【案例一】 吳 xx 75 歲 男性 心臟內科 診斷:高血壓、高膽固醇血症、胃潰瘍、中風、長期鼻胃管灌食 門診處方: 藥品 數量 劑型 途徑 頻次 天數 Nifedipine OROS 30mg 1 Tab PO QD 28 days Captopril 25mg 2 Tab PO TID 28 days Simvastatin 40mg 2 Tab PO QD 28 days Pantoprazole 40mg 1 Tab PO QD 28 days Ticlopidine 100mg 1 Tab PO TID 28 days 46 Subjective and Objective Problem (subjective and objective) S: 無 Current medication Nifedipine OROS 30mg 1# QD Captopril 25mg 2# TID Simvastatin 40mg 2# QD Pantoprazole 40mg 1# QD O: 75 歲男性 Ticlopidine 100mg 1# TID Assessment Etiology (or risk factors) Evidence need for therapy evaluation (current/recommended therapy) 高血壓、高膽固醇血症、胃潰瘍、中風、長期鼻 胃管灌食 Plan Recommended drug treatment, drug to be Goal and monitoring parameters Patient education revised, further test 1. 病患接受長期鼻胃管灌食,處方中 Nifedipine 血壓: 美國全國聯合委員會(Joint National 1. OROS 屬於緩釋劑型,磨粉後會破壞緩釋效 Committee,JNC) - 長期高血壓之治療, 果,無法維持整天的降壓效果,甚至可能因 血壓應控制在 140/90mmHg 之下,有糖尿 一次劑量太高導致低血壓;如果病患使用 病危險因子之病人,應更為嚴格,血壓宜 2. Nifedipine 效果不錯,可建議醫師更改傳統劑 控制在 130/80mmHg。 型 Nifedipine 或其他同類非緩釋劑型之鈣離 Monitoring: 每天測量血壓 Nifedipine 及 Captopril 用於控制血壓。 Captopril 應空腹服用(至少飯前 1 小時服 用);可能引起咳嗽副作用,可告知醫師。 Simvastatin 用於降低膽固醇,最適合的 服藥時間為夜間;服藥期間如有肌肉酸 痛時,應告知醫師。避免併服大量葡萄 子阻斷劑,或可改用其他類別降血壓藥物。 血脂: 健保局規範 Pantoprazole 屬於腸溶劑型,磨粉使用會造成 無心血管疾患 (冠狀動脈粥狀硬化者、 3. 藥物在胃中受到破壞,降低藥品效果;可建 腦血管病變、周邊血管粥狀硬化有缺血症 議醫師改用其他適合管灌的 PPI (如: 狀經證實者) 柚汁。 如果醫師更改藥品為 Esomeprazol,此藥 用於治療胃潰瘍。最好於早餐前 1 小時 服用,管灌時可將藥品溶於水中,立即 47 Esomeprazol, Lansoprazole)。 2. Captopril 應空腹服用。 3. Simvastatin 較適合的服藥時間為夜間。 有 2 個危險因子 (高血壓、M 45 歲) Goal: Total cholesterol < 200mg/dl LDL < 130 mg/dl 有心血管疾患 Goal: Total cholesterol < 160mg/dl LDL < 100mg/dl TG < 150mg/dl Monitoring: 每 3-6 個月檢驗血脂值 48 灌入。 4. Ticlopidine 用於預防中風的再次發生; 可與食物併服以減少胃部不適;若有不 正常瘀青或其他出血問題,應立即就診。 【案例二】 王 xx 52 歲 男性 胸腔內科 診斷:氣喘、慢性氣道阻塞、過敏性鼻炎 門診處方: 藥品 數量 劑型 途徑 頻次 天數 Theophylline SR (250mg) 1 Cap PO BID 28 days Gasgel 1 Tab PO BID 28 days Prednisolone (5mg) 1 Tab PO QD 28 days Symbicort Turbuhaler 1 Dose IH BID PRN 28 days Buventol Easyhaler 1 Dose IH Q4H 28 days 49 Subjective and Objective Problem (subjective and objective) S: 無 Current medication Theophylline 1# bid Gasgel 1# bid Prednisolone 1# qd Symbicort 1dose bidprn O: 52 歲男性 Buventol 1dose q4h Assessment Etiology (or risk factors) 氣喘 Evidence need for therapy evaluation (current/recommended therapy) 依據 National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute 發表之 Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma - Update on Selected Topics 2002 附註,病人應遵循藥囑正確使用藥物以期控制氣喘發作 Plan Recommended drug treatment, drug to be Goal and monitoring parameters revised, further test 1. Symbicort: budenoside 160ug + formoterol fumarate dihydrate 4.5ug, 120 劑量/瓶,內含 steroid 及長效2-agonist,針對重度至嚴重持續 氣喘發作病人應固定使用,建議更改 bid prn 為 bid 2. Buventol: salbutamol sulfate 200ug, 200 劑量/ 瓶,屬於短效2-agonist,多用於緩解急性氣喘 發作,建議更改 q4h 為 q4h prn Patient education 1. Minimal or no chronic symptoms day 1. Symbicort:內含類固醇及支氣管擴張劑, 要固定每日使用 2 次,可以做為平日保養 or night 以減少氣喘發作。使用方法及注意事項: 2. Minimal or no exacerbations 旋轉並打開護蓋。 3. No limitations on activities; no 讓吸入器旋轉盤朝下,先將旋轉盤向右轉 school/work missed 到底,再向左轉到底直至聽到”喀擦”聲, 4. Maintain (near) normal pulmonary 表示已充填好一次的藥物劑量(初次使 function 用,此步驟再重覆二次)。 5. Minimal use of short-acting inhaled 先吐氣(千萬不要將氣吹入吸入器中),然 beta2-agonist 50 6. Minimal or no adverse effects from medications 後以口含住吸嘴,用力而深的吸飽氣 將吸嘴移離口部 摒息約 5~10 秒鐘 慢慢呼氣。 蓋好護蓋。 吸入器上有一個劑量顯示孔,可顯示剩餘 的劑量數,將數量降至 0~20 次時,數字 會變成紅色。 使用後吸嘴可用乾布或乾棉花棒擦拭乾 淨,勿以水直接沖洗。 【注意事項】 1.勿直接朝吸嘴吹氣。 2.遵守”呼-吸-摒息“三要素。 3.吸入後務必漱口以防止口腔念珠菌感 染。 4.搖晃吸入器時聼到的聲音係由乾燥劑所 產生。 5.吸入後可能無法嚐知其味,但若依指示 使用,當可確定此劑量已被吸入。 2. Buventol: 是支氣管擴張劑,藥效發作很 快,必須讓病患隨時帶在身邊,急性發作 的時候趕快使用。使用方法及注意事項: 打開護蓋。 