552 29,146 169,568 Light SESA 03/31/2010 Ownership interest (%) Paid-up capital Shareholders' equity Proposed dividends Dividends paid Additional dividends paid Net income for the year 100 2,082,365 2,656,512 (402,149) (29,146) 101,381 Light Energia 100 77,440 273,159 43,957 Light Energia 100 77,422 248,815 (26,833) 19,614 Light Esco 100 7,584 35,406 7,581 Light Esco 100 7,584 29,526 (3,358) 1,701 LightCom 100 1,000 1,542 542 LightCom 100 1,000 779 (221) Light Ger 100 52,937 59,138 327 Light Ger 100 34,791 40,734 69 Light Hidro 100 50 50 Light Hidro 100 50 50 - Instituto Light 100 300 Instituto Light 100 300 - Itaocara Energia 100 20,794 19,092 7 Axxiom 51 3,672 1,941 - Itaocara Energia 100 17,294 15,586 - 48 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CHANGES IN INVESTMENTS IN SUBSIDIARIES Light SESA Balances on 3/31/2010 Capital increase Acquisition of interest Additional dividends paid Equity accounting Balances on 6/30/2010 2,656,512 (29,146) 68,186 2,695,552 Light Energia Light Esco 248,815 24,344 273,159 29,526 5,880 35,406 LightCom Light Ger 779 763 1,542 40,734 18,146 258 59,138 Light Hidro Itaocara Energia Instituto Light 50 50 15,586 3,499 7 19,092 - Axxiom Total 1,941 1,941 2,992,002 21,645 1,941 (29,146) 99,438 3,085,880 The amount of R$29,146 recorded as additional dividend from subsidiary Light Sesa on April 12, 2010 was used to increase the capital in subsidiaries Lightger S.A. and Itaocara Energia Ltda. 10. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT ACTIVITY Historical cost Generation Transmission Distribution Administration Sales In service 953,003 17,299 6,312,565 250,491 28,773 7,562,131 Generation Distribution Administration Sales In progress 163,817 652,166 94,152 2,282 912,417 Total property, plant and equipment Special obligations linked to concession (a) Total property, plant and equipment, net 8,474,548 (198,938) 8,275,610 Consolidated 6/30/2010 Accumulated depreciation Net value (462,068) (8,427) (3,175,865) (163,105) (16,721) (3,826,186) (3,826,186) 10,634 (3,815,552) 3/31/2010 Net value 490,935 8,872 3,136,700 87,386 12,052 3,735,945 497,697 8,954 3,182,296 87,509 12,569 3,789,025 163,817 652,166 94,152 2,282 912,417 137,261 561,560 87,978 2,180 788,979 4,648,362 4,578,004 (188,304) 4,460,058 (184,033) 4,393,971 a) The balance of special obligations derives from the consumer’s financial income, appropriation of the Federal Government, federal, state and municipal funds to finance the work necessary to meet the electric power demand. Consumer contribution Consumer contribution depreciation Donations/subsidies for investments Depreciation of donations/subsidies for investments Research and Development Depreciation of research and development Total Consolidated 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 143,284 137,262 (7,214) (6,049) 37,721 37,721 (2,492) (2,095) 17,933 17,933 (928) (739) 188,304 184,033 49 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Construction in progress includes inventories of materials for projects totaling R$53,540 as of June 30, 2010 (R$43,667 on March 31, 2010) and a provision for inventory loss of R$5,749 (R$5,749 on March 31, 2010). 11. INTANGIBLE ASSETS Consolidated 6/30/2010 Accumulated Net Amortization Value Historical Cost Intangible assets Distribution Generation Administration Sales In service 183,413 5,799 81,514 163,737 434,463 Distribution Generation Administration Sales In progress 13,413 122,309 62,294 510 198,526 Total intangible assets, net 632,989 (160,986) (5,669) (61,172) (124,441) (352,268) (352,268) 3/31/2010 Net Value 22,427 130 20,342 39,296 82,195 22,943 132 20,856 45,162 89,093 13,413 122,309 62,294 510 198,526 13,413 118,939 57,791 510 190,653 280,721 279,746 Grupo Light classifies Software as intangible assets, amortized at a rate of 20% p.a., and Right-of-Ways are not depreciated since they represent the right to use certain areas of land, usually associated with a Transmission and Distribution Line. Generation intangible assets, in progress, includes the amount of R$122,231 (R$118,860 on March 31, 2010) referring to the onerous concession of Use of Public Asset of Itaocara Energia Ltda., as per Note 17. 12. SUPPLIERS Parent Company 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 CURRENT Sales within the scope of CCEE Electric network usage charges System service charges Free energy – refund to generation companies (Note 3) Electric power auctions Itaipu binational UTE Norte Fluminense Supplies and services Total 129 129 248 248 Consolidated 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 23,110 48,490 2,281 54,185 120,565 90,636 65,443 404,710 89,081 493,791 26,632 48,645 2,551 54,185 145,369 89,556 67,387 434,325 115,554 549,879 50 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 Brazilian Corporation Law LIGHT S.A. 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 13. LOANS, FINANCING AND FINANCIAL CHARGES Consolidated 6/30/2010 Reference date 6/30/2010 Principal Date of Signature Charges Principal Amortization Currency/ Index Current Non-Current Current Interest Rate p.a. Non-Current PR Payment Beginning End US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ 6% U$ Treasury Libor + 13/16 U$ Treasury 8% Libor + 7/8 6% Libor + 0,65% 1 1 1 1 8 4 7 1 Lump sum Lump sum Lump sum Lump sum Half-yearly Half-yearly Half-yearly Half-yearly 2024 2024 2024 2024 2004 2004 1999 2003 2024 2024 2024 2024 2014 2012 2013 2010 UFIR CDI TJLP TJLP TJLP 5% CDI + 0,85% TJLP + 4,3% TJLP + 2,58% TJLP + 1% + 2,58% 4.50% CDI + 0,95% TJLP + 2,5% 16.77% between 2 and 120 6 51 72 72 101 1 58 24 Monthly and quarterly Yearly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Yearly Monthly Monthly 2012 2009 2011 2011 2011 2009 2009 2010 2013 a 2017 2017 2014 2017 2017 2019 2010 2014 2012 Financing Entity TN - Par Bond TN - Collateral - Par Bond TN - Discount Bond TN - Collateral - Discount Bond TN - C. Bond TN - Debit. Conv. TN - Bib KFW III , IV, and V - Tranche A/B/C Foreign currency Eletrobrás CCB Bradesco BNDES - FINEM BNDES - FINEM direct BNDES - FINEM + 1 BNDES - FINEM direct PSI Working capital - ABN Amro BNDES - PROESCO Banco Real RGR Sundry banking warranties Domestic Currency 4/29/1996 4/29/1996 4/29/1996 4/29/1996 4/29/1996 4/29/1996 4/26/1996 11/3/2000 Sundry 10/18/2007 11/5/2007 11/30/2009 11/30/2009 11/30/2009 8/27/2008 12/12/2008 5/25/2010 SWAP Overall total 5,960 6,676 216 700 13,552 781 82,616 3,181 3,181 1,131 80,000 456 425 171,771 185,323 70,113 (36,305) 48,923 (25,533) 17,879 6,675 542 82,294 2,315 450,000 268,501 110,924 110,924 55,757 1,707 1,000,128 1,082,422 906 169 407 48 14 1,544 1 30,042 1,437 1,140 1,268 335 2,729 7 246 354 37,559 5,646 44,749 20 20 CDI TJLP Consolidated 3/31/2010 Date of Signature Current Financing Entity TN - Par Bond TN - Collateral - Par Bond TN - Discount Bond TN - Collateral - Discount Bond TN - C. Bond TN - Debit. Conv. TN - Bib BNDES - Imports KFW III , IV, and V - Tranche A/B/C Foreign currency Eletrobrás CCB Bradesco BNDES - FINEM BNDES - FINEM direct BNDES - FINEM + 1 BNDES - FINEM direct PSI Working capital - ABN Amro BNDES - PROESCO RGR Sundry banking warranties Domestic Currency SWAP Overall Total 4/29/1996 4/29/1996 4/29/1996 4/29/1996 4/29/1996 4/29/1996 4/26/1996 3/27/1998 11/3/2000 Sundry 10/18/2007 11/5/2007 11/30/2009 11/30/2009 11/30/2009 8/27/2008 12/12/2008 Reference date 3/31/2010 Principal Charges Non-Current 5,892 6,599 214 114 1,473 14,292 996 82,616 80,000 350 163,962 178,254 69,316 (35,892) 48,366 (25,243) 20,622 9,899 536 87,604 2,455 450,000 289,155 59,344 59,344 35,029 1,368 896,695 984,299 Current 1,970 488 997 170 2 4 3,631 1 18,635 1,624 1,034 1,150 325 720 6 246 271 24,012 3,960 31,603 Currency/ Index Non-Current 1,385 1,385 Principal Amortization Interest Rate p.a. Payment Beginning End US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ UMBNDES US$ 6% U$ Treasury Libor + 13/16 U$ Treasury 