T/D No.CPSC/HOSTEL/2015-16/ NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING, VIHAR LAKE, MUMBAI – 400 087. TENDER DOCUMENT FOR THE WORK OF HOUSEKEEPING WORK OF HOSTELS TAYLOR HALL, VIKRAM SARABHAI HALL, GILBRETH HALL, MDP HOUSE, NITIE GUEST HOUSE AND ANNEX BLDG. TO BE RECEIVED ON 20th May, 2015 BEFORE 11.00am. in Tender Box IN FRONT OF REGISTRAR OFFICE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, NITIE 1 NOTICE FOR INVITING TENDER To, _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Dear Sir(s) NITIE invites Wax Sealed/Tamper Proof/Percentage Rate Tenders in two envelop system from specialized experienced contractors of appropriate class with NITIE/IIT/PWD/CPWD/MES/ RAILWAYS, etc., who have carried out works of similar nature and magnitude in last five years in respect of following work. The Contractor shall produce copies of valid, Solvency certificate, VAT, work completion certificate, turnover of last 5 years through C.A. Certificate, the list of work in hand along with details thereof. The copies submitted for the above should be attested. Name of work Cost of tender document Earnest Money Deposit Period of contract Last date of issue of tender form Last date of submission of completed tender Place of submission of tender Date of opening of Tenders Validity period of tenders for acceptance : TENDER DOCUMENT FOR HOUSEKEEPING WORK OF HOSTELS TAYLOR HALL, VIKRAM SARABHAI HALL, GILBRETH HALL, MDP HOUSE, NITIE GUEST HOUSE AND ANNEX BLDG. : Rs. 2,500/- (Non-refundable) : Rs. 2,50,000/: 12 Month (with extension for additional 1 year based on performance) : 19.05.2015 upto 4.00 pm. : 20.05.2015 upto 11.00 am : Tender Box kept in front of Registrar Office, Admn. Building, NITIE : 11.30am on 20.05.2015 or immediate next Standing Committee Meeting : 90 days from date of submission You are requested to inspect the site and also to make the local inquiries before filling this tender so as to acquaint yourself/yourselves with local conditions etc. The tender documents are to be submitted in tender box kept in front of the Registrar Office, NITIE. You are also required to send your bid documents, wax sealed in tamper proof, sealed covers by Courier Service/Speed Post/Registered A.D., addressed to the Director, NITIE, Vihar Lake, Mumbai - 400 087, so as to reach the Institute before 11.00am. on 20.05.2015. It is the responsibility of the tenderer to ensure that the tender reaches Director’s office before 11.00am. on 20.05.2015. 2 The tenders (Technical Bid) will be opened in presence of the interested tenderers at 11.30am. in next Standing Committee Meeting after 20.05.2015 in the Mini Conference Room, 1st floor, Admn. Building, NITIE Tender must be accompanied by earnest money deposit by Demand Draft in the name of "NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING" or EMD can be paid in CASH in the NITIE office and the receipt of cash payment is to be attached with the tender bid or in form of a fixed deposit of a nationalized or a scheduled bank in favour of NITIE. The EMD will be returned to unsuccessful tenderers on deciding about the acceptance or otherwise of the tender or on expiry of the validity period whichever is earlier. The earnest money of the successful tenderer will be treated as security deposit and will be kept as a initial contract deposit for due execution of the contract. The security deposit will not bear any interest. This contract deposit can be accepted in the form of FDR pledged to Director, NITIE for a period of contract. The Quotation for the work shall remain open for a period of 90 days from the date of opening of tender. The Institute shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 50% of the earnest money if any tenderer withdraws his offer before the said period or makes any modification in the terms and conditions of the tender which are not acceptable to the Institute and forfeit the whole earnest money if the tender is accepted, fails to commence the work in prescribed time or abandons the work before its completion. In case of any work order issued from time to time, if the agency fails to commence the work or abandons the work, full contract deposit will be forfeited. The NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING don't bind themselves to accept the lowest bid and reserve the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. Yours faithfully, REGISTRAR on behalf of the Director, National Institute of Industrial Engineering 3 ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT for the work of__________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Article of agreement made at ______________________________ this _________________ day of the Two Thousand ___________________, between National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai, and __________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ whose Registered Office is situated at ___________________________________________________ (herein after called “the contractor”) of the other part. WHEREAS The NITIE, Mumbai being desirous of having provided and executed certain works mentioned enumerated or referred to in the Tender Notice, General Tender Notice, Instructions to Tendered, Conditions of Contract, Special Condition, Specification, Technical Report, Schedule of Quantities for works, drawing and other documents constituting the tender and acceptance thereof, copy to be annexed all of which are designed to form part of this contract and are included in the term ‘CONTRACT’ herein used. AND WHEREAS The NITIE accepted the tender of the contractor for the provisions and the execution of the said work at the rate stated in the schedule of quantities of works (Herein after called ‘Schedule of Rates’) upon the terms and subject to the conditions of contract. NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITHNESS AND IT IS HEREBY AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES AND AS FOLLOWS 1. The documents which form part of the contract will be the tender notice, Instructions to tenders, conditions of contract, special conditions of contract, schedule of quantities of work, specifications, drawings and other documents, constituting the ‘Tender’ and acceptance thereof. It is further agreed that the work order No.________________ dated ________ shall constitute the contract between the parties. 2. In consideration of the payments to be made to the contractor for the works to be executed by him, the contractor shall and will duly provide, execute and complete the work on or before _________________ as per the time limit mentioned in the tender documents and shall maintain the same at his own cost for the defect liability period thereafter, perform all such acts and things in the contract mentioned or described or which are to be implied there from or may be reasonably necessary for the completion of the said work and at the times and the manner and subject to the terms and conditions or stipulations mentioned in the contract. 3. In consideration of the due provision, execution and completion of the said work, the NITIE do hereby agree with the contractor that NITIE Mumbai, will pay to the contractor in the respective amount for the work actually done by him at the ‘schedule rate’ quoted and accepted by NITIE such other sums as may become payable to the contractor under the provisions of the contract such payment to be made at such time and in such manner as provided for in the agreement. 4 4. In consideration of the due provision, execution and completion of the said work and contractor does hereby agree to pay to the NITIE the sum as may be due to the NITIE for the services if any rendered by the NITIE to the contractor and such other sum or sums as may become payable to the NITIE towards loss, damaged to the NITIE equipment, material, plant and machinery including these hired to the contractor if any as set forth in the said conditions of contract. Such payment to be made at such time and in such manner as provided in the contract. 5. The contractor has to deposit with the NITIE the fixed Earnest Money Deposit and remaining part will be recovered from contractor by allowing the NITIE Mumbai to deduct from the bills payable to them at the rate of 10% of amount payable to the contractor. This security deposit will be retained until the expire of the Defect Liability Period for the due observance and performance of this contract. 6. All disputes arising out of or any in connection with this agreement or concerning thereto shall be deemed to have arisen in Mumbai and the same will be referred to this sole arbitrator of Director or anybody nominated by the Director, NITIE for his decision and his decision will be final. 