48. Cao, R., Tsukada, YI., and Zhang, Y. (2005).

Yi Zhang
Curriculum Vita
Yi Zhang, Ph.D.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Program in Cellular and Molecular Medicine
Boston Children’s Hospital
Dept of Genetics and Dept of Pediatrics
Harvard Medical School
WAB-149G, 200 Longwood Av., Boston, MA 02115
Phone: 617-713-8666
e-mail: yzhang@genetics.med.harvard.edu
May 1995 – July 1999,
Aug. 1989 – May 1995,
Sept. 1984 – July 1987,
Sept. 1980 – July 1984,
Postdoc training with Danny Reinberg at HHMI/RWJMS/UMDNJ
Ph.D student at The Institute of Molecular Biophysics, FSU
M.S graduate student at the College of Biological Sciences, China
Agricultural University, Beijing, P. R. of China
Undergraduate student at the College of Biological Sciences,
China Agricultural University, Beijing, P. R. of China
07/12 – pre.
09/05 – pre.
05/09 - 06/12
12/05 - 06/12
7/04 – 11/05
8/99 – 6/04
7/95 – 7/99
Fred Rosen Professor, Dept. of Genetics & Pediatrics, HMS & BCH
Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Kenan Distinguished Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Professor, Dept. of Biochemistry & Biophysics, UNC at Chapel Hill
Associate Professor, Dept. of Biochemistry & Biophysics, UNC at Chapel Hill
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biochemistry & Biophysics, UNC at Chapel Hill
Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr. Danny Reinberg, HHMI/RWJMS/UMDNJ
2012 Organizer of the second CSH-Asia meeting on “Epigenetics, Chromatin, and
Transcription”, Suzhou, China. April 23-27, 2012.
2010 Organizer of the first CSH-Asia meeting on “Epigenetics, Chromatin, and Transcription”,
Suzhou, China. May 17-21, 2010.
2009 Organizer of the FASEB summer conference on “Epigenetics, Chromatin, and
Transcription”, Snowmass, Colorado.
2009 Organizer of the 33th Lineberger Cancer Center Symposium on “Stem cells and Cancer”
2004 Organizer of the 28th Lineberger Cancer Center Symposium on “Epigenetics and Cancer”
2000 – pre.
Reviewer for Science, Cell, Nature, Nature Genetics, Nature Cell Biology, Nature
Immunology, Nature Structure & Mol Biology, Mol Cell, Cancer Cell, Cell Stem
Cell, Developmental Cell, Genes & Dev., Current Biol., EMBO J, EMBO Report,
PNAS, Cell Research, MCB, Plant Cell, NAR, TIB, and Gene.
Yi Zhang
Grant reviewer for NIH, HHMI, The Wellcome Trust and The Association for
International Cancer Research
Fred Rosen chair, Harvard Medical School & Boston Children’s Hospital
Senior Investigator Award, Chinese Biological Investigators Society
Kenan Distinguished Professorship, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
The Battle Distinguished Cancer Research Award, UNC-Chapel Hill
Top 10 authors of high-impact papers by ScienceWatch
Junior Achievement Award, Chinese Biological Investigators Society
Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Hettleman Prize for Artistic and Scholarly Achievement, UNC-Chapel Hill
Jefferson Pilot Award, UNC-Chapel Hill
Gertrude B. Elion Cancer Research Award, AACR
Kimmel Scholar Award, Sidney Kimmel Foundation for Cancer Research
V. Scholar Award, V Foundation for Cancer Research
IBM Junior Faculty Award
Postdoctoral Fellowship, NIH
A. Peer reviewed papers (in chronological order)
1. Pabon-Pena, L.M., Zhang, Y., and Epstein, L. M. (1991). Newt satellite 2 transcripts selfcleave by using an extended hammerhead structure. Mol. Cell. Biol. 11, 6109-6115.
2. Coats, S. R., Zhang, Y., and Epstein, L. M. (1994). Transcription of satellite 2 from the newt
is driven by a snRNA type of promoter. Nucleic Acids Res. 22, 4697-4704. PMC308520
3. Zhang, Y., and Epstein, L. M. (1996). Cloning and characterization of satellite 2
hammerheads from a diverse set of caudate amphibians. Gene 172, 183-190. PMID:
4. Zhang, Y., Iratni, R., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Tempst, P., and Reinberg, D. (1997). Histone
deacetylases and SAP18, a novel polypeptide, are components of a human Sin3 complex.
Cell 89, 357-364. PMID: 9150135
5. Zhang, Y., Sun, Z. W., Iratni, R., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Tempst, P., Hampsey, M., and
Reinberg, D. (1998). SAP30, a novel protein conserved between human and yeast, is a
component of a histone deacetylase complex. Mol Cell 1, 1021-1031. PMID: 9651585
6. Sun, X., Zhang, Y., Cho, H., Rickert, P., Lees, E., Lane, W., and Reinberg, D. (1998). NAT, a
human complex containing Srb polypeptides that functions as a negative regulator of
activated transcription. Mol Cell 2, 213-222. PMID: 9734358
7. Zhang, Y., LeRoy, G., Seelig, H.-P., Lane, W., and Reinberg, D. (1998). The
dermatomyositis-specific autoantigen Mi2 is a component of a protein complex containing
histone deacetylase and nucleosome remodeling activities. Cell 95, 279-289. PMID:
Yi Zhang
8. Zhang, Y., Ng, H-H., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Tempst, P., Bird, A., and Reinberg, D. (1999).
Analysis of the NuRD subunits reveals a histone deacetylase core complex and a
connection with DNA methylation. Genes & Dev. 13, 1924-1935. PMC316920
9. Ng, H-H., Zhang, Y., Hendrich, B., Johnson, C. A., Turner, B. M., Erdjument-Bromage, H.,
Tempst, P., Reinberg, D., ad Bird, A. (1999). MBD2 is a transcriptional repressor
belonging to the MeCP1 histone deacetylase complex. Nature Genetics 23, 58-61. PMID:
10. Feng, Q. and Zhang, Y., (2001). The MeCP1 complex represses transcription through
preferential binding, remodeling, and deacetylating methylated nucleosomes. Genes &
Dev, 15: 827-832. PMCID: PMC312663
11. Lai, A., Kennedy, B.K., Barbie, D.A., Bertos, N.R., Yang, X.J. Theberge, M.-C., Tsai, S-C.,
Seto, E., Zhang, Y., Kuzmichev, A. et al. (2001). RBP1 recruits the mSIN3-histone
deacetylase complex to the pocket of Retinoblastoma tumor suppressor family proteins
found in limited discrete regions of the nucleus at growth arrest. Mol. Cell. Biol. 21, 29182932. PMCID: PMC86920
12. Li, X., and Zhang, Y. (2001). Sp1 and ETS family transcription factors regulate the mouse
Mta2 gene expression. Gene 268, 77-85. PMID: 11368903
13. Wang, H-B., Huang, Z.-Q., Li, X., Feng, Q., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Strahl, B.D., Briggs,
S., Allis, D.C., Wong, J., Tempst, P., and Zhang, Y. (2001). Methylation of histone H4 at
arginine 3 facilitates transcriptional activation by nuclear hormone receptor. Science 293,
853-857. PMID: 11387442
14.Wang, H-B., and Zhang, Y. (2001). Mi2, an autoantigen for dermatomyositis, is an ATPdependent nucleosome remodeling factor. Nucleic Acids Res. 29, 2517-2521. PMCID:
15. Zhang, Y. and Reinberg, D. (2001). Transcription regulation by histone methylation:
interplay between different covalent modifications of the core histone tails. Genes & Dev
15, 2343-2360. PMID: 11562345
16. Wang, H-B., Cao, R., Xia, L., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Borchers, C., Tempst, P., and Zhang,