8% Libor + 7/8 6% Cesta BNDES + 4% Libor + 0,65% 1 1 1 1 9 5 8 1 2 Lump sum Lump sum Lump sum Lump sum Half-yearly Half-yearly Half-yearly Monthly Half-yearly 2024 2024 2024 2024 2004 2004 1999 2000 2003 2024 2024 2024 2024 2014 2012 2013 2010 2010 UFIR CDI TJLP TJLP TJLP 5% CDI + 0,85% TJLP + 4,3% TJLP + 2,58% TJLP + 1% + 2,58% 4.50% CDI + 0,95% TJLP + 2,5% between 2 and 120 6 54 72 72 101 1 61 Monthly and quarterly Yearly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Yearly Monthly 2012 2009 2011 2011 2011 2009 2009 2013 a 2017 2017 2014 2017 2017 2019 2010 2014 CDI TJLP PR TN = National Treasury PR = Remaining Installments On November 6, 2009, Light Sesa and Light Energia received the consent from ANEEL to obtain a loan from the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) amounting to R$510,871 and R$30,490 respectively. These credits are part of the FINEM credit lines to be invested in the expansion and modernization of the Electric System. The agreements with BNDES were signed on November 30, 2009 and the first portion was released on December 28, 2009. On June 28, 2010 the second portion was released to Light Sesa in the amount of R$121,190 and on April 22, 2010 to Light Energia (R$10,156). In addition to the collaterals indicated above, loans are guaranteed by receivables in the approximate amount of R$45,656. 51 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The principal of long-term loans and financing matures as follows (excluding financial charges): Consolidated Local Currency 2010 2011 Total (current) 6/30/2010 Foreign Currency Total Local Currency 3/31/2010 Foreign Currency Total 122,459 49,312 171,771 7,126 6,426 13,552 129,585 55,738 185,323 143,079 20,883 163,962 14,185 107 14,292 157,264 20,990 178,254 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 after 2016 Total (non-current) 64,224 203,448 203,435 182,543 120,151 120,020 106,307 1,000,128 6,426 9,514 6,176 2,980 57,198 82,294 70,650 212,962 209,611 185,523 120,151 120,020 163,505 1,082,422 78,565 182,496 182,483 161,592 99,252 99,174 93,133 896,695 12,598 9,406 6,106 2,946 56,548 87,604 91,163 191,902 188,589 164,538 99,252 99,174 149,681 984,299 Total (current and non-current) 1,171,899 95,846 1,267,745 1,060,657 101,896 1,162,553 In percentage terms, the variation of major foreign currencies and economic ratios in the period, which are used to adjust loans, financing and debentures, was as follows in the six-month periods: USD EUR UMBNDES IGP-M CDI SELIC 6/30/2010 1.15 (8.44) 0.90 2.83 2.22 2.22 6/30/2009 (15.70) (10.99) (16.31) (0.32) 2.38 2.39 Covenants The funding of CCB Bradesco, the loans with ABN Amro and with BNDES FINEM, classified as current and non-current, requires that the Company maintain certain debt ratios and interest coverage. In the period ended June 30, 2010, the Company and its subsidiaries are in compliance with all required debt covenants. 52 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 14. DEBENTURES AND FINANCIAL CHARGES Financing Entity Date of Signature th 6/30/2005 Debentures 5 Issue th Debentures 6th Issue Domestic Currency Debentures 4 Issue Consolidated 6/30/2010 Principal Charges Current Noncurrent Current Noncurrent 19 76 1/22/2007 68,221 6/1/2009 297,348 365,588 Currency / Index Interest Rate p.a. RI Reference date 6/30/2010 Principal Amortization Payment Beginning End Monthly 2009 2015 15 Quarterly 2008 2014 1 Lump Sum 2011 2011 RI Reference date 3/31/2010 Principal Amortization Payment Beginning - - TJLP TJLP + 4% 60 835,536 18,528 - CDI CDI + 1,50% 835,612 2,597 21,125 - CDI 115% of CDI Currency / Index Interest Rate p.a. TJLP + 4% 63 PR - Remaining installments Consolidated Financing Entity th Date of Signature 3/31/2010 Principal Current Noncurrent Debentures 4 Issue 6/30/2005 19 81 Debentures 5th Issue 1/22/2007 68,221 Debentures 6th Issue Domestic Currency 6/1/2009 68,240 Charges Current Noncurrent - - TJLP 852,591 16,664 - CDI CDI + 1,50% 296,686 1,149,358 9,423 26,087 - CDI 115% do CDI End Monthly 2009 2015 16 Quarterly 2008 2014 1 Lump Sum 2011 2011 PR - Remaining installments Total principal amount is represented net of debentures issue costs, as provided for in CVM Resolution 556/08. These costs are detailed in the table below. Issue Debentures 4th issue Debentures 5th issue Debentures 6th issue TOTAL Amount Incurred 7,446 6,205 2,638 16,289 6/30/2010 Unearned Amount 22 6,243 2,653 8,918 Total Cost 7,468 12,448 5,291 25,207 Issue Debentures 4th issue Debentures 5th issue Debentures 6th issue TOTAL Amount Incurred 7,445 5,760 1,977 15,182 3/31/2010 Unearned Amount 23 6,688 3,314 10,025 Total Cost 7,468 12,448 5,291 25,207 The portions related to the principal of debentures have the following maturities (excluding financial charges): 53 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 LIGHT S.A. June 30, 2010 Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Domestic Currency 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 2010 2011 Total (Current) 34,121 331,467 365,588 51,181 17,059 68,240 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total (Non-current) 34,120 198,241 268,241 335,002 8 835,612 347,866 198,241 268,241 335,002 8 1,149,358 1,201,200 1,217,598 Total Covenants Classified in the current and non-current, the 5th and 6th Issue of Debentures require the maintenance of indebtedness indexes and coverage of interest rates. In the period ended June 30, 2010, the Company and its subsidiaries complied with all the covenants required. 54 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 Brazilian Corporation Law LIGHT S.A. 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 15. REGULATORY CHARGES – CONSUMER CONTRIBUTIONS Consolidated 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 CURRENT Fuel usage account quota – CCC Energy development account quota – CDE Reversal global reserve quota – RGR Incentive Program to Electric Power Alternative Sources – PROINFA Charges for capacity and emergency acquisition 15,683 17,182 5,182 8,926 73,169 120,142 19,323 17,182 5,182 8,926 73,168 123,781 16. PROVISION FOR CONTINGENCIES Light S.A. and its subsidiaries are party in tax, labor and civil lawsuits and regulatory proceedings in several courts. Management periodically assesses the risks of contingencies related to these proceedings, and based on the legal counsel’s opinion it records a provision when unfavorable decisions are probable and whose amounts are quantifiable. In addition, the Company does not record assets related to lawsuits with a less-than-probable chance of success, as they are considered uncertain. Provisions for contingencies are as follows: Consolidated Labor Civil Tax Other Total Current 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 - Noncurrent 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 162,160 164,027 251,394 255,228 178,190 177,451 46,111 95,630 637,855 692,336 Write-offs Payments Reversals (1,620) (247) (12,492) (6,479) (8,669) (53,381) (22,781) (60,107) Balance on 6/30/2010 162,160 251,394 178,190 46,111 637,855 Liabilities Labor Civil Tax Other Total Balance on 3/31/2010 164,027 255,228 177,451 95,630 692,336 Additions 11,943 10,727 22,670 Restatement 3,194 739 1,804 5,737 Judicial Deposits 7,831 24,771 36,513 1,655 70,770 16.1 Labor Contingencies There are approximately 3,591 labor-related legal proceedings in progress (3,642 on March 31, 2010) in which the Company and subsidiaries are the defendants. These labor proceedings mainly involve the following matters: overtime; hazardous work wage premium; equal pay; pain and suffering; subsidiary/joint liability of employees from outsourced companies; difference of 40% fine of FGTS (Government Severance Indemnity Fund for Employees) derived from the adjustment due to understated inflation and overtime. 