Ramsey County Environmental Response Fund Loan Application2008

Community and Economic Development Funding Request Application
FY 2016
CDBG and HOME Applications Due March 4, 2016 for Funding After July 1, 2016
Applicant Information (All Categories)
Applicant’s Legal Name
Contact Person
Email Address
Mailing Address
Federal Tax ID#
Project Type:
New Multi-Family Rental Housing
Other Community Development
Public Service
Other Housing Projects
Project Information
Project Name
Project Location
Ramsey County Funds Requested
Total Project Cost
Source/Status of Other Project Funds (Include all funds required to complete the project)
Committed Pending
Note: Multi Family projects must include commitment letters, including: Tax Credit Allocation, Historic Tax
Credit, Equity, Bridge Loan Details
Community and Economic Development Funding Request Application
FY 2016
CDBG and HOME Applications Due March 4, 2016 for Funding After July 1, 2016
General Instructions:
1. All applicants for capital projects (non-public service) are expected to submit a completed
Environmental Statutory Checklist (Attached).
2. Multi -Family Housing Projects should submit the MHFA Common Application with the Ramsey County
Application. Information in the application may be pre- or post-submission to Minnesota Housing.
Application. As noted earlier (status of funds), commitment letters will need to be included with the
application. Applications must also include:
 An as-is appraisal
 Operating Pro Forma for the term of affordability
 Proposed Rent Schedule and Utility Allowance
 Market Analysis
3. Public Service Projects. CDBG funds may only be used for new or expanded social services. CDBG
funds, by statute, may not be used to replace other funds. Awarded funds will be on a reimbursement
basis based on a per client cost for each LMI eligible client served.
4. Public Facilities and Other Non-Residential Construction Projects. Federal and local labor standards,
prevailing wages, hiring and procurement requirements may apply to your project. Please consult with
program staff prior to initiating any binding construction activities. Specific language is required. Staff
will work with you on bid packages and pre-construction conferences.
5. Other Housing Projects: Including single and/or other owner-occupied family acquisition,
rehabilitation, re-sale, acquisition for low-income affordable rental properties, multi-family
rehabilitation, etc. will need to provide as-is and post completion appraisals, market analysis, proposed
rent and utility schedules, as appropriate.
Proposal Submissions:
Project Narrative: Describe the existing situation (need) and outcomes (impact) related to suburban Ramsey
County priorities. 1) Include a one paragraph summary that can be used to describe the project that will be
used to present the project to elected officials and the public. And 2) Provide additional detail describing the
project on separate pages. Include the information requested below:
A. Beneficiary Information: How will this project benefit low and moderate income residents of suburban
Ramsey County communities? Refer to the household rent and income limits. Please include the
number of persons/households expected to benefit, household income levels, and method for
verifying client income. Explain how the figures were calculated, including:
 Estimated number of people served
 Estimated cost per person/household served
 Describe any cost increases/decreases or other changes experienced over the past 24 months
If direct benefit is not being achieved, describe how the project will meet the area benefit or
presumed benefit test.
B. Implementation. Describe previous experience with this or a similar type of activity or project. Have
modifications been made to reflect current housing market/economic conditions in the community?
Are other agencies/ organizations involved? How will successful performance be measured?
CDBG-HOME Application 2016
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Community and Economic Development Funding Request Application
FY 2016
CDBG and HOME Applications Due March 4, 2016 for Funding After July 1, 2016
Required Attachments
1. Resolution of Governing Body (Required for local units of government; private and non-profit firms;
organizations proposing a site-specific project must have a resolution of support from the applicable
Ramsey County municipality.
2. Environmental Statutory Checklist for all capital requests.
3. Map identifying location of project, site maps and other illustrative material, as applicable.
4. Third-Party project cost estimates.
5. Certification of Federal Assistance (required for projects with other federal dollars).
6. Anticipated Implementation/Construction Schedule.
7. Proposed Drawdown Schedule (Ramsey County prefers to reimburse no frequently than monthly).
8. Written financial commitments from other sources, as appropriate.
9. Other attachments identified general instructions.
10. Signed certification (may be submitted in other format).
I certify that the statements and application requirements of this official proposal are correct and that
this proposal contains no misrepresentation or falsifications, omissions or concealment of material
facts and that the information given is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief, and
that no bids have been awarded, contracts executed, or construction begun on the proposed project.
Signature of Authorized Official
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