以直立方式握住吸入器,充分搖晃以利藥 物釋出。壓下吸入劑,鬆手後聽到”喀擦” 一聲,表示已完成藥劑充填。 51 先吐氣(千萬不要將氣吹入吸入器中),然 後以口含住吸嘴,用力而深的吸飽氣 將吸嘴移離口部 摒息約 5~10 秒鐘 慢慢呼氣。 蓋回護蓋。 若需吸入第二個劑量,請間隔 30 秒~1 分 鐘後再重覆上述步驟 吸入器側端有劑量器,可顯示剩餘的劑量 數。 使用後吸嘴可用乾布或乾棉花棒擦拭乾 淨,勿以水直接沖洗。 【注意事項】 1. 勿直接朝吸嘴吹氣。 2. 遵守 ” 呼-吸-摒息 “三要素。 3. 乾粉內含有乳糖,當吸入後感覺有甜味 時,便可確定有藥品被吸入。 52 附註 53 【案例三】 傅 xx 83 歲 男性 骨科 診斷:骨髓炎、骨質疏鬆併骨折 門診處方: 藥品 數量 劑型 途徑 頻次 天數 Ciprofloxacin (250mg) 2 Tab PO BID 28 days MgO (250MG) 1 Tab PO QID 28 days Alendronate (70mg) 1 Tab PO QD 28 days Naproxen SR (750mg) 1 Tab PO QD 28 days 54 Subjective and Objective Problem (subjective and objective) S:無 O: 83 歲 Current medication Ciprofloxacin 2# bid MgO 1# qid Alendronate 1# qd 男性 Naproxen SR 1# qd Assessment Etiology (or risk factors) Evidence need for therapy evaluation (current/recommended therapy) 急性骨髓炎 骨質疏鬆併骨折 Plan Recommended drug treatment, drug to be Goal and monitoring parameters revised, further test 1. 與醫師溝通,病人是否一定須要 MGO,因 為 ciprofloxacin 若與制酸劑(多價陽離子)併 服,會減少 50-75%的吸收。 2. ciprofloxacin 一天使 用 兩次,可建議 改成 q12h,以維持穩定的血中濃度與藥效。 3. alendronate 劑量為 70mg,所以應改為 1# qw。 Patient education 1. ciprofloxacin:用於治療急性骨髓炎,12 小時吃一次,1 次吃 2 顆(告訴病人比較 明確的吃藥時間:早晚 7 點時吃藥),吃藥 後 2 個小時才能吃制酸劑(或吃完制酸劑 後 6 個小時才能吃抗生素);治療急性骨 髓炎的療程須 4-6 週,須按時吃藥,否 則容易復發且較難治癒。 2. alendronate 用於治療骨質疏鬆,只要一 55 週使用一次;飯前半小時整粒吞服,不 可嚼碎;服藥時請多喝水(200-250 西西 白開水)。服藥後至少 30 分鐘內不可躺 下及吃東西,盡量維持坐直或站直的姿 勢。有胸口痛或吞嚥困難時應告訴醫師。 56 【案例四】 病案討論 (Diabetes Mellitus) Patient General Information (Gen) Patient name: 劉先生 Chart no: xxxxxxxx Age: 67 Sex: M Weight: 111.5kg Height: 165 cm Marriage status: married Allergies: NKDA Chief Complaint (CC) “Lately I feel extremely tired and now my vision is blurred.” History of Present Illness (HPI) 67 y/o male seen in the family medicine clinic complaining of periodic blurred vision for the past 3 weeks. He further complains of severe fatigue and lack of energy, which limits his daily activities. He states that he started taking a multiple vitamin 1 week ago but has not noticed any improvement in his energy level. Past Medical History (PMH) HTN x 7 years Hyperlipidemia x 5 years Social History (SH) Married x 43 years with 2 children. Works full-time as a parking lot attendant. No alcohol or tobacco use Rarely exercises and admits to trying fad diets for weight loss with little success. Family History (FH) Diabetes present in both father and paternal grandfather. Father died suddenly of a massive stroke at age 62; mother died of breast cancer at age 49; 2 younger siblings are alive and apparently well. Review of Systems (ROS) Occasional polydipsia, polyphagia, fatigue, weakness, blurred vision. Denies chest pain, dyspnea, tachycardia, dizziness or lightheadedness upon standing, tingling or numbness in extremities, leg cramps, peripheral edema, changes in bowel movements, GI bloating or pain, nausea or vomiting, urinary incontinence, or presence of skin lesions. Physical Examination (PE) Gen: obese man who seems restless and in mild distress VS: BP 149/96 mmHg without orthostasis HR 80 beats/min RR 18 bpm T 37.2℃ Ht 165 cm BW 111.5 kg BMI 41Kg/m2 Skin: dry with poor skin turgor; no ulcers or rash HEENT: PERRLA; EOMI; TMs intact; no hemorrhages or exudates on funduscopic examination; mucous membranes normal; nose and throat clear w/o exudates or lesions Neck / LN: supple; without lymphadenopathy, thyromegaly, or JVD CV: RRR; normal S1 and S2; no S3, S4, rubs murmurs, or bruits Lungs: CTA Abd: soft, NT, central obesity; normal BS; no organomegaly, or distention GU / Rect: normal external male genitalia Ext: Normal ROM and sensation; peripheral pulses 2+ throughout; no lesions, ulcers, or edema 57 Neuro: A&O x 3, CN II-XII intact; DTRs 2+ throughout; feet with normal vibratory and pinprick sensation (5.07 / 10g monofilament) Medication Record (Prescription and OTC) (MedHx) Propranolol LA 80mg po once daily MVI po once daily Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests (Labs) Na 141 mEq/L Ca 9.9 mg/dL AST 21 IU/L T. bili 0.9mg/dL Random Glu 260mg/dL UA(Urinary analysis) (-) ketones K 4.0 mEq/L P 3.2 mg/dL ALT 15 IU/L BUN 24mg/dL T. chol 285 mg/dL Cl 96 mEq/L CO2 22mEq/L Alk phos 45 IU/L Scr 1.6mg/dL (-) protein (-) microalbuminuria The patient returned to clinic 3 days later for lab work, which revealed: FPG 177mg/dL A1C 9.1% T chol 280mg/dL LDL 176mg/dL HDL 27mg/dL TG 302mg/dL Diagnosis Type 2 DM Hypertension Hyperlipidemia Obesity, metabolic syndrome Problem list (Drug Therapy Problems) DRP 1: Type 2 DM--initiate OADs in a newly diagnosed DM patients DRP 2: Hypertension--inappropriate drug of choice and inadequate BP control for HTN DRP 3: Hyperlipidemia-- initiate lipid lowing agents for a patient with high CV risks DRP 4: Obesity, metabolic syndrome--pharmacotherapy of obesity and metabolic syndrome 將 Medical problems(Dx)-->Medication problems(DRPs) 58 Problem list Current medical problems 1)Type 2 DM Goal of therapy Blood sugar control Prevent risk factors and macrovascular and microvascular complication Measurable endpoint Polydipsia, polyphagia, fatigue, blurred vision Blood sugar ac/pc, A1c BP, lipid profile, BW BUN/Scr, AST/ALT U/A (microalbuminuria) VA, Eye Fundus 2)Hypertension Prevent macrovascular complication (CHD, Stroke, PAD) and Nephropathy BP Prevent macrovascular complication (CHD, Stroke, PAD) Total chol, LDL, HDL TG BP, lipid, blood sugar control Improve metabolic syndrome BW BP Total chol, LDL, HDL, TG Blood sugar ac/pc 腰圍 3) Hyperlipidemia 4) Obesity, metabolic syndrome 59 Current Drug-Therapy Problems Subjective and Objective Problem (subjective and objective) Current medication S: Propranolol LA 80mg po once daily Pertinent medical Hx: HTN x 7 years, Hyperlipidemia x 5 years MVI po once daily Periodic blurred vision for the past 3 weeks. He further complains of severe fatigue and lack of energy, which limits his daily activities (HPI / PMH) ROS: Occasional polydipsia, polyphagia, fatigue, weakness, blurred vision SH: Married x 43 years with 2 children. Works full-time as a parking lot attendant. No alcohol or tobacco use. Rarely exercises and admits to trying fad diets for weight loss with little success FH: Diabetes present in both father and paternal grandfather. Father died suddenly of a massive stroke at age 62; mother died of breast cancer at age 49; 2 younger siblings are alive and apparently well Allergies: NKDA ADR: 60 Subjective and Objective O: 165cm 111.5kg BMI 41Kg/m2 HR: 80 beats/min RR: 18 bpm BT 37.2℃ BP: 149/96 mmHg without orthostasis PE Gen: obese man who seems restless and in mild distress Skin: dry with poor skin turgor; no ulcers or rash HEENT: PERRLA; EOMI; TMs intact; no hemorrhages or exudates on funduscopic examination; mucous membranes normal; nose and throat clear w/o exudates or lesions Neck / LN: supple; without lymphadenopathy, thyromegaly, or JVD CV: RRR; normal S1 and S2; no S3, S4, rubs murmurs, or bruits Lungs: CTA Abd: soft, NT, central obesity; normal BS; no organomegaly, or distention GU / Rect: normal external male genitalia Ext: Normal ROM and sensation; peripheral pulses 2+ throughout; no lesions, ulcers, or edema Neuro: A&O x 3, CN II-XII intact; DTRs 2+ throughout; feet with