Illinois Permanency Enhancement Initiative Data Acquisition Protocol Background: Permanency Enhancement Symposiums were held in each of the Department’s six regions over the course of 2007 and 2008 with the goals being to raise awareness and also actively address the systemic issues impacting the over representation of African American children in the Illinois child welfare system as well as the overall low reunification rates for children in substitute care. Action Teams, comprised of DCFS and private agency child welfare professionals, Juvenile Court representatives, and other key stakeholders such as foster/adoptive parents and community providers were subsequently formed in the Central, Southern, Northern and Cook regions of the state. These Action Teams were then charged with the responsibility of developing action plans that target the underlying issues impacting the over representation of African American children in care and at improving the state’s reunification rates. The Permanency Enhancement Action Teams that have been meeting to date have been using a variety of different sources of statistical data both to pinpoint areas needing improvement as well as to assess the successful implementation of their team action plans. This Data Acquisition Protocol has been developed in an effort to bring about greater consistency in terms of the use of data among the various action teams and to also streamline and improve upon the ability of action teams to access data. Overview of Data Sources: Statistical data that will be made available on a regular basis to the Permanency Enhancement Initiative Action Teams will come primarily from the following three data sources: 1. Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System (SACWIS): Contains all Illinois case intake and investigation related data. 2. Management Accounting and Reporting System (MARS) and Child and Youth Centered Information System (CYCIS): Contains data regarding all DCFS wards and families receiving on-going services. These systems track demographic, placement and permanency related data in addition to DCFS ward legal status and court hearing results as well as worker and agency assignment data. 3. Adoption Foster Care Analysis Reporting System (AFCARS) and National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS): Represents the state’s official record of data provided to the Federal government. Contains select investigative and DCFS ward related placement and permanency data. Permanency Enhancement Initiative – Data Acquisition Protocol (DAP) DRAFT – 12/8/08 1 Types of Data Reports to Be Made Available: The DCFS Division of Quality Assurance’s Office of Agency Operations Analysis will build and maintain an internal database that select authorized DCFS users will utilize in order to run a variety of statistical reports on a quarterly basis. The reports will then be disseminated at the beginning of each state fiscal quarter to the DCFS and Community Partner Action Team Co-Conveners for them to distribute as needed to members of their teams. The Illinois African-American Family Commission and University partners assisting action teams will also receive copies of all statistical reports specific to their respective assigned regions. These particular quarterly reports will reflect the most current information available from the Department’s SACWIS and MARS/CYCIS systems and will contain the following types of statistical data: Basic child abuse and neglect statistics by age, race and gender, indicated/unfounded status, protective custodies, etc. Child intake data during the previous 12 months by type (standard, from intact or add-on cases) along with age and race demographics. Permanency data by type (reunification, adoption, subsidized guardianship) for the previous 12 months and average/median length of time to permanency achievement along with age and race demographics. Current child ward population statistics by race and age along with breakouts by: o o o o o Living arrangement Legal Status Permanency goal Length of time case has been opened DCFS/POS agency assignment The Children and Family Research Center (CFRC) with the School of Social Work at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign also maintains the Illinois Child Welfare Measures database that contains Illinois NCANDS and AFCARS data and is utilized by the Department to assist in outcomes monitoring and improvement. This database contains AFCARS data that is updated every six months with state NCANDS data being less frequently updated based upon Federal reporting requirements. Due to the breadth of information available on this system, reports will not be run every quarter but rather on an ad hoc basis as requested by action teams. Access to this database will also be limited to select authorized DCFS users. The types of data available include but will not be limited to the following: Substantiated abuse/neglect reports Types of maltreatment Removals to foster care and reason Children in care (by placement type) Median length of stay in foster care Historical trends – key measures County and regional rankings CFSR composite measures % of children adopted w/in 24 months % of children with 2 or fewer placements % of children reunified w/in 12 months Permanency Enhancement Initiative – Data Acquisition Protocol (DAP) DRAFT – 12/8/08 2 Finally, actions teams can, on their own, continue to access additional data directly from the Conditions of Children Outcomes database which is maintained by the CFRC at