Y. (2001). Purification and functional characterization of a histone H3-lysine 4-specific
methyltransferase. Mol. Cell 8, 1207-1217. PMID: 11779497
17. Feng, Q., Cao, R., Xia, L., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Tempst, P., and Zhang, Y. (2002).
Identification and functional characterization of the p66/p68 components of the MeCP1
complex. Mol. Cell. Biol. 22, 536-546. PMCID: PMC139742
18. Kuzmichev, A., Zhang, Y., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Tempst, P., and Reinberg, D. (2002).
Role of the Sin3-histone deacetylase complex in growth regulation by the candidate tumor
suppressor p33ING1. Mol. Cell. Biol. 22, 835-848. PMCID: PMC133546
19. Yang, L., Xia, L., Wu, D. Y., Wang, H.-B., Chansky, H. A., Schubach, W. H., Hickstein, D.
D., and Zhang, Y. (2002). Molecular cloning of ESET, a novel histone H3-specific
methyltransferase that interacts with ERG transcription factor. Oncogene 21, 148-152.
PMID: 11791185
20. Ng, H.-H., Feng, Q., Wang, H., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Tempst, P., Zhang, Y., and Struhl,
K. (2002). Lysine methylation within the globular domain of histone H3 by Dot1 is
important for telomeric silencing and Sir protein association. Genes Dev 16, 1518-1527.
PMCID: PMC186335
21. Feng, Q., Wang, H., Ng, H.-H., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Tempst, P., Struhl, K., and Zhang,
Y. (2002). Methylation of H3-lysine 79 is mediated by a new family of HMTases without a
Yi Zhang
SET domain. Curr Biol 12, 1052-1058. PMID: 12123582
22. Fang, J., Feng, Q., Ketel, C.S., Wang, H., Cao, R., Xia, L., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Tempst,
P., Simon, J.A., Zhang, Y. (2002). Purification and functional characterization of SET8, a
nucleosomal histone H4-lysine 20-specific methyltransferase. Curr Biol 12, 1086-1099.
PMID: 12121615
23. Ng, H.-H., Rui-Ming Xu, Zhang, Y., Struhl, K. (2002). Ubiquitination of histone H2B by
Rad6 is required for efficient Dot1-mediated methylation of histone H3-lysine 79. J Biol
Chem 277, 34655-34657. PMID: 12167634
24. Cao, R., Wang, L., Wang, H., Xia, L., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Tempst, P., Jones, R.S.,
Zhang, Y. (2002). Role of histone H3 lysine 27 methylation in Polycomb-group silencing.
Science 298, 1039-1043. PMID: 12351676
25. Iratni, R., Yan, Y.-T., Chen, C., Ding, J., Zhang, Y., Price, S. M., Reinberg, D., Shen, M. M.
(2002). Inhibition of excess Nodal signaling during mouse gastrulation by the
transcriptional corepressor DRAP1. Science 298, 1996-1999. PMID: 12471260
26. Feng, Q., and Zhang, Y. (2003). The NuRD complex: linking histone modification to
nucleosome remodeling. In “Protein Complexes that Modify Chromatin” (Ed. J. L.
Workman). Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology 274, 269-290. PMID:
27. Wood, A., Krogan, N. J., Dover, J., Schneider, J. Heidt, J., Boateng, M. A., Dean, K., Zhang,
Y., Greenblatt, J. F., Johnston, M., and Shilatifard, A. (2003). Bre1, an E3 ubiquitin ligase
required for recruitment and substrate selection of Rad6 at a promoter. Mol. Cell 11, 267274. PMID: 12535539
28. Ramsden, D., and Zhang, Y. (2003). Everything is E(Z): Linking histone methylation to B
cell development. Nature Immunology 4, 101-103. PMID: 12555091
29. Min, J., Feng, Q., Li, Z., Zhang, Y. Xu, R.-M. (2003). Structure of the catalytic domain of
human Dot1L, a non-SET domain nucleosomal histone methyltransferase. Cell 112, 711723. PMID: 12628190
30. Plath, K., Fang, J., Mlynarczyk-Evans, S. K., Cao, R., Worringer, K. A., Wang, H., de la
Cruz, C. C., Otte, A., Panning, B., Zhang, Y. (2003). Role of histone H3 lysine 27
methylation in X-inactivation. Science 300, 131-135. PMID: 12649488
31. Im, H., Park, C., Feng, Q., Johnson, K.D., Kiekhaefer, C.M., Choi, K., Zhang, Y., Bresnick,
E. (2003). Dynamic regulation of histone H3 methylated at lysine 79 within a tissuespecific chromatin domain. J Biol Chem 278: 18346-18352. PMID: 12604594
32. Min, J., Zhang, Y. Xu, R.-M. (2003). Structural basis for specific binding of Polycomb
chromodomain to histone H3 methylated at Lys 27. Genes Dev 17, 1823-1828. PMCID:
33. Wang, H-B., An W. Cao, R., Xia, L., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Chatton, B., Tempst, P.,
Roeder, R. and Zhang, Y. (2003). mAM facilitates conversion by ESET of dimethyl to
trimethyl lysine 9 of histone H3 to cause transcriptional repression. Mol. Cell 12, 475-487.
PMID: 14536086
34. Zhang, Y. (2003). Transcriptional regulation by histone ubiquitination and deubiquitination.
Genes Dev 17, 2733-2740. PMID: 14630937
35. Fang, J., Wang, H-B., and Zhang, Y. (2004). Purification of histone methyltransferases from
HeLa cells. Methods in Enzymol. 377, 213-226. PMID: 14979027
36. Cao, R. and Zhang, Y. (2004). The functions of E(Z)/EZH2-mediated methylation of lysine
27 in histone H3. Curr. Opin. Gene. Dev. 14, 155-164. PMID: 15196462
37. Wang, L., Brown, J. L., Cao, R., Zhang, Y., Kassis, J. A., and Jones, R. S. (2004).
Yi Zhang
Hierarchical recruitment of Polycomb-group silencing complexes. Mol Cell 14, 637-646.
PMID: 15175158
38. Cao, R. and Zhang, Y. (2004). SUZ12 is required for both the histone methyltransferase
activity and the silencing function of the EED-EZH2 complex. Mol Cell 15, 57-67. PMID:
39. Bender, L.B., Cao, R., Zhang, Y., and Strome, S. (2004) The MES-2/MES-3/MES-6
complex and regulation of histone H3 methylation in the C.elegans. Curr Biol 14, 16391643. PMID: 15380065
40. Zhang, Y. (2004). Molecular Biology: No exception to reversibility. Nature 431, 637-639.
PMID: 15470410
41. Wang, H.-B., Wang, L., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Vidal, M., Tempst, P., Jones, R. S., and
Zhang, Y. (2004) Role of H2A ubiquitination in Polycomb silencing. Nature 431, 873878. PMID: 15386022
42. Umlauf, D., Goto, Y., Cao, R., Cerqueira, F., Zhang, Y., and Feil, R. (2004). Imprinting
along the Kcnq1 domain on mouse chromosome 7 involves repressive histone methylation
and recruitment of Polycomb group complexes. Nature Genetics 36, 1296-1300. PMID:
43. Fang, J., Chen, T., Chadwick, B., Li, E., and Zhang, Y. (2004). Ring1b-mediated H2A
ubiquitination associates with inactive X chromosomes and is involved in initiation of Xinactivation. J Biol Chem. 279, 52812-52815. PMID: 15509584
44. Zhang, Y., Cao, R., Wang, L., and Jones, R.S. (2004). Mechanism of Polycomb group gene
silencing. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 69, 309-17. PMID: 16117663
45. Okada, Y., Feng, Q., Lin, Y., Jiang, Q., Li, Y., Coffield, V. M., Su, L., Xu, G., and Zhang,
Y. (2005). hDOT1L links histone methylation to leukemogenesis. Cell 121, 167-178.
PMID: 15851025
46. dela Cruz, C., Fang, J., Plath K., Worringer, K. A., Nusinow, D. A., Zhang, Y., Panning,
B.(2005). Developmental regulation of Suz12 localization. Chromosoma 114, 183-192.