7. The several parts of this contract have been read by me/us and fully understood by me/us. IN WITNESS WHEREAS THE PARTIES HAVE ACCEPTED THESE PRESENT IN DUPLICATE THE DAY AND THE YEAR FIRST AS MENTIONED ABOVE. SIGNED AND DELIVERED FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING, Mumbai SIGNATURE : _________________________________________________ DESIGNATION : _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ In the presence of witness: 1) __________________________________________________________________ (Address) 2) __________________________________________________________________ (Address) SIGNED AND DELIVERED FOR ON BEHALF OF __________________________________ (Signature) _______________________________________________________________ in the presence of Witness 1) _________________________________________________________________ (Address) 2) _________________________________________________________________ (Address) 5 6 General Instructions for the Tenderers 1. National Institute of industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai under Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, desires to appoint a House keeping Service Agent for day to day h ousekeeping its h o s t e l s a nd s u r r o un d i n g premises at Mumbai. ‘Sealed Bids’ for housekeeping services are invited from reputed agencies fulfilling the criteria laid down in the tender document. The job specifications and scope of work are as given t h e d o c u m e n t . The format for Financial Bid is also provided. The contract period will initially be for a period of one year extendable on satisfactory performance and mutual consent on same terms and conditions on yearly basis maximum for two years. 2. Tender document containing terms and conditions can be purchased on payment of Rs.2500/- (Rupees Two Thousand five hundred only) (Non-Refundable) in the form of cash/demand draft favouring “National Institute of Industrial Engineering” payable at Mumbai from Suptd.(CPSC), NITIE, Vihar Lake Road, Mumbai - 400087 till 19.05.2015 upto 4.00pm. (Except Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays) from 9.30am. to 5.00pm. 3. Tender forms/ application form can be downloaded from the website of the NITIE i . e . www.nitie.edu and the same can be submitted along with the cost of tender documents/ application form of Rs.2500/- (non- refundable) in the form of pay order/demand draft drawn in favour of National Institute of Industrial Engineering payable at Mumbai. 4. The bids are to be submitted in two sealed envelopes – one sealed envelope super scribed as ‘Technical Bid’ giving details in the format (Annexure-1) and the second sealed envelope super scribed as ‘Commercial Bid’ in the format (Annexure-II). The two sealed envelopes as above will be placed in another sealed envelope super scribed as ‘BID FOR HOSTEL HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES’. The bids shall be signed by a person duly authorized on behalf of the bidder firm and to be to be submitted in tender box kept in front of the Registrar Office, NITIE. You are also required to send your bid documents, wax sealed in tamper proof, sealed covers by Courier Service/Speed Post/Registered A.D., addressed to the Director, NITIE, Vihar Lake, Mumbai - 400087, so as to reach the Institute before 11.00am. on 20.05.2015. It is the responsibility of the tenderer to ensure that the tender reaches Director’s office before 11.00am. on 20.05.2015. 5. Any bid received after the prescribed deadline shall not be considered irrespective of rates. The Technical bid will be opened on 20th May, 2015 at 11.30am. in the presence of the representatives of the bidders present. The technical bids shall be scrutinized by the committee constituted for the purpose. The Committee will assess the ability of the agencies to provide requisite service and the number of personnel in different categories based on its record, profile and on such other criteria as it may fix and only those found fit will be eligible for financial bid opening. The agencies would be given scores which will be based on pre-qualification criterion prescribed in the Annexure-I. The work will be awarded to the L-1 agency. In case the commercial bid of more than one agency is same as L-1, then the work will be awarded to the agency which gets the maximum marks in Technical evaluation. The decision of NITIE in this regard shall be final and binding. The Commercial Bids will be opened on 26.05.2015 at 11.30am. 7 6. Tender Document can be obtained from the office of NITIE on address mentioned above as per below schedule. Sl. No Tender Schedule Date and time 1. From date of release of advertisement 2. Issue of tender from NITIE office Date of submission of tender 3. Date of opening of tender 20.05.2015 at 11.30 am. (Technical bid). 20.05.2015 upto 11.00 am. 26.05.2015 at 11.30 am. (Commercial bid) 7. 8. Earnest Money(EMD) of Rs. 2,50,000/- (Rupees T w o L a k h s Fifty Thousand only) should accompany the Technical Bid document. The EMD shall be paid in the form of Demand Draft/Banker Cheque from a nationalized bank/Scheduled commercial bank in favour of National Institute of Industrial Engineering” payable at Mumbai. Such EMD shall not carry any interest. Any bid not accompanied by requisite EMD shall be deemed to be invalid and will be rejected by the Institute. The EMD shall be forfeited: a) If the bidder withdraws his bid during the period of bid validity. b) In the case of successful bidder, if he fails to furnish the required 9. The earnest money of successful tenderer will be kept as initial contract deposit (ICD) for the execution of contract. The successful tenderer shall have to deposit in cash with the Institute (within fifteen days of receipt of work order) additional sum towards the initial contract deposit (ICD) such that the total amount deposited towards ICD including the EMD will be equal to 5% of the contract amount (i.e. the awarded cost of work). The ICD will form the part of security deposit to be kept during the course of execution of work and up to the end of defects liability period. This security deposit will not bear any interest. In addition to the ICD additional amount will be recovered from the RA bills at rate of 10% of bill amount such the total security deposit with the Institute will not be more than the 10% of the contract amount or actual bill amount whichever is more. If the contractor fails to deposit ICD within 15 days of receipt of work order. The same will be recovered from 1' RA Bill I any other dues payable, with panel interest @18% P.A. worked out from the date of receipt of work order. This change will be operated excluding term contracts/rate contract. 10. The bid shall remain valid for a period of 3 months from the date of receipt of the bid. If the tenderer withdraws his tender before the expiry of the said period or makes any modifications in terms and condition of the tender which are not acceptable to NITIE or the contract is not executed within seven(7) days from the date of letter of acceptance or the work is not commenced within seven(7) days after execution of contract then the NITIE without prejudice to any other right or remedy be at liberty to forfeit the earnest money. 11. The Bidder should inspect the site before filling in and submitting the tender to get fully acquainted with the scope of work as no claim whatsoever will be entertained for any alleged ignorance thereof. Tenderer may visit the site on any working day during working hours for assessment of job and site conditions. The contact details of NITIE’s 8 representative for coordination of inspection is Mrs. Sucheta Bedekar, Suptd. Hostels or Mr. D S Rawool, Assistant, Hostels Phone: 022-28035294. 12. Tender must be submitted in original and without making any additions, alternations, and as per details given in other clauses given hereunder. The requisite details shall be filled in by the Bidder in the Tender Document wherever required. 13. No alternative offer shall be considered. 14. NITIE reserves the right to annul the bidding process at any time prior to award of contract including rejection of any or all bids after the same have been received without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or any obligation to inform the affected bidder/s on the ground of NITIE’s action. 15. Any clarification on the documents may be obtained from:Ms. Sunita Karkera, Suptd. CPSC, NITIE, Mumbai-400087 Mob: 9970983273. NITIE reserves the right to reject or accept any or all application(s) without assigning any reasons and to restrict the list of pre-qualified agencies to any number deemed suitable by it, if too many tenderers /bidders are received satisfying the basic pre-requisite criteria. 16. Conditional tenders are liable to be rejected. 17. After award of LOA, the Contractor is required to enter into a Contract with NITIE on the terms and conditions as detailed in the tender document. 9 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITION OF CONTRACT 1. Parties The parties to the contract are the contractor (the tenderer to whom the work have been awarded) and the NITIE through the Registrar (On behalf of Director). 