Ag Shop Safety Test: High School Agriculture Education

Huntingdon Area High School Agriculture Education Department
2013 - 2014 Shop and Lab Safety Test
Student Name:
_________Answer Key________________________________________
Student Signature:
Date of test:
_________/175 = ________ %
158 / 175 = 90% passing score
Date of personal remediation if student scored below 90% correct: ______________________
Student signature if remediation was completed: _____________________________________
For a student to walk extremely close to a machine while another student is using it.
To store gasoline in an open container.
To store paint in the fireproof cabinet in the tool room.
To remove all flammable materials from the area before lighting a torch.
To throw grease or thinner rags in the trash barrels in the shop.
To use gasoline for cleaning purposes.
__U__ 7.
To use the water hose to extinguish a grease fire.
__S__ 8.
To attempt to put out a fire in an electrical motor with a dry chemical (ABC) extinguisher.
__S__ 9.
To fight a wood and paper fire with a water hose.
__S__ 10.
To know where the fire fighting equipment is located in the shop.
__S__ 11.
To know the fire escape route from the shop.
__U__ 12.
To use an electrical cord with worn insulation or bare wire.
__S__ 13.
To turn off all electricity to a power tool before servicing or repairing it.
__U__ 14.
To run outside when the fire alarm rings.
__U__ 15.
To select, mix, and apply pesticides or other chemicals on a whim.
___S_ 16.
To fight all three types of fire (A-B-C) with a fire extinguisher located in the main ag mechanics
__U__ 17.
To extinguish an electrical fire with a pressurized water extinguisher.
__S__ 18.
To report all injuries to your instructor.
__U__ 19.
To stroll around the shop before class begins.
__U__ 20.
To operate any power tool or machine without the instructor’s permission.
__U__ 21.
To run out of the classroom or shop area when the bell rings at the end of the class period.
__S__ 22.
To wear safety glasses at all times when in the shop area.
__U__ 23.
To leave an assigned work area to talk to someone.
__U__ 24.
To cut any material with a utility knife towards yourself.
__S__ 25.
To carry hand tools with the sharp edges pointing down.
__S__ 26.
To use a sharp wood chisel.
__U__ 27.
To throw tools or supplies to a neighbor.
__U__ 28.
To lift heavy objects with only your back.
__S__ 29.
To ventilate an area when using varnish or thinners.
__U__ 30.
To wear loose fitting clothes or neck ties in the shop.
__S__ 31.
To roll up your sleeves.
__S__ 32.
To remove loose clothing and jewelry before working in the shop.
__U__ 33.
To engage in horseplay in the classroom or shop area.
__S__ 34.
To replace unused materials or tools.
__U__ 35.
To use any hand or power tool without receiving operation and safety instruction from the
PORTABLE POWER DRILL (ex: Cordless Drill)
__S__ 36.
To wear safety glasses while using the drill.
__U__ 37.
To use dull twist bits.
__U__ 38.
To set the drill down before it has stopped running.
__U__ 39.
To leave the key in the chuck before operating a drill with a keyed chuck.
___U_ 40.
To drill into a container that may have contained gasoline or other flammable materials.
__S__ 41.
To center punch metal before drilling.
__S__ 42.
To hold the work in a vise or clamp it to a table top while drilling.
__U__ 43.
To try to stop a piece of work caught on the twist drill.
__U__ 44.
To adjust the saw when it is running.
__S__ 45.
To wait for the saw to stop completely before setting it down.
__U__ 46.
To wear safety glasses only when cutting hardwoods with the saw.
__U__ 47.
To pick up the saw by the cord.
__U__ 48.
To saw between two sawhorses.
__U__ 49.
To change the saw blade when the plug is still connected to the power source.
__S__ 50.
To always keep the base of the saw flat on the work.
__S__ 51.
To cut only straight lines with the portable circular saw.
__U__ 52.
To stop the blade by pushing a piece of wood into the teeth.
__S__ 53.
To make beveled cuts with this saw by tilting the base.
__U__ 54.
To hold a short piece of work in one hand while cutting it with the portable circular saw in the
other hand.
__S__ 55.
To securely tighten the sandpaper to the clamps.
__U__ 56.
To place excessive pressure on the machine to make the sander cut faster.
__U__ 57.
To start the sander up when it is setting on the work piece.
__U__ 58.
To connect the machine to the power source without checking the off-on switch.
__S__ 59.
To lift the machine off the work piece before turning the sander off.
__S__ 60.
To clamp the work in a vise.
__S__ 61.
To disconnect the machine from the power source before changing sandpaper.
