5th Grade Lab Utilization Plan First Six Weeks Visit 1.1: Visit 1.2: Visit 1.3: Visit 1.4: Visit 1.5: Visit 1.6: Teacher Note: Instructing students to skip Bonus Time (5 points) can expedite overall progress through the lessons. Explain posted lab rules and expectations and have students sign a copy Assign and record seating Demonstrate and practice TechKnowledge student login/logoff TechKnowledge Unit 0, Intro. Unit/ Review: History of Computers Movie TechKnowledge Unit 0, Intro. Unit/ Review: Computer Safety Movie Review Lab Rules, Seating & Logins TechKnowledge Unit 0, Intro. Unit/Lesson G: Navigating a Document (1 lesson) TechKnowledge Unit 1, Computer Basics Movie TechKnowledge Unit 1, Lesson 1: Computer Basics Review TechKnowledge Unit 1, Lesson 2: Computer Do’s and Don’ts TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge Unit 1, Performance Assessment/Unit Test TechKnowledge Unit 2, Keyboarding Movie TechKnowledge Unit 2, Lesson 7: Keyboarding Basics Review TechKnowledge Unit 2, Lesson 8: The Home Keys TechKnowledge Unit 2, Lesson 9: The H, E, I, and R Keys TechKnowledge Unit 2, Lesson 10: The O, T, N, and G Keys TechKnowledge Unit 2, Lesson 11: The Left Shift and Period Keys TechKnowledge Unit 2, Lesson 12: The U and C Keys TechKnowledge Unit 2, Lesson 13: The W, Right Shift, B, and Y Keys Unit 1, Lesson 3: Delete Files and Folders Unit 1, Lesson 4: Software Types Unit 1, Lesson 5: Operating Systems Unit 1, Lesson 6: The Computer’s Calculator Teacher Note: Begin each visit by teaching the day’s concepts in a whole-group setting. Students then complete lessons independently. Teacher Note: The end of each visit should be spent practicing touchkeyboarding skills using Type to Learn New Frontiers. Unit 2: At the end of each lesson, the program automatically takes students to “Paws in Typing Town”. Teach them to click the map and go to the next lesson. Use Paws lessons and games as extra practice for students who have the time. ©JISD 2010 5th Grade Lab Utilization Plan Second Six Weeks Visit 2.1: Visit 2.2: Visit 2.3: Visit 2.4: Visit 2.5: Visit 2.6: Teacher Note: Instructing students to skip Bonus Time (5 points) can expedite overall progress through the lessons. TechKnowledge Unit 2, Lesson 14: The M, X, P, and V Keys TechKnowledge Unit 2, Lesson 15: The Q, Comma, Z, and Colon Keys TechKnowledge Unit 2, Lesson 16: The Caps Lock, Question Mark, and Tab Keys TechKnowledge Unit 2, Lesson 17: The Number Keys TechKnowledge Unit 2, Lesson 18: The Symbol Keys TechKnowledge Unit 2, Performance Assessment/Unit Test TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge Unit 3, Word Processing Movie Unit 3, Lesson 19: Word Processing Review Unit 3, Lesson 20: Columns Unit 3, Lesson 21: Create Tables TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge Unit 3, Lesson 22: Format Tables Unit 3, Lesson 23: Borders and Shading Unit 3, Lesson 24: Import Graphics Unit 3, Lesson 25: Import Text TechKnowledge Unit 3, Lesson 26: Alignment and Justification TechKnowledge Unit 3, Lesson 27: Headers and Footers TechKnowledge Unit 3, Lesson 28: Tab Stops Introduce Type to Learn login/out. Expectation: start with New Frontiers (not games) Type to Learn Lesson 1, FJ & Lesson 2, RU TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge Type to Learn Teacher Note: When starting Unit 3, ensure all students not finished with Unit 2 continue on with the class and go back to finish Unit 2 when time allows. Teacher Note: The end of each visit should be spent practicing touchkeyboarding skills using Type to Learn New Frontiers. Unit 3, Lesson 29: Tab Leaders Unit 3, Lesson 30: Create an Outline Unit 3, Performance Assessment/Unit Test Lesson 