55 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 LIGHT S.A. June 30, 2010 Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 16.2 Civil Contingencies The Company and its subsidiaries are defendants in approximately 40,190 civil legal proceedings (39,799 on March 31, 2010), of which 16,683 are in the state and federal courts referring to Civil Proceedings (15,600 on March 31, 2010), among which those claims that can be accurately assessed amounting to R$812,060 (R$730,758 on March 31, 2010) and 23,507 are in Special Civil Courts (24,199 on March 31, 2010), with total claims amounting to R$350,482 (R$349,956 on March 31, 2009). Civil Contingencies Accrued Value (probable loss) 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 a) Civil proceedings b) Special civil court c) "Cruzado" Plan 119,214 30,115 102,065 127,954 27,261 100,013 Total 251,394 255,228 a) The Provision for civil proceedings comprises lawsuits in which Light Sesa is the defendant and it is probable the claim will result in a loss in the opinion of the respective attorneys. The claims mainly involve alleged moral and property damage as well as consumers challenging the amounts paid. The Company is also party to civil proceedings that Management believes that risk of loss are less than probable, based on the opinion of its legal counsels. Therefore, no provision was established. The amount, currently assessed, represented by these claims is R$543,791 (R$458,457 on March 31, 2010). b) Lawsuits in the Special Civil Court are mostly related to matters regarding consumer relations, such as improper collection, undue power cut, power cut due to delinquency, network problems, various irregularities, bill complaints, meter complaints and problems with ownership transfer. There is a limit of 40 minimum monthly wages for claims under procedural progress at the Special Civil Court. Accruals are based on the moving average of the last 12 months of condemnation amount. c) There are civil actions in which some industrial consumers have challenged, in court, the increases in electric power tariff rates approved in 1986 by the National Department of Water and Electric Power (“Cruzado Plan”). The provision includes a civil action in the public interest, under phase of calculation of the award. 56 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 16.3 Tax Contingencies The provisions established for tax contingencies are as follows: Tax Contingencies Accrued Value (probable loss) 6/30/2010 a) PIS/COFINS – RGR and CCC b) INSS – tax deficiency notice c) INSS – quarterly d) ICMS e) CIDE f) Other Total 8,561 40,062 21,992 98,367 4,881 4,327 178,190 3/31/2010 8,561 39,672 21,736 98,367 4,834 4,281 177,451 The Company and its subsidiaries are parties to tax, regulatory and legal proceedings in which Management, based on the opinion of its legal counsels, believes the risks of loss are less than probable, and for which no provision was recorded. Currently, the quantifiable amount of these proceedings is R$949,100 (R$1,229,600 on March 31, 2010). The tax proceedings, deemed as possible loss, had effects in the quarter: (i) ICMS (Aluvale). These are tax foreclosures related to the ICMS deferral in the supply of electric power for the consumer ALUVALE, an electro-intensive industrial consumer. Light Sesa included debts referring to these tax foreclosures included in the Tax payment program of Law 11,941. The payment was made in a single installment, in cash, by the actual taxpayer of this ICMS, Companhia Vale S.A., as ALUVALE’s acquiring company. (ii) Reversal of social contribution tax loss carryforward with COFINS – Reversal executed by Light Sesa, which used the social contribution tax loss carryforward calculated in 1998 to settle COFINS debts. Light’s appeal was denied, which is why the Company filed a Voluntary Appeal. On June 30, 2010 it totaled R$27,900 (R$27,600 on March 31, 2010). (iii) ISS Nilópolis – Tax foreclosure to discuss the collection of ISS by the City of Nilópolis concerning services associated with the electric power supply activity. The tax foreclosure motions filed by Light Sesa were held valid. The total amount on June 30, 2010 was R$8,000 (R$7,900 on March 31, 2010). (iv) ITR – Lajes and Tocos Reservoirs – Collection of ITR on Light Sesa’s granting area in the city of Rio Claro. Regarding Light Sesa’s Voluntary Appeal, the court decided to cancel the notice of violation. This decision became final and unappealable and the 57 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 LIGHT S.A. June 30, 2010 Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS notice of violation was definitively cancelled. The total amount on June 30, 2010 was R$10,700. (v) Transfer of PIS/COFINS – Up to June 30, 2010, Light Sesa received 137 lawsuits (92 on March 31, 2010) from commercial clients questioning the transfer of PIS and COFINS into the electricity bill, claiming the return of the amounts unduly paid. According to its lawyers’ analysis, losses were deemed possible, which is why the Company did not establish a provision. 16.4 Other Contingencies a) Administrative Regulatory Contingencies The Company has regulatory contingencies incurred or to be incurred in 1Q10, derived from administrative challenges against ANEEL: a.1) Tax Deficiency Notice ANEEL 007/2010-SFE – The notice was drawn up on February 17, 2010, including a fine of R$9,544 as a result of the inspection conducted by the Agency in December 2009 in order to identify and assess the causes of interruptions in the Concessionaire’s underground distribution system. Light Sesa filed its defense on March 5, 2010 requesting the cancelation of non-conformities, and subsidiarily a reduction of fines. Alternatively to the imposition of fines, Light Sesa pleaded to convert the fine into the Conduct Adjustment Agreement (TAC). Currently, we await ANEEL’s final decision on the appeal lodged and the pleading for TAC. The Company set up a provision for the total fine amount. a.2) Tax Deficiency Notice ANEEL 071/2010-SFF – The notice was drawn up on March 17, 2010, including a fine in the amount of R$448 under the allegation that nonconformities were verified in the economic, financial and accounting inspection conducted in the Concessionaire. Light Sesa lodged an appeal on April 1, 2010, requesting to convert fines into warning and currently awaits ANEEL’s decision thereon. ANEEL Order no. 1665/2010 as of June 10, 2010 reduced the penalty to R$419. The Company is awaiting ANEEL’s final opinion on the appeal filed. The Company set up a provision for the total fine amount. a.3) ANEEL Tax Deficiency Note no. 013/2010-SFG – The notice was drawn up on May 4, 2010, including a fine of R$1,120, since ANEEL saw flaws in the black-start process of the generating units of SHP Fontes Nova, Nilo Peçanha and Pereira Passos, in the adjustment of SIN after the troubles of November 10, 2009. Light Energia lodged an appeal on May 19, 2010 requiring lower penalties. SFG maintained its decision and is awaiting the decision of ANEEL’s Board of Executive Officers. The Company set up a provision for the total fine amount. a.4) Tax Deficiency Note no. 061/2010-SFE – The notice was drawn up on May 19, 2010, including a fine of R$5,049 under the allegation of non-compliance with technical 58 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 LIGHT S.A. June 30, 2010 Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS and commercial oversight by ANEEL in May 2009. Light Sesa lodged an appeal on June 3, 2010 requiring the cancellation of the penalties and its further reduction. The Company is currently awaiting ANEEL’s opinion on this matter and set up a provision for the total fine amount. a.5) ANEEL Tax Deficiency Note no. 082/2010-SFE – The notice was drawn up on June 18, 2010, including a fine of R$16,052 under the allegation that Light Sesa had infringed DEC (Equivalent Duration of Interruption per Client) and FEC (Equivalent Frequency of Interruption per Client) continuity indexes of 65 groups in 2009, and