The Electric ESP Handbook A G UIDE TO P ACIFIC G AS &E LECTRIC C OMPANY ’ S D IRECT A CCESS P ROCEDURES FOR E LECTRIC E NERGY S ERVICE P ROVIDERS Pacific Gas and Electric Company - ESP Services March 6, 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1 ABOUT THIS GUIDE ............................................................................................................................................................... 1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Disclaimer and Warning................................................................................................................................................... 1 Summary of Chapters and Contents ................................................................................................................................. 2 Chapter Organization ....................................................................................................................................................... 2 Overview .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Prerequisites ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Checklist of Key Steps...................................................................................................................................................................... 3 The [Chapter Topic] Process Illustrated ........................................................................................................................................... 3 Procedures ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 CHAPTER 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1 ELECTRIC ESP DIRECT ACCESS PRELIMINARY PROCEDURES ................................................................................................ 1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Prerequisites ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Checklist of key steps ........................................................................................................................................................ 2 Electric ESP Direct Access Preliminary Procedures Illustrated ...................................................................................... 3 Procedures ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4 1. Electric ESP obtains required documentation for Direct Access (DA) signup with PG&E......................................................... 4 ESP Service Agreement ............................................................................................................................................................... 6 About Section 22, Billing Options ............................................................................................................................................... 6 About Section 23, Metering and Meter Reading Options ............................................................................................................ 7 Energy Service Provider Information Form ................................................................................................................................. 7 ESP Credit Application and Financial Statements ....................................................................................................................... 8 ESP creditworthiness requirements .............................................................................................................................................. 9 Credit evaluation parameters ........................................................................................................................................................ 9 Primary credit requirements ......................................................................................................................................................... 9 Alternate credit requirements ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 Direct access consolidated billing options worksheet ................................................................................................................ 11 Instructions for completing the Direct Access Consolidated Billing Options Worksheet .......................................................... 12 Required format for the PG&E bill detail page included on Consolidated Electric ESP bills ................................................... 12 EDI Trading Partner Agreement................................................................................................................................................. 12 Main Agreement ......................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Appendix .................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 EDI Setup Form ......................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Meter Data Management Agent (MDMA) qualification/approval ............................................................................................. 16 2. Electric ESP submits completed DA startup documentation to ESP Services ........................................................................... 16 3. ESP Services Representative contacts Electric ESP upon receipt of DA startup documents..................................................... 16 4. PG&E reviews all submitted DA startup documentation ........................................................................................................... 16 DA startup Documentation Review Timeline............................................................................................................................. 17 ESP Service Agreement Processing ........................................................................................................................................... 17 ESP Credit Application processing ............................................................................................................................................ 17 Credit Acceptance ...................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Credit Denial .............................................................................................................................................................................. 18 Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only Page ii Direct Access Consolidated Billing Options Worksheet ............................................................................................................ 18 EDI Trading Partner Agreement processing ............................................................................................................................... 18 EDI Setup Form ......................................................................................................................................................................... 18 MDMA Application and Checklist ............................................................................................................................................ 18 5. ESP Services Representative informs the Electric ESP of the type of DA participation for which it is eligible ....................... 18 Information Websites ...................................................................................................................................................... 20 CHAPTER 2 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 21 DIRECT ACCESS SETUP ........................................................................................................................................................ 21 Overview ......................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Checklist of key steps ...................................................................................................................................................... 22 Direct Access Setup Illustrated ....................................................................................................................................... 22 Procedures ...................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Electronic data exchange synopsis.................................................................................................................................................. 23 1. Prepare systems setup for electronic data exchange .................................................................................................................. 23 2. Review electronic transfer procedures and rules as designated by PG&E for DES and EDI (if applicable). ............................ 23 Data transfer specifics: How DES is used to exchange DA information .................................................................................... 24 DES implementation....................................................................................................................................................................... 24 Key DES contacts....................................................................................................................................................................... 24 DES Web site ............................................................................................................................................................................. 25 EDI data transfer ............................................................................................................................................................ 25 EDI contacts ................................................................................................................................................................................... 26 For more information ................................................................................................................................................................. 26 EDI Direct Access transaction sets ................................................................................................................................................. 26 Transaction set 810 - Billing ...................................................................................................................................................... 26 Transaction set 814 - Direct Access Service Request (DASR)................................................................................................... 26 Transaction set 820 - Payment and Remittance Order................................................................................................................ 27 867 - Meter Usage ...................................................................................................................................................................... 27 997 - Functional Acknowledgment ............................................................................................................................................ 27 Test the viability and accuracy of data transferred to PG&E using DES ........................................................................................ 27 CHAPTER 3 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 29 PROCESSING DIRECT ACCESS SERVICE REQUESTS (DASRS)............................................................................................... 29 Overview ......................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Definition of Terms ........................................................................................................................................................................ 29 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................................... 30 Checklist of key steps ...................................................................................................................................................... 31 Processing DASRs Illustrated ......................................................................................................................................... 31 Procedures ...................................................................................................................................................................... 33 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. Electric ESP obtains customer authorization to submit a DASR on its behalf .......................................................................... 33 Electric ESP obtains customer CTC Agreement, if required ..................................................................................................... 33 Electric ESP evaluates customer DA elections and obtains customer information required to complete DASR ...................... 33 Electric ESP submits DASR to PG&E through DES ................................................................................................................ 34 PG&E processes DASR ............................................................................................................................................................. 35 Electronic Validation ................................................................................................................................................................. 35 DASR Validation ....................................................................................................................................................................... 35 Account Validation .................................................................................................................................................................... 35 7. PG&E sends a confirmation, rejection, or pending notification to Electric ESP ....................................................................... 36 Acceptance notices ..................................................................................................................................................................... 36 Rejection DASR ......................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Additional DASR procedures performed by PG&E ....................................................................................................................... 37 Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only Page iii DASR for “New” Premises ........................................................................................................................................................ 37 Additional setup transaction procedures .................................................................................................................................... 37 Additional transaction procedures for newly established PG&E account numbers .................................................................... 38 Additional Shut Off (S/O) and Shut-off Non-Payment (SONP) transaction procedures ............................................................ 39 Additional Cancellation transaction procedures ......................................................................................................................... 39 Additional Customer Account Data Change transaction procedures .......................................................................................... 39 Additional procedures for Initial Customer Historical Usage Information................................................................................. 39 Seamless Move........................................................................................................................................................................... 40 Seamless Move Procedures ............................................................................................................................................................ 40 Canceling a Seamless Move ........................................................................................................................................................... 41 Limits to a Seamless Move Option ................................................................................................................................................. 41 CHAPTER 4 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 43 DA ELECTRONIC DATA EXCHANGE CONTINGENCY PLANS ................................................................................................. 43 Overview ......................................................................................................................................................................... 43 Behind the scenes look at the DASR process ................................................................................................................................. 43 DASR Server Communication Illustrated ....................................................................................................................................... 44 Risks ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 44 Event Scenario Back-up Plans ....................................................................................................................................... 44 Electric ESP unable to communicate with DES ............................................................................................................................. 45 Situation ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 45 Back-up Plan .............................................................................................................................................................................. 45 Failure of PG&E equipment (DASR Interface & CIS) ................................................................................................................... 46 Situation ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 46 Back-up Plan .............................................................................................................................................................................. 46 CHAPTER 5 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 47 METERING ........................................................................................................................................................................... 47 Overview ......................................................................................................................................................................... 47 Metering Services ........................................................................................................................................................................... 47 Meter Service Provider Responsibilities .................................................................................................................................... 48 Meter Installation Standards....................................................................................................................................................... 48 Effective Direct Access Date ...................................................................................................................................................... 48 Meter Maintenance..................................................................................................................................................................... 48 Meter Equipment Specifications ................................................................................................................................................ 48 Obtaining Meter Equipment Information for Existing Customer Accounts ................................................................................... 49 Web Site Test ............................................................................................................................................................................. 49 Selection of the Meter Installer .................................................................................................................................................. 49 Scheduling Meter Removal and Installations - PG&E as Meter Installer .................................................................................. 49 Meters Supplied by PG&E ......................................................................................................................................................... 50 Meters Supplied by Electric ESP ............................................................................................................................................... 50 DA Ready Meter ........................................................................................................................................................................ 50 Phone Service Notification - PG&E as Meter Installer .............................................................................................................. 50 Completed Meter Installs ........................................................................................................................................................... 51 Re-scheduling Meter Installations .............................................................................................................................................. 51 Scheduling Meter Removals and Installations - Electric ESP as Meter Installer ............................................................................ 51 Meter Installation/Removal Notification * ................................................................................................................................. 52 Return of PG&E Meters ............................................................................................................................................................. 52 Service Upgrades ............................................................................................................................................................................ 52 Return to Bundled Service from Direct Access and Meter Ownership ........................................................................................... 52 Electric ESP Inquiries..................................................................................................................................................................... 54 Wired Phone Line Requirements ............................................................................................................................................... 55 Wireless Phone Installation Requirements ................................................................................................................................. 56 Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only Page iv Responsibility - Phone Service Account Payment .......................................................................................................................... 57 Responsibility - Phone Service Operability and Maintenance ........................................................................................................ 57 Retention of Rights ......................................................................................................................................................................... 58 Meter Data Management Agent (MDMA) Requirements ............................................................................................... 58 MDMA Approval Process and Requirements ................................................................................................................................ 58 Application and Checklist .......................................................................................................................................................... 59 Written Requirements ................................................................................................................................................................ 59 Server Acceptance Test .............................................................................................................................................................. 60 Back-up Reading Process ........................................................................................................................................................... 60 Data Format ................................................................................................................................................................................ 60 Security and Confidentiality ....................................................................................................................................................... 60 Help Desk ................................................................................................................................................................................... 61 Validating and Editing Data ........................................................................................................................................................... 61 Interval Data ............................................................................................................................................................................... 61 Estimating Data .............................................................................................................................................................................. 62 Interval Data Estimation Rules ................................................................................................................................................... 62 Accuracy and Timeliness of Usage Data ........................................................................................................................................ 63 Interval Data ............................................................................................................................................................................... 63 Monthly Data ............................................................................................................................................................................. 63 Data retention period ...................................................................................................................................................................... 63 Electronic exchange of metering data ............................................................................................................................................. 64 Interval and Time-Of-Use (TOU) data ....................................................................................................................................... 64 Meter Reading ................................................................................................................................................................................ 65 Meter reading data obligations ................................................................................................................................................... 65 PG&E meter reading .................................................................................................................................................................. 66 Electric ESP meter reading......................................................................................................................................................... 66 Metered Usage Rates ...................................................................................................................................................... 66 Life Support Customers and Medical Baseline Quantities ............................................................................................................. 66 CHAPTER 6 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 69 DASR PROCESSES FOR METERING DATA ADJUSTMENTS AND CHANGES ............................................................................ 69 Overview ......................................................................................................................................................................... 69 DA Account Commodity Status Changes ........................................................................................................................ 70 DA Account Commodity Shut-Offs................................................................................................................................................ 70 Process ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 70 Matrix of PG&E-initiated Records Related to Shut-offs by Meter Type ................................................................................... 70 Example ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 72 Meter Change ................................................................................................................................................................................. 73 Matrix of PG&E-initiated Records Related to Meter Change .................................................................................................... 73 Example ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 76 New Meter Sets Which are not Concurrent with Old Meter Removals ...................................................................................... 76 Meter Configuration Data .......................................................................................................................................................... 77 Usage Adjustments ......................................................................................................................................................... 77 Usage Adjustments to Monthly Meter Data Due to Additional Validation Checking of Data when PG&E is the MDMA ....... 78 Matrix of PG&E-initiated Records Related to Usage Adjustments ............................................................................................ 78 Example ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 80 Stand Alone Rebate transactions (reversal only adjustment)...................................................................................................... 81 CHAPTER 7 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 83 ELECTRIC ESP ACCOUNT BILLING....................................................................................................................................... 83 Overview ......................................................................................................................................................................... 83 Bill Components and Billing Options ............................................................................................................................. 83 Summary of bill components .......................................................................................................................................................... 83 Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only Page v About the California Energy Commission Tax ............................................................................................................................... 