PMID: 15986205
47. Martin, C., Zhang, Y. (2005). The diverse functions of histone lysine methylation. Nature
Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 6, 838-849. PMID: 16261189
48. Cao, R., Tsukada, YI., and Zhang, Y. (2005). Role of Bmi-1 and Ring1A in H2A
ubiquitylation and Hox gene silencing. Mol Cell 20, 845-854. PMID: 16359901
49. Tsukada, Y., Fang, J., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Warren, M., Borchers, C., Tempst, P., and
Zhang, Y. (2006). Histone demethylation by a family of JmjC domain-containing proteins.
Nature 439, 811-816. (Article published online on Dec. 18, 2005) PMID: 16362057
50. Feldman, N., Gerson, A., Fang, J., Li, E., Zhang, Y., Shinkai, Y., Cedar, H., and Bergman,
Y., (2006). G9a-mediated irreversible epigenetic inactivation of Oct-3/4 during early
embryogenesis. Nat. Cell Bio 8, 188-194. PMID: 16415856
51. Kim, J., Daniel, J., Espejo, A., Lake, A., Krishna, M., Xia, L., Zhang, Y., and Bedford, M. T.
(2006). Tudor, MBT and chromo domains gauge the degree of lysine methylation. EMBO
Report 7, 397-403. PMCID: PMC1456902
52. Martin, C., Cao, R., and Zhang, Y. (2006). Substrate preferences of the EZH2 histone
methyltransferase complex. J. Bio Chem 281, 8365-70. PMID: 16431907
53. Yamane, K., Toumazou, C., Tsukada, YI., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Tempst, P., Wong, J.,
Zhang, Y. (2006). JHDM2A, a JmjC domain-containing H3K9 demethylase, facilitates
transcriptional activation by androgen receptor. Cell 125, 483-495. PMID: 16603237
Yi Zhang
54. Wang, H., Zhai, L., Xu, J., Joo, H.-Y., Jackson, S., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Tempst, P.,
Xiong, Y., and Zhang, Y. (2006). Histone H3 and H4 ubiquitylation by the CUL4-DDBROC1 ubiquitin ligase facilitates cellular response to DNA damage. Mol Cell 22, 383-394.
PMID: 16678110
55. Huang, Y., Fang, J., Bedford, M. T., Zhang, Y., and Xu, R.-M. (2006). Recognition of
histone H3 lysine-4 methylation by the double tudor domain of JMJD2A. Science 312,
748-751. PMID: 16601153
56. Zhang, Y. (2006). It takes a PHD to interpret histone methylation. Nature Stru. Mol. Biol
13, 572-574. PMID: 16826231
57. Klose, R. J., Yamane, K., Bae, Y., Zhang, D., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Tempst, P., Wong, J.,
and Zhang, Y. (2006). The transcriptional repressor JHDM3A demethylates trimethyl
histone H3 lysine 9 and lysine 36. Nature 442, 312-316. PMID: 16732292
58. Li, Z., Cao, R., Wang, M., Myers, M. P., Zhang, Y., and Xu, R. M. (2006). Structure of a
BMI-1-Ring1B Polycomb group ubiquitin ligase complex. J. Bio Chem. 281, 20643-9.
PMID: 16714294
59. Okada, Y., Jiang, Q., Jeannotte, L., Su, L., and Zhang, Y. (2006). Leukaemic transformation
by CALM-AF10 involves upregulation of Hoxa5 by hDOT1L. Nat. Cell Biol. 8, 10171024. PMID: 16921363
60. Klose, R. J., Kallin, R., and Zhang, Y. (2006). JmjC domain-containing proteins and histone
demethylation. Nat. Rev. Cell Biol. 7: 715-727. PMID: 16983801
61. Chen, Y., Yang, Y., Wang, F., Yamane, K., Zhang, Y., and Lei, M. (2006). Crystal structure
of human histone demethylase 1 (LSD1). Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 103, 13956-13961.
PMCID: PMC1599895
62. Bender, L. B., Suh, J., Carroll, C. R., Fong, Y., Fingerman, I. M., Briggs, S. D., Cao, R.,
Zhang, Y., Reinke, V., and Strome, S. (2006). MES-4: an autosome-associated histone
methyltransferase that participates in silencing the X chromosomes in the C. elegans germ
line. Development 133, 3907-3917. PMCID: PMC2435371
63. Tsukada, Y., and Zhang, Y. (2006). Purification of histone demethylases from HeLa cells.
Methods 40, 318-326. PMCID: PMC1761113
64. Kotake, Y., Cao, R., Viatour, P., Sage, J., Zhang, Y., and Xiong, Y. (2007). pRB family
proteins are required for H3K27 trimethylation and Polycomb repression complexes
binding to and silencing p16INK4a tumor suppressor gene. Genes Dev. 21, 49-54. PMCID:
65. Liang, G., Klose, R. J., Gardner, K. E., and Zhang, Y. (2007). Yeast Jhd2 is an H3K4 trimethyl demethylase. Nature Stru. Mol. Biol. 14, 243-245. PMID: 17310254
66. Klose, R. J., Yan, Q., Tothova, Z., Yamane, K., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Tempst, P.,
Gilliland, D. G., Zhang, Y., Kaelin, W. G. (2007). The retinoblastoma binding protein
RBP2 is an H3K4 demethylase. Cell 128, 889-900. PMID: 17320163
67. Lee, N., Zhang, J., Klose, R. J., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Tempst, P., Jones, R. S., and
Zhang, Y. (2007). The trithorax group protein Lid is a trimethyl-H3K4 demethylase.
Nature Stru. Mol. Biol. 14, 341-343. PMID: 17351631
68. Klose, R. J., and Zhang, Y. (2007). Regulation of histone methylation by demethylimination
and demethylation. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 8, 307-318. PMID: 17342184
69. Yamane, K., Klose, R. J., Fabrizio, L. A., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Taylor-Papadimitriou, J.,
Tempst, P., and Zhang, Y. (2007). PLU-1 is an H3K4 demethylase involved in
transcriptional repression and breast cancer cell proliferation. Mol Cell 25, 801-812. PMID:
Yi Zhang
70. Martin, C., and Zhang, Y. (2007). Mechanisms of epigenetic inheritance. Curr. Opin. Cell
Biol. 19, 266-272. PMID: 17466502
71. Klose, R. J., Gardner, K. E., Liang, G., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Tempst, P., and Zhang, Y.
