1 Towards Pervasive Computing Towards Pervasive Computing Vandana Dhingra1 and Tanvi Rustagi2 Apeejay College of Engineering, Sohna E-mail: 1Vandana_dua_2000@yahoo.com, 2trustagi@gmail.com ABSTRACT: Pervasive computing is a new dimension of personal computing that integrates mobile communication, ubiquitous embedded computer system, consumer electronics and power of Internet. It is a rapidly developing area of Information and Communications Technology (ICT). The term refers to the increasing integration of ICT into people’s lives and environments, made possible by the growing availability of microprocessors with inbuilt communications facilities. Pervasive computing has many potential applications, from health and home care to environmental monitoring and intelligent transport systems. In this paper, we have discussed about how pervasive computing is different from traditional computing, its evolution from its predecessor fields, various issues related to pervasive computing and discussed various other research areas that are required to be studied with pervasive computing. Keywords—Ubiquitous Computing, Pervasive Computing Systems (PCS), Mobile Computing, Distributed computing, Human-Computer Interaction. INTRODUCTION P ervasive or Ubiquitous computing has the potential to radically transform the way people interacted with computers [4]. The key idea behind pervasive computing is to deploy a wide variety of computing devices throughout living and working spaces. These devices coordinate with each other and network services with the goal of providing people with universal access to their information and seamlessly assisting them in completing their task. Pervasive computing thus marks a major shift in focus away from the actual computing technology and towards people and their needs, so instead of manually managing their computing environment by for example copying files between devices or converting between data formats user simply access their applications and their data whenever and wherever they need. With its vision of ubiquitous information access, pervasive computing significantly impacts computing devices and their deployment in addition to conventional desktop and server computers, pervasive computing environments encompass many different devices of various sizes and capabilities, including PDA cell phones, video game consoles, robotic dogs. Furthermore, in addition to well-administered and controlled computing server rooms with racks of computers, computing devices are now everywhere, often embedded in places not typically associated with computing, such as living rooms. Laboratories and server rooms with racks of computers, computing devices are not everywhere often embedded in places not typically associated with computing such as living rooms. Pervasive computing systems (PCS) and services may lead to a greater degree of user knowledge of, or control over, the surrounding environment, whether at home, or in an office or car. They may also show a form of ‘intelligence’. For instance, a ‘smart’ electrical appliance could detect its own impending failure and notify its owner as well as a maintenance company, to arrange a repair. Pervasive computing has been in development for almost 15 years but still remains some way from becoming a fully operational reality. Some core technologies have already emerged, although the development of battery technologies and user interfaces pose particular challenges. It may be another 5–10 year before complete PCS become widely available [5]. This depends on market forces, industry, public perceptions and the effects of any policy/regulatory frameworks. WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A TRADITIONAL NETWORKING AND A PERVASIVE COMPUTING? Rather than using the network to connect computers that are being used directly by people, these appliances communicate over networks such that people do not directly monitor the communication between machines and programs. The majority of these communications will occur in an end-to-end structure that does not include a human at any point. The number of machines connected to the Internet has been increasing at an exponential rate and will continue to grow at this rate as the existing networks of embedded computers, including those that already exist within our automobiles, are connected to the larger, global network, and as new networks of embedded devices are constructed in our homes and offices. The kinds of devices that will be used to access the Internet are no longer confined to desktops and servers, but include small devices with limited user interface facilities (such as cell phones and PDAs); wireless devices with limited bandwidth, 94 computing power, and electrical power; and embedded processors with severe limitations on the amount of memory and computing power available to them. Many of these devices are mobile, changing not only geographic position, but also their place in the topology of the network. Unlike traditional Desktop Computers and existing networks, the new devices will have the following characteristics: 1. Many will have small, inexpensive processors with limited memory and little or no persistent storage. 2. They will connect to other computing elements without the direct intervention of users. 3. Often, they will be connected by wireless networks. 4. They will change rapidly, sometimes by being mobile, sometime by going on and offline at widely varying rates. Over the time, they will be replaced (or fail) far more rapidly than is no common. 