3, GH & Lesson 4, DK ©JISD 2010 5th Grade Lab Utilization Plan Third Six Weeks Teacher Note: Instructing students to skip Bonus Time (5 points) can expedite overall progress through the lessons. Visit 3.1: Review and Reinforcement Week: Use this visit to ensure all students are caught up with previous lessons or let them apply newly learned skills Visit 3.2: Visit 3.3: Visit 3.4: Visit 3.5: Visit 3.6: TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge Type to Learn Unit 4, Drawing and Graphics Movie Unit 4, Lesson 31: Reviewing Drawing and Graphics Unit 4, Lesson 32: Clip Art Borders Unit 4, Lesson 33: Newsletter Layout Lesson 5, EI & Lesson 6, BN TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge Type to Learn Unit 4, Lesson 34: Modify Clip Art Unit 4, Lesson 35: Use Multimedia Unit 4, Lesson 36: Design Spreadsheets Unit 4, Performance Assessment/Unit Test Lesson 7, TY & Lesson 8, SL TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge Type to Learn Unit 5, Gadgets Movie Unit 5, Lesson 37: Edit an Image Unit 5, Lesson 38: Crop a Digital Image Unit 5, Lesson 39: Add Borders to an Image Lesson 9, WO & Lesson 10, A TechKnowledge Unit 5, Lesson 40: Design a Flyer (Skip Lessons 41 and 42) TechKnowledge Unit 5, Performance Assessment/Unit Test TechKnowledge Unit 6, Presentation Movie Type to Learn Lesson 11, C & Lesson 12, PQ TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge Type to Learn Teacher Note: The end of each visit should be spent practicing touchkeyboarding skills using Type to Learn New Frontiers. Unit 6, Lesson 43: Review of Presentation Basics Unit 6, Lesson 44: Create and Save to a Portfolio Unit 6, Lesson 45: Create a Two-Column Slide Unit 6, Lesson 46: Create a Table Lesson 12, PQ & Lesson 13, VM ©JISD 2010 5th Grade Lab Utilization Plan Fourth Six Weeks Visit 4.1: Visit 4.2: Visit 4.3: Visit 4.4: Visit 4.5: Visit 4.6: Teacher Note: Instructing students to skip Bonus Time (5 points) can expedite overall progress through the lessons. TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge Type to Learn Unit 6, Lesson 47: Insert a Video Clip Unit 6, Lesson 48: Insert an Action Sound Unit 6, Lesson 49: Insert an Animated GIF Unit 6, Lesson 50: Set Slide Transitions Lesson 14, XZ & Lesson 15, ! & ? TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge Type to Learn Unit 6, Lesson 51: Set Slide Animation Unit 6, Lesson 52: Add Saved Work to a Portfolio Unit 6, Lesson 53: Add Artwork to a Portfolio Unit 6, Lesson 54: Assess a Portfolio Lesson 16, -“ & Lesson 17, 4 & 7 TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge Type to Learn Unit 6, Performance Assessment/Unit Test Unit 7, Spreadsheet Movie Unit 7, Lesson 55: Review Spreadsheets Lesson 18, 5 & 6 and Lesson 19, 3 & 8 TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge Type to Learn Unit 7, Lesson 56: AutoSum Button Unit 7, Lesson 57: Addition Formulas Unit 7, Lesson 58: Insert Rows and Columns Lesson 20, 2 & 9 and Lesson 21, 0 & 1 TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge Type to Learn Unit 7, Lesson 59: Subtraction Formulas Unit 7, Lesson 60: Multiplication Formulas Unit 7, Lesson 61: Division Formulas Lesson 22, ( ) keys TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge Type to Learn Unit 7, Lesson 62: Borders and Shading Unit 7, Lesson 63: Design Tables Unit 7, Lesson 64: Text Wrap Lesson Review/Practice, emphasize correct finger position Teacher Note: The end of each visit should be spent practicing touchkeyboarding skills using Type to Learn New Frontiers. ©JISD 2010 5th Grade Lab Utilization Plan Fifth Six Weeks Teacher Note: Instructing students to skip Bonus Time (5 points) can expedite overall progress