(2007). Demethylation of histone H3K36 and H3K9 by Rph1: a vestige of an H3K9
methylation system in Saccharomyces cerevisiae? Mol Cell Biol. 27, 3951-3961. PMCID:
72. Fang, J., Hogan, G. J., Liang, G., Lieb, J. D., and Zhang, Y. (2007). The Saccharomyces
cerevisiae histone demethylase Jhd1 fine-tunes the distribution of H3K36me2. Fang J,
Hogan GJ, Liang G, Lieb JD, Zhang Y. Mol Cell Biol. 27, 5055-5065. PMID: 17470555
73. Okada, Y., Scott, G., Ray, M. K., Mishina, Y., Zhang, Y. (2007). Histone demethylase
Jhdm2a is critical for Tnp1 and Prm1 transcription and spermatogenesis. Nature 450, 119123. PMID: 17943087
74. Klose, R. J., and Zhang, Y. (2007). Histone H3 Arg2 methylation provides alternative
directions for CAMPASS. Nature Stru. Mol. Biol. 14, 1058-1060. PMID: 17984969
75. Cao, R., Wang, H., He, J., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Tempst, P., and Zhang, Y. (2008). Role
of hPHF1 in H3K27 methylation and Hox gene silencing. Mol Cell Biol. 28, 1862-1872.
PMCID: PMC2258785
76. Craves, T.L., Zhang, Y., Scott, J. E. (2008). A universal competitive fluorescence
polarization activity assay for S-adenosylmethionine utilizing methyltransferases. Anal.
Biochem. 373, 296-306. PMID: 18028865
77. Lu, X., Kovalev, G. I., Chang, H., Kallin, E., Knudsen, G., Xia, L., Ruiz, P., Li, E., Su, L.,
Zhang, Y. (2008). Inactivation of NuRD component Mta2 causes abnormal T cell
activation and lupus-like disease in mice. JBC 283, 13825-13833. PMCID: PMC2376246
78. Lee, N., and Zhang, Y. (2008). Chemical answers to epigenetic crosstalk. Nature Chem.
Biol. 4. 335-337. PMID: 18488009
79. He, J., Kallin, E. M., Tsukada, Y., and Zhang, Y. (2008). The H3K36 demethylase
JHDM1B/KDM3B regulates cell proliferation and senescence through p15 INK4b. Nature
Stru. Mol. Biol. 15, 1169-1175. PMCID: PMC2612995
80. Jones, B., Su, H., Bhat, A., Lei, H., Bajko, J., Hevi, S., Baltus, G., Kadam, S., Valdez, R.,
Gonzalo, S., Zhang, Y., Li, E., Chen, T. (2008). The histone H3K79 methyltransferase
Dot1L is essential for mammalian development and heterochromatin structure. PLoS
Genetics 4, e1000190. PMCID: PMC2527135
81. Tateishi, K., He, J., Taranova, O., Liang, G., D’Alessio, A. C., and Zhang, Y. (2008).
Generation of insulin-secreting islet-like clusters from human skin fibroblasts. JBC 283,
31601-07. (cover and paper of the week) PMID: 18782754
82. Lee, N., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Tempst, P., Jones, R. S., and Zhang, Y. (2009). The H3K4
demethylase Lid associates with and inhibits Rpd3 histone deacetylase activity. Mol Cell
Biol 29, 1401-1410. PMCID: PMC2648242
83. Tateishi K., Okada, Y., Kallin, E., and Zhang, Y. (2009). Role of Jhdm2a/Kdm3a in
regulating metabolic gene expression and obesity resistance. Nature 458, 757-761. PMID:
84. Kallin, E., Cao, R., Jothi, R., Xia, K., Cui, K., Zhao, K., and Zhang, Y. (2009). Genome
wide uH2A localization analysis highlights Bmi1-dependent deposition of the mark at
repressed genes. PLoS Genetics 5(6):e1000506. PMCID: PMC2683938
85. Wu, S., and Zhang, Y. (2009). Role of protein methylation and demethylation in nuclear
Yi Zhang
hormone signaling. Mol. Endocrinology 23, 1323-1334. PMCID: PMC2737564
86. Lin, Y.-H., Kakadia, P., Chen, Y., Li, Y.-Q., Deshpande, A. J., Buske, C., Zhang, K., Zhang,
Y., Xu, G.-L., and Bohlander, S. K. (2009). Global reduction of the epigenetic H3K79
methylation mark and increased chromosomal instability in CALM-AF10 positive
leukemias. Blood 114, 651-8. PMID: 19443658
87. Lu, T., Jackson, M.W., Singhi, A.D., Kandel, E.S., Yang, M., Zhang, Y., Gudkov, A.V., and
Stark, G.R. (2009). Validation-based insertional mutagenesis identifies lysine demethylase
FBXL11 as a negative regulator of NFkB. PNAS 106, 16339-16344. PMCID:
88. Okada, Y., Yamagata, K., Hong, K., Wakayama, T., and Zhang, Y. (2010). A role for the
elongator complex in zygotic paternal genome demethylation. Nature 463, 554-558.
PMCID: PMC2834414
89. An, J.Y., Kim, E.A., Jiang, Y., Zakrzewska, A., Kim, D.E., Lee, M.J., Mook-Jung, I., Zhang,
Y., Kwon, Y.T. (2010). UBR2 mediates transcriptional silencing during spermatogenesis
via histone ubiquitination. PNAS 107, 1912-7. PMCID: PMC2836623
90. Yang, Z., Jiang, J., Stewart, D.M., Qi, S., Yamane, K., Li, J., Zhang, Y., Wong, J. (2010).
AOF1 is a histone H3K4 demethylase possessing demethylase activity-independent
repression function. Cell Res. 20, 276-87. PMID: 20101264
91. Chen, H., Giri, N.C., Zhang, R., Yamane, K., Zhang, Y., Maroney, M., and Costa, M.
(2010). Nickel ions inhibit histone demethylase JMJD1A and DNA repair enzymes ABH2
by replacing the ferrous iron in the catalytic centers, JBC 285, 7374-83. PMCID:
92. Okada, Y., Tateishi, K., Zhang, Y. (2010). Histone demethylase JHDM2A is involved in
male infertility and obesity. J. Androl. 31, 75-8. PMID: 19875498
93. He, J., and Zhang, Y. (2010). Janus Kinase 2: An epigenetic “writer” that activates
leukemogenic genes. J. Mol Cell Biol. 2, 231-3. PMID: 20051435
94. Tanaka, Y., Okamoto, K., Teye, K., Umata, T., Yamagiwa, N., Suto, Y., Zhang, Y. and
Tsuneoka, M. (2010). JmjC enzyme KDM2A is a regulator of rRNA transcription in
response to starvation. EMBO J. 29, 1510-22. PMCID: PMC2876952
95. Liang, G., Taranova, O., Xia, K., and Zhang, Y. (2010). Butyrate promotes iPS cell
generation. JBC 285, 25516-21. PMCID: PMC2919115
96. Ito, S., D’Alessioi, A.C., Taranova, O.V., Hong, K., Sowers, L.C., and Zhang, Y. (2010).
Role of Tet proteins in 5mC to 5hmC conversion, ES cell self-renewal, and inner cell mass
specification. Nature 466, 1129-1133. PMID: 20639862
97. Wu, H., Coskun, V., Tao, J., Xie, W., Ge, W., Yoshikawa, K., Li, E., Zhang, Y., Sun, Y.E.
(2010). Dnmt3a-dependent nonpromoter DNA methylation facilitates transcription of
neurogenic genes. Science 329, 444-448. PMID: 20651149
98. Wu, S.C., and Zhang, Y. (2010). Active DNA demethylation: Many roads to Rome. Nature
Review MCB 11, 607-620. PMID: 20683471
99. Wu, S.C., Kallin, E.M., and Zhang, Y. (2010). Role of H3K27 methylation in the regulation
of lncRNA expression. Cell Research 20, 1109-1116. PMCID: PMC2949548
100. Xu et al. (2011). Oncometabolite 2-hydroxyglutarate is a competitive inhibitor of aketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase. Cancer Cell 19, 17-30. PMCID: PMC3229304