84 Billing options ................................................................................................................................................................................ 85 Consolidated UDC billing .......................................................................................................................................................... 85 Consolidated ESP billing ........................................................................................................................................................... 85 Partial Consolidated ESP Billing ............................................................................................................................................... 85 Full Consolidated ESP Billing ................................................................................................................................................... 85 Separate billing .......................................................................................................................................................................... 86 Read and Bill Serial Dates .............................................................................................................................................................. 86 Consolidated UDC Billing .............................................................................................................................................. 86 Pricing options................................................................................................................................................................................ 87 Flat ($/month) ............................................................................................................................................................................ 88 Single-tiered ($/kWh) ................................................................................................................................................................. 88 Double-Tiered ($/kWh, Electric ESP designates tiers) .............................................................................................................. 88 Time-of-Use - TOU ($/kWh, based on PG&E’s tiers) ............................................................................................................... 88 Custom pricing ........................................................................................................................................................................... 89 Submitting Rate-ready data to PG&E ........................................................................................................................................ 89 Deadlines for the submission of rate-ready data ......................................................................................................................... 89 Bill format ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 89 Bill preparation and processing ...................................................................................................................................................... 89 Bill Printing and Delivery............................................................................................................................................................... 90 Reports generated by PG&E ........................................................................................................................................................... 90 Utility User Tax Application .......................................................................................................................................................... 90 How PG&E calculates Electric ESP payments ............................................................................................................................... 91 When PG&E pays the Electric ESP ........................................................................................................................................... 91 I. PG&E payments to Electric ESP and supporting reports: ..................................................................................................... 91 II. When PG&E makes payment to Electric ESP ....................................................................................................................... 91 III. Reserve against collections................................................................................................................................................... 91 Payments from Electric ESP to PG&E ....................................................................................................................................... 91 Consolidated ESP Billing ............................................................................................................................................... 91 Bill format requirements ............................................................................................................................................................ 91 Calculation of charges owed to PG&E ....................................................................................................................................... 92 Payment Processing.................................................................................................................................................................... 92 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) ............................................................................................................................................. 92 Separate Billing Procedures ........................................................................................................................................... 92 CHAPTER 8 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 93 CUSTOMER INFORMATION RELEASES .................................................................................................................................. 93 Overview ......................................................................................................................................................................... 93 Confidential Customer Information Release .................................................................................................................. 93 GLOSSARY .......................................................................................................................................................................... 95 DIRECT ACCESS TERMS ....................................................................................................................................................... 95 APPENDIX A ...................................................................................................................................................................... 101 SERVICE TERRITORY CITY CODES ..................................................................................................................................... 101 APPENDIX B ...................................................................................................................................................................... 119 SERVICE CITY ZIP CODES .................................................................................................................................................. 119 APPENDIX C ...................................................................................................................................................................... 133 DA APPROVED METERS .................................................................................................................................................... 133 Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only Page vi PREFACE ABOUT THIS GUIDE Overview The ESP (Energy Service Provider) Services organization within PG&E, a group dedicated to providing information and guidance to ESPs, has compiled information in this document which will assist ESPs with preparing to do business under Direct Access (DA). This information reflects the latest California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) decisions on DA. Please note that content of this document is subject to change over time as the CPUC issues further decisions relevant to DA. Disclaimer and Warning PG&E has provided these guidelines for informational purposes only. In the event of any conflict between the guidelines contained within this handbook and the DA tariffs and Energy Service Provider Service Agreement approved by the CPUC, the tariff and the Energy Service Provider Service Agreement shall control. The procedures adopted for other California utilities may differ from those of PG&E. Note that the DA Suspension Decision (D.) 02-03-055, dated March 21, 2002, issued by the California Public Utilities Commission, may have an impact on the qualification of customers for participation in DA. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only Page 1 Summary of Chapters and Contents Chapter 1: Electric ESP Direct Access Preliminary Procedures - discusses the preliminary documentation which needs to be signed and sent to PG&E prior to the submission of Direct Access Service Requests (DASRs). Chapter 2: Direct Access Setup - covers information about electronic information exchange setup requirements under DA. Chapter 3: Processing Direct Access Service Requests (DASRs) - discusses how Electric ESPs electronically communicate service requests related to DA to PG&E. Chapter 4: DA Electronic Data Exchange Contingency Plans - discusses contingency plans for the handling of DASRs should one or more elements of electronic DASR processing fail. Chapter 5: Metering - covers DA interval metering issues including the prioritization and forecasting of installation requests; phone service quality and billing requirements; and customer service for Electric ESPs. Chapter 6: DASR Processes for Metering Data Adjustments and Changes - provides Electric ESPs with information on PG&E DASR processes related to metering data adjustments and DA account commodity status changes. Chapter 7: Electric ESP Account Billing - contains information on the billing options which Electric ESPs can offer to their DA customers. Chapter 8: Customer Information Releases - details the types of customer information which Electric ESPs can obtain from PG&E. Chapter Organization Chapters 1 through 3, which describe sequential, step-by-step procedures, follow a consistent organizational format as described below. Overview This section, which provides an overview of the chapter topic material and related processes, emphasizes the most important concepts within the chapter. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 2 Prerequisites The prerequisites to the procedures covered in the chapter are detailed, ensuring that the Electric ESP is ready for the steps to follow. Checklist of Key Steps Key process steps are briefly described within a checklist format which identifies critical elements. The [Chapter Topic] Process Illustrated Visuals are an effective way to convey process information. When appropriate conceptual-level flow diagrams have been included to illustrate main process steps. Procedures This section provides a detailed discussion of items identified within the Checklist of Key Steps. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only Page 3 CHAPTER 1 ELECTRIC ESP DIRECT ACCESS PRELIMINARY PROCEDURES Overview This chapter focuses primarily on the types of documents which Electric ESPs will need to submit prior to participation in Direct Access (DA). The chapter also discusses the timing involved with reviewing and processing the documentation submitted by Electric ESPs. Prerequisites Prior to starting DA preliminary procedures, an Electric ESP must register with the CPUC if it intends to serve “Small Customers.” Small Customers are defined per revised Rule 1 as customers on demandmetered schedules (A-10 and E-19V), with less than 50kW maximum billing demand per meter for at least nine (9) billing periods during the most recent twelve (12) month period or any customer on a nondemand metered schedule (A-1 and A-6). Detailed information regarding registering with the CPUC can be obtained by visiting the CPUC Web site (see Information Websites at the end of Chapter 1 in this handbook). Checklist of key steps # STEP 1. Electric ESP obtains required documentation for Direct Access (DA) signup with PG&E 2. Electric ESP submits completed DA startup documentation to ESP Services 3. ESP Services Representative contacts Electric ESP upon receipt of DA startup documentation 4. PG&E reviews all submitted DA forms and documentation 5. ESP Services Representative informs the Electric ESP of the type of DA participation for which it is eligible Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 2 Electric ESP Direct Access Preliminary Procedures Illustrated ESP obtains required documentation f or Direct Access (DA) signup w ith PG&E ESP submits completed DA startup documentation to ESP Relations ESP Relations Representative contacts ESP upon receipt of DA startup documentation PG&E processes Direct Access Consolidated Billing Options W orksheet PG&E review s and executes ESP Service Agreement and conducts a quick review of the ESP Credit Application PG&E processes EDI Trading Partner Agreement Does ESP plan to of fer Consolidated ESP billing? No ESP is eligible to participate in DA and of fer Separate billing. Yes PG&E review s startup documentation required f or Consolidated ESP billing PG&E processes EDI Setup Form PG&E evaluates ESP Credit Application Is ESP's credit approved? No Yes PG&E informs ESP that it can off er ESP-Consolidated billing option. Activation pending ESP's fulf illment of EDI systems requirements Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 3 PG&E informs ESP that it cannot of fer Consolidated ESP billing Procedures This section provides a detailed discussion of the process steps outlined within the Checklist of Key Steps. 1. Electric ESP obtains required documentation for Direct Access (DA) signup with PG&E Electric ESPs interested in participating in DA with PG&E will need to complete and execute the forms indicated in the DA Forms Table below. Information on filling out the DA forms is provided in the sections following the DA Forms Table. DA startup forms can either be downloaded from the “DA Documents” link on the ESP Resource Center website (see Information Websites at the end of Chapter 1 in this handbook) or obtained from PG&E’s ESP Services. Electric ESPs may also contact ESP Services via the ESP Services hotline at 415-973-1666, should they have any questions regarding the DA forms. DA FORMS TABLE # DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION WHEN REQUIRED 1. Energy Service Provider Service Agreement (the “ESP Service Agreement”) This document specifies the roles and responsibilities of both the Electric ESP and PG&E with respect to DA business transactions and interactions which transpire between the two parties. Note that the content of the ESP Service Agreement may be amended from time to time at the direction of the CPUC. Always 2. Energy Service Provider information Document which asks for detailed information about the Electric ESP which is not included within the ESP Service Agreement. Always 3. ESP Credit Application and Electric ESP’s financial statements PG&E uses the Electric ESP’s Credit Application and financial statements to evaluate the credit worthiness of the Electric ESP. Always Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 4 # DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION WHEN REQUIRED 4. Direct Access Consolidated Billing Options Worksheet This form specifies the services and other information related to the selection of billing options. The form also serves as an authorization for PG&E to commence preparations which are necessary to establish the billing options selected by the Electric ESP. If the Electric ESP plans to offer Consolidated ESP and/or Consolidated UDC billing 5. EDI Trading Partner Agreement The primary purpose of the agreement is to establish the binding nature of financial charge and payment data which is transmitted electronically between the Electric ESP and PG&E. The agreement also specifies that data be exchanged in accordance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Business Interchange Standards, which is currently ANSI X12. If the Electric ESP plans to offer the Consolidated ESP billing option 6. EDI Setup Form This form specifies EDI systems details relevant to the electronic transmission of financial charge and payment data. If the Electric ESP plans to offer the Consolidated ESP billing option 7. MDMA Approval Application and Checklist Forms required to apply for approval as an MDMA. If the Electric ESP plans to provide MDMA services. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 5 ESP SERVICE AGREEMENT The following exhibit shows the first page of the ESP Service Agreement. 1.1 - ESP SERVICE AGREEMENT (PAGE 1 OF 16) ABOUT SECTION 22, BILLING OPTIONS The Electric ESP’s selection of the Consolidated ESP billing option is contingent upon meeting DA tariff creditworthiness requirements and EDI requirements. EDI requirements include submission of the EDI Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 6 Trading Partner Agreement and EDI Setup Form as well as satisfactory systems capability for EDI transaction exchange. Creditworthiness requirements are discussed in the subsequent section, ESP Credit Application and Financial Statements. EDI testing procedures and detail on EDI protocol are covered within Chapter 2: Direct Access Setup. ABOUT SECTION 23, METERING AND METER READING OPTIONS If the Electric ESP has indicated that it will be offering all or some metering and meter reading services to its customers, it will need to meet the established requirements for the types of services it plans to offer. Electric ESPs should consult Chapter 5: Metering of this handbook for a synopsis of guidelines. Failure to meet established Meter Service Provider (MSP) or Meter Data Management Agent (MDMA) requirements prior to submitting Direct Access Service Requests (DASRs) can result in delayed DASR processing or rejection. ENERGY SERVICE PROVIDER INFORMATION FORM This form addresses additional information about the Electric ESP which is not specified within the ESP Service Agreement. Types of information include the Electric ESP’s emergency contact telephone numbers, business hours, time zone, additional key functional contacts, etc. PG&E’s ESP Services group in turn uses this information to better tailor the customer services it provides to Electric ESPs. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 7 ESP CREDIT APPLICATION AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The following shows the first page of the ESP Credit Application. 1.2 - ESP CREDIT APPLICATION (PAGE 1 OF 2) All Electric ESPs interested in participating in DA with PG&E must complete the ESP Credit Application and submit a set of financial statements pursuant to the specifications of the ESP Credit Application. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 8 ESP CREDITWORTHINESS REQUIREMENTS Electric ESPs planning to offer Consolidated ESP billing to end-use customers must meet DA tariff creditworthiness requirements. Electric ESPs who plan to offer either UDC Consolidated or Separate billing to end-use customers may also be subject to creditworthiness requirements. In some cases, PG&E will require Separate billing for Electric ESPs who fail to meet creditworthiness requirements. Additionally, PG&E may require advance payment of authorized service fees for Electric ESPs who offer either UDC Consolidated or Separate billing. CREDIT EVALUATION PARAMETERS Electric ESPs who satisfy primary or alternate creditworthiness requirements as described below may offer Consolidated ESP billing to end-use customers. The parameters for credit evaluations and security deposits are summarized below. Electric ESPs should consult PG&E’s DA Rule 22, Section N for comprehensive details regarding credit evaluation provisions. PRIMARY CREDIT REQUIREMENTS PG&E will consider an Electric ESP creditworthy if it has obtained a credit rating of either: Baa2 or higher from Moody’s BBB or higher from Standard & Poor’s, Fitch, or Duff & Phelps The credit evaluation may be conducted by an outside credit analysis agency, as determined by PG&E. ALTERNATE CREDIT REQUIREMENTS Electric ESPs may provide credit security in lieu of satisfying the unsecured credit requirements outlined above. The amount of the security required to establish credit will be twice the estimated maximum monthly bill for PG&E charges. With PG&E’s approval, credit security may be in the form of any of the following: 1. Cash deposit 2. Letter of credit 3. Surety bond 4. Guarantee, with the guarantor having a credit rating of Baa2 or higher from Moody’s Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 9 BBB or higher from Standard & Poor’s, Fitch, or Duff & Phelps Electric ESPs can download PG&E’s Guarantee document from the ESP Resource Center website (see Information Websites at the end of Chapter 1 in this handbook) or can be obtained by calling the ESP Services hotline at 415-973-1666. The following exhibit is an example of the first page of PG&E’s Corporate Guarantee document. 1.3 – CORPORATE GUARANTEE (PAGE 1 OF 4) Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 10 DIRECT ACCESS CONSOLIDATED BILLING OPTIONS WORKSHEET The following shows the first page of the Direct Access Consolidated Billing Options Worksheet. 1.4 - DIRECT ACCESS CONSOLIDATED BILLING OPTIONS W ORKSHEET (PAGE 1 OF 2) Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 11 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE DIRECT ACCESS CONSOLIDATED BILLING OPTIONS WORKSHEET Specifications made by the Electric ESP on this worksheet will determine the bill format that is generated for Consolidated ESP and Consolidated UDC invoices to end-use customers. 1. Electric ESPs will need to mark the checkbox(es) for the consolidated billing option(s) that it plans to provide. 2. For each consolidated billing option section, the Electric ESP indicates the additional options that it would like PG&E to provide. 3. As some services are exclusive of others, the Electric ESP should only select one option where indicated. REQUIRED FORMAT FOR THE PG&E BILL DETAIL PAGE INCLUDED ON CONSOLIDATED ELECTRIC ESP BILLS Electric ESPs who plan to offer the Consolidated ESP billing option should be aware of PG&E’s requirements for the format of the PG&E bill detail page. Detailed information and examples of PG&E’s bill format requirements are addressed within Chapter 7: Billing, under the section heading Consolidated UDC Billing. EDI TRADING PARTNER AGREEMENT The following shows the first page of the EDI Trading Partner Agreement. The EDI Trading Partner Agreement consists of the main agreement text and an Appendix to the agreement. The Electric ESP will need to complete sections within both the EDI Trading Partner Agreement and the Appendix to the agreement as indicated below. MAIN AGREEMENT In section 5.0 under Trade Partner, the ESP corporate representative signs on the signature line and provides their printed name, title, and date on the appropriate lines. The following shows the first page of the EDI Trading Partner Agreement. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 12 1.5 - ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE (EDI) TRADING PARTNER AGREEMENT (PAGE 1 OF 7) APPENDIX The following shows the first page of the Appendix to the EDI Trading Partner Agreement. The Appendix is a part of the EDI Trading Partner Agreement document. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 13 1.6 - APPENDIX TO THE EDI TRADING PARTNER AGREEMENT 1. Under the Documents section, list any electronic transactions which will be performed. For Consolidated ESP billing, these transactions will include 810 (invoice), 820 (send and remit payment), and 997 (acknowledgment). Since the 810, 820, and 997 transactions are currently the most common, they have been included on the Appendix. 2. Under the Third Party Service Providers section, specify the Electric ESP’s legal, business name, address, and telephone number. 3. Under the Security Procedures section, describe any security procedures with respect to the transmission of documents. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 14 4. Under the Existing Agreements section, the Electric ESP will need to list any special conditions and agreements which may impact how the exchange of Consolidated ESP billing information must be handled. EDI SETUP FORM The following shows the EDI Setup Form. 1.7 - EDI SETUP FORM Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 15 In order to initiate EDI setup with PG&E, the Electric ESP will need to complete the EDI Setup Form, indicating EDI contacts, Value Added Network (VAN), version, supported transaction sets, value added service bank, bank transit routing number, bank account number, etc. METER DATA MANAGEMENT AGENT (MDMA) QUALIFICATION/APPROVAL Electric ESPs who wish to provide MDMA services or use the services of an MDMA other than PG&E will need to have their prospective MDMA complete and submit the PG&E’s Application for MDMA Approval and MDMA Approval Checklist to ESP Services by fax (415-973-8494) or mail (see next section). The application and checklist are available through the “DA Documents” link on the ESP Resource Center website (see Information Websites at the end of Chapter 1 in this handbook). The name of the document is “MDMA Qualification Instructions”. For detailed information on the MDMA approval process, see the section Meter Data Management Agent (MDMA) Requirements in Chapter 5: Metering. 2. Electric ESP submits completed DA startup documentation to ESP Services Electric ESPs will need to submit two (2) sets of completed and executed DA forms, with original signatures, as well as one set of financial statements, to PG&E at the following address: ESP Services Yolanda Lerma Pacific Gas and Electric Company 77 Beale Street P.O. Box 770000 M/C B19C San Francisco, CA 94177 3. ESP Services Representative contacts Electric ESP upon receipt of DA startup documents ESP Services reviews every set of DA startup documentation received from Electric ESPs to ensure that all information required for the level of service that the Electric ESP intends to offer to its end-use customers has been provided. An ESP Services Representative will contact the Electric ESP upon receipt of the DA startup documentation package to discuss the next steps related to DA participation, such as the submission of DASRs, or to request additional information from the Electric ESP. 4. PG&E reviews all submitted DA startup documentation The sections below describe PG&E’s role in reviewing the DA forms and documents, which the Electric ESP has submitted. The first section provides a process timeline and is followed by sections describing how PG&E handles each type of DA document. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 16 DA STARTUP DOCUMENTATION REVIEW TIMELINE The timeline below illustrates the amount of time that an Electric ESP should expect for the review of DA documents submitted to PG&E. Under normal conditions, PG&E will ensure that document processing takes place within the time allowances indicated below. Electric ESPs should use the timeline to assist with the planning of their DA roll-out. Day 1 on the timeline represents the day that ESP Services receives the DA documentation package from the Electric ESP. Timely processing of the ESP Service Agreement, ESP Credit Application, and EDI forms is contingent upon PG&E receiving all completed required documents from the Electric ESP. ESP SERVICE AGREEMENT PROCESSING 1. Under normal conditions, PG&E will execute the ESP Service Agreement within two business days of receipt. 2. PG&E will forward one of the fully executed ESP Service Agreement documents to the Electric ESP at the address indicated within Section 13.1 of the agreement. ESP CREDIT APPLICATION PROCESSING 1. Upon receipt of the Electric ESP’s credit application and financial statements, PG&E’s Credit Risk Management Unit (CRMU) will review the application and other required financial information (i.e. Moody’s, D&B, audited financial statements) to determine the credit worthiness of the Electric ESP in accordance with the provisions under PG&E’s DA Rule 22. If the CRMU has the completed ESP Credit Application, financial statements, and any other documentation necessary to conduct its credit evaluation of the Electric ESP, the process normally will be completed within ten (10) business days. 2. The CRMU will advise the Electric ESP and PG&E’s ESP Services regarding the outcome of the Electric ESP’s credit evaluation (i.e. if the Electric ESP’s credit rating is sufficient, or if PG&E will require additional security). 3. Once ESP Services has been informed that the Electric ESP’s credit has been either approved or denied, it will reflect the appropriate information in PG&E’s ESP database, which is used to validate the DASRs PG&E receives from the Electric ESP. 4. The original credit documents (for example, credit application, financial statements, surety bond, letter of credit or guarantee), will be maintained in a file at PG&E’s CRMU. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 17 CREDIT ACCEPTANCE If the Electric ESP’s credit is approved, the Electric ESP will be eligible to offer Consolidated ESP billing to end-use customers. CREDIT DENIAL If the credit requirements outlined above are not met, the Electric ESP will not be eligible to offer Consolidated ESP billing to end-use customers until credit is established. PG&E will automatically establish Separate billing for the Electric ESP, unless the Electric ESP requests Consolidated UDC billing. DIRECT ACCESS CONSOLIDATED BILLING OPTIONS WORKSHEET PG&E will process the Direct Access Consolidated Billing Options Worksheet internally upon receipt. EDI TRADING PARTNER AGREEMENT PROCESSING 1. PG&E will normally execute the EDI Trading Partner Agreement within two business days of receipt. 2. PG&E will forward one of the fully executed EDI Trading Partner Agreement documents to the Electric ESP at the address provided. EDI SETUP FORM PG&E will process the EDI Setup Form internally upon receipt. MDMA APPLICATION AND CHECKLIST PG&E will process the Application for MDMA Approval and MDMA Approval Checklist within ten (10) days of receipt. 5. ESP Services Representative informs the Electric ESP of the type of DA participation for which it is eligible An ESP Services Representative will inform the Electric ESP of the type of DA participation for which it is currently eligible. If the Electric ESP correctly completed and executed the ESP Service Agreement, it should be able to participate in DA and offer Separate billing to its end-use customers. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 18 The Electric ESP will be eligible to offer Consolidated ESP billing to its customers if it has obtained credit approval, has submitted a completed Consolidated Billing Options Worksheet, and has submitted the EDI Trading Partner Agreement and EDI Setup Form. However, the Electric ESP will not be able to activate Consolidated ESP billing until it has fulfilled the applicable systems requirements for EDI, which are discussed in Chapter 3: Direct Access Setup. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 19 Information Websites Electric ESPs may wish to add the following sites as “favorite” links on their web browsers for easy access to information about PG&E’s Direct Access program. NAME ADDRESS PG&E Corporation WWW .PGE.COM Electric ESP (Electric Energy Service Provider) Resource Center WWW .PGE.COM/ESP Gas ESP (Gas Energy Service Provider) Resource Center WWW .PGE.COM/CTA EDI WWW .PGE.COM/EDI Web Tariff Book WWW .PGE.COM/TARIFFS DES MADS.PGE.COM CPUC WWW .CPUC.CA.GOV California Independent Systems Operator (CAISO) WWW .CAISO.COM Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 20 CHAPTER 2 DIRECT ACCESS SETUP Overview Prior to offering DA to end-use customers through submission of a Direct Access Service Request (DASR), the Electric ESP must satisfy certain requirements with respect to electronic data exchange and metering. For instance, the Electric ESP must both establish a systems infrastructure which is capable of handling the transmission of information in a format acceptable to PG&E and also have the capability to exchange information with PG&E over the Internet. Prerequisites Prior to obtaining proceeding with DA setup, the Electric ESP must fulfill the following: Register with the CPUC if it intends to serve Small Customers. Complete, execute, and submit the ESP Service Agreement and ESP Credit Application. (See Chapter 1) Complete, execute, and submit the Consolidated Billing Options Worksheet if planning to offer consolidated billing options. Complete, execute, and submit the EDI Trading Partner Agreement and EDI Setup Form if planning to offer Consolidated ESP billing. If applicable documents are not submitted, PG&E will default billing option selection to Separate billing. (See Chapter 1) Obtain credit approval from PG&E if planning to offer Consolidated ESP billing. If credit is not approved, PG&E will default billing option to Separate billing. (See Chapter 1) Checklist of key steps # STEP 1. Prepare systems setup for electronic data exchange 2. Review electronic transfer procedures and rules as designated by PG&E for DES and EDI (if applicable) 3. Review electronic transfer procedures and rules as designated by PG&E for DES and EDI (if applicable) Direct Access Setup Illustrated Prepare systems setup for electronic data exchange Review electronic transfer procedures and rules as designated by PG&E for DES and EDI (if applicable Review electronic transfer procedures and rules as designated by PG&E for DES and EDI (if applicable Procedures This section provides a detailed discussion of the process steps outlined within the Checklist of Key Steps. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 22 Electronic data exchange synopsis Participation in DA will require that Electric ESPs are capable of exchanging service account information electronically with PG&E. Currently all DA information is transmitted using data transfer protocol, which allows Electric ESPs to submit administrative DA transactions (i.e. DA setup, DA service termination, meter usage, billing service options, customer service account changes, etc.) to PG&E through the Internet. Data exchange between PG&E and the ESP is accomplished when the ESP retrieves response data from a data directory that has been established for them. Data entry and Internet connectivity will be facilitated by the Data Exchange Service (DES), which Electric ESPs can easily install locally on their systems. Additionally, the transmission of financial information (i.e. Electric ESP/PG&E charges and payments) will be required via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) protocol will also be required for Electric ESPs who plan to offer the Consolidated ESP billing option to end-use customers. 1. Prepare systems setup for electronic data exchange The first step involved with electronic data transfer is to establish a systems environment which can support the processing requirements related to DASRs and Consolidated ESP billing transactions. The following requirements summarized below are further elaborated upon in Sections C and D of Rule 22: 1. An Electric ESP will be required to meet electronic data exchange requirements as specified by PG&E. To commence the process for establishing this requirement, the Electric ESP must contact PG&E. 2. PG&E may allow alternative arrangements to electronic data exchange at its discretion for certain transactions. 3. An Electric ESP must have the capability to exchange data with PG&E via the Internet. 4. The Electric ESP must have the capability to communicate to and from Metering and Data Management Agent (MDMA) servers for the sharing of meter reading and usage data. 5. The Electric ESP must have the capability to perform Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) if it will be offering ESP or UDC Consolidated billing options. 6. To commence the process for establishing EDI, the Electric ESP must contact PG&E and shall be required to enter into a trading partner agreement in the form by completing and submitting the EDI Trading Partner Agreement to PG&E. 2. Review electronic transfer procedures and rules as designated by PG&E for DES and EDI (if applicable). Electric ESPs who participate in DA with PG&E will need to conform to specific electronic transfer procedures and rules as discussed below. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 23 DATA TRANSFER SPECIFICS: HOW DES IS USED TO EXCHANGE DA INFORMATION DES was developed specifically to transmit gas and electricity utility metering, billing, and administrative information contained within DASRs between Electric ESPs, UDCs, Metering Agents (MA), and Billing Agents (BA). Information is transmitted between the Electric ESP and PG&E through DES over the Internet (World Wide Web). All DASRs that the Electric ESP submits through DES are transmitted to a data repository external to PG&E’s firewall called the “QUE” and are automatically time stamped upon arrival. The time stamp determines the priority of the DASR. These DASRs are then forwarded in order of priority to a server inside PG&E’s firewall called the PG&E DASR Interface (“DASR Interface”), where they are further processed by priority within PG&E’s Customer Information System (CIS). DASRs that PG&E transmits to the Electric ESP are initially placed in the DASR Interface and then forwarded to the QUE, from which the Electric ESP can download or view the DASRs. The diagram below depicts the information channels used when DASRs are submitted. ESP Fire Que Wall PG&E DASR Interface ESP CIS CS05 Switching Logic ESP 2.1: DASR SUBMITTAL INFORMATION FLOW CHANNELS DES implementation KEY DES CONTACTS Questions regarding DES protocol or systems implementation requirements related to DES should be directed to: Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 24 CONTACT CONTACT INFO LYNN MCELHATTON, USER ACCESS CONTROL AND DES ADMINISTRATOR PHONE: (415) 973-8080 EMAIL: LDMJ@PGE.COM DES WEB SITE Electric ESPs can also consult the DES Internet site at for information about using DES to transmit EDI data. The exhibit below provides an example of the DES index page. 2.2: DES WEBSITE NOTE: The demos provided serve as tutorials for using DES. As indicated, documentation is also available through the site and includes the information topics listed below. EDI data transfer Electronic Data Interchange, (EDI) is the exchange of business data in a standardized format between business computer systems. EDI represents a fundamental change in the way companies transact business. It replaces paper-intensive functions with efficient electronic transactions and eliminates the need for printing and mailing business information. By using standard formats and languages, the computerized data can be electronically transmitted between two companies and interpreted automatically. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 25 The process of sending data via EDI requires a series of steps on the part of the sending and receiving partners (known as Trading Partners). Once the foundation of your EDI message is defined, most of these steps will be either automated or procedures will be developed. Pacific Gas and Electric Company presently utilizes Value Added Networks (VAN's) for EDI Outbound 810 billing transactions. We also have the ability to utilize EDI over Internet connectivity for EDI Outbound 810 billing transactions to Energy Service Providers. The EDI contacts below can provide valuable guidance and advice. EDI Direct Access transaction sets are summarized below the contact table. EDI contacts Questions regarding EDI protocol or systems implementation requirements related to DES should be directed to: CONTACT FUNCTIONAL AREA CONTACT INFO TOM ELDER BILLING PHONE: (415) 973-5119 SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER EMAIL: FOR MORE INFORMATION For additional, detailed information on the EDI process, visit the EDI Web site. EDI Direct Access transaction sets TRANSACTION SET 810 - BILLING The 810 Transaction Set is used to provide established PG&E billing data in an electronic format to its customers. The billing data provided electronically reflects the same information that appears on a traditional paper bill and is consistent with national standards for EDI. TRANSACTION SET 814 - DIRECT ACCESS SERVICE REQUEST (DASR) The 814 Transaction Set or DASR is sent between the Utility and Energy Service Providers (ESPs) for purposes such as connecting a customer (i.e. Connect Request), updating a significant customer event (i.e. Update Request/Notification), or disconnecting a customer (i.e. Disconnect Request). NOTE: that an Electric ESP that exchanges 814 EDI data with PG&E must also be able to receive 867 EDI. The 867 is used to pass the required 12 months of usage history for the customer to the Electric ESP. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 26 TRANSACTION SET 820 - PAYMENT AND REMITTANCE ORDER The 820 Transaction Set is used to make a payment and send a remittance advice. This transaction set can be an order to a financial institution to make a payment to a payee. It can also be a remittance advice identifying the detail needed to perform cash application to the payee's accounts receivable system. PG&E's application requires that the 820 go through a financial institution. 867 - METER USAGE The 867 Transaction Set is used to transfer meter usage data. Where the Electric ESP is the MDMA the 867 will be sent to PG&E as in inbound file. Where PG&E is the MDMA the 867 will be sent as an outbound file to the Electric ESP. Refer to the implementation checklists below for both the 867 inbound and outbound requirements. 997 - FUNCTIONAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT The “Draft Standard for Trial Use” contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Functional Acknowledgment Transaction Set (997),. Transaction Set 997 can be used to define the control structures for a set of acknowledgments to indicate the results of the syntactical analysis of the electronically encoded documents. The encoded documents are the transaction sets, which are grouped in functional groups, used in defining transactions for business data interchange. This standard does not cover the semantic meaning of the information encoded in the transaction sets. Test the viability and accuracy of data transferred to PG&E using DES PG&E requires each Electric ESP to conduct electronic data transfer testing. Therefore, the Electric ESP will need to develop a viable test plan with respect to testing the transfer of DA information to PG&E via DES. Testing requirements, testing implementation framework, and required downloadable programs are available to Electric ESPs on the DES Web site. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 27 CHAPTER 3 PROCESSING DIRECT ACCESS SERVICE REQUESTS (DASRS) Overview This chapter discusses the processing cycle associated with Direct Access Service Requests (DASRs) and the establishment of Electric ESP services to include: DA enrollment, cancellation of DASRs, DA service termination, and DA account maintenance. The chapter also describes how DASRs are prioritized for processing once received by PG&E and when DA service will commence after a setup DASR has been accepted. Definition of Terms Direct Access Service Requests (DASRs) are the electronic records used to initiate, update and cancel Direct Access service options between Electric ESPs and end-use customers. Electric ESPs are authorized by end-use customers to submit DASRs for service accounts that desire to switch to DA, change Electric ESPs, cancel DA, etc. An approved DASR will become a part of the ESP Service Agreement and will be used to define the services that PG&E will be providing to the customer. Customers with more than one account with PG&E at the same premises may choose DA or full service for each separate account. However, a customer may not partition the load at a single meter or on a single account with multiple meters. In order to establish DA service for end-use customers, Electric ESPs must submit DASRs, which provide detailed information about the service requirements for a given customer. An end-use customer may not directly submit a DASR to PG&E unless that customer has agreed to act as an Electric ESP on its own behalf. The Electric ESP must submit all DASR information electronically through DES using the protocol discussed previously within the Electronic Data Exchange section of Chapter 2: Direct Access Setup. TRANSACTION # COMMUNICATION FLOW DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTION 1 (ELECTRIC ESP TO UDC) setup/establish direct access with customer 2 (ELECTRIC ESP TO UDC) discontinue direct access with customer 3 (UDC TO ELECTRIC ESP) acknowledge success of direct access request 4 (UDC TO ELECTRIC ESP) acknowledge failure of direct access request 5 (UDC TO ELECTRIC ESP) acknowledge actual switch of service provider 6 (ELECTRIC ESP TO UDC) acknowledge receipt of switch notification 7 (UDC TO ELECTRIC ESP) notify of shutoff or turn-on of service 8 (ELECTRIC ESP TO UDC) OR (UDC TO SP) account maintenance (i.e., customer rate schedule change) 3.1 - FLOW OF DASR TRANSACTION INFORMATION Prerequisites Prior to obtaining customer information and submitting DASRs, the Electric ESP must fulfill the following: Register with the CPUC if it intends to serve small customers. Complete, execute, and submit the ESP Service Agreement and ESP Credit Application (See Chapter 1: Electric ESP Direct Access Preliminary Procedures). Complete, execute, and submit the Consolidated Billing Options Worksheet if planning to offer consolidated billing options. Complete, execute, and submit the EDI Trading Partner Agreement and EDI Setup Form if planning to offer Consolidated ESP billing. (See Chapter 1: Electric ESP Direct Access Preliminary Procedures). Obtain credit approval from PG&E if planning to offer Consolidated ESP billing. If credit is not approved, PG&E will default billing option to Separate billing. (See Chapter 1) Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 30 Prepare information systems setup for electronic data exchange. (See Chapter 2) Confirm the viability and accuracy of information transferred to PG&E by performing data exchange testing in accordance with PG&E requirements. (See Chapter 2) Meet the requirements of CPUC Code Section 365(b)(2) (renewable supplier status) if the DASR indicates that the Customer and Electric ESP claim the status afforded by that code section. DASRs in which the Electric ESP and the Customer claim the status afforded by Section 365(b)(2) will be given priority in the processing of the DASR in the event of backlog. Additionally, Electric ESP customers who wish to obtain DA services are subject to the following requirements and conditions: A customer must have a service account number assigned by PG&E before the customer may authorize an Electric ESP to submit a DASR on its behalf. If the customer is new to the service territory or is moving to a different physical location within the service territory, the customer must first establish an account with PG&E and receive an account number. This account number will be used for the submission of the initial DASRs. Checklist of key steps # STEP 1. Electric ESP obtains customer authorization to submit a DASR on their behalf. 2. Electric ESP obtains Customer CTC Agreement, if required. 3. Electric ESP determines DASR transaction and obtains customer information required to complete DASR. 4. Electric ESP completes DASR information. 5. Electric ESP submits DASR to PG&E through DES. 6. PG&E processes DASR. 7. PG&E sends a confirmation, rejection, or pending notification to Electric ESP within two business days. Processing DASRs Illustrated The diagram below depicts the primary procedures related to processing DASRs. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 31 ESP obtains customer authorization to submit a DASR ESP obtains customer CTC agreement, if required ESP evaluates customer DA elections and obtains appropriate data ESP completes DASR ESP submits DASR through DES PG&E evaluates DASR PG&E sends rejection notice to ESP & customer ESP resolves DASR issues No-reject Yes Accept DASR No-pending Yes PG&E sends acceptance notice to ESP & customer performs DASR transaction PG&E sends pending notice to ESP & customer Pending for more than 11 days? No Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 32 Procedures This section provides a detailed discussion of the process steps outlined within the Checklist of Key Steps. 1. Electric ESP obtains customer authorization to submit a DASR on its behalf An Electric ESP must receive authorization from the end-use customer in order to submit a DASR on its behalf. The customer can authorize any of the available DASR transactions such as DA setup, DA termination, and switch of Electric ESP. 2. Electric ESP obtains customer CTC Agreement, if required As a condition of receiving DA service, DA customers will be responsible for paying for all Competition Transition Charges (CTC) and other non-bypassable charges authorized by the CPUC for the UDC to recover from customers in accordance with state law. DA customers are required to confirm this responsibility in writing provided to the Electric ESP, unless the customer is exempt from the requirement to provide such a confirmation in writing pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 370. Where the customer disputes its obligations to pay CTC for a particular account, the customer may condition its agreement on resolution of the dispute, provided that the customer has formally requested the CPUC to grant such relief. However, the existence of such a dispute does not relieve the customer from the obligation of paying CTC while the dispute is pending. PG&E will continue to bill the customer (either directly or indirectly through its Electric ESP, depending on the billing option selected) for such charges. The customer must pay all charges, but may pay any amounts in disputes in accordance with Rule 10, pending resolution of the dispute. 3. Electric ESP evaluates customer DA elections and obtains customer information required to complete DASR Electric ESPs can designate different types of transactions on a given DASR. The table below lists the transactions, which the Electric ESP can initiate on behalf of an end-use customer. The table also identifies key customer information that the Electric ESP will need to obtain depending on the type of transaction. In addition to the customer information outlined below, there are additional field requirements for each of the transactions. These requirements are available through the DES Web site at (see Information Websites at the end of Chapter 1 in this handbook). The designations correspond to those specified in the DASR transaction descriptions. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 33 TRANSACTION # DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTION REQUIRED CUSTOMER INFORMATION 1 SETUP/ESTABLISH DIRECT ACCESS WITH CUSTOMER 2 DISCONTINUE DIRECT ACCESS WITH CUSTOMER Customer Name Service Account Address and current service Zip UDC Customer Account Number Service Relationship Provided Provider (Electric ESP, UTC) Commodity (i.e. electric, gas) Billing Option (i.e. UDC-consolidated, Consolidated ESP, dual) Renewable Energy Provider Requested Life Support Customer status* UDC Customer Account Number Service Relationship Energy Provided (i.e. electric, gas) Customer Name Service Account Address and current service Zip 6 ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF SWITCH NOTIFICATION Provide information contained in the acknowledgment of actual switch of service provider 10 ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE (I.E., CUSTOMER RATE SCHEDULE CHANGE) UDC Customer Account Number Service Relationship Energy Provided (i.e. electric, gas) Customer Name Service Account Address Account information the customer wants to change 11 ACCOUNT UPDATE (I.E. Same as #10, Account Maintenance, above METERING RELATIONSHIPS, BILLING OPTIONS) 5. Electric ESP submits DASR to PG&E through DES Upon entering the required DASR transaction information, the Electric ESP submits the DASR file through DES by typing the following command at the DOS prompt: NOTE: Successful implementation of the data exchange test procedure outlined with the previous chapter required the Electric ESP to install the put.exe and get.exe files locally. If put.exe and get.exe are not currently installed on the Electric ESP’s local workstation, the Electric ESP will need to install these programs. Again the files and downloading instructions are available through the DES Web site. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 34 6. PG&E processes DASR The illustration below represents the timing associated with processing a DASR. Day 0 Day 2 PG&E sends acknowledgment to ESP that they have received the DASR Day 7 Does PG&E accept the DASR No Yes Day 18 PG&E sends DASR acceptance confirmation to ESP & customer PG&E will provide, along with the confirmation notice, information regarding when the DA customer will begin receiving ESP services, unless a meter is required PG&E notifies ESP & customer of error pending status or rejected DASR PG&E will confirm or reject DASRs in error pending status 3.1 - DASR PROCESSING TIMELINE ELECTRONIC VALIDATION All DASRs undergo both transaction level validation, as described in DASR Validation and customer account validation, as described in the Account Validation section below. All validation rules are covered within the DES Web site (see Information Websites at the end of Chapter 1 in this handbook). DASR VALIDATION PG&E will electronically validate DASRs for accuracy and completeness. DASRs failing the basic accuracy validation will be rejected back to the Sending ESP. PG&E will communicate the reasons for rejecting a DASR in the Comments field of the DASR. PG&E will submit a confirmation, rejection or pending DASR to the Electric ESP within seven (7) business days of receipt. ACCOUNT VALIDATION Following successful accuracy validation, PG&E will attempt to electronically match the Receiver Customer Identifier field of the DASR to PG&E’s computer information system. PG&E’s customer account number, which is currently printed on the customer’s energy statement, along with the Service ID, which is printed on the “Details” page of the bill, are the best data available for the Receiver Customer Identifier field. However, due to the instability of the customer Service ID, PG&E has developed a Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 35 unique non-changing customer-commodity-location specific number called the External Reference ID or “XREF ID.”1 Once the XREF ID has been assigned to a DA commodity account, it will not change throughout the life of the account unless DA is cancelled. Essentially, the XREF ID provides a way to readily identify DA commodity accounts and to reference the history of the commodity even if the customer switches to different ESPs. PG&E will communicate the customer’s “XREF ID” (rather than “Service ID”) to the Electric ESP in the acceptance confirmation DASR. The Connect DASR will validate on the Service ID or XREF ID. The customer’s PG&E XREF ID is intended for use in all future transactions related to this customer’s service location and commodity. The PG&E account number or XREF ID is a requirement of all transactions. When a customer’s commodity account (i.e. electric or gas) undergoes its first DASR transaction, the current Service ID will be used to populate the XREF ID field and a new Service ID will be assigned to the commodity account. The Service ID replaces the “account number” on the current DASR form and is also represented on the “Detail” pages of the customer’s bill. In the event system validation fails to match the Receiver Customer Identifier supplied in the DASR, or the account/commodity status is other than open, the DASR will be rejected using the standard DASR acknowledgment process. Various PG&E programs and services require additional manual account preparation for certain Direct Access requests. For this reason, successful DASRs may contain a “memo” status informing the Electric ESP of additional manual preparation. These DASRs will, however, be accepted by PG&E and a DA effective date, if applicable, will be established and communicated to the Electric ESP in the confirmation DASR. The most common reasons for memo status will likely relate to metering installation and setup issues. 7. PG&E sends a confirmation, rejection, or pending notification to Electric ESP Depending upon the results of the validation process, PG&E will electronically send a DASR acceptance confirmation, rejection, or pending notification to the Electric ESP. A notice will also be sent to the customer. ACCEPTANCE NOTICES An acceptance notice confirms that the DASR has been submitted successfully. If the DASR represented a DA setup transaction and meter installation is not pending for the service account, a notice acknowledging the actual switch of service provider and designating when the DA customer will begin Electric ESP service will also be sent to the Electric ESP and to the customer. 1 Use of the “GEN ID” has been discontinued and replaced by the “XREF ID.” Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 36 REJECTION DASR A rejection notice provides specific information on why a given DASR was rejected. The table below provides information on error codes that are generated as a result of a rejected DASR. [Insert Gary’s Error Code Matrix] Additional DASR procedures performed by PG&E Based upon the requested services designated by the Electric ESP, PG&E may be required to perform additional DASR procedures in order to complete the processing of the DASR transactions as described below. DASR FOR “NEW” PREMISES Although the current DA suspension rule does not allow new accounts to be eligible for DA, there are certain circumstances under which a DASR can be submitted for premise that may be considered “new”. DA eligibility, in general, is restricted to the following circumstances: a) Service Panel Upgrades b) Bankruptcies c) Assignment of Contract to a new ESP d) Mergers/Acquisitions/Corporate Reorganizations When applicable the ESP should contact ESP Services in advance to coordinate the submission of DASRs. ADDITIONAL SETUP TRANSACTION PROCEDURES Billing and Billing Calculation Options. Electric ESPs will state their billing preference in each DASR. Three billing options are allowed with DA including: 1) UDC (UDC-consolidated bill for both ESP and UDC charges), 2) SP (Consolidated ESP bill for both ESP and UDC charges), or 3) DUAL (UDC bills for UDC charges and Electric ESP bills for ESP charges). PG&E will communicate the enrolled billing option in the confirmation transaction to the Electric ESP. An example of an invalid billing option is a DASR requesting Consolidated ESP billing by an Electric ESP that is not authorized to perform Consolidated ESP billing. Once the account has been prepared for the requested billing option, PG&E will issue a new confirmation DASR to the Electric ESP informing them of the billing option change and effective date. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 37 Various PG&E programs require manual account preparation for consolidated billing. PG&E will determine which accounts require manual follow-up and will default those accounts to Separate billing pending account preparation for consolidated billing. Customer account billing options which may require manual preparation include: Balanced Payment Plan (BPP). PG&E’s Balanced Payment Plan (BPP) provides customers with levelized monthly bills. However, due to the various billing options offered with DA, PG&E will not be able to offer BPP to DA accounts. Therefore, if a DASR is received and the account is enrolled in BPP, PG&E will remove the account from BPP and send the customer a bill for the account’s outstanding balance. This operation will not hinder the account from becoming a DA account. Automatic Payment Service (APS). PG&E’s Automatic Payment Service (APS) provides customers the ability to pay their UDC bill through an automatic debit of their personal bank account. For those accounts that will be served under the Consolidated ESP billing option, APS must first be removed from the account before Consolidated ESP billing can be put into effect. PG&E will flag the account for removal from APS. Following account preparation, PG&E will place the account on Consolidated ESP billing and issue a confirmation DASR, informing the Electric ESP of the billing option change and effective date. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). EDI provides the customer with the ability to pay their UDC bill using an EDI interface. EDI is treated similar to APS. DASRs requesting the Consolidated ESP billing option will require EDI to be removed from the account. PG&E will follow-up to confirm the customer’s next EDI bank payment clears the account balance. Following account preparation, PG&E will place the account on Consolidated ESP billing and issue a new DASR confirmation to the Electric ESP of the billing option change and effective date. Balance Due. The Electric ESP must advise its customers that all past due balances owed for bundled utility service must be paid prior to the start of Consolidated ESP billing service. PG&E may pursue collection of the balance owing for bundled service from the customer in accordance with its applicable rules, including if appropriate, termination of the customer’s service. Rate Schedule Application. DASRs requesting the UDC-consolidated billing option must include a valid Electric ESP Rate Name (SP Rate Schedule). Electric ESPs may submit account maintenance DASR transactions to request a change to the SP Rate plan assigned to the account. ADDITIONAL TRANSACTION PROCEDURES FOR NEWLY ESTABLISHED PG&E ACCOUNT NUMBERS Turn On (T/O). A UDC service turn-on (T/O) order is initiated when a customer establishes a new account with PG&E. Customers must receive an account number from PG&E prior to an Electric ESP submittal of a DASR for the customer at the new location. The DASR must be submitted with a UDC account number containing at least nine (9) characters. This partial account number will alert PG&E to search for a T/O request, allowing the new account to have DA service on the requested service date. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 38 ADDITIONAL SHUT OFF (S/O) AND SHUT-OFF NON-PAYMENT (SONP) TRANSACTION PROCEDURES Shut-Offs initiated by the DA customer. In the event that a customer contacts PG&E to close its utility service account, PG&E will notify both the servicing and pending Electric ESP with a termination DASR. PG&E will notify the current Electric ESP by electronic mail in the event of a shut-off for non-payment. ADDITIONAL CANCELLATION TRANSACTION PROCEDURES Cancellation of pending DA service may be requested by the pending Electric ESP. The pending Electric ESP can cancel a scheduled switch by submitting a DASR transaction, at least three business days before the scheduled switch date. The request to cancel will be effective immediately. The existing service provider (ESP or UDC) will remain in effect. Termination of current DA service may be requested by the current Electric ESP. The current Electric ESP may terminate service with a customer at any time. The request to terminate service will be effective according to normal DA switching logic. The switch date will be the next scheduled meter read date, which occurs fifteen (15) or more days after the DASR has been received in the DASR Interface. Once the switch occurs, the customer would remain a fullservice customer with PG&E for at least one billing cycle before it could establish DA service with another Electric ESP. If the current ESP has pending relationships, the UPDATE DASR will recalculate the earliest possible start date for all relationships. ADDITIONAL CUSTOMER ACCOUNT DATA CHANGE TRANSACTION PROCEDURES PG&E will modify its customer account information upon direct customer request only, therefore, DASRs received by Electric ESPs communicating customer data changes will not be accepted and will reject back to the initiating Electric ESP. Electric ESPs may however, request their customer’s account information record from PG&E using the Customer Information Release Form. Upon request by the current or pending Electric ESP, PG&E will respond with a standard DASR Customer Account Information record. In the future, PG&E may implement automatic notification of customer data changes to the Electric ESP. ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES FOR INITIAL CUSTOMER HISTORICAL USAGE INFORMATION Upon DASR confirmation, up to 12 months of customer historical usage information will be released automatically to the pending Electric ESP if PG&E is acting as the energy provider. NOTE: Historical usage information may be incomplete for some gas and electric services where a meter change has taken place. In these instances, the ESP will be provided with supplemental usage history via email. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 39 SEAMLESS MOVE Direct access customers who move within the service territory can maintain electric DA service with their electric ESP. It is not necessary to begin with bundled service at the new location. Seamless Move Procedures While gathering the necessary information to move the customer’s distribution service, the company’s call center determines whether the customer wants to continue to use the same Electric ESP. If “yes”, the company notifies the customer’s Electric ESP by e-mail. The company sends the e-mails once per day in a batch by noon, Pacific time. The Electric ESP must designate one person (one e-mail address) to receive the e-mails. The e-mail to the customer’s Electric ESP includes: Customer name Old service address New service address (including ZIP code) Old Service ID New Service ID New meter number (if required for DASR acceptance) XREF ID Requested turn-on date Billing address (if different than the service address) Type of move (“new”, “rescheduled”, or “cancel”) It may also contain, if available: Rate class New telephone number Old Electric ESP customer account number The Electric ESP may use the data contained in the e-mail to submit a DASR to PG&E for service at the new location. This DASR must contain a “new customer” designation. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 40 If the DASR was submitted at least three business days before the requested turn-on date, the customer will receive Direct Access service from that date. If the DASR was submitted less than three business days before the requested turn-on date, the customer will receive direct access service as of the next meter read date. The Electric ESP is responsible for communicating with the customer about their new service start dates in order to help the customer understand the process. In general, the seamless move procedures involves the steps indicated below: Customer contacts their ESP to stop service at the current location and to start service at the new one The ESP contacts ESP Services about their customer’s seamless move. The ESP is sent a Pending service disconnect DASR (SVC DISCONNECT) containing the future stop date. The ESP will then receive an acknowledgement DASR (ACK) for the new location, which will contain the new XREF ID and actual stop date information. The ESP’s customer identifier will remain unchanged. Canceling a Seamless Move If the customer calls back to cancel the move, PG&E will either send a cancellation DASR to the Electric ESP if the ESP had already submitted a DASR for the new location, or send a cancellation e-mail to the Electric ESP if the ESP had not already submitted a DASR for the new location. In the event the customer’s Electric ESP is serving only a geographic subset of PG&E’s service territory, (a municipal aggregator, for example) and the customer is moving to a new location not served by the Electric ESP, the ESP will not submit a DASR on behalf of the customer at the new location. Limits to a Seamless Move Option To be eligible for a seamless move, a customer must be: An existing Direct Access customer. Moving within the service territory. A residential or small commercial customer who is load-profiled. All DASR options must remain the same from the existing or old service location to the new service location; that is, the MSP/MDMA/billing/meter owner options must be the same in both locations. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 41 A change in responsible party, at the time of the move, constitutes a new customer and is not considered simply a move of distribution service location. Customers who move first, and notify PG&E after they have moved, will not be eligible for Direct Access at the time of initial service. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 42 CHAPTER 4 DA ELECTRONIC DATA EXCHANGE CONTINGENCY PLANS Overview The objective of this chapter is to describe the contingency process for handling DA sign up should one or more elements of the DASR process fail. Although, failure of the electronic process is not anticipated, we have put procedures in place which will allow DASRs to be processed in the event of an unplanned systems-related problem. Behind the scenes look at the DASR process DASRs which are submitted by Electric ESPs through DES are transmitted via the Internet to PG&E’s systems through a mail server called “QUE.” The QUE acts as a data repository for the Electric ESPs and PG&E to send and retrieve data. The QUE will sort and direct the incoming data by type. Once the data is in QUE, another system called the PG&E DASR Interface (“DASR Interface”) will retrieve the data for PG&E. The DASR Interface manages the data from the QUE. DASR Interface is a database that contains a list of transactions. It takes the data in and stores the transactions, (e.g., to whom we sent information to) the reasons why, and the data names (e.g. record type, operation type, service relation, SP identifier). DASR Interface also time-stamps the data, looks for data changes, conducts basic validation of data, error checks etc. Next, the DASR Interface sends the data to our Customer Information System (CIS). CIS contains the “CSO5” file--the logic for switching customers to direct access service. CSO5 is located in the “Master File”. At this point, the customer’s data would be “confirmed” or “rejected” back to the Electric ESP. This entire process is also know as the DASR or Direct Access Service Request. DASR Server Communication Illustrated The diagram below depicts the flow of information between the external data repository QUE, PG&E’s DASR Interface, which confirms transactions, and the CIS switching logic which establishes DA service for a given customer. ESP Fire Que Wall PG&E DASR Interface ESP CIS CS05 Switching Logic ESP 4.1 - INFORMATION FLOW BETWEEN QUE AND DASR INTERFACE Risks At any point in this process described above, the electronic down-load or DASR could fail to operate as planned. Conversely, the Electric ESP’s system may also fail. The impact is that PG&E will be unable to sign-up customers for Direct Access through electronic means. Event Scenario Back-up Plans The following sections describe possible scenarios resulting from Internet failure, Electric ESP/PG&E system incompatibility, ESP equipment failure or PG&E equipment failure. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 44 Electric ESP unable to communicate with DES ESP Fire DES Wall PG&E DASR Interface ESP CIS CS05 Switching Logic ESP 4.2 - ELECTRIC ESP UNABLE TO COMMUNICATE WITH THE QUE SITUATION The Electric ESP is unable to send information to PG&E’s QUE because of: Electric ESP equipment failure. The incompatibility of the Electric ESP’s system with that of PG&E. Internet failure. Failure of the QUE/DES. BACK-UP PLAN 1. The Electric ESP will notify PG&E’s ESP Services Hotline or PG&E’s ESP Services will notify Electric ESPs that there is a problem either by fax or phone.. 2. If there is a failure of the QUE but a connection through the Internet is available, the ESP will be given instructions on sending the data file by email. If an Internet connection is not available, the Electric ESP will save customer DASR requests on a disk as a comma-delimited .CSV file. The format should be according to the EDI format as described within Chapter 2: Direct Access Setup in the section, Review electronic transfer procedures. 3. The Electric ESP should express mail the disk to the following address, ESP Services, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, 77 Beale Street, 19th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 45 4. PG&E will send a confirmation file back to the Electric ESP containing confirmation or rejection data for each DASR. Failure of PG&E equipment (DASR Interface & CIS) ESP Fire Que Wall ESP PG&E DASR Interface CIS CS05 Switching Logic ESP 4.3 - FAILURE OF PG&E EQUIPMENT SITUATION The DASR Interface is unable to receive data from the QUE or pass data into CIS or PG&E’s CIS goes down. BACK-UP PLAN 1. This situation will be considered an emergency. ESP Services will notify all Electric ESPs of emergency conditions. 2. PG&E will not accept DASRs until the problem has been resolved and the system is stable. 3. The CIS “masterfile” will be responsible for all data validation checks if the DASR Interface goes down. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 46 CHAPTER 5 METERING Overview This chapter focuses on DA (Direct Access) interval metering including meter installation, meter maintenance obligations, Meter Data Management Agent requirements (including procedures for meter ownership), meter reading and meter data access. Within the context of this chapter, the term “meter” refers to an hourly, non-load profile meter, known as an “interval meter.” Interval meters are required for DA customers whose maximum electrical demand is equal to or exceeds 50kW. Those DA customers whose demand is between 20-50kW may choose to have an interval data meter installed; however, meters already in place for customers whose demand is between 20-50kW already meet the requirements for DA load profile. If any customer, including those with an electrical demand is 50kW or below, wishes to participate in PG&E’s hourly PX rate option, that customer is required to have an interval data meter installed. Similarly, those customers on electric rate schedules A-10 and E19V will be required to have an interval meter installed if a “spike” of 80kW or over is reflected in their usage within the last 12 months. PG&E’s Rule 22, Direct Access Service, describes the terms and conditions that apply to both PG&E customers and Electric Energy Service Providers who participate in Direct Access. Fees for Direct Access services are described in PG&E Schedules E-DASR, E-ESP and E-EUS. Refer to PG&E’s Web Tariff Book (see Information Websites at the end of Chapter 1 in this handbook). Metering Services While PG&E is hopeful this chapter provides the reader with basic information regarding DA Metering in PG&E’s service territory, we also strongly suggest contacting your PG&E assigned ESP Services Representative to arrange a meeting to discuss your metering plans, along with procedures and processes. METER SERVICE PROVIDER RESPONSIBILITIES While CPUC decisions refer to meter service providers (MSPs), the industry currently identifies Meter Installers and Meter Maintainers. ESPs may select approved Meter Installers and Meter Maintainers, including PG&E, to perform interval meter installations and maintenance. Responsibilities for Meter Installers and Meter Maintainers include: meter installation meter operation and maintenance services meter testing and certification METER INSTALLATION STANDARDS Meter installations will be conducted according to the requirements specified in DASMMD. PG&E shall have no liability for any damage or injury caused by ESP-installed metering equipment. EFFECTIVE DIRECT ACCESS DATE The effective date and time of the switch to direct access are the time and date of the installation, unless the account is DA Ready (see the “DA Ready Meter” section). If the account is DA Ready, the switch date is the next meter read date. Also see the “Meter Work Not Completed Within 60 Days” section under the heading, “Return to Bundled Service from Direct Access and Meter Ownership – Bundled Safe Harbor.” METER MAINTENANCE The Meter Maintainer is responsible for the routine maintenance of all DA interval meters, including but not limited to, DA interval meter testing, record keeping to assure safe and proper operation of the DA interval meter, and timely repair in accordance with the CPUC’s (California Public Utilities Commission’s) and other applicable standards. METER EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS All meters installed by ESPs or their Meter Installers shall meet all CPUC-approved Direct Access Standards for Metering and Meter Data (DASMMD) and shall be self-certified by the meter manufacturer with the CPUC. PG&E retains the right to replace an existing meter regardless of ownership if that meter fails to meet the requirements specified in DASMMD. If PG&E replaces the meter, the installation terms, conditions and procedures below will apply: Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 48 If the ESP does not elect to provide metering services, PG&E will provide those services at fees specified in PG&E’s rate schedules to the DA customer. If PG&E removes the DA interval meter, PG&E will properly identify and return the meter to its owner in the same condition as found within 5 business days. Obtaining Meter Equipment Information for Existing Customer Accounts ESPs submit DASRs in accordance with guidelines provided in Chapters 2 and 3 of this handbook, “Processing Direct Access Service Requests.” Those DASRs which either require or request meter installations become meter installation orders. NOTE: No Direct Access metering services may be provided or started by an ESP, its Meter Installer or MDMA for any customer unless the ESP’s DASR has been accepted by and the ESP’s work has been scheduled with PG&E. PG&E’s Meter Equipment Information web site provides authorized and secure access to ESPs and their designees, generally their Meter Installer, Meter Maintainer or MDMA, for information on existing metering equipment by customer account. For general information and procedures, see the Meter Equipment Information Web site. WEB SITE TEST ESPs are required to test the Meter Equipment Information web site to ensure their passwords are operational and meter information is easily downloaded. For further information on the Web Site Test, go to SELECTION OF THE METER INSTALLER As described in the Meter Service Provider Responsibilities paragraph of this chapter, the ESP may select PG&E as its Meter Installer or Meter Maintainer or select another Meter Installer or Meter Maintainer to perform metering services. Those services include meter installation, meter operation, maintenance, testing and calibration. Generally the work also includes the removal of the existing meter. PG&E metering services fees will be charged to the ESP in accordance with CPUC-filed tariffs. (See the filed document, E-ESP, located in the Web Tariff Book.) SCHEDULING METER REMOVALS AND INSTALLATIONS - PG&E AS METER INSTALLER When PG&E is the meter installer, meter installation scheduling is based upon the following: Each DASR’s renewable and non-renewable energy supply status Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 49 PG&E’s capacity to install meters which is dependent on its new construction volume, meter compliance, and meter data recovery work Date PG&E accepted the DASR on a first-come, first-served basis Site readiness Mutually agreed upon date The ESP is responsible to ensure the meter site is ready for the meter installation. A meter site is considered ready when PG&E has ESP-provided meters on hand and the meter telecommunications are in place and working. PG&E AS METER INSTALLER If the site is DA Ready with an interval meter in place or PG&E, as Meter Installer, installs a customerowned DA interval meter, the ESP is responsible for the meter cost, local sales tax, Service Base Charge, meter removal and installation charges and the programming and testing of the DA interval meter in accordance with the filed rate schedules. (See PG&E’s Web Tariff Book.) METER SUPPLIED BY ESP If PG&E, as Meter Installer, installs an ESP-provided DA interval meter, the ESP will be responsible for the Service Base Charge, the meter removal and the meter installation charges. Additionally, If the ESP has not performed meter programming and testing, PG&E will charge for that work in accordance with the provisions of PG&E’s Direct Access Service Rule 22 and its filed rate schedules. (See PG&E’s Web Tariff Book.) DA READY METER A DA ready meter is an installed PG&E interval meter or a customer-owned meter that meets the CPUC’s interim meter standards and is currently phone line read. If an account has a PG&E DA ready meter, the ESP may elect to use this meter. Phone service account payment responsibility is described below in the paragraph entitled, “Responsibility - Phone Service Account Payment.” PHONE SERVICE NOTIFICATION - PG&E AS METER INSTALLER The ESP notifies PG&E’s MEG (Meter Event Group) by sending a “Phone Service Notification.” The Phone Service Notification can be downloaded from the “DA Documents” link on the ESP Resource Center Web site. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 50 Upon receipt of the Phone Service Notification, PG&E then schedules the installations in accordance with its capacity to install meters and posts the scheduled date and order status update to its Meter Equipment Information Web site. If the ESPs want to coordinate a field meeting, they must notify the MEG by forwarding a “Field Meeting Request.” Fees charged to the ESP for the field meeting will be in accordance with PG&E’s rate schedules. COMPLETED METER INSTALLS PG&E will post completed meter removal and installation and maintenance work orders to PG&E’s Meter Equipment Information Web site. RE-SCHEDULING METER INSTALLATIONS Site Not Ready. If at the time of the scheduled installation PG&E determines the site is not ready, PG&E will notify the ESP. Metering Equipment Not Available. If at the time of the scheduled installation, the metering equipment (meter, cellular phone, etc.) is not on hand, PG&E will notify the ESP. Other Operational Reasons. PG&E will notify the ESP of other operational reasons including, but not limited to, regulatory compliance work, restoration of service, emergency response, new business work load and meter repair and data recovery. Scheduling Meter Removals and Installations - ESP as Meter Installer The CPUC’s decision, “Opinion Regarding Direct Access Implementation Plans and Related Tariffs - 9710-087,” requires the ESP to provide UDCs with 5 business days advance notice of its meter installations. As part of PG&E’s implementation process of the CPUC requirement, ESPs are asked to submit install schedules no later than 3 working days prior to the scheduled date. The statewide accepted form can be found on the CPUC Web site and includes such data fields as: UDC order number Customer Account number Customer name Install Date XREF ID Install Time - if one of first 20 installations Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 51 Meter Installer - if one of first 20 installations When an installation does not occur on the scheduled date, the ESP or its designee will notify PG&E’s Meter Event Group and advise PG&E of the status, i.e., new install date, on hold pending site access, telecommunications not in place, etc. Detailed Work Schedule - First Twenty Installations In accordance with the CPUC’s Decision Regarding Permanent Standards for Metering and Meter Data, 98-12-080, a Meter Installer new to the PG&E service territory is required to provide PG&E with a schedule of its first 20 installations, including a description of all the procedures it will follow for removing and installing the meter, and what safety precautions it will take during those procedures. Additionally, PG&E will exercise its right to meet with the Meter Installer for the first 20 installations performed. METER INSTALLATION/REMOVAL NOTIFICATION * Within 3 business days of the meter removal and installation, the ESP shall return the MIRN (Meter Installation & Removal Notification) to PG&E. Additionally, PG&E will post all completed MIRNs to the PG&E Web site. RETURN OF PG&E METERS Within 10 business days from meter removal, the ESP must return the meter to: PG&E Gas & Electric Meter Plant 42100 Boyce Road Fremont, CA 94538 Attention: Marcia Holloway Service Upgrades PG&E highly recommends that ESPs advise their customers to contact the ESPs as soon as customers know a service upgrade is in the planning stage. Generally, if the transfer of load to the new service is a gradual one, a new agreement must be set up to maintain DA service. After a DASR is automatically generated, the ESP is notified through the DASR notification process. The coordination of a phone line installation (if applicable) and meter install and removal prior to the service being energized is critical. Please also contact your assigned PG&E Meter Event Group representative as soon as possible to ensure a smooth transition. Return to Bundled Service from Direct Access and Meter Ownership When a customer returns to bundled service from direct access and owns the interval meter, that meter may remain in service if: Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 52 The meter meets the CPUC’s interval meter design specifications and is compatible with PG&E’s meter reading systems. And the customer: Grants PG&E rights acceptable to PG&E to access, test, maintain and read the interval meter at any time. Pays any costs that PG&E incurs in providing metering services using the interval meter to the extent those costs exceed the costs that PG&E would incur using a standard PG&E meter for bundled service. Agrees that PG&E may, at its discretion and at the customer’s expense, replace the interval meter if it malfunctions with a standard PG&E meter for bundled service. If the meter is not compatible with PG&E meter reading systems, the meter will be replaced at customer expense with a standard PG&E meter. TRANSITIONAL BUNDLED SERVICE (TBS), ALSO KNOWN AS SAFE HARBOR On May 8, 2003 the CPUC issued Decision, D.03-05-034, the “Switching Order,” in order to adopt rules to implement what is known as the “Switching Exemption.” The new rules, implemented on February 19, 2004 are outlined as follows: A customer may return to Transitional Bundled Service (TBS) for a period of 80 days if the customer’s intent is to find an ESP and continue on Direct Access Service. This period is also referred to as Safe Harbor. Customers selecting TBS will pay spot market rates for power for a certain period of time. (??? Aimee, should we refer the reader to the Billing Chapter 7 or take out this last sentence about spot market rates?) A customer may return to Bundled Service by providing six months advance notice of their decision to the utility. During the six months, the customer may switch from one Third Party ESP to another. Once returned to Bundled Service, the customer will have to remain on Bundled Service for three years. The three-year minimum Bundled Service Commitment is known as Bundled Portfolio Service (BPS). A customer may request to return to Bundled Service without providing six months advance notice to the utility. The customer will have to remain on Bundled Service for three years. Customers that return to Bundled Service without six months notice will pay spot market rates for power for a certain period of time. (??? Aimee, should we refer the reader to the Billing Chapter 7 or take out this last sentence about spot market rates?) To summarize, if an ESP elects to discontinue service to a customer or a customer decides to contract with a different ESP for DA service, the customer enters TBS and then has 80 days to find a new ESP. If the customer does not find a new ESP within 80 days, they are automatically returned to PG&E Bundled Service for three years. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 53 The following scenarios describe how customers may switch under the new guidelines. Direct Access Swith to Transitional Bundled Service. A DA customer returns to TBS while looking for a new ESP. Either the customer contacts PG&E to enter TBS or the ESP submits a Disconnect DASR, which automatically puts the customer in TBS for 80 days. Direct Access Customer Gives Notice to Return to BPS. A DA customer who is not in TBS wants to return to BPS. The customer gives PG&E six-months notice and remains a DA customer. During the six-month notice period, the customer can continue to switch between ESPs. At month 5, PG&E generates a connect DASR for the account to return to BPS. Direct Access Customer Requests Switch to BPS ASAP. A DA customer who is not in TBS requests a return to BPS and the account switches per DA switching rules. Transitional Bundled Service Defaults to Bundled Portfolio Service. A DA customer enters TBS while looking for a new ESP. The customer is unable to find a new ESP to generate a connect DASR within the 80-day TBS period, so the customer defaults to BPS for three years. Transitional Bundled Service Switch to Direct Access. A new ESP submits a connect DASR for a customer in TBS. The account switches to DA per DA switching rules. Transitional Bundled Service Customer Gives Notice to Return to BPS. A DA customer switches to TBS to look for a new ESP. While in TBS, the customer decides to switch back to BPS. When the customer gives 6 months notice, PG&E switches the account to BPS immediately instead of waiting 6 months to perform the switch. ESP Wants Its Meter Back. When an account switches from DA to TBS, the ESP may contact PG&E to request its meter back. PG&E also contacts the ESP to determine whether or not the ESP wants its meter returned. PG&E then makes arrangements to return the meter to the ESP. Meter Work Not Completed Within 60 Days. If meter work is not completed within 60 days of an account switch, PG&E contacts the ESP to find out if the ESP will complete the meter work. If the ESP has completed or will complete the meter work, PG&E updates its systems to record the meter work. If the ESP will not complete the meter work, PG&E schedules and performs the meter change. The account then switches to DA on the meter change date or the next read date (whichever occurs first). ESP Inquiries PG&E’s Meter Event Group works with ESPs to ensure that metering inquiries described below are answered in a timely manner: Meter phone number Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 54 Meter installations to include installation job forecasting Research on the status/tracking of meters Meter configuration data To contact a MEG analyst, see DA Contacts on the ESP Web site. For passwords, contact PG&E’s Telemetering Support Center (TMSC) at 1-800-343-7013, Option 1. In situations where the ESP intends to use phone-read meter technology and/or selects PG&E as its MDMA, the ESP is responsible for: Establishing phone service Ensuring the phone service billing in its name Ensuring its telephone service provider installs a phone line for electric meter reading Or ensuring it provides PG&E with an activated cellular phone upon meter install “Metering Phone Service Providers,” Appendix B of this handbook includes the names and telephone numbers of providers within PG&E’s service territory. When PG&E is the ESP’s MDMA the requirements below for wired phone lines and wireless phones apply. WIRED PHONE LINE REQUIREMENTS The phone line shall be a dedicated phone line. If this is not feasible, the ESP should contact ESP Relations to discuss other alternatives. (See “DA Contacts.”) Additionally the phone line shall be: Installed from the phone minimum point of entry (MPOE) to the meter location. The ESP should be aware that in some instances, the ESP may be required by the customer or phone service provider to install a conduit, trench, or penetrate a fire wall in order to accommodate the installation. A “measured business” line with blocking on long distance, collect, 900, and 976 calls Installed in accordance with applicable codes and standards Labeled to show: “For Electric Meter Use Only” Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 55 Telephone number Maintenance and repair telephone number Telephone service provider’s name For security reasons, a telephone network interface unit (NIU) shall be installed at the phone line termination point. A Joslyn telephone network interface model #7550, #7090 or equivalent should be used, following the requirements below. Generally, the NIU should not be mounted on the switchboard, meter panels, poles or pedestals. If these are the only location choices, the mounting must be secure without compromising the safety aspects of the particular enclosure. In the case of pole mounted terminations, the NIU should be placed below the meter panel or otherwise not interfering with the pole climbing path. The NIU should be installed within 5 circuit feet of the meter centerline and from a minimum of 18 inches to a maximum of 72 inches above finished grade. (A circuit foot is the length of wire or conduit that needs to be run along walls, etc., from the meter to the NIU. It is not a straight-line distance.) WIRELESS PHONE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS For situations in which it is not feasible for the telephone company to install a hardwired phone service, the ESP shall arrange for a cellular telemetry system to be installed and activated. 