included the November 10, 2009 Furnas Blackout to calculate the indexes. Light Sesa filed an appeal on July 8, 2010 requiring the reduction of the fine so that the November 10, 2009 interruption is not taken into consideration for purposes of calculating DEC and FEC. Light Sesa set up a provision of R$4,110, according to the opinion of its legal advisors, who believe that ANEEL may reduce the fine, considering Light Sesa’s defense on the elimination of the hours the service was interrupted in Furnas transmission lines, since it is a fortuitous event/force majeure or third-party fact, in both cases, excluding Light Sesa’s responsibility. b) Environmental Contingencies In February 2010, a settlement between subsidiary Light Energia and the municipality of Barra do Piraí and the Public Prosecutor Office was ratified at court, resulting from the public civil action, in which the plaintiff requested the remediation and recovery of several environmental damages caused by the construction of the Santa Cecília and Santana plants, as an integral part of the transposition system of waters from the Rio Paraíba do Sul basin to the Rio Guandú basin, feeding the Fontes, Nilo Peçanha and Pereira Passos plants. The settlement amount was R$14,200 (to be paid by installments until June 2010), considering that Light Energia had a provision of R$6,000, the difference was accrued in 1Q10. The Company paid the last installment of the agreement on June 1, 2010 and now does not have any obligations to settle. After the compliance with liabilities assumed municipality (dredging in Piraí river), both lawsuits will be shelved. 59 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 Brazilian Corporation Law LIGHT S.A. 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 17. OTHER PAYABLES Parent Company 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 Consolidated 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 CURRENT Advance from clients CVA (Note 3) Compensation for use of water resources Energy Research Company – EPE National Scientific and Technological Development Fund – FNDCT Energy Efficiency Program – PEE Research and Development Program – P&D Portion "A" (Note 3) Public lighting fee Other tariff charges (Note 3) Other Total 1,745 1,745 1,561 1,561 15,421 1,206 3,902 942 1,884 168,329 83,438 6,213 51,005 5,960 30,966 369,266 21,118 2,171 4,649 1,094 2,189 160,304 79,594 12,090 53,998 11,606 45,235 394,048 NONCURRENT CVA (Note 3) Provision for regulatory liabilities - energy overcontracting (Note 3) Reversal reserve Use of Public Asset - UBP Other Total - - 55,597 129,617 69,933 122,231 2,527 379,905 34,464 115,104 69,933 118,860 1,999 340,360 18. PENSION PLAN AND OTHER EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Light Group’s companies sponsor Fundação de Seguridade Social – BRASLIGHT, a nonprofit closed pension entity, whose purpose is to provide retirement benefits to the Company’s employees and pension benefits to their dependents. BRASLIGHT was incorporated in April 1974 and has three plans - A, B and C – established in 1975, 1984 and 1998, respectively, with about 96% of the active participants of the other plans having migrated to Plan C. BRASLIGHT and Light group’s companies created a new Social Security Benefit Plan called Plan D, which became effective on March 22, 2010, approved by the National Superintendence of Supplementary Private Pension (PREVIC). 60 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Transactions occurred in the quarter in net actuarial liabilities were the following: Total Consolidated Pension plan on 3/31/2010 Amortizations in the period Restatements in the period Transfer from non-current to current Pension plan on 6/30/2010 Current Noncurrent 965,998 94,588 871,410 (23,168) 28,919 - (23,168) 3,081 19,089 25,838 (19,089) 971,749 93,590 878,159 19. RELATED-PARTY TRANSACTIONS The Company’s main shareholders are: Controlling Group Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais – CEMIG, Andrade Gutierrez Concessões, Luce Empreendimentos e Participações S.A. and Rio Minas Energia Participações S.A (RME) – company controlled by Equatorial Energia (see Note 20). BNDESPAR Interest in operating subsidiaries are outlined in the Note 1. Below, a summary of related-party transactions occurred in the years ended 2009 and 2010: 61 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 Brazilian Corporation Law LIGHT S.A. 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS C o ntra c ts with the s a m e gro up 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R e la tio ns hip with Light S .A. A s s e ts 6 / 3 0 / 2 0 10 3 / 3 1/ 2 0 10 (Agre e m e nt o bje c tive s a nd c ha ra c te ris tic s ) Ite m S tra te gic a gre e m e nt P urc ha s e a gre e m e nt o f e le c tric po we r be twe e n Light S ES A a nd C EM IG S tra te gic a gre e m e nt P urc ha s e a gre e m e nt o f e le c tric po we r be twe e n Light S ES A a nd C EM IG S tra te gic a gre e m e nt S a le a gre e m e nt o f e le c tric po we r be twe e n Light Ene rgia a nd C EM IG S tra te gic a gre e m e nt C o lle c tio n o f dis tributio n s ys te m us a ge c ha rge s be twe e n Light S ES A a nd C EM IG S tra te gic a gre e m e nt C o m m itm e nt to the ba s ic e le c tric ne two rk us a ge c ha rge s be twe e n Light S ES A a nd C EM IG S tra te gic a gre e m e nt C o m m itm e nt to the ba s ic e le c tric ne two rk us a ge c ha rge s be twe e n Light Ene rgia a nd C EM IG S tra te gic a gre e m e nt Ele c tric po we r s a le c o m m itm e nt be twe e n Light Ene rgia a nd C EM AR * Lo a ns F INEM C EM IG (pa rty o f the c o ntro lling gro up) C EM IG (pa rty o f the c o ntro lling gro up) C EM IG (pa rty o f the c o ntro lling gro up) C EM IG (pa rty o f the c o ntro lling gro up) C EM IG (pa rty o f the c o ntro lling gro up) C EM IG (pa rty o f the c o ntro lling gro up) C o ns o lida te d Lia b ilit ie s R e v e nue 6 / 3 0 / 2 0 10 3 / 3 1/ 2 0 10 6 / 3 0 / 2 0 10 6/30/2009 E xp e n s e s 6 / 3 0 / 2 0 10 6/30/2009 - - 5,977 8,597 - - 38,335 52,859 - - 115 164 - - 651 - 2,170 2,326 - - 10,187 10,865 - - 384 190 - - 1,148 1,021 - - - - 2,170 2,208 - - 9,912 6,791 13 13 - - 59 57 - - 1,018 952 - - 4,393 4,321 - - 373,395 - - 9,011 - Equa to ria l (pa rty o f the c o ntro lling gro up) B NDES - 8 352,554 Lo a ns Line o f c re dit B NDES 9 - - - 114 - 234 - - - - - - - - - 796 - - 2,170 1,724 - - 13 32 - - 95 100 - - 9,564 37 - - 115,245 60,378 - - 1,429 - - - 115,373 60,494 - - 1,465 - - - 57,223 35,354 - - 406 - - - 971,749 965,998 - - 28,919 Lo a ns De be nture s 1s t is s ue - no n-c o nve rtible B NDES 10 Lo a ns B NDES 11 P ró Es c o a nd Ene rgy Effic ie nc y P ro je c t Lo a ns De be nture s 4 t h is s ue - c o nve rtible B NDES 12 Lo a ns Line o f c re dit - dire c t B NDES 13 Lo a ns Line o f c re dit - dire c t + 1% B NDES 14 Lo a ns Line o f c re dit - dire c t P S I B NDES 15 P e ns io n P la n 16 F unda ç ã o de S e gurida de S o c ia l (S o c ia l S e c urity F o unda tio n) - B R AS LIGHT B R AS LIGHT (pa rty o f the c o ntro lling gro up) 11,296 * Equatorial Energia S.A.’s subsidiary. 