Sample 3

petermaguire-2649-78985- 280216-3446.WAV
Re-eval. Sinus headache, bouts of vertigo associated with sinus pressure, decreased sense of
smell. Recall went through allergy shots some time ago before pregnancy. Elm. Also saw her
for possible insect reaction. Feels that the symptoms of sinus blockage and headache, but she is
also pointing towards temporal areas as well as frontal ethmoid, and also points to the TMJ areas
also is causing her discomfort and pain. On Flonase, but sense of smell seems to be decreasing
while she is using that. Would like to switch back to Nasacort. Singulair in the past. 2 young
kids. Interference with quality of life in terms of functioning. Has been treated with ABX for
possible rhinosinusitis 4 times in the past. Sinus issues more common in the current ROS 14
Pleasant, VSS, NAD.
SKIN: Nonfocal.
HEENT: NC, AT. PERRLA. EOMI. TMs clear. Very gentle palpation to HEENT. No masses.
Could have some TMJ component, however. Nasal exam very edematous, swollen inferior
turbinate. Could not see past inferior turbinate. Significant turbinate hypertrophy. OP slight
EXT, NEURO: Stable.
Significant inferior turbinate hypertrophy. Could have chronic sinusitis, allergic rhinitis mixed
picture. She would like to avoid IT. Immunotherapy if possible. Gave Nasacort 2 sp bilat lateral
spray technique. Monitor for side effects such as decreased sense of smell or improvement of
smell, which would be an improvement. After sinus CT scan ENT consultation to evaluate
inferior turbinate hypertrophy, whether it is chronic sinusitis or whether a TMJ component. We
discussed anti-vertigo OTC medications if needed, may cause some sedation. Also may follow
up in my clinic. Will inform of results.
15 min, counseling greater than 50 percent.