Data from this website was utilized extensively as part of all of the original Permanency Enhancement Symposiums and include indicators centered around four primary themes: child safety, stability of family life, continuity of social ties, and legal permanence. All of the indicators on the website are longitudinal indicators and follow children from the point of entry to exit from foster care. Measuring indicators in this manner allows for a complete picture of the life of a child in foster care and allows change to be tracked over time. These indicators can be viewed through various geographic breakouts (i.e. Illinois total, DCFS region, LAN, County, and Chicago Community Area). The data can also be broken out by age, gender, or race/ethnicity of the child. The website includes detailed instructions on how to access and view the data, as well as information for questions and assistance. Accessing Data: All of the action teams fall under the six larger DCFS regions across the state of Illinois. The DCFS Division of Quality Assurance Regional Quality Specialists, as members of the various action teams, will be responsible for accessing and disseminating the following types of data reports to the action teams: 1. Quarterly SACWIS/MARS/CYCIS Statistical Reports: These reports will reflect the most current available data and contain the types of information previously detailed in this protocol. These reports will be run the first week of every quarter by the DCFS Regional Quality Specialists assigned to each of the six regions and any other DCFS authorized users of this special database and then emailed to the DCFS and Community Partner Action Team Co-Conveners, with a cc to the assigned University Partner Liaison(s). The Action Team Co-Conveners will then be responsible for disseminating the data reports to other action team members as appropriate. 2. CFRC Child Welfare Measures Statistical Reports: These reports are based on Illinois DCFS AFCARS and NCANDS submissions to the Federal government. AFCARS data is generally updated every six months, however NCANDS data will only be as current as the most recently Federally required Illinois NCANDS submission which can be as much two years old. Information contained within this database (previously detailed) should still be considered extremely useful to action teams as information reflected via this database is consistent with the way in which the Federal government evaluates state performance and the data can also be displayed visually via detailed graphs and charts. Reports from this database will not be generated and distributed on a regular (i.e. quarterly) basis however action team members should feel free to call upon their Regional Quality Specialist(s) for data from this system whenever needed. 3. Conditions of Children – Outcomes Data: Action team members can still directly access additional data (previously detailed) from the Conditions of Children Outcomes Permanency Enhancement Initiative – Data Acquisition Protocol (DAP) DRAFT – 12/8/08 3 database which is maintained by the CFRC using the following link at Any other information needed by action teams that require the assistance of the DCFS Regional Quality Specialist (RQS) or other DCFS authorized users are considered ad-hoc reports. Action teams needing such information will be required to have their Co-Conveners complete the “Action Team Data Request Form” (see attached) and submit it to the RQS (or other authorized user) who will process the request as expeditiously as possible. The following information is provided to assist Action Team Co-Conveners and other team members in accessing the services and assistance of the DCFS Regional Quality Specialists in each of the six regions: Southern Region: Darlene Bushue (618-583-2142, Central Region: Cynthia Richter (309-647-0051, and Deanna Large (217-786-6967, Northern Region: Cheryl Conner (630-790-6870, and Anne Gold (815-338-1068, Cook North: Gregory Smith (312-328-2479, and Linda Gulledge (773-866-5675, Linda Cook Central: Robin Albritton (773-292-7714, and Tammy Harvey (708-338-6760, Cook South: Roben Winters (773-371-6018, and Chandler Mackey (773-371-6031, If any action team needs additional assistance, they should feel free to contact the following individuals who will be available to assist them: Terry Whipple: Downstate DCFS Quality Assurance Manager (618-244-8412, Gregory Smith: Lead for the Cook Regional Action Teams (see above) Joan Nelson Phillips: Deputy Director, DCFS Division of Quality Assurance (312-814-5527, Yolanda Green: Director, Foster Care Utilization Review Program (312-328-2084, or Permanency Enhancement Initiative – Data Acquisition Protocol (DAP) DRAFT – 12/8/08 4 Action Team Data Request Form PERMANENCY ENHANCEMENT DATA REQUEST DATE OF REQUEST: REQUESTER: Region Site LAN: HOW WILL THE DATA BE USED? PURPOSE/WHY IS THE DATA NEEDED? INDICATE DATA REQUEST(S): 1. 2. 3. 4. INDICATE THE SPECIFIC DATA BREAKDOWNS NEEDED BELOW What grouping is needed for the report(s) – circle one: a) legal county b) LAN c) assigned team List the count(ies) LAN(s) or Team(s): Should this data be a snapshot of current ward data? Yes: No: ...OR, if this report should count events (e.g. intakes, placements, new licenses, etc.) over a period of time, Beginning date Ending date Date Request received by QA Data Specialist: Action Taken to Respond: Date Response Forwarded to the Action Team: Check Method: E-mail: Fax: Other Permanency Enhancement Initiative – Data Acquisition Protocol (DAP) DRAFT – 12/8/08 5