62 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Below, a summary of agreements executed with related parties: C o ntra c ts with the s a m e gro up R e la tio ns hip with Light S A. Origina l Am o unt Ite m (Agre e m e nt o bje c tive s a nd c ha ra c te ris tic s ) M a turity da te o r te rm C o nditio ns fo r te rm ina tio n o r e nd R e m a ining ba la nc e 6.30.2010 Agre e m e nt C o nditio ns Da te C EM IG (pa rty o f the c o ntro lling gro up) 614,049 J a n/2006 De c /2038 30% o f re m a ining ba la nc e 485,994 1 S tra te gic a gre e m e nt P urc ha s e a gre e m e nt o f e le c tric po we r be twe e n Light S ES A a nd C EM IG P ric e e s ta blis he d in the re gula te d m a rke t S tra te gic a gre e m e nt P urc ha s e a gre e m e nt o f e le c tric po we r be twe e n Light S ES A a nd C EM IG C EM IG (pa rty o f the c o ntro lling gro up) 37,600 J a n/2010 De c /2039 30% o f re m a ining ba la nc e 36,951 2 P ric e e s ta blis he d in the re gula te d m a rke t C EM IG (pa rty o f the c o ntro lling gro up) 156,239 J a n/2005 De c /2013 N/A 65,599 P ric e e s ta blis he d in the re gula te d m a rke t 3 4 5 6 7 S tra te gic a gre e m e nt S a le a gre e m e nt o f e le c tric po we r be twe e n Light Ene rgia a nd C EM IG S tra te gic a gre e m e nt C o lle c tio n o f dis tributio n s ys te m us a ge c ha rge s be twe e n Light S ES A a nd C EM IG S tra te gic a gre e m e nt C o m m itm e nt to the ba s ic e le c tric ne two rk us a ge c ha rge s be twe e n Light S ES A a nd C EM IG S tra te gic a gre e m e nt C o m m itm e nt to the ba s ic e le c tric ne two rk us a ge c ha rge s be twe e n Light Ene rgia a nd C EM IG S tra te gic a gre e m e nt Ele c tric po we r s a le c o m m itm e nt be twe e n Light Ene rgia a nd C EM AR * C EM IG (pa rty o f the c o ntro lling gro up) - No v/2003 Unde te rm ine d N/A 384 P ric e e s ta blis he d in the re gula te d m a rke t C EM IG (pa rty o f the c o ntro lling gro up) - De c /2002 Unde te rm ine d N/A 2,170 P ric e e s ta blis he d in the re gula te d m a rke t C EM IG (pa rty o f the c o ntro lling gro up) - De c /2002 Unde te rm ine d N/A 13 P ric e e s ta blis he d in the re gula te d m a rke t 61,214 J a n/2005 De c /2013 N/A 26,284 P ric e e s ta blis he d in the re gula te d m a rke t B NDES 739,148 No v/2007 S e p/2014 N/A 352,554 B NDES 14,147 M a r/1999 Apr/2010 N/A - B NDES 105,000 J a n/1998 J a n/2010 N/A - B NDES 596 De c /2008 Oc t/2014 N/A 2,170 B NDES 767,252 J un/2005 J un/2015 N/A 95 B NDES 114,510 De c /2009 Apr/2017 N/A 115,245 TJ LP + 2.58% p.a . B NDES 114,510 De c /2009 Apr/2017 N/A 115,373 TJ LP + 1% + 2.58% p.a . B NDES 57,125 De c /2009 S e p/2019 N/A 57,223 535,052 J un/2001 J un/2026 N/A 971,749 Equa to ria l (pa rty o f the c o ntro lling gro up) Lo a ns F INEM TJ LP + 4.3% p.a . 8 Lo a ns Line o f c re dit B NDES B a s ke t + 4% p.a . 9 Lo a ns De be nture s 1s t is s ue - no n-c o nve rtible TJ LP + 4% p.a . 10 Lo a ns 11 TJ LP + 2.5% p.a . P ró Es c o a nd Ene rgy Effic ie nc y P ro je c t Lo a ns De be nture s 4 t h is s ue - c o nve rtible TJ LP + 4% p.a . 12 Lo a ns Line o f c re dit - dire c t 13 Lo a ns Line o f c re dit - dire c t + 1% 14 Lo a ns Line o f c re dit - dire c t P S I 4.5% p.a . 15 P e ns io n P la n 16 F unda ç ã o de S e gurida de S o c ia l (S o c ia l S e c urity F o unda tio n) - B R AS LIGHT B R AS LIGHT (pa rty o f the c o ntro lling gro up) IP C A+ 6% p.a . * Equatorial Energia S.A.’s subsidiary. Related-party transactions have been executed under usual market conditions. 20. SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY a) Capital Stock There are 203,934,060 non-par and book-entry common shares of Light S.A. (203,934,060 on March 31, 2010) as of June 30, 2010 recorded as Capital Stock in the total amount of R$2,225,822 (R$2,225,822 on March 31, 2010), as follows: 63 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 Brazilian Corporation Law LIGHT S.A. 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 6/30/2010 Number of Shares 106,304,597 26,576,150 1,081,649 52,070,649 26,576,149 SHAREHOLDERS Controlling Group RME Rio Minas Energia Participações S.A. Andrade Gutierrez Concessões S.A. Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais S.A. Luce Empreendimentos e Participações S.A. Other BNDES Participações S.A. - BNDESPAR Public 97,629,463 46,823,482 50,805,981 Overall total 3/31/2010 Number of Shares 106,304,597 26,576,150 1,081,649 52,070,649 26,576,149 % Interest 52.12 13.03 0.53 25.53 13.03 203,934,060 % Interest 52.12 13.03 0.53 25.53 13.03 47.88 22.96 24.92 97,629,463 48,494,482 49,134,981 47.88 23.78 24.10 100.00 203,934,060 100.00 Light S.A. is authorized to increase its capital up to the limit of R$203,965,072 through resolution of the Board of Directors, regardless of amendments to the bylaws. However, this increase is to occur exclusively upon the exercise of the warrants issued, strictly pursuant to the conditions of the warrants (Bylaws, Article 5, paragraph 2). 21. ELECTRIC POWER SUPPLY 04.01 to 06.30 Residential Industrial Commerce, services and other Rural Public sector Public lighting Public utility Own consumption Billed sales ICMS (State VAT) Unbilled sales TOTAL SUPPLY (3) Electric power auction Short-term energy TOTAL SUPPLY OVERALL TOTAL Number of billed sales (1) (2) 2010 2009 3,719,905 11,565 273,030 11,145 10,219 779 1,314 361 4,028,318 4,028,318 4,028,318 3,651,775 12,002 269,417 11,016 10,159 432 1,309 328 3,956,438 3,956,438 3,956,438 Consolidated GWh (1) 2010 R$ 2010 2009 4,755 1,860 459 1,477 12 352 171 271 17 4,619 4,619 665,809 84,702 462,540 2,285 113,219 26,030 55,705 1,410,290 560,773 (51,147) 1,919,916 610,268 106,182 466,013 2,264 111,313 25,707 55,388 1,377,135 504,911 (49,962) 1,832,084 1,110 141 1,251 1,134 353 1,487 93,169 15,174 108,343 80,931 13,815 94,746 6,006 6,106 2,028,259 1,926,830 1,992 423 1,505 12 362 170 274 17 4,755 2009 (1) Not revised by the independent auditors (2) Number of billed sales in June 2010, with and without consumption (3) Light SESA 64 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 Brazilian Corporation Law LIGHT S.A. 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 01.01 to 06.30 Residential Industrial Commerce, services and other Rural Public sector Public lighting Public utility Own consumption Billed sales ICMS (State VAT) Unbilled sales TOTAL SUPPLY (3) Electric power auction Short-term energy TOTAL SUPPLY OVERALL TOTAL Number of billed sales (1) (2) 2010 2009 3,719,905 11,565 273,030 11,145 10,219 779 1,314 361 4,028,318 4,028,318 4,028,318 3,651,775 12,002 269,417 11,016 10,159 432 1,309 328 3,956,438 3,956,438 3,956,438 Consolidated GWh (1) 2010 R$ 2009 2010 2009 4,408 872 3,207 26 752 337 549 34 10,185 10,185 4,024 892 3,059 25 712 339 536 34 9,621 9,621 1,468,502 175,043 965,497 4,815 229,751 51,287 110,228 3,005,123 1,168,052 (54,957) 4,118,218 1,328,805 208,486 961,038 4,809 223,146 51,116 108,224 2,885,624 1,068,876 (21,026) 3,933,474 2,240 609 2,849 2,259 482 2,741 182,934 22,096 205,030 159,295 19,602 178,897 13,034 12,362 4,323,248 4,112,371 (1) Not revised by the independent auditors (2) Number of billed sales in June 2010, with and without consumption (3) Light SESA 22. OTHER INCOME 04.01 to 06.30 Leases, rentals and other Income from network usage Income from services rendered Taxed service Consolidated 2010 2009 11,125 10,209 178,526 120,986 14,830 6,196 512 695 204,993 138,086 01.01 to 06.30 Leases, rentals and other Income from network usage Income from services rendered Taxed service Consolidated 2010 2009 21,898 19,843 348,301 241,902 27,399 15,081 979 1,354 398,577 278,180 65 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 23. CONSUMER CHARGES (Operating Revenue Deductions) 04.01 to 06.30 CCC - Cash CCC - CVA CCC - CVA Amortization CDE - Cash CDE - CVA CDE - CVA Amortization Taxes Charged from Consumers - RGR EPE - Energy Research Company FNDCT - National Development Fund PEE - Energy Efficiency Plan P&D - Research and Development Consolidated 2010 2009 (51,672) (30,118) 7,314 (19,310) (1,003) (61,693) (51,546) (51,519) (3,576) 366 175 9,852 (16,088) (21,166) (1,446) (1,340) (2,893) (2,679) (6,503) (5,966) (3,846) (2,679) (131,084) (186,252) 01.01 to 06.30 CCC - Cash CCC - CVA CCC - CVA Amortization CDE - Cash CDE - CVA CDE - CVA Amortization Taxes Charged from Consumers - RGR EPE - Energy Research Company FNDCT - National Development Fund PEE - Energy Efficiency Plan P&D - Research and Development Consolidated 2010 (105,446) 16,628 (3,591) (103,092) (9,274) 387 (33,940) (3,091) (6,179) (13,977) (8,727) (270,302) 2009 (67,324) (30,989) (127,945) (103,038) 705 20,484 (42,396) (2,841) (5,686) (12,766) (5,686) (377,482) 