__U__ 62.
To set the sander down near the edge of a table or bench.
__S__ 63.
To hold the machine with one hand and the work piece with the other.
__S__ 64.
To secure the work piece in a vise before starting to cut.
__S__ 65.
To allow the motor to stop before setting the router down.
__U__ 66.
To assume that the bit is secure in the collet (chuck).
__S__ 67.
To check to see that the switch is in the off position before connecting to the power source.
__U__ 68.
To start a cut before the router reaches top speed.
__S__ 69.
To make a practice cut on a scrap piece of wood before making a good cut.
__U__ 70.
To hold the work with one hand and the router with the other.
__U__ 71.
To allow the machine to stay against the work after turning the power off.
__U__ 72.
To start the router when the cutter head is against the work piece.
__S__ 73.
To cut slowly in one direction.
___S_ 74.
To hold the work in a vise or clamp while cutting.
__U__ 75.
To start a cut by placing the blade against the edge of the work and then starting the motor.
__S__ 76.
To allow space for blade movement underneath the work.
__S__ 77.
To check if the blade is not broken or bent before use.
__S__ 78.
To place the switch in the “off” position before connecting the saw to the power source.
__U__ 79.
To set the saw down before the blade has completely stopped.
__S__ 80.
To support the cut-off section to avoid binding the blade.
__S__ 81.
To cut on the waste side of the cut line.
__S__ 82.
To disconnect the saw from the power source when fastening the blade or making adjustments.
__U__ 83.
To force the saw blade through a small radius.
__U__ 84.
To wear loose fitting clothes while operating the saw.
__U__ 85.
To “back up” in a cut with the motor on.
__S__ 86.
To sand in the direction of the wood grain moving back and forth over a large area, never
pausing in one spot.
__S__ 87.
To wear safety glasses while sanding.
__S__ 88.
To start the sander above the work and let the rear of the belt touch first then level the tool.
__S__ 89.
To check the condition of the belt and the tracking before starting to sand.
__U__ 90.
To operate the belt sander with one hand.
__U__ 91.
To connect the belt sander to the power source without making certain the switch is in the off
__S__ 92.
To lift the belt sander from the work before stopping the motor.
__U__ 93.
To place the sander on a work bench before the belt is completely stopped.
__S__ 94.
To use light and even pressure while sanding.
__U__ 95.
To allow the belt to run to one side of the pulleys.
__U__ 96.
To have the arrow on the belt pointing in the direction opposite of rotation.
__S__ 97.
To always hold the work firmly against the fence and table.
__S__ 98.
To always allow the blade to come to a complete stop before removing scraps or chips from the
__S__ 99.
To always use proper eye protection.
__S__ 100.
To allow the motor to reach full speed before starting to cut.
__S__ 101.
To check the slide guard for proper operation before starting to use the machine.
__U__ 102.
To change blades without disconnecting the power source.
__U__ 103.
To place a 12-inch blade on a 10-inch miter box.
__U__ 104.
To cut pieces wider than 5 inches on the power miter box in our shop.
__U__ 105.
To start the blade while it is resting on the board.
__U__ 106.
To remove sawed off scraps while the machine is running.
__U__ 107.
To remove guards without the instructor’s permission.
__U__ 108.
To extend the saw blade as far as possible through the work piece.
__U__ 109.
To saw a work piece without the use of a fence.
__U__ 110.
To use the saw before the instructor has demonstrated its use.
__U__ 111.
To stand directly in line (behind) the saw blade while making a cut.
__S__ 112.
To refrain from talking with others while using the table saw.
__U__ 113.
To saw material containing nails, paint, sand, etc.
__S__ 114.
To check the width of a cut at both the front and the back of the blade before ripping.
__S__ 115.
To check behind you for other students before using the table saw.
__U__ 116.
To rip a 2x10 by yourself, without any support.
__S__ 117.
To use a push stick when ripping lumber.
__S__ 118.
To examine the blade for broken or missing teeth before cutting.
__U__ 119.
To walk away from the saw while the blade is still spinning.
__S__ 120.
To stand to the infeed side of the cutter blades.
__U__ 121.
To adjust the fence when the motor is on.
__U__ 122.
To leave the machine when it is running.
__S__ 123.
To have an assistant help support long pieces.
__U__ 124.
To feed work in from the rear outfeed table.
__U__ 125.
To take deep cuts to reduce the time required for the job.
__U__ 126.
To joint boards less than 12 inches long.
__U__ 127.
To always run your hands over the blades with each pass.