2. Address For all purposes of the contract including arbitration there under, the address of the contractor mentioned in the tender shall be final unless the contractor notifies a change of address by a separate letter sent by registered post with acknowledgement due to NITIE. The contractor shall be solely responsible for the consequences of any omission or error to notify change of address in the aforesaid manner. 3. Contractor The term contractor shall mean Company, firm or the party to whom the Contract is awarded and his/ their heirs, legal representative, assignees and successors. 4. Specification of work The Specification of work shall mean the specification of work as specified in Annexure-II and forming part of this contract. 5. Price Bids Price Bids shall mean the Annexure-VI duly priced with the accepted quoted rates of the contractor. Tenders 6.1 The entire set of tender paper issued to the tenderer should be submitted fully priced and also signed on the last page together with initials on every page. Initial/signature will indicate the acceptance of the tender papers by the tenderer. The schedule of quantities shall be filled in as follows: i) The “Rate” column to be legibly filled using Ball pen both in English figures and English words. ii) Amount column to be filled in for each item (rate per unit as well as total amount for required quantity) 6. 6.2 6.3 7. iii) All corrections are to be initialled. iv) No modifications, writings or corrections can be made in the tender papers by the tenderer, but may at his option offer his comments or modifications in a separate sheet of paper attached to the original tender papers. The NITIE reserves the right to reject the lowest or any tender and also to discharge any or all of the tenders of each section or to split up and distribute any item of work to any specialist firm or firms, without assigning reasons. The tenderer shall note that his tender shall remain open for consideration for a period of 90 days from the date of opening of the tender. Preparation and Submission of Tender The tender should be submitted in two parts, namely: (i) Technical bid and (ii) Commercial bid. The duly filled up Annexure-III along with Demand Draft of Earnest Money amount shall be placed in the sealed cover containing Technical Bid. The financial bid shall be given in Annexure-IV along with all its appendixes. Each bid should be kept in separate sealed covers, addressed to the Director, NITIE. The outer envelope containing both sealed covers should bear the address, Tender No. and date, subject of tender, date and time of opening of the same. The inner envelope should be 10 superscripted with Tender No, subject of tender whether the envelope is containing the ‘Technical Bid’ or the ‘Commercial Bid’. If the outer envelope is not sealed or marked as prescribed above, the proposal will be rejected summarily. 8. Signing of Tender Individual signing the tender or other documents connected with contract must specify whether he signs as: (a) A sole proprietor of the concern or constituted attorney of such sole proprietor; (b) A partner of the firm, if it be a partnership firm, in which case he must have authority to execute contracts on behalf of the firm and to refer to arbitration disputes concerning the business of the partnership either by virtue of the partnership agreement or by a power of attorney duly execute by the partners of the firm. (c) Director or a principal officer duly authorized by the Board of Directors of the Company. N.B. (i) In case of partnership firms, a copy of the partnership agreement, or general power of attorney duly attested by a Notary Public, should be furnished on stamp paper duly sworn or affirmed by all the partners admitting execution of the partnership agreement or the general power of attorney. The attested copy of the certificate of registration of firm should also be enclosed along with the tender. (ii) In the case of partnership firms, where no authority to refer disputes concerning the business of partnership firm has been conferred on any partner, the tender and all other related documents must be signed by all partners of the firm. (iii) A person signing the tender form or any documents forming part of the tender on behalf of another person should have an authority to bind such other person and if, on enquiry it appears that the person so signing had no authority to do so, the Director, NITIE without prejudice may cancel the contract and hold the signatory liable for all costs, consequences and damages under the civil and criminal remedies available. (iv) The tenderer should sign and affix his/her firm’s stamp at each page of the tender and all its Annexure as the acceptance of the offer made by the tenderer will be deemed as a contract NO PAGE SHOULD BE REMOVED / DETACHED FROM THIS NOTICE INVITING TENDER. (v) Any correction, mutilation or overwriting in figures of rates should be supported by your signature; otherwise the quotation may not be considered. 8 (B) Technical Bid: The tenderer should submit the technical details in format prescribed in Annexure-III. 8 (C) Commercial Bid: It should be submitted in form given in Annexure-IV i.e Price Bid. 9. Rates quoted The quoted rates should be in form of service charges expressed in percentage of cost towards basic wages + DA, statutory components, like PF, Gratuity, Leave Compensation, Bonus, ESI, etc. uniform, establishment charges and all taxes to perform the house keeping related work in all respects. However, the service tax should not be included which will be paid extra as per the prevailing rate. The service tax will be paid as per rule. The service charge in percentage is to be quoted in Annexure- IV. 10. Opening of tender The tenderer is at liberty either himself or authorize not more than one representative to be present at the opening of the tender. The representative attending the opening of the tender on behalf of the tender should bring with him a letter of authority from the tenderer and proof of identification. 11 11. Criterion for Evaluation of Tenders The evaluation of the tenders will be made first on the basis of technical and commercial information furnished in form given in Annexure-III. The Commercial bid (AnnexureVI) of such firms found eligible based on technical parameters (as per Annexure-I) only will be opened. The reasons for selection or rejection of a particular tender will not be disclosed. The award of work will be further subject to any specific terms and conditions of the contract given in general instructions of tender document. The agencies would be given scores out of 10 marks which will be based on prequalification criteria prescribed in the Annexure-I. The work will be awarded to the L-1 agency. In case the commercial bid of more than one agency is same as L-1, then the work will be awarded to the agency which gets the maximum marks in Technical evaluation. 12. Earnest money 12.1 Earnest Money of Rs.2,50,000/- (Rupees Two Lakhs Fifty Thousand only) should be submitted in the form of a Demand Draft along with Technical bid of their tenders. 12.2 Tenderer shall not be permitted to withdraw his offer or modify the terms and conditions thereof. In case the tenderer fails to observe and comply with the stipulations made herein or backs out after quoting the rates, the aforesaid amount of earnest money will be forfeited by the Institute. 12.3 The tenders without Earnest Money Deposit will be summarily rejected. 12.4 No claim shall lie against NITIE in respect of erosion in value or interest on the amount of Earnest Money Deposit or security deposit. 13. Validity of bids The bids shall be valid for a period of 90 days from the date of opening of the tenders. This has to be so specified by the tenderer in the financial bid. 14. Award of tender Commercial bids shall be opened of only those tenderers who will qualify the conditions/criteria of technical bid specified in Annexure-I of tender document. 15. Communication of acceptance/right of acceptance The NITIE reserve all rights to reject any tender including of those tenders who fail to comply with the instructions without assigning any reason whatsoever and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any specific tender. The decision of the NITIE in this regard is final and binding. Successful Tenderer will be informed of the acceptance of his tender. Necessary instructions regarding the amount and time provided for Security Deposit, if any will be communicated. 