24. OPERATING COSTS AND EXPENSES Consolidated Operating Expenses Cost of Service 04.01 to 06.30 Nature of the expense Personnel and management Material Outsourced services Electricity purchased for resale (Note 25) Depreciation and amortization Allowance for doubtful accounts Provision for contingencies Other Total Electric Power (873,082) (873,082) Operation (35,826) (6,626) (35,932) (69,569) (2,471) (150,424) Selling (3,774) (528) (18,374) (260) (75,258) (145) (98,339) Electric Power (1,888,117) (1,888,117) Other Operating Revenues (Expenses) (17,240) (930) (28,201) (8,958) 38,120 (21,408) (38,617) 10,839 10,839 2010 (56,840) (8,084) (82,507) (873,082) (78,787) (75,258) 38,120 (13,185) (1,149,623) 2009 (62,663) (6,465) (63,903) (811,854) (76,078) (66,543) (18,494) (25,186) (1,131,186) Consolidated Operating Expenses Cost of Service 01.01 to 06.30 Nature of the expense Personnel and management Material Outsourced services Electricity purchased for resale (Note 25) Depreciation and amortization Allowance for doubtful accounts Provision for contingencies Other Total General and Adm Operation (67,949) (13,855) (72,471) (137,001) (6,579) (297,855) Selling (7,158) (1,104) (37,059) (512) (138,793) (386) (185,012) General and Adm (32,697) (1,944) (56,879) (17,641) 131 (38,736) (147,766) Other Operating Revenues (Expenses) 10,595 10,595 2010 (107,804) (16,903) (166,409) (1,888,117) (155,154) (138,793) 131 (35,106) (2,508,155) 2009 (124,756) (10,938) (122,708) (1,683,847) (152,420) (126,708) (23,881) (44,987) (2,290,245) 66 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 25. ELECTRIC POWER PURCHASED FOR RESALE Consolidated GWh(1) 04.01 to 06.30 2010 CVA (Recoverable Cost Variation) Connection charges Spot market energy Network usage charges Itaipu UTE Norte Fluminense Other contracts and electric power auctions National Electric System Operator (O.N.S.) R$ 2010 (70,923) (4,546) 3,718 (105,094) (137,982) (198,510) (354,850) (4,895) (873,082) 2009 36,794 (4,822) 13,113 (95,659) (160,790) (239,394) (356,869) (4,227) (811,854) R$ 2010 (235,430) (9,195) (8,080) (210,305) (278,677) (394,815) (742,021) (9,594) (1,888,117) 2009 64,318 (9,574) (53,237) (194,951) (343,130) (476,191) (664,037) (7,045) (1,683,847) 2009 - 1,404 1,583 3,519 6,506 9 1,345 1,583 3,567 6,504 (1) Not revised by the independent auditors Consolidated (1) 01.01 to 06.30 GWh 2010 CVA (Recoverable Cost Variation) Connection charges Spot market energy Network usage charges Itaipu UTE Norte Fluminense Other contracts and electric power auctions National Electric System Operator (O.N.S.) 765 2,676 3,150 7,732 14,323 2009 568 2,791 3,150 7,292 13,801 (1) Not revised by the independent auditors 67 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 26. FINANCIAL INCOME 04.01 to 06.30 REVENUES Interest and variation on debts paid by installments Restatement of tax credits Charges on CVA accounts and Portion "A" Income from temporary cash investments Swap operations Other EXPENSES Adjustment at present value of receivables Restatement of tax liabilities Restatement of provision for contingencies Banking expenses Charges and monetary variations with BNDES financing Charges and monetary variations on actuarial liability of Brasilight Interest and charges on loans and financing – foreign currency Interest and charges on loans and financing – domestic currency Charges on regulatory liabilities th Reversal Income Tax credit Debenture 4 Issue Interest and fines on taxes Regulatory fines Installment payment - other fines and interest rates Law 11,941/09 Monetary variation – local currency Exchange variation – foreign currency Swap operations Other NET FINANCIAL INCOME 5 175 3 183 - Consolidated 2010 22,066 15,281 12,312 (23) 2,100 51,736 29,180 8,285 772 10,450 (7,196) (2,232) 39,259 (217) - 3,436 (9) (5,737) (559) (12,284) (28,919) (1,692) (45,072) (2,828) 5,619 (7,312) (8,722) (2,360) (384) (11,296) (3,317) (43,470) (2,043) - (1) (218) (11,523) 10,377 (4,152) 18,945 (12) (1,057) (189) (3,011) (84,286) (6) 21,895 (2,560) 3,167 (50,789) 50 (32,550) (11,530) (2) (2) EXPENSES Adjustment at present value of receivables Adjustment Braslight surplus Restatement of tax liabilities Restatement of provision for contingencies Banking expenses Charges and monetary variations with BNDES financing Charges and monetary variations on actuarial liability of Brasilight Interest and charges on loans and financing – foreign currency Interest and charges on loans and financing – domestic currency Charges on regulatory liabilities th Reversal Income Tax credit Debenture 4 Issue Interest and fines on taxes Regulatory fines Installment payment - other fines and interest rates Law 11,941/09 Monetary variation – local currency Exchange variation – foreign currency Swap operations Other Parent Company 2010 2009 20 343 7 370 370 2009 261 7 268 181 01.01 to 06.30 REVENUES Interest and variation on debts paid by installments Restatement of tax credits Charges on CVA accounts and Portion "A" Income from temporary cash investments Swap operations Other NET FINANCIAL INCOME Parent Company 2010 2009 Consolidated 2010 1,088 15 1,103 2009 41,955 18,073 28,723 32 7,383 96,166 46,089 14,926 6,001 27,858 (8,286) (1,060) 85,528 8,057 (6,388) (34) (22,817) (15,338) (24,734) (61,215) (3,972) (87,180) (5,223) 11,419 (15,589) (30,190) (2,411) (708) (20,488) (7,752) (90,662) (7,133) - (24) (241) (11,523) 9,718 (6,895) 12,447 (10) (3,238) 81 (8,298) (226,562) (7) 42,808 (2,560) 1,463 (121,810) 862 (130,396) (36,282) (217) - 68 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 27. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Below, we compared book and market values of financial instruments’ assets and liabilities: Consolidated 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 Book value Market Value Book value Market Value ASSETS Temporary cash investments (Note 4) Accounts receivable (Note 5) Swaps LIABILITIES Suppliers (Note 12) Loans and financing (Note 13) Debentures (Note 14) Swaps (Note 13) 714,596 1,532,326 45 2,246,967 714,596 1,532,326 45 2,246,967 471,998 1,696,338 118 2,168,454 471,998 1,696,338 118 2,168,454 493,791 1,267,745 1,201,200 5,666 2,968,402 493,791 1,272,061 1,201,200 5,666 2,972,718 549,879 1,162,553 1,217,598 5,345 2,935,375 549,879 1,169,467 1,217,598 5,345 2,942,289 a) Policy for utilization of derivatives The policy for utilization of derivative instruments approved by the Board of Directors determines the debt service protection (principal plus interest and commissions) denominated in foreign currency to mature within 24 months, forbidding any utilization for speculative purposes, whether in derivatives or any other risk assets. In line with provisions of this policy, the Company and its subsidiaries do not have futures contracts, options, swaptions, swaps with regret option, flexible options, derivatives embedded in other products, structure operations with derivatives and “exotic derivatives”. In addition, it is evidenced through the chart above that the single derivative instrument used by the Company and its subsidiaries is the non-cash currency swap (US$ versus CDI), whose Contractual Notional Value corresponds to the amount of foreign currency-denominated debt service to expire within 24 months, in line with the policy for the utilization of aforementioned derivatives. b) Risk management and objectives achieved The management of derivative instruments is conducted by means of operating strategies, aiming liquidity, profitability and safety. The control policy consists of permanently inspecting the policy compliance in the utilization of derivatives, as well as to monitor the rates contracted against those used in the market. 