Hoja de repaso: Clase de español I Examen final (2010) VOCABULARIO: The following thematic units will be included. You must be able to recognize all of the words within them and able to produce most of them in Spanish as well. Formats may include fill-in-the-blank (with or without word banks), circling the right choice or the intruder, matching (English-Spanish or Span.-Span.), synonyms or antonyms, and picture identification. [* = recognition only] Cap. 8: En el aeropuerto* Cap. 9: El invierno y las actividades del invierno [skiing/skating words*] Cap. 10: La salud y la enfermedad (health, illness, physical condition, doctor’s office, pharmacy) Cap. 11: El verano, los balnearios, las actividades del verano Cap. 12: Las actividades culturales (el cine, el museo, el teatro, el restaurante) Cap. 13: La ropa y la moda (la ropa, los colores, en la tienda) Cap. 15: En el restaurante (las comidas y las bebidas; la mesa)* GRAMÁTICA: The following structures will be specifically tested. Formats may include fill-in-the-blanks, the conjugation of infinitives, the changing of verbs from the present to the past, the answering of questions, the right choice, the intruder, etc. Cap. 7: Stem-change verbs – eie, oue, and uue families Cap. 8: The verbs hacer, poner, salir, venir and traer The present progressive Cap. 9: saber vs. conocer Decir (in the present tense) Demonstrative adjectives (this, that, these, those, etc.) Cap. 10: ser vs. estar (conjugations and uses) The object pronouns: me, te, nos Cap. 11: The direct object pronouns: lo, la, los, las Preterite (past tense) of –ar verbs and “ir” and “ser” 2 Cap. 12: Preterite of regular –er and –ir verbs and “dar” and “ver” Indirect object pronouns: le and les Cap. 13: The “Me gusta” structure Verbs like “gustar” Negative and positive words and structures Cap. 15: Review of old stem-change families in present (from chapter 7) Present tense of ei stem-change verbs [NOT preterite of “ir” stem-change verbs!] You must, of course, know how to use previously learned structures such as possessive adjectives, present tense conjugations of regular and common irregular verbs, the near future, articles, noun-adjective agreement, etc. Although these structures will not be tested specifically in the grammar sections of this exam, it is likely that they will be needed in the translation and free-write sections. Similarly, you are expected to have under your command the most basic vocabulary from the first semester such as the meanings of the common verbs, common nouns relating to school, family, people, etc., question words, common descriptive adjectives, and conjunctions. ¡Gracias por su trabajo bueno este año y buena suerte en el examen!