101. Nguyen, A.T., Neppl, R.L., Kallin, E.M., Chen, T., Wang, D.-Z., Zhang, Y. (2011).
DOT1L regulates dystrophin expression and is critical for cardiac function. Genes Dev. 25,
263-274. PMCID: PMC3034901
Yi Zhang
102. He, J., Nguyen, A.T., and Zhang, Y. (2011). Kdm2b/Jhdm1b, an H3K36me2-specific
demethylase, is required for initiation and maintenance of acute myeloid leukemia. Blood
117, 3869-80. PMCID: PMC3083299
103. Wu, H., D’Alessioi, A.C., Ito, S., Xia, K., Wang, Z., Cui, K., Zhao, K., Sun, Y., and Zhang,
Y. (2011). Dual functions of Tet1 in transcriptional regulation in mouse embryonic stem
cells. Nature 473, 389-93. PMID: 21451524
104. Wu, H., D’Alessioi, A.C., Ito, S., Wang, Z., Cui, K., Zhao, K., Sun, Y., and Zhang, Y.
(2011). Genome-wide analysis of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine distribution reveals its dual
function in transcriptional regulation in mouse embryonic stem cells. Genes Dev 25, 679684. PMCID: PMC3070931
105. Nguyen, A.T., Taranova, O., He, J., and Zhang, Y. (2011). DOT1L, the H3K79
methyltransferase, is required for MLL-AF9-mediated leukemogenesis. Blood 117, 691222. PMCID: PMC3128482
106. Nguyen, A.T., and Zhang, Y. (2011). The diverse functions of DOT1 and H3K79
methylation. Genes Dev 25, 1345-58. PMCID: PMC3134078
107. Ito, S., Shen, L., Dai, Q., Wu, S.C., Collins, L.B., Swenberg, J.A., He, C., and Zhang, Y.
(2011). Tet proteins can convert 5-methylcytosine to 5-formalcytosine and 5carboxylcytosine. Science 333, 1300-03. PMID: 21778364
108. Wu, H., and Zhang, Y. (2011). Tet1 and 5-hydroxymethylation: A genome-wide view in
mouse embryonic stem cells. Cell Cycle 10, 2428-36. PMCID: PMC3180185
109. Wu, S.C., and Zhang, Y. (2011). CDK1-mediated phosphorylation of Ezh2 regulates its
stability. JBC 286, 28511-9. PMCID: PMC3151093
110. Nguyen, A.T., He, J., Taranova, O., and Zhang, Y. (2011). Essential role of DOT1L in
maintaining normal adult hematopoiesis. Cell Research 21, 1370-3. PMCID: PMC3166961
111. Tao, Y., Neppl, R.L., Huang, Z.P., Chen, J., Tang, R.H., Cao, R., Zhang, Y., Jin, S.W.,
Wang, D.Z. (2011). The histone methyltransferase Set7/9 promotes myoblast
differentiation and myofibril assembly. J. Cell Biol. 194, 551-65. PMCID: PMC3160588
112. Inoue, A., and Zhang, Y. (2011). Replication-dependent loss of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine
in mouse preimplantation embryos. Science 334, 194. PMID: 21940858
113. Wu, H., and Zhang, Y. (2011). Mechanisms and functions of Tet protein-mediated 5methylcytosine oxidation. Genes Dev. 25, 2436-52. PMCID: PMC3243055
114. Inoue, A., Shen, L., Dai, Q., He, C., and Zhang, Y. (2011). Generation and replicationdependent dilution of 5fC and 5caC during mouse preimplantation development. Cell
Research 21, 1670-6. PMID: 22124233
115. Liang, G., He, J., and Zhang, Y. (2012). Kdm2b promotes induced pluripotent stem cell
generation by facilitating gene activation early in reprogramming. Nature Cell Biol. 14,
116. Wu, H., and Zhang, Y. (2012). Early embryos reprogram DNA methylation in two steps.
Cell Stem Cell 10, 487-488.
117. Nabel, C.S., Jia, H., Ye, Y., Shen, L., Goldschmidt, H., Stivers, J.T., Zhang, Y., & Kohli,
R.M. (2012). AID/APOBEC deaminases disfavor modified cytosines implicated in DNA
demethylation. Nature Chem. Biol. 8, 751-758.
118. Shen, L., and Zhang, Y. (2012). Enzymatic analysis of the Tet proteins. Methods in
Enzymol. 512, 93-105.
119. Inoue, A., Matoba, S., and Zhang, Y. (2012). Transcriptional activation of transposable
elements in mouse zygotes is independent of Tet3-mediated 5-methylcytosine oxidation.
Cell Research 22, 1640-1649.
Yi Zhang
120. Yamaguchi, S., Hong, K., Liu, R., Shen, L., Inoue, A., Diep, D., Zhang, K., and Zhang, Y.
(2012). Tet1 controls meiosis by regulating meiotic gene expression. Nature 492, 443-447.
121. Jiang, W., Wang, J., and Zhang, Y. (2013). Histone H3K27me3 demethylases KDM6A and
KDM6B modulate definitive endoderm differentiation from human ESCs by regulating
WNT signaling pathway. Cell Research 23, 122-130.
122. Liang, G., and Zhang, Y. (2013). Embryonic stem cell and induced pluripotent stem cell:
An epigenetic perspective. Cell Research 23, 49-69.
123. Yamaguchi, S., Hong, K., Liu, R., Inoue, A., Shen, L., Zhang, K., and Zhang, Y. (2013).
Dynamics of 5-methylcytosine and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine during germ cell
reprogramming. Cell Research 23, 329-339.
124. He, J., Shen, L., Wan, M., Taranova, O., Wu, H., & Zhang, Y. (2013). Kdm2b maintains
murine embryonic stem cell status by recruiting PRC1 complex to CpG islands of early
lineage genes. Nat. Cell Biol 15, 373-384.
125. Shen, L., Wu, H., Diep, D., D’Alessio, A. C., Fung, A., Zhang, K., and Zhang, Y. (2013).
Genome-wide analysis reveals TET and TDG-mediated 5-methylcytosine oxidation
dynamics. Cell 153, 692-706.
126. Shen, L., and Zhang, Y. (2013). 5-hydroxymethylcytosine: generation, fate, and genomic
distribution. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 25, 289-296.
127. Jiang, W., Zhang, D., Bursac, N., and Zhang, Y. (2013). WNT3 is a biomarker capable of
predicting definitive endoderm differentiation potential of hESCs. Stem Cell Reports 1, 4652.
128. Lin, F-J., Shen, L., Jang, C-W., Palnes, P., and Zhang, Y. (2013). Ikbkap/Elp1 deficiency
causes male infertility by disrupting meiotic progression. PLoS Genetics 9, e1003516.
B. Books and chapters
1. Zhang, Y., and Epstein, L. M. (1996). Oligonucleotide-mediated site-directed mutagenesis
of cloned DNA. p170-174. In "Practical Protocols in Molecular Biology". Li, Y. M., and
Zhao, Y., eds., Science Press, New York.
2. Zhang, Y., Coats, S. R., and Epstein, L. M. (1996). Expression of exogenous DNA in
Xenopus oocytes and embryos. p84-90, In "Practical Protocols in Molecular Biology". Li, Y.
M., and Zhao, Y., eds., Science Press, New York.
3. Zhang, Y., Coats, S. R., and Epstein, L. M. (1996). RNase A/T1 protection and RNase H
focusing. p225-228, In "Practical Protocols in Molecular Biology". Li, Y. M., and Zhao, Y.,
eds., Science Press, New York.