through the lessons. Visit 5.1: Review and Reinforcement Week: Use this visit to ensure all students are caught up with previous lessons or let them apply newly learned skills Visit 5.2: Visit 5.3: Visit 5.4: Visit 5.5: Visit 5.6: Teacher Note: When a TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge Type to Learn position Unit 7, Lesson 65: Format Numbers Unit 7, Lesson 66: Enhance Graphs Unit 7, Performance Assessment/Unit Test Lesson Review/Practice, emphasize correct finger TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge Type to Learn position Unit 8, Database Movie Unit 8, Lesson 67: Database Entry Unit 8, Lesson 68: Simple Searching Lesson Review/Practice, emphasize correct finger TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge Type to Learn Unit 8, Lesson 69: Partial Match Searches Unit 8, Lesson 70: Single-Field Searches Unit 8, Lesson 71: Multiple-Field Searches Lesson Review/Practice, emphasize correct finger position TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge Type to Learn Unit 8, Lesson 72: Create a Database Unit 8, Lesson 73: Data Types Unit 8, Lesson 74: Record Layouts Unit 8, Lesson 75: Layout Features Lesson Review/Practice, emphasize correct finger position TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge Type to Learn Unit 8, Lesson 76: Use a Database Template Unit 8, Lesson 77: Edit a Database Unit 8, Lesson 78: Spell-Check Lesson Review/Practice, emphasize correct finger position student completes all lessons in a visit, have them review previous keyboarding lessons from Type to Learn. Demonstrate how to select a lesson to review (From the Menu bar, select Window and choose review lesson) Teacher Note: The end of each visit should be spent practicing touchkeyboarding skills using Type to Learn New Frontiers. ©JISD 2010 5th Grade Lab Utilization Plan Sixth Six Weeks Visit 6.1: Visit 6.2: Visit 6.3: Visit 6.4: Visit 6.5: Visit 6.6: Teacher Note: Instructing students to skip Bonus Time (5 points) can expedite overall progress through the lessons. TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge Unit 8, Performance Assessment/Unit Test Unit 9, Electronic Reference Movie Unit 9, Lesson 79: Search a CD-ROM Unit 9, Lesson 80: Create a Bookmark Unit 9, Lesson 81: Boolean Search Unit 9, Lesson 82: Transfer CD-ROM Information Unit 9, Lesson 83: Using Technology to Access TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge Information TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge Unit 9, Performance Assessment/Unit Test Unit 10, Internet Movie Unit 10, Lesson 85: Web Review Unit 10, Lesson 86: Search the Web TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge Unit 10, Lesson 87: Compare Search Engines Unit 10, Lesson 88: Search Techniques Unit 10, Lesson 89: Use Browser Features Unit 10, Lesson 90: Multiple Browser Windows TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge TechKnowledge Unit 10, Lesson 91: Evaluate Search Results Unit 10, Lesson 92: Evaluate Web Sites Unit 10, Lesson 93: Review of E-Mail Unit 10, Lesson 94: E-Mail Attachments TechKnowledge Unit 10, Lesson 95: Signatures TechKnowledge Unit 10, Lesson 96: Chat Rooms TechKnowledge Unit 10, Performance Assessment/Unit Test Teacher Note: Students should continue mastering keyboarding without looking at the keyboard at the end of each visit. Have them review previous keyboarding lessons from Type to Learn. Demonstrate how to select a lesson to review (From the Menu bar, select Window and choose review lesson) Unit 9, Lesson 84: Evaluate Information Teacher Note: The end of each visit should be spent practicing touchkeyboarding skills using Type to Learn New Frontiers. ©JISD 2010