__S__ 128.
To turn on the dust collection system while using the jointer.
__S__ 129.
To cut 1/16th of an inch from the edge of the work piece on one pass.
__S__ 130.
To “dry drill” or check bit placement on the board before starting the drill press.
__S__ 131.
To hold stock in a vise or with a clamp when drilling on the drill press.
__U__ 132.
To brush away chips from the moving twist drill.
__S__ 133.
To keep long hair, ties, sleeves, and loose clothing away from the drill press spindle.
__U__ 134.
To leave a key in the drill press chuck.
__U__ 135.
To keep the long end of the material being drilled to the right of the operator.
__U__ 136.
To talk to someone while operating the drill press.
__U__ 137.
To force the drill through the work as fast as it will go.
__U__ 138.
To try to stop a piece of work caught on the drill bit with your hands.
__U__ 139.
To drill into a container that may have contained gasoline or other flammable liquids.
__S__ 140.
To use oil to lubricate the bit when drilling through thick metal.
__S__ 141.
To wear snug fitting clothes.
__S__ 142.
To check all guards, locks, and other adjustments before use.
__U__ 143.
To leave the saw extended out from the fence after a cut.
__U__ 144.
To start the saw without grasping the yolk handle.
__U__ 145.
To make adjustments while the saw is running.
__U__ 146.
To leave the safety zone while the saw is still running.
__U__ 147.
To use a dull, warped, or cracked blade.
__U__ 148.
To cross cut a piece of wood on the return stroke to the fence.
__U__ 149.
To place your fingers inside the guard at any time.
__S__ 150.
To allow the machine to cut at its own speed.
__U__ 151.
To allow your arms to become criss-crossed while cutting.
__U__ 152.
To randomly guess the thickness of the board before starting.
__U__ 153.
To start the planer with wood chips and scraps in the feed rolls.
__S__ 154.
To disconnect the power before working or servicing the planer.
__U__ 155.
To take off a half-inch with each pass.
__S__ 156.
To stand to the side of the board closest to the power switch while planing.
__U__ 157.
To force boards into the planer if the feed rolls stall.
__S__ 158.
To shut the planer off if a board becomes stuck in the machine.
__U__ 159.
To plane a board that has loose knots, nails or staples in it.
__U__ 160.
To plane a board that is shorter than the distance between the feed rolls.
__S__ 161.
To work with a classmate on the outfeed side to help support the board.
__U__ 162.
To grease and oil the feed rolls and other moving parts while the machine is running.
__S__ 163.
To stop the grinder before adjusting the tool rest.
__S__ 164.
To wear eye protection when using the grinder.
__U__ 165.
To use a grinding wheel that you suspect to be cracked.
__U__ 166.
To use the side of the wheel for grinding.
__U__ 167.
To force material into the grinding wheel.
__U__ 168.
To use a wheel that vibrates excessively.
__U__ 169.
To remove the label paper from the sides of the grinding wheel.
__U__ 170.
To use a grinding wheel that is worn more than ½ of its original diameter.
__U__ 171.
To leave the tool before the wheels have completely stopped.
__U__ 172.
To use the grinder in poor lighting.
__U__ 173.
To set the tool rest an inch away from the grinding wheel.
__U__ 174.
To stand in direct line with the grinding wheel.
__U__ 175.
To wear gloves while using the grinder.
_____ 122.
To have the upper and lower band wheels fitted with guards.
_____ 123.
To check the adjustment of blade guides before using the saw.
_____ 124.
To use a dull blade.
_____ 125.
To allow hands to get within 2 inches of the blade while cutting.
_____ 126.
To see that the upper blade guide clears the work by about ¼ inch..
_____ 127.
To check the tracking before starting to cut.
_____ 128.
To “back out” of a cut while the blade is running.
_____ 129.
To force the blade into a tight radius.
_____ 130.
To stop the band saw by forcing a piece of wood against the blade.
_____ 151.
To hold the reciprocating saw by one hand when operating.
_____ 152.
To use a slow speed only for long cuts.
_____ 153.
To check to see if the blade is properly secured before making a cut.
_____ 154.
To operate the saw without the use of the base.
_____ 155.
To clamp any wood or metal materials in a vise or on a table to prevent slipping.
_____ 156.
To pull the blade from the cut before the blade has completely stopped.
_____ 157.
To disconnect the power source before changing blades or servicing.
_____ 158.
To keep your hands only on the plastic insulated handles to prevent electrical shock.
_____ 159.
To force the blade through a tight cut.
_____ 160.
To use a dull or broken blade.