4. Zhang, Y., Coats, S. R., and Epstein, L. M. (1996). Primer extension for mapping RNA.
p.229-232, In "Practical Protocols in Molecular Biology". Li, Y. M., and Zhao, Y., eds.,
Science Press, New York.
5. Feng, Q., and Zhang, Y. (2003). The NuRD complex: linking histone modification to
nucleosome remodeling. In “Protein Complexes that Modify Chromatin” (Ed. J. L.
Workman).Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology 274, 269-290.
6. Fang, J., Wang, H-B., and Zhang, Y. (2004). Purification of Histone
Methyltransferases from HeLa Cells. In Methods in Enzymol. 377, 213-226. Wu, C.,
and Allis, D. C. eds, Elsevier Science, New York.
Yi Zhang
7. Kallin, E., and Zhang, Y. (2004). Chromatin remodeling and gene expression. In
“Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry” Vol. 1, pp 456-463. (Ed. W. Lennarz and M. D.
Lane). Elsevier Science, San Diego, CA.
8. Shen, L., and Zhang, Y. (2012). Enzymatic analysis of the Tet proteins. In Methods in
Enzymol. (in press). Wu, C., and Allis, D. C. eds, Elsevier Science, New York.
Yi Zhang
Ongoing Support
09/01/10 – 08/31/15
Title: Role of epigenetic factors and extracellular matrix in functional beta-cell generation
Role: PI
Direct Cost: $439,189/year
Project: Epigenetic modifications and stem cell biology
09/01/011 – 08/30/16
Completed Support
NIH (R01-GM068804-05)
08/01/07 – 07/31/12
Title: Histone Methylation in Polycomb Group Gene Silencing
Role: PI
Direct cost: $194,000/year
NIH (R01-CA119133)
08/01/06 – 07/31/12
Title: Role of histone methyltransferase hDOT1L in leukemogenesis
Role: PI
Direct cost: $177,500/year
NIH/Vanderbilt Subcontract
Title: Generation and differentiation of patient-specific iPS cells to insulin-secreting bata-cell
Role: PI
Direct Cost: $923,096
NIH/BCBC Consortium/Vanderbilt Subcontract
Title: Epigenetics of Diabetes
Role: PI
Direct Cost: $365,000
NIH (R01-GM63067-01)
05/01/01 – 04/30/06
Title: Mechanism of Gene Silencing by DNA Methylation
Role: PI
Direct cost: $166,000/year
NIH (R01-GM068804-01)
08/01/03 – 07/31/07
Title: Histone Methylation in Polycomb Group Gene Silencing
Role: PI
Direct cost: $194,000/year
Yi Zhang
ACS (RSG-00-351-01-GMC)
07/01/01 – 06/30/05
Title: Analysis of NuRD: A Nucleosome Remodeling and Histone Deacetylase Complex
Role: PI
Direct cost: $216,362/year
AACR (Gertrude B. Elion Cancer Research Award)
Title: Role of PcG complex in prostate cancer
Role: PI
Direct cost: $50,000
7/01/03 – 6/30/04
2000 V Scholar Award
05/01/00 – 04/30/02
Title: Analysis NuRD function through targeted Mta2 disruption
Role: PI
Direct cost: $50,000/year
2001 Kimmel Scholar Award
Title: Role of the NuRD Complex in Cancer
Role: PI
Direct cost: $100,000/year
08/01/01 – 07/31/03
Yi Zhang
May 3
June 11-13
July 7-12
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, USF, Tampa, Florida.
Rett Syndrom Symposium, Washington D.C.
FASEB Chromatin and Transcription Meeting, Snowmass, Colorado.
March 9
May 3
Oct. 17-21
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, NIH, RTP, North Carolina.
Baylor College of Medicine, Dept. of Mol. and Cellular Biology, Houston, Texas.
AACR Special Conference “Epigenetics of Cancer”, Palm Desert, California.
Feb. 28
April 17
May 29-31
June 19-22
July 7-12
October 23
October 24
Nov. 8
Nov. 14
McGill University, Department of Biochemistry, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
University of Penn, The Wistar Institute, Philadelphia.
CNIO Cancer Conference “Cancer Epigenetics”, Madrid, Span.
The 84th Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California.
Gordon Research Conference “Chromatin Structure and Function”, Tilton, NH.
Harvard Medical School, Dept. of Pathology, Boston.
MGH and Harvard Medical School, Charlestown.
Univ. Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Science Park, Smithville, Texas.
UVA, Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics, Charlottesville.
Jan. 10-15
Feb. 20
March 10-16
March 18
March 19
March 20
Sept. 9
Sept. 22
Oct. 23
Dec. 9
Dec. 10-13
Dec. 15
Dec. 17
Keystone Symposia, Big Sky, Montana.
North Carolina State Univ., Dept. of Biochemistry, Raleigh, NC.
Keystone Symposia, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Columbia University, Institute for Cancer Genetics, New York City.
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Dept. of Cell Biology, New York City.
Rockefeller University, New York City.
Yale University, Dept. of Genetics, New Haven, CT.
Univ. of Michigan, Dept. of Pathology, Ann Arbor, MI.
Thomas Jefferson Univ., Kimmel Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA.
UCLA, Dept. of Microbiology, Immunology, & Molecular Genetics, LA.
26th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan, Kobe, Japan
Kyoto University, Graduate School of Biostudies, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan.
Osaka University, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan.
Feb. 11
March 28
April 5
May 10
May 11
June 2-7
Uniformed Services Univ. of the Health Sciences, Mol. & Cell Biology Graduate
Program. Bethesda
Gertrude B. Elion Award Lecture, 95th AACR Annual Meeting. Orlando, Florida
Lineberger Cancer Center Symposium on “Chromatin, Epigenetics, and Cancer”
Cancer Research UK, London Research Institute, Clare Hall Laboratories
The Babraham Institute, University of Cambridge, UK
69th Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology, CSHL, New York
July 16
July 18-23
Oct. 20
Dec. 6
Yi Zhang
Dec. 7
Dec. 8
Dec. 8-11
Shanghai Institute of Bioche. & Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
10th SCBA International Symposium. Beijing, China
6th EMBL transcription meeting, Heidelberg, Germany
Univ. of Penn. Dept. of Medicine, Philadelphia.
RIKEN Research Center for Allergy and Immunology, RIKEN Yokohama
Institute, Yokohama, Japan
Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan.
National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Japan.
27th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan, Kobe, Japan
Jan 23-29
Feb. 7-9
March 24
April 19
April 27
May 4
May 16
June 2
June 6
July 9-14
July 17-21
Nov 15-18
Gordon Research Conference “Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics”, California
Juan March Epigenetics Meeting, Madrid, Span.
Eppley Institute for Cancer Research, Univ. of Nebraska, Omaha, NE
Keystone Symposia “Chromatin Modification Pathways”, Snowbird, Utah
Kasha Award Lecture, Florida State Univ. Tallahassee, Florida.
Hettleman Prize Lecture, UNC-Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Baylor College of Medicine, Dept. of Biochemistry, Houston, Texas
Stowers Institute, Kansas City, Missouri
National Cancer Institute, Lab of Mol. Cell Biology, NIH, Bethesda, MD
Univ. of Montreal, IRIC, Montreal, Canada.
FASEB Summer Research Conference, Tucson, AZ.
BioScience - from genes to systems, Glasgow, UK
“Mechanisms of Eukaryotic Transcription”, Cold Spring Harbor, New York
“Chromatin Structure & Function”, Nassau, Bahamas
March 16-18
March 27
March 29
March 30
April 2-5
April 13
April 14
April 26
April 27
April 27
April 28
May 1
May 21-26
June 18-23
June 29
July 19-22
Aug. 26-30
Sept. 30
Oct. 5
9th Symposium on cancer epigenetics, CNIO, Madrid, Span.