16. Security Deposit The earnest money of successful tenderer will be kept as initial contract deposit (ICD) for the execution of contract. The successful tenderer shall have to deposit in cash with the Institute (within fifteen days of receipt of work order) additional sum towards the initial contract deposit (ICD) such that the total amount deposited towards ICD including the EMD will be equal to 5% of the contract amount (i.e. the awarded cost of work). The ICD will form the part of security deposit to be kept during the course of execution of work and up to 12 the end of defects liability period. This security deposit will not bear any interest. In addition to the ICD additional amount will be recovered from the RA bills at rate of 10% of bill amount such the total security deposit with the Institute will not be more than the 10% of the contract amount or actual bill amount whichever is more. If the contractor fails to deposit ICD within 15 days of receipt of work order. The same will be recovered from 1' RA Bill I any other dues payable, with penal interest @18% P.A. worked out from the date of receipt of work order. This change will be operated excluding term contracts/rate contract. The security Deposit can be forfeited by order of the NITIE in the event of any breach or negligence or non-observance of any condition of contract or in case the supply of manpower is delayed beyond the period stipulated by NITIE or frequent absence from duty/misconduct on part of manpower provided by the agency. 17. Force Majeure Neither party shall be in default if a failure to perform any obligation hereunder is caused solely by supervening conditions beyond that party’s reasonable control, including acts of God, civil commotion, strikes, acts of terrorism, Labour disputes and government or public authority’s demands or requirements. 18. Insolvency etc. In the event of the firm being adjudged insolvent or having a receiver appointed for it by a court or any other order under the Insolvency Act made against them or in the case of a company the passing any resolution or making of any order for winding up, whether voluntary or otherwise, or in the event of the firm failing to comply with any of the conditions herein specified the NITIE shall have the power to terminate the contract without previous notice. 19. Breach of terms and condition In case of breach of any of terms and conditions mentioned above, the Competent authority will have the right to cancel the work order without assigning any reason therefore and nothing will be payable by NITIE in that event and the security deposit shall also stand forfeited. 20. Subletting of work The firm shall not assign or sublet the work or any part of it to any other person or party. 21. Arbitration If any difference arises concerning this Agreement, its interpretation on the payment to be made there under, the same shall be settled by mutual consultations and negotiations. If attempts for conciliation do not yield any results within a period of 30 days, either of the parties may make a request to the other party for submission of the dispute for decision by an arbitral tribunal containing Sole Arbitrator to be appointed by the Secretary, Department of Legal Affairs. Such request shall be accompanied with a panel of names of three persons to act as the sole arbitrator. In case of such arbitrator refusing unwilling or becoming incapable to act or his mandate having been terminated under law, another arbitrator shall be appointed in the same manner from among the panel of three persons to be submitted by the claimant. The arbitration proceedings shall take place at Mumbai and shall be conducted in English. The provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1990 and the rules framed there under and in force shall be applicable to such proceedings. 13 22. Legal jurisdiction The agreement shall be deemed to have been concluded in the Mumbai and all obligations hereunder shall be deemed to be located at the Mumbai and the Court within Mumbai will have jurisdiction to the exclusion of all other Courts. 14 CONDITIONS SPECIFIC TO THE CONTRACT 1. The personnel provided shall be the employees of the Contractor and all statutory liabilities will be paid by the contractor such as ESI, PF, Workmen’s Compensation Act, etc. The list of staff going to be deployed shall be made available to the NITIE and if any change is required on part of the NITIE fresh list of staff shall be made available by the agency after each and every change. The agency to employ adult and skilled/trained labour only. 2. The contractor shall abide by and comply with all the relevant laws and statutory requirements covered under Labour Act, Minimum Wages and (Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition Act 1970), EPF etc. with regard to the personnel engaged by him for jobs. It will be the responsibility of the contractor to provide details of manpower deployed by him, in the NITIE and to the Labour Department. 3. As far as EPF is concerned, it shall be the duty of the Contractor to get PF code number allotted by Regional Provident Fund Commissioner (RPFC) against which the PF subscription, deducted from the payment of the personnel engaged and equal employer’s amount of contribution should be deposited with the respective PF authorities within 7 days of close of every month. Giving particulars of the workers engaged for NITIE jobs is required to be submitted to NITIE. In any eventuality, if the contractor failed to remit employee/employer’s contribution towards PF subscription etc. within the stipulated time NITIE is entitled to recover the equal amount from any money due or accrue to the Contractor under this agreement or any other contract with RPFC, with an advice to RPFC, duly furnishing particulars of personnel engaged for NITIE. 4. The antecedents of the staff deployed shall be got verified by the contractor from local police authority and an undertaking in this regard to be submitted to the NITIE and NITIE shall ensure that the contractor complies with the provisions. 5. The Contractor will maintain a register on which day to day deployment of personnel will be entered. This will be countersigned by the authorized official of NITIE. They will have to be register their attendance on the bio-metric machine to be installed at the reception both on entry and exist. While raising the bill, the deployment particulars of the personnel engaged during each month, shift wise, should be shown. In case in any day of the month number of persons actually deployed found to be less than the one quoted by the Contractor, the amount equivalent to his wages as per basic minimum wage would be deducted from his bill. Also the contractor’s labor should possess valid documents like Aadhar card, PAN card for verification and inspection by NITIE officials. 6. All liabilities arising out of accident or death while on duty shall be borne by the contractor. 7. Adequate supervision will be provided to ensure correct performance of the said housekeeping services in accordance with the prevailing assignment instructions agreed upon between the two parties. In order to exercise effective control & supervision over the staff of the Contractor deployed, the supervisory staff will move in their areas of responsibility. The supervisor so deployed will be on the payroll of the contractor and NITIE is not bound to pay his salary. The supervisor shall be required to work as per the instructions of NITIE. There has to be minimum one supervisor for every 30 unskilled manpower deployed by the contractor. Further, there has to be at least one supervisor in a shift to oversee the activities. 15 8. All necessary reports and other information will be supplied immediately as required and regular meetings will be held with NITIE. 9. Contractor and its staff shall take proper and reasonable precautions to preserve from loss, destruction, waste or misuse the areas of responsibility given to them by the NITIE and shall not knowingly lend to any person or company any of the effects of the NITIE under its control. 10. The staff shall not accept any gratitude or reward in any shape. 11. Under the terms of their employment agreement with the Contractor the staff shall not do any professional or other work for reward or otherwise either directly or indirectly, except for and on behalf of the Contractor. 12. That in the event of any loss occasioned to NITIE, as a result of any lapse on the part of the contractor which will be established after an enquiry conducted by the NITIE, the said loss can be claimed from the contractor up to the value of the loss. The decision of the Director, NITIE will be final and binding on the agency. 13. The contractor shall do and perform all such housekeeping services, acts, matters and things connected with the administration, superintendence and conduct of the arrangements as per the direction enumerated herein and in accordance with such directions, which the NITIE may issue from time to time and which have been mutually agreed upon between the two parties. 14. The NITIE shall have the right, within reason, to have any person removed that is considered to be undesirable or otherwise and similarly Contractor reserves the right to change the staff with prior intimation to the NITIE. 15. The contractor shall be responsible to maintain all property and equipment of the NITIE entrusted to it. 16. The contractor will not be held responsible for the damages/sabotage caused to the property of the NITIE due to the riots/mobs attack/armed dacoit activities or any other event of force majeure. 