normal vibratory and pinprick sensation (5.07 / 10g monofilament) Labs Na 141 mEq/L Ca 9.9 mg/dL AST 21 IU/L T. bili 0.9mg/dL RandomGlu 260mg/dL UA (-) ketones K 4.0 mEq/L P 3.2 mg/dL ALT 15 IU/L BUN 24mg/dL T. chol 285 mg/dL Cl 96 mEq/L CO2 22mEq/L Alk phos 45 IU/L Scr 1.6mg/dL (-) protein (-) microalbuminuria The patient returned to clinic 3 days later for lab work, which revealed: FPG 177mg/dL A1C 9.1% T chol 280mg/dL LDL 176mg/dL HDL 27mg/dL TG 302mg/dL 61 Current Drug-Therapy Problems Assessment Etiology (or risk factors) Evaluate need for therapy; evaluate current therapy (Evidence need for therapy evaluation) DRP Drug therapy problem 1 ADA(American Diabetes Association) / EASD (European Association for the Study of Diabetes) Type 2 DM --initiate OADs in a newly diagnosed Clinical Practice Recommendations 2012 一、diagnosis of diabetes DM patients 1. Risk factors of DM 1. physical inactivity 2. first-degree relative with diabetes 3. hypertension (>=140/90 mmHg or on therapy for hypertension) 4. HDL cholesterol level < 35 mg/dl and/or a triglyceride level > 250 mg/dl 5. other clinical conditions associated with insulin resistance (e.g., severe obesity) 6. history of CVD In a patient with classic symptoms of hyperglycemia or hyperglycemic crisis, a random plasma glucose ≥200 mg/dl 2. FPG 126mg/dL 3. HbA1c 6.5% 4. Two-hour plasma glucose ≥200 mg/dl during an OGTT. 二. OAD 的選用考慮因素: 診斷為 type 2 DM (1) the amount and the rapidity of glucose lowering required (2) the potential for adverse effects (toxicities, hypoglycemia, weight gain, etc) (3) the potential for non-glycemic benefits (lipid lowering, insulin sensitization) (4) compliance (5) cost 三. HbA1c>9.0 %, 可考慮使用兩種或多種 OADs 四. Recommended Treatment Algorithm of type 2 DM Start with lifestyle intervention + metformin Titrate metformin to the maximal effective dose over 1 to 2 weeks as tolerated If the HbA1c target is not achieved after ~3 months, consider one of the following five treatment options combined with metformin: sulfonylurea, TZD, DPP-4 inhibitor, GLP-1 receptor agonist or basal insulin. Choice is based on patient and drug 62 Assessment Etiology (or risk factors) Evaluate need for therapy; evaluate current therapy (Evidence need for therapy evaluation) characteristics, with the overriding goal of improving glycaemic control while minimising side effects. Rapid-acting secretagogues (meglitinides) may be used in place of sulfonylureas three drugs combinations: choose a third agents from Sulfonylurea, Thiazolidinedione, DPP-4 Inhibitor, GLP-1 receptor agonist, basal Insulin (不建議併用 DPP-4 Inhibitor and GLP-1 receptor agonist) Current OAD for type 2 DM 1. lifestyle intervention and metformin - lifestyle modifications (eg, medical nutrition therapy (MNT), diabetes self management education (DSME), and physical activity) - Metformin in the obese patients is suitable since weight loss frequently and reduction in macrovascular risk in the UKPDS, the contraindication is renal insufficiency (Scr 2. 3. 1.5 in men, 1.4 in women) TZD Pioglitazone: potential decrease in MI, improve lipid profile,associated with a possible increased risk of bladder cancer Rosiglitazone: potential increase in MI (Current ADA guidelines do not recommend adding rosiglitazone) S/E: weight gain, fluid retention leading to oedema and/or heart failure Glinides - Meglitinide is better than sulfonylureas in the patient (a parking lot attendant with erratic meal schedules – quicker onset and shorter duration than SUs improve post-prandial glucose control, decrease late post-prandial hypoglycemia) renal excretion – repaglinide / nateglinide = 8% / 83% (16% as unchanged) 63 Assessment Etiology (or risk factors) Evaluate need for therapy; evaluate current therapy (Evidence need for therapy evaluation) 4. 