Unit Title - How Do Machines Work

Sheila Thomas
Unit Title: How do Machines Work?
Discipline Specific Topics
Name: Sheila Thomas
Grade: 7 & 8 Advanced Math & Science Students
Discipline: Science
Purpose: To provide an after school program for students with advanced scores in Math & Science who
will understand and apply the concepts of Newton’s Laws of Motion in the projects which they create and
interact with.
1. Students will build understanding of the physical sciences through hands on exploration of the
physical world.
2. Students will build an understanding of forces and motion relative to Newton’s Laws of motion.
3. By using instruments and computer based technologies students will better explore these physical phenomena.
4. Students will solve practical problems through the development or use of given technologies,
such as graphing calculator robots, mousetrap cars, laptop computers, and programmable
Lego Robotics.
5. Students will have an understanding of the interconnectedness of science, engineering and
technology, and the careers available to both women and men.
Outcome: Students will develop an understanding to utilize the correct terminology when describing a
machines movement, which will enable them to build and program machines that will perform a
predetermined task relative to real life situations.
Essential Question: How do machines work?
Unit Question which activity addresses & and supports
essential question
Summary of Activity
Activity #1
What are Newton’s 3 laws of motion?
A. Students will be given an introduction with an
opportunity to research Isaac Newton on the laptops.
B. Students will view 3 short video clips downloaded
from the Video streaming website to acquire an
understanding of Newton’s 3 Laws of motion and the
terminology to be utilized throughout the program.
Standard (Use text not codes)
Standard Addressed
Length of Activity
Instructional Mode
Science & Technology 9-10
1.1 Distinguish between vector quantities (velocity,
acceleration, and force) and scalar quantities
(speed and mass).
1.5 Explain the relationship between mass and
1.6 Interpret and apply Newton’s first law of motion.
1.7 Interpret Newton’s second law of motion.
1.8 Interpret Newton’s third law of motion.
IT Standards 5-8
C. Students will access the Holist on Machines to
select the website on “Forces in Action”. The goal of
this activity is to apply Newton’s Laws of force, motion
and gravity to the events. Students will compile their
data to discuss and compare the outcome.
D. Students will access the Hotlist on Machines to
1.13 Save a file to the desktop, the hard drive, and
external storage spaces (e.g., floppy disk, CD-ROM,
virtual electronic space).
1.14 Select a printer and print a document with
appropriate page setup and orientation.
1.21 Perform simple operations in a database (e.g.,
Sheila Thomas
select the website on ”Amusement Park Physics”. They
will look over the library relative to the terminology to be
used, build their roller coaster, discussed results of
trials and final outcome.
E. Students will access the Hotlist on Machines to
select the website on “Gears”. They will gain an
understanding of how gears interact to make machines
Activity #2
How does a propulsion system assist with moving a
A. Students will design and produce a vehicle to
transport itself across the ground the farthest distance
(measured in a straight line). The only source of energy
to be used is a standard mousetrap.
B. Students will create an assembly line to mass
produce all of the mousetrap vehicles.
C. Students will work in groups to test and evaluate
their vehicles, making changes and adaptations as
D. Students will create graphs on the laptops utilizing
the Excel program to record their data. The students
will come together to discuss their results.
Discipline Specific Topics
browse, sort, search, delete, add data).
1.22 Describe structure and function of spreadsheet
(e.g., cells, rows, columns, formulas) and apply
formatting features.
1.25 Identify and use navigation features of browser
(e.g., “go,” “back,” “forward”).
1.26 Using a browser, “bookmark” a Web site for
future reference.
1.27 Identify basic elements of a Web site (e.g.,
URL, hyperlinks, site map, etc.).
A. Demonstration/Entire Group
B. Partners
2 after school sessions (1.5 hours each session)
Science & Technology 6-8
2.1 Identify and explain the steps of the engineering
design process, i.e., identify the need or problem,
research the problem, develop possible solutions,
select the best possible solution(s), construct a
prototype, test and evaluate, communicate the
solution(s), and redesign.
Science & Technology 9-10
1.1 Distinguish between vector quantities (velocity,
acceleration, and force) and scalar quantities
(speed and mass).
1.2 Illustrate how to represent vectors graphically
and be able to add them graphically.
1.3 Distinguish between, and solve problems
involving, velocity, speed, and constant
1.4 Create and interpret graphs of motion (position
vs. time, speed vs. time, velocity vs. time, constant
acceleration vs. time).