17. The personnel engaged by the contractor shall be dressed in neat and clean uniform (including proper name badges), failing which invites a penalty of Rs.1000/- each occasions and habitual offenders in this regard shall be removed from the NITIE. The penalty on this account shall be deducted from the Contractor’s bills. 18. The personnel engaged have to be extremely courteous with very pleasant mannerism in dealing with the Staff/guest/visitors and should project an image of utmost discipline. NITIE shall have right to have any person moved in case of staff complaints or as decided by representative of NITIE if the person is not performing the job satisfactorily or otherwise. The contractor shall have to arrange the suitable replacement in all such 16 cases. 19. The eight hours shift generally will be from 7:00 hrs. to 15 hrs with half an hour lunch in between . The second and third shift will be during 15 hrs to 23 hrs and 23 hrs to 7 hrs respectively. No payment shall be made by NITIE for double duty, if any. 20. The personnel will have to report to NITIE’s office at least 15 minutes in advance of the commencement of the shift for collecting necessary documents/instructions, and to complete all other required formalities as approved by NITIE. 21. The contractor shall abide by and comply with all the relevant laws and statutory requirements covered under various laws such as Labour Act, Minimum Wages Act, Contract Labour (Regulation and abolition) Act, EPF, ESI and various other Acts as applicable from time to time with regard to the personnel engaged by the contractor for NITIE. 22. The payment would be made at the end of every month based on the actual shift manned/operated by the personnel provided by the contractor and based on the documentary proof jointly signed by the representative of the NITIE and the contractor/his representative/personnel authorized by him stating that all the work agreed to by the contractor for daily weekly and monthly task as per specification of work detailed in the tender. In case any deficiency is found, relevant payment would be deducted from the payment for the month. 23. Any damage or loss caused by contractor’s persons to NITIE in whatever form would be recovered from the contractor. 24. In case any public complaint is received attributable to misconduct/misbehaviour of contractor’s personnel, a penalty or Rs.1000/- for each such incident shall be levied and the same shall be deducted from contractor’s bill. Further the concerned contractor’s personnel shall be removed from the NITIE system immediately. 25. In case the contractor fails to commence/execute the work as stipulated in the agreement or unsatisfactory performance or does not meet the statutory requirements of the contract, NITIE reserves the right to impose the penalty as detailed below:a. 20% of cost of order/agreement per week, upto four weeks’ delays. b. After four weeks delay Principal Employer reserves the right to cancel the contract and withhold the agreement and get this job be carried out from other contractor(s). The difference if any will be recovered from the defaulter contractor and also shall be black listed for a period of 3 years from participating in such type of tender and his earnest money/security deposit may also be forfeited, if so warranted. 26. The contractor shall ensure that his personnel shall not at any time, without the consent of the NITIE in writing, divulge or make known any trust, accounts matter or transaction undertaken or handled by the NITIE shall not disclose to any information about the affairs of NITIE. This clause does not apply to the information, which becomes public knowledge. 17 27. Any liability arising out of any litigation (including those in consumer courts) due to any act of contractor’s personnel shall be directly borne by the contractor including all expenses/fines. The concerned contractor’s personnel shall attend the court as and when required. 28. The contractor shall have his own Establishment/Setup/Mechanism/Equipments, etc. at his own cost to ensure correct and satisfactory performance of his liabilities and responsibilities under the contract. 29. The contract period is 12 months from the date of the commencement of the service. On Satisfactory performance and mutual consent job can be extended for one more years on the same terms & conditions. 30. During the course of contract, if any contractor’s personnel are found to be indulging in any corrupt practices causing any loss of revenue to the NITIE shall be entitled to terminate the contract forthwith duly forfeiting the contractor’s security deposit. 31. In the event of default being made in the payment of any money in respect of wages of any person deployed by the contractor for carrying out of this contract and if a claim therefore is filed in the office of the Labour Authorities. If any money shall , as the result of any instructions from the Labour authorities or claim or application made under any of the Labour laws, or Regulations, be directed to be paid by the NITIE, such money shall be deemed to be payable by the contractor to the NITIE within seven days. NITIE shall be entitled to recover the amount from the contractor by deduction from money due to the contractor or from the Performance Security. 32. The contractor shall not engage any such sub-contractor or transfer the contract to any other person in any manner. 33. The contractor shall indemnify and hold NITIE harmless from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses arising out of, or resulting from the works/services under the contract provided by the contractor. 34. The contracting agency shall not employ any person below the age of 18 yrs. and above the age of 50 yrs. Manpower so engaged shall be trained for providing housekeeping services befo r e joining. 35. The estimated requirement of unskilled housekeepers/attendants is 56 nos. the detail breakup of requirements in terms of male and female composition, and the shift-wise deployment schedule will be provided by the hostel administration at the beginning of every month. 36. The staff engaged by the contractor shall not take part in any staff union and association activities. 37. NITIE shall not be under any obligation for providing employment to any of the 18 worker of the contractor after the expiry of the contract. NITIE does not recognize any employee employer relationship with any of the workers of the contractor. 38. If as a result of post payment audit any overpayment is detected in respect of any work done by the agency or alleged to have done by the agency under the tender, it shall be recovered by the NITIE from the agency. 39. The contractor shall provide the copies of relevant records during the period of contract or otherwise even after the contract is over whenever required by NITIE. 40. The contractor will have to attach with the current bill the proof of depositing employee’s contribution towards PF/ESI etc. of each employee of the previous month. 41. The Contractor shall disburse salary to the laborers on the 7th or 10th of every month. 42. The salary shall be paid in the form of A/C payee cheque and disbursement should be made in the presence of representative of Supdt.(PGP Hostels)/Supdt(MDPH). 43. Every month the copy of the salary register shall be submitted before release of payment to the contractor. 44. The Contractor shall adopt all safety measures on site/office. 45. The Contractor shall provide canteen, toilet and temporary office. 46. The Contractor shall provide all required tools to the laborer within one month from the date of commencement of the contract. 47. As per Bonus Act 1965 & its amendment & the notification published in the Gazette of India, New Delhi on 27th Oct. 2007, contractor is required to make payment of bonus to the laborers from its profit. Institute will not reimburse bonus amount to the contractor. 48. As and when increase in DA basic will take place as per the circular issued by RLC (Central), the payment of the same should be made to the laborers. Reimbursement of such payment will be made to the contractor after producing the proof of payment made to the laborers. 49. The Contractor shall obtain required labour license from RLC(Central) within 15 days from the date of issue of work order. All returns as per rules shall be submitted to the RLC(Central) by the contractor. 50. Service Tax will be reimbursed to the contractor when the proof of payment made by the contractor to the respective department will be produced. 51. Details of PF contribution and ESIC contribution paid by the contractor in respect of his labourers are required to be submitted before the release of second RA bills and if the contractor fails to do so, recovery of the PF and ESIC contribution will be done from their RA bill amount and will be credited to the PF and ESIC accounts of the Labourers directly by the Institute on behalf of contractor which will be recovered from contractor's payment with appropriate penalty equivalent to related administrative clause required for the same penalty. 