5. 6. Drugs focused on the incretin system: low risk of hypoglycaemia by themselves - Injectable GLP-1 receptor agonists: advantage-weight loss - oral DPP-4 inhibitors- eg. Sitagliptin: lower BS in glucose-dependent manner, associated with no weight increase (may be used as monotherapy and in combination with metformin or TZD therapy, increased risk of hypoglycemia when used in combination with SU therapy) Acarbose (optional): 25-50mg tid with meal to lower postprandial plasma glucose 可考慮 Combo 藥品的使用 * The glucose-lowering effectiveness: high for metformin, sulfonylureas, TZDs and GLP-1 agonists (expected HbA1c reduction ~1.0-1.5%), and generally lower for meglitinides, DPP-4 inhibitors, α-glucosidase inhibitors 五. ADA Clinical Practice Recommendations 2012– aspirin therapy in diabetes Aspirin as a primary prevention in those with type 2 diabetes at increased CV risk, including > 50 y/o or who have additional risk factors (family history of CVD, hypertension, smoking, dyslipidemia, albuminuria) DRP Drug therapy problem 2 Hypertension--inappropriate drug of choice and inadequate BP control for HTN (JNC VII) Control of BP reduces vascular complication Drug monotherapy with diabetes – ACEIs, ARBs, thiazides, -blockers, non-dihydropyridine CCBs, ACEIs, ARBs - Beneficial effects on cardiovascular, microvascular risk and renal endpoints 64 Assessment Etiology (or risk factors) DRP Drug therapy problem 3 Hyperlipidemia Lipid abnormalities contributes to higher rate of CVD Evaluate need for therapy; evaluate current therapy (Evidence need for therapy evaluation) Significant reductions in coronary and cerebrovascular events in statins therapy(Heart Protection Study, HPS) (NCEP ATP III, 2004 revised) - In high risk patients(CHD or CHD risk equivalents): if LDL-C>= 100, an LDL-lowering drug is indicated simultaneously with Therapeutic lifestyle changes (TLC) - LDL-C <=100 mg/dL, drug therapy is an option for very high risk patients (aggressive dosing of statins reduced lipid levels and CV mortality and morbidity to a significantly greater extent than standard statin doses) - statin is the most potent agent to lower LDL-C, and is the initial drug of choice - if a high-risk person has high TGs or low HDL-C, consider add fibrate or nicotinic acid - when statin combined with fibrate or ezetimibe, the risk of liver toxicity and myopathy may increase DRP Drug therapy problem 4 Obesity, metabolic syndrome 1. 2006 年台灣代謝症候群臨床診斷準則 - ≥ 3 of the following criteria: 腰圍 90cm, TG 2. 150mg/dL, HDL <40mg/dL, BP 130/85mmHg, FPG 100mg/dL NCEP metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance syndrome) - 3 of the following criteria 3. Waist circumference: >102cm, TG 150mg/dL, HDL <40mg/dL, BP 130/85mmHg, FPG 100mg/dL WHO metabolic syndrome: DM + 3 of the criteria – BP 140/90, waist: hip ratio >0.9, 4. or BMI >30Kg/m2, TG 150; HDL <35, microalbumin >30mcg/mg Cr unified definition of metabolic syndrome from IDF、AHA/NHLBI、WHF、IASO (Lancet 2010; 375:181-183: 腰圍增加 (依照族群及國家特殊性定義,如華人男性腰圍 90cm)、 TG 150mg/dL、HDL <40mg/dL (有使用 fibrates, nicotinic acid 來降低 TG、升高 HDL 也 可作為診斷標準)、BP 130/85mmHg, FPG > 100mg/dL 65 Assessment Etiology (or risk factors) Evaluate need for therapy; evaluate current therapy (Evidence need for therapy evaluation) ※Based on classification of BMI: 劉先生 – BMI 41Kg/m2 – extreme