Dept. of Biochemistry & Mol Biology, Oregon Health & Science Univ. Portland
Dept. of Pharmacology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
Dept. of Biochemistry & Mol Biology, Keck School of Medicine of USC, CA
AACR annual meeting, Washington, DC
New York University, New York City
Rockefeller University, New York City
Dept. of Pathology, Harvard Medical School, Boston
Novartis Research Institutes, Cambridge, MA
Merck Research Lab, Boston, MA
AstraZeneca R&D Boston, Waltham, MA
McGill University, Department of Biochemistry, Montreal, Canada
Gordon Research Conference on Chromatin Structure and Function, Italy
20th IUBMB and 11th FAOBMB, Kyoto, Japan
Wyeth Pharmaceutical Inc., Oncology Department, New York
Keynote Speaker, 11th SCBA International Symposium. San Francisco, CA
7th EMBL transcription meeting, Heidelberg, Germany.
1st Annual Atlantic Coast Chromatin Conference, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dept. of Pharmacology, Dallas, TX
Oct. 8-11
Oct. 11
Oct 12
Nov. 16
Dec. 5-8
Jan. 15
Feb. 13
Feb. 27
March 7
March 9-10
March 16
March 22
March 23
March 26-28
April 10-11
April 11-16
April 26-27
May 30
June 7
July 7-12
July 17-19
July 23
July 27
Aug. 3
Aug. 29-2/9
Oct. 23
Oct. 27-29
Nov. 9
Dec. 5
Dec. 13
Jan. 22-25
Jan. 23
Jan. 25
March 11
March 24
April 7-12
Yi Zhang
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Janelia Farm Research Campus, Virginia
National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, Washington DC
National Cancer Institute, NIH, Rockville, Washington DC
New England Biolab, Ipswich, MA
Abcam “Chromatin Structure & Function”, Dominican Republic
Johns Hopkins University, Technology Center for Networks & Pathways of lysine
Northwestern Univ. Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL
Univ. of Michigan Medical School, Dept. of Biological Chemistry, Ann Arbor
Lilly Epigenetics Symposium, Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, IN
Kimmel Scholars’ Symposium, Boca Raton Resort & Club, Florida
Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, CAS, Shanghai, China
China Agriculture Univ. College of Biology, Beijing, China
National Institute of Biology Sciences, Beijing, China
CDB Symposium 2007, Riken Kobe Institute, Kobe, Japan
Univ. of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Molecular Biology symposium
Keystone Symposia, Epigenetics: Regulation of Chromatin Structure in
Development & Disease
“Frontiers in Chromosome Biology”, NCI, NIH, Bethesda, MD
Univ. of California, Irvine. Dept. Biochemistry. California
Wyeth Pharmaceutical Inc., Oncology Department, New York
FASEB Chromatin and Transcription Meeting, Snowmass, Colorado.
MPM Capital Medical and Scientific Advisory Board, Napa, California
Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Institute of Genetics & Development, CAS, Beijing, China
China Agricultural University, Beijing, China
Mechanism of Eukaryotic Transcription, CSHL, New York
Cancer Center, Univ. of Penn., Philadelphia.
Symposium on Epigenetics, Yantai, Shandong, China
2007 International Symposium on Protein Modification & Degradation, Beijing
17th Annual Beckman Symposium, the Changing Faces of Chromatin- the
Epigenome and Epiproteome, City of Hope, California
NYU Medical School. Dept. of Biochemistry. New York City, NY
Caltech. Dept. of Biochemistry. Pasadena, CA 91125
AACR special conference, Ubiquitin and Cancer: from molecular targets and
mechanisms to the clinic, Omni San Diego Hotel, San Diego, California
Moores Cancer Center, UCSD, San Diego, California
Salk Institute, San Diego, California
John’s Hopkins University, Special K program
Schering-Plough Research Institute, Boston
Keystone symposia “Mol. Basis for chromatin modifications & epigenetic
phenomena”, Snowmass, Colorado
Yi Zhang
May 11-16
Gordon Research Conference “Chromatin Structure & Function”, II Ciocco Hotel
and Resort, Lucca, Italy
June 1-6
Keynote speaker, FASEB Summer Research Conferences “Biological
Methylation: From DNA to Histone”, Carefree Resort, Carefree, Arizona
June 24-27
21th Naito Conference “Epigenetics and transcription”, Toyko, Japan
July 4-7
The Second Shanghai Symposium on Epigenetics in Development and Diseases,
Shanghai, China
August 8-9
The Mount Desert Island Stem Cell Symposium, Salisbury Cove, ME
August 18-21 The 55th Benzon Symposium, “Transcription, Chromatin and Disease”,
Copenhagen, Denmark
Oct. 16-21
ASBMB meeting on “Transcriptional regulation by chromatin and RNAPII”,
Granlibakken, Lake Tahoe.
Oct. 26-29
The HHMI Scientific meeting, Janelia Farm
Dec. 4
The Epigenetics Center, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Taxsas.
Dec. 7-10
Epigenetics: Mechanisms and Regulation. Cold Spring Harbor, NY
Jan. 30
Feb. 19
March 18
March 24
April 29-30
May 7
May 10
May 12
May 13
May 14
May 14
May 27-29
June 5
June 8
June 17
June 17
July 12-17
Oct. 1
Oct. 17
Oct. 21-23
Oct. 26
Nov. 19
Nov. 20
Nov. 23
Nov. 24
IBT Distinguished Scientist Lecture, The Texas A&M Health Science Center,
Houston, TX
GlasoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Collegeville, PA
John’s Hopkins University, Special-K program
UNC, Dept. of Biochemistry & Biophysics
Meeting organizer, The 33th Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
Symposium on “Stem Cells and Cancer”
IMB ad GRC Joint seminar at IMB, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Republic China.
China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan, Republic China.
Plenary lecture for the annual meeting of KSBMB 2009, Seoul, South Korea.
2009 Seoul National University Chromatin Symposium, Seoul, South Korea.
Cha Stem Cell Institute, Cha University, Seoul, South Korea.
Stem Cell Research Center, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea.
Keynote speaker, 2009 Beta Cell Biology Consortium Investigator retreat,
Chantilly, VA.
Institute of Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai.
The Novartis Research Institute, Shanghai, China.
Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
Beijing Institute of Transfusion and Medicine, Beijing, China.
Meeting organizer, FASEB summer meeting “Epigenetics, Chromatin, and
Transcription”, Snowmass, Colorado.
Epigenetics Center Seminar series, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
The 3rd East Coast Chromatin Conference, Friday Center, Chapel Hill, NC
2009 International Conference on Genomics, Beijing, China.
Keynote speaker, The first Taipei Epigenetics and Chromatin meeting, Taipei.
