Georgia Tech Lorraine
Teacher : Sonia SERAFIN
Tel : ++ 33 (0)387 34 07 76
E-Mail : sonia.serafin@orange.fr
Course schedule :
FRENCH 1001 meets twice a week, for one hour and a half .
Required Textbook :
- Bragger and Rice. Allons-y : Le français par étapes. Sixth edition.
Ed. Thomson Heinle,; 2004. ISBN 1-4130-0190-4.
- A good bilingual dictionary (ie. Robert and Collins).
Recommended Resources :
Christopher Kendris. 501 French Verbs, 4th edition
Barron’s Educational Series; ISBN : 0812092813
Course notebook :
You will be expected to maintain a looseleaf notebook containing notes taken in or outside
class, additional xeroxed materials, homework assignements etc..
Course description :
This course is an introduction to French language (sounds), vocabulary (words), grammar
(conjugation) and dialogues (short structures). Perspectives on cultural issues will enable you
to make the most of your stay in Metz/France/Europe.
Workload :
Homework includes pronunciation rehearsals, cultural assignments, written works and
This course requires approximately two/three hours of individual work per week.
I realize that you are in France, for most of you, for the first time; and ( I hope!)that you will
spend much time meeting French people in diverse circumstances. I also know that these
encounters are very good indeed for progress. Nevertheless, like sport, learning a language
requires regular focus and practice if you want to maximize your stay in Metz.
Course objectives :
To acquire the fundamentals of French pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar through
exercises in reading, writing and dialogues.
To communicate in short lengths paragraphs
To examine contemporary cultural issues.
At the end of the course students will have reached the level A1 of the Council of Europe’s
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages,( abb. CEFR).
They will be able to : Understand and use familiar everyday expressions and basic phrases
aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type.
Introduce themselves and others and ask/answer questions about personal details.
Interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and is prepared to help.
Grading :
Class preparation and participation : 20%
Quizzes (2) : 25%
Mid-term Exam : 25%
Final Exam : 30 %
Attendance Policy :
Class attendance is required. If you must miss class to participate in a scheduled GTL event,
please inform me beforehand.
Feel free to discuss your progress and difficulties in the course with me anytime. I am
normally in my office an hour before each class, so if the door is open, feel free to come in.
You can also make an appointment via my personal e-mail.
Note on behavior :
Academically dishonest behavior will not be tolerated.
Please consult the GT Academic Honor Code.
WEEK 1 :
1) Introductions, and course directives.
Homework, before and after class.
What do you know about France and the French?
2) Introductory chapter : Allons-y pp 1 - 9
WEEK 2 :
1) Alphabet, numbers
Before coming to class: read Chapter 1, étape 1, 12-15
2) Homework: Review previous class
Before coming to class: read pp15-21
1) Homework: Review previous class.
Before coming to class: read pp 22 - 28.
2) Homework: Review previous class.
Before coming to class: read pp 29- 37
1) Homework : Review chapter one, Point d’arrivée and lexique.
Before coming to class : read Chapter 2 - étape 1
2) Homework: Review previous class
Before coming to class : read étape 2
1) Homework : review previous class
Before coming to class : read étape 3
2) Homework: review Chapter 2, Point d’arrivée and lexique.
Before coming to class read Chapter 3 - étape 1
1) Homework: review previous class
Before coming to class : read étape 2
2) Homework: review previous class
Before coming to class : read étape 3
1) Homework : review Chapters 1,2 and 3
Class exercises, review and consolidation
2) EXAM 1
1) Before coming to class read Chapter 4, étape 1
2) Homework : review previous class
Before coming to class read étape 2
1) Homework: review previous class
Before coming to class read étape 3
2) Homework: review chapter 4, Point d’arrivée et lexique
Before coming to class read Chapter 5, étape 1.
1) Homework: Review previous class
Before coming to class read étape 2
2) Homework: Review previous class
Before coming to class read étape 3
1) Homework: review Chapter 5, Point d’arrivée et lexique
Before coming to class read Chapter 6, étape 1
2) Homework: review previous class.
Before coming to class read étape 2
1) Homework: review previous class
Before coming to class read étape 3
2) Homework: review Chapter 6 , Point d’arrivée et lexique
Class exercises. Role plays.
1) and 2) Homework : review chapters 4,5, and 6
General review, exercises, role plays and consolidation
Final exam.
WEEK 1 + 2 + 3 : Chapitre 1
Article défini et indéfini
Présent verbes en er.
Formes interrogatives
Etre/ avoir
WEEK 4 : Chapitre 2
Il y a, voici et voila
Adjectif possessif
Qui où que pourquoi Combien
WEEK 5 : Chapitre 3
à + de + prépositions de lieu
Futur immédiat
WEEK 8 : Chapitre 4
Vouloir et expressions avec
Espérer et expressions avec, avoir l’intention de
Présent et futur des verbes pronominaux
WEEK 10 : Chapitre 5
Passé composé avec avoir et être
Passé composé des verbes pronominaux
WEEK 11 : Chapitre 6
Adjectifs démonstratifs : Ce, cet, cette, ces
Devoir : présent et passé composé