52. Notice board as per Labour Contract act shall to be displayed by the contractor. 53. NITIE reserves its rights to entertain complaints of labourers, to investigate into the matters 19 and if labourer’s claims are found to be correct, the said amount will be adjusted through RA Bills/Security Deposit of the contractor and to release the said payment to the labourer. 54. All materials/consumables other related items wi ll be provided by the NITIE. The firm shall assess the quantity of consumables to be used in a month which need to be supplied by NITIE and inform the officials in advance .Consumables shall be issued weekly by an official authorized by NITIE in presence of the supervisor. Proper indent may be given in advance and a proper record to be maintained. 55. Contractor having any pending/ongoing legal/ labour cases against him or in the past, if NITIE has terminated their contract for unsatisfactory performance need not apply for this tender. NITIE holds the right to reject their tender. 56. In event of any dispute over this contract, Director, NITIE, Mumbai’s decision shall be final and binding. a. OBLIGATION OF THE CONTRACTOR: 57. The contractor shall ensure full compliance with tax laws of India with regard to this contract and shall be solely responsible for the same. The contractor shall submit copies of acknowledgements evidencing filing of returns every year and shall keep the Employer fully indemnified against liability of tax, interest, penalty etc. of the contractor in respect thereof, which may arise. Note: The bidder shall, however, survey the area and make assessment of the manpower requirement on their own. The bidder must employ adult and skilled labour only. Employment of child labour will lead to the termination of the contract. The successful bidder shall engage only such workers whose antecedents have been thoroughly verified, including character and police verification and other formalities. In order to maintain quality services and minimize operational problems, the bidder must rotate the staff once in six months with prior written intimation to NITIE. a. The bidder shall ensure that all the workforce deployed wear uniform while on duty. 20 ANNEXURE- 1 Recommendation of the Evaluation Committee regarding Parameters for execution of work (Qualification Criteria) to consider the Tender for Appointment of Housekeeping Service Provider for NITIE, Mumbai Sr. No. Item Points 1. The firm should have existence of at least 3 years. Registered with the Essential Requirement concerned authorities of Labour Dept. under Contract Labour (R&A) Act 1970 and Delhi Works Contract Act (wherever applicable) 2. Certified copy of Income tax returns for last three years. Essential Requirement 3. Attested copy of Registration/Deed/ for Sl. No. 2 above. Essential Requirement 4. Attested copy of Service Tax Return. Essential Requirement 5. Attested copy of service tax registration Essential Requirement 6. Attested copy of EPF registration. Essential Requirement 7. Attested copy of E S I registration. Essential Requirement 8. Attested copy of PAN card Essential Requirement 9. Specimen. Signature, Name, Address, Contact No. , designation/capacity of the person signing the tender document on plain paper Essential Requirement 10. The firm has to declare the Company profile such as partnership / proprietorship/Memorandum& article of Association of the company. 1 11. The firm should preferably be ISO certified. 1 12. The firm should have the experience of working with Central/ State Government /PSU/Autonomous Organization/ Hospital/ Institution/ University for minimum 3 years. Copy of documents in support of their claim should be enclosed. Certificate regarding minimum 3 running contracts with more than 25 employees at one location supported by some documentary proof in shape of certificate from such an agency. Certified copy of last three years balance sheet showing minimum annual turnover of Rs.10 lakh each year continuously from similar services. 2 13. 14. 21 3 3 ANNEXURE-II JOB SPECIFICATIONS AND SCOPE OF WORK A. AREA COVERAGE FOR HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES 1. NITIE Hostels ( B. ), Vihar Lake, Mumbai-400087 SCOPE OF WORK AT STUDENT HOSTELS: DAILY CLEANING: 1. Sweeping of front road entrance & parking area. Removal of paper, plastics, from the area between the wings and around the hostel & removal of mud, silt, all types of waste material and unwanted material from the location & its disposal at given location before 9:00 a.m. every day. 2. Sweeping and moping of floors of lounge above Mess, Taylor Hall 1 st Floor, T.V. Rooms, other lounges, Hostel manager & Chief Warden’s office with floor cleaner & disinfectant (dilution of material as per prescribed on packing). 3. Collection & segregation of waste (biodegradable, recyclable and other material) from all dustbins in veranda/corridors, offices, lounges, Computer room, mess, canteen twice a day (morning in between 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. & afternoon 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.) and storage at given location as per direction of Hostel Manager or Institute representative. 4. Sweeping, moping with floor cleaner & disinfectant and removal of mud, silt, all type of waste & unwanted material from all staircases, verandas& Corridor floor twice a day. 5. Cleaning of all Toilet blocks floor, dado, glasses, door panel, window panels, mirror, and plumbing fixtures. Urinals, Washbasin and W.C. pans three times a day with toilet cleaner (20 ml toilet cleaner in 15 liter water) as per time schedule given by PHO. 6. Cleaning and Nahani trap and removal of choke-up of bathroom, W.C. Urinal and Washbasin & chamber up to main chamber. 7. Cleaning of water cooler & its surrounding area twice a day with spiral in between 9 to 11 a.m. and 3 to 4 p.m. 8. Cleaning of chairs, tables & other furniture from all lounges T.V. room, computer room, hostel manager& warden office with clean wet, clean cloth by 11.00 am. 9. Cleaning of all staircases& Veranda/Balcony railings with wet & dry floor duster. 10. Continuous dry moping in all corridors, computer room, lounge, T.V. Room & connected area. 22 11. Sweeping & moping of canteen area. Collection & segregation of dry & wet garbage twice a day (In between 9 to 11 a.m. & 2 to 4 p.m.) and storage at given location as per direction of hostel manager. 12. Stop the entry of stray animals in the hostel premises and cleaning of dust made by them on floor with disinfectant. 13. Shifting of mattress, furniture (mattress, table, cotes, cupboard etc.) & collected unwanted materials inside the Hostel or anywhere in the campus as per instruction of Warden & Hostel Manager. 14. Cleaning of elevator from inside & front side partition glass duster & floor with spiral floor cleaner. 15. Cleaning of each and every room and bathroom every day in all hostels. WEEKLY CLEANING: 1. Hard cleaning of all toilets blocks floor, dado, glasses, door & window panels, mirror plumbing fixtures, W.C. pans, Urinals and Washbasin, piping, Hand rails and cobweb removal with required sanitary materials & High pressure cleaner, floor scrubbing & hand scrubbing machine. 2. Unwanted material and solid waste collection from building surrounding up to the fence and disposal at given location. 3. Removal of old sanicubes & Naphthalene ball from Urinals & washbasins. Checking & putting 2 Nos. Naphthalene balls & 1 No. sanicubes in each urinal & washbasin. 4. Every Saturday & Sunday sweeping & moping of floor with disinfectant (As per dilution proscribed on material packing), cobweb removal, furniture cleaning, cleaning of window glass panels & door panels from inside & outside of all rooms in the presence of students. 5. Washing of all dustbins from the corridor with disinfectant and cleaning material. 6. Removal of cobwebs from all wings at all heights in the corridor, staircase, verandas, foyer, T.V. Room, lounge, offices, computer rooms, TT rooms & open spaces etc. 7. Cleaning of elevators partitions from inside & outside by applying D-7 materials 8. All flooring to be scrubbed, washed & cleaned by floor scrubbing machines, wet & dry vacuum cleaner, High – Pressure cleaner & liquid floor cleaner as per dilution factors given on branded items & for non-branded items will be advice the dilution and use. 9. Cleaning of storm water drains by flashing with water and removing the waste material from it & disposing it as per direction of Hostel Manager/Institute representative. 10. Sweeping & moping of floor with disinfectant (as per dilution prescribed on material packing) & cobweb removal of vacant rooms as per instruction from the Hostel Manager. 11. Removal of cobweb from all wings at all heights from outside the Hostel building. 12. Cleaning & wiping of tube lights, fans & exhaust fans. 23 13. Cleaning of electrical fittings, electrical panel from outside & the area behind the electrical panel. 