1. The cellular telemetry system shall meet the following specifications: NEMA 3R weatherproof enclosure Thermal shutoff protection 5% to 95% relative humidity, non-condensing Cellular radio with antenna connector Capacity to operate in 120VAC, 50 watts maximum output power User replaceable fuse Transient and overcurrent protection for RJ11 connections External ground lug One RJ11 jack for data and one RJ45 jack for communications Two wire, loop start Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 56 Ring voltage, 25Hz, 60 VRMs 150Vp-p 350 Hz/440 Hz square wave dial tone 2. RJ45 jack for cellular handset programming and testing 3. The power supply for cellular telemetry system shall be outside any sealed section and on the load side of the meter. The power supply should further be on a dedicated circuit or otherwise connected so that it is energized at all times. 4. Mounting of the cellular telemetry system shall be the same requirement as the installation of NIU as described above. 5. The ESP shall ensure that any accessories to the cellular telemetry system, such as an antenna and a mounting bracket, are properly installed or attached. 6. The ESP shall have the system activated and functionally tested prior to notifying PG&E that the site is ready. 7. The cellular telemetry system unit shall be labeled to read, “For Electric Meter Use Only.” 8. The unit shall be further labeled to show: Telephone number Maintenance and repair telephone number, and Cellular telephone service provider’s name The ESP is responsible for the maintenance, repair and replacement of the cellular telemetry unit. Responsibility - Phone Service Account Payment If an active phone line exists for a PG&E interval data meter and the ESP chooses to remove the meter and install its own, PG&E will advise the phone service provider to cancel the account. Or in those cases where the ESP is installing phone-read technology, PG&E will change billing from PG&E to the ESP. Some review of phone account responsibility may be required for those sites where PG&E uses the data for load research. Responsibility - Phone Service Operability and Maintenance When PG&E is the ESP’s MDMA, the ESP is ultimately responsible for the on-going phone line operability. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 57 The ESP must ensure that phone service is not turned off due to late or lack of payments to the phone service provider. Monthly payments should be made directly to the phone service provider. Phone lines and phone ancillary devices used for remote meter reading are part of DA meters. Therefore, the ESP must make certain that the phone line and any ancillary devices are maintained as required. Any failure caused by phone line or phone ancillary devices shall be considered as meter failure and must be corrected as required in Rule 22, Section G, Metering Services. Retention of Rights PG&E may exercise its right to test its own meters or those owned by customers in accordance with Rule 22, Section G, paragraph 2. Meter Data Management Agent (MDMA) Requirements This section addresses the major systems responsibilities and requirements that Meter Data Management Agents (MDMAs) are required to perform. An MDMA is an entity that takes raw meter outputs, validates them using validation, editing, and estimating rules, adds corollary information needed to characterize the customer, and makes complete customer information available to others for use in various applications. As some of the rules and requirements for interval and monthly (template data) are different, the two usage types will be addressed separately. MDMA responsibilities and requirements were established in decision 97-12-048 and the Retail Settlement and Information Flow (RSIF) Workshops. Decision and workshop reports are available for those interested in obtaining comprehensive information on MDMA responsibilities at the CPUC Web site. MDMA Approval Process and Requirements The CPUC Decision on the Meter and Data Communication Standards Workshop Report of December 3, 1997, directed the UDCs to develop a MDMA qualification/approval process for ESPs and MDMAs who wish to offer MDMA services. The CPUC requires that potential MDMAs comply with current UDC standards in experience, education and training in order to perform the following functions of an MDMA: Manage the meter reading schedule Read and retrieve meter data Submit meter data to MDMA server using DES protocol Calculate usage Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 58 Validate, edit and estimate meter data Format data Manage data on MDMA server Meter/device management If the applicant is found to be compliant, the MDMA may immediately begin to serve accounts for which the ESP has identified the specific MDMA relationship through the submission of DASRs. Inception of MDMA service is also contingent upon the coordination between PG&E and the MDMA regarding read scheduling. APPLICATION AND CHECKLIST The potential MDMA must complete the Application for MDMA Approval and checklist which are available on the DA Documents link on the ESP Resource Center website at (see Information Websites at the end of Chapter 1 in this handbook). The name of the document is MDMA Qualification Instructions. The MDMA must forward the application and checklist per the specifications in the section below, Written Requirements. WRITTEN REQUIREMENTS The potential MDMA forwards the completed application, the checklist as well as all written requirements by mail or fax to: Pacific Gas and Electric Company Yolanda Lerma P.O. Box 770000 M/C B19C San Francisco, CA 94177 PG&E will review the submitted documentation of this test, determine if the potential MDMA is compliant with its standards and notify the MDMA via e-mail. PG&E has established a goal of 10 business days to review the documentation and respond to the potential MDMA. Omitted documentation of the submitted written requirements will result in PG&E requesting that additional information. If it is deemed after the UDC’s review of the submitted written requirements that the potential MDMAs process is insufficient, the potential MDMA will fail the written requirements portion and will need to resubmit for qualification/approval. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 59 SERVER ACCEPTANCE TEST 1. Subsequent to PG&E receiving the completed qualification documentation, the potential MDMA may contact PG&E to schedule the acceptance test. 2. PG&E will work with the applicant to ensure that it meets hardware and software requirements and will also send a sample test to the applicant prior to the test date. 3. PG&E will then provide the potential MDMA with data for the server acceptance test. The purpose of the server acceptance test is for the potential MDMA to demonstrate that it can calculate usage, validate, estimate and edit usage; format the usage in the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) format; post the data to the potential MDMA’s server; and provide the UDC with access to the server. Detailed steps are outlined in the MDMA Server Acceptance Testing document. 4. The acceptance test is then performed. The UDC’s have established a 48 hour turn-around time requirement for the completion of this test. 5. If the potential MDMA fails the server acceptance test the first time, they can reschedule for re-test. However, if a failure occurs twice, the potential MDMA must wait three months before re-testing will be allowed. 6. In addition, re-testing will be required if new software is installed or if new technology is implemented by the potential MDMA and their use of the server. BACK-UP READING PROCESS If the potential MDMAs primary source of reading meters is a method other than the manual process, the potential MDMA, in addition to submitting documentation on its primary method must also demonstrate that it has a capable back-up process in place. Details of the backup process is also outlined on the checklist. DATA FORMAT MDMA data format requirements for each UDC is included with the application and checklist. SECURITY AND CONFIDENTIALITY Data security and confidentiality requirements are outlined in more detail by PG&E. However in general, data must be located in a secure facility and have firewall or equivalent protection. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 60 HELP DESK The CPUC decision requires that a technical help desk be provided by the UDCs as well as MDMAs. Each UDC must have toll free numbers available. The potential MDMAs must provide a technical support number as well. This phone must be answered immediately during normal business hours. However, after hour calls regarding the server must be returned within one hour. All other after hour calls can be deferred to the next business day. Validating and Editing Data The MDMA will be responsible for performing approved quality checks to the raw data retrieved from the meters as described in the CA VEE Rules. The quality checks include validating and editing the usage data. Upon completion of the validation and editing processes, an estimation will be performed on the data, if necessary. Data estimations are summarized in the subsequent section “Estimating Data”. A comprehensive description of the rules for validating, editing, and estimating is also addressed within the CA VEE Rules document. Below are the basic quality checks for interval and monthly data. INTERVAL DATA The interval data validations are summarized below. For a complete description of the rules, refer to the CA VEE Rules (see Information Websites at the end of Chapter 1 in this handbook). Spike Check. The highest interval recorded in a 24 hour calendar day cannot exceed the third highest interval for that day by more than 180%. When a spike is identified, the usage for that interval is flagged as missing and the estimation rules are used to fill the missing intervals. High Low Average Daily Usage Check. An average daily total consumption is calculated from the current month’s usage data and is compared to the average daily consumption calculated from the previous year’s data for the same billing month, if last years data is not available. If the current month’s average consumption is outside of plus or minus 50% of the historical average consumption, then the MDMA must verify the usage (i.e., re-polling, meter test, etc.). If the data is verified, the usage is flagged as verified and continues on the data flow path. Sum Check. The energy use recorded by the meter is compared to the energy use recorded by the pulse recorder. If the difference is greater than two meter multipliers (constant used to convert meter read to KWh), the data must be verified by the MDMA (i.e., repolling, meter test, etc.). If the data is verified, the usage is flagged as verified and continues on the data flow path. Hardware Checks. The MDMA must ensure that the polling device is synchronized to the national time standard before data collection begins. The MDMA must verify that the time difference in the meter device is within 180 seconds for a 30-day time period. An interval tolerance check comparing the number of expected data intervals to the number intervals Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 61 received is performed to ensure the time drift is less than 5 intervals. See the CA VEE Rules for a complete description of how to correct the time drift. Kilovolt-Ampere-Reactive hours (KVARH) Checks (if collected). If the kWh channel has zero consumption and for the corresponding time the kVARh channel has registered consumption, the kWh data must be treated as missing. The kWh data should be estimated using the estimation rules described in the CA VEE Rules. Estimating Data Following the validation and editing (flagging usage as missing) of the usage data, the estimation routines are performed to ensure that complete usage data will be provided for the given billing period. Where raw data is available with incomplete entries, the MDMA will estimate the data gaps using approved and documented algorithms. After performing the estimation the MDMA will be responsible for providing the usage to the UDC and ESP. The following are the estimation rules for interval data. INTERVAL DATA ESTIMATION RULES Greater than two continuous hours of missing interval data: 1. Compute the average daily profile by using the days from the current usage period and as much historical data (up to 90 days) as required to select three complete days (which were not estimated) corresponding to the day of week or holiday with missing data. See the CA VEE Rules for additional details on how to select historical data when three complete days worth of data are not available. 2. If no historical holidays exist, use Sundays. 3. The historical data used should be that data immediately preceding the usage period, regardless of seasonal crossover. 4. Estimate the missing data by applying the appropriate average daily profile to fill the missing intervals. Two hours or less of continuous missing interval data: 1. Use the point to point linear interpolation method to estimate the missing data where there is a gap in the data. 2. If the gap occurs at the beginning of the span, use the last interval from the historical data as the first point, if the historical data is available and the interval data is not estimated. Otherwise, use the second point (the nearest good interval data) as the first point (i.e., a flat load). If the gap occurs at the end of the span, use the first point as the second point (i.e., a flat load). Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 62 Accuracy and Timeliness of Usage Data All usage data will be accurate unless otherwise indicated. Data known to be inaccurate or missing will be estimated and flagged as estimated data. The following accuracy and timeliness standards for interval and monthly data must be followed by MDMAs. The accuracy and timeliness requirements stated below were adopted by the CPUC in decision 97-12-048. INTERVAL DATA Accuracy. Either no more than 10% of the accounts will contain estimated data, or no more that 1% of all the data will be estimated. Timeliness. Assuming that the meter read date is time zero: 80% of all usage data will be made available within 1 calendar day of the scheduled read date of the meter 90% of all usage data will be made available within 2 calendar days of the scheduled read date of the meter 99.99% of all usage data will be made available within 5 calendar days of the scheduled read date of the meter MONTHLY DATA Accuracy. Either no more than 10% of the accounts will contain estimated data, or no more than 1% of the data will be estimated. Timeliness 85% of all the monthly meter reads will be made available by 6:00 am on the 1 st working day after the scheduled meter read date. 95% of all the monthly meter reads will be made available by 6:00 am on the 2 nd working day after the scheduled meter read date. 99.99% of all monthly meter reads will be made available by 6:00 am on the 5 th working day after the scheduled meter read date. Data retention period On a monthly basis, the MDMA will provide interval data for the billing period in 27 to 33 measured usage intervals. The interval may or may not be equal to a twenty four hour period depending upon the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 63 meter read cycle and scheduling. Once the interval data or the monthly usage is posted to the MDMA server it will remain available for 3 business days. Upon request, this data will be available after the three-day business period. The MDMA must also store 36 months of historical consumption data. Electronic exchange of metering data The diagram below illustrates the flow of metering information from the meter to the ESP. Meter MV-90 ESP VEE Process Firewall Data Exchange Server Internal Server 5.1 - METERING CONFIGURATION CHANGES AND METERING CHANGE OUTS Currently, ESPs submit metering configuration changes and metering change-out requests by fax and not by DASR. PG&E anticipates that electronic submission of these requests will be feasible by early 1998. Metering configuration changes and metering change outs should be faxed to the MEG (see the DA Contacts link on the ESP Resource Center website). INTERVAL AND TIME-OF-USE (TOU) DATA Interval data, which represents regular interval energy usage information (i.e. 5 minute, 15 minute, hourly), is submitted via the DES in EDI 867 record format type. . Time-Of-Use data, which is characterized by consumption reads at different time periods, is also represented by using the DES in EDI 867record format type. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 64 Field definitions and requirements for the EDI 867 record format types are provided in the the EDI 867 Guidelines located at PG&E’s EDI website . Meter Reading METER READING DATA OBLIGATIONS 1. Meter data for DA Customers shall be read, validated, edited, and transferred pursuant to CPUCapproved standards. 2. Regardless of whether the ESP or PG&E perform Meter reading services, both PG&E and the ESP shall have access to the server containing the data, including at a minimum the following data: a) Customer account number; b) Customer location; c) Starting and ending read, date and time if available; d) Usage data (e.g.; kWh, kW, interval use, kVArh if measured); e) Estimated usage and adjustment flag or adjustment code; f) Meter identification number; g) ESP identification number; h) Identity of metering agent, if any, employed by ESP or PG&E; i) Load Profile ID (if applicable); 3. PG&E and the ESP shall provide reasonable and timely access to Meter data to the ISO, Scheduling Coordinators (or their designated agents), and each other as required to allow the proper performance of billing, settlement, scheduling, forecasting and other functions. 4. Until future notice, load point information will need to be communicated manually. 5. The Party providing Meter reading services is required to keep the most recent 12 months of Customer consumption data for each DA Customer. Such data must be retained for a period of 36 months. Such data must be released on request to any ESP, or to PG&E, if authorized by the Customer. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 65 PG&E METER READING 1. PG&E will read DA interval meters for DA customers on PG&E’s read schedule for each service account provided that the meter is compatible with PG&E’s meter reading systems and processes. The ESP will be responsible for any meter reading costs for this service as set forth in DA Rule 22. 2. PG&E, or its metering and data management agent (MDMA), will be required to install and maintain a data server in accordance with standards approved by the CPUC. ELECTRIC ESP METER READING General Requirements. 1. No ESP may perform meter reading services for its own or any affiliated entity’s use of DA Services. 2. No meter reading service may be provided by theESP until that ESP has been approved by PG&E. 3. The ESP must keep PG&E notified at all times of the identity of the ESP’s agent, if any, conducting Meter reading. Schedule for ESP Meter reading. If the ESP or it’s agent perform meter reading, it must do so on PG&E’s meter read schedule for that service account as specified by PG&E, unless a different schedule is mutually agreed to by PG&E and ESP. Metered Usage Rates Metered usage rates are determined by end-use customers’ electric rate schedules. Electric rate schedule information is available on PG&E’s Web Tariff Book Web site. Life Support Customers and Medical Baseline Quantities Life Support customers are residential end-use customers who have a medical disability necessitating the use of a medical device(s) powered by utility supplied gas and/or electricity. These customers may qualify for a Standard Medical Baseline Quantity in addition to their regular baseline quantity (i.e., gas and/or electricity at the lowest Tier 1 residential rate). The Standard Medical Baseline Quantity is 500 kWh of electricity and/or 25 therms of gas per month year-round. Additional amounts of gas and electricity (Medical Baseline Quantities) are available at the Tier 1 rate to customers when a full-time member of the household is: Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 66 dependent upon a medical life-support device used in the home. a paraplegic, hemiplegic, or quadriplegic person or a multiple sclerosis patient with special heating and/or cooling needs. a person being treated for a life-threatening illness or a person with a compromised immune system with special heating and/or cooling needs to sustain the life of the person or prevent deterioration of the person’s medical condition. a scleroderma patient with special heating needs. ESPs who have identified end-use customers which require Standard and/or additional Medical Baseline Quantities should refer to Electric Rule 14 for information concerning commodity service continuity and Rule 19 for details on end-use customer qualifications. These rules can be found within PG&E’s Web Tariff Book. For information on additional DASR requirements when submitting DASRs for Life Support customers, see the subsection, “Electric ESP evaluates customer DA elections and obtains customer information” in Chapter 3: Processing Direct Access Service Requests. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 67 CHAPTER 6 DASR PROCESSES FOR METERING DATA ADJUSTMENTS AND CHANGES Overview This chapter covers information on PG&E DASR processes that are initiated as a result of metering data adjustments and changes to DA account commodity status. The purpose of including this information in the handbook is to foster Electric ESPs’ understanding of the PG&E-initiated transaction records it may receive when certain account events take place and to make Electric ESPs aware of situations in which they may need to initiate DASR transactions in response. The processes and scenarios addressed include those, which occur subsequent to the initial DA customer account switch. Additional DASR processes related to initial DA account setup and switching are discussed in Chapter 3: Processing Direct Access Service Requests, under the section heading, Additional DASR procedures performed by PG&E. The material addressed includes details which are specific to DES transaction record types MEPAD01 (DASR), MEPMD01, and MEPMD02. Readers may want to familiarize themselves with these record types and gain an understanding of regular metering data records before proceeding with the material in this chapter. For detailed information on DES DASR transactions see the DES Transaction Map link on the DES Web site. DA Account Commodity Status Changes DA Account Commodity Shut-Offs PG&E can initiate the DA account commodity shut-off process if the end-use customer requests this action or in cases of non-payment. The processes discussed do not apply to situations where the Electric ESP decides to discontinue service to the end-use customer. PROCESS Please note that the following processes apply to both monthly, TOU, demand and interval metered accounts. 1. When all meters associated with an account commodity have either been locked or removed, the account commodity status is considered “Removed” or “Closed” by PG&E. Due to the frequency with which end-use customers oftentimes change their commodity shut-off dates and also because of the lack of lead time, PG&E will initiate disconnect notification to the Electric ESP after the final shut-off meter read is taken and the Commodity Status of the account has been changed to “REMOVED” or “CLOSED”. 2. PG&E will then issue an administrative data type record, MEPAD01, to the current, pending, and any ancillary service providers communicating the date the account commodity was shut-off. This transaction record will reflect “SVC” within the Operation Type field, “DISCONNECT” within the Reason field, and the date the commodity was shut-off in the Effective End Date field. 3. PG&E will also issue the metering data record(s), MEPMD01 and/or MEPMD02 to the current Electric ESP, and current bill-calculator if PG&E is not the MDMA. These records will include usage information, but will not indicate that the end-use customer has been shut-off. PG&E’s system should initiate the relevant administrative and metering data records within two (2) business days following the account commodity status change. MATRIX OF PG&E-INITIATED RECORDS RELATED TO SHUT-OFFS BY METER TYPE The records indicated in the table below are issued by PG&E at the time the DA account commodity is shut-off. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 70 ACTION ISSUE RECORD TO CURRENT ELECTRIC ESP, PENDING ELECTRIC ESP, ISSUE RECORD TO CURRENT ELECTRIC ESP AND BILL CALCULATOR ISSUE RECORD TO CURRENT ELECTRIC ESP AND BILL CALCULATOR AND ALL ASSOCIATED ELECTRIC ESPS RECORD TYPE ISSUED MEPAD01 MEPMD01 MEPMD02 MONTHLY SINGLEMETERED One MEPAD01 record: One MEPMD01 record: Operation Type field = “SVC” Normal start/end read information record. One MEPMD02 record: Reason field = “DISCONNECT” Normal totalized usage information record. Effective End Date Field = date the account commodity was closed MONTHLY MULTIMETERED Same as above A MEPMD01 record for each meter: Normal start/end read information record A MEPMD02 record: Normal totalized usage information record. Meter field = “TOTAL” INTERVAL SINGLEMETERED INTERVAL MULTIMETERED Same as above Same as above 1. One or more MEPMD01 record(s), depending upon interval and period reported: normal (monthly, not interval) start/end read information record. 2. One or more MEPMD01 record(s): normal usage information record by interval. 1. One or more MEPMD01 record(s), depending upon interval and period reported: normal (monthly, not interval) start/end read information record. 2. One or more MEPMD01 record(s): normal usage information record by interval. None None Meter field = “TOTAL” Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 71 ACTION ISSUE RECORD TO CURRENT ELECTRIC ESP, PENDING ELECTRIC ESP, ISSUE RECORD TO CURRENT ELECTRIC ESP AND BILL CALCULATOR ISSUE RECORD TO CURRENT ELECTRIC ESP AND BILL CALCULATOR One MEPMD01 Record: normal start/end red information record 1. One MEPMD02 record: normal usage information record 2. One MEPMD02 Record: normal demand usage information 1. One MEPMD02 record: normal start read information 2. One MEPMD02 record: normal end read information 3. One MEPMD02 record: normal usage information record AND ALL ASSOCIATED ELECTRIC ESPS DEMAND METERED TOU METERED Same as above Same as above None EXAMPLE Scenario: An interval meter customer has been billed from 5/15 to 6/15. The customer requests a shutoff for 7/28. Process: 1. PG&E will issue the metering data record(s), MEPMD01 and/or MEPMD02, to the current Electric ESP as well as the bill-calculator if PG&E is not the MDMA for the period 6/15 to 7/15. 2. After the 7/28 shut-off is processed, the current Electric ESP, the pending Electric ESP, and any ancillary service providers will receive an administrative data record MEPAD01, indicating that the account commodity service has been disconnected and the effective date of 7/28. 3. The current Electric ESP, as well as the bill-calculator if PG&E is not the MDMA, will receive a metering data record MEPMD01 for the period 7/15 to 7/28. This metering record will be initiated as soon as the shut-off has been processed, it will not be subject to the timing of the customer’s normal billing cycle. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 72 Exception: If a Lock Pending is issued, this means the account is marked to not bill until the account commodity is closed (i.e., there will not be a bill for on-cycle bill on 7/15). In this case, the metering records will be for the period 6/15 to 7/28. Meter Change A meter change should not cause an interruption of DA service. Monthly, interval, demand, and time-ofuse (TOU) metered accounts should receive the metering records shown in the table below at the time of the customer’s normal billing cycle. MATRIX OF PG&E-INITIATED RECORDS RELATED TO METER CHANGE The records indicated in the table below are issued by PG&E in correspondence with the customer’s regular bill cycle. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 73 ACTION ISSUE RECORD TO CURRENT ELECTRIC ESP AND BILL CALCULATOR ISSUE RECORD TO CURRENT ELECTRIC ESP AND BILL CALCULATOR RECORD TYPE ISSUED MEPMD01 MEPMD02 MONTHLY SINGLEMETERED One MEPMD02 record: One MEPMD01 record for the old meter: normal start/end read information Meter field = old meter number Normal totalized usage information record for both meters Meter field = “TOTAL” One MEPMD01 record for the new meter: normal start/end read information Meter field = new meter number MONTHLY MULTIMETERED One MEPMD01 record for each old meter removed: normal start/end read information Meter field = old meter number One MEPMD02: Normal usage information record totalizing usage for all meters. Meter field = “TOTAL” One MEPMD01 record for each new meter installed: normal start/end read information Meter field = new meter number INTERVAL SINGLEMETERED One MEPMD01 record for the old meter: normal monthly (not interval)start/end read information None Meter field = old meter number One MEPMD01 record for the new meter: normal monthly (not interval) start/end read information Meter field = new meter number One MEPMD01 record: normal totalized usage record Meter field = “TOTAL” Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 74 ACTION ISSUE RECORD TO CURRENT ELECTRIC ESP AND BILL CALCULATOR ISSUE RECORD TO CURRENT ELECTRIC ESP AND BILL CALCULATOR INTERVAL MULTIMETERED None One MEPMD01 record for each old meter: normal start/end read information Meter field = old meter number One MEPMD01 record for each new meter: normal start/end read information Meter field = new meter number One MEPMD01 record: totalized usage record Meter field = “TOTAL” DEMAND METERED One MEPMD01 record for the old meter: normal start/end read information (kwhreg) One MEPMD02 record for the old meter: usage information (kwh) One MEPMD02 record for the new meter: usage information (kwh) One MEPMD02 record for the old meter: demand usage information (kw) One MEPMD02 record for the new meter: demand usage information (kw) Meter field = old meter number One MEPMD01 record for the new meter: normal start/end read information (kwhreg) Meter field = new meter number Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 75 ACTION ISSUE RECORD TO CURRENT ELECTRIC ESP AND BILL CALCULATOR ISSUE RECORD TO CURRENT ELECTRIC ESP AND BILL CALCULATOR TOU METERED None One MEPMD02 records for the old meter: start reads information Meter field = old meter number One MEPMD02 records for the new meter: start reads information Meter field = new meter number One MEPMD02 records for the old meter: end reads information Meter field = old meter number One MEPMD02 records for the new meter: end reads information Meter field = new meter number One MEPMD02 record for the old and new meters’ totalized usage information Meter field = “TOTAL” EXAMPLE Scenario: 1/2 was the last on cycle billing read date with a read of 00500. On 1/15 there was a meter change, and the old meter had an end read of 00550. The new meter had a start read of 00000. On 2/2 the billing cycle end read was 00060. Thus, the billing cycle usage reflects 50 kWh for the old meter and 60 kWh for the new meter for a total of 110 kWh totalized usage. Process: 1. PG&E will issue to the Electric ESP, the appropriate metering data type records, (MEPMD01, MEPMD02) on 2/2. The appropriate metering data type records will show the old meter number and new meter number start/end reads as described in the above matrix. The metering data record for usage will indicate “TOTAL” in the Meter Field. NEW METER SETS WHICH ARE NOT CONCURRENT WITH OLD METER REMOVALS The example above assumes that the new meter is set on the same day that the old meter is removed. In reality, there may be situations where the old meter is removed, but the new meter cannot be set on the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 76 same day. In these cases, the account Commodity Status will be changed to “REMOVED” until the new meter is set. If the account is a dual commodity, the Commodity Status for the commodity receiving the new meter will be changed to “OPEN” after the new meter has been set and the Account number and XREF ID fields will remain unchanged. If the account is a single commodity, a new account may be created after the new meter has been set. A new XREF ID will be created if a new account number is created. For both dual and single commodity accounts, an account status of CLOSED or REMOVED will require PG&E’s system to initiate a disconnect notice to the Electric ESP. The Electric ESP will be required to initiate a SP-REQ/CONNECT MEPMD01 record to re-establish the account once the Commodity Status changes to “OPEN”. METER CONFIGURATION DATA PG&E will communicate the new meter configuration information to Electric ESPs through its Metering Event Group (MEG). Usage Adjustments Usage adjustments occur when previously reported usage for the account requires modification. The modification can be read and/or usage changes or changes in the reported periods (i.e., billing dates, interval period). PG&E communicates usage adjustments to ESPs through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI 867). The EDI 867 Guidelines has a code in the BPT segment that identifies corrected usage as “CO” located in the BPT01. There is also an adjustment code that is in QTY01 of the EDI 867. This code is “A5”. The QTY segment is in the PTD loop. The adjusted reads/usage records for an account will reflect the correct reads/usage for a period which has already been reported. The metering data records will reflect usage amounts only and not dollar values associated with usage. The initiation of adjustment records is not dependent upon the timing of the end-use customer’s billing cycle. Therefore, PG&E can issue adjustment records to the ESP immediately following an adjustment transaction at any time during a billing cycle. For more detailed information regarding usage adjustments, please refer to the EDI 867 Guidelines located at Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 77 USAGE ADJUSTMENTS TO MONTHLY METER DATA DUE TO ADDITIONAL VALIDATION CHECKING OF DATA WHEN PG&E IS THE MDMA One reason adjustments may occur when PG&E is the MDMA for monthly meter data is because PG&E continues to perform validation of meter data after that data is sent to ESPs. PG&E uses several systems to validate meter data. A metering record will sometimes pass initial validation checks, and fail later checks. Data is sent to the ESP after the initial checks. If potential problems are identified as the record is passed through additional tests, the information is re-verified to determine if there is in fact an error. In many cases, the data is not in error and does not have to be adjusted. However, when there is an error, adjustments need to be made to the data. Adjustments made in accordance with the processes described in the subsequent sections of this document are then sent to the ESP. MATRIX OF PG&E-INITIATED RECORDS RELATED TO USAGE ADJUSTMENTS The records indicated in the table below are issued by PG&E at the time the adjustment is made. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 78 ACTION ISSUE RECORD TO CURRENT ELECTRIC ESP AND BILL CALCULATOR ISSUE RECORD TO CURRENT ELECTRIC ESP AND BILL CALCULATOR RECORD TYPE ISSUED MEPMD01 MEPMD02 MONTHLY SINGLEMETERED One MEPMD02 record for each adjusted period with the adjusted total usage One MEPMD01 record with the adjusted read in the Data field for each adjusted period Example for a two months adjustment: Example for a two months adjustment: Eff Start field = “199804150001” Data field = “199804150001, ,750,199805150001,A,1300” Eff End field = “199805150001” Data field = “199805150001,A,1300,19980615 0001,A ,1650” Eff Start field = “199805150001” Data field = “TOTAL,A,550” Eff End field = “199806150001” Data field = “TOTAL,A,350” MONTHLY MULTIMETERED One MEPMD01 record for the adjusted meter, with the adjusted reads in the Data field (similar to monthly single-metered reads adjustment record). One MEPMD02 record for each adjusted period with the adjusted totalized usage for all the meters (similar to single-metered usage adjustment record). Meter field = “TOTAL” Meter field = adjusted meter number INTERVAL SINGLEMETERED One or more MEPMD01 record(s) with adjusted start/end reads information record (similar to monthly single-metered reads adjustment record). One or more MEPMD01 record(s) with adjusted totalized usage (similar to monthly single-metered usage adjustment record). None INTERVAL MULTIMETERED Same as above. None DEMAND METERED One MEPMD02 record with the adjusted total usage in the Data field (similar to monthly single-metered usage adjustment record). One MEPMD02 with the adjusted demand usage information (similar to the monthly single-metered usage adjustment record). One MEPMD01 record with the adjusted reads in the Data field (similar to monthly single-metered reads adjustment record). Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 79 ACTION ISSUE RECORD TO CURRENT ELECTRIC ESP AND BILL CALCULATOR ISSUE RECORD TO CURRENT ELECTRIC ESP AND BILL CALCULATOR TOU METERED None One MEPMD02 record with the adjusted start reads information One MEPMD02 record with the adjusted end reads information One MEPMD02 record with the adjusted totalized usage information EXAMPLE Scenario: A monthly metered account has been billed in the following manner and the normal MEPMD01 and MEPMD02 record(s) have already been sent to the Electric ESP when the account was billed: ELECTRIC ESP NAME DATE MEPMD02 USAGE MEPMD01: START READ END READ PG&E 2/15 -3/15 400 KW H 0 400 PG&E 3/15 - 4/15 350 KW H 400 750 ESP 4/15 - 5/15 500 KW H 750 1250 ESP 5/15 - 6/15 400 KW H 1250 1650 On 6/23 a correction is made to the period 4/15 - 5/15. The usage for the period should have been reported as 550 kWh with an end read of 1300. Then on 6/26 a correction is made to the period 5/15 6/15. The usage should have been 350 kWh with an end read of 1650. Process: Under the given scenario PG&E would issue the records shown in the table below when the adjustment is made to the account. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 80 TIMING ORDER RECORD TYPE ISSUED DATA INCLUDED IN RECORD 1. MEPMD01 Data field = 199804150001, ,750,199805150001,A,1300 2. MEPMD02 Eff Start field = 199804150001 Eff Stop field = 199805150001 Data field = TOTAL,A,550 3. MEPMD01 Data field = 199805150001,A,1300,199806150001,A,1650 4. MEPMD02 Eff Start field = 199805150001 Eff Stop field = 199806150001 Data field = TOTAL,A,350 Records for items 1 and 2 will be sent on the same day (6/23) when the bill period 4/14 - 5/15 is adjusted. Then the records for items 3 and 4 will be sent on the same day (6/26) when the bill period 5/15 - 6/15 is adjusted. The timing between the sending of the two sets of records will be around 3 days and based on when each adjustment transaction is processed. STAND ALONE REBATE TRANSACTIONS (REVERSAL ONLY ADJUSTMENT) Under some circumstances only a rebate transaction will need to be made to the account. A rebate is a reversal of what was originally billed. This business scenario may occur when PG&E needs to reverse a bill and then wait for the next on cycle bill to rebill the account. In this situation, PG&E’s system will wait for three (3) processing days after a rebill transaction is processed by the biller. If the rebill transaction does not occur within three (3) processing days of the rebate, the system will interpret the rebill as an reversal only adjustment and send the rebate as a meter adjustment record reversing the reads, and with 0 usage. When the rebill transaction is eventually processed through the system, then the rebill transaction will be sent to the Electric ESP’s as adjusted reads/usage records. Using the same scenario as the previous example, adjust the billing for the bill period of 5/15 - 6/15. The adjustment is to just reverse the bill and let next month’s on cycle read generate the rebill. So, on 6/20, a reversal is processed. On 6/23, the system did not receive the rebill for 5/15 to 6/15, so it assumed the biller wanted to do just a reversal only adjustment. The system will send to the Electric ESP the following records on 6/23: MEPMD01 - DATA field = 199805150001,A,1250,199805150001,A,1250 MEPMD02 - Eff Start field = 199805150001 Eff Stop field = 199805150001 DATA field = TOTAL, A,0 On 7/15 - the next on cycle billing, the following records will be sent. Note that since the billing period includes the bill period that was reversed, the quality code will be A to indicate an adjustment to a previously sent metering data record. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 81 MEPMD01 - DATA field = 199805150001, ,1250,199807150001,A,1850 MEPMD02 - Eff Start field = 199805150001 Eff Stop field = 199807150001 DATA field = TOTAL,A,600 Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 82 CHAPTER 7 ELECTRIC ESP ACCOUNT BILLING Overview This chapter focuses on ongoing DA billing and credit related issues, which are not a part of the initial DA setup process. The material covers bill processing; the collection and disbursement of funds for either PG&E or the Electric ESP with respect to Consolidated UDC billing; Consolidated ESP billing, and Separate billing. Bill Components and Billing Options Summary of bill components Utility bills which are sent to end-use customers are required to show “unbundled” charges listed on the bill. These unbundled charges consist of the following components: Generation Transmission Distribution Public Purpose Programs (PPP) California Energy Commission Tax (ECT) CTC Nuclear Decommissioning Energy Procurement Surcharge About the California Energy Commission Tax In keeping with the developments of electric direct access, the California State Board of Equalization decided that the Energy Commission Tax (ECT), will be billed and collected by PG&E, for all UDC Consolidated Billing. The utility distribution company will cease billing of this tax immediately when the customer’s service is switched to direct access. The customer’s current Electric ESP will assume the responsibility of billing and collecting this tax from the customer effective with the direct access service switch date. The Electric ESP is responsible for remitting the ECT to the California State Board of Equalization. The ECT, also known as the California Energy Resources Surcharge, applies to the consumption of electrical energy. It is intended to provide funding for the California Energy Commission. The regulations for ECT are covered in the California Administrative Code, Title 18, Chapter 2, Subchapter 5, Article 1, which states: “Every electric utility making sales of electrical energy to consumers in this state shall collect the surcharge from each consumer other than a consumer that is an electric utility or is exempt under Chapter 3, part 19, of the Revenue and Taxation Code, at the time it collects its billing from the consumer for the electrical energy sold. A consumer is any person receiving electrical energy furnished by an electric utility and includes a person receiving electrical energy for redistribution for the use of this tenants.” The ECT rate, which is subject to revision from time to time, is currently set at two-tenths of a mil ($0.0003) per kilowatt-hour. It is shown as a separate line item on the customer’s bill. The ECT is based on the consumption of electrical energy and applies to all but the following end-use customers: 1. The United States, its unincorporated agencies and instrumentalities 2. Any incorporated agency or instrumentality of the United States wholly owned by either the United States or by a corporation wholly owned by the United States 3. The American National Red Cross, chapters, and branches 4. Insurance companies, including title insurance companies, subject to taxation under the California Constitution, Article XIII, Section 28 5. Indians purchasing and consuming electrical energy on Indian reservations Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 84 6. Career consular officers and employees of certain foreign governments who are exempt from tax by treaties and other diplomatic agreements with the United States 7. Federal credit unions organized in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Credit Union Act. Questions regarding the tax exemption and remittance timelines should be directed to the State Board of Equalization. Additional information may be found in the Revenue and Taxation Code. Billing options Customer bills will reflect the total amounts charged for each of the bill items described in the table above regardless of the billing option which the customer chooses at the time of DA sign-up. Again the billing options available to end-use customers are: CONSOLIDATED UDC BILLING Under the Consolidated EDC billing option, the Electric ESP will send its rate schedules to PG&E. PG&E will then compute the Electric ESP’s charges based upon the Electric ESP’s rate schedules and customer meter data and send a consolidated invoice to the DA customer which will include both Electric ESP’s and PG&E’s charge amounts. Rate schedule information is available within PG&E’s Web Tariff Book Web site. PG&E will purchase the Electric ESP’s receivables under the terms and conditions set forth in PG&E’s tariffs. CONSOLIDATED ESP BILLING Electric ESPs who elect to offer Consolidated ESP billing may choose Partial Consolidated ESP billing or Full Consolidated ESP billing pursuant to PG&E’s DA Rule 22. Prior to providing either of these billing options, the Electric ESP must meet CPUC-specified creditworthiness requirements. The differences between Partial Consolidated ESP and Full Consolidated ESP billing options are described below. PARTIAL CONSOLIDATED ESP BILLING Under Partial Consolidated ESP billing, PG&E will calculate and send its bill to the Electric ESP. The Electric ESP in turn will then send a consolidated bill to the customer. The Electric ESP is not responsible for the accuracy of PG&E’s charges. FULL CONSOLIDATED ESP BILLING Under the Full Consolidated ESP billing option, the Electric ESP will read the meter, calculate both the UDC and ESP charges and bill the customer. The Electric ESP will detail PG&E’s charges in conformance with PG&E’s specifications. The Electric ESP must obtain PG&E’s consent and approval Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 85 prior to offering Full Consolidated ESP billing to its customers, and must also comply with all relevant provisions under PG&E’s DA Rule 22. SEPARATE BILLING Under Separate billing, customers receive two bills, one from the Electric ESP detailing their fees and one from PG&E detailing PG&E fees. Although an Electric ESP can select Separate billing as a service option, PG&E may also under certain circumstances require an Electric ESP to proceed under Separate billing for reasons including but not limited to the items below. If the Electric ESP selected Consolidated UDC billing but the ESP’s rate schedule was not properly received when the DASR was transmitted, PG&E will establish Separate billing for the corresponding end-use customers. Consolidated UDC billing, in this case would be established once the Electric ESP resubmitted the rate schedule and the schedule data was entered into PG&E’s systems. If the current Electric ESP has defaulted on the terms and conditions of ESP Consolidated billing under either PG&E’s ESP Service Agreement or DA Rule 22, PG&E will establish separate billing for that end-use customer. If an Electric ESP has indicated that it would like to offer Consolidated ESP billing but has not fulfilled creditworthiness and/or EDI requirements, PG&E will require the Electric ESP to proceed under Separate billing. Read and Bill Serial Dates Because multiple services may be represented on one bill, the meter Read Date will not always be equal to the Bill Date. PG&E will retain the serial system currently in use and apply it towards the Read and Bill cycles. Both Read and Bill serials will be communicated to the ESP via the acknowledgement (ACK) DASR. Consolidated UDC Billing The Electric ESP and PG&E will work together to establish the ESP’s billing information in PG&E’s billing system. For a fee, PG&E can generate Consolidated UDC bills for Electric ESPs and serve as the collection agent as well. Set up fees are based upon PG&E rate schedule E-ESP. When DA begins, PG&E will offer Electric ESPs Rate Ready pricing options. In order to calculate the Electric ESPs charges for Rate Ready options, PG&E will need the rate structure(s) and rate schedules that the Electric ESP has selected. The Electric ESP may have up to 100 rate schedules. The Electric ESP will then populate the rate schedules with their respective rates and prices. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 86 Pricing options Electric ESPs communicate Rate-ready pricing options by completing the PG&E Consolidated Billing Pricing Worksheet. The following exhibit is an example of the worksheet. 7.1 - PG&E CONSOLIDATED BILLING PRICING W ORKSHEET The Electric ESP must complete and submit the PG&EConsolidated Billing Pricing Worksheet for every pricing change that it wants to make. The worksheet can be downloaded from the “DA Documents” link on the PG&E’s ESP Resource Center Web site or obtained by contacting ESP Services at 415-973-1666. Completed worksheets should be faxed to ESP Services at 415-973-2194. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 87 The following Rate Ready pricing options will be available in on the DA implementation date: FLAT ($/MONTH) Also referred to as fixed price, a flat rate structure is a non-volumetric set cost that is billed per month regardless of the amount of the customer’s usage. An additional flat rate to cover monthly Electric ESP administrative customer charges may be combined with this rate structure. SINGLE-TIERED ($/KWH) A single-tiered rate structure is a set cost billed per usage unit (kilowatt-hour or therm). The customer’s energy charge will vary according to the amount of electricity consumption per month. A flat rate to cover monthly Electric ESP administrative customer charges may be combined with this rate structure. DOUBLE-TIERED ($/KWH, ELECTRIC ESP DESIGNATES TIERS) A double-tiered rate structure has two set costs billed per usage unit (kilowatt-hour or therm) which is charged whenever a usage baseline or threshold is designated. The first-tier price will apply until the usage threshold is exceeded. The second-tier price will apply to any usage above the designated threshold. The customer’s energy charge will vary according to the amount of electricity consumption per month. A flat rate to cover monthly Electric ESP administrative customer charges may be combined with this rate structure. TIME-OF-USE - TOU ($/KWH, BASED ON PG&E’S TIERS) A TOU structure is a combination of set costs billed per usage unit (kilowatt-hour or therm) based on consumption during a particular period of the day. Depending on the customer class and the installed metering device, TOU pricing may have up to three different rates for three different peak periods. The TOU periods are on-peak, partial-peak, and off-peak. Rates are more expensive during the on-peak periods, when more customers demand energy. Customers may tailor their energy consumption during the off-peak hours to take advantage of the low off-peak rates. The customer’s energy charge will vary according to the amount of electricity consumed during a particular time of the day. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 88 CUSTOM PRICING A rate plan that does not fit with any of the above four pricing structures is considered custom pricing. On an individual case basis, PG&E will evaluate an Electric ESP’s customized pricing structure to determine whether it can be accommodated and implemented by PG&E. SUBMITTING RATE-READY DATA TO PG&E Electric ESPs should contact PG&E’s ESP Billing Services (ESPBS - see the “DA Contacts" link on PG&E’s ESP Resource Center Web site) to discuss transmission requirements prior to submitting rateready data. DEADLINES FOR THE SUBMISSION OF RATE-READY DATA In order for PG&E to send out consolidated bills which include Electric ESP billing information for a given DA billing cycle, the Electric ESP must provide the following information to ESPBS by the dates specified: Electric ESP billing rates and structures at least thirty (30) days prior to the billing cycle end date. Customer list with associated Electric ESP billing rates at least fifteen (15) days before the billing cycle end date. There is a fee for a rate change based on PG&E’s rate schedule E-ESP. If the Electric ESP should require custom programming, ESPBS will make a concerted effort to fulfill the requirements specified within the time frame above but cannot guarantee billing implementation for that billing cycle period. Bill format PG&E will include the Electric ESP’s logo on the page of the customer’s bill which details Electric ESP charges. However, the Electric ESP must provide ESPBS with the company information that must appear on the bill (i.e. Electric ESP’s name, address, telephone number) as well as the Electric ESP’s company logo. The logo should be provided in the form of a bitmap image file. All details regarding the Electric ESP bill page format are addressed in the Direct Access Consolidated Billing Options Worksheet which can be located and downloaded from the “DA Documents” link on the ESP Resource Center Web site. Bill preparation and processing PG&E will prepare the consolidated bill according to the procedures outlined below. 1. PG&E will calculate the Electric ESP’s energy cost charges. The Electric ESP’s rate schedule is used to calculate the energy cost component. Information regarding the submission of rate schedule information by the Electric ESP is covered within Chapter 3: Processing DASRs. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 89 2. PG&E’s charges for transmission, delivery, PPPs, CTC, and other charges that may apply to a given customer, are calculated separately using the customer’s PG&E rate schedule. 3. The Electric ESP’s charges are then combined with PG&E’s charges onto one bill. 4. Utility user taxes, if applicable, are calculated on the total of the PG&E and Electric ESP combined charges. 5. Other processing functions such as the update of receivables, payments, credits, debits, and other adjustments are performed by PG&E to generate the Consolidated UDC bill. Bill Printing and Delivery 1. Bills will follow the format designated by the Electric ESP in the Direct Access Consolidated Billing Options Worksheet, to include the layout, logos, and other enclosures specified. 2. A printed copy of the bill is mailed to end-use customers on Summary Billing and to those end-use customer not on Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). 3. If the customer has an EDI Trading Partner Agreement in place with PG&E and has followed the requirements for implementing EDI as outlined in Chapter 2: DA Setup, PG&E can submit invoices to the end-use customer electronically. Reports generated by PG&E Since the billing process is a collaborative effort, it requires constant communication between the Electric ESP and PG&E. Reports are the method by which PG&E and the Electric ESP coordinate their consolidated billing effort. Reports are sent manually by PG&E in an electronic format, to the Electric ESP. Contents of the report include data relating to rate schedule changes and billed data and revenue. Reports are created daily. Daily Billing File The daily billing file consists of two sections. The first section includes the billing data. He second section includes any adjustments made to a particular bill. Utility User Tax Application Under the rate-ready billing type, PG&E will calculate any applicable utility user taxes on the total of the PG&E and Electric ESP combined charges. PG&E will apply the utility user tax, including exemptions and caps based on PG&E’s agreement with the governing cities and counties in PG&E’s service territory. Under the bill-ready billing type, PG&E, will apply utility user taxes on the Electric ESP’s charges. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 90 Remittance of utility user tax is the responsibility of each party, PG&E, and Electric ESP for their respective taxable charges. PG&E will report the taxes billed on the Electric ESP charges to the Electric ESP. PG&E will only remit the utility user tax collected to the Electric ESP. The Electric ESP is responsible for remitting the utility user tax to the governing authority. How PG&E calculates Electric ESP payments WHEN A CUSTOMER MAKES PAYMENT TO PG&E The portion due to the ESP is then forwarded on the the ESPs financial institution. This is done via ACH wire fund transfer, using banking data provided by the ESP. Because the amount deposited to the bank is one lump sum, PG&E then sends to the ESP an electronic file which lists the detail for that deposit (customers’ names, account ID’s and associated remittance amounts) since this payment file is sent automatically, the ESP must provide PG&E with one e-mail address where the report is to be sent. PAYMENTS FROM ELECTRIC ESP TO PG&E Payments from the Electric ESP to PG&E encompass service charges for billing services, which PG&E provides on behalf of the Electric ESP. The Electric ESP will be responsible for the payment of PG&E’s charges on an ongoing basis while Consolidated UDC billing is in effect. Charges are dependent upon the transactions incurred during a given month, and Electric ESPs are billed once a month for these charges by PG&E. Service charge amounts billed can vary for each account specified under the Consolidated UDC billing option. Charges associated with Consolidated UDC billing are specified on PG&E’s Web Tariff Book Web site. PG&E, upon ten (10) days written notice, may net any past due payment for associated Consolidated UDC billing services, as outlined in Rate Schedule E-ESP (see PG&E’s Web Tariff Book Web site), against payments by PG&E on the Electric ESP’s accounts receivable. Consolidated ESP Billing Consolidated ESP billing involves the transmission of charges for transmission, distribution, PPP, and CTC from PG&E to the Electric ESP. BILL FORMAT REQUIREMENTS PG&E requires that Electric ESPs provide detailed page showing PG&E related charges according to a standardized format. Electric ESPs should consult the PG&E Bill Format for Consolidated ESP Billing document for detailed requirements on the representation and transmission of PG&E billing information. The document can be downloaded from the “DA Documents” link on the ESP Resource Center. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 91 CALCULATION OF CHARGES OWED TO PG&E PG&E calculates charges for a given service account’s electric transmission and distribution services. Transmission and distribution charge information is then sent electronically to the Electric ESP for inclusion in the Electric ESP’s bill. PAYMENT PROCESSING Once PG&E’s charges are calculated, these charges are transmitted to the Electric ESP through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). The Electric ESP is responsible for payment to PG&E regardless of whether or not it receives payment from the end-use customer. The Electric ESP must submit payments to PG&E via EDI as discussed below. ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE (EDI) Electric ESPs wishing to provide billing services for PG&E must meet EDI requirements (see Chapter 2: DA Setup for detailed information). EDI is the adopted standard for the transmission of charge information from PG&E to the Electric ESP and for PG&E’s subsequent receipt of payments from the Electric ESP. Service accounts that are billed through Consolidated ESP billing must be added to the list of EDI customers for a given Electric ESP. Separate Billing Procedures Under the Separate billing option, both PG&E and the Electric ESP will bill the end-use customer individually for their respective charges. Neither billing nor payment information is exchanged between the Electric ESP and PG&E since each entity is responsible for the billing and collection of payments associated with Separate billing service accounts. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 92 CHAPTER 8 CUSTOMER INFORMATION RELEASES Overview This chapter provides information on how Electric ESPs participating in DA with PG&E can obtain certain types of customer information. Confidential Customer Information Release Electric ESPs have the opportunity to request customer specific information that includes energy usage for the last 12 billing transactions.. In order to request information for a customer, the Electric ESP will be required to obtain and provide ESP Services with a signed Customer Information Release form and indicate the specific customer account number(s). The form can be obtained from the “DA Documents” link on the ESP Resource Center website. The signed form should be faxed to Robert Reeder at (415) 973-2194 or e-mailed to The following data will be provided in the customer information release: Service ID Meter Number Customer Name Meter Read Date (current/prior) Service Address Billing Cycle Days Billing Address TOU Split (Demand & Energy) SIC 2 Total revenue for last 12 billing periods Rate Schedule Total kWh for last 12 billing periods Note: Load research sample data will not be included in the release of customer information. PG&E will forward the information described above within 10 working days of its receipt of the Electric ESP’s request. PG&E will provide DA customer data free of charge for up to two times a year. However, a charge of $40.00 per data set will apply to subsequent requests. Data format options include hard copy report, floppy disk or e-mail file. Regarding a request status contact Robert Reeder at (415) 973-5480 or e-mail Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 94 GLOSSARY DIRECT ACCESS TERMS APPLICANT A person or agency requesting PG&E to supply electric service or for charges in electric service. Electric service may consist of both energy and energy related services. APPLICATION An oral, electronic, or a written request to PG&E for electric service; not an inquiry as to the availability or charges for such service. The form of the request shall be at PG&E’s discretion. BASELINE A rate structure mandated by the California Legislative and implemented at PG&E in 1984 that insures all residential customers are provided a minimum necessary quantity of electricity at the lowest possible cost. BILLING AGENT The billing agent prepares and submits bills to end-use customers; collects and processes payments; and remits aggregate funds and records to its clients. BILLING CYCLE The regular interval at which a bill for electric service is rendered; typically spans a 27 to 33 day period. BILLING DEMAND The demand on which the customer is to be billed in accordance with the terms and conditions of their applicable rate schedule. BILLING FACTOR Factor used to calculate a bill on a daily basis as opposed to monthly, when the billing period is other than 27 to 33 days. All rate schedules assume monthly billings of 27 to 33, and the Billing Factor for these billings is equal to 1. The factor is used to adjust flat monthly charges (such as fixed usage accounts), monthly customer, monthly meter, and minimum service charges to monthly parity when an account is billed for fewer than 27 days (Billing Factor is less than 1), or when billed for more than 33 days (Billing Factor is greater than 1). The factor is based on 365 days divided by 12 months, which is 30.4166, the number of average days in an average month. The billing Factor formula is: Billing Factor = Number of Billing Days divided by 30.4166 BILLING MONTH The period of time over which a customer is billed for services rendered during a particular billing cycle. BILLING SERVICE DATE The effective date for commencement of either of the direct Access Consolidated Billing options. BUSINESS DAY A day on which PG&E offices are open to conduct general business in California. COMMISSION The Public Utilities Commission of the State of California, sometimes referred to as the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) or the CPUC. COMPETITIVE TRANSITION CHARGE (CTC) Defined in Public Utilities Code Section 840 and by the Commission. CONNECTED LOAD The sum of the rated capacities of all the customer’s equipment that can be connected to PG&E’s lines at any one time as more completely described in the rate schedules. CPUC (CALIFORNIA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION) The Public Utilities Commission of the State of California. CURTAILMENT The temporary reduction or interruption of service to customers because of projected or actual supply or capacity constraints, as further defined in Rule 14 and PG&E’s Electrical Emergency Plan. PG&E may also request such load reduction under the provisions of its nonfirm programs. CUSTOMER The person, group of persons, firm, corporation, institution, municipality, or other civic body, in whose name service is rendered, as evidenced by the signature on the application, contract, or agreement for that service, or in the absence of a signed instrument, by the receipt and payment of bills regularly issued in that name, regardless of the identity of the actual user of the service. a customer may take Full Service or Direct Access Service, but must take final delivery of electrical power, and not resell that power. DEMAND The amount of energy drawn by a Customer at a specific time. Typically expressed in kilowatts or kW. DEMAND CHARGE One component of an electric customer’s bill (along with, but not limited to, the customer charge, meter charge, and the energy charge). This charge recovers some of the costs PG&E incurs in providing sufficient operating capacity to meet that customer’s maximum demand. The demand charge is based on the highest level of kW required by the customer during a billing period. DIRECT ACCESS METER A meter meeting the Commission’s requirements to support Direct Access Service to a Direct Access Customer not eligible for a Load Profile. DIRECT ACCESS SERVICE Defined in Rule 22. DIRECT ACCESS SERVICE REQUEST (DASR) An application for Direct Access Service submitted to PG&E on behalf of a Customer by an Electric ESP, as described in Rule 22. DISTRIBUTION LOSS FACTORS The loss of energy over distribution lines are categorized into two distinct loss factor types: Distribution Line Losses and Total Distribution System Losses. Distribution Line Losses consist of: losses due to resistance in the distribution lines transformer core losses Total Distribution System Losses consist of: DISTRIBUTION SERVICES distribution line losses metering error - the difference between the actual electric usage at the meter and the recorded meter read plus any differences due to malfunctioning meters energy theft - the deliberate and unauthorized use of energy The delivery of electrical supply and related services by PG&E to a customer over PG&E’s Distribution System. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 96 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Those non-ISO transmission and distribution facilities owned, controlled, and operated by PG&E that are used to provide Distribution Service under these tariffs. ELECTRIC SUPPLY OR PROCUREMENT SERVICES Includes, but is not limited to, procurement of electric energy; all scheduling; settlement, and other interactions with Scheduling Coordinators, the ISO and the PX; all ancillary services and congestion management. ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE (EDI) The electronic transmission and receipt of data and/or funds in agreed upon formats in accordance with PG&E’s specifications. ENERGY SERVICE PROVIDER (ESP) An entity who provides electric supply services to DA Customers within PG&E’s service territory. An ESP may also provide certain metering and billing services to its DA Customers as provided for within these tariffs. FIXED TRANSITION AMOUNT (FTA) CHARGE A non-bypassable, separate charge that is authorized by the Commission to be charged to residential and small commercial customers to allow PG&E to recover financed transition costs and the costs of providing, recovering, financing or refinancing transition costs, including the costs of issuing, servicing, and retiring Rate Reduction Bonds. FULL SERVICE As defined in Rule 22. GENERATION CUSTOMER Any PG&E electric customer with electric generation facilities (including back-up generation in parallel with PG&E) on the customer’s side of the interconnection point. INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR (ISO) The California Independent System Operator Corporation, a state chartered, non-profit corporation that controls the transmission facilities of all participating transmission owners and dispatches certain generating units and loads. The ISO is responsible for the operation and control of the statewide transmission grid. KILOWATT 1,000 watts; a watt is a unit of electrical power equal to a current of one ampere under one volt of pressure. KILOWATT-HOUR 1,000 watts, or one (1) kilowatt of electricity used for one hour. LOAD PROFILES An approximation of a Customer’s electric usage pattern as approved by the Commission for certain purposes set forth in PG&E’s tariffs. MASTER-METERED CUSTOMER A PG&E Customer who takes Full or Direct Access Service at a single “master meter” and distributes electric supply, by its own means, to tenants within its own premises. The availability of master metering is limited by Rule 18 and the P.U. Code. MASTER-METERING Where PG&E installs one service and meter supply more than one residence, apartment dwelling unit, mobile home space, store, office, etc. METER The instrument that is used for measuring the electricity delivered to the Customer. In certain circumstances, the terms “meter” or “metering” also include related metering facilities or equipment. METER DATA MANAGEMENT AGENT (MDMA) the entity that takes raw meter outputs, validates them using validation, editing, and estimating rules, adds corollary information needed to characterize the customer, and makes complete customer information available to others for use in various applications. METER SERVICE PROVIDER (MSP) The entity that installs, validates, registers, and maintains the physical meter required on a premise to measure the required variables. METERING FACILITIES OR A meter, its associated current and potential transformers, test facilities, communication Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 97 METERING EQUIPMENT interfaces, and other associated metering equipment required for the measurement of supply deliveries to a Customer’s Account. OPTIONAL RATE SCHEDULES Commission-approved rate schedules for a customer class from which any customer in that class may choose. Optional rate schedules do not include experimental schedules or schedules available at the sole option of PG&E. PAID OR PAYMENT Funds received by PG&E through the postal service, PG&E payment office, PG&E authorized agent, or deposited in PG&E’s bank account by Electronic Data Interchange. PERSON Any individual, partnership, corporation, public agency, or other organization operating as a single entity. POWER EXCHANGE (PX) The California Power Exchange Corporation, a state chartered, non-profit organization charged with establishing a competitive spot market for electric power through day and hour ahead auction of generation and demand bids, in accordance with the PX Tariff. POWER EXCHANGE SUPPLY COST PX supply costs will be shown as either the cost of PX energy purchased by PG&E for a full Service Customer’s use, or the credit for a Direct Access Customer. POWER FACTOR The percent of total power delivery (kV) which does useful work. for billing purposes, average power factor is calculated from a trigonometric function of the ratio of reactive kilovolt-amperehours to the kilowatt-hours consumed during the billing month. PREMISES All of the real property and apparatus employed in a single enterprise on an integral parcel of land undivided, excepting, in the case of industrial, agricultural, oil field, resort enterprises, and public or quasi-public institutions, by a dedicated street, highway or public thoroughfare or railway. Automobile parking lots constituting part of land adjacent to a single enterprise may be separated by an alley from the remainder of the Premises served. PUBLIC PURPOSE PROGRAMS CHARGES A non-bypassable surcharge imposed on all retail sales of electricity and electrical services to fund public goods research, development and demonstration, energy efficient activities, and low income assistance programs. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION The Public Utilities Commission of the State of California. QUALIFIED CONTRACTOR/ SUBCONTRACTOR (QC/S) An applicant’s contractor or subcontractor who: is licensed in California for the appropriate type of work such as, but not limited to, electrical and general; employs electric workmen properly qualified (Qualified Electrical Worker, Qualified Person, etc.) as defined in State of California High Voltage Safety Orders (Title 8, Chapter 4, Subchapter 5, Group 2); and complies with applicable laws such as but not limited to, Equal Opportunity Regulations, OSHA, and EPA RATE SCHEDULE One or more tariff sheet(s) setting forth the charges and conditions for a particular class or type of service in a given area or location. A rate schedule includes all of the wording on the applicable tariff sheet(s), such as Schedule number, title, class of service, applicability, territory, rates, conditions, and references to rules. RULES Tariff sheets which cover the application of all rates, charges, and services when such applicability is not set forth in and as part of the rate schedules. SCHEDULED METER READING The date PG&E has scheduled a Customer’s meter to be read for the purposes of ending the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 98 DATE current billing cycle and beginning a new one. PG&E’s meter reading schedule is published annually, but is subject to periodic change. SCHEDULING COORDINATOR An entity meeting requirements as set forth by the Commission, FERC, and these tariffs. SERVICE ID A PG&E-specific identifier for tracking energy service deliveries for a specific load through one or more meters at a customer premises or location. one customer may have several accounts within a premises or throughout PG&E’s service territory. SETTLEMENT QUALITY DATA With respect to metering, validated or estimated interval data that is formatted into hourly usage data. This data includes monthly cumulative data that has been converted to an hourly format by the application of an approved load profile. SETTLEMENT READY DATA With respect to metering, settlement quality data that has had the appropriate distribution loss factors applied and is aggregated for delivery to the scheduling coordinator. SUBMETERING Where the master-metered customer installs, owns, maintains, and reads the meters for billing the tenants in accordance with Rule 18. TARIFF SHEET An individual sheet of tariff schedules. TARIFFS The entire body of effective rates, rentals, charges, and rules, collectively, of PG&E, including title page, preliminary statement, rate schedules, rules, sample forms, service area maps, and a list of contracts and deviations. TIME-OF-USE Rate option that prices electricity according to the season or time of day that it is used. Such usage is aggregated into discrete time periods, which are called “TOU” periods and are as specified in the PG&E rate schedules. TRANSMISSION LOAD CUSTOMER A PG&E electric customer, interconnected to PG&E’s power system at a transmission level voltage, who has no generation of its own paralleled with the PG&E system and is not interconnected with any generation source other than PG&E. UTILITY Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). UTILITY USERS TAX A tax imposed by local governments on PG&E’s customers. PG&E is required to bill customers within the city or county for the taxes due, collect the taxes from customers, and then pay the taxes to the city or county. The tax is calculated as a percentage of the charges billed by PG&E for energy use. XREF ID A unique non-changing customer-commodity-location specific number. Once the XREF ID has been assigned to a DA commodity account, it will not change throughout the life of the account unless DA is cancelled. Essentially, the XREF ID provides a way to readily identify DA commodity accounts and to reference the history of the commodity even if the customer switches to different ESPs. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 99 APPENDIX A SERVICE TERRITORY CITY CODES CITY CODE LETTERS CORRESPOND TO THE SECOND AND THIRD CHARACTERS OF THE CUSTOMER ACCOUNT NUMBER. CITY NAME CITY CODE ACADEMY TK ACAMPO AK ADAMS SPRINGS ZH AGNEW VP AGUA CALIENTE NV AHWAHNEE AE ALAMEDA JP ALAMO AL ALBANY AB ALBION QA ALDER SPRINGS FJ ALDER SPRINGS TK ALDERPOINT G4 ALEXANDER VALLEY NH ALLEGHANY IU ANDRUS ISLAND PP ALLENSWORTH AF ANGELS CAMP XB ALMANOR Q1 ANGWIN N2 ALPAUGH AF ANNAPOLIS 1N ALTA H1 ANNAPOLIS 1N ALTAVILLE XB ANTELOPE AN ALTO NK ANTIOCH JC ALTON KT APPLEGATE H2 ALVISO AV APTOS AP AMADOR CITY QB ARBUCKLE DB AMBOY T3 ARCATA AC AMERICAN CANYON NY ARGUS TD ANCHOR BAY P2 ARNOLD XA ANDERSON AS AROMAS XK ANDERSON SPRINGS ZM AROMAS XK ARROYO GRANDE AG BANTA X2 BETHANY XV ARROYO GRANDE AG BASS LAKE LD BETHEL ISLAND BI ARROYO SECO GF BAXTER H3 BETTERAVIA BX ARTOIS 9A BAY POINT DP BIEBER UQ ARVIN AR BAYLISS FJ BIG BEND UD ASTI 2N BAYSIDE YS BIG BEND H8 BAYWOOD PARK LG BIG BEND VILLAGE DS ATASCADERO WW ATHERTON AT BEALE AFB BY BIG LAGOON LF ATWATER AW BEAR VALLEY 9S BIG MEADOW TJ AUBERRY AU BEAR VALLEY ZS BIG OAK FLAT EF AUBURN HB BEAR VALLEY 2T BIG SPRINGS FP AUBURN HB BEAR VALLEY SPRING TR BIG SUR ME AUCKLAND TJ BIGGS JM BELDEN Q9 BIOLA BA BELL SPRINGS LM BIRCHVILLE HM BELLA VISTA VH BIRDS LANDING P7 BELLA VISTA VH BIRDS LANDING PP BELMONT RN BITTERWATER BJ BELVEDERE NU BLACK POINT NM BEN LOMOND BP LM BLACKWELLS CORNER TX BENBOW BEND FN BLAKES LANDING MM BENICIA BE BLOCKSBURG KD BERENDA TN BLOOMFIELD NN BERKELEY JR BLUE CANYON H5 BERKELEY JR BLUE LAKE CQ BERRY CREEK IY BLUE LAKE CQ AUKUM AVENAL AVERY AVILA BEACH AVON BACHELOR VALLEY BADGER XD AZ XY AA JG ZU AD BAKER RANCH GE BAKERSFIELD TC BAKERSFIELD TC BAKERSFIELD TC BALLARD B7 BALLICO BQ BANGOR YB Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 102 BODEGA BB BROWNS VALLEY BL CALWA TK BODEGA BAY BB BROWNSVILLE IV CAMANCHE XD BODEGA BAY BB BRUSH CREEK IH CAMBRIA KA BOGARD STATION FF BRYTE WS CAMDEN TT BOLINAS BZ BUCKINGHAM PARK ZK CAMERON PARK GS BONNY DOON VT BUCKS LAKE FP CAMINO GP BOONVILLE UF BUELLTON B9 CAMP CONNELL XA BOOTJACK TS BUMBLEBEE XR CAMP MEEKER CR BORON BO BURLINGAME BS CAMP MONTECITO TJ BOULDER CREEK BC BURNEY FF CAMP SACRAMENTO HT BOWLES TT BURNT RANCH L3 CAMPBELL CM BOWMAN HB BURREL BF CAMPBELL CM BOYES HOT SPRINGS 7N BURREL BF CAMPO SECO XE BURSON XI CAMPO SECO VS BRADLEY DC BURSON XI CAMPTONVILLE IQ BRADLEY DC BUTTE CITY ET CANTUA CREEK KK BRANNAN ISLAND PP BUTTE MEADOWS F1 CANYON J2 BRANSCOMB W9 BUTTONWILLOW BU CANYON DAM Q4 BRENTWOOD BW BYRON BN CAPAY FJ BRICELAND LM CACHAGUA CY CAPAY 3P BRIDGEPORT HM CACHUMA 3B CAPITOLA CP BRIDGEVILLE KE CADIZ 2C CARBONA XV BRIGHTON PS CARIBOU FP AH CALAVERAS BIG TREES XA BRISBANE CARLOTTA KH BROOKDALE BD CALIFORNIA VALLEY 3C CARMEL CE BROOKS 2P CALISTOGA N3 CARMEL HIGHLAND CE BROWNS FLAT XR CALPELLA UG CARMEL VALLEY CY Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 103 CARMEL VALLEY CE CHALLENGE YQ CLINTON XD CARMICHAEL CA CHAMBLESS TD CLIPPER GAP HB CARRISA PLAINS T4 CHEROKEE FM CLIPPER MILLS IM CARSON HILL XB CHESTER Y8 CLOVERDALE ND CARUTHERS CB CHICAGO PARK JF CLOVIS CI CARUTHERS CB CHICO FB CLYDE CD CASMALIA B6 CHILES VALLEY N3 COALINGA TF CASPAR QC CHINESE CAMP EJ COARSEGOLD GO CASSEL UR CHOLAME DG COBB ZH CASTLE GARDENS TR CHOWCHILLA TP COHASSET FB CASTRO VALLEY CV CHOWCHILLA TP COLD CREEK NX CASTROVILLE CT CHRISTIAN VALLEY HB COLD SPRINGS YU CATHEYS VALLEY CZ CHROME FJ COLFAX HF CAWELO TX CHUALAR CF COLLEGE CITY CC CAYTON VALLEY FF CISCO GROVE H8 COLLINSVILLE PP CAYUCOS KY CITRUS HEIGHTS CH COLMA AI CAZADERO 4N CLARKSBURG CG COLOMA GQ CEDAR FLAT LW CLARKSVILLE HT COLUMBIA YW CEDAR GROVE TJ CLAY XF COLUSA PX CEDAR RIDGE JE CLAYTON CL COMPTCHE UH CEDARBROOK TJ CLEAR CREEK Q7 CONCORD JG CENTERVILLE FB CLEARLAKE ZC CONCOW FM CENTERVILLE KQ CLEARLAKE OAKS ZE CONEJO TT CENTERVILLE TK CLEARLAKE PARK ZP CONFIDENCE XR CENTRAL VALLEY VE CLEMENTS KM COOL GD CERES AJ CLEONE NF COPPEROPOLIS XC CERES AJ CLINGANS JUNCTION TJ CORCORAN TG Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 104 CORDELIA PK CUYAMA VALLEY CJ DIGIORGIO TC CORDELIA PJ DAGGETT TD DILLON BEACH ZD CORNING WF DAIRYVILLE FN DINSMORE KE CORRAL DE TIERRA BT DALY CITY RB DINUBA TJ CORRALITOS VX DANA DY DINUBA TJ CORTE MADERA CN DANVILLE DD DIXON PF COTATI CO DAVENPORT DN DIXON PF COTTONWOOD KO DAVIS PY DOBBINS DO COTTONWOOD KO DAYTON FB DONNER SUMMITT H8 COULTERVILLE CX DE SABLA FM DORRINGTON XA COULTERVILLE CX DEER PARK N4 DOS PALOS DZ COVELO W7 DEHAVEN QW DOS PALOS (SOUTH) DT COW CREEK SR DEL LOMA L1 DOS PALOS (SOUTH) TM COYOTE VR DEL PASO HEIGHTS PS DOS PALOS Y TM CRESCENT MILLS EY DEL REY DR DOS RIOS W6 CRESSEY CS DEL REY DR DOUGLAS FLAT XG CRESSMAN AU DEL REY OAKS BT DOWNIEVILLE HJ CRESTON DQ DELEVAN PX DRUM VALLEY TJ CROCKETT CK DELFT COLONY TJ DRYTOWN QD CROWS LANDING X6 DELHI 1X DUBLIN DU CUMMINGS G5 DENAIR DK DUNCAN MILLS M1 CUNNINGHAM NR DENAIR DK DUNLAP DI CUPERTINO VV DENVERTON FS DUNNIGAN DB CUSHENBURY SPRINGS TD DERBY ACRES DE DUNNIGAN DB DIABLO DL DURHAM DH CUTLER CW DIAMOND SPRINGS GT DUSTIN ACRES DA CUTTEN LF DIBBLE CREEK FN DUTCH FLAT H4 Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 105 EARLIMART EA ELK RIVER LF FEATHER FALLS EAST NICOLAUS HP ELKHORN BT FELLOWS FW EAST NICOLAUS NO ELMIRA EI FELTON FE EAST OAKLAND JQ ELVERTA EV FERNBRIDGE KJ EAST PALO ALTO EP ELVERTA EV FERNDALE KQ EASTON TK ELVERTA EV FETTERS HOT SPRINGS NV ECHO LAKE HT EMERYVILLE EM FIDDLETOWN QE EDISON TC EMIGRANT GAP H5 FIELDBROOK OX EDWARDS ED EMMET B6 FIELDS LANDING YL EDWARDS (NORTH) ED EMPIRE ER FINLEY ZF EDWARDS AFB ED ENTERPRISE FQ FIREBAUGH FG EEL ROCK LM ESCALON X5 FISH CAMP YF EL CAMINO WF ESCALON X5 FITCH MOUNTAIN NH EL CERRITO EC ESHOM VALLEY TJ FIVE POINTS FT EL DORADO GV ESPARTO 4P FLORIN PS EL DORADO HILLS GW ETTERSBURG 1G FLOURNOY OF EL GRANADA VG EUREKA LF FOLSOM FL EL MACERO EO FAIR OAKS FO FORBESTOWN IT EL NIDO EN FAIR PLAY HT FORD CITY TV EL PORTAL EL FAIRFAX FX FOREST IX EL SOBRANTE ES FAIRFIELD PJ FOREST GLEN 8F EL VERANO NV FAIRHAVEN AM FOREST KNOLLS FK ELDERWOOD WJ FAIRMEAD TP FOREST RANCH F9 ELDRIDGE NV FALL RIVER MILLS UE FORESTHILL GE ELK P3 FALLON ZB FORESTVILLE FV ELK CREEK 9E FAMOSO TX FORESTVILLE FV ELK GROVE EG FARMINGTON FA Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 106 IF FORT BRAGG NF FRUITLAND LM GONZALES GZ FORT ORD SS FRUITVALE TC GOODYEARS BAR JD FORT ORD MA FULTON FU GRAND ISLAND PP FORT ROSS 5N GALT GA GRANITE BAY HS FORT SEWARD 2G GALT GA GRANITE BAY KR FORTUNA LJ GANNS MEADOW XA GRANITE STATION TC FOSTER CITY FC GARBERVILLE LM GRAPEVINE TC FOUR COURNERS TD GARDEN VALLEY GG GRASS VALLEY HM FOWLER FI GARDENLAND PS GRATON GR FRANKLIN PS GAREY BX GRAYSON X7 FRANZ VALLEY NL GENERAL GRANT GROVE TJ GREELEY HILL 7G FREEDOM XM GREENACRES TC GENESEE EZ GREENBRAE LK GEORGETOWN GH GREENFIELD GF GERBER GB GREENFIELD TC GEYSERS ND GREENVILLE YG GEYSERVILLE NC GREENWOOD GI GILROY VF GRIDLEY FD GLEN ELLEN 6N GRIMES ZA GLENBURN DX GRIMES ZA GLENCOE QV GRIZZLEY BLUFF LJ GLENHAVEN ZJ GRIZZLY FLATS GX GLENN 9G GRIZZLY ISLAND FS GOLD HILL HT GROVELAND YY GOLD LAKE IG GROVER BEACH GC GOLD RIVER RA GUADALUPE B8 GOLD RUN H6 GUALALA P4 FREEPORT FREESTONE FREMONT FRENCH CAMP FRENCH CAMP FRENCH CORRAL FRENCH CORRAL FRENCH GULCH FRESH POND FRESHWATER FRESNO FRESNO FRIANT FRIANT FRIANT PS NR JJ FH FH JO IJ ZG HT LF TK TK FR FR FR Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 107 GUERNEVILLE NG HAYWARD JK HORSE CORAL FLAT TJ GUERNSEY TG HEALDSBURG NH HUB TT GUINDA 5P HEART MEADOW TJ HUGHSON HG GUSTINE GU HELM HE HUGHSON HG GUSTINE GU HENLEYVILLE WF HUMBOLDT HILL LF HACIENDA FV HERCULES HR HUME LAKE HK HALCYON AG HERITAGE RANCH BR HUMPHREYS STATION TK HALES GROVE LM HERNDON TK HUNTER LIG RES JO HALF MOON BAY RH HICKMAN HC HURLETON FQ HAMES VALLEY DC HIGHWAY CITY TK HURON HU HAMILTON CITY 9H HILLCREST FF HYDESVILLE KV HAMILTON FIELD NM HILLSBOROUGH HL IGNACIO NM HAMLET NN HILMAR HQ IGO W1 HAMMONTON HP HILTON NG INDIAN FALLS FP HANFORD HA HOBERGS ZH INVERNESS IN HANFORD HA HOLLISTER BG INYOKERN C9 HANFORD HA HOLLYDALE PARK NR IONE QF HARDON FLAT XR HOLMES LJ IOOF PARK NG HARDWICK TT HOLY CITY VJ IRWIN XX HARMONY T7 HOLY CITY VJ ISLAND MOUNTAIN 3G HARRIS 4G HONCUT FQ ISLETON P8 HARTLAND TJ HONEYDEW KU JACKASS HILL XR HASTINGS ISLAND PP HONEYDEW KU JACKSON XD HAT CREEK US HOOPA L1 JACKSONVILLE XR HATHAWAY PINES XO HOPETON TR JACOBY CREEK LF HAUSNA AG HOPLAND UI JAMESTOWN YZ HAWKINS BAR L8 HORNITOS HN Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 108 JARBO GAP FM KIRKWOOD WF LANARE TT JEFFERSONVILLE XR KNEELAND KL LARGO UI JENNER 5N KNIGHTS FERRY XN LARKFIELD NR JENNY LIND XT KNIGHTS LANDING KS LARKSPUR LK JOHNSON PARK TU KNIGHTSEN K3 LAS CRUCES 2B JOLON JO KNOWLES TN LAS DELTA TM JONESVILLE FB KORBEL KB LASSEN CAMP MW JOYCE ISLAND FS KRAMER JUNCTION TD LATHROP LP KEDDIE Y3 KYBURZ GY LATHROP LP KELSEY G1 LA GRANGE LR LATHROP LP KELSEYVILLE ZK LA HONDA LH LATON LX KENSINGTON KN LA HONDA LH LATON LX KENTFIELD KF LA PORTE IL LATROBE HT KENWOOD KW LA PURISMA 2B LAYTONVILLE W8 KERMAN TH LA SELVA BEACH VX LAYTONVILLE W8 KETTENPOM LM LAFAYETTE LY LE GRAND LQ KETTLEMAN CITY KC LAGUNITAS LU LEBEC LE KEYES 2X LAKE ALMANOR Q2 LEESVILLE 9S KEYES 2X LAKE BERRYESSA N7 LEGGETT 5G KEYSTONE XR LAKE DON PEDRO SX LEMOORE TL KING CITY BJ LAKE DON PEDRO CX LIBERTY FARMS PK KING SALMON LF LAKE DON PEDRO LR LINCOLN HD KINGS CANYON NATIONAL PARK KG LAKE MADRONE FQ LINCOLN HD LAKE OF THE PINES HM LINDA HP KINGSBURG KI LAKEHEAD LB LINDEN LI KINGSBURG KI LAKEPORT NJ H8 LITTLE GRASS VALLEY IL KINGVALE LAMONT LT Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 109 LITTLE NORWAY 8R LOS ALTOS HILLS LA MANTON MQ LITTLE RIVER QL LOS BANOS TM MAPLE CREEK LF LITTLE VALLEY W5 LOS BERROS AG MARICOPA MF LIVE OAK LO LOS GATOS VJ MARICOPA HEIGHTS TV LIVE OAK LO LOS GATOS VJ MARINA MA LIVERMORE JN LOS MOLINOS OM MARINWOOD NQ LIVINGSTON LV LOS OLIVOS B5 MARIPOSA TS LOCH LOMOND ZO LOS OSOS LG MARSHALL MM LOCKEFORD LC LOST HILLS LL MARSHALL MM LOCKWOOD VW LOTUS 8S MARSHALL STATION TK LODI XF LOVELOCK FM MARTELL QP LODOGA FJ LOWER LAKE ZL MARTINEZ MR LOLETA KX LUCERNE ZI MARTINS BEACH RH LOLETA KX LUCERNE VALLEY T8 MARYSVILLE HP LOMA MAR VM LYONSVILLE PC MATHER AFB MN LOMA RICA HP LYTTON NC MAXWELL EU LOMPICO FE MAD RIVER KZ MC ARTHUR UU LOMPOC 2B MADERA TN MC CANN LM LONDON TJ MADERA TN MC CLELLAN FIELD PS LONE STAR TK MADISON 6P MC FARLAND MC LONG BARN EB MAGALIA F3 MC KINLEYVILLE MV LONGVALE NZ MAGUNDEN TC MC KITTRICK MK LONOAK BJ MALAGA TK MEADOW LAKES TK LOOMIS LZ MANCHESTER P1 MEADOW VALLEY EX LOOMIS LZ MANILA LF MEADOW VISTA GJ LOS ALAMOS B4 MANTECA XH MEADOWMONT XB LOS ALTOS LA MANTECA XH MENDOCINO QM Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 110 MENDOTA MY MODESTO XJ MOUNT BULLION TS MENLO PARK MP MOJAVE T5 MOUNT HAMILTON VP MERCED TR MOKELUMNE HILL QT MOUNT HERMON MT MERCED FALLS TR MOKELUMNE HILL QT MOUNTAIN RANCH XQ MERIDIAN EK MOLINO NR MOUNTAIN REST TK MERRITT ISLAND PP MONMOUTH TT MOUNTAIN VIEW VL METTLER STATION MZ MONO PINES XR MUIR BEACH OW MI WUK VILLAGE UW MONO VISTA XR MUROC TD MICHIGAN BLUFF GE MONSON TJ MURPHYS XU MIDDLETOWN ZM MONTA VISTA VV MYERS FLAT G6 MIDPINES TS MONTARA VD NAPA NL MILL CREEK MX MONTE RIO ZR NASHVILLE HT MILL VALLEY NK MONTE SERENO MS NAVARRO UJ MILLBRAE MI MONTEREY BM NAVELENCIA RV MILLVILLE MJ MONTGOMERY CREEK UT NELSON NA MILPITAS ML NEVADA CITY HH MOONSTONE BEACH LF NEW CUYAMA 3N MOOSE CAMP FF NEW IDRIA AY MORAGA MG NEWARK NE MORGAN HILL MH MH NEWBERRY SPRINGS C4 MORGAN HILL MORRO BAY MB NEWCASTLE GK MOSS BEACH VK NEWMAN XL MOSS LANDING MD NEWVILLE FJ MOUNT AUKUM GP NICASIO N8 MOUNT AUKUM 8P NICE ZN MOUNT AUKUM (NORTH) 8P NICOLAUS NO MINERAL MINKLER MINTURN MIRABLE PARK MW SR TN FV MIRAMONTE MU MIRANDA 6G MISSION DISTRICT SL MISSION HILLS 2B MO TRIANGLE TV MOCCASIN YY MODESTO XJ Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 111 NIMSHEW FM OCCIDENTAL OC OROVILLE FQ NIPINNAWASEE TQ OCEANO OO ORRS HOT SPRINGS NX NIPOMO B2 ODD FELLOWS EB OSWALD HP NIPOMO B2 OIL CENTER TC OUTINGDALE HT NORD FB OILDALE TC PACHECO PA NORDEN H8 OLD CUYAMA TV PACIFIC GROVE PG NORTH COLUMBIA HM OLD RIVER TC PACIFIC HOUSE HV NORTH FORK NT OLD STATION UX PACIFICA RP NORTH HIGHLANDS HI OLEANDER TK PAGES CORNER TK NORTH SAN JUAN IO OLEMA OA PAICINES AY NORTHWOOD ZR OLIVEHURST OL PALERMO IP NOVATO NM OMO RANCH HX PALO CEDRO AO NOYO NF ONO V3 PANOCHE VALLEY AY NUBIEBER UV OPHIR HB PARADISE FM O'BRIEN LB ORA VISTA FQ PARADISE PINES FM O'NEALS ON ORANGE COVE OE PARKFIELD KP OAK RUN OU ORANGEVALE OV PARLIER PE OAK RUN OU ORCUTT 4B PASKENTA XP OAK SHORES BR ORD BEND FJ PASO ROBLES BK OAK SHORES DC OREGON CITY FM PATTERSON X8 OAKDALE XN OREGON HOUSE OH PAYNES CREEK PC OAKHURST TQ ORICK OI PEACH TREE BJ OAKLAND JQ ORINDA OR PEARDALE HM OAKLAND JQ ORLAND FJ PEBBLE BEACH PB OAKLEY OK ORLEANS L2 PENN VALLEY IJ OAKVILLE OQ OROSI OS PENNGROVE 9P OCCIDENTAL OC OROVILLE FQ PENNINGTON FQ Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 112 PENRYN GL PIONEER POINT TD PRATHER PR PEPPERWOOD LF PISMO BEACH PW PRATTVILLE Q1 PESCADERO VO PITTSBURG JH PRESIDIO PT PETALUMA NN PITTVILLE FF PRESTON NC PETALUMA NN PLACERVILLE HT PRINCETON EQ PETALUMA NN PLANADA PM PRINCETON VG PETERS XT PLATINA 8A PROBERTA RW PETROLIA JV PLEASANT GROVE PO PROJECT CITY WO PETROLIA JV PLEASANT GROVE PO PRUNEDALE BT PHILLIPSVILLE G9 PLEASANT HILL PH PULGA F6 PHILO UK PLEASANT VALLEY HT PUMPKIN CENTER TC PIEDMONT PD PLEASANTON PL QUAIL FLAT TJ PIEDRA SR PLEASANTON PL QUINCY FP PIERCY G7 PLYMOUTH QS RACKERBY IK PIKE CITY IZ POINT ARENA NP RAILROAD FLAT QX PILOT HILL GN POINT REYES PQ RAINBOW TAVERN H8 PINE FLAT SR POINT REYES STATION PQ RAISIN CITY RR PINE GROVE QJ RANCHO CORDOVA RA POLLOCK PINES HW RANCHO MURIETA RF POND TX RANCHO TEHAMA WF PONDEROSA SKY RANCH PC RAYMOND RY PONDOSA 1W RAYMOND RY POPE VALLEY N5 RAYMOND RY PORT COSTA DF RED BANK FN PORTOLA VALLEY PV RED BANK WJ POTTER VALLEY UM RED BLUFF FN PRAIRIE CREEK LF RED MOUNTAIN TD PINE MOUNTAIN LAKE XR PINE RIDGE AU PINECREST YU PINEDALE PI PINEHURST PU PINNACLES AY PINOLE PN PIONEER QK Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 113 RED TOP C8 RIO LINDA RL RUTH JY REDCREST JW RIO NIDO 9N RUTHERFORD N6 REDDING FY RIO OSO RO RYDE PP REDWAY G2 RIO VISTA PP RYER ISLAND PP REDWOOD CITY RC RIPON X4 SACRAMENTO PS REDWOOD CREEK LW RIVER PINES QG SALIDA ID REDWOOD ESTATES RE RIVERBANK RI SALINAS BT REDWOOD ESTATES RE RIVERBANK RI SALMON CREEK BB REDWOOD VALLEY UN RIVERDALE RZ SALYER L4 REDWOOD VALY L3 RIVERDALE RZ SAMOA AM REEDLEY RV RIVERTON HT SAN ANDREAS ZT REEDLEY RV ROBBINS ZQ SAN ANSELMO SW RESCUE HY ROCKLIN RT SAN ARDO AQ RHEEM RM ROCKPORT QR SAN BENANCIO CANYON BT RICHARDSON GROVE LM RODEO RQ SAN BENITO BG ROHNERT PARK RK SAN BRUNO RD ROHNERT PARK (SOUTH) RK SAN CARLOS SC ROHNERVILLE LF SAN FRANCISCO RG ROLINDA TK SAN GERONIMO GM ROSEDALE TC SAN GREGORIO VQ ROSEVILLE HS SAN JOAQUIN SJ ROSEVILLE HS SAN JOSE VP ROSS RS SAN JOSE VP ROUGH & READY IW SAN JOSE VP ROUND MOUNTAIN UB SAN JUAN BAUTISTA B1 RUMSEY 7P SAN JUAN BAUTISTA B1 RICHARDSON SPRINGS FB RICHFIELD WF RICHMOND JT RICHVALE IR RIDGECREST TD RIEGO HP RIO BRAVO TC RIO DELL NR RIO DELL NR RIO DELL JX RIO DELL JX Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 114 SAN LEANDRO SO SANTA YNEZ 3B SHEEP RANCH XS SAN LORENZO SZ SARATOGA SG SHELL BEACH PW SAN LUCAS AX SARATOGA SG SHERIDAN SH SAN LUIS OBISPO BV SARATOGA SG SHERMAN ISLAND PP SAN MARTIN UA SAUSALITO NS SHINGLE SPRINGS HZ SAN MATEO SM SAWMILL FLAT XR SHINGLETOWN WQ SAN MIGUEL KP SCHELLVILLE NV SHIVELY LF SAN PABLO SB SCIOTS CAMP HT SIEGLER SPRINGS ZH SAN QUENTIN QU SCOTIA JU SIERRA CITY IG SAN RAFAEL NQ SCOTTS VALLEY SY SIERRA CITY HM SAN RAMON SN SEACLIFF AP SIERRA VILLAGE UW SAN SIMEON SP SEA RANCH P5 SILVER FORK HT SAND CITY EW SEASIDE SS SISQUOC B3 SANGER SR SEAVIEW NG SITES PX SANGER SR SEBASTOPOL SE SKAGGS SPRINGS NC SANGER SR SEBASTOPOL SE SKY LONDA LH SANTA BARBARA 5B SELBY JT SLOUGHHOUSE QQ SANTA CLARA SA SELMA TT SLY PARK HT SANTA CLARA SA