obesity (class 3),診斷為 metabolic syndrome 66 Current Drug-Therapy Problems Plan Recommended drug treatment, drug to be revised, further test Recommend 1 一. According to meal plan by dietitian consultation 二. Individualized exercise program to increase energy expenditure after cardiac evaluation 三. OAD: Pioglitazone 15-30mg/day, max. daily dose 45mg as monotherapy Combine repaglinide 1-2mg tid, max. daily dose 16mg initially, 因 pioglitazone delay onset, 需數星期才可 控制血糖 (when suboptimal control) 四. Optional: Sitagliptin 50mg qd(Ccr 30-50), when administered with a SU, a lower dose of SU may be required 五. If 24hr collection 30mg albumin (or spot collection albumin/Cr 30 g/mg Irbesartan: target maintenance dose: 300mg qd or fosinopril 10mg/day then 20-40mg/day 六. Aspirin 100mg qd Goal and monitoring parameters (toxic and therapeutic) Patient education (American Diabetes Association, 2013) 一. The goal of nutritional therapy is to 一. 遵醫囑給藥可使血糖控制良好 achieve: 1. ideal body weight, 2. blood glucose levels as close to normal as possible, 3. Optimal blood lipid 二. Diabetes monitor: Target for glycemic control A1C <7%, FPG 70-130mg/dL, peak postprandial PG <180mg/dL Assess for hypoglycemic / hyperglycemic symptom A1C q3-6m 三. Review diet, exercise, weight control when visit the doctor 四. Complication monitor: Screen for microalbuminuria, serum Cr & U/A yearly 五. Retinal monitor once yearly 六. Inspect feet at each visit: neuropathy, vascular disease (pulses), calluses, bony deformities, incipient ulcerations, nail / 67 二. Hyperglycemic symptom: polydipsia, polyuria, unexplained weight loss 三. Hypoglycemic symptom 1. Warning signs – rapid heartbeat, perspiration, shakiness, anxiety, hunger 2. Alteration of mental function that proceeds to confusion, stupor, unconsciousness if warning signs are absent or ignored and the blood glucose continues to fall 四. 低血糖的處理 1. 若病人意識清楚立刻給予 120cc 的果 汁、可樂或汽水,3-4 顆糖果,1 瓶養 樂多,每 10 分鐘一次,直到症狀改 善。(20 分鐘後,若仍未改善,立刻 2. 送醫院)。症狀改善後,再酌量吃些牛 奶、土司或餅乾等。 如果病人不合作或昏迷,家屬可選擇 下列方法處理: 將糖漿或蜂蜜、果糖滴入臉頰與牙齦 Plan Recommended drug treatment, drug to be revised, further test Goal and monitoring parameters (toxic and therapeutic) foot fungus. Refer to vascular surgeon if ulceration + abnormal pulses 七. Dental visits for cleaning & aggressive treatment of periodontal disease every 6 months 八. Safety monitor of pioglitazone: S/S of heart failure, liver enzyme prior to initiation and periodically, (1)ALT >2.5X the upper limit of normal, LFT follow bimonthly x 12m then q3-6m, (2) >3X the upper limit of normal, pioglitazone should be discontinued 九. Safety monitor of sitagliptin: renal function, electrolytes, serum calcium, glucose, and lipase, if pancreatitis is suspected 十. Safety monitor of fosinopril: Orthostasis, serum potassium, BUN, Scr, WBC 68 Patient education 之間或舌下,每十分鐘一次,並立刻 送醫治療。肌肉或皮下注射昇糖素, 兒童 0.5 毫克、成人 1 毫克,約 5 - 15 分鐘內會醒過來,醒後給予麵包或餅 乾。若仍未醒,立刻送醫治療。 五. 鼓勵居家血糖監測,不只可清楚血糖的 控制狀況,也可在就診時提供醫師治療 的參考,衛教師教導居家生活的調整。 六. Pioglitazone weight gain, edema in some patients delayed onset – 6-12weeks to achieve peak effect 七. Repaglinide weight gain, lipid profile Plan Recommended drug treatment, drug to be revised, further test Recommend 2 一. Lifestyle modification - weight reduction, DASH eating plan (a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and low fat dairy products with a reduced content of saturated and total fat), Dietary sodium reduction (Na <2.4g/d), regular aerobic exercise, moderation of alcohol intake 二. D/C propranolol First-line therapy: Goal and monitoring parameters (toxic and therapeutic) Patient