Leon County Juvenile Justice Council, Inc. Monday, October 17, 2011 Minutes Call to Order- Corresponding Secretary Connie E. Jenkins – Pye called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. Chair Joe Thomas (medical leave) and Interim Vice Chair/Deborah Shaw (family emergency) both had excused absences. Welcome/Introductions- Matthew Morse, PMTC Youth Representative; J.C. GamboaMontgomery, Living Stones International; John Govans, Community Member; Katie Fisher and Brenda Mueller, White Foundation; Scherri Bryant, TPD; Tomica Smith; PMTC; Vicki Cunniff and Denise Manning, DJJ; Larry Thompson, Leon County Schools/50 Large; John Wilson, DISC Village; Amber Hochstetler and Rashawn Thomas, PACE Center for Girls; Ken Armstrong, United Way; Wash Anderson, Urban League; Charles Smith, Boys and Girls Club Review and Approval of the Agenda: John Wilson made a motion to accept, Larry Thompson seconded. Review and Approval of Minutes (October 17) Larry Thompson made a motion to accept, Scherri Bryant seconded. Unanimous vote carried motion. Roll Call of Voting Members- Absent: Chair Joe Thomas (excused), Vice Chair/Recording Secretary, Deborah Shaw (excused); CCYS; DCF; City Commission; County Commission; SAO; PD. Sheriff Larry Campbell, Rev. Colson, Kevin Winship, Traci Levine, Andrew Gillum, Bill Proctor, Community Presentations: None Chair and Vice Chair’s Remarks: Connie reported on Joe and Deborah’s absences. Council’s Officers’ Reports: Treasurer’s report- Brenda Mueller handed out Treasurer report. Motion to accept by Ken Armstrong, Mrs. Montgomery seconded. from Department of Juvenile Justice: Vicki Cunniff reported on JDC – counties payment issues are still being discussed statewide; civil citation programs will be developed in all areas where there is not one; electronic monitoring will be re-implemented and C2 will have about 15 monitors to use/share. Report from the State Attorney’s Office: absent Report from the Public Defender’s Office: absent Youth Advisory Committee: Matthew Morse reported that PMTC recently held a Pizza Night to encourage youth attendance. He also stated they have been working on polling youth to see what they want at the Teen Center and how to improve attendance. Several upcoming events including a car show, Youth Be Out Day, and a Girl Specific event. Joe Thomas is selecting another youth rep from Walker Ford YAC to attend these meetings. 1 Nominating Committee: Need another extension. Nominee chosen by next meeting. If not, Chair will appoint at December Meeting. Old Business: Annual Report (Deadline June 30, 2011) - The Executive Committee turned our report in on behalf of the Leon Council by the deadline. Update Leon County Gang Initiative – Grant has ended. OJJDP denied continued funding. Fundraising activities will begin and 50 Large is looking to scale down the model and work with 2 case managers and about 20-25 kids through the first quarter of 2012. They are not acceptation any new referrals. To run a similar type program will cost about $175,000, mostly used to pay for staffing 5 positions at 30-35 hours per week. Update – Palmer Munroe Teen Center – Tomica reported on the 1st anniversary celebration and upcoming events such as a Driving Safety/Car Show, Teen Be Out Day, and Girl Specific Summit. She presented the treasurer with check requests to assist with these events. She also reported that the DCF secretary held a meeting at the PMTC recently and it was well attended. A new chess club has also been initiated by Mr. Thompson. The PMTC Board has also been developed and Ms. Nancy Daniels is the Chair. The RJ project has also finished its first year and has served about 60 youth. Tomica also advised that the Ounce of Prevention grant is working with 3 schools. Update Project Payback- Brenda Mueller provided members with handout and discussed the ongoing success of the program. More publicity is going to be sought since we have passed the six month mark. Trying to still add more creative projects to the calendar list and work with groups on male specific ideas. Update Youth Employment Project –Ken Armstrong reported not much had changed since last meeting. They are looking for funding for this idea and working with LEO regarding “forfeiture funds”. New Business: Request from Project to Pay for Lunch – Brenda asked that the Council pay for lunch for the October 24th project which would include WF, DJJ, Alternative Sanction and AMI youth. The request was for $150.00. Discussion was held and Ken Armstrong made motion for United Way to pay for the food not the Council and John Govans seconded. The discussion consisted of differing opinions as to what rules to follow when seeking donations and if they should be entertained since we were obligated to the PMTC for outstanding monies. Connie reviewed the section in thy by-laws where the request for donations was listed. Further discussion on this topic next month. Agencies/Community Sharing: Ms. Gamboa-Montgomery, Living Stones reported on their Teen Dad program and the need to get parents more involved. John Wilson/DISC Village reported their Civil Citation program has served over 400 youth, the New Horizons program is now in 3 schools, and Drug Court has served over 200. Katie Fisher/WF reported on hiring two new staff that are currently going through training. Denise Manning reminded the group that the annual Council Fundraiser was going to be March 16, 2012 from 7 -10 p.m. at the same location. 2 John Govans discussed the possibility of getting the Council’s name out by having a table/booth at the fair. Group discussion determined not a possibility due to time restraints this year but good idea for future years. A publicity/brochure committee was formed and will come up with a draft brochure by the 12/5 executive meeting. This will allow up to have something to hand out at these types of events. Next Bi-Monthly Meeting: Monday, December 12, 2011 Adjournment 2011 Bi-Monthly Meeting Dates: December 12- potluck. 2012 Bi-Monthly Meeting Dates: February 20, April 16, June 18, August 20, October 15, December 10 Submitted by Denise Manning, Interim Recording Secretary (October 17 bi-monthly meeting) Joe Thomas, Chair 3