69 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS c) Classification and measurement of financial instruments: Concerning the calculation of market value, below a few considerations: Receivables - consumers, concessionaires and permissionaires (clients) are classified as loans and receivables and are recorded by their original values, less provision for losses and present value adjustment, where applicable. Suppliers are measured by the “amortized cost method” and therefore, recognized by their original value. According to OCPC 03 guidelines, these financial instruments are recorded as “financial liabilities not measured at the fair value”. Loans and financing: are measured by the “amortized cost method. Market values were calculated at interest rates applicable to instruments with similar nature, maturities and risks, or based on market quotations of these securities. The market values for BNDES financing are identical to accounting balances, since there are no similar instruments, with comparable maturities and interest rates. In case of debentures, book and market values are identical, as there is no liquid trading market for these debentures as an accurate benchmark in the market calculation. These financial instruments are classified as “financial liabilities not measured at the fair value”. Swap operations: are measured by the “market value”. A the determination of market value used available information in the market and usual pricing methodology: the face value (notional) evaluation for long position (in U.S. dollars) until maturity date and discounted at present value of clean coupon rates, published in bulletins of Securities, Commodities and Futures Exchange – BM&F Bovespa. It is worth mentioning that estimated market values of financial assets and liabilities were determined by means of information available on the market and appropriate valuation methodologies. Nevertheless, meaningful judgment was required when interpreting market data to produce the most appropriate market value estimate. As a result, estimates used and presented below do not necessarily indicate the amounts that may be realized in current exchange market. d) Risk Factors During the normal course of its businesses, the Company and its subsidiaries are exposed to the market risks related to currency variations and interest rates, as evidenced in the chart below: 70 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Debt breakdown (excluding financial charges): Consolidated 6/30/2010 USD Currency basket BNDES Foreign currency (current and noncurrent) CDI TJLP Other Local currency (current and noncurrent) Overall total (current and noncurrent) R$ 95,846 95,846 1,731,105 581,585 60,409 2,373,099 2,468,945 % 3.9 3.9 70.1 23.6 2.4 96.1 100.0 3/31/2010 R$ 101,782 114 101,896 1,747,498 492,277 38,480 2,278,255 2,380,151 % 4.3 4.3 73.4 20.7 1.6 95.7 100.0 On June 30, 2010, according to the chart above, the foreign currency-denominated debt is R$95,846, or 3.88% of total debt. Financial derivative instruments were contracted for the amount of foreign currencydenominated debt service to expire within 24 months, in the swap modality, whose notional value on June 30, 2010 stood at US$21,879, according to the policy for utilization of derivative instruments approved by the Board of Directors. Thus, if we deduct this amount from total foreign currency-denominated debt, the foreign exchange exposure represents 2.29% of total debt. Below we provide a few considerations and analyses on risk factors impacting on business of Grupo Light companies: Currency risk Considering that a portion of Light Sesa’s loans and financing is denominated in foreign currency, the company uses derivative financial instruments (swap operations) to hedge service associated with these debts (principal plus interest and commissions) to expire within 24 months. Derivative operations resulted in a R$189 loss in 2Q10 (a loss of R$9,756 in 2Q09). The net amount of swap operations as of June 30, 2010, considering the fair amount, is a negative R$5,621 (negative by R$116 on June 30, 2009), as shown below: 71 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 Brazilian Corporation Law LIGHT S.A. 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Institution Light's Receivable Light's Payable Citibank US$+2.80% 100% CDI 2/10/09 9/10/10 Notional Value Contracted (US$ thousand) 74 - (50) (50) Citibank US$+2.80% 100% CDI 2/10/09 10/11/10 5,511 - (3,743) (3,743) (254) Starting Date Maturity Date Fair Value Jun/10 (R$) Assets Fair Value Jun/10 (R$) Liabilities Fair Value Jun/10 (R$) Balance Citibank US$+2.80% 100% CDI 2/10/09 12/27/10 376 - (254) Banco Itau US$+2.20% 100% CDI 6/18/09 3/10/11 69 - (20) (20) Citibank US$+2.33% 100% CDI 6/18/09 4/12/11 5,436 - (1,578) (1,578) Banco Itau US$+2.30% 100% CDI 9/10/09 9/12/11 67 - (8) (8) Banco Itau US$+2.79% 100% CDI 10/9/09 10/11/11 5,272 - (13) (13) Citibank US$+3.20% 100% CDI 3/10/10 3/12/12 64 - - - Banco Itau US$+2.82% 100% CDI 4/12/10 4/11/12 5,010 45 - Totals 21,879 45 (5,666) 45 (5,621) The amount recorded was already measured by its fair value on June 30, 2010. All operations with derivative financial instruments are registered in clearing houses for the custody and financial settlement of securities and there is no margin deposited in guarantee. Operations have no initial cost. Below, the sensitivity analysis for foreign exchange and interest rates fluctuations, showing eventual impacts on financial result of the Company and its subsidiaries. The methodology used in the “Probable Scenario” was to consider that both foreign exchange and interest rates will maintain the same level verified on June 30, 2010 until the end of 2010, maintaining steady liabilities, derivatives and temporary cash investments verified on June 30, 2010. It is worth highlighting that, as this refers to a sensitivity analysis of the impact on the 2010 financial result, the realized amounts of financial expense and/or revenue until 2Q10 were considered, and charges projection for the next six months over debt balance on June 30, 2010. It is worth mentioning that the behavior of debt and derivatives balances will observe their respective contracts, and the balance of temporary cash investments will fluctuate according to the need or available funds of the Company and its subsidiaries. 72 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Operation FINANCIAL LIABILITIES Par Bond Discount Bond C. Bond Debit. Conv. Bib BNDES - Financ. Imports KfW DERIVATIVES Swaps Risk USD USD USD USD USD Basket USD USD Reference for financial assets and liabilities Financial R$/US$ exchange rate (end of the period) Scenario (I): Probable R$ Scenario (II) Scenario (III) (116,765) (40,428) (26,308) (29,633) (17,530) (943) (366) (1,557) (141,441) (49,232) (32,289) (35,751) (20,903) (1,136) (366) (1,764) (166,393) (58,149) (38,355) (41,906) (24,301) (1,329) (366) (1,987) (2,283) 7,801 17,884 +25% +50% 2.2519 2.7023 1.8015 Exchange Rate Appreciation Risk Operation FINANCIAL LIABILITIES Par Bond Discount Bond C. Bond Debit. Conv. Bib BNDES - Financ. Imports KfW DERIVATIVES Swaps Risk USD USD USD USD USD Basket USD USD Reference for financial assets and liabilities Financial R$/US$ exchange rate (end of the period) Scenario (I): Probable R$ Scenario (IV) Scenario (V) (116,765) (40,428) (26,308) (29,633) (17,530) (943) (366) (1,557) (91,537) (31,397) (20,157) (23,439) (14,109) (750) (366) (1,319) (66,585) (22,480) (14,091) (17,284) (10,711) (557) (366) (1,096) (2,283) (12,366) (22,449) -25% -50% 1.3511 0.9008 1.8015 With the chart above, it is possible to identify that despite partial hedge against foreign currency-denominated debt (only limited to debt service to expire within 24 months), as R$/US$ quote increases, liabilities financial expense also increases but financial revenues of derivatives also partially offset this negative impact and vice-versa. Thus, cash is hedged thanks to the derivatives policy of the Company and its subsidiaries. Interest rate risk This risk derives from impact of interest rates fluctuation not only over financial