education (JNC VII) 一. Teach pt how to self measurement of BP 二. Remind pt that home measurement device should be checked regularly for accuracy 一. BP check daily, target 130/80 二. Safety monitor of fosinopril: Orthostasis, serum potassium, BUN, Scr, WBC 三. Dry cough may occur in patient given fosinopril Irbesartan: 150mg qd , max. dose: 300mg qd or fosinopril 10mg/day then 20-40mg/day Recommend 3 (NCEP ATP III, 2004 revised) 一. <30% fat (saturated fats < 7% , cholesterol 一. Complete lipid profiles after 2-4weeks <200mg/day) – NCEP step II diet LDL reduction of 30% 二. LDL 100mg/dL, HDL >40mg/dL, TG 1. 2. Atorvastatin: 40-80mg/day Ezetimibe 10mg qd combined with a statin may be considered to attain LDL goal * Combo formula: Vytorin (ezetimibe <150mg/dL 二. when TG>= 200 mg/dL, non-HDL-C is a secondary target non-HDL-C goal: LDL-C goal + 30 三. Safety monitor of atorvastatin: 69 NCEP step II diet should be continued during drug therapy Plan Recommended drug treatment, drug to be revised, further test 3. Goal and monitoring parameters (toxic and therapeutic) + simvastatin) If TG 200-499mg/dL after LDL goal attained – increase dose of atorvastatin LFTs prior to and at 12 weeks following both the initiation and any elevation in dose or there are S/S of hepatic toxicity or add fenofibrate – 67mg / day (Clcr = 46ml/min) (routine monitor LFTs may be not necessary), CPK Patient education 四. Safety monitor of fenofibrate 1. Lipid profile measured periodically, if only marginal changes in 6-8 weeks, D/C fenofibrate 2. LFTs regularly and D/C if levels >3X normal limits Recommend 4 (ADA 2012 MNT) 一. Comprehensive therapeutic lifestyle changes: decrease in calorie intake, increase in physical activity, nutritional counseling, behavior modification, (NHLBI Clinical Guidelines on Overweight and Obesity 1998) 一. Side effect of orlistat: diarrhea, greasy stools, malabsorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) treatment of any psychiatric disorder, especially depression 二. According to meal plan by dietitian consultation Usual caloric intake is reduced by 70 一. Comprehensive therapeutic lifestyle changes is important 二. Based on the current clinical trials No additive weight loss after 1year of pharmacotherapy Plan Recommended drug treatment, drug to be revised, further test Goal and monitoring parameters (toxic and therapeutic) 500-1000cal/d, gradual weight loss of 1-2 lb per week should occur, weight-maintaining diets for moderately active individuals 30-35cal/Kg/d 1200-1600 kcal/day (as a rule of thumb, reducing calorie intake by 500-1000 kcal/day will result in a desirable 0.45-0.9Kg of weight loss per week 45-60% carbohydrate, 10% or 0.8g/Kg/d protein, 25-30% fat (saturated fats < 7% , cholesterol <200mg/day) – NCEP step II diet 20-35g/d of soluble and insoluble fiber < 2400mg/d sodium, <2000mg/d sodium in nephropathy and hypertension 2drinks alcohol/d Multivitamins on low-calorie diets and non-nutritive artificial sweeteners in moderate amounts (NHLBI Clinical Guidelines on Overweight and Obesity 1998) 三. Pharmacological therapy 71 Patient education Plan Recommended drug treatment, drug to be revised, further test Goal and monitoring parameters (toxic and therapeutic) Orlistat 120mg tid with meals not lost at least 2Kg after 4 weeks of therapy, it is unlikely further benefit from these drugs 四. Individualized exercise program to increase energy expenditure after cardiac evaluation 五. Bariatric surgery should be considered for adults with BMI >35 kg/m2 and type 2 diabetes, especially if the