NAME ___________________________ MY ELEMENT IS _________________________ Assignment due date is: ______________________________________ Requirements: 1. Complete an Adopt An Element Fact Sheet. (ON THE BACK OF THIS PAGE) You need to use at least 2 sources to complete your fact sheet. ONE SOURCE MUST BE A BOOK!!! (These sources may include encyclopedias, magazines, books or internet sites) *Internet resources: Mrs. Arenas’ portaportal. Lots of periodic table links to use! Fact sheets need to be Neat and Legible (I must be able to read it) All interesting info. should be written in complete sentences! 2. List your sources. All sources used must be listed on the source page. Use the examples listed on the sources sheet to correctly cite/list your sources. (If you need help be sure to see me ahead of time) 3. Create an advertisement for your element. The advertisement must be on a 8 1/2 by 11 blank sheet of paper (This is a regular sheet of paper) NO NOTEBOOK PAPER!!!! You need to create a slogan for your element using facts or uses for your element. (A slogan is a brief but memorable attention-getting phrase) Advertisements must be neat and contain color. The advertisement must follow the format shown below.(Have everything that the example does) You must add a picture that shows a use for your element to your element/advertisement. Atomic Mass 33 74.9 Bohr model QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. As Arsenic QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Arsenic’s a sure fire way to deal with a nasty rat. It works better than a mean old cat! Year of discovery: Not known Mrs. Arenas Atomic Number Symbol Element Name Slogan Year of discovery YOUR name 4. Create a model for your element **Refer to the Create a model checklist sheet (ON BACK OF PAGE 2) 5. Give an oral presentation on your element. You must be ready to present your element with your advertisement & model on the day that your project is due. Stand in front of the class and present your element in a voice that can be heard at the back of the room. Be sure to tell some of the interesting facts you found about your element. ADOPT AN ELEMENT Student Name ________________ Fact sheet Element Name_________________________ Element Symbol Atomic Number Atomic Mass ___________ ___________ ___________ # of Protons # of Neutrons # of Electrons ___________ ___________ ___________ Melting point Boiling Point Normal phase/state ___________ oC ___________ oC ___________ (solid, liquid or gas) Classification : (Circle one) Metal------Nonmetal------Metalloid My element belongs to the _____________________________________________family. Origin of Name ___________________________________________________________________________ (This means where the name came from. For example: Greek, Latin) Discovered by _____________________________________________ in the year ___________________. (The person’s name) Interesting Info: May include important uses, interesting facts, how it is used in our lives, etc. *Remember to write in complete sentences* 1. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 6. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ADOPT AN ELEMENT Source sheet List all the sources you used in doing your project. Remember that you must have at least 2 sources and that one of those sources must be a book. Refer to the list at the bottom of the page to correctly cite your sources. 1. 2. 3. 4. CITING EXAMPLES Book Source: Last Name, First Name. Name of book. City of publication: Publisher's name, YYYY. (Author’s Name) Magazine or Encyclopedia Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Name of magazine DD Mo. YYYY: Pages. (Author’s Name) Professional Website: Last Name, First Name. "Title." DD Mo. YYYY. Institution. DD Mo. YYYY <URL>. (Author’s Name) (Date created) (Date you visited) Model Checklist Use any school appropriate item to convey your model. Prior approval from the teacher is needed if you are going to use food 1. The model must be 3-dimensional…built in one of the following ways 1. On a a base (cardboard, Styrofoam, wood, etc), 2. As a hanging model (attach string and a paper clip to hang) 3. On a flat board 2. Must be smaller than 45 centimeters in length, width, and height 3. Include the correct number of protons, neutrons and electrons in their correct location (Each should be a different color. ) 4. Include a legend (label) that identifies A. which particles are the proton B. which are the neutrons C. which are the electrons. Remember: The electrons should be the smallest particle. D. The Element name AND symbol of your element. E. YOUR Name ADOPT AN ELEMENT Name_________________ Grade sheet Fact Sheet = 48 points (27%) Provided basic information…………………………………………………. +20 __________ Name Symbol Atomic # Atomic Mass Protons Neutrons Electrons Melting Point Boiling Point Normal Phase/State Other information …………………………………………………………... +22 __________ Nonmetal/Metal/Metalloid Family Origin of Name Discoverer Discovery Date Interesting Information/Uses Miscellaneous………………………………………………………………… +6 __________ Complete Sentences Correct Spelling Neatness Advertisement = 28 points (16%) Provided basic information…………………………………………………. +16 __________ Name Symbol Atomic # Atomic Mass Year of Discovery Bohr Model A uses Picture Student Name Slogan………………………………………………………………………… +6 __________ A slogan is present The slogan relates to the element Followed Directions………………………………………………………….. +6 __________ Color is present Neatness (+2) Correct Format (+2) Correct size/type of paper Sources = 9 points (5%) References…………………………………………………………………….. +9 __________ Minimum of 2 sources cited (+4) Correct format (+3) One book source used (+2) Model = 55 points (32%) Followed Directions………..…………………………………………………. +13 __________ 3-D (+5) No more than 45cm in length, width, or height (+5) Neatness (+3) Correct Atom design.……………………………………………………… +30 __________ # of protons # of neutrons #of Electrons Placement of particles is correct Electron is smallest Each particle is a different color Correct # of energy levels Legend……………………………………………………………………….. +12 __________ protons Neutrons Electrons Element Name Symbol Your name Oral Presentation = 20 points (11%) Presentation…………………………………………………………………… +20 __________ Completed oral presentation Voice loud enough Readiness Shared 3 interesting pieces of information Correct posture & eye contact with audience Other = 15 points (9%) On time (+10) Used time wisely in class during work days (+5) +15 __________ Total Points = _______(175) x 2 ________ out of 350 = ___________% A B C D F