SEQUOIA TJ SMARTVILLE SV SANTA CRUZ VT SEVILLE VE SMARTVILLE SV SANTA MARGARITA WZ SHAFTER TE SMITH CAMP FF SANTA MARGARITA WZ SHANDON WY SNELLING SX SANTA MARIA BX SHASTA W2 SO BEIRIDGE TV SANTA NELLA GU SHASTA LAKE VE SODA SPRINGS H8 SANTA RITA PARK TM SHASTA LAKE CITY VE SOLEDAD SL SANTA ROSA NR SHAVER LAKE SK SOLEDAD SL SANTA VENTIA NQ SHAWS FLAT XR SOLVANG 1B Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 115 SOMERSET IC STONE CORRAL WJ SYCAMORE PX SOMES BAR L6 STONE LAGOON LF TAFT TV SONOMA NV STONYFORD 9S TAFT TV SONOMA NV STORRIE F7 TAFT (SOUTH) TV SONORA XR STOUT XR TAFT HEIGHTS TV SOQUEL SQ STRATFORD RX TALMAGE UO SOULSBYVILLE YR STRAWBERRY HT TAMARACK XA SOUTH FORK TQ STRAWBERRY X1 TAMARACK PINES HT SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO RJ STRAWBERRY POINT NQ TAYLORSVILLE EZ TEHACHAPI 2T N7 STRAWBERRY VALLEY IS SPANISH FLAT TEHAMA YT SPANISH RANCH EX SUGAR PINE TQ TEMPLETON BR SPRECKELS SF SUGAR PINE UW TEPUSQUET BX SPRINGVILLE VU SUISUN FS TERMINOUS XF SPRUCE POINT LF SUISUN FS TERRA LINDA NQ SQUAW VALLEY VY SULTANA UL THERMALITO FQ SAINT HELENA NW SUMMERHOME PARK NR THORNTON TW STANDARD YR SUMMIT CITY FY THREE ROCKS KK STANFORD UNIVERSITY ST SUNNYBRAE LF TIBURON OT SUNNYVALE VB TIERRA BUENA HP SUNOL SU TIVY VALLEY SR SUTTER SD TOADTOWN FM SUTTER SD TOBIN F8 SUTTER CREEK QI TOCOLOMA LU SUTTER HILL XD TODD VALLEY GE SUTTER ISLAND PP TOLLHOUSE T1 SWAINS FLAT LF TOMALES N1 STENT STEVINSON STEWARTS POINT STINSON BEACH STIRLING CITY STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON XR SI P6 BH F2 XT XT XT Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 116 TRACY XV VALLECITO XZ WASHINGTON II TRANQUILLITY TI VALLEJO NY WATERFORD WT TRAVER TZ VALLEJO NY WATERLOO XT TRAVIS AFB EE VALLEY ACRES VA WATSONVILLE VX TRES PINOS 6B VALLEY FORD BB WATSONVILLE VX TRIMMER TK VALLEY HOME XN WAUKENA WG TRINIDAD TB VALLEY SPRINGS VS WAWONA C6 TRONA TO VALLEY SPRINGS VS WEIMAR HF TRONA (SOUTH) TO VAN ARSDALE VM WEIMAR H9 TUDOR HP VANDENBURG AFB 2B WEITCHPEC L7 TULARE TY VERNALIS X3 WEOTT JZ TUOLUMNE YX VERONA HP WEST POINT QY TUPMAN TA VICHY SPRINGS NX WEST SACRAMENTO WS TURLOCK XX VICTOR VC WESTEND TD TUTTLETOWN XR VICTORVILLE C5 WESTHAVEN LF TWAIN Y6 VILLA GRANDE N9 WESTLEY X9 TWAIN HARTE YV VINA IA WESTPORT QW TWIN BRIDGES IE VINEBURG 8N WESTWOOD Q7 TWITCHELL ISLAND PP VIRGILIA FP WHEATLAND WE TWO ROCK NN VISALIA VI WHEELER RIDGE TV TYLER HH VOLCANO QN WHISKEYTOWN WB TYLER ISLAND PP VOLTA TM WHISPERING PINE ZH UKIAH NX WALLACE WL WHITE HALL NN UNION CITY UC WALNUT CREEK WC WHITE PINES XW UPPER LAKE ZU WALNUT GROVE WV WHITETHORN G3 VACATION BEACH NG WALNUT GROVE WV WHITMORE W3 VACAVILLE PK WASCO TX WHITTAKER FOREST TJ Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 117 WILDWOOD 8W WINTON WN YOLO YO WILLIAMS DV WISHON WU YORKVILLE UP WILLITS NZ WITTER SPRINGS ZW YOSEMITE YX WILLOW CREEK LW WONDER VALLEY SR YOSEMITE (WEST) T2 WILLOW SPRINGS XD WOODACRE WA YOUNTVILLE YN WILLOW SPRINGS YR WOODBRIDGE WR YUBA CITY YC WILLOWS 9W WOODEN VALLEY NL YUBA GAP HB WILLOWS 9W WOODLAKE WJ YUBA GAP H5 WILSEYVILLE QZ WOODLAND PZ ZACA LAKE 3B WILSONIA TJ WOODLEAF FQ ZAMORA PZ WINDSOR WI WOODSIDE WD ZENIA G8 WINDSOR WI WYANDOTTE FQ WINTERS 7W YANKEE HILL FM WINTERS 7W YETTEM YE Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 118 APPENDIX B SERVICE CITY ZIP CODES City ACAMPO AHWAHNEE AHWAHNEE ALAMEDA ALAMEDA ALAMO ALBANY ALBANY ALBANY ALBION ALDERPOINT ALLEGHANY ALLENSWORTH ALLENSWORTH ALLENSWORTH ALMANOR ALPAUGH ALTA ALTAVILLE ALTON ALVISO AMADOR CITY AMBOY AMERICAN CANYON AMERICAN CANYON AMERICAN CANYON AMERICAN CANYON ANDERSON Zip Code 95220 93601 93601 94501 94502 94507 94706 94707 94710 95410 95511 95910 93201 93219 93219 95947 93201 95701 95221 95540 95002 95601 92304 94503 94503 94588 94590 96007 ANDERSON ANGELS CAMP ANGELS CAMP ANGWIN ANNAPOLIS ANTELOPE ANTIOCH ANTIOCH ANTIOCH ANTIOCH ANTIOCH ANTIOCH ANTIOCH ANTIOCH ANTIOCH ANTIOCH ANTIOCH APPLEGATE APTOS APTOS ARBUCKLE ARBUCKLE ARCATA ARCATA ARCATA ARNOLD ARNOLD AROMAS AROMAS 96007 95221 95222 94508 95412 95843 90212 90406 92626 92806 94507 94509 94509 94523 94531 94566 97478 95703 95001 95003 95912 95932 95518 95519 95521 95223 95223 95004 95004 ARROYO GRANDE ARROYO GRANDE ARROYO GRANDE ARROYO GRANDE ARROYO GRANDE ARTOIS ARTOIS ARVIN ATASCADERO ATASCADERO ATASCADERO ATASCADERO ATHERTON ATWATER AUBERRY AUBURN AUBURN AUBURN AUBURN AUBURN AUBURN AVENAL AVENAL AVERY AVILA BEACH AVILA BEACH BADGER BADGER BAKERSFIELD 93401 93420 93421 93444 93445 95913 95913 93203 93422 93423 93442 93446 94027 95301 93602 95602 95602 95603 95603 95603 95604 93204 93204 95224 93424 93449 93603 93603 90404 BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BALLARD BALLICO BANGOR BANGOR BANTA BASS LAKE BASS LAKE BAXTER BAXTER BAY POINT BAYSIDE BEALE AFB BEAR VALLEY BEAR VALLEY 90503 91210 92658 92887 93203 93206 93220 93280 93301 93302 93303 93303 93304 93305 93306 93307 93308 93309 93309 93311 93312 93313 93314 93380 93381 93383 93384 93387 93388 93389 93390 93463 95303 95914 95914 95304 93604 93669 95701 95722 94565 95524 95903 95222 95222 BEAR VALLEY BEAR VALLEY BELDEN BELLA VISTA BELMONT BELMONT BELVEDERE BEN LOMOND BENICIA BENICIA BERKELEY BERKELEY BERKELEY BERKELEY BERKELEY BERKELEY BERKELEY BERKELEY BERKELEY BERKELEY BERKELEY BERKELEY BERKELEY BERKELEY BERKELEY BERRY CREEK BETHEL ISLAND BETHEL ISLAND BIEBER BIEBER BIG BEND BIG SUR BIGGS BIOLA BIRDS LANDING BLOCKSBURG BLUE LAKE BLUE LAKE BODEGA BODEGA BAY BOLINAS BOONVILLE BORON BORON BOULDER CREEK 95223 95223 95915 96008 94002 94002 94920 95005 94510 94553 94618 94701 94702 94703 94704 94704 94705 94706 94707 94707 94708 94708 94709 94710 94720 95916 94511 94513 96009 96130 96011 93920 95917 93606 94512 95514 95524 95525 94922 94923 94924 95415 93516 93516 95006 BRADLEY BRADLEY BRADLEY BRANSCOMB BRENTWOOD BRENTWOOD BRENTWOOD BRENTWOOD BRENTWOOD BRENTWOOD BRENTWOOD BRENTWOOD BRENTWOOD BRIDGEVILLE BRIDGEVILLE BRISBANE BROOKDALE BROOKS BROWNS VALLEY BROWNSVILLE BRUSH CREEK BUELLTON BUELLTON BURLINGAME BURLINGAME BURNEY BURNEY BURNT RANCH BURNT RANCH BURREL BURSON BURSON BUTTE CITY BUTTE CITY BUTTE MEADOWS BUTTONWILLOW BUTTONWILLOW BYRON BYRON BYRON BYRON BYRON BYRON CALIFORNIA VALLEY CALIFORNIA VALLEY Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 120 93426 93426 93426 95417 94513 94513 94513 94513 94513 94514 94561 94566 94588 95526 95526 94005 95007 95606 95918 95919 95916 93101 93427 94010 94011 96013 96130 95527 95546 93607 95225 95225 95920 95920 95942 93206 93260 92626 94513 94514 94514 94514 94514 93453 93453 CALISTOGA CALISTOGA CALPELLA CAMBRIA CAMERON PARK CAMINO CAMP CONNELL CAMP MEEKER CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPO SECO CAMPTONVILLE CAMPTONVILLE CANTUA CREEK CANYON CANYON DAM CAPAY CAPAY CAPITOLA CARLOTTA CARMEL CARMEL CARMEL CARMEL CARMEL VALLEY CARMICHAEL CARMICHAEL CARRISA PLAINS CARRISA PLAINS CARRISA PLAINS CARUTHERS CASMALIA CASPAR CASSEL CASTRO VALLEY CASTRO VALLEY CASTRO VALLEY CASTRO VALLEY CASTRO VALLEY CASTROVILLE 94515 94515 95418 93428 95682 95709 95223 95419 95008 95008 95008 95008 95009 95009 95009 95226 95922 95922 93608 94516 95923 95607 95607 95010 95528 93921 93922 93923 93924 93924 95608 95609 93276 93453 93453 93609 93429 95420 96016 94541 94544 94546 94546 94552 95012 CATHEYS VALLEY CATHEYS VALLEY CAYUCOS CAZADERO CEDAR RIDGE CERES CERES CHALLENGE CHALLENGE CHESTER CHICO CHICO CHICO CHICO CHICO CHICO CHINESE CAMP CHOLAME CHOLAME CHOWCHILLA CHOWCHILLA CHUALAR CITRUS HEIGHTS CITRUS HEIGHTS CLARKSBURG CLAYTON CLAYTON CLEARLAKE CLEARLAKE OAKS CLEARLAKE PARK CLEMENTS CLEMENTS CLIPPER MILLS CLOVERDALE CLOVERDALE CLOVIS CLOVIS CLOVIS CLOVIS CLOVIS CLOVIS CLOVIS CLOVIS CLYDE COALINGA 95306 95338 93430 95421 95924 95307 95351 95925 95925 96020 95926 95927 95928 95929 95973 95973 95309 93431 93461 93610 93610 93925 95610 95621 95612 94517 94566 95422 95423 95424 95220 95227 95930 95425 95425 93611 93612 93613 93619 93706 93720 93725 95834 94520 93210 COALINGA COALINGA COARSEGOLD COBB COHASSET COLFAX COLFAX COLLEGE CITY COLMA COLMA COLOMA COLUMBIA COLUSA COMPTCHE CONCORD CONCORD CONCORD CONCORD CONCORD CONCORD CONCORD CONCORD COOL COPPEROPOLIS CORCORAN CORCORAN CORCORAN CORCORAN CORCORAN CORNING CORNING CORNING CORTE MADERA CORTE MADERA CORTE MADERA COSTA MESA COTATI COTATI COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COULTERVILLE COULTERVILLE COURTLAND COVELO COYOTE Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 121 93210 93210 93614 95426 95973 95713 95736 95912 94014 94015 95613 95310 95932 95427 94518 94519 94520 94520 94521 94522 94523 94524 95614 95228 93212 93212 93212 93221 93230 96021 96021 96022 94925 94948 94976 92626 94928 94931 96022 96022 95311 95311 95615 95428 95013 CRESCENT CITY CRESCENT MILLS CRESSEY CRESTON CROCKETT CROWS LANDING CUMMINGS CUPERTINO CUPERTINO CUPERTNIO CUTLER CUTTEN CUYAMA CUYAMA DAGGETT DALY CITY DALY CITY DANVILLE DANVILLE DANVILLE DANVILLE DANVILLE DANVILLE DAVENPORT DAVIS DAVIS DAVIS DAVIS DEER PARK DEL REY DEL REY DELEVAN DELHI DENAIR DENAIR DERBY ACRES DERBY ACRES DIABLO DIABLO DIABLO DIAMOND SPRINGS DIAMOND SPRINGS DILLON BEACH DILLON BEACH DINUBA 95531 95934 95312 93432 94525 95313 95585 95014 95015 95014 93615 95534 93252 93254 92327 94014 94015 94005 94506 94526 94526 94526 94526 95017 91789 95616 95616 95617 94576 93616 93657 95988 95315 95316 95316 93224 93268 94520 94526 94528 95619 95675 94929 94929 93271 DINUBA DINUBA DINUBA DISCOVERY BAY DIXON DIXON DIXON DIXON DIXON DOBBINS DOBBINS DORRINGTON DOS PALOS DOS PALOS DOS PALOS DOS RIOS DOUGLAS FLAT DOWNIEVILLE DRYTOWN DUBLIN DUBLIN DUBLIN DUBLIN DUBLIN DUNCANS MILLS DUNLAP DUNNIGAN DURHAM DURHAM DUSTIN ACRES DUTCH FLAT EARLIMART EAST NICOLAUS EAST PALO ALTO EAST PALO ALTO EDISON EDWARDS EL CERRITO EL DORADO EL DORADO HILLS EL DORADO HILLS EL GRANADA EL MACERO EL NIDO EL PORTAL 93618 93618 93662 94514 95615 95620 95620 95662 95694 95935 95962 95223 93620 93620 95340 95429 95229 95936 95699 94566 94568 94568 94568 94568 95430 93621 95937 95926 95938 93268 95714 93219 95659 94303 94303 93220 93523 94530 95623 95762 95762 94018 95618 95317 95318 EL SOBRANTE EL SOBRANTE ELK ELK CREEK ELK GROVE ELK GROVE ELK GROVE ELK GROVE ELK GROVE ELMIRA ELVERTA ELVERTA ELVERTA EMERALD HILLS EMERYVILLE EMERYVILLE EMIGRANT GAP EMIGRANT GAP EMPIRE ESCALON ESPARTO ESPARTO EUREKA EUREKA EUREKA EUREKA EUREKA EUREKA FAIR OAKS FAIRFAX FAIRFIELD FAIRFIELD FAIRFIELD FAIRFIELD FAIRFIELD FAIRFIELD FALL RIVER MILLS FALLON FARMINGTON FARMINGTON FEATHER FALLS FELLOWS FELTON FERNBRIDGE FERNDALE Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 122 94803 94806 95432 95939 95624 95757 95758 95828 95829 95625 95626 95626 95626 94062 94601 94608 95715 95715 95319 95320 95607 95627 90274 95501 95502 95503 95521 98101 95628 94930 94533 94534 94534 94535 94585 95687 96028 94952 95230 95230 95940 93224 95018 95540 95536 FIDDLETOWN FIDDLETOWN FIELDBROOK FIELDBROOK FIELDBROOK FIELDS LANDING FINLEY FIREBAUGH FIREBAUGH FIREBAUGH FISH CAMP FISH CAMP FIVE POINTS FLOURNOY FOLSOM FOLSOM FOLSOM FORBESTOWN FORBESTOWN FOREST GLEN FOREST KNOLLS FOREST RANCH FORESTHILL FORESTVILLE FORT BRAGG FORT BRAGG FORT SEWARD FORTUNA FOSTER CITY FOSTER CITY FOWLER FREEDOM FREMONT FREMONT FREMONT FREMONT FREMONT FREMONT FREMONT FRENCH CAMP FRENCH CAMP FRENCH GULCH FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO 95629 95629 95519 95521 95525 95537 95435 93622 93622 93622 93623 93623 93624 96029 95630 95630 95763 95941 95941 96041 94933 95942 95631 95436 95437 95456 95542 95540 94403 94404 93625 95019 94536 94537 94538 94538 94539 94555 94583 95231 95336 96033 90707 93612 93650 FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRIANT FRIANT FRIANT FULTON GALT GALT GALT GARBERVILLE GARBERVILLE GARBERVILLE GARBERVILLE GARDEN VALLEY GEORGETOWN GEORGETOWN GERBER GEYSERVILLE 93657 93668 93701 93702 93703 93704 93705 93706 93710 93710 93711 93720 93721 93722 93722 93725 93726 93726 93727 93727 93728 93729 93740 93760 93776 93778 93778 93792 95816 93626 93626 93626 95439 95632 95632 95632 95501 95542 95542 96127 95633 95634 95634 96035 92081 GEYSERVILLE GILROY GILROY GLEN ELLEN GLENCOE GLENHAVEN GLENN GOLD RIVER GOLD RUN GONZALES GOODYEARS BAR GRANITE BAY GRASS VALLEY GRASS VALLEY GRASS VALLEY GRASS VALLEY GRATON GRAYSON GRAYSON GRAYSON GREENBRAE GREENFIELD GREENVILLE GREENWOOD GRIDLEY GRIMES GRIZZLY FLATS GRIZZLY FLATS GROVELAND GROVELAND GROVER BEACH GROVER BEACH GUADALUPE GUADALUPE GUALALA GUERNEVILLE GUERNEVILLE GUINDA GUSTINE GUSTINE HALCYON HALF MOON BAY HAMILTON CITY HANFORD HANFORD Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 123 95441 95020 95021 95442 95232 95443 95943 95670 95717 93926 95944 95746 95945 95949 95959 95960 95444 95360 95363 95387 94904 93927 95947 95635 95948 95950 95636 95684 95321 95321 93433 93483 93434 93434 95445 95446 95471 95637 95322 95322 93420 94019 95951 93230 93232 HARMONY HAT CREEK HATHAWAY PINES HAWKINS BAR HAWKINS BAR HAYWARD HAYWARD HAYWARD HAYWARD HAYWARD HAYWARD HAYWARD HAYWARD HAYWARD HAYWARD HAYWARD HAYWARD HAYWARD HAYWARD HEALDSBURG HELM HERCULES HICKMAN HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE HILLSBOROUGH HILMAR HOLLISTER HOLLISTER HOLLISTER HOLT HONEYDEW HOOPA HOOPA HOOPA HOPLAND HORNITOS HUGHSON HUME HURON HURON HURON HYDESVILLE IGO INVERNESS INYOKERN 93435 96040 95233 95527 95563 94540 94541 94542 94542 94543 94544 94544 94544 94545 94545 94545 94546 94552 96064 95448 93627 94547 95323 95467 94010 95324 95023 95023 95024 95234 95545 95546 95547 95573 95449 95325 95326 93628 93210 93234 93245 95547 96047 94937 93526 INYOKERN INYOKERN IONE IRVINE ISLETON JACKSON JACKSON JACKSON JACKSON JAMESTOWN JENNER JOHNSON PARK JOLON KEDDIE KELSEY KELSEYVILLE KENSINGTON KENSINGTON KENSINGTON KENSINGTON KENTFIELD KENTFIELD KENWOOD KENWOOD KERMAN KERMAN KETTLEMAN CITY KETTLEMAN CITY KEYES KING CITY KING CITY KING CITY KINGS CANYON KINGS CANYON KINGSBURG KINGSBURG KINGSBURG KNEELAND KNIGHTS FERRY KNIGHTS LANDING KNIGHTS LANDING KNIGHTS LANDING KNIGHTSEN KORBEL KYBURZ 93527 93555 95640 92612 95641 92629 95642 95647 99210 95327 95450 96013 93928 95971 95667 95451 94706 94707 94707 94708 94901 94904 95409 95452 93630 93631 93234 93239 95328 93930 93930 93930 93633 93633 93631 93631 93631 95549 95361 95645 95645 95645 94548 95550 95720 LA GRANGE LA GRANGE LA GRANGE LA HONDA LA HONDA LA PORTE LA SELVA BEACH LAFAYETTE LAGUNITAS LAKE ALMANOR LAKE ALMANOR LAKE ALMANOR LAKE BERRYESSA LAKEHEAD LAKEPORT LAKEPORT LAMONT LARKSPUR LARKSPUR LARKSPUR LATHROP LATON LATON LAYTONVILLE LAYTONVILLE LAYTONVILLE LE GRAND LEBEC LEBEC LEGGETT LEMOORE LEMOORE LINCOLN LINCOLN LINDEN LINDEN LITTLE NORWAY LITTLE NORWAY LITTLE RIVER LITTLE VALLEY LIVE OAK LIVE OAK LIVERMORE LIVERMORE LIVERMORE Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 124 95329 95329 95329 94020 94020 95981 95076 94549 94938 96020 96137 96137 94558 96051 90267 95453 93241 94904 94939 94977 95330 93242 93242 95417 95454 95490 95333 93243 93243 95585 93245 93656 95648 95648 95236 95236 95721 95735 95456 96056 95816 95953 92660 94513 94550 LIVERMORE LIVERMORE LIVERMORE LIVERMORE LIVERMORE LIVERMORE LIVERMORE LIVERMORE LIVINGSTON LOCH LOMOND LOCH LOMOND LOCKEFORD LOCKWOOD LODI LODI LODI LOLETA LOMA MAR LOMPOC LOMPOC LOMPOC LONG BARN LOOMIS LOS ALAMOS LOS ALAMOS LOS ALTOS LOS ALTOS LOS ALTOS LOS ALTOS HILLS LOS ALTOS HILLS LOS BANOS LOS BANOS LOS GATOS LOS GATOS LOS GATOS LOS GATOS LOS GATOS LOS GATOS LOS GATOS LOS GATOS LOS GATOS LOS GATOS LOS MOLINOS LOS OLIVOS LOS OSOS 94550 94550 94551 94551 94551 94551 94551 94588 95334 95426 95461 95237 93932 95240 95241 95242 95551 94021 93436 93437 93438 95335 95650 93440 93441 94022 94022 94024 94022 94024 93635 93635 95030 95030 95030 95031 95032 95032 95032 95033 95033 95033 96055 93441 93401 LOS OSOS LOS OSOS LOS OSOS LOST HILLS LOTUS LOWER LAKE LUCERNE LUCERNE VALLEY MAD RIVER MAD RIVER MADERA MADERA MADERA MADERA MADISON MAGALIA MANCHESTER MANTECA MANTECA MANTECA MANTON MANTON MARICOPA MARICOPA MARINA MARIPOSA MARIPOSA MARKLEEVILLE MARSHALL MARTELL MARTELL MARTINEZ MARTINEZ MARYSVILLE MARYSVILLE MARYSVILLE MARYSVILLE MARYSVILLE MARYSVILLE MAXWELL MC ARTHUR MC FARLAND MC FARLAND MC FARLAND MC KITTRICK 93402 93405 93412 93249 95651 95457 95458 92356 95552 95552 93637 93638 93638 93639 95653 95954 95459 95336 95337 95366 96059 96059 93252 93252 93933 95338 95338 96120 94940 95642 95654 94553 94553 95661 95901 95901 95903 95991 95992 95955 96056 93205 93250 93350 93251 MCARTHUR MCARTHUR MCCLELLAN MCKINLEYVILLE MCKINLEYVILLE MEADOW VALLEY MEADOW VALLEY MEADOW VALLEY MEADOW VISTA MENDOCINO MENDOTA MENLO PARK MENLO PARK MENLO PARK MERCED MERCED MERCED MERCED MERCED MERIDIAN MERIDIAN METTLER STATION METTLER STATION MI WUK VILLAGE MIDDLETOWN MIDDLETOWN MIDDLETOWN MIDPINES MILL CREEK MILL VALLEY MILL VALLEY MILL VALLEY MILLBRAE MILLVILLE MILPITAS MILPITAS MILPITAS MILPITAS MILPITAS MINERAL MINERAL MIRAMONTE MIRANDA MODESTO MODESTO Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 125 96056 96056 95652 95519 95521 95656 95956 95971 95722 95460 93640 94025 94027 94028 95329 95340 95341 95344 95348 95957 95957 93301 93313 95346 95461 95461 95467 95345 96061 94941 94941 94942 94030 96062 94583 94583 95035 95035 95036 96061 96063 93641 95553 95350 95351 MODESTO MODESTO MODESTO MODESTO MODESTO MODESTO MODESTO MODESTO MOJAVE MOKELUMNE HILL MONTARA MONTE RIO MONTE SERENO MONTEREY MONTEREY MONTEREY MONTEREY MONTGOMERY CREEK MONTGOMERY CREEK MONTGOMERY CREEK MORAGA MORGAN HILL MORGAN HILL MORRO BAY MORRO BAY MOSS BEACH MOSS LANDING MOSS LANDING MOUNT AUKUM MOUNT HERMON MOUNT HERMON MOUNTAIN HOUSE MOUNTAIN RANCH MOUNTAIN RANCH MOUNTAIN VIEW MOUNTAIN VIEW MOUNTAIN VIEW MOUNTAIN VIEW MOUNTAIN VIEW MUIR BEACH MURPHYS MYERS FLAT 95352 95353 95354 95355 95355 95356 95357 95358 93502 95245 94037 95462 95030 93924 93940 93942 93944 96001 96065 96084 94556 95037 95038 93442 93443 94038 93950 95039 95656 95018 95041 95391 95246 95246 94039 94040 94040 94041 94043 94965 95247 95554 NAPA NAPA NAPA NAVARRO NELSON NEVADA CITY NEVADA CITY NEW CUYAMA NEWARK NEWARK NEWARK NEWBERRY SPRINGS NEWCASTLE NEWMAN NEWMAN NEWMAN NICASIO NICE NICOLAUS NIPOMO NIPOMO NIPOMO NIPOMO NORDEN NORDEN NORTH EDWARDS NORTH FORK NORTH HIGHLANDS NORTH HIGHLANDS NORTH SAN JUAN NORTH SAN JUAN NORTH SAN JUAN NOVATO NOVATO NOVATO NOVATO NOVATO NOVATO NOVATO NOVATO NUBIEBER O NEALS OAK RUN OAKDALE OAKDALE 94558 94558 94559 95463 95958 95949 95959 93254 94538 94560 94560 92365 95658 95350 95360 95360 94946 95464 95659 93420 93444 93444 93454 95724 95724 93523 93643 95652 95660 95960 95960 95960 94945 94945 94947 94947 94948 94949 94954 94998 96068 93645 96069 95361 95361 OAKDALE OAKHURST OAKHURST OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLEY OAKLEY OAKVILLE OCCIDENTAL OCEANO OLD STATION OLEMA OLIVEHURST OLIVEHURST OLIVEHURST ORANGE COVE ORANGE COVE ORANGE COVE ORANGEVALE ORANGEVALE ORCUTT Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 126 95361 93644 95389 94601 94602 94603 94604 94605 94606 94607 94607 94608 94609 94610 94611 94612 94612 94613 94614 94615 94618 94619 94621 94623 94623 94623 94704 94705 95816 94513 94561 94562 95465 93445 96071 94950 95901 95918 95961 93646 93646 93675 95662 95662 93440 ORCUTT ORCUTT OREGON HOUSE ORICK ORINDA ORINDA ORLAND ORLAND ORLAND ORLAND ORLEANS OROSI OROVILLE OROVILLE OROVILLE PACHECO PACIFIC GROVE PACIFIC HOUSE PACIFICA PAICINES PALERMO PALO ALTO PALO ALTO PALO ALTO PALO ALTO PALO ALTO PALO ALTO PALO ALTO PALO ALTO PALO ALTO PALO CEDRO PARADISE PARADISE PARLIER PARLIER PASKENTA PASO ROBLES PASO ROBLES PASO ROBLES PATTERSON PAYNES CREEK PEBBLE BEACH PENN VALLEY PENN VALLEY PENNGROVE 93454 93455 95962 95555 94523 94563 95963 95963 95963 96130 95556 93647 95965 95966 95966 94553 93950 95726 94044 95043 95968 94034 94066 94301 94303 94303 94304 94304 94305 94306 96073 95967 95969 93648 93727 96074 93446 93447 93465 95363 96075 93953 95946 95946 94951 PENRYN PESCADERO PETALUMA PETALUMA PETALUMA PETALUMA PETALUMA PETROLIA PHILLIPSVILLE PHILO PIEDMONT PIEDMONT PIEDMONT PIEDMONT PIERCY PIERCY PIKE CITY PILOT HILL PILOT HILL PINE GROVE PINE GROVE PINECREST PINECREST PINEDALE PINEHURST PINOLE PINOLE PIONEER PISMO BEACH PISMO BEACH PITTSBURG PITTSBURG PLACERVILLE PLANADA PLATINA PLATINA PLEASANT GROVE PLEASANT GROVE PLEASANT HILL PLEASANTON PLEASANTON PLEASANTON PLEASANTON PLEASANTON PLEASANTON 95663 94060 93003 94952 94952 94953 94954 95558 95559 95466 94602 94610 94611 94618 95587 95587 95960 95664 95664 95665 95666 95314 95364 93650 93641 94564 94803 95666 93448 93449 94553 94565 95667 95365 96076 96076 95668 95668 94523 94538 94566 94566 94566 94566 94566 PLEASANTON PLEASANTON PLEASANTON PLEASANTON PLEASANTON PLEASANTON PLEASANTON PLUMAS LAKE PLYMOUTH POINT ARENA POINT REYES POINT REYES STATION POLLOCK PINES POPE VALLEY PORT COSTA PORTOLA VALLEY POTTER VALLEY PRATHER PRESIDIO PRINCETON PRINCETON PRINCETON PROBERTA PULGA QUINCY RACKERBY RAIL ROAD FLAT RAIL ROAD FLAT RAIL ROAD FLAT RAIL ROAD FLAT RAISIN RAISIN CITY RANCHO CORDOVA RANCHO CORDOVA RANCHO CORDOVA RAYMOND RAYMOND RED BLUFF RED BLUFF RED TOP REDCREST REDDING REDDING REDDING Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 127 94566 94568 94588 94588 94588 94588 94588 95961 95669 95468 94956 94956 95726 94567 94569 94028 95469 93651 94129 95970 95970 95970 96078 95965 95971 95972 95232 95245 95248 95248 93652 93652 95655 95670 95742 93653 93653 96080 96080 95340 95569 96001 96002 96003 REDDING REDDING REDDING REDWAY REDWOOD CITY REDWOOD CITY REDWOOD CITY REDWOOD CITY REDWOOD CITY REDWOOD CITY REDWOOD ESTATES REDWOOD ESTATES REDWOOD VALLEY REEDLEY REEDLEY REEDLEY REEDLEY RESCUE RESCUE RICHMOND RICHMOND RICHMOND RICHMOND RICHMOND RICHMOND RICHMOND RICHMOND RICHMOND RICHMOND RICHMOND RICHMOND RICHVALE RIDGECREST RIDGECREST RIO DELL RIO LINDA RIO LINDA RIO NIDO RIO OSO RIO VISTA RIO VISTA RIO VISTA RIPON RIPON RIVER PINES 96049 96099 97405 95560 94061 94062 94063 94063 94064 94065 95044 95044 95470 93654 93654 93654 99999 95672 95682 90221 94530 94801 94802 94803 94804 94805 94806 94806 94807 94808 94850 95974 93555 93555 95562 95661 95673 95471 95674 94520 94571 94571 95366 95366 95675 RIVERBANK RIVERBANK RIVERBANK RIVERBANK RIVERDALE RIVERDALE ROBBINS ROBBINS Rocklin ROCKLIN ROCKLIN ROCKLIN RODEO RODEO ROHNERT PARK ROHNERT PARK ROHNERT PARK ROSEVILLE ROSEVILLE ROSEVILLE ROSEVILLE ROSEVILLE ROSEVILLE ROSEVILLE ROSS ROUGH AND READY ROUND MOUNTAIN RUMSEY RUTH RUTH RUTH RUTHERFORD RYDE SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO 95361 95363 95367 95367 93656 93656 95676 95676 95677 95677 95765 95775 94572 94577 94927 94928 94931 95661 95678 95678 95678 95746 95747 95841 94957 95975 96084 95679 95526 95526 95551 94573 95680 94298 95628 95758 95812 95814 95814 95815 95816 95816 95816 95816 95816 SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SAINT HELENA SAINT HELENA SALIDA SALINAS SALINAS SALINAS SALINAS SALINAS SALINAS SALINAS Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 128 95816 95816 95817 95818 95818 95819 95820 95821 95822 95823 95824 95825 95825 95826 95827 95828 95829 95830 95831 95832 95833 95834 95834 95834 95834 95834 95835 95836 95837 95837 95838 95841 95842 95843 95864 94574 94574 95368 93901 93902 93905 93905 93906 93907 93908 SALINAS SALINAS SALYER SAMOA SAN ANDREAS SAN ANSELMO SAN ARDO SAN BRUNO SAN CARLOS SAN CARLOS SAN CARLOS SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO 93912 93915 95563 95564 95249 94960 93450 94066 94070 94070 94303 94080 94101 94102 94103 94104 94105 94105 94105 94106 94106 94107 94108 94108 94109 94110 94111 94111 94112 94114 94115 94116 94117 94118 94119 94121 94122 94123 94123 94124 94127 94128 94129 94131 94132 SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN GERONIMO SAN GREGORIO SAN JOAQUIN SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE 94133 94133 94134 94143 94158 94963 94074 93660 94538 95002 95008 95013 95035 95037 95101 95102 95110 95110 95110 95111 95112 95113 95113 95116 95117 95118 95119 95119 95119 95120 95121 95122 95123 95124 95124 95125 95125 95125 95126 95126 95126 95126 95127 95128 95129 SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JOSE SAN JUAN BAUTISTA SAN LEANDRO SAN LEANDRO SAN LEANDRO SAN LEANDRO SAN LEANDRO SAN LORENZO SAN LUCAS SAN LUCAS SAN LUIS OBISPO SAN LUIS OBISPO SAN LUIS OBISPO SAN LUIS OBISPO SAN LUIS OBISPO SAN LUIS OBISPO SAN LUIS OBISPO SAN LUIS OBISPO SAN LUIS OBISPO SAN LUIS OBISPO SAN LUIS OBISPO SAN MARTIN SAN MATEO Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 129 95129 95130 95131 95132 95133 95133 95134 95135 95136 95138 95139 95140 95141 95148 95150 95151 95153 95153 95154 95160 95160 95161 95192 95045 94577 94577 94578 94579 94580 94580 93930 93954 90071 90603 93401 93402 93403 93405 93406 93408 93420 93433 93449 95046 94025 SAN MATEO SAN MATEO SAN MATEO SAN MATEO SAN MATEO SAN MATEO SAN MATEO SAN MATEO SAN MIGUEL SAN MIGUEL SAN MIGUEL SAN MIGUEL SAN MIGUEL SAN PABLO SAN QUENTIN SAN RAFAEL SAN RAFAEL SAN RAFAEL SAN RAFAEL SAN RAFAEL SAN RAFAEL SAN RAFAEL SAN RAFAEL SAN RAFAEL SAN RAFAEL SAN RAFAEL SAN RAMON SAN RAMON SAN RAMON SAN RAMON SAN RAMON SAN RAMON SAN RAMON SAN SIMEON SAND CITY SANGER SANGER SANTA BARBARA SANTA BARBARA SANTA BARBARA SANTA BARBARA SANTA CLARA SANTA CLARA SANTA CLARA SANTA CLARA 94062 94401 94401 94402 94403 94404 94404 94404 93446 93451 93451 93451 93451 94806 94964 92264 94901 94901 94903 94904 94912 94913 94915 94915 94956 95816 94506 94582 94583 94583 94583 94583 94583 93452 93955 93657 93711 93101 93103 93105 93110 95050 95050 95050 95051 SANTA CLARA SANTA CLARA SANTA CRUZ SANTA CRUZ SANTA CRUZ SANTA CRUZ SANTA CRUZ SANTA CRUZ SANTA CRUZ SANTA CRUZ SANTA MARGARITA SANTA MARGARITA SANTA MARIA SANTA MARIA SANTA MARIA SANTA MARIA SANTA MARIA SANTA MARIA SANTA MARIA SANTA MARIA SANTA NELLA SANTA ROSA SANTA ROSA SANTA ROSA SANTA ROSA SANTA ROSA SANTA ROSA SANTA ROSA SANTA ROSA SANTA ROSA SANTA ROSA SANTA YNEZ SARATOGA SARATOGA SARATOGA SAUSALITO SAUSALITO SCOTIA SCOTTS VALLEY SCOTTS VALLEY SCOTTS VALLEY SEA RANCH SEA RANCH SEA RANCH SEASIDE 95053 95054 95060 95062 95062 95062 95062 95064 95065 95066 93422 93453 92674 92693 93454 93454 93455 93456 93457 93458 95322 95401 95402 95403 95404 95405 95406 95407 95407 95409 95492 93460 95070 95070 95071 94965 94966 95565 95060 95065 95066 95445 95497 95497 93955 SEBASTOPOL SEBASTOPOL SEBASTOPOL SELMA SELMA SELMA SELMA SELMA SELMA SELMA SEVILLE SHAFTER SHANDON SHANDON SHASTA SHASTA LAKE SHASTA LAKE SHASTA LAKE SHAVER LAKE SHAVER LAKE SHEEP RANCH SHELL BEACH SHERIDAN SHINGLE SPRINGS SHINGLE SPRINGS SHINGLETOWN SIERRA CITY SISQUOC SISQUOC SITES SMARTVILLE SMARTVILLE SNELLING SNELLING SODA SPRINGS SODA SPRINGS SODA SPRINGS SODA SPRINGS SOLEDAD SOLVANG SOLVANG SOMERSET SOMES BAR SONOMA SONOMA Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 130 95401 95472 95473 90720 93622 93622 93657 93662 93706 93721 93292 93263 93451 93461 96087 96003 96019 96089 93602 93664 95250 93449 95681 95682 95682 96088 96125 93454 93455 95979 95977 95977 95369 95369 95724 95724 95728 95728 93960 93463 93464 95684 95568 95476 95476 SONORA SONORA SONORA SOQUEL SOULSBYVILLE SOUTH DOS PALOS SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO SPRECKELS SQUAW VALLEY SQUAW VALLEY STANDARD STANFORD STEVINSON STEWARTS POINT STINSON BEACH STIRLING CITY STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON 92651 95370 95379 95073 95372 93665 94080 94083 94112 93962 93646 93675 95373 94305 95374 95480 94970 95978 90212 90404 94545 95201 95202 95202 95203 95204 95204 95204 95205 95206 95206 95207 95207 95208 95209 95209 95210 95211 95212 95213 95213 95215 STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STONYFORD STONYFORD STORRIE STRATFORD STRAWBERRY STRAWBERRY VALLEY SUISUN SUISUN SUISUN SUISUN SUISUN CITY SUISUN CITY SUISUN CITY SUISUN CITY SULTANA SUNNYVALE SUNNYVALE SUNNYVALE SUNNYVALE SUNNYVALE SUNNYVALE SUNOL SUTTER SUTTER CREEK TAFT TAFT TAFT TAYLORSVILLE TAYLORSVILLE TEHACHAPI TEHAMA TEMPLETON THORNTON TIBURON TOLLHOUSE TOMALES TRACY 95219 95219 95234 95236 95240 95267 95336 95979 95979 95980 93266 95375 95981 94533 94534 94585 95685 94534 94585 94585 94585 93666 94085 94086 94087 94088 94089 95014 94586 95982 95685 92647 93268 93453 95934 95983 93561 96090 93465 95686 94920 93667 94971 92110 TRACY TRACY TRACY TRACY TRACY TRACY TRACY TRACY TRACY TRACY TRACY TRACY TRACY TRACY TRACY TRACY TRACY TRACY TRACY TRACY TRACY TRACY TRANQUILLITY TRAVER TRAVIS AFB TRES PINOS TRINIDAD TRONA TULARE TUOLUMNE TUPMAN TURLOCK TURLOCK TURLOCK TWAIN TWAIN HARTE TWIN BRIDGES UKIAH UKIAH UNION CITY UNION CITY UPPER LAKE UPPER LAKE VACAVILLE VACAVILLE Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 131 92691 92707 94520 94550 94577 94588 95201 95206 95304 95304 95304 95376 95376 95376 95377 95377 95378 95378 95385 95385 95391 95391 93668 93673 94535 95075 95570 93562 93274 95379 93276 95380 95380 95382 95984 95383 95735 95482 95482 94587 94587 95485 95493 95687 95688 VACAVILLE VALLECITO VALLECITO VALLEJO VALLEJO VALLEJO VALLEJO VALLEJO Vallejo VALLEJO VALLEJO Vallejo VALLEJO VALLEY ACRES VALLEY FORD VALLEY FORD VALLEY HOME VALLEY SPRINGS VALLEY SPRINGS VERNALIS VERNALIS VICTOR VICTORVILLE VILLA GRANDE VINA VISALIA VISALIA VISALIA VISALIA VOLCANO WALLACE WALNUT CREEK WALNUT CREEK WALNUT CREEK WALNUT CREEK WALNUT CREEK WALNUT CREEK WALNUT CREEK WALNUT CREEK WALNUT CREEK WALNUT GROVE WALNUT GROVE WALNUT GROVE 95696 95229 95251 94503 94503 94583 94589 94590 94590 94590 94591 94591 94592 93268 94972 94972 95361 95252 95255 95385 95385 95253 92394 95486 96092 93277 93279 93291 93292 95689 95254 94595 94595 94596 94596 94597 94597 94597 94598 94598 95690 95690 95690 WALNUT GROVE WASCO WASHINGTON WATERFORD WATSONVILLE WATSONVILLE WATSONVILLE WATSONVILLE WATSONVILLE WAUKENA WAUKENA WAWONA WEIMAR WEIMAR WEITCHPEC WEOTT WEST POINT WEST POINT WEST POINT WEST SACRAMENTO WEST SACRAMENTO WEST SACRAMENTO West Sacramento WEST SACRAMENTO WEST SACRAMENTO WEST SACRAMENTO WEST SACRAMENTO WEST SACRAMENTO WESTLEY WESTPORT WESTWOOD WESTWOOD WHEATLAND WHEATLAND WHISKEYTOWN WHITE PINES WHITETHORN WHITETHORN WHITMORE WILDWOOD WILLIAMS WILLITS WILLOW CREEK 95690 93280 95986 95386 95019 95076 95076 95076 95077 93274 93282 95389 95713 95736 95546 95571 95255 95255 95404 95605 95691 95691 95691 95695 95695 95798 95828 95961 95387 95488 96137 96137 95692 95692 96095 95223 95589 95589 96096 96076 95987 95490 95573 WILLOW CREEK WILLOWS WILLOWS WILSEYVILLE WILSEYVILLE WINDSOR WINTERS WINTERS WINTERS WINTON WINTON WISHON WITTER SPRINGS WOODACRE WOODBRIDGE WOODBRIDGE WOODLAKE WOODLAND WOODLAND WOODLAND WOODSIDE WOODSIDE WOODSIDE YETTEM YOLO YORKVILLE YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK YOUNTVILLE YUBA CITY YUBA CITY YUBA CITY YUBA CITY YUBA CITY YUBA CITY ZAMORA ZENIA Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 132 96039 95988 95988 95257 95257 95492 95694 95694 95695 95301 95388 93669 95493 94973 95258 95258 93286 95695 95695 95776 94026 94061 94062 93670 95697 95494 95389 95389 94599 95661 95901 95991 95992 95993 95994 95698 95595 APPENDIX C DA APPROVED METERS The table below lists the makes and models of currently approved DA meters. The contents of the list is subject to change. The list has been provided for informational purposes only. MAKE MODEL PSI QUAD 4 SCHLUMBERGER VECTRON LXS GE KV Pacific Gas and Electric Company, CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use by Authorized Personnel Only 10/5/05 Page 133