diabetes or associated comorbidities are difficult to control with lifestyle and pharmacologic therapy. (ADA 2013) 72 Patient education Current Drug-Therapy Problems Subjective and Objective Problem (subjective and objective) Current medication S: Pertinent medical Hx: (HPI / PMH) ROS: SH: FH: Allergies: ADR: O: (PE /Labs) 73 Current Drug-Therapy Problems Assessment Etiology (or risk factors) Evaluate need for therapy; evaluate current therapy (Evidence need for therapy evaluation) 74 Current Drug-Therapy Problems Plan Recommended drug treatment, drug to be Goal and revised, further test monitoring parameters (toxic and therapeutic) 75 Patient education 【案例五】 Chronic kidney disease Patient General Information: Patient name:劉小姐 Age:55 Ht:162cm Weight:59kg (IBW:55.2Kg) Allergies: Amoxicillin (rash),radiocontrast dye (pruritis) Chief Complaint: Increasing fatigue and joint pain for several weeks, 2 lb weight gain and slight swelling of her ankles within the last week. History of Present Illness: Patient attributed several weeks of increasing joint pain and fatigue to arthritis and started taking 2 tablets acetaminophen 650 mg q 6 hours PRN with no relief; HbA1c 12% (1 week ago). Medical History: Type 1 DM since childhood; HTN for 20 years; diabetic nephropathy (microalbuminuria detected 2 years ago); chronic kidney disease (baseline SCr 1.6, 6 months ago); medication nonadherence; seasonal allergies. Surgical History: TAH ( total abdominal hysterectomy ) (10 years ago) Family/Social History: Father age 83 with HTN and CAD; mother age 83 with HTN. Married with two children; occasional alcohol use; smoked 1 pack/day × 20 years; quit tobacco 1 year ago. Physical Examination GEN: Looks older than her stated age and appears in moderate discomfort VS: BP 154/90、HR 85、RR 18、T 37.8℃、Wt 59 kg ( IBW:55.2Kg , IBW + 6.9%)、 Ht 162 cm HEENT: PEARLA ( pupils equal and react to light and accommodation)、EOMI ( extraocular muscles intact ) COR: RRR ( regular rate and rhythm)、nl S1,S2、no rubs or gallops CHEST: CTA ( clear to auscultation ) 76 ABD: Soft、NT/ND ( nontender , nondistended)、(-) HSM ( hepato-splenomegaly) GU: Deferred RECT: Deferred EXT: Trace ankle edema bilaterally、good distal pulses、restricted ROM ( range of motion) in joints; pain assessment 7/10 NEURO: A and O × 3 ( awake and oriented to person, place, and time) Medications: Regular/NPH 30/70 (Humulin) insulin, 30U SC AM, 20U SC PM Hydrochlorothiazide 50 mg PO QD Lisinopril, 20 mg PO QD Calcium carbonate, 1500 mg PO TID with meals Calcitriol, 0.25 μg PO QD Acetaminophen 650 mg 2 tabs q6h PRN for joint pain Results of Pertinent Laboratory Tests, Serum Drug Concentrations, and Diagnostic Tests Na 140mEq/L Hct 28% Ferritin: Pending K 5.2mEq/L Hgb 9g/dL Cl 100mEq/L WBC 7.5 x 10 /μL TSAT: Pending Ca 8mg/dL Platelet 210 x 10 /μL ANA: negative Glucose AC 260mg/dL HbA1c 12% Serum Iron: Pending 3 3 PO4 6.4mg/dL Albumin 3.7g/dL HCO3 20 mEq/L BUN 28mg/dL SCr. 1.9mg/dL 2 Estimated GFR = 29mL/min/1.73m (using MDRD formula) Estimated CLcr = 34mL/min (using Cockroft and Gault formula) Urinalysis: + protein, hyaline casts Urine output: 10mL/hour Guaiac stool: negative Chest X-ray: unremarkable ECG: normal tracings 77 Problem list 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Inappropriate of Diuretic selection in Chronic kidney disease for BP control Dosage inappropriate in joint pain secondary to renal osteodystrophy Poorly controlled HTN Poorly controlled diabetes and worsening diabetic nephropathy Pharmacologic management appropriateness in anemia treatment 78