5. They will be used s source of information, often sending that information into the center of the network to which they are attached. EVOLUTION OF PERVASIVE NETWORKING Pervasive networking is said to be evolved from mobile computing and pervasive computing [8]. Mobile Computing It was born in the early 1990’s with the advent of fullfunction laptop computers and wireless LANs. Although many basic principles of distributed system design continued to apply, four key constraints of mobility forced the development of specialized techniques. These constraints are: (a) unpredictable variation in network quality; (b) lowered trust and robustness of mobile elements; (c) limitations on local resources imposed by weight and size constraints; (d) concern for battery power consumption. Mobile computing is still a very active and evolving field of research, whose body of knowledge awaits codification. The results achieved so far can be grouped into the following broad topics: mobile networking, including Mobile IP, ad-hoc protocols, and techniques for improving mobile information access, including disconnected operation, bandwidth-adaptive file access, and selective control of data consistency. support for adaptative applications, including transcoding by proxies and adaptive resource management system-level energy saving techniques, such as energyaware adaptation, variable-speed processor scheduling, energy-fair ad hoc networking, and energy-sensitive task and memory management location sensitivity, including location sensing and location-aware system behaviour. Mobile and Pervasive Computing (CoMPC–2008) Distributed Systems The field of distributed systems arose at the intersection of personal computers and local area networks. The research that followed from the mid-1970 through the early 1990’s created a conceptual framework and algorithmic base that has proven to be of enduring value in all work involving two or more computers connected by a network—whether mobile or static, wired or wireless, sparse or pervasive. This body of knowledge spans many areas. Remote communication, including protocol layering. Remote procedure call, the use of timeouts, and the use of end-to-end arguments in placement of functionality. fault tolerance, including atomic transactions, distributed and nested transactions, and two-phase commit. High availability, including optimistic and pessimistic replica control, mirrored execution, and optimistic recovery. Remote information access, including caching, function shipping, distributed file systems, and distributed databases. Security, including encryption-based mutual authentication and privacy. Remote communication Protocol layering RPC, end-to-end args… Fault tolerance ACID, two-phase commit, nested transactions… High Availability Distributed Replication, rollback recovery… Systems Mobile Pervasive Computing Computing Remote information access Dist file systems, dist databases, caching… Distributed security Encryption mutual authentication… Mobile networking Mobile IP, ad hoc networks, wireless TCP fixes… Mobile information access Disconnected operation weak consistency… Adaptive applications proxies, transcoding agility… Energy-aware systems goal-directed adaptation, disk spin-down… Location sensitivity GPS-waved in triangulation context-awareness… Smart spaces Invisibility Localized scalability Uneven conditioning Fig. 1: Evolution of Pervasive Computing from Mobile system and Distributed Systems 95 Towards Pervasive Computing ISSUES RELATED TO PERVASIVE COMPUTING There are engineering problems to be solved before many of the envisaged applications of PCS can become a reality. Moreover, the operation of PCS raises questions over privacy, security, safety and environmental impact. Many of these issues occur already with ICT such as the Internet or mobile phones. However the potential ubiquity and integration of PCS into the environment pose additional challenges. Engineering Issues The UK Computer Research Center (UKCRC) highlights specific issues including the current lack of low cost technology to locate devices and the lack of suitable power sources. Also the complexity of PCS systems means that their communications, software and hardware are likely to suffer from faults. These might be accidental, or the result of deliberate attempts to damage the system. The National Consumer Council (NCC) suggests there may be questions over liability—for example if systems are interconnected it will be harder to establish who is responsible if something goes wrong. The NCC also points out that systems means that their communications, software and hardware are likely to suffer from faults. These might be accidental, or the result of deliberate attempts to damage the system. [3] The National Consumer Council (NCC) suggests there may be questions over liability—for example if systems are interconnected it will be harder to establish who is responsible if something goes wrong. The NCC also points out that faulty system may be harder to repair because of the degree of interconnection. Privacy, Security and Safety Pervasive computing systems may have implications for privacy, security and safety, as a result of their ability to [2]: gather sensitive data, for example on users' everyday interactions, movements, preferences and attitudes, without user intervention or consent; retrieve and use information from large databases/ archives of stored data; alter the environment via actuating devices. Privacy: With personal information being collected, transmitted and stored in greater volume, the opportunities for data interception, theft and ‘ubiquitous surveillance’ (official and unofficial) will be heightened. PCS could be embedded in places considered private, such as the home. Data on many aspects of personal life could be recorded and stored, with the risk of breaches of privacy. The advent of pervasive computing may mean that data can be collected without a person’s knowledge or consent. Some argue that this could violate existing data protection law [4]. This law also requires that personal data should be collected for a specified purpose only. However the opportunities for ‘data mining’ activities could be vastly increased with PCS. Data mining involves processing large quantities of data to spot patterns and trends. In terms of consumer data, this can lead to more effective targeted marketing. However, because data mining activities can detect unknown relationships in data, some argue that there is the potential to violate existing legislation. There is debate over how privacy can be protected while still realizing the benefits of pervasive Computing, and whether new legislation will be required. Safety and Security: Pervasive computing also gives rise to debate over safety. Integrated transport systems could involve road vehicles having actuating devices that intervene in the driving process, possibly responding to hazards more quickly than humans. For example, the new Mercedes S-Class features an active braking system that can detect rapidly slowing vehicles in front, activating the brakes without driver intervention. While this may help avoid accidents, there are also