14. Cleaning of plinth protection from building surrounding inside the compound and removal of wild growth from plinth protection. 15. Cleaning of all glass panels with glass cleaning agent from inside & outside. 16. Terrace, parking, concrete walk ways, roads & building surrounding area cleaning to be cleaned with bleaching powder during rainy season. 17. Cleaning ceiling fans & exhaust fans with wet & dry dusters and required cleaning material. 18. Bldg. Terraces, Balcony’s and roofs cleaning FOR DINING HALL AND MESS: DAILY CLEANING: 1. Sweeping, washing and moping of floor & dado with floor cleaner & disinfectant (as per dilution prescribed on packing) of cooking area four time a day after every service is over. 2. Cleaning of hand & utensil washing area twice a day (9 to 11 a.m. & 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.). 3. Collection & segregation of waste food, wet garbage, dry garbage & vegetable cutting from canteen & mess & dining area after every food service (4 times) & storage of it as per direction of Hostel Manager/Institute representative in the Hostel. 4. Sweeping and moping of floor with floor cleaner & disinfectant (as per dilution given on pack) on dining hall before and after every service is over. 5. Sweeping and moping of floor with floor cleaner & disinfectant of store and canteen area once a day. 6. Cleaning of washbasin and its surrounding area before and after every service is over. 7. Cleaning of water cooler and its surrounding are after service is over with spiral (as per dilution given on pack). 8. Washing of floor and dadoes in mess, canteen and dining hall with floor cleaner and disinfectant as per dilution given on material packing 9. Cobweb removal from store, mess canteen and dining hall inside and outside from all heights MONTHLY CLEANING: 1. Dining hall & cooking area floor and dado scrubbing, washing and moping by floor scrubbing machine, wet & dry vacuum cleaner, high-pressure cleaner hard scrubber & liquid floor cleaner. 2. Cleaning ceiling fans & exhaust fans with wet & dry dusters and required cleaning material. 24 HOUSEKEEPING: SWEEPER – All duties as per their contract and the following listed below: Morning Sweeper (7.00 am - 3.00 pm) 1. Cleaning/flushing of all toilet/bathroom blocks every two hours in Taylor Hall. 2. Emptying all dustbins and their cleaning by 09.00 am. This includes separating recyclable material and collecting for Kabadi downstairs. 3. Cleaning and moping of all lounges, corridors, staircases by 11.00 am 4. Cleaning and moping of TV room furniture, cow webs, railings, any other tables and chairs, etc. by 12.00 noon. 5. Cleaning of outside premises by 1.00 pm. 6. Washing of linen of TV rooms, if any. 7. Swabbing and cleaning of corridors, staircases once more. 8. Shifting of furniture if any 9. Sweepers should not leave hostel premises and should bring food etc. with them 10. Sweeper also should not be doing any private work like washing clothes etc. during duty hours. EVENING SWEEPER (3.00 pm - 11.00 pm): 1. Cleaning/flushing of all toilet/bathroom blocks every two hours in Taylor Hall. 2. Cleaning of all rooms with signatures by 09.00 pm 3. Cleaning and swabbing of floors and corridors by 10.00 pm 4. Cleaning of dustbins by 11.00 pm 5. Shifting of furniture if any 6. Sweepers should not leave hostel premises and should bring all essential items like food etc. with them. 7. Sweeper also should not be doing any private work like washing clothes etc. during duty hours. Each sweeper should be provided with his own bucket, broom, plastic pan, swabs, cob web removing broom, phenyl, bleaching powder, harpic and a register to take signatures. A space can be provided for them to keep their kits. All sweepers are to be paid daily wages as per the Central Labour guidelines. 25 MAINTENANCE ATTENDANTS – Duties listed below:1. Ensure that all maintenance related complaints pertaining to Estate (carpentry, plumbing, masonry, electrical, water related, civil), telephone related, internet related etc. must be addressed within 8 hours or during their shift. 2. Drinking water, cold water and hot water (both BMC and boring) must be supplied without fail at all times. All water supplies must be checked and any complaints must be attended to and water should be resupplied with 1 hr. 3. Separate registers must be maintained for all types of complaints. Entry of complaints registered and action taken must be maintained daily and countersigned by the Hostel Manager daily and Wardens once a regular basis. 4. All student complaints other than Estate must also be recorded and brought to the notice of hostel manager immediately. 5. Attendants must take responsibility during admissions/exit of students, guests etc. 6. They are the link between daily student related matters and hostel manager and the wardens. 7. Issue of sports, musical instruments and any other material. 8. All attendants report to hostel manger and wardens 9. One attendant in 9-5 (extended up to 06.00 pm) should be female. 10. Shifting of furniture etc. if any 11. Attendants cannot leave hostel premises for lunch etc. they are advice to bring food. 12. They must enter in register work done for the day and sign. Each hostel should have its own register for this. Counter signed by hostel manger. 13. Improvement in hostel TV rooms, lounges, warden’s rooms etc. is also attendant’s responsibility. Ensure that the sweepers do not move out of the hostel during duty hours not doing their personal work and bring their food. C. MDP AND ANAND VIHAR GUEST HOUSE: DAILY CLEANING: 1. Cleaning of entrance& Parking area. Collection of paper, plastics from the surrounding of building & removal of mud, silt, all type of waste material and unwanted material from this location & dispose at given location before 9:00 a.m. every day and in the afternoon during function conference. 2. Sweeping & moping of floor with floor cleaner & disinfectant three times in a day of lobby, office, porche, Ramp, Atrium, terrace lobby, common area & staircases. Also during conference or any other function as per requirement till the end of function. 26 3. Cleaning of furniture & removal of cobweb from above mentioned area. 4. Cleaning of all toilets blocks floor, dado, glasses, door & window panels, mirror, plumbing fixtures, Urinals, washbasin and W.C. pans three times a day with toilet cleaner (dilution of material as prescribed on packing) as per time schedule given by Supdt.(MDP). 5. Collection & segregation of dry & wet garbage and storage as per instruction of Supdt.(MDP)/Institute representative at given location in Morning & Afternoon and when functions are over on that day. 6. Cleaning of all staircases& veranda/balcony railings with wet & dry floor duster. 7. Dusting of Notice Board, tables, chairs and benches from offices & classrooms. 8. Cleaning and removal of chock-up of toilets, W.C. Urinals, washbasin and chambers up to the main chamber. 9. Shifting of any furniture or other material. WEEKLY CLEANING: 1. Cleaning of all toilet blocks floors, W.C. pans, Urinals, dado, glasses, door & window panels, mirrors, plumbing, fixtures & washbasins with liquid cleaner (as per dilution prescribed on material packing), high pressure cleaner & removal of cobweb from all toilet blocks from inside & outside. 2. Collection of unwanted materials & solid waste from building surrounding and disposal at give location. 3. Floor sweeping & moping with disinfectant (as per dilution prescribed on material packing) of conference rooms as per function dates & time. 4. Checking & putting naphthalene balls & sanicube in all urinals & washbasins. Also arrangements of hand wash in all toilet blocks. 5. Cleaning of elevator from inside with spiral taski (as per dilution prescribed on material packing). 6. Cleaning of all dustbins from inside & outside with liquid detergent. 7. Chairs and carpet cleaning of all conference room with vacuum cleaner as per functions date & time. MONTHLY CLEANING: 1) Lobby, office, porche, ramp, atrium, adjacent outside area & Ground floor to be scrubbed & cleaned with scrubbing machines, wet, dry vacuum cleaner, high pressure cleaner and liquid floor cleaner as per dilution factors given on branded items and for non-branded items Suptd. Hostels will advise on dilution and use. 2) Fountain cleaning with detergent along with surrounding area. 27 3) Iron frames to be spring cleaned with detergent. 4) Shifting & disposal of unwanted material & empty bottles after the permission & written letter from Guest House In-charge to given location by institute representative 5) Cobweb removal from inside & outside the building. 6) Floor cleaning & cobweb removal work at all ducts. 7) Terrance cleaning with bleaching powder during rainy season only. 8) Bldg. terraces, Balconies and roofs cleaning. 