expense associated with loans and financing of subsidiaries, but also over financial revenues deriving from temporary cash investments. The policy for utilization of derivatives approved by the Board of Directors does not comprise the contracting of instruments against such risk. Nevertheless, the Company and its subsidiaries 73 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continuously monitor interest rates so that to evaluate eventual need of contracting derivatives to hedge against interest rates volatility risk. See below the sensitivity analysis of interest rate risk, evidencing the effects on scenarios variation results: Operation Risk FINANCIAL ASSETS Temporary cash investments CDI FINANCIAL LIABILITIES Scenario (I): Probable R$ Scenario (II) Scenario (III) 61,949 66,278 70,534 (244,350) (272,977) (301,668) Debentures 5th issue CCB Bradesco CCB Bco ABN Amro Banking S/A Debentures 4th issue FINEM BNDES 2006-2008 FINEM BNDES 2009-2010 FINEM BNDES 2009-2010 TJLP+1 PROESCO Debentures 6th issue CDI CDI CDI TJLP TJLP TJLP TJLP TJLP CDI (99,262) (46,475) (5,282) (14) (41,635) (9,206) (9,973) (178) (32,325) (110,859) (52,191) (5,614) (15) (45,533) (10,466) (11,240) (199) (36,860) (122,455) (57,907) (5,946) (16) (49,431) (11,727) (12,507) (219) (41,460) DERIVATIVES Swaps CDI (2,283) (2,848) (3,408) Reference for FINANCIAL ASSETS CDI (% YTD) 9.52% +25% 10.79% +50% 12.05% Reference for FINANCIAL LIABILITIES CDI (% YTD) TJLP (% YTD) 9.52% 6.09% +25% 10.79% 6.47% +50% 12.05% 6.85% 74 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Risk of Interest Rate Increase Risk FINANCIAL ASSETS Temporary cash investments CDI 61,949 57,545 53,063 CDI CDI CDI TJLP TJLP TJLP TJLP TJLP CDI (244,350) (99,262) (46,475) (5,282) (14) (41,635) (9,206) (9,973) (178) (32,325) (215,786) (87,668) (40,760) (4,949) (12) (37,737) (7,945) (8,706) (157) (27,852) (187,285) (76,071) (35,044) (4,617) (11) (33,838) (6,685) (7,439) (137) (23,443) CDI (2,283) (1,710) (1,131) Reference for FINANCIAL ASSETS CDI (% YTD) 9.52% -25% 8.23% -50% 6.93% Reference for FINANCIAL LIABILITIES CDI (% YTD) TJLP (% YTD) 9.52% 6.09% -25% 8.23% 5.70% -50% 6.93% 5.31% FINANCIAL LIABILITIES Debentures 5th issue CCB Bradesco CCB Bco ABN Amro Banking S/A Debentures 4th issue FINEM BNDES 2006-2008 FINEM BNDES 2009-2010 FINEM BNDES 2009-2010 TJLP+1 PROESCO Debentures 6th issue DERIVATIVES Swaps Scenario (I): Probable R$ Scenario (II) Operation Scenario (III) Credit risk It refers to the Company and its subsidiaries eventually suffering losses deriving from default of counterparties or financial institutions depositary of funds or temporary cash investments. To mitigate these risks, the Company and its subsidiaries adopt the analysis of financial and equity position of its counterparties as practice, as well as the definition of credit limits and permanent monitoring of outstanding positions. Concerning financial institutions, the Company and its subsidiaries only carry out operations with low-risk financial institutions classified by rating agencies. 28. INSURANCE On June 30, 2010, Light Group had insurance covering its main assets. The assumptions of risks adopted, given their nature, are not included in the scope of a special review, accordingly, they were not audited by independent auditors. Insurance coverage as of June 30, 2010 is considered sufficient by Management, as summarized below: 75 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Effective Term From To RISKS Directors & Officers (D&O) Civil and general liabilities Operating risks* 8/10/2009 9/25/2009 10/31/2009 Amount Insured Premium 8/10/2010 US$20.000 9/25/2010 R$20,000 10/31/2010 R$ 3,572,187 US$ 81 R$452 R$1,632 * Maximum Limit of Indemnification (MLI) = R$300,000 29. STATEMENT OF INCOME BY COMPANY 01.01 to 06.30 OPERATING REVENUE Billed sales Unbilled sales Supply - Electric Power Other REVENUES DEDUCTION Billed sales - ICMS (State VAT) Consumer charges PIS (Tax on Revenues) COFINS (Tax on Revenues) COFINS - CVA - Amortization Other NET OPERATING REVENUE Light SESA Light Energia Light SA Light ESCO Lightcom Other Removals Consolidated 2010 4,507,310 169,307 - 75,362 38,602 - 4,173,175 - - - - - (54,957) - - - - - (68,756) 4,721,825 10,841 166,273 - 49,431 38,602 - (60,117) 205,030 378,251 3,034 - 25,931 - - (8,639) 398,577 (1,691,593) (21,658) - (7,398) (6,152) - - (1,726,801) (1,168,052) - - (3,643) (6,024) - - (1,177,719) (263,080) (7,222) - - - - - (270,302) (47,182) (2,574) - (516) (22) - - (50,294) (211,981) (11,856) - (2,374) (106) - - (226,317) - - - - - - - - (1,298) (6) - (865) - - - (2,169) 2,815,717 147,649 - 67,964 32,450 - (68,756) 2,995,024 4,173,175 (54,957) (2,425,602) (58,973) (3,491) (57,113) (31,732) - 68,756 (2,508,155) Personnel (95,201) (9,118) (2,089) (1,396) - - - (107,804) Material (10,683) (347) (6) (5,757) (110) - - (16,903) (147,160) (7,104) (1,037) (10,805) (303) - - (166,409) OPERATING EXPENSES AND COSTS Outsourced services (1,880,034) (7,150) - (38,319) (31,190) - 68,576 (1,888,117) Depreciation (142,670) (12,178) - (306) - - - (155,154) Provisions (129,337) (9,325) - - - - - (138,662) (20,517) (13,751) (359) (530) (129) - 180 (35,106) - - 221,982 - - - (221,982) - (111,131) (20,745) 370 538 86 486 - (130,396) 110,500 3,432 370 590 109 497 (19,332) 96,166 (221,631) (24,177) - (52) (23) (11) 19,332 (226,562) 486 (221,982) Energy purchased Other Equity in the earnings of subsidiaries FINANCIAL INCOME Financial revenue Financial expenses 67,931 218,861 Social contribution (23,867) (6,184) - (978) (72) (42) - (31,143) Income tax (76,633) (17,098) - (2,690) (190) (110) - (96,721) 178,484 44,649 218,861 7,721 542 334 (221,982) (8,916) (692) (36) (140) - - - (9,784) 169,568 43,957 218,825 7,581 542 334 (221,982) 218,825 INCOME BEFORE TAXES INCOME AFTER TAXES Employees profit sharing NET INCOME 278,984 11,389 804 356,473 228,609 30. LONG-TERM INCENTIVE PLAN On June 30,2010 the subsidiary Light Sesa set up a provision of R$1,059 referring to the vesting period of the long-term “phantom options” incentive plan, incurred in the second quarter of 2010 against personnel expenses, in the total provision amount of R$2,118 in 2010. 76 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEMBERS ALTERNATES Aldo Floris Lauro Alberto de Luca Ana Marta Horta Veloso João Procópio Loures Vale Djalma Bastos de Morais João Batista Zolini Carneiro João Márcio Lignani Siqueira Fernando Henrique Schuffner Neto Firmino Ferreira Sampaio Neto Carlos Augusto Leone Piani Luiz Carlos Costeira Urquiza Paulo Roberto Reckziegel Guedes Carlos Roberto Teixeira Junger Ricardo Simonsen Sérgio Alair Barroso Luiz Fernando Rolla Maria Silvia Bastos Marques Almir José dos Santos Carlos Alberto da Cruz Carmen Lúcia Claussen Kanter Elvio Lima Gaspar Joaquim Dias de Castro FISCAL COUNCIL MEMBERS ALTERNATES Ari Barcelos da Silva Eduardo Gomes Santos Isabel da Silva Ramos Kemmelmeier Ronald Gastão Andrade Reis Eduardo Grande Bittencourt Ricardo Genton Peixoto Maurício Wanderley Estanislau da Costa Márcio Cunha Cavour Pereira de Almeida Aristóteles Luiz Menezes Vasconcellos Drummond Aliomar Silva Lima 77 A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION (ITR) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRY AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPANIES 01987-9 June 30, 2010 LIGHT S.A. Brazilian Corporation Law 03.378.521/0001-75 06.01 – NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BOARD OF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Jerson Kelman Chief Executive Officer João Batista Zolini Carneiro Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer Evandro Leite Vasconcelos Officer Paulo Carvalho Filho Officer Ana Silvia Corso Matte Officer José Humberto Castro Officer Paulo Roberto Ribeiro Pinto Officer CONTROLLERSHIP AND PLANNING SUPERINTENDENCE Luciana Maximino Maia Accountant – Accounting Manager CPF 144.021.098-50 CRC-RJ 091476/O-0 78