Dept. of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, UCSD, San Diego, California
Center for Plant Cell Biology, UC-Riverside, California
The Burnham Institute, San Diego, California
Pfizer-La Jolla, San Diego, California
Jan. 20-23
Feb. 15-17
March 1
March 7-10
March 22
April 29
April 30
May 16
May 17-21
May 23
May 25
June 4
June 6-9
June 23
July 25-30
Aug. 9-10
Aug. 19-20
Oct. 3-5
Oct. 27
Nov. 1
Nov. 17-19
Nov. 23
Nov. 25
Nov. 27
Dec. 6
Dec. 7
Feb. 6-9
March 24
March 25
March 31
April 10-11
April 26
April 27
May 11-13
May 16
May 17-19
May 26
Yi Zhang
AACR Special Conference on “Cancer Epigenetics”, San Juan, Puerto Rico
2010 BCBC Investigator Meeting, Washington DC
UT-Southwestern, Dept. of Physiology
CSH meeting on “Epigenetic reprogramming and trans-generational inheritance”
Vanderbilt University Cancer Center
Yale University, Dept of Pathology
Harvard School of Public Health, Symposium on “Epigenetic regulation in health
and disease”
Mini-symposium on Chromatin and Epigenetics, Institute of Biochemistry and
Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes of Biological Sciences, CAS, Shanghai, China
Meeting organizer, CSH-Asia on “Epigenetics, Chromatin, and Transcription”,
Suzhou, China
Mini-symposium on Epigenetics, China Agriculture Univ., Beijing, China
Peking University, College of Biological Sciences, Beijing, China
National Cancer Institute, NIH
HHMI Investigator meeting
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Gordon Conference on “Chromatin Structure and Function”, Bryant Univ. RI
Stem Cell Symposium, TongJie University, Shanghai, China
20th Hot Spring Harbor Symposium, Fukuoka, Japan
Beta Cell Biology Consortium Investigator planning meeting, Washington DC
Stanford University, Frontiers in Biological Research Seminar Series
UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dept. of Biochemistry
41th International Symposium of the Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund,
Basic and Clinical Frontiers of Cancer Epigenetics, Tokyo, Japan.
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
National Taiwan University, Medical School, Taipei, Taiwan
China Medical University, Taichon, Taiwan
UCLA, Dept. of Biochemistry, Los Angeles, CA
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle
Miami 2011 Winter Symposium on “Epigenetics in Development and Disease”
JW Marriott Marquis Miami, Miami, FL
New York University Medical Center, Dept. of Biochemistry, NYC.
Rockefeller University Lecture Series, New York, New York
Dept. of Pathology, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Mayo Clinic Symposium on Epigenetics and Diseases
Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, San Diego, CA
UCSD, Dept. Cellular and Molecular Medicine, San Diego, CA
BCBC retreat, Washington DC
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Keynote speaker for “6th Asian Epigenomics Symposium”, Kumamoto, Japan.
National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing, China.
Yi Zhang
May 27
June 14
June 15-18
July 11
Aug. 1-5
Aug. 7-12
Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Structural Genomics Consortium, University of Toronto
ISSCR Annual Symposium, Toronto, Canada.
Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease, San Francisco, CA
FASEB “Epigenetics, Chromatin, and Transcription”, Snowmass, Colorado
Gordon Conference on “Epigenetics: Mechanisms, development & disease”.
Stonehill College, MA
Aug. 18
2011 Symposium on Frontiers of Biomedical Sciences, China Medical Univ.
Taichung, Taiwan
Aug. 19
Keynote speaker, 2011 Symposium of the TienTe Lee Award Laureate Club,
Sept. 12
UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dept. of Biochemistry, Dallas, Texas.
Sept. 16
Genentech, Inc. San Francisco, California
Sept. 14-18 AACR International Conference on Frontiers in Basic Cancer Research, San
Francisco, CA
Oct. 23
The 2011 International forum for stem cell translational research, Tongji
University, Shanghai, China.
Oct. 24-28
Joint CSH Asia/ISSCR conference on cellular programs & Reprogramming,
Suzhou, China
Nov. 1
Shangdong University, Jinan, China
Nov. 2
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Oct. 30-Nov.3 17th International Biophysics Congress, Beijing, China
Nov. 10
Yang Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan.
Nov. 11
NHRI, Zhunan, Taiwan.
Nov. 14-15 2011 International conference on functional proteomics: Advances in posttranslational modification. Academia Sinica, Taipei.
Nov. 29
Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
Nov. 30-Dec. 1 Commemorative Symposium for the 27th International Prize for Biology.
“Genetic Regulation of Development”. Kyoto Garden Palace, Kyoto, Japan.
Dec. 14
Rockefeller University, New York, NY.
Jan. 18-20
Feb. 9
April 19-22
April 23-27
April 28
April 30
May 9
June 7
Sept. 11-15
Sept. 18
Sept. 23-25
BI-IMP-IMBA meeting on Epigenetic Regulation in Disease, Vienna, Austria
Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston
The 3rd Shanghai International Conference on Epigenetics in Development &
Meeting organizer, 2nd CSH-Asia meeting on “Chromatin, Epigenetics, and
Mini-symposium on “Chromatin, Epigenetics, and Transcription”. Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
China Agriculture University, Beijing, China.
College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Dept. of Development & Regenerative Biology, Mount Sinai Hospital, NYC.
CSHL symposium on “Epigenetics & Chromatin”
Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Cambridge, MA
IDI/PCMM scientific retreat, Cape Cod, MA
Sept. 25
Sept. 27
Oct. 10
Oct. 18-21
Oct. 26
Nov. 8-9
Nov. 14
Nov. 16
Nov. 25-28
Nov. 29
Nov. 30
Dec. 1
Yi Zhang
Stem Cell Salon on Epigenetics, Harvard Stem Cell Institute, Cambridge, MA
Epigenetic Club, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA
BBS graduate program, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
2012 IMB Conference on “DNA demethylation, DNA repair and beyond”. Mainz,
Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
2012 Ray Wu Memory Foundation symposium, Hangzhou, China
Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Medical School, Sichuan University, Chendu, China.
3R Symposium, Awaji Island, Japan
1st Igakuken Symposium, Tokyo Metropoitan Institute of Medical Science,Tokyo.
Institute of Mol. & Cellular Biosciences, Univ. of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
15th SAPA-NE Scientific Symposium, MIT Sloan School of Management,
Cambridge, MA.
Feb. 25
HMS Genetics retreat, “Science in the Zhang lab”, Broad Institute, Cambridge,
Feb. 27
Baylor College of Medicine, “Mechanism and function of Tet-mediated 5mC
oxidation”, Houston, TX.
March 20-24 Keystone symposium on “epigenetic marks and cancer drugs”, Santa Fe, New
Mexico. Title “Hira-mediated H3.3 deposition and nucleosome assembly is
required for paternal pronuclear envelope formation”.
April 11-12 2013 NIEHS Symposium on “Unlocking the promise of stem cells”. Title
“Mechanism and function of Tet-mediated 5mC oxidation”. RTP, North Carolina
April 13
Harvard Chinese Life Sciences Annual Research Symposium 2013. Boston. Title
“Mechanism and function of Tet-mediated 5mC oxidation”.
April 16-18 HHMI Investigator meeting. Washington DC, “Mechanism of DNA
May 6
Univ. of Penn, Dept. of Genetics, “Mechanism and function of 5mC oxidation”.
May 7-9
BCBC retreat, Washington DC, “Understanding beta-cell differentiation through
transcriptome analysis during the differentiation process”.
May 10
Keynote speaker, GTC 3rd Epigenetics in Drug Discovery conference, Boston,
MA. “Mechanism and function of Tet-mediated 5mC oxidation”.
June 29-30
IRIC International Symposium on “Epigenetics, genome integrity, and stem cell
biology”. Univ. of Montreal, Montreal, Canada. “Role of Tet-mediated 5mC
oxidation in zygote and PGC reprogramming”.
July 14-18
Gordon Research Conference on “Germinal Stem Cell Biology” in Chinese Univ.
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. “Role of Tet-mediated 5mC oxidation in zygote and
PGC reprogramming”.
July 18
Beijing Genomics Institute-Shenzhen, Shenzhen, China. “Mechanism and
function of Tet-mediated 5mC oxidation”.
July 19
Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, CAS, Guangdong, China.
“Mechanism and function of Tet-mediated 5mC oxidation”.