Mid-Term Course Evaluation – CSE 60641 Check one or more items for each question. The mid-term survey is due by Friday evening, October 17th @ 5 PM to Prof. Striegel’s mailbox. Please rate the quality of the lecture so far: ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ I don’t go to lecture I go but it is boring and it puts me to sleep I go but I don’t get much out of the lecture Lecture is alright, but the instructor could stand to improve on some areas Lecture is mostly worth my time Lecture is well-worth my time CSE 60641 is my favorite class and I enjoy lecture CSE 60641 is my only class so I guess it is my favorite The document camera, just stop, please The pace of lecture is: ____ ____ ____ ____ Too slow (Stop repeating things and go faster) Just right Whoa! Like trying to drink from a firehose (in a good way) Whoa! Like trying to drink from a firehose and I’m drowning The content of lecture: ____ ____ ____ ____ Less general graduate student life, more systems We are too shallow in terms of technical depth Just right Excellent, I feel like I learn quite a bit How is the lecture capture? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ We have lecture capture? Tried it once or twice, have not been back Like it but it could be much better Really hard to read the board I use it to review before an exam I tend to review most lectures How would you improve lecture? My prior experience with operating systems upon entering ND: _____ What is an OS? _____ I think I took an undergrad OS course _____ Took an undergrad OS course _____ Undergrad OS was my favorite course Did the entrance exam help? ____ Yes, but I would have taken Grad OS either way ____ Yes, I put serious thought into whether I should take Grad OS or not ____ No, I would have taken Grad OS either way How might we better make sure that you are ready for Grad OS? Please rate the course organization: ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ There is organization to the course? I have no idea what we will cover from day to day The organization is similar to my other CSE classes The organization is satisfactory All of my courses should be organized like CSE 60641 What would you suggest to improve course organization? Please rate the quantity of work required for the class (homework/reading/etc.): ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Help! It is way too much for a 3 credit graduate course Alright but I wish there was less Seems about right for the course A little bit more homework would be helpful Bring on lots more homework & projects! 50+ pages for papers, seriously? How would you change the homework/project quantity of work (i.e. justify why you would increase/reduce the homework load)? Are there too many assignments / readings? ____ Yes ____ No Why or why not? How might you change it? Average time spent outside of class on homework _______ hours/week How were the paper searches? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ I liked it and enjoyed doing them One per topic is too much We each did a paper per group member and split up the work It was awful Eh, it is what it is Any comments on the paper search assignment? Please rate the clarity of the course (pick one or more): ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ I can’t follow class very well, it often takes a lot of work outside of class The lecture is too much of a free-for-all, I wish it were more streamlined We need more examples in class We need a book, the on-line lectures notes and papers just aren’t cutting it The clarity is alright, not great but not bad either Crystal clear, I walk out of lecture fairly confident in what we covered that day Focus, try to be a little less random with board placement How might you fix the clarity of the class? Please rate Sakai: ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ There are not enough flames in the universe I think a trained monkey could make a better webpage Needs to be updated more often Average My one stop shop for browsing It is my homepage every time I turn on my browser Any suggestions for Sakai? Comments? Please rate the course Wiki: ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ There are not enough flames in the universe I think a trained monkey could make a better webpage Needs to be updated more often Average My one stop shop for browsing It is my homepage every time I turn on my browser Any suggestions for the course Wiki? Comments? Please rate the course usage of Box: ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ There are not enough flames in the universe Needs to be updated more often Average My first check for the course It is my homepage every time I turn on my browser Any suggestions for the use of Box? Comments? Please rate the mid-term exam (mark all that apply): ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ I try to keep it as far from my mind as possible The Walking Dead comes to mind Too much to do in that short of timeframe The problems were too vague Average Great, I’d like it to keep the exact same format Suggestions for the exam format? How is your study group (Mark all that apply)? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ I work alone Perhaps I should have done a study group Neither helpful nor hurtful to my comprehension Great I learned more in the study group than in class I wish I worked alone