9) Cleaning ceiling fans & exhaust fans with wet & dry dusters and required cleaning material REGISTRAR SIGNATURE OF TENDERER NAME AND ADDRESS OF TENDERER RUBBER STAMP OF PROP. OR FIRM OF COMPANY 28 Annexure- III HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES – TECHNICAL BID 1. THE FIRM a) Name b) Regd. Address c) Address of Office at Delhi/NCR d) Contact Person’s i) Name & Design. ii) Address iii) Tel No. Landline Mobile iv) Email ID 2. Type of Firm : Private Ltd./Public Ltd./ Cooperative/ NGO/PSU (Please tick and enclose copy of Memorandum/ Articles of Association/ Certificate of I ncorporation) enclosed. (Pl. specify) 3. PAN/GIR No. : 4. TIN No. : 5. Service Tax Regn. No. : (Please enclose photocopy) 6. EPF Registration No. : (Please enclose photocopy) 7. ESI Registration No. : (Please enclose photocopy) 8. Copy of Licence No. 9. Copy of Registration under Contract Labour/Delhi Contract Act. 10. Certificate of minimum 3 running contracts. 11. Copy of Income Tax Return. (Please enclose photocopy) (Please enclose photocopy) 29 12. Annual Turnover for the last 3 years : (Should be more than Rs. 10.00 lakh) 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 (Please enclose copies of ITR/audited balance sheet and P&L A/c /etc.) enclosed (Please specify). 13. Experience of similar work in the field during the last five years (Should have supplied housekeeping services in reputed organizations including atleast one PSU/Govt. Deptt. with work order not less than (i) Rs.15.00 lakh/p.a. in a single order; or (ii) Rs.10.00 Lakh/p.a. each in two orders ; or (iii) Rs. 8.00/p.a. each in three orders) 14. Please submit copies of documentary evidence e.g. work order, corresponding satisfactory job completion certificates from clients specifying value and period of work order ________________________________________enclosed (pl. specify) 15. Infrastructure Details i) Workforce (No.) (not less than 30) (Please enclose the list giving employee-wise name, PF No., ESI No.) D. ii) Industrial, Mechanical scrubbing machine- iii) Vacuum Cleaner iii) Floor Scrubbers (Electrically operated) iv) Hand Trolley (at least 2 No) (at least 04 No.) (at least 02 No.) (at least 02 No) Earnest money details: DD No.______________________ dated _______________ Amount Rs. 2,50,000/-, Drawn on _______________________________ Signatures of authorized signatory Name: _______________________________ Designation:___________________________ Seal:__________________________________ 30 Annexure- IV NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING, (Under Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India) , Vihar Lake Road, Mumbai - 400087. Email: nitiecpsc@nitie.edu Website: www.nitie.edu From To The Director, NITIE, Mumbai-400087. Tender No. Dated: Sub.: Submission of Tender for p rovid ing housekeeping service to Hostels, NITIE, Mumbai Dear Sir, With reference to your above-mentioned notice inviting tenders, I/We hereby offer to provide required services to NITIE. I/We shall execute the work truly and faithfully as set forth in the attached terms and conditions. I/We shall be responsible for all complaints as regards the quality of service and in case of any dispute; the decision of the Director NITIE shall be final and binding on me/us. A Demand Draft No. /Cash Receipt no. of NITIE, if deposited in cash/cheque Dated_________________drawn on)_______________________________ intended for the prescribed amount in favour of NITIE, payable at Mumbai is enclosed as earnest money as desired. I fully understand that in the event of my/our tender being accepted, you shall adjust this earnest money in security deposit payable by me/us for the faithful and satisfactory execution of the contract. My/our PAN no and Service tax no . I/WE shall have no claim to the refund of earnest money/Security prescribed against this tender in the event of my/our nonc ompliance of the contract, provided such contract is implemented within the period of validity of my/our tender. 31 I/We further understand that my/our earnest money shall stand forfeited in case of unsatisfactory services/violation of any term/terms or if I/We withdraw my tender at any stage during the period of validity. My/our tender shall remain valid for a period of 90 days from the last date prescribed for submission of the tender against the above-mentioned notice. My/Our tender along with terms and conditions with relevant columns and annexure duly filled in under my/our attestation and with each page of the tender paper including the enclosed terms and conditions signed by me/us (in the capacity of sole owner/general or special attorney attached) is submitted for your favorable consideration I/We have read the enclosed terms and conditions carefully and have signed the same in token of our absolute and unconditional acceptance. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, Place Name Date Signatures with stamp & Full Address 32 TECHNICAL INFORMATION AND UNDERTAKING Subject: Notice inviting tender for ________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Tenderer/Concern 2. Nature of the concern (i.e. sole proprietor or partnership firm or a company or a Government Department or a Public Sector Organization) 3. Present Address 4. Permanent Address 5. Earnest Money Amount : 6. DD No. & Date, Name of the bank/cash receipt no. of NITIE, if deposited in cash 7. Whether each page of NIT and its Annexure have been signed and stamped. 8. Proposed date to start work 9. List of Major Customers may be given on a separate sheet and proof of satisfactory execution of work. 10. Proof of the last three years’ turnover of the firm, which should not be less than Rs.10 lakhs each continuously for the preceding three years. 11. Permanent Account Number 12. EPF registration No. 13. ESIC Registration No. 14. Copies of authenticated balance sheet for the past three years enclosed. 33 15. Copies of the service tax returns for the last three years 16. Experience certificate of Service Provider covering execution to various State Govt./Central Government. 17. The Job Order from the concerned Unit/Deptt. Should be submitted, in support of the experience. 18. Declaration in Affidavit on Non Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs.10/- duly countersigned by Notary that they have not been banned or debarred by any Govt./Quasi Government Department or PSUs & all documents/information submitted by them are genuine and correct (in enclosed format). 19. Any other information important in the opinion of the tenderer. (Signature of Tenderer with stamp of the firm) Date Place 34 UNDERTAKING 1. 2. I/we undertake that I/we have carefully studied all the terms and conditions and understand the parameters of the proposed work of the NITIE and shall abide by them. I/we further undertake that the information given in this tender are true and correct in all respect and I/we hold the responsibility for the same. (Signature of the tenderer with stamp of the firm) Date Place (Initial of Tenderer with Rubber Stamp) 35 Annexure- V LIST OF E S T I M A T E D MANPOWER TO BE DEPLOYED FOR HOUSEKEEPING WORK AS DETAILED IN ANNEXURE-I Sl. No. Category No. of manpower 1 Housekeepers/ Att endants (Un skilled) 56 We undertake that Housekeepers would be deployed at NITIE as per the shift hours mentioned above in the table on all days. The weekly task would be undertaken on Saturday and Gazetted holidays for which a supervisor and sufficient number of staff would be deployed. We undertake that the minimum wages as may be prescribed by local Government from time to time will be paid to the manpower deployed. The bidder also undertakes that all statutory requirements e.g. EPF, ESI etc. will be met by the bidder and the required documents will be submitted to NITIE on demand. The terms and conditions contained in the Tender document are acceptable to us. Signatures of authorized person Name________________________________________ Designation Seal 36 Annexure- V NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING, (Under Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India) Vihar Lake Road, Mumbai- 400087. Email: n i t i e c p s c @ n i t i e . e d u Website: www.nitie.edu PRICE BID FOR HOUSEKEEPINGSERVICES Sl. Designation Estimated no. of manpower required Housekeepers (Un-skilled) 56 nos No. 1. Minimum Wages/Person* (A) EPF/Person* (B) ESI/Person* Service (C) Charge quoted in % (percentage) (D) Service Tax* (E) Rate Per person for a month (Inclusive all) A+B+C+D+E *As per the Prevailing Rates Note: L1 will be decided based on the lowest Service Charge quoted in % (percentage) (D) We hereby ready to execute the work at a service charge of ___________ % in words………………) as quoted in column D above. Total tender amount quoted inclusive of all the above components, after considering the quoted service charge percentage for 56 persons in figure Rs.______________________. Total tender amount quoted inclusive of all the above components, after considering the quoted service charge percentage for 56 persons in words Rs. ______________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Place Name Date Signatures with stamp & Full 37