1.5 Explain the relationship between mass and
1.6 Interpret and apply Newton’s first law of motion.
IT Standards 5-8
1.13 Save a file to the desktop, the hard drive, and
external storage spaces (e.g., floppy disk, CD-ROM,
virtual electronic space).
1.14 Select a printer and print a document with
appropriate page setup and orientation.
1.15 Operate peripheral equipment (e.g., scanner,
digital camera, camcorder).
1.21 Perform simple operations in a database (e.g.,
browse, sort, search, delete, add data).
1.22 Describe structure and function of spreadsheet
(e.g., cells, rows, columns, formulas) and apply
formatting features.
Sheila Thomas
Activity #3
How can machines move when programmed with
A. Students will learn to program a graphing calculator
in order to make their robots move in a predetermined
Discipline Specific Topics
A. Mass production/Entire Group
B. Partners to complete project
C. Entire Group to discuss results
3 After School sessions
Science & Technology 6-High School
3.1 Identify and explain the components of a
communication system, i.e., source, encoder,
transmitter, receiver, decoder, storage, retrieval,
and destination.
Science & Technology 9-10
1.3 Distinguish between, and solve problems
involving, velocity, speed, and constant
1.7 Interpret Newton’s second law of motion.
Activity #4
How do machines move in a predetermined pattern
when a program is stored in their memory?
A. Students will utilize programmable bricks to build a
Lego robotics machine, which they create, and program
to perform a task. The program which will be installed
on the laptops, is the same used at NASA when
controlling the Sojourner Robot on Mars.
A. Group Demonstration
B. Partners to complete project
C. Entire Group to discuss results
3 After school sessions
Science & Technology 6-High School
3.1 Identify and explain the components of a
communication system, i.e., source, encoder,
transmitter, receiver, decoder, storage, retrieval,
and destination.
Science & Technology 9-10
1.4 Create and interpret graphs of motion (position
vs. time, speed vs. time, velocity vs. time, constant
acceleration vs. time).
IT Standards 5-8
1.13 Save a file to the desktop, the hard drive, and
external storage spaces (e.g., floppy disk, CD-ROM,
virtual electronic space).
1.14 Select a printer and print a document with
appropriate page setup and orientation.
1.15 Operate peripheral equipment (e.g., scanner,
digital camera, camcorder).
1.21 Perform simple operations in a database (e.g.,
browse, sort, search, delete, add data).
A. Group Demonstration
B. Partners to complete project
C. Entire Group to discuss results
4 After school sessions
Sheila Thomas
Discipline Specific Topics
Tools and Resources:
Hotlist of Websites on Machines
 http://www.kn.sbc.com/wired/fil/pages/listmachinessh.html
 ROBOLAB 2.5 with Training Missions Software and Site License
 Computer & Internet Access
 Instructions to build Mousetrap Cars
 Standard Mousetraps
 Scrap Wood
 Wire/String/Fishing Line
 Coat hangers
 Dowel Rods
 Screws/Nuts/Washers
 Glue gun
 Super Glue
 Screwdrivers
 Graphing Calculators
 Calculator commands for basic programming
 Robots
 Lego Robotics Kits
 Lego Building Manual
 Digital Cameras
 Printers
 Infocus Projector
 Paper & Pencil
 Video
 Excel Program
 Word Program
A rubric to evaluate the 4 components of the program.
Observation for each activity.
Group folder evaluation at the end of each activity.
Completed projects.
Presentation of projects.
Massachusetts Department of Education (2001). Massachusetts Science and Technology/Engineering Curriculum
Framework (online). Retrieved March 3, 2005, from http://www.doe.mass.edu/frameworks/current.html
Dr. Zoon (2000). Retrieved March 8, 2005, from http://www.zoonzone.com/
Norland Research (2004). Retrieved March 8, 2005, from http://www.smallrobot.com/scimath.html
Sheila Thomas
Discipline Specific Topics
Lego Education Store (2005). Retrieved March 1, 2005, from http://www.legoeducation.com/Default.asp
Wang, Eric (2004). Engineering with Lego Bricks and Robolab. College House Enterprises, LLC.
Dr. Zoon Video (2000). Mousetrap Vehicles. Pitsco Innovative Education.
Michael Lavers, laversm@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Paul Duval,
Eileen Spinney, spinneye@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Jennifer Jones, jonesj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Teresa Mayer, mayert@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Michael McLaughlin, mclaughlinm@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Comments: This is a unit for advanced science & math students in the 7th and 8th grades. As the focus
of this after school activity was on enhancing career awareness for engineering and programming, it was
imperative that both male and female students participate as we pursued information for the
nontraditional gender role.