potential risks, for example if the security of the vehicle’s controlling software is breached. Similar concerns exist over prospective PCS applications in domiciliary care. Breaches of security could expose vulnerable individuals to malicious acts within their own homes—for example the withholding or overprescribing of medications. Technological Measures: It is argued that privacy, safety and security can be better protected if appropriate procedures and protocols are integrated into PCS at the design level rather than implemented retrospectively. Three measures are frequently cited as vital in establishing robust security measures: the volume of transmitted data should be kept to a minimum; data that require transmission should be encrypted and sent anonymously (without reference to the owner); security should be treated as an ongoing and integral element of PCS. These principles are accepted by many centers of PCS research and development. However, consumer groups such as the NCC say that developers need to give more consideration to privacy issues. The NNC argues that in the case of RFID, 6 privacy issues were considered only late in development and have still not been fully addressed. Environment While the consumption of natural resources might be reduced through the miniaturization of PCS devices, any gains are likely to be offset by technological proliferation. This may be compounded by problems of treating microelectronic waste embedded in other objects and has implications for recycling because of the possibility of such waste contaminating recycling channels. While some of these issues are likely to be covered by the transposition into UK law of the EC Directive on Waste Electrical and 96 Electronic Equipment, further action (including further regulation) may be required. Health Non-ionizing radiation is a by-product of the wireless signals that are likely to be used to connect pervasive computing devices into broader networks. As these devices may be carried close to the body (more so than current ICT) and remain constantly activated, there may be increased risk from exposure of body tissues to the potentially damaging effects of such radiation. Digital Divide There is a risk of technological and social isolation for those who do not use the technology (whether it be through choice, lack of income or skills). For instance, banking, education and retail services are likely to be delivered through PCS embedded within smart homes; this could lead to some consumers being deprived of access and freedom of choice. Pervasive computing could improve the lives of those with illnesses and disabilities, and the elderly. However, it is widely agreed that in order for these groups to benefit from PCS, their needs and capabilities should be considered from an early stage in the design of the system. OVERLAP WITH OTHER RESEARCH AREAS Mobile and Pervasive Computing (CoMPC–2008) CONCLUSION Pervasive computing will be a fertile source of challenging research problems in computer systems for many years to come. Solving these problems will require us to broaden our discourse on some topics, and to revisit long-standing design assumptions in others. We will also have to address research challenges in areas outside computer systems. These areas include human-computer interaction (especially multi-modal interactions and human-centric hardware designs), software agents (with specific relevance to high-level proactive behavior), and expert systems and artificial intelligence (particularly in the areas of decision making and planning). Capabilities from these areas will need to be integrated with the kinds of computer systems capabilities. Pervasive computing will thus be the crucible in which many disjoint areas of research are fused. When describing his vision, Weiser was fully aware that attaining it would require tremendous creativity and effort by many people, sustained over many years. The early decades of the 21st century will be a period of excitement and ferment, as new hardware technologies converge with research progress on the many fundamental problems discussed in this paper. Like the Frontier of the American West in the early 19th century, pervasive computing offers new beginnings for the adventurous and the restless—a rich open space where the rules have yet to be written and the borders yet to be drawn. REFERENCES Fig. 2: Mobile and pervasive computing overlap with other research areas Figure 2 presents a broader perspective of the research challenges we face in this area. As this figure shows, mobile and pervasive computing share many research topics with other areas of research. For example, a research project that sits at the intersection of Security and Mobile Computing is Grey. Grey area at intersection seeks to develop a secure and flexible framework for access control to both physical and virtual resources. In this framework, a user exercises and delegates her authority using her smart phone. [1] “Towards a Pervasive Computing Benchmark”, Anand Ranganathan, Jalal Al-Muhtadi, Jacob Biehl, Brian Ziebart, Roy H. Campbell and Brian Bailey in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conf. on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom 2005 Workshops). [2] Roy H. Campbell, Jalal Al-Muhtadi, Prasad Naldurg, Geetanjali Sampemane, Dennis Mickunas, M., “Towards Security and Privacy for Pervasive Computing”,in Proceeding of Third International Conference on Software Reliability. [3] Weiser, M., “The Computer for the 21st Century,” Scientific Am., Sept., 1991, pp. 94–104; reprinted in IEEE Pervasive Computing, Jan–Mar. 2002, pp. 19–25. [4] Weiser, M., Hot topics: Ubiquitous computing, IEEE computer, October, 1993. [5] Banavar, G. et al., “Challenges: An Application Model for Pervasive Computing,” Proc. 6th Ann. ACM/IEEE Int’l Conf. Mobile Computing and Networking (Mobicom 2000), ACM Press, 2000, pp. 266–274. [6] Saha, D., A Mukherjee “Pervasive Computing: A paradigm for the 21st Century”. IEEE. March, 2003. Published by IEEE. [7] “At what cost pervasive? A social computing view of mobile computing systems”, Dryer, D.C., Eisbach, C. and Ark, W.S., p. 65 Published in IBM Journal, Volume 38, number, 49, 1999. [8] Satyanarayanan, M. “Pervasive Computing: Vision and challenges,” IEEE Personal Communication, Aug. 2001, PP. 10–17. Towards Pervasive Computing 97